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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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pissed off the ethics board? i have nothing to do with this record. please excuse me. but who spent millions on cars at the height of the war? so i came to the car dealership and bought them. on thursday, july 11, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on espresso tv channels. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed. informs about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. lifts
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suspension guys, atv is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of cold ravines in the direction of chasiv yar. meanwhile, the security service of ukraine detained a man who was passing information on the location of military and strategic facilities in chernivtsi to the occupiers, i am now quoting official reports from the prosecutor general's office and the security service of ukraine. so, that man deliberately sought contacts with representatives of the russian federation, the so-called curator, he found in one of the messengers and during he started correspondence about, well, like correspondence, well, during the letter. the correspondence
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had to be written, i was just now quoting this official message, that is not how philologists elaborate, so during the correspondence he followed the proposal of the representative of the russian federation to provide the enemy with information on the location of military and strategic objects on a permanent basis, and under the guise of a courier of a popular delivery service, that scoundrel traveled around the area on his own scooter and fixed the objects he needed. malicious... e were most interested in node stations and the railway routes by which the defense forces, well , it's no secret, transport heavy weapons and ammunition to the front, that's how this scoundrel gave the occupiers the geolocation of medical facilities, medical facilities where our fighters undergo treatment and rehabilitation, he received money for a crypto wallet, so dear tv viewers, if you see something suspicious, where to call, you'll figure it out for yourself, so we're moving on, informing about... we welcome you to our broadcast
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and i want to start with the latest news that arrived from the ukrainian government and was made public by the ministry of defense a day ago. so, the cabinet of ministers adopted a resolution on reducing the paper burden on the tsc and the centralized printing of summonses, and fakes about seemingly epic stories have already begun to appear. i would like you, as a lawyer, to explain this decision and what this decision will mean in practice? congratulations, in fact, today there is no decision on electronic summonses, we knew that from july 17, tcktsp will have the opportunity and the right to send summonses by mail. the only question was where exactly to send these subpoenas, and that's why there was actually one this procedure for clarifying data has been introduced in order to have information, and what is the actual place of residence of a scout or a conscript, and the formation of summonses through registers and their printout, and this is
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a reduction of the burden on the hands of tsksp employees, but they do not in any way affect the procedure of referral and receiving summonses by persons who are on military registration. we understand correctly. that the process of printing and distributing summonses will now be faster than it was before, er, that's right, er, until july 17 the possibility of sending summonses by mail was established, and accordingly there was no rule on whether the summons is considered served if the person did not actually receive it, from july 17 the situation changes and even if the person did not physically receive it, because he does not live here or refused to receive it, from a legal... point of view, the summons will be considered served, so the key story is for the person involved in this case to find out that he was indeed served with a summons, somehow this case will be verified, namely, for that purpose , the conscripts and pre-appellants and obliged to inform, and where they live,
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they, if they do not care about this and did not fulfill their duty, and then worry that they did not know, although they do not live where they are registered, well, they themselves are to blame for that that they did not know what was sent to them. logically, quite logically, ms. tarasenko, we would like to ask you about the solemn day of july 17, which is expected, well , not a single dodger who has not updated his data is waiting, what will happen, for example, in public places, at bus stops, and so on. to what extent will the accounts be blocked, that's what that by the 16th plus or minus it is clear what is happening, and what will happen on july 17, 2024, literally in a couple of days? yes, in fact , regulatory regulation, and something will change at the checkpoints until july 17, there is no binding, the possibility of administrative detention, the possibility of checking military registration documents on the street is still in effect in our country today, nevertheless, it is predicted that activity will increase, why? because two
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months were given to everyone in order to settle all their problems, clarify their data, make sure that they are registered, get an electronic military registration document, if there is no... and in the future , accordingly, i predict a mass distribution of summonses by ukrposhta, this will certainly happen, and maybe the verification of documents on the street will be activated. please tell me , ms. darya, but here is a person, for example, who wanted to update the data in the reserve plus, yes, she did not receive this data, accordingly, this means that she must go physically to the tsc, but there are queues, man didn't have time to update the data, she can later somehow... i don't know, prove it i tried to do it through reserve plus, but my data did not catch up there, and accordingly i had to go to the tsc, but because of the queues, i did not have time to do it until july 17. in fact, this is considered to have been clarified, as soon as a person went to
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the reserveplus this procedure, clicked to confirm, and then she may have seen that there is no information about her in the register, nevertheless , she fulfilled her duty to clarify the data, and how about you? eh, i think that information will appear in the register that through the military reserve plus obliged to do it. another question, i tell everyone that i had to clarify my data, please make sure that the information you saw as a result corresponds to the actual circumstances, because today i am faced with mass situations when a person is registered in one state civil service, with another was deregistered 5 years ago, and after checking the plus reserve, she saw that she is still registered in the old dtsktsp, or the person has long been recognized as unfit, has long been... excluded from the register, but according to the register she is considered to be still registered , if you see these problems, you need to solve them, communicate with tasp so that they enter the correct information in the registry, well, this is a question of communication itself, not because someone does not want to accept that information, but a question of
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the live queue, so we understand that a lot of people update data, and what is happening now in the territorial centers, well, this is really an indication that it is necessary to increase at least. the number of personnel of those people who simply process that information, because everything must be correct, because of the military personnel who work in tsk, they ask, if they do it wrong, well , that's all... the matter is simply very, very much stretched in time. and there is no possibility to clarify your data by sending a letter to the tcc tsp, the law does not provide for such a method, but if you clarified through the reserve plus and saw problems, saw discrepancies, i believe that it is possible to send a request to see the discrepancies just as a written application by ukrposhta , to attach relevant documents with a request to bring the entry in the register into line with the real one, and by the way, i also wanted to ask about people who were deregistered,
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for example, or they do not have any evidence that they were deregistered, they do not have any documents, so how should these people act, or can they send any requests to tsc and spr in order to extract this information about themselves and find out, in principle, whether they are on this record and whether data about them is in the tsc, removed and excluded from the record are different categories and it is important to distinguish them, nevertheless mine advice in... the obligation to clarify their data is only for those who is on the military register, so when we literally read the law, we understand that those removed or excluded from the military register do not have the obligation to clarify their data, nevertheless, when clients contact me who understand that they are not on the registration, because they are useless, i tell them that you do not have an obligation to clarify, but i advise you to do it in order to make sure that there is no record in the register that you are registered, and suddenly you see ... that you are registered, contact the tcc tsp for that they enter up-to-date
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information in the register. wow, extremely interesting. ms. daria, returning to the history of administrative fines and courts, we understand that not all, unfortunately, our fellow citizens are law-abiding people, and we understand that the number of fines can be large, but this is not just a fine , you know, someone wrote out, signed and so on, well, there is some procedure, accordingly, in your opinion, how much will everything be correctly justified in the courts? let's start with the fact that the fine for violation of mobilization legislation, this fine is not issued in court, this fine is issued by the head of tsc tsp, and the case will reach court only in the event that the conscript wants to appeal the decision to bring him to administrative responsibility. will everything be done correctly in tsc? we already see massive court practice today. when conscripts or conscripts challenge the decisions in a court of law and their appeals
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are satisfied on the grounds that the ccctsp did not comply with the procedure of bringing them to administrative responsibility, for which it is necessary to pay attention to those people who, well , maybe there willy-nilly, but violated this way, well, but then they will definitely and in principle quite deservedly receive a fine from the admin, and the fine is not small, but what is right and the person will not pay it, for example, well will go to prison, so i will... let's explain the procedure, what will happen, the tsk tsp discovered a violation, now they are not obliged to draw up a protocol, as it was before, they can immediately invite the conscript to consider an administrative case , there will be such a disorder, and the manager the tsk tsp will issue a resolution on bringing to administrative responsibility, and even before this stage you can intervene and submit evidence and objections that there are no grounds for bringing to responsibility, if the resolution... is issued, it must be sent to the conscript himself, and in addition , tsk tsp sends it to the executive
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service. the executive service, receiving resolutions, opens enforcement proceedings and at the same time enters such a violator in the register of debtors, seizes his bank accounts, and also imposes a seizure on all his property. if there are funds in the accounts, the enforcement service will initiate debt write-off from these accounts even after that. will close the proceedings. to clarify the question, the person received a fine, he did not pay it, and the enforcement has begun in court, where the executive service will be involved. in this gap between the unpaid fine and this case in court, a person can still somehow change the course of events, conditionally pay the fine, and accordingly, so that the trial for blocking her bank accounts and everything else does not take place, or is this an action that is not has an inverse actions, accordingly, can be refused at any time. from his lawsuit, write a statement about the rejection of the lawsuit or with a request to leave the lawsuit without consideration and
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pay the fine accordingly. thanks for the explanation. daria tarasenko, a lawyer, was on our airwaves, we are now going on a short break, after which we will continue the espresso information day. so be with us, and we don't have a break, we should have taras zagorodny, a political technologist, with him , we will talk about political games, whether it is a planned action and who benefits from... the tantrums of certain bloggers, influencers, as they are popularly called, regarding who is to blame for the shelling of okhmadit, in particular on july 8, and how they, in fact... called on their audience to make similar statements, i.e. blaming not the russian federation, the enemy aggressor , who attacked us, and promoting certain such, you know, narratives about not everything is so clear-cut, and this is not our war. yes, taras zagorodny, we are in touch, a political technologist, we are waiting from minute to minute, in general, there is a very interesting article on this matter on the website of the tv channel,
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it's called political games, the planned action of tacos... it is beneficial to someone, how some famous ukrainian bloggers reacted to the shelling of okhmadit, the article is literally extremely hot, there is a surname, and in general, a lot of different interesting information, useful, interesting information is available on the tv channel's website , in addition to our youtube, there is also a tv channel website, and taras zahorodnyi, a political technologist, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, taras, congratulations, heroes, glory. what, our instasamis have come to life, so have instasamis, so, quoting the headline now, on the espresso website political games, a planned action, and it is profitable for someone, very strange were the reactions of our bloggers, i don’t know, millionaires or thousandaires, to the missile attack on the russian federation, when
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several dozen of our citizens were killed, well, i will quote... one myself, one blogger, stop it already, finally, i don’t care, it’s not such an obscene word, i don’t care, i’ll make a replacement so that children don’t die from your political games anymore, i don’t quite understand what kind of games we are talking about when russia attacked us , annexed part of the territory and regularly kills our citizens, extremely fierce battles are going on, and here we begin to talk about political ... games, i.e. it is a coincidence or this or that trend has started , we ourselves understand what, but we want to hear it from a professional political expert, of course, what is not a coincidence, i am sure that this is a good, competent work of the russians, why , again, they do not say who is attacking, they
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themselves, the very context is that ukraine is to blame in principle, the ukrainian authorities, because of... that kill ukrainian citizens, this makes it possible to influence the agenda inside the country, makes it possible to then relay it to the west or the so-called global south, showing that look at what is happening in ukraine, people are against the continuation of the war, they are all for peace, only here incomprehensible politicians only resist this. this is a sufficiently competent technology, after all, it gives an opportunity to shake up, first of all, opinion, and opinion in western countries, why? because, well, i'm sure that western countries are constantly conducting sociological research internally of ukraine and are also looking at the reaction of ukrainians,
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if ukrainians continue to be like a monolith, yes, there is no wavering, no hesitation. that the enemy must be destroyed, it means that we need to give weapons, if there is a wavering and devastation inside the country, well, then we don't need to give weapons, well, look, mr. taras, it's just that some politicians and officials even in our country, they in their interviews they are talking about inviting russia to the second peace summit, russia has said that it will not come to it, and it is not interested in peace negotiations, which in principle is now the answer. to all those influencers who say that this war is profitable for someone, well, ukraine is ready to invite russia even to the same negotiating table, and russia does not agree, so, it is obvious that the problem is not ours, the problem is the enemy, who doesn't even want to agree on something, and here the question is simple, well, also the fact that there is now, you know, the difficulty in
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distinguishing what the officials are saying, i mean the president there in his interview, where he talks about some peace process and... and the fact that it appears somewhere in telegram channels, that somewhere supposedly anonymous sources reported about it, and so on, how to find the truth in all that and where, and where is the lie in all of this? well, let's distinguish between the diplomatic game and the fact that russia is still leading the campaign. we must understand that the diplomatic game, which is connected with the fact that ukraine is ready for negotiations, is... one track, why, because there were also some persons in the west who also told what is possible with putin to agree, there were some conversations, well, after the peace summit, ukraine offers, well... give only on our terms, and when russia officially refuses, well, now ukraine officially tells the western partners
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and the pro-russian, well, not pro-russian, i said, russophile wings that tilt everything they say ukraine is ready for compromises with russia, well, look, they themselves don't want it, the conclusion is, give us more weapons, and then everything will be restored as it should be, that's why it's a diplomatic game, it should be distinguished here... what's going on, right? as for there various instabloggers, we have people's deputies there who, it turns out, also do not know who is fighting against whom and so on, so this is a completely different track, it is already the russians who are actively shaking our state, why, i am sure that the russians are in a great hurry , they are in a hurry for one, two, several, or rather several reasons, and most likely in the fall, in the fall we will see the results of the strikes on the russian energy sector, and there will obviously be some processes that will obviously be very unpleasant for the russians, and this is when zelensky was there to congratulate
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of the sbu center, he then said that 34 oil refineries were damaged, pay attention, in fact, every day now something is happening on the territory of russia, especially rostov-nadonu, krasnodar krai and so on, and these are very important economic... hubs for russians, these are not the only non-freezing ports through which there is a large flow of oil exports, including crude oil, grain and many other things, so this is the first thing that the russians are afraid of, and the second is the sanctions that were recently introduced , they still are are spreading across the territory of russia, trading in the pair was stopped there, and... ruble , euro, ruble-dollar, we see that even the chinese are beginning to curtail some operations with the russians, because they are becoming toxic,
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even the entire banking system, more and more more reports, recently the minister of transport there complained to russia that they cannot send planes even to bol, because indonesian banks are already afraid to have a relationship with the russians, which means that these secondary sanctions will last for several months, they will grow, grow. but the second scenario, this is how we understand that it will hurt the russians, it will be much more painful than it has been for them so far. well, there is another scenario that we will also have very complex, difficult scenarios, we understand, it is also connected with energy, with the further destruction of our civil infrastructure, and the enemy is counting on this matter, and it is not a secret, and here is putin's postipak. the former, so to speak, bearer of putin's medvedev throne, he was in principle quite frank, cynical frankness, i don't know if they were shot there
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to him for revealing the secret plans of the kremlin in principle, but to put it briefly, they boil down to the fact that despite these or other negotiations, the main task of the kremlin, it is not removed from the agenda, it consists in the dismantling of the ukrainian statehood and any negotiations are just a smoke screen to cause internal ukrainian unrest, a dividing line between society and the government, but this, according to medvedev, still does not stop them from achieving their ultimate goal, that's it, well, it doesn't get more frank, even in meinkampf it was somehow written more modestly, probably, although i didn't read it, like that. right away, well, i, i read excerpts, it was more modest and more intelligently written, that’s true, but we must understand that in reality russians, the entire russian machine
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is working on a solution, if hitler had a final solution to the jewish question, and a final solution to the ukrainian question, there is no objection here, but i look here, strikes on civil infrastructure, we must understand why they started anyway after all, we often fall into this... russian narrative, which tries to impose on the russians as well, that it is, as it were, due to strikes on their territory of their refineries. no, it's not true. the russians attacked our territory, regardless of who attacked, they attacked the civilian infrastructure before that. they began to attack the energy infrastructure when they realized that they would not be able to take over ukraine, so they started, and they thought that it would be theirs, and that is why they began to systematically remove the generation, everything that... related to this time, please allow me i just want us to also discuss this option, why russia does not agree to the summit, because there will be elections in the united states, and
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russia expects that trump will win them. that's why russia is now not agreeing to any but exactly, let's say that, exactly, i think that trump scares them. look, i'll tell you why, why are they scared of trump? trump scares them with unpredictability. why? because trump, when he was in power, he ordered the destruction of general soleimani in iran. they hit iran. what is the current government in the united states of america afraid to do, for example, which is afraid, which is not, well, pretends to be silent. ballistic weapons and drones appeared, they don't know where it's from, and it seems that iran has nothing to do with it. trump gave the order to strike the russians in syria, and it was done. trump lifted the arms embargo on ukraine for the first time, when troops were first concentrated in crimea, trump then sent two b-52 strategic bombers flying into ukraine with the official wording to
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deter russia. that's why the russians, i'm sure, have a lot of confidence in trump, no matter what we were told, you know, by the democratic press, by the democratic party, which wants to involve ukraine in these clashes, we don't know what trump will do, but we know for sure that trump will do something that the russians will not like very much, and if he doesn't, what if he come to an agreement with him, well because putin and trump, they have big egos, actually, yes, if they don't come to an agreement, it will be a very serious situation, but if they come to an agreement, let's... finish, i will say that trump will definitely do, trump will remove all restrictions on the production of oil and gas, the construction of lng terminals, which imposed by biden, and because of this, because of this restriction, they actually enable the russians and iran, yes, to actually sell oil, supporting their economy, the russians are afraid that there will be
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an additional supply. oil on the market, and this is trump 99%, 99%, we can say, he will do it for sure, because these are the main sponsors of his party. peace, you have drawn absolutely unacceptable conditions, which the west will never accept in its life, what he said, he said that ukraine must withdraw from... zaporizhzhia, kherson oblast and donetsk oblast, and a conference must be held to record the annexation. what putin said in this way, he thinks that this is a real one, you know, yalta in 1945, he has long wanted to hold yalta to negotiate with the united states, but in fact he is proposing munich in 1938, when czechoslovakia was torn apart, western countries never it
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won't go. from the word absolutely, he wants to sign it with the united states of america, so he put forward completely unacceptable terms that trump will never agree to, well in any by the way, as they say, we'll see, we'll see, thank you, a very interesting conversation, well , unfortunately, we don't have much time, those air alarms have messed up our broadcast schedule a little bit, we have to let you go, mr. taras, but until we meet again on the air, taras zagorodnyi, a political technologist was in touch with us, and speaking about this... these are extremely dangerous messages that are trying to be introduced into the ukrainian public consciousness, dear tv viewers, turn in one more, one such extremely dangerous sentence, which just like that not implemented: the world sees and does nothing, this also fits into what is called the informational and psychological campaign of our enemy: the world does and does a great deal, although of course not everything is possible, but in terms of doing it is done.
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now we will say goodbye to you, tomorrow we will see you in this studio, at the same time, take care and until tomorrow, good luck, be with espresso, our colleagues will continue to work for you. in ukraine, the 17th edition of the news will tell about the main thing, anna yavomalnyk is with you. russians attacked volunteers of an international charity organization in stanislav in the kherson region, the enemy hit a car carrying humanitarian aid to local residents from a drone, the regional military administration of avtoponivachyne reported. fortunately, no one was hurt.


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