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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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on ukraine on a full scale, perhaps this was the step that will lead to its collapse, because history is always wiser than even the likes of putin and his entire fsb. yes, and now we will talk more about the economy. ivan us, candidate of economic sciences, is in touch with us. mr. ivan, i congratulate you. i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, and i congratulate all viewers of the espresso tv channel. let's. let's start with the fact that it's obvious, well, actually, we talked about russia with mr. malamuzhy, well, let's start with russia, but with a direct reference to ukraine about sanctions, now but at the nato summit they talked about what weapons to give ukraine, that sanctions still affect russia, they weaken it, at the same time russia receives help from other countries, from someone it receives projectiles, most of which explode while still in the barrels, i have north korean, but i do not underestimate.
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assistance to north korea as a partner of the aggressor country still helps its own with those shells that the soviet union once handed over to it, now it sells them again, but other countries actively help russia, but after all, how effectively with your assessment of the sanctions hit the russian economy, is it possible, as they say, the blow took place, russia faltered, but it will fall for a long time, how can you comment on this and can you count on the fact that after all sledge will give a visible effect, well, you know, there is a knockout and a knockdown in boxing, but the knockout was not exactly reflected, but as for the knockdown, it is quite possible here, because in reality it is so in russia, whatever it is, it is according to different calculations, someone there says, that it was in the top ten economies of the world and only now fell out of the top ten, according to the imf, on the contrary, it was the 11th economy in the world and, let's say, it was not among the top ten, but
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nevertheless we understand that it was a serious economy, and therefore it was very quickly can knock down the sanctions, nevertheless, it is now 2.5 years after the start of a full-scale war and more significant sanctions than what was before, and the sanctions were in principle since 2014, but they, well, let's say, did not have any significant effect, while at the same time the sanctions are gaining momentum and increasing to a large extent because they're starting to... look at where the sanctions aren't working and looking at how russia is getting around them, because to a large extent russia, especially the first year or two after the start of a full-scale war, they were very interested in iran's experience in how to circumvent the sanctions imposed against him, because we know that iran has been under sanctions for more than 15 years, it seems, but nevertheless, this does not prevent it from developing, this is for russia. this
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experience was important because, on the one hand, russia was also circumventing sanctions, on the other, as noted by western experts, the problem was in the fact that sanctions were introduced against russia by the countries of the west, at the same time the countries of the global south, they just traded normally with russia, and this allowed russia to keep to, let's say, today's moment, but this did not mean that everything was as good as it was before, so that any restriction... any, let's say, imposed sanctions, they demanded from russia the costs of adapting to them, and these costs, they also put pressure on the russian budget, and now, well, let's make a point, where here we are, the middle of july this year, here is the figure that was at the beginning of this month, in russia, weekly inflation in the first week of july was 0.66%. you can say that this is
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not such a critical figure, but i will remind you that a week before it was 0.22, that is , inflation has tripled. let's see what will happen next, it is quite possible that the reason for this significant increase was the increase in tariffs, it also happened in ukraine, and the same thing happened in russia, but nevertheless we see that inflation is accelerating there, and what is interesting is that in june russia used months. of his fund national well-being, for understanding there it remains according to russian data, that is , it is not a fact that these are real data, 4.6, if we multiply 0.6 elementary by eight months, then it will turn out that there will be nothing there, and i, except that this is just money taken from the national bank of ukraine, there is still a budget deficit, which is expected in russia at the level of 2.1 trillion upon completion.
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this year, and it will also have to be covered by the national bank of ukraine, therefore, maybe not as we wanted, but the russian economy, it is clearly going down, you know, it is in russia. such a phrase: no lived well, i won’t speak russian, because in our country now the russian language should no longer sound on the air, not even in quotes, did not live well, there is nothing to start with, so of course for many residents of russia there are taxes, reduction of some social expenses, on medicine, for something else, well, actually nothing in their life changes when you watch the video, a kind of siberia, there, well, it's just like a story, an illustration, and there they have the same thing. in the quarter, how, well, something is bringing food there, there is a fab, some houses are standing, well, siberia is there there is nothing, one person per 100 km, this was the case even before the full-scale invasion, and the local residents say that now this train runs
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there with two cars, but the forest is taking away this railway road, and as it gets overgrown, it will not run and they do not understand that it is possible to cut down it is possible to clear that forest, no , it won’t be overgrown, but how will they bring you food, but we don’t know how, well, how and what taxes will have some effect on them, but of course it affects russia, i mean moscow and st. petersburg there , big cities of russia, but here the information is very interesting, we are not up for discussion, it's just about the fact that russia doesn't care, and it doesn't care, well , it doesn't matter, cnn gives such information with reference to officials, and cnn itself, i think, has earned the reputation of the media. .. it is worth believing that russia planned the murder of the ceo of rain metal, a company that, together with ukraine, sells weapons to ukraine and prepares factories on the territory of ukraine, there in poland, which will produce weapons for ukraine, the american and german special services were able to disrupt these plans of the russian
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federations, this is one thing that is important, that they don't care, and they don't care, again, they don't care, they just can't think of anything else, except to kill someone or something else, and the meeting of the president also took place. and the usa and joseph biden joseph biden president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky information that has already appeared, and joe biden announced a new aid package for ukraine. at the same time, the us president did not name any details, only clarified that the ministry of defense, i.e. the pentagon, will later make the details public, apparently through lloyd's mouth austin, and he also said that everything is being done to ensure that f-16 aircraft arrive in ukraine this summer. i think we will be able to hear a little later. and zelenskyi and biden, the presidents of both countries, we are waiting for their approach to the press, for the broadcast, and there will be the approach of nato secretary general jens stoltenberg stoltenberg and president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, well, you know what is important for russia, or very painful, they well, they really don’t
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like humiliation when their money, which is interest from russian assets in european banks there or possibly in certain other funds, i don't know where they kept this money, investment funds or some venture funds. i don’t know where, i again, i don’t know, but you, but you say that these percentages will work for ukraine, how painful a blow it is, it’s not somewhere not 10 trillion dollars at once, yes, but it’s still significant , these are billions, and prospects, again, of these percentages, what can we have even more later, how painful is it financially and morally painful for russia? well, actually, you know, now there are talks about 300 billion. approximately, because no one has ever named the number exactly, they said, someone says 200, 50, someone 300, well, i am more betting on the figure of 300 billion dollars, these are frozen russian assets, of which they are the assets of the central bank of russia, this is important, because this is not private money, it is purely state money, of which 200, or rather 191
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billion is located in the belgian exchange euroclia in brussels, that is, to understand where, where physically these a... securities that are there, and they belong to the central bank russia, there is belgium plus luxembourg 210 in total, that is, every country has, by the way, not so much of this money in the united states of america, that is, mainly in all of europe, but nevertheless, if we go back now to the 22nd year, there was february, march, then it was a clear understanding that these assets should be frozen, that what was actually done and that they will be transferred to ukraine, but somewhere... then conversations started somewhere in april, may that this should not be done, that this undermines confidence in the european economy, and somehow there was a question on pause, and it is still largely on pause now, because then they started half-measures appear, at first they said that
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let's give ukraine these taxes from the profits from these assets, then the actual profits, and actually the last meeting of the big seven was just discussing what was under the circumstances. will be granted a loan to ukraine as collateral, or rather these profits, but now information appears that saudi arabia is threatening that it will then realize the debt obligations of europe, that is, what it is asking for. to do it, well, actually, there are many reasons why it is not done, you know, i once specifically analyzed this point, which is first of all the fear is real that it will hit the, let's say, the image of the countries that will do it, it will undermine confidence in them, in these economies, secondly, the legal component, thirdly, this is germany's fear that this will be a precedent, according to which germany itself will be deprived of its assets since the time of the second world war, someone says that it was a long time ago, but... but here, during the time of the previous government, poland submitted, let me remind you, a complaint for 1.5
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billion euros to germany, precisely since the second world war, and there are still italian certain there are complaints from italian banks that interestingly, italy was an ally of germany, nevertheless, it was during the second world war that there were complaints and ideas that let's arrest german property, that is, germany is very afraid of this, and the precedent with ukraine can play a negative role for it, and that is why germany always does so. and, let's say, slowed down the decision on this issue, nevertheless, the fact that the issue is moving is good for russia, this is a very painful issue, i will say for myself that you know, since i very often appear on the air of arab channels, and arab television, it built, i think, as in other countries of the world, that there is a guest from ukraine, a guest from russia, and various topics are discussed, including russian assets are frozen, and i constantly heard the phrase that under no circumstances... it is impossible to touch the state assets of russia, because it would be theft from the state itself, at the same time, they were not
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against private money, let private money be touched, but not state russian funds, well, okay, i think that there will be a moment and here is joseph stigliks, the nobel laureate in economy at the beginning of this year even said what and why we are only thinking about state money, let's also think about private money, because after all, state money is 300 billion, and if we take private money, then... the money of people who are under sanctions, who are most likely connected to the kremlin, there the number will be much higher, but the main thing is that again these discussions are already being joined by scientific circles, bloomberg asked lawyers, the lawyers said that it is possible to transfer it to ukraine, it will not be a violation of legal statutes, legal norms, that is, okay, we see and this moment also disappears economically, legally, that is, in principle there are discussions, it’s good, i think... that there will be a solution, it’s unpleasant for russia, because it will once again demonstrate that no matter how much they declare there
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that they want to leave the west, but they need this money in order to their economy was working normally, because you know, they say again that everything is great, and if you just listen to certain business forums that take place in russia, there is a statement for a moment by the first deputy head of the central bank that... if russia does not come up with something urgently, the economy russia can, let's say, get into it, and they practically say that let 's return to natural exchange, to barter, that is, you know, somehow the world moved away from these natural exchanges a long, long time ago, but russia wants to return, because the option, because these sanctions are among other things, let's say that on june 24, i'm sorry, the 14th package of eu sanctions is adopted, and three days before that... the leading chinese producer of tailings for energy supply
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of lng shale gas terminals 2 arctic in russia is such declares that he is leaving russia, because he has an insight that there will be sanctions against lng in the 14th package, and he does not want to be present in russia, and this happens a few days before these sessions, that is, we see that even china is moving away from russia little by little, and this is russia... they understand, this is understood by the economic leadership, which asks the political to do something, the political begins increased pressure on ukraine, unfortunately, we all saw this during the attack on ukraine and on ahmadiyya, as to me, it was just another attempt to force ukraine to peace, because there i understand that if there are no such peace talks, then it is quite possible that the economy of russia, if it survives this year, it is not a fact that it... will survive in the next one, well, by the way, i want to suggest now,
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to hear about, well, what you said that a chinese company there is pulling out of a certain project because it fears secondary sanctions from the united states of america, i'd like us to hear now from nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, specifically about china's role in supporting of the russian economy. china supplies russia with dual-purpose equipment use, in particular microelectronics and many other tools that allow the russian federation to build bombs. missiles, planes for attacks on ukraine. beijing cannot support the largest war on the continent in recent history without negative consequences for its reputation and interests. i, by the way, just, you know, you talked about the fact that public funds, okay, private, let's think. i think that it is necessary
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to come to an agreement with the western establishment, first of all and not only the western one, that in... in this putin's racist russia, recognize this as the term racism, and don't be afraid that nazism has risen in modern russia, because it is, it's just called differently, and to admit that these private funds of the rich people of russia, they could not have happened without the help of the fsb, without the help of the authorities, and i'll just say that somewhere before the start of the full-scale invasion, long before the start of the full-scale invasion, only one moscow had an official 21-dollar billionaire, that's only official. moscow alone, it was almost the largest among all the capitals of the world, it is simply a huge number of people, we understand that there are much more of them throughout russia, these people could not have earned their billions without cooperation with russia, the fact that they remain billionaires in this russia today means that their money somehow works on modern, the modern russian-racist regime, is it so
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difficult to admit and, but another thing, whether these people can influence the decision. even if they are squeezed by the throat quite strongly, the impression is that in russia a kind of social contract has been concluded between the oligarchy and the government, that the government does not touch the oligarchy, gives it the opportunity to earn, in exchange for this the oligarchy does not enter politics, you know, the person who was against such a social contract, we can recall, is mykhailo khadarkovskiy, who even... criticized during one meeting with putin at the beginning of putin's coming to power as the president, actually certain approaches of the state and after that khadarkovskiy was arrested, a person who at that time was the richest person in russia with a fortune of 15 billion dollars, approximately in 2003, and now he is being arrested, and this was a signal to everything to russian business, that now the rules
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have changed, now either you become a complete component of this... great mechanism, for which you will not be touched, or you will have problems, and problems, by the way, khadarkovskii is the most famous case, i can't remember the name right now, there was another businessman in russia who i remember was arrested in miller's reception room, that is , a person is invited to a meeting with the head of gazprom, he comes, he is arrested there, because the sybur company, if i 'm not mistaken, he owned it, asked to he gave her, he... was actually forced, as in holodovsky mentioned the surnames, and he was forced to give her and leave russia, because, as i understand it, they made it clear to him there that he was not really needed here , and that is why business has become a component of the state machine, and many of the russian oligarchs are, as they say, the official owners of the money that belongs to the russian
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elite, that is, putin cannot blame everything on himself, he likes to say that he is a poor man . according to the documents, it is most likely so, because all his assets are registered to many these very billionaires, who are purely nominally the owners of this money, in fact they belong to the leadership of russia, i.e. putin or people from his entourage, and therefore we definitely take russian money in private parentheses, and should also be considered as a possible collateral for russia and... the appeal of which to their owners should happen only after russia stops the war and pays all reparations in full, if she won't pay reparations, this money should be used for this purpose, i think it can cover a significant part of the money, you know, the world bank already says, if i'm not mistaken, 473 billion
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dollars in damages that russia caused to ukraine, that is, 300 billion will not cover what is frozen, so here we cannot do without... this money, another question, that legally all this should be done clearly so that there is no reason to appeal such decisions, i think that the lawyers there will do everything possible to appeal them, but still, i understand that this is how mr. stiglitz wrote in his article, what do you know, what if, well, he wrote about 300 billion public money, that if it is not transferred to ukraine, it will be a signal that any country in the world can undermine the world order and be sure that... nothing will happen with its money, this is hardly a positive signal that we can give to all others countries, because no matter what dictatorial regimes they are, they all want to keep it in europe. money and or in the united states of america, that is, in the countries of the west, and no one really wants to keep this money in countries where they are not sure that they have this money for tomorrow, tomorrow
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won't be selected, so that's probably why kimchen studied in switzerland, and not in north korea, and like many children of dictatorial countries, and russia really returned to the time when tsar ivan the terrible. said that my scumbags had the right to force them to imitate the name, and actually everything was a tsareva, and he could call any boyar there not dmitry some there, but mitka, because all that mitka has is his tsar, tsar's, and the same thing is happening in russia now, there is no, well, let's say, a russian star, a famous person, alla pogacheva, who is so very careful expressed that how much, well, as if it is already too much to beat a children's hospital in the state duma of russia, they say, she should be put on her forehead... put all her property in russia and take it away, this is modern russia, that is, talking about what to kill children - this is not possible, the whole brand on the forehead, the traitor and let's take all the property,
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in general, and soon they will be shot or something else, well, that is, this is modern russia, i think that the west should understand this, with whom it deals, there is no there are some private, non-private, just look at the list, mysterious deaths managers of the gazprom and novatek companies since the 22nd year, well, that's it, there is no such thing, something is just... there you are not right, you all shot yourself with the whole family, drowned in the pool, fell from a yacht, something else and that's it , this is so-and-so russia, and we have literally two minutes, i finally wanted to ask about the prospects of the resource, or as they say, the resistance and battery charge of the ukrainian economy, because we also have to withstand this opposition to the resource, of course, that is, we have a big problem , you know, at this period, we have a crazy pace the negative balance is growing. for the first half of the current year, there is already a negative balance of 13 billion dollars, that is, the currency comes out more than that, we buy more than we sell, yes, yes, yes, and this puts a lot of pressure on our
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currency, and this is a problem, on the other hand, it is partially covered by the fact that ukraine has already adapted, in my opinion, to the conditions of existence during the constant attacks of russia, even the power outages, we see how many generators are working on the streets, that is , this all means that small... even medium-sized businesses, if it does not stop, it works, and that is why we have about and gdp growth was in the 23rd year and the forecast for growth in the current 24th year, that is, the state more or less adapted, and they remain partners with us, because they they understand that no one wants a repeat of the scenario of the first world war, berlin was not captured by anyone, and germany lost the first world war because the economy could not withstand it, and many understand that the same scenario should not happen in ukraine. and for ukraine to survive economically, and therefore i think that there will be support, yes, now a difficult month of negotiations, because we know that we have to pay 210 million dollars
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for warrants and for certain loans that we received, we managed to postpone it for two years, two years ago, now it will be difficult to postpone it again, but this does not mean difficult , this is impossible, so i hope that our partners will not help us negotiate. with the creditors, let's postpone it until better times, we don't refuse to pay, but we still need to do it after the victory, so as not to spend the resources needed to win this victory now, well my colleague, oleksandr morchivka, who actually, well, we have an economic audience, tells me that our partners are a little worried about the fact that until september 1, august, the time is getting shorter, and our partners from ukraine have some kind of answer. it is obvious which they would like to hear, they do not hear what, and no, we will not get an answer to the question, because we have waited for the approach to the press of president zelenskyi and nato secretary general jenes
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soltonburg, thank you very much, mr. ivan, ivan us, candidate of economic sciences, consultant of the national institute of strategic of research was in touch with us, well then, let's listen to the president of ukraine and the secretary general of nato according to the results of the summit, so they want to demonstrate strong support for you and... and the people of ukraine. allow me to pay tribute to your leadership, the heroism of your armed forces and the bravery of the ukrainian people. since our previous summit, nato allies have provided ukraine with unprecedented support, including tens of billions of euros in military aid. here in washington, the allies have decided to provide support for the long term. yesterday we have agreed on a substantial aid package for ukraine, first of all the structure with nato for providing assistance to ukraine in security and training nato will take over the coordination and provision.
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most of the security assistance under the command of a three-star general and about 700 personnel working at the nato headquarters in izbaden, as well as in khaba in the eastern part of our alliance, this will strengthen ukraine's self-defense. the second, financial commitment: nato allies have committed to provide a minimum base level of 40 billion euros. military aid for ukraine over the next year and support our, maintain our support for ukraine for its victory. thirdly, more immediate military support for ukraine. over the past two days, allies have committed to providing essential military assistance, including air defense and other critical capabilities. these, this will help save lives and repel the russian. surge, fourth,
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more bilateral security agreements with ukraine, more than 20 allies and partners have already signed bilateral security agreements with ukraine, with ukraine, providing ukraine with stable security obligations. the fifth is enhanced military-operational interoperability. we will work more closely with the ukrainian armed forces, including through the new nato ukraine joint analysis and education center in poland, as well as by deepening our cooperation on innovation and defense industrial production. president zelensky, in our meeting that just took place, you and i agreed on all of these elements: nato command, more funding, more financial, more military support, more security agreements and more interoperability are a bridge to
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membership in nato and... is a very powerful package for ukraine, the future of ukraine in nato. we congratulate you on your reform progress and on how you will continue to destroy this important work. we will support you on your irreversible path to nato membership. soon we will meet in the format of the council, nato radio of ukraine, which we founded last year at the villeneuve summit, and we will discuss how to deepen our cooperation. further more, once again vladimir, mr. president, once again i welcome you to the floor. thank you, jantse, jantse, thank you very much for invitation, dear, dear journalists, i am grateful to you for your attention to ukraine, for supporting our people and our absolutely just cause of defense against russian aggression, it is russia that has encroached on our
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land, it is russia that wants to take our lives, it is it is russia that kills and destroys, and in this war against ukraine, it wants to show what it expects from other countries, if we do not stand, why should we stand, that is why we must maintain our unity among all partners, that is why we we have to strengthen ourselves so that russia does not succeed in in order to... make the world accept the notion that aggressive wars are normal , i want to thank you for all these years of our cooperation. espresso's youtube broadcast will continue with the briefing of president zelensky, the head of the general secretariat of the general secretariat, stoltenberg, i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, then bbc news, let's watch together.
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new air defense systems and 40 billion euros during the year, but without nato membership, the jubilee summit of the alliance ends in washington, will western aid be able to turn the tide of the war? we analyze in today's edition of the bbc. i olga palomaryuk. ukraine was not invited to nato, but financial and military support was promised. the 75th anniversary summit of the north atlantic treaty organization is ending today in washington. the final press conference will take place soon, but we can summarize the results already. delegations from almost 40 countries. the war in ukraine is the main topic, as it was last year at the nato summit in vilnius, but now.


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