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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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therefore, it is obvious that during these months and a half we inflicted a serious damage and hit them painfully during their assaults, in terms of alignment, well, maybe some of the artillery is leveled to some extent, but nevertheless, well, they have a lot of such means of impression, like the cabs, for example, they... combined with - the reconnaissance wings, which they have a lot of, combined with that, it's a very formidable weapon and it's extremely difficult to do anything with it, because it's such a small reconnaissance aircraft, it took some kind of a niche, when it is there, it is admittedly difficult to get it from a machine gun, stingers, it is also difficult to get out of stingers, perhaps, but the stingers themselves.
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well, to be honest, it's not enough, that's why it's currently, well, not that it's not vulnerable, but it's very vulnerable, and we 're working on this issue, there are some developments, in particular with the use of fpv drones, and i hope that this eye of the cyclops will be successful to carve out and blind our enemy, but let's just say that the means of defeat currently prevail. both quantitatively and by means of damage. viktor, how do you react to the discussion that, well, arose in social networks, at the initiative of certain ukrainian bloggers, we hope that they are still ukrainian, that it was not such a direct influence of the russian federation, but nevertheless this discussion is the one that they raised after the attack on okhmadite, that they say that this war must be ended somehow, that it continues like this it can't last, it's very difficult for society, how about you?
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do you perceive it as a fighter who is directly at the front, do you discuss it in your company, or is it basically of no interest to the military? this, well, how to say, is not of interest to the military, of course, that it is of interest to the military, of course, that it triggers, of course, it has a certain response, and it is discussed, but you see, it is very good to live in some rosy ... fantasies and think that you can come to an agreement with the russians, i don't know, i may be a little blind to these people who can sincerely think , that in life there are, i don't know , pink ponies, unicorns and the like, and that the russians are there, well, you can somehow agree with the russians to somehow end this war, you can't end this war only by winning it, well, win or lose, if the option to lose, then... i don't know, maybe people
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we saw what bucha is like, we saw other cities of ukraine where the occupiers were, we saw their repressions, well, this is for all military personnel, well, we are all tired, yes, all military personnel are tired, everyone wants to go home, everyone wants to see their relatives, everyone wants to rest and want peace, but absolutely. it is clear that peace can be achieved only by victory, only by breaking our enemy, and there are no talks, well, let's make up somehow now and then temporarily and the like, it is obvious that there are some attacks by bloggers, they do not know what caused them, they are perceived negatively, well, any fighter understands this, well, you understand, directly the people who defend the country, they saw the actions. russians
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have seen their actions, but directly, and they understand that it is simply not possible to come to an agreement. thank you, viktor petrovych, serviceman of the 77th separate airmobile brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, for taking the time, in the conclusion of our program, in the final part, we talk about how to preserve the economy and, well, it is important for us here to preserve the economy, not to lose it. country and carry out mobilization, taras bytenko, you, as a people's deputy, how do you see this situation? well, i want to say that in the near future we will have a meeting of the verkhovna rada, where yuri and my colleagues will meet, the agenda is being formed now, we will see how many economic laws there are, but we understand that now the latest innovations of the government - is to raise the vat, raise the military levy, the military excise, and
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so on, and therefore it is only an even more tightening of the belts for the country, it is difficult to say that we... in this situation are developing the domestic economy, attracting investments, it is not about that, as save, you know, i listened to many colleagues, i have a lot of opinions on this matter, we are in some stage of a transitional situation, of course, now we are, after all, speaking of the processes taking place in the world, we still tied to many interstate situations, election situations, which, unfortunately, will affect the political situation in our country, on the one hand, on the other hand, we see that the war is entering a certain deadlock, general zaluzhny spoke about this a year ago, for which he did not pay to some extent, after in your articles in the economist magazine, you
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mentioned the time, so here is the information that we know, the russians wanted to take time until may 9, so may 9 passed. is standing with great efforts already on july 11, two months have already passed, we will not mention about bakhmut, how many stood, avdiivka and avdiivka and others, but the question is that, that we defend ourselves heroically, instead the russians take village after village there, with great losses of their own , by which they are not counted, but we are counted, because we really need to count our people, when the russians really do not count them, because it is a totalitarian classical regime. when ms. yura said that someone said that putin has no empathy a priori, in principle , the impression is that the entire russian elite does not have a priori empathy for their own people, let alone for neighbors, let alone for people with disabilities, children regarding the tragedies regarding
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which we, they saw the same with their own eyes, inflicting, giving permission to attack ahmadiyya and not only, so i think that we actually... one period. the question is how much whether the country will survive economically in such a situation is hard to say, because we are dependent on international financial aid. we have now signed a new memorandum with the imf under another obligation to adopt a certain package of new bills. believe me, when we were even in washington, we heard different things. what you have to accept, how you have to accept and so on, that's why we live on subsidies, we live on what, on injections, financial injections that the western world gives us, the imf and so on, we can't talk about development of our own economy, we have been doing it for a long time we cannot talk about this development, although from
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the very beginning of the war, and here we must put the blame, after all, on our government, we did not rebuild our economic resources, economic power, as russia did, albeit somewhat belatedly. on military rails, economic military rails, when we have us, we started talking about drones in large numbers on a scale of millions only in the last six months, that we have the power to do it, although we see to what extent drones and drones are changing the situation on the front , they save the lives of our people, young people, therefore, i believe that we have difficult months ahead of us, of course, that the west will support us, let's still say to everyone again, let's wait. the presidential campaign, the end of the presidential campaign, because from, because we are hostages of many geopolitical situations. i say once again that it is extremely difficult to fight one-on-one with an enemy who outnumbers you in manpower 10 times, so without the powerful support of the west in
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terms of air defense, we saw on the example of ahmadita that our air defense is very, very weak in terms of air defense , yes, we cannot protect much strategic objects, and when we get f16 now, we have to... you understand, to what extent we protect, planes, and not only planes, we see to what extent our energy system is destroyed, so the winter will be very difficult for us, and definitely it is necessary to understand that all this happens in the social mood of people, everyone lives in their own certain bubble, lviv, this is also a certain bubble, because something rarely arrives here, i agree with mr. yuri in a certain sense, but it is also easy to understand those people on the line with... closer to the battlefield, which is expressed in a completely different way than the people of lviv express themselves, although we are one nation, and a united nation with common values, we understand what we are fighting for and what we are fighting for, there is a limit to this,
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another issue is what what was said, that there is nothing to negotiate with putin, because he is a person with whom, who a priori is not, well, not capable of negotiating, what they say, yes, and who... should negotiate, which arbitrators, what about me, at the beginning of our discussion i started talking about orban, i was surprised by his position, i am not inclined to to brand with words, despite the fact that i may now hear criticism in my address, he did not oppose the resolution at the washington summit regarding the careless acceptance of the future and the prospect of a careless nato perspective of ukraine, another, other state issued reservations, this state is slovakia, prem prime minister fico, well, he was present, unremarkable, this is the third world war, he was not personally the president of slovakia, but this is also a signal. that is, i believe that in this situation, well, let's say so, let's see what will happen
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major diplomatic missions of states, mediators, who in this situation will help us, well, let's say, to find some optimal solution in this military-political situation in which the country found itself. i would like to point out here that we cannot compare the transition to the military rails of the russian economy and our economy, due to several reasons. "they are able to hit our infrastructure, they are able to hit our energy, we are not able to hit there, what we are doing there to certain oil refineries and oil depots, it seems to be good, but it does not actually destroy their capacity, therefore, to return, say, the economy to specifically military lines, this is one of the problems, this energy and the ability to bomb us quite successfully, to liberate our territory, we can destroy the enemy, no matter how first he is, this resources too,
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of course, i am just talking about a certain nuance, and there is another thing about what mr. batenko said, we are completely on subsidies, and here was one very important piece of information, just this morning i read several ukrainian and western analytical reports, ukrainian military enterprises are able to produce so many products now. how much the ministry of defense cannot buy back, the ministry of defense is able to buy back a third of what is produced, and here someone said that in kyiv there are 40,000 drones that are not bought back, and so we have a big problem here, and i would like one nuance here remember from a christian point of view, from the point of view of christian morality, which speaks of a certain solidarity with the victim, and why did the event not hurry? help with a certain type of weaponry so that we could strike not within the framework of ukraine, but strike
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there, on their territory, where there are clusters, and what they expect, and here there are a lot of questions about how we are supplied with what is supplied, and whether they want to save us as victims , do they want to keep us somewhere like this and see who overexerts whom there, and here is a serious problem, i think economists are ready to show how the economy can be brought in parallel with military needs, but where is the thin spot, batenko said very clearly, very correct, thin place - what in we lack our own resources, we are bringing in andriy osachuk, the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on law enforcement, mr. andriy, good evening, thank you for agreeing to be included in our broadcast at this late hour, and we want to hear... from you in that including the specifics of many, many ukrainians are now interested in what will
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happen after july 16, there was information that it could be extended, the deadline for clarifying data in the territorial centers of the recruitment of the ukrainian army, it seems that this will not be done, and accordingly, what awaits those who do not have time to update the data by july 16, perhaps the reserve is in the plus, this is based on my experience. i confirm, it does not take much time, good evening, you know, i think that i may not be exactly the right addressee for clear concrete answers to your questions, because as a citizen and a deputy , the most indignant thing for me in the whole history of increased mobilization is the silence of the ministry of defense, the general staff and the command of the ground forces, in fact the last one is large a press conference on this topic was given to the public when we were still considering the first bill on
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improving mobilization, which was submitted on december 25 and then shamefully withdrawn, then there was actually a long process of the so-called second bill and satellite bills, but all this time until today today, none of the heads of the ministry of defense or the general staff came out to the people, did not come out to the journalists, first of all in order to give you journalists a verified report. information in order for you to be able to distribute verified information, how, what and where. and the reason is probably very easy to find, because no one wants to take responsibility and take leadership. because the problem with all issues surrounding modeling is that there is always a gulf between the law and the implementation of laws, because there are always interpretations and there are always many different details in the legal documents. the fact is that, in general, this story with the strengthening of mobilization, which was transferred to the verkhovna rada, is not very beautiful, because i asserted this both during
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the process in the verkhovna rada, and now, almost 80% of the law. we adopted, this is generally the authority of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, and we all see that in recent months, when we adopted the law in april, if i am not mistaken, in recent months the cabinet of ministers of ukraine has been constantly adopting some changes, some additional resolutions, which change the rules of the game and believe me, it absolutely does not ask the verkhovna rada about this, and now we are once again in a situation where we are discussing options for the interpretation of the law, for example, what will happen after the 16th, i can only guess, it can only be my opinion, although i personally, for example, was against the strengthening of fines for non-compliance with the legislation on interaction with the state civil society, i was generally always against any forceful methods of solving any problems, because i have quite a lot of managerial experience in working with
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large groups of people, i i know for sure that if you didn't explain, motivate, promote... your position, you won't do much as a punishment. unfortunately, for six months, what six months, since october, when this discussion began, no one has explained how it works tsc, how the processes work, what happens, how vlk is conducted, that is, as tsc was a black hole for the majority of the population, it remained so. as in principle they sometimes violated people's rights, so they do. on this topic, i had... correspondence with the human rights commissioner, and he supported my position, and i asked him, and he promised me to strengthen the monitoring of human rights, because, sorry, this is how we have to conduct mobilization, if we do not conduct and we will not conduct, we will lose the war, but martial law is the basis for restriction of human rights, but it is not a reason for violation of human rights, and there are such cases,
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and they could and should be smoothed out permanently. communication from those who directly do this work, the people's deputy of ukraine, he does not do this work, we voted for the draft law that was actually brought to us, and we had no other option, because this was the only way to delay the mobilization process, unfortunately, enforcers, they continue to hide, my version of what will happen now after the 16th is that the law to change the fines that was adopted as a satellite to the law on the improvement of mobilization, and... it actually changed the thresholds of fines, which were already there, and as i said at the committee, when we discussed it here, with this law, according to this law, everyone can be fined, the word "everyone" means everyone, because unfortunately, for more than 30 years in our country, no one was engaged in accounting, neither the state, nor enterprises, nor citizens, and a bunch of obligations that we had from the old post-soviet times
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remained valid, but no one fulfilled them, because in fact, for 10 days, everyone was obliged to... inform the military, and then the tcc about very various things, about obtaining a new foreign passport, about a change in marital status, about the birth of children, about a change in health, about changes in education , and so on and so forth , no one did this, and you could be fined for it, and new fines could be applied actually immediately, as they were not in effect in april, and as far as i understand, they were already applied little by little, but what exactly will happen from a legal point of view.. . vision, so it is that after on the 16th, all citizens who did not update their data automatically committed an administrative offense, that is, in principle, they are automatically subject to administrative fines of uah 17. how many such citizens there will be, the question is again for the general staff and the ministry of defense,
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we do not have these figures, but what i heard from the military as of yesterday has been updated somewhere around... 3 million there are 200-400 thousand people, and the total number that needs to be updated is probably at least 6-7 million, that is, we will talk about the fact that from a formal point of view in the country will have millions of people who will have to be brought to administrative responsibility, and this is not avoided in any case, i don't know how it is in lviv, but in kyiv there are still queues, in kyiv still, well, if you even want to update, you have the opportunity to do so does not mean that you have come. and you were provided with this service, that is, by and large, the state did not create normal conditions for carrying out all these exercises, and by and large, even at the beginning of this... process, it was clear that 60 days would probably not be enough, many deputies of the faction groups offered longer terms from the very beginning, there were 90 days offered 100, but even
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then the ministry of defense was categorically against, and as far as i know, and now the ministry of defense is categorically against, unfortunately, the work of this plenary week was canceled, we did not have the opportunity to communicate with the government, next week we will certainly be working and we will certainly have a... a question hour for the government, and i think that will be one of the main er issues that we want to find out for ourselves as mps in order to again to explain to you journalists and to explain to you citizens, does the ministry of defense even plan to extend this term? in principle, this can be done, i think, even by a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, and considering from the objective circumstances that we say that at least a million plus people there did not update their data and many of them... did it against their will, i think that the mass application of administrative fines, well , nothing good will result, because again, these fines can be issued, but they can also
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be challenged in court, and everything is fine understand that the same state central committee, they simply do not have the opportunity, mr. andriy, we thank you, mr. andriy, thank you for this comprehensive answer, now there is an air alarm throughout ukraine, it is echoing in us, we will, well, we had a plan b go to the shelter, but given that... minutes of the program, i think we have 3-4 minutes to hide, but we agreed with serhiy vasylyuk that you will perform your program at the end, i understand, a new one song, we don't know, i don't know about what, it will probably even be symbolic, if under siren sounds, and we're keeping an eye on what the monitor telegram channels are reporting, if there's any information that...
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that's probably the song that our it won't be so much a new song as the audience, if they haven't heard the song yet , this is a song about those of our brothers who were stolen from us by this war, but some... by our heavenly patrons, i hear you, i want to clarify, if the microphone is directed like this, then it will be who will not hear the vocals behind the guitar, he is one microphone , then i'll pick up about a taco, a collection link will appear on our screen, which serhiy vasylyuk talked about earlier, it is important for help with drones, and whoever can, literally there are a few hryvnias, if you send it, it will also be help. for the military, they will come right to them. yes, friends, by the way, i will be in kostyantynivka on the 16th, and then i will go to war.
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on the 13th, i am waiting for you at the lviv coffee mine at a charity concert. and now the song of my older brother vasyl lyuty. cossacks rush. cossacks swept through the ages. he sees in the fog, that face, that slob and moscow, nav
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they left the country, sabers clenched, pistols clenched in their hands, our cossacks rush on sweaty horses. clasping sabers, clutching pistols in their hands, our cossacks rush on sweaty horses. starmoskvin, blood-sucking, from oklyaan, and he was not a bastard in the night... he attacked the rusyns, and he stood in the crosshairs. good
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listen to yourself, the discounts are the only discounts on psilo balsam 15% in psyllium, bam and oskad pharmacies. i'm coming to ukraine with three children, i don't have a job, i need to find one, i don't have a home, i need to find one. and i'm still sick what should the state do so that people like me return? the stories of the displaced people that we tell in the film are more eloquent than the optimistic official reports and spectacular presentations from government agencies. real life destroys myths. no money, wait. here we are waiting. return or stay? where to return? what will happen to work, loans, children's education, where and at what cost to be treated. nothing is being done to bring people back
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abroad. absolutely nothing. internally displaced persons increasingly either go to the west or return to the occupation altogether. if the government will not stand up and act, we will lose the war for the future, even if we defeat the enemy. how the state should act, i will tell in the film. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in collecting from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of times.
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the nato summit in washington is coming to an end, let's discuss what to expect from ukraine. bloomberg writes: kyiv wants a peace summit with russia. moscow says it will not agree. is it worth sitting down at the negotiating table before the presidential elections in the usa, and the prime minister of hungary? after the summit, nato will meet with donald trump. what will they talk about? about this and not only now , svoboda life is not named serhiy stetsenko. the 75th anniversary nato summit is coming to an end in washington. in short, the essential result is called the creation of the so-called bridge to membership, which, however, is without specifics regarding when kyiv can join the alliance. well, and announced military aid, more air defense systems to
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protect ukrainian skies. after the summit.


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