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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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skolivski beskydy national reserve. if it is not difficult to find a common language with the state vota agency and the state geocadastre along the vertical of power, then uncommunicative neighbors can always be silenced by pressure and blackmail. which countries will strengthen the protection of the ukrainian sky, support the economy of the russian federation, what consequences await china, and when the un general assembly will consider the ukrainian nuclear security project. my congratulations, with you annaevamelnik and the editorial staff. news will tell
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the most important things for the day that passes, and i will start this issue with the following: four people were caught wounded due to russian shelling of the village of borova in kharkiv region, miraculously, two men and two women were helped on the spot, the enemy hit with a kabo, reported the head of the regional military administration, oleg sinyohobov. a fire broke out, another 12 houses were damaged in a private house, the liquidation of the consequences continues. the russians attacked volunteers in the kherson region twice a day, the enemy targeted a humanitarian aid delivery point in stanislav with a drone. two female volunteers aged 45 and 40 were injured. they have contusions, head concussions brain, explosive and craniocerebral injuries. medical aid was provided on the spot, the regional military administration reported. the day before, russian terrorists hit a car carrying humanitarian aid to local residents from a drone. car drivers.
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no one was injured in this attack. 44 people died, almost 200 more were injured as a result of russia's massive attack on ukraine on monday , july 8, svitlana vodolaga, head of the press service of the state emergency service, said. kyiv, dnipro, kryvyi rih and partially came under enemy fire kyiv region. after the cynical shelling , the 101 line received more than 500 claims about being hit or falling debris. the most massive and the scariest - we had five locations, of course, this is a children's orphanage, this is the atonis children's institution, this is a residential building in the shevchenkivskyi district, in the holosiivskyi district, and we have the ushinskyi business center, exactly where they died we have people two people were injured. due to the seizure of a russian
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drone in the dnipropetrovsk region, the enemy attacked the pokrovsk community, reported the head of the regional military administration serhiy lysak. private houses, an outbuilding, a car and a power line were damaged. and we convert our people into donats due to enemy shelling. espress tv channel calls for participation in the project from zero to life - it is a collection for a quad bike for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. china supports
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russia's military economy, and this will have consequences for pokin's interests and reputation, nato secretary-general jens stoltenberg emphasized at a press conference after the meeting of the euro-atlantic council in washington. china supplies russia with dual- use equipment, including microelectronics and many other tools that allow the russian federation build. bombs, missiles, planes for attacks on ukraine. beijing cannot support the largest war on the continent in recent history without negative consequences for its reputation and interests. also watch on the espresso youtube channel, around 23:30 the final press conference of nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, and approximately at 0:15 us president joe biden. the un assembly will consider
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the draft resolution on nuclear security prepared by ukraine, serhiy kyslytsia, permanent representative of ukraine to the un, said on the ex social network. today the project plans. to support another 56 countries. lithuania handed over a new package of military aid, which included electronic warfare systems, ammunition and drones, the country's ministry of defense reported. for the current year, lithuanian partners provided support to ukraine for almost 115 million euros. strengthening the protection of the sky. norway will allocate more than 92 million dollars to... strengthen ukrainian air defense, this will make it possible to protect the population from russian bombs and missiles, the country's prime minister said, part of these funds will go to finance the initiative of germany leave no one behind
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is the name of the educational ukrainian taiwan project, the results of which will be announced tomorrow from 143 educational institutions that applied for the competition. the independent commission takes 24. informatics teachers of the winning schools will be able to study with the best it specialists of the ukrainian catholic university. they will improve skills in programming, education systems and robotics. the main thing that we are currently checking is whether the information provided in the questionnaires is correct reality with the selection criteria, the main criteria for us are motivation, professional experience and knowledge, openness to change, and teamwork, that is, openness, to spread this knowledge further, not only in one's school, in the community, in communities and so
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on. we want to look at the past, what the school has already done, what the school has already developed in these areas, in order to look into the future. and to understand how best we can help those schools in the future to become those hubs that will be able to teach both their students, and the students' parents, and the school around. chronology of events from the revolution of dignity to the first months of the full-scale invasion of russia in ternopil presented the documentary film 10 years of war. the espresso tv channel team worked on the tape. military and public assets visited the show. politicians and writers. details, see further. the key events of the history of ukraine, during the last decade, are intertwined with the destinies of extraordinary people. this is exactly what the new film from the espresso tv channel is about. in the two-hour film, the creators talk about victories,
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defeats, challenges and transformations that have happened to our people during the last decade. ternopil is the third city where a pre-premier screening was organized. when last summer we were thinking about how we should celebrate the ten-year anniversary of the tv channel, we thought that the celebration of the ten-year anniversary is an important story, but the current events do not correspond to any large-scale celebration, so we had the idea to create such a documentary in honor of the ten-year anniversary a film about the history of ukraine, about the history of struggle of ukraine for the independence of the last 10 years. at the heart of the plot... the stories of several ukrainians, in particular, paramedic yuliya taira paevska, journalist tetiana chornovol, writer svitlana povalyaeva and her son, fallen hero of ukraine, activist roman ratushny, became the heroes of the film. we tell through the fates of our
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heroes, tyra, ratushny, tetyana chornovol and many hundreds of thousands of other heroes who are now defending ukraine and who came out for the independence of ukraine and our european elections, starting from the maidan. work on creation documentary tape lasted more than a year. oleg garenchar, who lives and works in the united states of america, became the director and screenwriter of the film. the picture consists of archival footage taken from 2013 to 2023. the chronicle must be written. this is very important because it is not just about memory. it's about stories about people. stories about events that we already have to be aware of, and such films, they help ukrainians, and i hope, viewers abroad, to understand what is
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happening to us and what is happening around us. the creation of the film was made possible thanks to the non-governmental organization all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of yousite, a media program in ukraine. which is carried out by the international organization internews and the exchange development fund of the us embassy in ukraine. i watched on one codec. after the movie , they were so excited. emotions and the feeling that after the film it is always very difficult to talk, then i didn't talk to anyone for about half an hour, because i couldn't, i also remembered 2013, when i also went to the maidan, when i also felt that atmosphere maidan, when ukrainians were shoulder to shoulder with each other and how they fought to have a european state, pre-premier screenings will be held in other regional centers in the near future. in addition to ukraine, the tape is planned to be presented abroad for an english-speaking audience, so that foreigners from all over
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the world know about russia's crimes and remember that the war in ukraine continues. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. that's all i have, i'll see you tomorrow, i'll be waiting for you at 2:00 p.m., followed by vasyl sima's big broadcast. tingling, numbness bother you? the dolgit antineuro complex helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. capsules dolgiit antinevro - help to your nervous system. there are discounts that represent the only discounts at trokvas inn. 15% at travel pharmacies to save you. the book of women at war. a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports
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of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the kostyantyn zhivago charitable foundation. the pain in the joints is so piercing, it is not possible to move, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from the pain of rheumatism. dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back. euro-2024 only for megago. football europe is ready to crown a new national team, who will become the champion and forever go down in history. watch all euro 2024 matches exclusively on mine. oh me i remember, you see, although they say that our memory weakens over the years, but i am attentive and remember everything. we accept. memorize the effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system
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and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. memo effect by dr. tys. improves memory and attention, helps to think. there are discounts in pharmacies, up to 30% for your travel bag. discounts are valid until the end of july. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try it dolegit cream longite relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. when buying a large package of 150 g, you save up to 50%. there are discounts representing the only discounts on glycyset and glycyset max. 20% in travel bam pharmacies and savings. in the latest issue of ukraine magazine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation in our society, for example, mykola tyshchenko in viktor boberenko's article. lada vvedenska about
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difficulties and challenges of military medics. the country is always at the forefront. search at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts representing the only discounts on edem 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to... on friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws,
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but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55. in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from... ukraine. spilled confidential data. after the attack on okhmadyt, the russian pilot contacted the main intelligence agency. obviously, the release of this pilot's data. it scared him because he knows the history of some other pilots who are no longer alive. this is the name of our video today. i hope we'll talk about it when we get more information. well, but
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in general. big broadcast on the spresso tv channel. my name is vasyl zima, for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues are with you we will talk about many important and interesting things. they want to deprive hungary of the right to preside over the european union, all because of the incomprehensible and strange peacekeeping trips of the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán. also, brussels called his handshake with putin as contrary to the treaties of the european union. why did rendramod somehow escape from moscow without warning after learning about the attack on okhmadite, the battles near toretsk and on the approaches to toretsk, the situation in kharkiv oblast, a conversation with a soldier of the third assault brigade, this is serhiy zgorets will talk, well, the nato summit, who is satisfied with what, who is not satisfied with what, what should ukraine count on, what was really promised to us? of course, alexander moshchevka will also talk about money, and natalka
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dyadenko will talk about the weather, because there are threats that in ukraine +60 and everyone will die, natalka dyadenko is very well today. wrote a post about this, hope that she will tell it on the air: you should not always believe all these terrible forecasts that you read on the internet, listen to professional and experienced weather forecasters, which natalka didenko certainly is. so let's talk about all this, well, just now the military results of the day, serhiy zurets is already ready for the air, congratulations, please, you have the word, serhiy, in our one column we will... talk about the interim results of the anniversary nato summit, which they were for ukraine and about the evaluation of ongoing combat operations in the kharkiv region in a conversation with the commanders of the third separate assault brigade, more on that in a moment.
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there are no alternatives to ukraine's full membership in nato. this is recorded in the final document. of the anniversary summit of nato, which continues for the second day in washington, there it is stated that we will continue to support ukraine on its irreversible path to full euro-atlantic integration, including nato membership, says the document of the alliance countries, however, our path together with the bridges that are prescribed there to nato may be long, so for now we will summarize the decision , which determine assistance and support to ukraine in the near future. time, therefore, ukraine will receive funding in the amount of 40 billion euros over the next year for defense needs, a new aid structure will be created and training for ukraine, in the area of ​​responsibility will be the coordination of all military supplies and all forms of training
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and training of the ukrainian military, this structure will also be responsible for the transformation of the defense forces. and the security of ukraine, that is, they are talking about coordination, as i understand it, in matters of our military reform, which should also take place. a joint nato-ukraine analysis, education and training center will also be created, which should analyze and use in practice the experience and lessons of russia, russia's war against ukraine. center will operate in bodygoszcz, this is poland. we also know. about the promise to transfer to ukraine a certain number of new air defense equipment and missiles for these weapons, if all deliveries are made, then we will have at least eight patriot batteries and one sampt battery. an increase in the number of deliveries of f-16 aircraft to ukraine is also being discussed.
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earlier we talked about 60 and then 80 planes, now it seems about 128 planes. and the first planes will already appear in ukraine this summer - say american, danish and dutch officials and the secretary general of nato also stated that ukraine should be allowed to attack the territory of the russian federation, as this is provided for by the right to self-defense. we help ukraine realize the right to self-defense, said tultenberg, and by supplying weapons and equipment, including long-range missiles. atakams stressed nato's general secretary. before that, britain also said that ukraine could use storm shadow cruise missiles without restrictions. however, for now, regarding the use of american. hatakams, as we know, the debate continues, although this one the permission would significantly improve our capabilities, it would allow us to destroy russian airfields with
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airplanes, with drones at a distance of up to 300 km deep into the territory of ukraine, which would significantly improve the situation both on the contact line and in cities that experience regular drops of these enemy drones, so the bet on weapons still remains extremely important and extremely relevant, and the enemy at this time is trying to take advantage of its advantage in the manpower of equipment, continues its creeping offensive in many directions, on pokrovsky, toretsk, near chasiv yar, and at the same time will receive a decent rebuff everywhere, just as it is happening on the kharkiv section of the front, where, as we know, the third separate assault brigade operates, in fact, in my opinion, it is already a legendary brigade, which has such achievements, which the commander also demonstrates. and fighters and units of this military unit. and now we are joined by the deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade, major of the armed forces of ukraine maksym zhorin. mr.
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maxim, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. glory to ukraine. i congratulate you. glory to heroes. i would like to start with a general question. not a secret it is known that your brigade is now defending the boryssk direction. a month ago, there was a difficult situation, when the enemy was gathering strength, trying. there to seize the dominant heights in front of borova, what has changed today, what is the situation now, what can you tell our viewers? well, at the moment we can say that we have changed the situation, it is that the enemy has really accumulated enough forces here and for some time tried to push the defense in the zone of responsibility of the third assault brigade, he used an entire division for this. but he had no success, not a single meter of ukrainian land he was not able to win, despite the fact that he suffered huge losses, so huge
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that now this division is basically unable to implement assault actions on the entire lane, now they mostly try to storm there a little and advance in... one of our defenses, one of our battalions, well, but the main potential and the main opportunities for moving forward, we have already broken them, the only thing that, most likely, realizing that it will not be possible to move forward in the lane from the responsibility of our brigade, now the russians the neighboring brigades are overturning and are now trying to storm and advance there, in fact it is about the flanks. your brigade really had reports that there are south of you, that is exactly where the enemy is trying to act in the makivka area, it seems, if i am not
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mistaken, to the north, it is in the sandy area, that is exactly, well, the flanks of your brigade, how threatening are these enemy movements for the situation, well, around your brigade, in general , on this part of the front, well, definitely. we depend on our wings, that's for sure directly affects if one or the other flank falls somewhere or starts to fall, that is why we try to work in such close cooperation with those units that are next to us, including providing comprehensive support and assistance there with fpv drones, our artillery, so that we understand very well that this is, firstly, a joint matter, and secondly, it will directly affect... the possibility of our conducting defensive actions, so at the moment there is no critical situation there, but the enemy has really broken into us
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divi, i will turn it over to, if you can hear me now, i would like to ask about such circumstances, your brigade is currently on the defensive, but we know how effective it is when conducting assault actions, when imposing its own tactics on the front line, because there is actually an assault brigade, and there is a certain such doctrine of the use of such units, or such a doctrine is being formed, does this not mean that it is actually better to use the assault potential of your brigade more flexibly, and not er... only defensive actions like we have now, well we actually really we feel ourselves more organically during assault offensive actions. our infantry
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is preparing for this, it is morally, psychologically, and physically ready for this, and it is combative in assault operations, and in general it is motivational, yes, it is a component of our unit, it allows us to move forward quite effectively in some areas, but we must understand , that any brigade, no matter what it is called, is one way or another amphibious assault. whether it is just an assault rifle or a motorized rifle, any one , first of all, she should definitely have to be able to defend and conduct defensive actions, this is the basis for any brigade, regardless of its specifics, we would definitely like us to be involved in what we think we are more efficient and professional in, however, at the moment there is a need for such activity, and all
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the more so because... this point was quite hot and difficult recently, and due to the fact that we were involved in defensive actions, it has stabilized here, so in principle it is also little result, but we are fulfilling the tasks that are set before us, mr. maksym, regarding strengthening your brigade, you have an active recruiting company of your own, but now the brigade, if i'm not mistaken, is also training prisoners to serve in... vipers, what are the approaches here, where will they serve, as you as a commander consider the fact that you will have to fight with such difficult people. well, actually, i expressed my opinion even when it was only at the level of discussions, and in principle, all the commanders of the third assault brigade, they also have the same opinion, which is that there is a lot of high-quality, motivated
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of human resources, there... a lot of people are currently imprisoned, among whom there are those who are ready and who want to fight, and therefore it was quite strange not to use these opportunities all this time, of course one must approach rather carefully and work with them, because after all, this is a specific contingent, yes, one that has its own characteristics, but at the same time... from the very beginning, we wanted and were the ones who are ready to take those people into our ranks , who are currently incarcerated, they first of all undergo interviews, we we select them already there, looking at what they served their sentences for there, looking
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at their... psychological state, at their physical state, we conduct such interviews with them, after which they are admitted, if they pass them with us, after which they undergo mandatory basic training, and only after this basic training they will be assigned to units, it must be understood that these people cannot be commanders and they will be attached to exactly those units and commanders who are currently carrying out combat operations tasks, where combat tasks will also be received, we understand the specifics and are absolutely ready to work with these people. mr. maxim, when we talk about units, we usually talk about the training of mobilized recruits, but to a large extent the effectiveness of units depends on sergeants and commanders of various levels, there are platoon, company, battalion commanders and so on, here is how to improve selection, training, responsibility that's it important branches
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of military administration, do you have any recommendations that could be transferred to others teams to be as effective as your team? a sergeant is mandatory in general, it is the backbone of an army unit, and it is a sergeant on the battlefield, it is the main soldier, the most powerful soldier, it is the one who is looked up to , the one who is listened to, the one who gives the command. decides and similar things, including the one who shows by his direct example on the battlefield what to do, how to behave and everything else, therefore it is extremely important to really grow, train and train this sergeant branch within our units, it has to differ from what happened there during the soviet army, yes, because there the sergeant was no one at all, but now we are building
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a sergeant as a leader. among soldiers, the only thing that, let's say.


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