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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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a lot, let it be a small amount, but we will be able to contribute in this way. yuriy podlisny, i have a word for you, here in these messages that are spreading in our society, about the need to end this war, there, not on any, but on almost any conditions, the main thing is that people do not suffer , how much in this, ah, russian trace, how much of their activity is subversive, what do you think, how do you see it, you know, maybe i live... in some special bubble, but among those of my acquaintances, friends, colleagues there there were no people with whom i cross paths, there are no such people who would talk about some kind of fatigue, that it must be completed, i will tell you, another curious case, a former student of mine, she got married, lives now in rome, she once she called me and told me that she had a stairwell accident, a neighbor ran out and said how long
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could it last, we are already so tired here, we even started to imagine how much heating will cost next season, rome, burning, the next season. look, maybe it is in bulbashka, but looking for it information flows, where such things as taxis in kyiv happen, they told, er, these are very planned, very well-balanced steps of the actual russian sub. activity, if it is impossible to achieve any serious successes, and we see that despite the fact that there are no serious successes, then what can help them shake up the situation internally, you can shake up the situation internally in different ways, and one of the key things, in my opinion - it is to sow despair, in what way, to show different. options for a very quick
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ending, a return to the way things were before, uh, uh, but whether we want it or not, it will definitely not be the way it was before, and after the victory we will definitely not go back to the way it was, we will have to reformat the entire social life, we is waiting for the creation of an essentially new social contract in ukraine in all areas, accordingly, russia understands this very well, and they are trying to use such, perhaps at first glance, small steps, through certain bot farms, to launch certain information so that each other somewhere tells oh, and i 've heard that too, oh, and i've heard that, well, i guess there is the general mood, that is, this is created, er, muscovites, in principle, they put a lot of effort into creating such bot farms, but just yesterday in america, a huge bot farm was covered. who
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were also engaged in the formation of public opinion, public opinion is precisely this deep people who form this social contract, if the idea of ​​despair is included in the social contract, current or potential, then this is a country that always loses, it is a failed state, and by the way, these blows, i know how this blow on ohmadit was, well, me i didn't believe it at first, i opened the map, well , probably everyone was looking, i... to see what's nearby, i know kyiv quite well in principle, and i thought at first that maybe the target was the ministry of infrastructure, it's nearby, but when they said what a rocket, when they hit a private clinic, a maternity hospital, but another clinic, and when they hit an apartment building, well, three coincidences, they cannot exist, that is, they are purposeful. blows what's
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the idea? well, sick children, parents are constantly worried. this will be whispered to them too idea, let everything be over as soon as possible, some more or less peaceful conditions, that is, this is a one hundred percent russian special operation, which is not, let's say, the only one there, it is like that, they are building such a network. after all, russians are just like that, we have a short memory and now we are thinking about our state. the russians destroyed hospitals in... in syria, in aleppo, this was a completely normal and logical strategy for them. mr. dekhni, here is a question for you, somewhere, well, we will still have a connection from washington, the voice of america correspondent, but somewhere already summing up the results of the nato summit. on the one hand, we are told that ukraine will inevitably be part of nato. it sounds good. inevitably, all russian propagandists react to this, including the ex-president of the russian federation, which is good. that they react to it in reality,
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it means that they were affected by it, but on the other hand , rockets are still flying to our country, we are exploding ochmadite, we have a lot of air alarms. who said that this nato summit, one of its main tasks for us, for ours, for ukraine, for russia to be sent the right signals, which will demonstrate the strength and determination of our allies, and not the other way around, will not untie the hands of putin, who, after the attack on ohmadit, meets with the prime minister of india , narendra modi, who tells him that there are children. knocking out is inadmissible, but at the same time he talks 10 times about how friends they are with the russian federation, in your opinion, who looked more convincing this week, barbarian diplomacy, to which i really attribute putin's various meetings, although we definitely do not call indians barbarians, but that no
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less, diplomacy of our enemies or diplomacy our allies? you know, i think talking about russian diplomacy is very conditional and. of course, these are rather informational troops, this is such a washing of bridges, and not only of the own population, which is very submissive and very inert, but also throughout the world, and of course, this is a very radical and very long history, you mentioned the bot farms, their activities there , or shall we say, troll factory, there are various such definitions, it is such a relatively recent... phenomenon, by the way, invented and which works, and in the era of the so -called post-truth, we often use this term, and it seems to work often and many people like it, so to speak, but you say who
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won, that is, in the long-term perspective, and who looks more convincing, yes, so more correct, obviously we can see. a serious shift, we do not yet observe any consequences of such powerful, but we see, you understand, that a picture means a lot, some visual impressions mean a lot, and what we see now and all over the world these frames have passed, of course, they cannot leave anyone indifferent, just like what what happened in buchi or what happened in mariupol, so it's like... anti-advertisement, especially since we know that the russians tried somehow to soften this perception and this influence and the obvious influence of these just visual pictures of some kind, and you mentioned narendra modi, here in general, to be honest, it can be perceived as
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a manifestation, i don’t know, this is a representative of the so-called global south, and of course it was explained here before... it is called the largest democracy in the world, the largest democracy is very formal, of course, and there are remnants of caste the systems are still preserved, as you know, but you know, i'm looking for another thing, in rendra modi is actually a unique, well almost unique prime minister in the history of india, or in the recent history of india, he is second only to jawaharlal nehru, who was elected for a third term, and with such an authoritative weight, he ... nevertheless goes in this formatter, it is of course sad enough, but at the same time i believe that all the same , this resonance, which was caused by a blow to the ohmadite, it will have very negative consequences, despite any troll factories, despite
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any information attack that reaches the whole world in waves from russia, of course this effect will be very unfavorable to russia, i am very sure of it for some reason. and the fact that what influence bucha had when the first persons of different countries visited it, this place, and these are just the shots that flew around the world, they will remain in the memory for a very long time, in the memory of many, if not the inhabitants of the earth , and whether it is the west or the east, here in this case we are talking about common human things, in general, but we mentioned vitaly portnikov, who talks about, very often about what they say is this strategy of russia to push out the disloyal population, and such strikes are usually designed to push out, to do what we call the term depopulation and depopulation of
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territories, we know that all these things are related to demographic problems, and of course this is purposeful work, especially since there is a calculation that in europe itself there is more... this wave of refugees, migrants, and if here putin is trying to kill two birds with one stone, but at the same time there is another ukrainian concept of depopulation. as a loss there, let's say, of quantity people in a certain territory, and depopulation, depopulation, dehumanization, that is, the loss of some human qualities, i think that deep down in a person there are things that clearly speak about the inadmissibility of this kind of practice, and this depopulation, which has become the order of things, we generally , we say to kill putin, many, those who knew him... note that he has very little human qualities, and that if he were to be treated as a human being, he
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is not really a human being, he is some kind of very a special being for whom empathy, any other things, they are simply nothing mean, and in terms of this dehumanization, and of course at the head of a large country in the world, and large in terms of volume, in terms of territory, in terms of there... nuclear potential, of course, this is very unfortunate, and the last thing, putin certainly plays with fear a lot, we know this story with angela merkel, remember when the big dog appeared there, putin knew that merkel is afraid of dogs, he is very good at playing with fears, and he plays with the biggest fear that is everywhere in the world, it is the fear of nuclear , nuclear collapse, and of course this is also such a story, well and not only before a nuclear collapse, the humane world, an attack on... on a hospital, on a children's hospital, this is simply something that civilized
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people cannot imagine, and the depopulation that you speak of, it is definitely inherent in the russian federation of the people to this, to these people, not only this was transmitted, probably from him and to all of them, the survey was that a third of russians have an absolutely adequate and normal attitude to a nuclear attack on the territory of ukraine, maybe not a third, but a large part of the people. well, they are there very often simply indifference dominates, but we always call for it, we want some kind of reaction from them, which we have, but it is not so. with us is andrii borys, a correspondent of the ukrainian voice of america service from the united states of america, he joins us, mr. andriy, we welcome you to our broadcast, we want to hear from you, here is some kind of feedback, so what happened at the nato summit, what are the main points you can say that... now in american society it is being said that it is important for ukrainians to understand, and then we will clarify
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shall we ask you a question? of course, what happened in ukraine at the beginning of this week had an impact here in the united states and at this summit, and the american press wrote a lot about it, ukraine was in the forefront for the first time in a long time, they wrote about the terrible strikes on... about this summit , probably one of the main questions that was raised by the representatives of the ukrainian delegation, from experts, expert bodies, from many participants, in fact, is whether this strike will now become a reason to allow ukraine to strike directly deep into the territory of russia, that is, to hit targets on airfields, from which planes take off with cabs with... with others, with other weapons, only my colleagues at voice of america, and at least three times
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this week spoke with representatives of the white house, first with john kirby, with the adviser on communications in the field of defense, they actually asked him whether it is possible that this will now become a permit, it will become a reason to allow ukraine to go deep, he said no, for now the policy remains unchanged, then we talked with the deputy. with the assistant secretary of state, my colleague ostap yarysh, asked him, actually, what now, he, he stated that negotiations regarding this issue are ongoing, and again, completely different, not completely different, a little different emphasis was in the communication of my colleague yulia ramolenko with michael carpender, an adviser to the representative of the national security council of the united states, he said that... at the moment there is no question of permission, he says that the logic of the white house itself is explained by the fact that
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now we are hitting on the territory of russia, deep into the territory of russia, there if to allow those 100 km, and there is no sense, but here it should be noted that in fact, the united states does not allow to be only attack weapons, long-range, long-range weapons, in fact, a meeting of the ukraine-nato council is currently underway, maybe after that... there will be some statements, we will see, actually experts say that experts and other officials , including the secretary general jens table. spoke about the fact that not allowing ukraine to strike deep into the territory of russia, at the objects, directly from where these planes that strike the territory of ukraine take off, is like giving permission to ukraine to fight with a tied one hand behind his back, and the former us ambassador to nato,
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he stated that, also on the sidelines of this summit, he stated that in fact air defense, i.e.... it consists of active and passive defense, but actually passive defense is the patriots and other air defense systems, which, by the way, at the summit this week , it was approved that ukraine will be given at least four patriot systems and one franco-italian semt, then there will be dozens of other systems, actually from passive to active defense, i.e. direct strikes deep into the territory of russia at the airfield. to airfields, from where do the planes with these dangerous cabs and other weapons take off, this is the situation. we also discussed with the expert vitaly portnyk this very wording regarding the fact that the future of ukraine is in nato, because the important fact is that to some extent this wording was changed, and as a result it sounds like something that we will
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continue to support ukraine is on its irreversible path to full integration, which includes membership in nato, and of course that sounds positive to us, this is this irreversible path, the only question is how long this path is maybe, but vitaly portnikov noted that, of course, it would be better for us if we heard at least some steps and an invitation to join nato, even if it is not now, in the future, but still an invitation , was it discussed, in principle, we understand that this invitation requires everyone's consent. members of nato, but still, what was discussed literally on the eve of the adoption of this decision? well, by the way, zelensky was asked at the last press conference with jens stoltenburg, actually, whether he considers such a decision positive, he, he said that for for me, of course, a positive decision would be that my country would not be bombed, and a positive decision, since this is not
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possible now, would be to provide ukraine with the maximum, maximum weapons, so that these weapons arrive in ukraine as quickly as possible, and so , by the way, from the latest news, i don’t know, maybe you followed, literally somewhere an hour, an hour, two hours ago, and joe biden, the president of the united states, announced another eighth aid package for military aid to ukraine for 250 million dollars, there it is it is about air defense systems, and about missiles, and about artillery systems, regarding the practical, that is, regarding. but actually the future membership of ukraine in nato, you in principle correctly quoted what is said in the declaration, there are really no specifics, no specifics in terms of time, no specific plan, but the logic is from what at least is explained to us in the white house and other representatives , officials at the summit,
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the logic of such an announcement is to bring ukraine to nato standards as much as possible, there are a number of solutions, the creation of a command center in vizbaden, will a special representative of nato in ukraine, who will also monitor reforms, the logic of the field is to prepare ukraine as much as possible for membership in nato, when there will be a decision and the agreement of all members of the alliance, because there is still no consolidated decision , then ukraine was to accept as quickly as possible, that is, preparation, when there will be a decision, a consolidated decision of all members of the alliance, it will then be accepted into the alliance as quickly as possible. thank you, this is andriy borys, he was a correspondent of the voice of ukraine service america for such a detailed analysis of what was happening and some even possible insights into the press conference that we did not hear.
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mr. kamilchuk, i wanted to ask this question, maybe even earlier, when - serhiy vasylyuk at the beginning of the program. said that our country needs to, well, how to put it correctly, get more active on the military rails, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, we constantly hear about the fact that the economy must live, and now, in particular in lviv today, the heads of the military civil administration or simply of the military administration talked about things like economic reservation, and we understand that it's... that basically it's very difficult to bring it into two parallel paths so that it moves in one direction, because on the one hand there is the economy, with on the other hand, it is mandatory... and general mobilization , and we smoothly move on to the topic, on july 16 , next week, the deadline for updating data in territorial
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and territorial assembly centers ends, and now a lot of ukrainians live with questions, and what will happen next, because well we understand that not everyone updates, unfortunately not everyone, you asked at least four questions, but i'll respond accordingly first with the things you didn't ask, because that's a big plus. the president of ukraine announced this topic, and it makes me very happy, after the signing of the security agreement with poland, he said that the ukrainian legion will actively train and train in poland, and the boys will return to ukraine. i will remind you that two months ago we raised this topic for the first time in the mass media, we were the first to put this topic on the flag, so to speak, raised by veterans of the marine corps, who are already doing so at the moment several hundred. ukrainians and foreigners are trained in poland, work is underway to create a second base for training, there are indeed several thousand applications from ukrainians,
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one thing is true, but here the question is more about either the organization of negotiations and the correct positioning for ukrainians, or whether ukrainians will immediately sign a contract there and then learn, or will they learn first according to what the ministry of defense declares and then? to sign a contract, because there is a big difference, some, not all, unfortunately, it must be admitted, ukrainians abroad will be ready to go immediately, but those who submitted applications, most of them actually say what was confirmed by one of the representatives of the ministry of defense of poland, who said, ukrainians declare, to them, to the poles, that we are ready to train in conditions where there are no sirens, because 50% of the time they actually take off if they have the equipment and if they are trained in... all types of weapons, this is a very important moment, and i am glad that there are ukrainians abroad, and that they are just no questions asked what's next, they are ready to train and go
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to fight, and now returning to your questions, well, let's see if i don't remember something, then you will remind me, i am one trailer, mr. yuriy, one trailer, but this format, they train, study, come to ukraine and become part of the armed forces of ukraine, yes, of course, in no other way, just like that. well, it is called the ukrainian legion, because it is supported by the ministry of defense of poland, so technically and legally it looks like that, but the preparation can, in fact, several voivodships polish people, they support this story, they provide territories for training bases, then each ukrainian decides for himself, that is, this story with training is not prohibited, it is not in any way, it does not need additional legalization there, it is possible. they work publicly, they are registered, they are certified military trainers who have been doing this in principle for many years, and this is precisely the basis of those who make up, and repeat, the marine corps
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of ukraine, including the instructors who prepared the third assault unit, the unit azov, and then it scaled, the boys themselves achieved a lot of their own results and are teaching others, by the 16th , a powerful military military union, god forbid , is definitely part of the union, more needs to be said. what, well, maybe those ukrainians who, under certain circumstances, want to, but cannot return to ukraine, because i don't know, family, care for someone, there are such people, well, maybe it's not tens of thousands, but there will be tens of them, they will eventually and even after the victory of ukraine will be in great demand around the world, and i will say only one direction, me i am sure that many people know about this direction, it is the direction of africa, where many wagner representatives still work and they. are literally robbing those countries, they are literally stealing their resources by wagons, taking away, removing some non-military security there and so on, and certain african
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countries say, let's help us with this, they ask, ours ask why us, and because in you are the best military experience. july 16th, your question is, what's next? i am very surprised, in fact, that the ministry of defense does not speak up, or the cabinet of ministers, in general ok doesn't stick out. to those who say, we haven't treated everyone, let's extend the deadline, or i don't know, let's do another review after the 16th, because of some kind of pause, if the goal was just to fine those who didn't make it, well, it will probably be of some kind was achieved in this way, however, we also know in the courts that under certain circumstances those fines can be canceled, but this is not the main goal, the goal was to understand who there is, in what state of health. who can definitely go, who has a postponement under various circumstances, and the goal, of course, was set abroad, but its implementation was so-so, to be honest,
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i already commented on it once, that is, the closing of consular services, it did not really lead to anything good, but here is what the third assault brigade is doing now and is going on a tour , how can he, i may be wrong in the name, but there dvizh, what is it called, somehow they called their dvizh, well, like a military dvizh, and they go with their presentations with their boys who achieved cool results, and they will motivate ukrainians not only in poland, in other countries to join the armed forces of ukraine, having passed the training, now not... maybe where, maybe they will create some kind of separate training base. you asked two more questions, i'm sorry, if they are relevant, i'll continue with them immediately after the military one, he joined us via skype, let's give him a word, because we've already made him wait. viktor petrovych, serviceman of the 78th separate airmobile brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. we welcome you. glory to ukraine, mr. viktor. glory to heroes. good evening. congratulations and we actually want to hear from you
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like that, you know. information for an audience that watch this broadcast on youtube, velikiy lviv talks about the project, and on the spresso tv channel, and on the anta lvivskyi tv channel, or from the military, we always have direct information, you know, that is, how are you feeling there now, what is the situation there, what can you say ukrainians, well, look, we are in the direction of boriv. this is the kupyanska 77th separate airmobile brigade to the south, i can speak for it. means of defeat, well but thanks to the coordinated work there,
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thanks to... and the use of the advantages of the defense there , due to this, we hold on and do not, let 's say, do not actually attack and repel attacks and inflict a very serious damage, i will not say that this is some such simple story, what is there -th, we win and it is very simple, al- difficult, but we hold on and give... a very, very worthy rebuff, if, if you howl about the dynamics of the last months and weeks, with the quantitative means of defeat and the technical advantage of the russian federation, what dynamics, it continues to grow, or after the approval of the packages help, the situation is evened out, how can you comment on the events in the context of the dynamics? well, look, in the context of the dynamics, i
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want to say that about two months ago , very active assault operations began, and from that moment, literally in a month and a half, our brigade managed to destroy more than 70 units of enemy equipment, and damage another 70 units, and well, you you understand what a dynamo is. in a month and a half - these are very serious constant assaults, now the enemy assaults more on foot, uses less equipment, less uses especially light armored vehicles that land personnel there, they use some buggies more there, they use motorcycles and the like, so
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it is obvious that in these one and a half... months we inflicted serious damage and hit them painfully during their assaults, in terms of leveling , well, maybe some things in terms of artillery are evened out to some extent, but nevertheless, well, they have a lot of weapons such as cabs, for example, they are combined with ... reconnaissance wings, which they have a lot of, in combination with this , it is very formidable weapon and it is extremely difficult to do anything with it, because here is such a small reconnaissance aircraft, it has occupied such a niche, when it is difficult to get it there, let's say, from a machine gun, stingers, from stingers it is also difficult to get, perhaps, but the stingers themselves...


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