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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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in the military ranks, women are at war, search in bookstores of ukraine, with the support of the konstantin zhivago charity fund, there are discounts , the only discounts are on mikrolax, 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions. finding solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing is that thursday at 21:15 in the project says velikiy lviv, on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in the new two-hour. format,
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even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. big broadcast of vasyl zima: 2 hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. an unusual look at the news:
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin would do that, he would sit down prison, a special view of events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, who is china then, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathons with mykola september saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. dear friends, we are returning and joining our broadcast volodymyr nazarenko, artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard, mr. volodymyr, good morning, good morning, studio, good morning tv viewers, thank you for the opportunity to join your broadcast, and we thank you that do you find time, can you tell me where you are now, what is your situation, my brothers, our brigade, the fourth brigade of the national guard, continues to carry out tasks in the east, including donetsk, luhansk oblast. oblast in several directions, for
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security reasons the exact settlements, areas of responsibility cannot be reported, but these are very tense areas, where the enemy makes contact every day, almost every hour, is active and tries to advance, storm in one way or another with certain periodicity, but those actions that the enemy commits do not succeed in in most cases, because our fighters , with the coordinated work of all... divisions , repulse assaults and inflict fire on the enemy , the loss of the enemy, and in many cases thanks to the active activity of uav operators, and art reconnaissance, and artillery, and attack uavs, strike drones, fpv drones, destroy the enemy's forces even at the stages of his logistical actions, accumulations, rotational moments, that is, they make the enemy hell, infernal. no, they destroy the enemy, even in
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the close rear of the enemy, so this in a certain way reduces the possibilities for certain actions enemy forces, despite the fact that the enemy, the further to the rear, the more forces, the more manpower, the more equipment, ammunition, guns, the enemy allows himself to place quite a lot of fire equipment, guns of various types, of various calibers, in fact in one... direction in one area, the whole of them is not even camouflaged as it is now, but rather digs in, even makes dugouts for guns, so that only the gun itself, the barrel itself, comes out, and the calculation and loading mechanisms are hidden under the dugouts, that is is certain of this danger, but again, the active activity of the enemy is interrupted by counter-battery work, suppression of enemy guns and with... in conditions of good visibility, in
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conditions of a long duration of daylight, work on the enemy is actively carried out and actively continues and those losses from the reports of the general staff, which what we see every day, they are really reflected, because the defense forces are extremely motivated, extremely coordinated, and tear the occupier apart, especially in the last days, considering the barbaric shelling that the enemy carried out on peaceful cities of ukraine, and we have to burn these scoundrels, orcs, with our rage. mr. volodymyr, there are a lot of new publications about the fact that, in general, it is a war, that neither russia nor ukraine can make major offensives, counteroffensives, breakthroughs at the front, which also repeats the theses that he wrote in his then publication in the 23rd year the then
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commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, and from your perspective now, as a person at the front, this war... in this form, it can probably continue for years, approximately on the front line that now, then, what conclusions must be drawn, what is needed in order to win this war of attrition? it is very difficult for me to argue with theses that are currently in the mass media, voiced in one way or another by some public or non-public figures, in most cases i am outraged by how some bloggers, tiktok or instagram bloggers express some theses. bloggers who have no connection and did almost nothing or almost nothing, and definitely did not hold weapons in their hands, did not defend their loved ones, did not defended their home, their homes, their people, and in these conditions, that the theses that were
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voiced a year ago, a year and a half ago, are voiced in one way or another, i would like to voice the theses from the other side, what can happen, if and what threat, we... at the moment there is a threat that we may lose the war, there is a threat that the latest actions of the enemy show that the enemy can seize and destroy the entire ukrainian state, the entire ukrainian people, commit genocide not only in relation to men, to soldiers, to those who resisted, to commit genocide against the future of the ukrainian people, against ukrainian children, against the future and peace of our families, and here it's just... frankly, you can't put some of your own moments higher than, perhaps, some individual moments in no way can be put above what we have to do for the future of our people, for the preservation of everyone, all our families, all our cities,
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all our future, and the enemy does not need any peace there somewhere along the line of demarcation or somewhere in some territories or with some conditionals, that's all. indeed , the conditions that he temporarily sets, and this is just a long game, the enemy needs the destruction of the ukrainian people, and one of the most important stages for the enemy in his strategy is the destruction of ukrainian statehood, he does not need some part, he needs the entire territory of ukraine, and we really repeat this thesis, we have a threat hanging over us, which is urgent, which still has no choice, does not have... a way out of the situation, well, somehow, we just know, we are saved by some computer game, this is not a computer a computer game, this a reality where the enemy is destroying the ukrainian nation, the ukrainian people methodically, and no matter how difficult it is, no matter how it is, someone may
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have difficulty with motivation, but we have, we should be motivated by the threat that we can lose everything, everything that our... ancestors did, everything that our ancestors did, who built this state, who built their future, who built and developed our people and believed in a bright future, a bright future for their children, just as we believe in a bright future for our families and our children, that's why we have despite, in spite of to do everything possible to prevent the enemy from realizing those dreams, because on the other hand, and saying, but we can... win this war by continuing to defend and defend and defend, by continuing to burn out the enemy's offensive potential, by continuing to destroy orcs who somehow try to advance. the enemy suffers losses every day, he
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is not limitless, endless, no matter how it seems, this empire actually has much more resources, starting from human, ending with production capacities, material. funds and everything else, but sooner or later it must end, and we must do everything in order not to lose everything, on the contrary, to take advantage of a unique chance ... to win, to ensure lasting peace, eternal peace, eternal peace for of our land, for our future generations, and reject some individual ambitions, reject some individual interests, because the most important thing in the life of every ukrainian is the responsibility for, the responsibility to protect one's freedom, one's democracy, one's right to choose and one's right to the future, this is... what should be, therefore, no matter how tired, no matter how apathetic, no matter how
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difficult it is with motivation, we should be motivated further by the people against the enemy for that genocide, for what he is doing , so that this would not happen again, and so that the enemy could clearly sense our revenge. mr. volodymyr, thank you very much, we know that we have to let you go already, but for our viewers, in the meantime, i ask you to pay attention to the fact that we are also conducting a gathering for the rubizh brigade, and... volodymyr nazarenko, actually an officer of this fourth brigade of the national guard, which also legendary in essence, which is now in the most difficult direction imaginable, in the worst, worst hell of war that has existed since the 45th year on this planet, and there they really hold this defense, they really need your help , so we are asking to collect on cars for operators of unmanned aerial vehicles of the national guard. border, you can see the card number and qr code on your screens. dear friends, i
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know that we are here urging you to donate to the fundraiser that we are conducting on the espresso tv channel, but, but we also understand that it is necessary to support other brigades, so you can also contribute with your hryvnia and thank mr. volodymyr for his work, thus also for his work. actually of the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard, so qr code, card number, scan, or write down, or take a picture for yourself to make a donation later, a donation, a donation or an offering, so that we are not criticized by our viewers now, that we are just some foreign words, we use , in a word, any, any word, whatever you call it, but transfer a few hryvnias and support in this way, our military, along with volodymyr nazarenko. we are now going on a short break, next. let's come back and continue, we will talk about the situation at the front, andriy ryzhenko will be with us, deputy
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chief of staff of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine in 2004-2020, stay with us. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price of only uah 149. long-lasting, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 140.9 uah in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than 250 uah, and we we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it is so convenient, especially now, and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. a standard plinth will last for almost a day. any chandelier or floor lamp, suddenly turned off the light, it is necessary to light candles again or look for a flashlight in which
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a warm bed is made, there will be walks. swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your at home they dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard it is to win, and we will do everything to faster to hug you, so when you're home, when we're
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together, we're more than family. we are a nation united around you. dear friends, we are back on the air, we continue our marathon, and now we will talk about the front, we will talk about it with andrii ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy forces of ukraine and a strategic expert of the sonata company and deputy chief of staff of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine in 2004-200. on the 20th, mr. andrii, we are glad to see you, well, i want to tell our viewers that you and i have collected 800 hryvnias today, and while we are talking with mr. andrii, you can still donate, because the collection is a huge 2.5 million in general, mr. andrii, we have to gather what is happening in our country at the front,
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there is not much news, some such, except in fragments, they burst into our lives, as it were you... characterized the situation, well, the situation is such that, well, again, what i see in open sources is that, well, russia continues to put pressure on the areas of the front, in the east, in the south, and well, this is especially observed, well, in the donbas area, that is, in principle, well, i understand that they are now... trying to fulfill the first priority task that has been set for them, which is to actually capture the territory of donetsk and luhansk regions, there is not much left of luhansk under our control, but well there are enough of donetsk there, well half of the region is under our
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control, but i think that they are concentrating their forces now, and well... in principle , the aim is to capture, again , they use the fact that they have an advantage in the air, that's how it actually is , well, it is a decisive moment, because there, if in terms of artillery shells , with the restoration of aid, we somehow achieved parity there at the expense of quality , well, well... from our aviation, if we have air, it is difficult, and they use these things first of all, it's my cab and in general, it's there they probably have such successes here, unfortunately, well, well, the situation regarding
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the sea is so, but here in principle yes, well, on the sea itself, there are no active actions for... there is no, there is no on the part of the enemy, although in in principle, he is now more occupied with thinking about how to get his most new and capable ships out of a possible attack, and even now for remnants, not that remnants, but he still had ships, well, missile ships, they are not new, but there is enough there, well, it is possible... the weapons are in sevastopol, they are slowly dragging them to other points basing, but i read that two missile ships on an air cushion of the same type are... 20 years old, but they carry eight missiles each, mosks, this is such a rather, well, powerful force, and it can cause a lot of trouble for us and for of shipping, and for ships, they took them
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out, and now there was also a report that the first russian support vessel had gone to chamchira, it was an adanotype such a tugboat as vasiliy bekh, which we destroyed two years ago, and there it is... ... they carry out some work in ochimchir, well, chemchira, the base point is very small there at most they can be deployed, well, ships of this, let’s say, class below the average and less, but they can be, well, well, in general, the situation as a whole, well, now it’s more, well, maybe the vanguard of the front, frankly speaking, the last two or three days, it just lay inside ukraine, because... very massive strikes were carried out under new schemes, but kyiv, we saw it here and in principle, as if, allegedly, well, the military worked, 75% of the missiles were
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shot down, but we see that this is the fourth part, which could not be intercepted, well, it had very, very tragic consequences, that is very, very unfortunately, this is the situation. the enemy of the poet, you see, the enemy, he studies the situation in some way inside the country, and now, well, i think so, that at the same time as the front, where he has very, very slow results there, and by the way, ours are starting too the armed forces, well , they are increasingly conducting counterattacks, today the american institute for the study of war noted this, but... three countries, they, you see, they are knocking out this energy industry, and they are already starting, well, direct intimidation of the population, genocide of the population, by
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launch of missile strikes planned against the object of critical civil infrastructure, which is, by the way, under the protection of the international red cross, but this is the situation, i still ask, mr. andriy, our naval forces have released a video of tests of a multi-purpose corvette already in operation hetman ivan mazepa in turkey, and an interesting video, very detailed, very well shot, we can look at this ship, as you must have watched it, what is this corvette, and what can it be. armed and how he is expected that this year he will join the naval forces, i.e. will be adopted, what does this mean in a practical sense,
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is the situation in the black sea so controlled, for example, that he may, i don’t know, reach the crimea there and shoot the entire fleet there with cannons , which remained russian, i don’t know, i’m just fantasizing, in fact, what does this mean, how powerful is this corvette, well, it’s a corvette and a pagoda, it’s... quite a ship, well, very capable, and the turks have been designing it for a long time, in fact, for 20 years they this ability was cultivated in turkey, worked with others countries, but in the original, in the original that they are building for themselves, there are american weapons, there is an american fusion-missile complex and an american engine of a strike missile. here on this ship, in general , there are other options, well, there are many, but in the aft
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part you can see such and such an artillery installation is quite large, it is turkish production, a 35-millimeter gun, it performs the function of anti-aircraft defense, it is capable , but it can destroy only one target, and... oh well, by hidden missiles i also don’t know, i don’t have any information, and the ship itself is not bad, but we have to look at the situation in general, first of all, this ship, it will not enter the black sea until the end of hostilities, until our victory, that is, its contribution is not at all what needs to be done now, and at the same time we are investing in it already serious funds. funds both in this and in the second, secondly, it is necessary to understand that this ship, it, it can be used in the near sea area, for now our main task is to protect the ports.
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restore sea communications, but in such in very tight waters, he is very, well, he is very vulnerable, because it is a large target, the enemy is not far away, he will detect him and, well, no air defense will help him, frankly speaking, he can possibly shoot down several targets there, but well, they definitely know this and will send more, then he needs a base point and... i don't know how this problem, question will be solved, because, well, he needs, he needs to be built, and it should be more or less such deep waters for him, his main task - the search for the destruction of submarines, that is , this is the central part of the black sea, it can perform the task of launching missile strikes, this is, in principle , what it was designed for when working out the strategy
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of the navy. from the 19th year, then it was planned to build such ships, but later on at the second or third stage, that is, after the 25th year, and a decision was made to build it in the 20th year, and in principle, already several projects that were at the stage of implementation were frozen, and on small boats, the so-called mosquito fleet, some... like it, some don't, but these are small boats that have quite powerful weapons, are able to perform tasks and completely, well, not completely, but significantly cover our needs precisely in the near sea zone, this is both the control of shipping, and guarding ports, and anti-mine measures, and the landing of marines, and its fire support during the liberation of islands, coastal spits, and
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launching missile strikes, rockets. boats, well, in principle, now two years of war have shown that dimensions in very tight waters are a very, very vulnerable factor for ships, i i mean, for example, russian ships, and we ourselves say, well, they are not ready, the russians were ready for such asymmetric threats, well, the fact is that the presence of such a ship in our country is... for them now, until the berizhnya sea zone is cleared, and i think it is dangerous even to base such a ship at a base point on the territory of ukraine. mr. andriy, we have a minute left, please tell me what the new maritime strategy of ukraine means? and this new one, this
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document. he, well, by the way, he is called the maritime security strategy for the first time, for that it was a naval doctrine, and a russian analogue was once taken as its basis. the strategy of maritime security consists in showing the vision of the state, what the sea is for it, how it will defend its national interests at sea by military means, develop the maritime economy, interact with partners in order to... confirm and protect its sovereignty , their, their, their coast. the document is important, and the latest events of the three years showed that without the sea ukraine and the economy, well, very, very bad. thank you, mr. andriy, andriy ryzhenko, captain of the first early reserve naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the sonata company, and deputy chief of staff of the navy, armed forces of ukraine in 2004, was with us in 2020,
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dear friends, and we are getting closer. let me remind you that throughout the country we honor the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression, so please, if you have an opportunity now, stop and remember them. let's honor the memory of the ukrainian military with a moment of silence peaceful citizens of ukraine, died in the war started by russia.


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