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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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come on, well look, i was just looking at the last, let's say, what was officially released, the poll was officially released, one of the last polls of the kmis, it's on may 26 and the first one, after june 1, yes, that is, more than a month ago, but if we are talking about the war, then 58% agree that the ukrainian authorities should not make compromises in the negotiations, that ukraine will continue the war as long as necessary. 30% do not agree with this statement, that is, here we see that there has really been a decline in those who say that we should not make compromises, and the share of those who... believe that we can make
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some concessions to russia, including territorial ones, has somewhat increased, this, this, well, this is reality, and, that is, this is what we, the people, are getting tired, but the majority still says that no, we should not make these compromises, and we have to, at the cost, at the cost of ukrainian national interests, so we need optimism, we need success, you understand? we need successes and we need to talk more about these successes, which are there, that is, it is obvious that if we manage to achieve maybe some symbolic successes at the front, new weapons will arrive from the west, we will strike accordingly, then the optimism of ukrainians will grow, and of course it is hard, it is hard for everyone, and it is hard for political scientists, you know, just reading all this, i am looking at the enemy. there
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are battles going on in the settlement of new york, in the temporary yari, i constantly read kirill sazonov, your political scientist colleague, now a soldier, also heavy battles, butt, everywhere it is difficult, difficult, hot, hot, the enemy uses summer troops, and then you read , but the wax from syzo releases people who they signed contracts for billions of corruption in the ministry of defense, and you look, and it turns out that you can leave the pre-trial detention center, well, there are just such, you know, there are many things that simply demotivate me, well , they don't demotivate me, because i roughly understand. why does this happen, but you still understand, well, it shouldn't be like that, well, then someone leaves and who is the case against, but there is a lot of money abroad and this person has no problems, well , this shouldn't happen either, you know, i am very brief, we are two minutes long, but i am very brief in your opinion, there was news today that malyuska wrote an application for dismissal to the minister of justice, well, as if he didn't write it, but in general, in your opinion , the government will be changed by the fall, or let it be in the fall? well, it looks
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like the chair is under the wheel, that it is swaying and that a change is quite possible, by the way, what it will lead to, i don't know, you understand, because the role of the government in our country is that everyone listens to what the office says, well , he will set up a fair of his people there, and how will this affect future politics, by the way, by the way, and you are absolutely right that it is necessary to show this fight against corruption, it is necessary to show... really, realistically, that is, you need to have a strategy of communication with society, by the way, there is an interesting point, because in the law on the legal status, it says that during the war, you cannot film , you can't, you can't resign the cabinet of ministers, the cabinet of ministers must automatically resign if the prime minister is dismissed, although this is where the debate begins among
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lawyers, because some, well, even such, well, i would say , a person whom i respect very much is andrii magera, he says that in this case the law, it goes beyond the limits of the constitution, that is , the law, that is, that according to the constitution there should not be such restrictions, that is, that, and here the law somewhat details the excess of what can actually be, well , by the way, the law can be easily changed. then it will be held here, there is no doubt, but it is really necessary, and my advice is not to read social networks at night, thank you very much, even those that you trust, thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments, oleksiy garan , professor head of the democratic fund
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on the initiative of kuchariva, he was in touch with us. natalka didenko will tell us what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, and then we will meet again. synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians, dear viewers, uh, we are starting today's hot meeting with a trip to the park, and we will talk about the kremenets botanical garden, a park, it is a botanical garden of national importance in ukraine, located in the ternopil oblast, in in the city, well... of course kremenets, it was established in 1754 as a pharmacy garden, jesuit collegium. since 1805, the botanical garden has been part of the volyn gymnasium. in 1806, it was partially re-planned
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by the irish gardener, mickler, mackler. it occurs under different surnames. er, a significant part consists of rare and very rare plants, trees and bushes. in 1811, a catalog of garden plants was printed, including rare edible chestnut, canadian pine, white mulberry, and tulip tree. in 1832-34, the most valuable species were transported to the kyiv botanical garden, now named after academician fomin. this is one of the of the largest and oldest botanical gardens of ukraine, and there are incredibly picturesque views of the city, and uniqueness. du is that it combines a collection in its natural state, original vegetation of the kremenets mountains, that is what the kremenets botanical garden is. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. intensification is expected tomorrow, that is, magnetic storms sometime in
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the afternoon and evening. please be careful, especially careful now in this hot season to your health. and finally, the weather forecast for the 11th. we start in july we are traditionally from the western regions, so in the western part of ukraine tomorrow there is a possibility of local short-term thunderstorms, but this will have little effect on the overall hot picture, high air temperature is expected there, 30-34 above zero, in the north, not northern weather at all, so to speak say, 31-34, dry, sunny, high fire danger, eastern ukraine, strong heat, very strong heat. 34-38 places higher. sunny without precipitation. the situation is similar in the central part of ukraine. here the air temperature is assumed to be within 32-38°. and in the southern part of ukraine it is simply very hot. +35-+40° precipitation.
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hot weather is expected in kyiv tomorrow. the air temperature will fluctuate between 32-34°. i just want to say that the heat will last until the end of the week, the peak of the heat is friday, saturday, sunday and the coming monday, +40, the air temperature will reach in many regions of ukraine, and i also want to say that according to preliminary forecasts, the heat will continue and next week, so once again the nearest weather in ukraine is hot, very hot, peak air temperature - friday, saturday, sunday, monday, but of course keep a close eye on our updated weather forecasts on channel espresso. and we are also following the events at the summit, we will keep you
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informed, and most importantly, you will find out for sure, especially about the communiqué for ukraine, the productive part, as they say, which is why we are waiting for the final of it. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the mattrick topper you forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface, order topper matryk for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in which you can hide your topper will become not only a new item of interior design, but also quite
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the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the war continues. and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday friday at 10:00 p.m. i 'm coming to ukraine with three children, i
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don't have a job, i need to find one, i don't have a home, i need to find it, and i'm still sick, what should the state do to allow someone like me to return? the stories of the displaced people that we tell in the film are more eloquent than optimistic official reports and spectacular presentations from state structures, real life destroys the myth. there is no money, wait, here we are waiting, return or stay, where to return? what will happen to work, loans, children's education, where and at what cost to be treated? nothing is being done to bring people back abroad, absolutely nothing. internally displaced persons increasingly either go to the west or return to the occupation altogether. if the government does not wake up and act, we will lose the war for the future, even if we defeat the enemy. how the state should act, i will tell in the film.
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congratulations, another series of russian attacks on ukrainian territory, this time, literally on children, became, you know, not only, well, in principle, a terrorist act, but also such an information operation that russia did absolutely consciously, i emphasize this, well... the first thing that draws attention to itself is that the russians began to be proud of these strikes, literally as soon as they happened, and they did not know then for sure what happened there in detail, and then the russian propagandists literally exploded with, you know, pride, like, for example, this one. today, today , the russian armed forces delivered a series of strikes, as i understand it, accurate and... in this sense , painful, on the ukrainian military-industrial complex, these were not just effective strikes, they were, as it were,
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to say, with a clear element, so to speak, of demonstrativeness, i would say so, because the strikes on kyiv, strikes where else, in the dnipro, it seems that there was an arrival, they say, there was a strike on the zhulyany airfield and so on, these were i repeat all this exclusively on military objects, i repeat, very clear, very serious strikes. you see, with a certain element of demonstrativeness, these words were not said just like that, it was something that came to the russians as a technique, and literally... when it happened, they began to foretell it in themselves, suddenly it turned out that this demonstrativeness - it okhmadyt children's hospital, and what to do with it? well, the first one is, you know, they had a desire, it is as usual to tell some legends from the series, they beat there because there is a military facility there, well, there is such a former
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member of the state duma and, well, an alcoholic who often performs at skabieva there ... and he immediately wrote that this morning a missile attack by the russian army on the meeting of the general staff, which was in the building next to the children's hospital. the next composition of the general staff of the armed forces will surely sit right in the children's hospital. well, actually, russians are simple told what they usually do, because, well, for example, quite recently, last week, the governor of the belgorod region. told how they put rap devices on ambulances, and these ambulances are sent close to the ukrainian border in order to jam communication on the territory of ukraine, that is , as you understand, in such a case it is not surprising that they really use medical facilities as a cover , and since they do it constantly, when in the end they
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attack some ukrainian hospitals there, and it was not the first time, well, remember my hometown in mariupla. the maternity hospital, which they simply bombed, then they told for a long time that it was not them, that it was somehow the same, something blew up there, and other legends, then, well, kharkiv residents can definitely confirm that they were beaten there many times on medical grounds institutions, maybe they didn't talk about it much, but including at the prenatal center, russians were also hit there, and it was also completely deliberate, moreover, well, one of the... activists of kharkiv says that in the first days during the war, some people went around there and made such red crosses, well, at first they treated it somehow, well, this is supposed to show that there are peaceful people, and then they realized that no, you can't do that, because the russians hit directly these red crosses, in the end the russians absolutely deliberately hit medical facilities and hospitals in syria, they simply
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systematically destroyed them, moreover, they even made such a special decision there. that they allow themselves attacks on medical facilities, well, that's why it's a common story for the russians, and they did it now absolutely consciously, but you know, they probably did not expect how it would look like as a result, how it would be perceived by everyone around, what resonance it might cause, so after all these conversations about the fact that it must have been a meeting of some kind general staff of fantasy, then other such, you know, comments appeared, when the children were shown there, here is this photo with the children, and where, one of their bloggers wrote that the evacuated mothers with sick children from the ohmadit hospital in the yard, which a rocket fell, and he wrote: one i think, regarding the repeated stabbing of the dagger, well , that is, he saw the children sitting and let's go there
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, he threw the dagger very much, this is so that you would simply understand everything about that. how do russians think in general, yes, but you know, the resonance came out, so yes, this is exactly this post and this, you see, the comment about the repeated stabbing with a dagger, and this photo that we all saw, and that's when it became clear how it should the scene when children with cancer are sitting and it turns out that they were the target, then they ran out of the defense mines of russia, and their propagandists tell that... they were not they, as usual, that this is somehow wrong, they don't do it, well, as usual, they began to lie briefly. the russian ministry of defense reported that the massive attack by the russian army on ukrainian infrastructure and energy is a response to ukraine's attempt to damage russian energy facilities. the aim of the strike was achieved.
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the ministry of defense also rejected kyiv's accusation that the russian army. specially targeted attacks on civilian objects, this is not the case, while the hysterical statements of ukrainians always take place on the eve of nato summits, said in ministry of defense the next russof meeting will begin tomorrow in the city of washington. well, let's get straight to the point, a little out of order. well, first of all, tell at the beginning that the goals have been achieved. and then it’s not for us to say that, so here either the goals have been achieved, well, or you threw it somewhere in the wrong place, well, you can’t simultaneously achieve the goals and throw yourself into the hospital, it means that when you threw yourself into the hospital, you in... interpret this as the goals were achieved, i.e. where they wanted, they threw them there, the following stories about the fact that it was not them,
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they don't drop anything, they don't bomb hospitals, well, i already told you how they don't bomb hospitals, they bombed, bombed and you know, sorry, but they will bomb, you have to be ready for that, because that's how they imagine war, this is how they imagine how they should fight, that's... that's just how they are, well, after all , about the nato summit, that's the story before the nato summit, let's just look at it from the other side, that's before the nato summit, that's probably not for nothing, ukrainians suddenly started saying that something happened there, oh, there, somewhere there something in a children's hospital, no, just look at this map, well, this last one for the attack on ukraine, to see what... and this, this is their hysteria, they are arranging such a bombing of ukraine before the nato summit, and yes, this is indeed, as the previous
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propagandist said, this is absolutely a demonstrative action, therefore this is the hysteria before the nato summit, but it is not among the ukrainians, it is among the russians, it is the hysteria of the kremlin before the nato summit, that's how it looks. well, in the end, then they started to just invent and care different things, well, first of all, about the fact that now the ukrainian authorities are trying to hide the fact that it was not a russian missile, well, very interestingly, they began to tell their own delusions in the news. meanwhile, ukrainian sources report. gave the order to remove civilians from the territory of the okhmadit hospital, that is how the maternity and childhood care hospital is called in kyiv, the purpose is to prevent footage of the fragments of ukrainian missiles from getting into the network, because this will be
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a confirmation that what happened was the result of the work of the same american, german or norwegian air defense equipment, here is an interesting selection of videos, but you see, they showed that it was just the military, and for some reason they did not show what was shown by almost the whole world. they somehow saw completely different people, and they did not see that someone was not letting someone go anywhere, they saw that hundreds of people from kyiv came to dismantle the rubble of the hospital. we are now in the largest children's hospital, ohmadit, several of its buildings have been badly damaged by blows and explosions. this three-story building is the toxicology department, there for... they continue to put out the fire fire, but there may still be people under the rubble, residents of nearby buildings, shop workers came to help,
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several hundred kyivans are helping to dismantle the rubble of this building, the new building of the hospital is also very damaged, well, that is, everyone somehow saw that there were a lot of people there, only russian propaganda once she started telling some legends about the fact that they don't allow... civilians there, and there are only military personnel there, and they are hiding something, in fact, if there were any, well, such wreckage , almost all the world's forces worked there, and someone would have seen it if suddenly there was a ukrainian missile there, but no, there was no ukrainian missile there, so the next step was to invent, to bring in their mercenaries, which they have all over the world, who began to... tell that it was not a russian missile that fell on okhmadyt in a targeted manner, literally, just like that, and it turns out to be some other missiles,
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well, there, well, just a flight of options, well , the first version is that it was as if like a patriot, a well-known blogger from the usa jackson hinkel studied videos and photos taken by locals residents, he believes that by all indications... this is a missile of the american patriot complex. the facts are such, despite kyiv's attempts, as usual, to turn everything upside down and blame russia. well, let's look at these rockets in general, because it is really very interesting. here are these missiles, compare them, and you can see, well, since there was a video of how this missile flew, you yourself see a screenshot from it, it is clear that no, the way it looks, it is not a patriot. this is a russian x101 missile. patriot has completely different images, and actually shows what it is
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a russian missile, well, you know, there’s a turbojet engine in the tail part, and it’s very clearly visible, we’ll take a look at it, well, you see, these are pieces from this video, you can see, first of all, that the missile is flying directly at okhmady, i.e. it is not flying somewhere else, it is flying aimed at okhmedyt, here you see this turbojet engine, which is very well visible such a piece on the rocket itself, well, in the end, this is what it looked like, it was also quite well visible, what does it look like, where is it located turbojet engine, and in the end, this is what the patriot would look like, as you can see, there is no such engine, it has completely different shapes, that’s right, there are no such engines on the nasans rocket at the back, there are no such protruding parts at the back, but just on the russian h101 rockets. yes, you can see it,
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there is such an additional thing hanging on the back, that is, this is the story, that is why somehow things did not work out with the patriot, and you know, by the evening mevid solovyov was forced to tell that it was not a patriot, but something the other is nasams well, we already saw about nasams, no, it’s not nasams either, but it’s just interesting how it didn’t stick to him in the literal sense, not that, not those photos, not... videos, not those confirmations, because well, there’s just nothing to confirm, there are only empty, lying words. all speculations on the part of the ukrainian authorities, and attempts to accuse our army of targeted strikes on civilian objects, have the appearance of another circus on the eve of the nato summit. in the ukrainian public and mass media, photos of parts
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of the rocket that fell near... no, this is not the rocket that arrived, but it is not x101 which they believe. kha-101, which one is ours? this is their rocket, as i understand it, samsa. this is what it looks like, these are other photos. if you are not lazy and show all the photos that are available, you will see the correct ones. so. this is what it looks like from the samsa commercials, how it
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should look. but this is what it would look like... they are trying to confirm something there, all of this is very literally just some kind of advertising and it is not credible and in principle today almost the majority of analysts and observers and international organizations. well confirms that it was indeed a russian missile, moreover, it flew aimed at okhmadit, that is, it simply did not go somewhere else , namely to a children's hospital, it was a completely deliberate action, here you can see this video, how it all happened with this rocket, er, and you know, of course, er, literally right there they in the social network, russians, russian
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propagandists attracted a lot of people. some people there tried to tell that it was the general staff nearby, no, the general staff was far enough away to miss by a couple of kilometers, well you still need to be able to, uh, then others said that it was all the fault of ukrainian air defense, it is the most widespread, because it was and is now, in principle, the main thesis of russian propaganda, and of course ukrainian nits that fled ukraine got out , they are sitting somewhere... there , they are probably hiding on russian money and telling literally the same thing that salov'ov was saying, well, they are actually singing along to him. a rocket, it was shot down and was shot down crooked by our ukrainian air defense in kyiv. this is how they shot down a crooked russian missile, but kryvozhop air defense forces also do not want
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to shoot down missiles at us on approach. to kyiv as well.


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