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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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only now, some ukrainians only now started to open those pages for themselves, what is interesting about this material, that’s it in conclusion, the electoral newspaper closed comments on this material, because as a rule, their materials can be commented on in them, but i had two comments , one feedback came to me in private messages, some pole wrote and such a huge reflection, also recalling history, questioning, questioning why, why is it important for us, for example, the upa, and he and he, well, it was possible with him. such a healthy, normal discussion, and it seems that he and i reached some common denominator, the other found some photo of me on facebook somewhere, and came there in the comments and wrote: "what a shame that you still consider the upa heroes, although i again tried to explain what the rebel army was doing for us, that the fight against russia was primarily important for us. mr. volodymyr, thank you, it was better." it would be nice
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if some other polish historian would join us, with whom we could also talk about this, well, but i hope that historians will reach a common denominator on this issue, and do something so that we can turn over that terrible page in our common history and move on. volodymyr yatrovych, historian, publicist, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us, dear friends, we are going to take a break, then we will return to modern international... relations, we will talk about the world and about ukraine, stay with us. attention, a profitable offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than 250 hryvnias, but we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light. light for only 149 hryvnias.
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take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the bulb is a smart light, it is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable for almost any chandelier or floor lamp. suddenly turned off the light again, it is necessary to light candles or look for a flashlight in which the batteries seem to have died. let there be light in your home, always a smart light bulb for only uah 149, works even without electricity. the offer is limited, call! warning! mega sale! cordless saws strong with a discount of only 799 uah. reliable, powerful, convenient. order while the video is streaming. strong saplings will cut trees and shrubs with ease. they are convenient to use for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your house or garden. and the price is only from 790.9 uah. choose a basic model or a model
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turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws, but... how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? on these and other questions, which worry ukrainians, the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. friends, we are coming back, these are the final 20 minutes of our participation in the nyspress marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working for you in this studio, i am asking our viewers to join in, there is much less left to collect, and to be
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honest, we still need to collect how much there is 9 00 , 900, dear friends, if you still donate, and you have 20 minutes for it, then do it. if if you want to do a good deed, at least once a week, at least once a day, eh, a few dozen hryvnias, someone wrote in our comments that you should donate 100 hryvnias every day, listen, someone has the opportunity to donate this much, someone has a greater opportunity to donate more , someone does not have such an opportunity, uah 10 is also important, and it is also a penny to a penny, and our boys will have drones, and muscovites will have hot and sultry days. because those drones will help to see where those muscovites are hiding. qr codes on your screens: monobank and privatbank, and the guys for whom we collect are also on your screens. i wish you health. we, the soldiers of the 100th brigade of reconnaissance, are asking you to join our
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collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. what, mr. today we collected 1,900 and we would like to have a little more, dear friends, dear friends, let's go, i'm begging you, i said, there we were missing 12 00, so 20 hryvnias each, that's 600 people, listen, well, there's not so much missing how much is there for how much andriy, what, what, how much do we lack, so 600 people will drop 15 hryvnias each and it will be 900. well, yes, somewhere, yes, 15 hryvnias each, gentlemen, you know what i wanted to talk about a little, you know what else to talk about ex-head of the supreme court knyazev pam' you are chasing such a ruslan, he appears to be princes, and they saw him near the polish and romanian border
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, the border guards stopped him there, he did not have a foreign passport with him, at least in his own name, that 's what the journalist vitalyi reports. a good friend of ours, he published this information, and here is the story, can we to claim that the princes were going to cross the border illegally or somehow there, he himself was released on bail, this is exactly the moment when he was released without charge, if you remember, he himself is accused of giving bribes and so on, or rather taking was preparing and so on, well , in a word, what am i saying about all this, and vitaliy writes that he will not be surprised if, after all, the prince... after some time will appear somewhere in some european capital, we will not be surprised either, i wanted here to say something else, i actually wanted to quote mikhail here zhernikov from the de jure foundation, one of
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the main promoters of the legal reform, is being tried in the first place, and here mykhailo writes that in fact... he says: maybe for nothing, well, he writes that, apart from knyazev, they did not bear any responsibility and even did not receive suspicion, 13 judges of the supreme court, for whom the princes prepared those envelopes with that bribe, he had to distribute among these 13 judges, four of whom were found marked banknotes from some previous transactions there, they were also led there, and what it says. .. zhernakov, for all this time they continue to work, moreover, recently they cemented in their positions, i quote, 180 unscrupulous judges, judges who were recognized as unscrupulous by the public commission of public experts on the organization, and he
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says, why should the prince suffer for everyone, i also thought about it with from the very beginning, that as far as i'm concerned, the princes are people who were a little bit off the mark, he won in a fair competition, by the way. and transparent enough, and i think it's definitely not the worst of all the refereeing code, sorry if it was drained and framed, then probably the system itself. played against him, well, these are my assumptions, of course, but the main story is that all the other figures are calmly comforting themselves and the opportunity to continue working, have huge official salaries, actually rest abroad, they have no reason not to cross the border and so on further. yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, is already with us, mr. yevhen, we welcome you, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, let's go... ended the nato summit, without any particular surprises, biden
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did not resign at this summit, as some there urged him, did not urge ukraine to accept a pre-emptive nuclear strike on russia in nato right now, it will not be the same either, unfortunately, well, less with that, then yes jokes aside, let's go, the question that everyone is discussing right now is that at least the nato summit for... ukraine's financing plan for the 25th year, what does it really mean? well, this topic was raised by jen stoltenberg, and the topic is an astronomical amount, on the one hand, there are 40 billion euros or dollars, well, at the current exchange rate, this is not a very significant difference, but it must be understood that this is primarily the money that the united states will allocate to finance ukraine, and in this context, well, the money that was talked about when signing the security agreements france,
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great britain, germany, other countries. that is, there is definitely nothing wrong with this, that is, it is money that is allocated for the opposition to the russian federation. if we recall the words of lloyd austin, that ukraine received military and technical assistance worth about 90 billion dollars, starting with broad'. headquarters invasion at first, well, in proportion, it is roughly the same amount that we received before, but in this case, it is the amount that was consecrated by the decision of the nato summit, and accordingly it will be possible to use it properly, but you know, it is still large politics, that is , first each country announced there that they would transfer either... or patriot to ukraine, and then joseph biden
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put all this in one bag and announced that they would transfer five complexes, and this, you know, shows us , as the political system in the united states works, when there is also a need to demonstrate something to one's own voters, so i think that if... if you count the decision on the transfer of anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems, then for ukraine it has become running in place, that is, healthy ours may have improved a little because of this, but we are not observing any progress, and i think it is already quite obvious that this progress will not happen in the near future, that there is no consensus within nato regarding the rapid acceptance of ukraine, and those countries that we don't see in... meeting the news with their position, well, there we see hungary with skepticism, there we see slovakia with a little
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lighter skepticism there, but we saw macron's statement that it was the united states and germany against ukraine's quick accession to nato, but at the same time, we do not see how this is being developed in other states, and i think that as soon as ukraine stands at the threshold of the alliance, there will be many messages that for us... may be an unpleasant surprise regarding the position of other states , which can unexpectedly, well conditionally, depending on the political situation, for example, bulgaria or, for example, greece, it can also raise a number of questions about how we will join the north atlantic alliance, and we must be ready for this, in order to be ready for this, we must strengthen ourselves from the inside, strengthen our state stability, our state. institutions to ensure these actions in an appropriate manner, you know, zelenskyy said about it, that and others
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all about the fact that ukraine is going to hold a second summit, to which they are already planning to invite russia bloomberg wrote about the fact that there are even plans to hold this summit before the elections in the united states by november, in order to prevent the possibility of trump coming to power, and i am asking you to make an agreement in time, deputy lavov is already in the kremlin. the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation announced that russia will not be present at this summit, however, there is also other information that it seems that china and russia are separately preparing some kind of peace talks with... ukraine at the end of the year, instead, how to interpret all are these signals or can they lead to something? in my opinion, it is a bad idea to condition the holding of the peace summit in ukraine on the presidential election in the united states, it raises the question of our subjectivity, and when this statement was actively
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promoted during the time that passed after the... meeting in bürgenstock, and then we had the shelling of okhmadyt, and the question arises, how in this case should ukraine maneuver at the official level, what should we show, in what way, how should we tell, that is, well, unfortunately, the impression arises that people who carry out external the politics of ukraine lacks experience and depth of thinking, i.e.... they don't think a couple of steps ahead, and that is, to think only about holding this summit as painfully as possible, as quickly as possible, well, i don't understand, i don't understand how it is possible to carry out, how can you set such, you know, the soviet style of overestimating expectations in conditions when not
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all citizens understand what the peace plan of volodymyr zelenskyi is, and what 10 points it consists of, that is, what... that is, well, this , has a threat, first of all, for the domestic one stability, and i think it is necessary to articulate this clearly enough. well, thank you very much for this conversation, yevgeny magda, the executive director of the institute of world politics, was with us, we talked about the results of the nato summit, as well as whether we should expect any peace talks soon, well, in principle. the answer is quite, probably comprehensive, we now, we now have some chocolate for dessert, because today is july 11, the world chocolate day, and we will talk about it, we will talk about how successful ukrainian chocolate is, and perhaps through chocolate you can find the way to
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the reviews of our foreign partners. we will talk about it with ruslan gromakovsky, the founder of the chocolate school in ukraine, the national record holder of ukraine for creating the highest chocolate compositions and the champion of ukraine in confectionary art in 2019. dear friends, if you would like to buy some chocolates now, because you have such a need, then i urge you to think about it in the meantime, whether it is necessary to do it and donate it to our army, and just enjoy talking about chocolate. mr. ruslan, congratulations, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, you know, mr. ruslan, i remember somewhere around 2000, maybe some time there, the second, third year, i was in kyiv, i went to kyiv, and there was a story that it was actually connected with a murder georgy gongadze, and a lot of different foreign experts came then, who conducted
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body examinations and so on, i was at one of those meetings as a representative of the institute of mass... information, i was then the editor-in-chief of the site, and ugh, eh , i remember, there was an expert from switzerland, so very, very sophisticated an older lady, very elegant, and she was offered some ukrainian chocolate, and she looked at it somehow so superior and so, and said, thanks, and took out a bar of swiss chocolate, and demonstratively began to eat it with coffee, and i and i , and i thought... can ukrainian chocolate now compete with swiss brands, would it be acceptable now, i think yes, it can conflict, ah, i think she was shown the chocolate that is in our store, so it will differ in
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quality of chocolate from, of course swiss, so that she... tasted the chocolate produced by our artisans in ukraine, those people are engaged in beam to bar with chocolate, this is chocolate produced from cocoa beans, cocoa butter, this is the most natural chocolate, it is very rich in flavors from aromatic cocoa beans, and therefore i believe that such a culture. chocolate must develop in our country, and this is a vivid example of what it is possible to eat at such meetings... refined chocolate, made from natural and high-quality ingredients, and so this chocolate can compete with swiss
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chocolate, for example, and how often do you eat chocolate, everyday, is it not bad for your figure, if you are... an active person and constantly in a crazy rhythm, then it does not affect your figure in any way, that concerns me, but if we talk about the chocolate itself, again, like if we taste chocolate from a store with ordinary white sugar and... impurities, which in the production of a large amount
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of chocolate, it affects your body, and if you taste chocolate that is not made with white sugar, or sweeteners, or even without sugar, chocolate, it. chocolate is not will affect your figure, and you know, i will also say that roman vashchuk, the ukrainian ombudsman and the ombudsman, a person who protects the rights of business, and the business ombudsman, yes, who was, himself, he was born in canada, he was the ambassador of canada for a long time in ukraine, it seems to me, maybe because from that background he understands ukraine very well, the specifics of ukrainian politics, business, in principle, our way of life. and recently he was in lviv, he was, by the way, a guest of our studio, and he posted such a photo, a picture that he is sitting somewhere in some
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lviv coffee shop and he is having coffee there, chocolate, as they say in lviv, and he says, and he wrote in english for his audience, he wrote that some stereotypes should not be debunked, on the contrary, supported, but here it is... this thing that is like lviv, you know, the center of chocolate, is it fair or the best chocolate in lviv? and lviv is the richest city with chocolate cafes, they rarely produce chocolate themselves, and they buy ready-made chocolate, and they... just a lot of coffee shops, in odesa, let's say, there are not so many chocolate cafes , in in lviv, you will see this
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coffee shop on every corner, not so in odesa, for example, where is the best chocolate, the tastiest made, and what percentage of cocoa beans should it be, the tastiest in the world, no, in ukraine, the tastiest in ukraine, in ukraine . yes , the most delicious chocolate in ukraine is in odessa, yes, obviously, the answer is obvious, well, we will be in odessa, we will definitely taste this chocolate, from our guest ruslan gromakovsky, thank you, mr. ruslan, founder of the chocolate school in ukraine, national of ukraine with sho in confectionary art in the 19th year ruslan rmakovsky was with us, so we mentioned a little bit that today is world chocolate day, france started it. dear friends, thank you for being with us, thank you for the 21 thousand who donated, donate more, but when our colleagues will appear, or
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use the last seconds that we are on the air. thank you vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, worked in this studio for you, see you tomorrow. there are discounts representing the only discounts on fcalor 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on glicised and gliciset max. 20% in the pharmacies psylansky, bam and oschad. there are discounts that represent the only penny discounts of 15% in pharmacies plantain for you to save. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price. only 149 hryvnias. durable, reliable and such. lean, and the price is only 149 hryvnias. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, for only uah 149.
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