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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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new air defense systems with 40 billion euros during the year, but without nato membership. the jubilee summit of the alliance is coming to an end in washington, will it be able to? western aid to turn the tide of the war, we analyze in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga polomeriuk. ukraine was not invited to nato, but financial and military support was promised. the 75th anniversary summit of the north atlantic treaty organization is ending today in washington. the final press conference will take place soon, but we can summarize the results already. delegations from almost 40 countries, the war in ukraine is the main topic, as in the past year at the nato summit in vilnius, but now.
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there were other issues in washington. this is the desire to focus on the achievements of the alliance and attention to the american president joe biden. predicts that his communication with the press after the summit could determine his participation in the election race. but let's return to ukraine, what did this summit bring and can it be called successful for kyiv? the final declaration states that ukraine will be supported financially. in 2025 , nato countries will allocate at least eur 40 billion in military aid to ukraine, which is money for the purchase of military equipment, weapons, training costs for force defense fighters, logistics and maintenance of military equipment, in addition, and this was announced by joe biden, additional air defense systems, four patriot systems and one sumpti will be transferred to ukraine. earlier, president volodymyr zelenskyy said that ukraine needs at least seven patriot batteries. biden confirmed his support for ukraine at a meeting with president zelensky today. russia...
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will win in ukraine, we are with you at every step, that's what the american president said and also announced a new package of american aid, but in general, is the support for ukraine declared in washington sufficient, and here is what bbc correspondent tom bateman says about it. the day before, the communique of the summit was made public, in which a much stronger commitment to ukraine's future membership in nato is palpable. of course, the formulations are much stronger than they were last year, but... still , this is not enough to satisfy ukrainians. at the beginning of this summit, president zelensky made it clear. he wants to see stronger leadership from western countries. he said that action must be taken, not procrastination. and ukraine received action, because further funding for military aid was announced. there were very clear guarantees about the supply of weapons and the transfer of f-16 fighter jets was announced for the first time. some of the planes are already on their way from europe to ukrainians, although we do not know the exact number. so there are changes, i think, here
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we are satisfied with the fact that there is a sense of unity among all 32 nato member countries, although there are different opinions among them, in particular, when it comes to the speed with which ukraine should allow joining nato, but this is not enough to fully satisfy ukraine's demands. well, we summarize the results of the nato summit together with our guest hanna shelest, director of the security programs of the ukrainian prism council of foreign policy, and we are in touch. i congratulate you, ms. hanna, you are now in washington. and how do you assess this final declaration of the summit in general? the final declaration is quite positive towards ukraine, and here it is not necessarily only what is written there, but also what is not there, because we, of course, we compare it with the previous declarations and we also know what the negotiations were like in the last two months and what might have appeared there that ukraine did not like very much. in general, there are several important points for us, the fact that
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there will be no membership, we knew from the very beginning, and this was actually said by all experts and diplomats even after vilnius, in vilnius we had more chances than in the year of the elections in the united states states, plus no big victories on the battlefield that could somehow motivate our partners, but there is a clear record of what that our path to nato is irreversible and not just a blurred euro-atlantic integration, but it is very clearly stated that it is the path to membership in the alliance, why... this is important, because in the last few weeks even here in washington , some people in the administration tried to remove this is a phrase about irreversibility, because they understand that this could become such a certain bargaining chip in the negotiations with the russian federation, it was very important for ukraine and for our partners to record that no, this issue will be decided by ukraine, this the question will be decided by the alliance, not by the russian federation during possible peace talks, we also saw there support for ukrainian reforms, support for... during the year from vilnius to washington
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, ukraine has done a lot within the framework of the adapted annual national program, and we have seen additional packages in this case we are talking about help as an organizational one. about the creation of a jtex joint center in poland and about the creation of a virtually new command in weisbaden, as well as about money, about 40 billion for the next year. we knew many of these news if even before that, but in this case they concentrated and understood that the summit was used as an opportunity to announce all these aid packages and changes that await us in the coming days. ugh. hanna, stay in touch with us, we will return to the conversation, but before that... i suggest listening to the opinion of the former us representative to nato, ivo dalder, and how does he assess the capabilities of the alliance? when we look not only at the last 75 years, but also at where we are today, it is safe to say that nato is stronger than it was many, many years ago.
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perhaps the alliance was also strong during the cold war, but since the end of the cold war, we have become stronger in part because of what vladimir putin is. a threat not only to ukraine, but also to european security and nato as a whole. it was this danger that forced finland and sweden, countries that had been neutral for a long time , to join nato for the first time. and it was she who made nato stronger, better and more combat-ready. it was this danger that forced all european countries to increase their defense spending, so that now european countries and canada together spend a trillion dollars every year on their defense. it is huge. amount of money, that's $180 billion more than they spent in 2020. the united states has approximately 100,000 troops in europe. this is one of the largest military bases we've had in decades. all this shows unity, readiness to be together for the sake of nato
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being able to protect the territory of its member countries, every centimeter of it. nato is focused on how to make the european contribution not only bigger, but also stronger. in order to european defense could be based on less us participation, this is not only due to the prospect of trump coming to power, which could become a challenge for nato, but also to the fact that the world is dangerous. the us has strategic commitments not only in europe, but also in the indo-pacific region and elsewhere. therefore, we need a more european alliance, less dependent on the usa, able to act, if necessary, not without the usa at all, but with its smaller participation, and what is noticeable at this summit - europe is doing it: it is starting to buy tanks, aircraft, artillery systems, long-range weapons necessary for the defense of nato territory. europe is more committed financially, so that ukraine can defend itself, and also receive the necessary economic and humanitarian aid. yes, and we return to the conversation
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with hanna shelest. ms. hanna, these statements about the inevitability of ukraine joining nato, how do you understand this concept, is this already a green light for ukraine, or not? well , in principle, the green light for ukraine was long enough, or this theory of the open door, as hers saw in washington and many european countries, they believed that this was the green light and those programs that were for ukraine. in this case, something else is more important for us, it is this word that means irreversibility, that is, there is no way back. ukraine chose this path, we supported this path and we will go in this direction, and no one can stop us. turn away, because even before that, during the 10 years of the war, we know that there were constant arguments that, well, it is possible that ukraine should still choose a neutral status, and the russian the federation will then stop its aggression there, and we heard it, even in the last six months , these voices appeared again, both in the media from experts and during many closed
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events, and at the political level such options were offered for ukraine, the fact that recorded in the final declaration that not only ukraine. ready for the irreversibility of this choice of mine, and the fact that our partners, our allies support this idea, i think is a fairly important step forward, although of course it seems so at first glance linguistic equilibrium, but, as diplomatic practice shows, every such word, which is fought for for a very long time, which is then found in the immediate document, and can later play a sufficiently serious role during the negotiations, well, and about one more side. inevitability, yes, if we talk about the 40 billion euros promised to ukraine by the end of next year, how strong are these agreements, and here, first of all , we are talking about the presidential elections in the united states, and the possible coming to power donald trump. well, let's be
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honest, most of the money that is within the framework of these 40 billion, they were already announced by individual partners, that is , they were going into negotiations. long enough, at first there was a total offer of $100 billion, then $40 billion, but this kind of pool of those who had already pledged, and for most of them, we knew, yes, the united states would provide about... half of that money, and this is the money that has already been fixed by the american administration in the last aid package, that is, it is not some additional money that they will be allocated, taking into account that this is money for 2025, accordingly, it will be approved in any case by the current administration, and it will not be so easy to take it there and simply stop it next year, and the new president, if it will be a new president in the united states, will already take up its position only in january and from ... accordingly, it will be more about the additional money that we will be able to receive during the year, plus the funding for 2026,
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but not so much this 20 billion from the american administration, which will be in these 40 billion. yes, that is clear, thank you, well, we still have time to talk with you about the other side, it is interesting that the final declaration of nato also talked about china, so nato members criticized china for its support for russia, beijing denied the accusation, but... this criticism of china is a formality, or could it still have consequences for leaving? no, this is a very big step forward, because if we look at all the previous documents, then usually russia and china were separated, that is, the fact that there is a certain danger from china's actions, this has already been said several times years in various nato documents, but usually this danger was recognized either in the hybrid sphere, such as cyber or information, or... they talked about the indo-pacific region, they talked about taiwan, about japan, there about allies in the indo-pacific region, this is the first time when
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in documents of this level within the framework of nato clearly stated that we have a connection between moscow and beijing and that, in fact, russian aggression would not be possible without support from china, and that this support is a sufficient driving force, that is, the role of china is actually emphasized as parts of this conflict, and also the fact that... their actions are not compatible with the status of a mediator, as you tried to present yourself, and the fact that without this support, the russian federation would hardly be able to fight so effectively in ukraine. yes, thank you for your answer, so comprehensive, hanna shelest, director of security programs of the council of foreign policy, ukrainian prism was on our air. if you are interested in learning more about this topic, i also advise you to read our website, where our colleagues have described everything in detail. but in general, yaki prospects open up for ukraine after this year's nato summit, concludes
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bbc correspondent friend garner. nato will not allow ukraine to join the alliance while the war with russia continues, because in this way nato will be at war with russia. the united states and germany insisted on this, but there are no signs of an end to this war. at the same time, they declare that ukraine's path to nato is irreversible, that it will definitely happen at some stage, and of course, there is only one way. thanks to which ukraine will be able to live in peace in the long term prospects is to have greater security guarantees than just previous promises on paper. of course, vladimir putin is watching all this from the kremlin with some complacency, because this nato summit overshadows the question of who will lead the largest and most powerful country in the west, the united states. the country will have to choose a president between two candidates. joe biden, who is older than nato, is 81 years old. and already. many claims and concerns about his ability to do the job, and the alternative to him is donald
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trump. very close to putin. in the past he even believed putin's words not his own special services, and he was a sharp critic of nato. so putin and russia are looking at this summit with some slackness, despite nato's promises to provide military aid to ukraine. this is how the 75th nato anniversary summit is coming to an end in washington. his speech will close. us president joe biden, in general , ukraine evaluates this meeting positively, because first of all, the members of the alliance confirmed the inevitability of ukraine's accession to nato, although no terms have yet been named. ukraine receives at least 40 billion euros in military aid over the next year. this agreement is recorded in the final declaration of the summit. they will also transfer new ppu systems, and what the f-16 fighter jets promise already this summer. well? that's all for today, look for more stories on our website, as well as on our
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social media pages, see you tomorrow. we will be on tlk. the missile danger is now on the territory of our entire state, but the monitoring telegram channels write that the reconnaissance is already underway, according to preliminary information loudly was in khmelnytskyi region, traditionally the old constantines flew in, and basically this week the missile strikes of the russian federation
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are atypical and incredibly bloodthirsty, we are all recovering, the whole world is recovering, and we are waiting for the world to accept. decisive actions, the civilized world in support of our state, after a few days ago in kyiv, the okhmadit children's hospital, which is one of the largest children's hospitals in europe, was flown in, when the maternity hospital was flown in, when columns of smoke stood over the entire ukrainian capital, and it really was terrible, today is the nato summit, there are positive news for our country, positive statements, however, to what extent they will be such that they will be able to change the opinion of the president of the russian federation, to wage war with ukraine until the end, until the destruction of the last russian soldier, this will already help , the armed forces of ukraine will help, traditionally, this project says velikiy lviv. we hope that you are all watching us in safe places and waiting for
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the alarm to end, but we will be working on the air. glory to ukraine heroes, glory, congratulations to all, who joined us and we continue our conversation with vitaly portnikov, this whole conversation will be on the youtube channel, velikiy lviv says, you can go there, listen again, but we can still address a few questions to mr. vitaly. in the past, you and i talked about the fact that president zelenskyi said that we are ready to hold the next peace summit and even invite the russian federation there, this was said by him personally in an interview with the international media, and today we got something like that. we have a live broadcast here, everything happens, we will fix the lamp, everything is fine, today we heard the following sub-response from the russian federation that they are not going to participate in any such summit, that these conditions that we call are a certain ultimatum for them, that they will not go to, as mr. vitaliu can also testify , is this an obvious statement for you, although you always
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really told us in the studios that from what we decided that this peace summit belongs to russia. will be interesting in general, for me this is an obvious statement, i really never understood why our leadership considers it realistic to hold such a format, in which at one summit in russia no will be, at another summit russia will be offered to come, and she will gladly accept this invitation and come to the next peace summit, as if ukrainian troops are now standing near moscow, although, relatively speaking, for me... this is a huge mystery. i remember one of my colleagues saying, well, what's the problem? did hitler's germany not get invited to tehran or to patzdam? of course, they did not invite hitler's germany, they did not invite them to tehran and yalta, because they invited the troops of the allies, soviet, british and american troops to berlin were invited there. if you are going to take
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the capital of the state with which you are at war, it is of course its representatives to the summit, which is related to how it will be.' to give peace in the next, you do not invite, it is absolutely logical, and if you are engaged in the liberation of your territories and the defense of your territories so that the enemy does not capture them, then the question of why the enemy should come to some summit that you arrange, it remains under the big question, by the way, it remains under the big question why we should participate in some formats that will be initiated by the russian federation, that's why i say that i don't see any at all... i began to consider a real possibility of some negotiations between russia and ukraine in the future. i agree more with the formula of volodymyr zelenskyi that if the parties are completely exhausted economically, demographically and socially, both sides, or one of them, a situation may arise when the parties will negotiate through a mediator for a temporary
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ceasefire, this is a possible option, such as grain deal, here i absolutely agree, this... option is possible, i don't know which one year, i will say right away so that no one has the illusion that it will happen there on the 24th, it can happen on the 29th, but it can happen at any time, very unexpected for us, let's say so, but i do not see a real peace conference, i do not see any participation of russia in any peace summit, i do not see grounds for any agreements between russia and ukraine for one simple reason, so that all this is clearly understood, it is a war, when two peoples claim one. and the same territory as a whole, do not have any territorial dispute about any districts there or regions, and russia believes that ukraine is russia and ukraine. that ukraine is ukraine. in such conflicts, there is no basis for agreement. the parties are waging war to the last, so to speak, as much as there are enough forces and resources. and it is very important for us
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that our forces and resources are enough for more time than our enemy will have enough forces and resources to destroy ukraine and join its territory to the russian federation. all. this is the logic of this war, there was no other logic in this war, there is not and there will not be. no need invent. we now live in such a world, which is really very rich in informational messages, which is tragic for us. again, remembering this blow to ohmadi and subsequent events, all of us and president zelenskyy even said about it somewhere that the meeting of the prime minister of india in moscow with putin was in a rendo fashion, on the day of these blows, well, she looks illogical, although fashionable. mentioned the fact that innocent children should not suffer, but at the same time he mentioned many more times what kind of friends they are from the russian federation, how they want to develop these relations at the same time, the nato summit, where
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the allies of ukraine have also gathered, at the same time orban is moving along the axis of kyiv, moscow, beijing, washington, and in washington, obviously, his main meeting point is not biden, but trump. which camp, the international camp, in your... view now looks more convincing, the camp that is against us and around putin, or around xi jinping, or the camp that is around biden and the civilized world, still we must not forget that people have , which are united around the civilized world, and are these volumes of the economy, which are developing the modern world, and the same china, and that india, they cannot go anywhere without the west, because all their well-being is connected with the cooperation of the west. but there is a vicious circle here, which i keep talking about: the west, on the one hand , imposes sanctions against russia, or against iran,
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and on the other hand, on the other hand, it trades favorably with china and india, and china and india trade with russia and iran, and then the question arises, what is the point of all these economic sanctions, all the tools, if you feed those who feed your enemies, here's this one. red circle, we need to find a way out, i believe that when the signals are sent towards china at the nato summit, the real search for this way out begins, this is the first, second, i would not put myself in any one integral, i would say that the situation is to dump the orbani tour there and let's say a visit to rendremod, well, if you were there on rendremod, you would probably also go to moscow, because you might be afraid of the relationship between china and russia, if you think that china is the main danger and... the main geopolitical competitor, you have territorial dispute with china, then you don't really need russia, with which you have traditional, long-standing relations, to be
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completely in the arms of the country, so that rendramod is trying to secure himself, you also need to understand him, he is the prime minister of india , not ukraine, and he has no other defense except the indian one, you see, he is trying now to create a strategic partnership with the united states, some defense alliances, by the way, the united states is just directed against. chinese ambitions, but at the same time, he wants to keep russia short and talk at a short distance, this is also absolutely obvious, the world is more complicated, it is not connected exclusively with what russia is doing here in ukraine, so taking into account again the economic potential, i do not believe that russia can defeat the west, but i have always told you one simple thing, that ukraine can win in this war only as part of the west, a small country cannot alone win against a big... nuclear power, but if we are part of the civilized world, part of the west, part of this one a large economy, a large defense power, then of course we can hope that we
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will remain on the political map of the world as a democratically civilized state, and i think that the west is also well aware of this. thank you, vitaly portnikov, as always, in detail, carefully, analytically, this cut will be on the youtube channel of the project govorit velikiy lviv, now our broadcast will not take place... quite according to the previous plan, because the air alert continues, and now in we cannot work in our studio, we will be with our guests go down to another room, where everyone will also be able to stay in a safe room in the bomb shelter in the underground parking lot, but at the same time we also see information that the rockets are no longer in space, there are two shaheds left in the north of the vinnytsia region and the course is west, let's go literally for... watch for a few more minutes what will happen, because it may be that there will be setbacks, and then we will organize in the studio, i read our telegram channel of the project , velikiy lviv says, what ours write.
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colleagues, journalists of the us ministry of defense confirmed the allocation of a package of military aid worth 225 million dollars to ukraine. what this package contains: one battery of the patriot anti-aircraft missile complex, the provision of which was previously announced by biden, ammunition for the nasams and himars systems, anti-aircraft stinger missiles, 155-millimeter and 105-millimeter artillery shells, rockets, and more, anti-tank complexes (lazy ammunition for small arms, explosive munitions and spare parts, it's all very good indeed, we hope that this assistance in the form of weapons, because that's how they come to us, they don't give us money for it, we leave this money that the united states of america allocates there, and we get weapons that are very much needed by our military on the front lines, and we often talk about the fact that these weapons
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arrive with a delay, this is about it in the end... the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said in his last interview that he gave to the international media, he said that we have large units and large units that are waiting for these weapons, they are not actually armed, what do we do? short commercial, on the air espresso, there are currently no outages on the territory of western ukraine, we understand that if we trust the information in the monitoring telegram channels, there are shaheds somewhere, either in the khmelnytskyi region or that... and maybe already in the ternopil region and they may be moving towards the city of lviv, we do not know this, so we must first of all keep ourselves safe, but the ether will continue in 3.5 minutes, it is so piercing in the joints,
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