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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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the nato summit in washington is coming to an end, let's discuss what to expect from ukraine. bloomberg writes: kyiv wants a peace summit with russia. moscow says it will not agree. should we sit down at the negotiating table before the presidential election? in the usa, and hungarian prime minister orbán will meet with donald trump after the nato summit. what will they talk about? about this and not only now at svoboda life, my name is serhiy stytsenko. the 75th anniversary nato summit is coming to an end in washington, in short, the creation of the so-called bridge to membership, which, however, is without specifics regarding when kyiv can join the alliance. well, and announced troops. help, more air defense systems to
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protect ukrainian skies. my colleague zorina stepanenko followed the summit in washington all these days, she joins svoboda life. so zarianna, can it be assumed that zelensky got what he wanted from the anniversary summit? greetings sergey, well, you know, judging by the rhetoric of volodymyr zelenskyi, comparing it too much with last year's, it looks as if the ukrainian president is satisfied, well, in principle, the head of his office. andriy yarmak said this morning at one of the panels that ukraine is really satisfied with the results of the summit in washington. zelensky regularly writes posts thanking his allies for new aid packages, and yesterday in the senate, for example, he awarded the leaders of the democratic and republican parties with medals. this, as i have already noted, is a very noticeable contrast when compared with the dramatic vilnius summit, which zelenskyi called absurd even on the way there, as it was then angered joe biden. all because of absence.
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consensus to invite ukraine to the alliance, then there were also reproaches from the already former defense minister of britain to ukraine for insufficient gratitude. zelensky also reacted emotionally to this, and now, as i already mentioned, the president can definitely be called grateful. five strategic air defense systems from the allies, although the fundamentally new announcement here about one patriot from the united states, about others from germany, romania, the netherlands, and also italy, was known earlier. there will be dozens, as the president said. biden, opening the summit in washington on tactical air defense systems in the coming months, and zelensky immediately, thanked for these specific decisions of the first day of the summit, as he wrote, but in social networks, and not with applause in the first row of the historic hall, where 75 years ago they signed the agreement on the creation of the organization, it was there actually that president biden announced from the stage the strengthening of ukrainian defense of the ukrainian sky and the president of ukraine was not at the opening of the summit and... the ceremony, in
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diplomacy, as you know, every detail is eloquent as for the f-16, zelenskyi emphasized that ukraine needs 128 of them in total, and about half of this number is promised, plus deliveries, as you know, will be phased, that is , ukraine will not receive all of them this year, but will also be carried out in the following years these supplies. the fresh announcement yesterday was from norway, which conveys 6 more f-16s and the exact date when the first fighters will arrive in ukraine. and will be used by the ukrainian forces, no one is naming for security reasons, at least that is what the minister of defense explained to me yesterday of the netherlands, but judging by the words of the secretary of state of the united states, the schedule will not be shifted anymore, the fighters that were originally waiting in the spring will be in the summer. i am also pleased to announce that as we speak, the transfer of f-16s is underway, arriving from denmark and the netherlands. and these planes
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will fly in the sky of ukraine this summer to ensure further effective protection of ukraine against russian aggression. the netherlands, where the government recently changed, allocates an additional 300 million euros for armaments for ukrainian f-16s, namely ammunition for them. the kingdom's authorities say this is a signal to moscow that the allies will not stop supporting ukraine, because it is their own. theresa, general secretary stoltenberg, for whom, as you know, the summit in washington is the last in this role, generally tells the allies that the fate of the free world is now being decided in ukraine and calls on them to remember this. they also undertake a collective commitment to provide aid, in particular, in 2025, they will jointly allocate 40 billion euros to ukraine, depending on their gdp, and also create a structure that will coordinate provision of weapons and organization of training of ukrainian forces by the alliance countries.
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the summit also responded to ukraine's desire to become part of nato. in the final communique , the allies noted ukraine's concrete progress on the irreversible path to the alliance, that is, the word is irreversible. so they used it, i just have to note that de facto, it essentially does not oblige the allies to do anything. they also repeated the wording of vilnius that ukraine will be invited to nato when the allies volunteer and the conditions are met, the decision of the summit in washington and the ukraine-nato council, which will be sitting here today, they call it a bridge to ukraine's membership. however, as i have already mentioned, the question remains open. what will this bridge actually be, long, short, easy to... or on the contrary, the path through it will be thorny and difficult, no time frame for possible membership for the war-torn country is indicated. all allies agree that ukraine will become a member, but it is too early to say when exactly this
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will happen. ukraine and i are moving ever closer to membership in nato, and we are working for this specific actions. today is the last day of the summit, ahead, as i already said, is the meeting of the ukraine-nato council, and there will also be a joint session of the countries that have signed agreements on security obligations with ukraine. actually, the final press conference will be after lunch, it will already be night european time, and then already from secretary general stoltenberg, as well as volodymyr zelensky, joe biden will be able to hear details, more details about how they see the nato summit in washington. and how he will go down in history. zaryano, very much to you thank you, zariana stepanenko from washington, who followed the 75th nato summit, was on svoboda live, thank you very much for your work. well
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, we continue to talk about what zelensky will leave washington with and whether ukraine expected such results. with us is oleksandr musienko, head of the center for military legal research. i congratulate you. i congratulate you. let's start with a general analysis of the results. at the summit , the irreversibility of, i quote, ukraine's membership in nato was declared, although, as my colleague has already pointed out, there are no specifics in terms of time, whether maybe, can it be called a certain disappointment in expectations for ukraine? i think not, at the moment, because the point is, we have to date, ah, well, let's say, based on the realities that were formed, we have, in principle, far from... worse text of the final declaration, the text is not bad, why? because it emphasizes, look, we can even sort out from the point of view of the summary declaration, what does that mean? if we talk about the irreversibility of ukraine's course towards nato, it basically means that the narratives are breaking
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russian, one of the narratives is that by waging war, putin can delay or make impossible... ukraine's membership in the alliance, and as a result, we hear that ukraine should not be neutral and non-aligned, and the members of the alliance agree that ukraine should have security guarantees that can give, well, the most effective guarantees, of course, are article five, ah, of the treaty on the north atlantic alliance, the treaty on nato. therefore, it is fixed. there are pros and cons. the plus is that the time is not specified. why is it a plus, i'll tell you now, i'll tell you why a minus, later, but first, why is it a plus, then it is a plus because, in principle , there are two conditions when ukraine can acquire membership in nato, according to this declaration. the first is when all members of the alliance will agree, and the second is when ukraine will meet the necessary
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conditions, from the point of view of security, defense, legal, economic, etc., etc., etc., we know them, those that are, in principle, mandatory mandatory for any country. which wants to integrate into nato. so what is the plus here? this means that theoretically, guided by the content of this document, we can say that even if we assume that we do not have the finalization of the end of the war as such and a formally legal war, russian aggression may continue against ukraine, this is not a necessary obstacle to nato making a decision on ukraine's membership . and this is a plus, i think. they can get together and pass it. decision, the most important thing is consensus, which, unfortunately, is not yet in the organization, there is no agreement of all 32 members, otherwise we understand that the decision on ukraine's application would have already been considered, but the disadvantages in because, of course, there is a lack of specification with a reference, well
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, at least some time perspective, how it should happen, in general, in principle, the text of the declaration is better than at the vilnius summit, it is, in principle,... good, it is so , which defines and establishes the ukrainian course, and all members of the alliance agree with this, so i believe that, based on the conditions that were formed... ukraine will attend this summit as a full member of nato. well, at least nothing objectively did not indicate that there is a consensus of all members of the alliance, and that this decision can be considered right now, based on the situation on the battlefield, of course, we see that even the decision that the polish f-16 aircraft knocked down russian missiles or drones in the sky over western ukraine, it currently does not have
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a majority, that is, it does not have a 100% consensus in nato, so poland cannot apply it with all its desire, but at the same time, if we summarize, i can say that this is the bridge they are talking about of ukraine to nato, in fact we can say that this bridge means the acceptance of ukraine into nato, and we are actually already members of nato according to many... signs, the only thing that, unfortunately, unfortunately, does not apply to us yet very important question, this is article five about collective self-defense. yes, alexander, we're having a little communication problems, so we can't see you, but we can hear you, here's this new base in germany that was talked about in washington, where they can put american tamahawks, other missiles, as strategically as possible help ukraine? well, i think that if we are talking about the base in germany, there is an essence and a task in
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helping ukraine, first of all, it will study how the enemy works, how russia works, their directions, their methods, their tactics, and at the same time, let's say, to improve the ukrainian experience, or rather to improve the ukrainian positions in this regard, for this purpose work will be carried out in several directions, the first... work is a generalization of what has already happened and in what state we are now , at what stage. the second moment - these are, accordingly, conclusions, which weapons we need the fastest, most efficiently, how to make their supply even faster as possible. the next thing is the exchange of information and data, data about what is happening and how, in principle, it is necessary to act in order to further strengthen in... the country, as well as there are organizational abilities, capabilities and so on, that is, we can say that opportunities in
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terms of providing methodology, organization and cooperation, they will definitely become better. uhu, the minister of foreign affairs, dmytro koleba, said that the f-16 fighters will appear in ukraine by the end of summer. let's listen to the minister's comment and discuss further. this is just the first wave. in fact, we need more planes. and the issue of supplying the arrival of the first wave of f-16, it has already been resolved, and we are actually working on the future, on increasing the number of f-16 aircraft that will be transferred to ukraine, on obtaining other western models of jet fighters, on obtaining those mig 29s, which all there are also in the arms of friendly countries, we can get them. this is the comment of ukrainian foreign minister volodymyr. on wednesday spoke about the fact that kyiv needs at least 128 such
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planes will come now, obviously much less, in your opinion, how can the nature of the defense or offensive of the armed forces of ukraine change if they go to him upon receiving these planes, which they can provide to ukraine at the moment? well, i think we can get on the optimistic, most optimistic forecast by the end of this year. a squadron of aircraft, this is 12-14 planes, in principle, let's say this, based on the existing supplies, is it expected to be quite good, it will certainly strengthen our capabilities, we must understand, because basically today, ah, you have to say that any air reinforcement is important to us, in terms of what these boards can do, what the planes will do, they really, i think, in first of all... at the first initial stage , they can be used precisely for air defense, precisely
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to shoot down russian missiles, and also to counter and support, strengthen us, because air defense is now, well, it is very important, the enemy will be on the front line, in they have no significant achievements, they will try to terrorize and to demoralize our rear, so i think that the fight against russian aviation, it will be in the second stage as well as countering the applications. to the enemies in such a number of kabs that they use in kharkiv region and donetsk region, and also another stage, it already depends on the number of missiles and weapons that we will have for these planes, then we can also talk about strikes on ground objects as well as the aggressor, combined, well, they will not, let's say, will not establish dominance for ukraine in the first stage in the sky over of the occupied territory, but we will definitely be significantly strengthened, the more will come, the stronger this strengthening will be, well, let's say so, and it will
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happen, well, there may be such a situation that these will be such golden planes and such a desirable target for... for the army of the russian federation, and accordingly, the armed forces of ukraine will need to protect them very carefully, if you can say so. of course, as now, i will tell you, and now they also protect our aviation, because it is also very important for us, even though it is also some outdated boards, although we don't have as many of them as the enemy, today russia has an advantage, but even now measures are being taken to protect ours. aviation, including air defense cover, and redeployment, and changes in positions, and frequent flights, and so on, there are many techniques that ukraine uses successfully, very successfully in fact, the air force, because we preserved our aviation during 2.5 years of a full-scale invasion , unfortunately, not without casualties, but this is war, it does not happen differently, unfortunately,
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of course, measures will be taken, so you you see that the process was delayed due to that. that just as soon as the information about the arrival of additional air defense systems appeared, we immediately heard that the planes are on the way, these are synchronized things, they are connected to more air defense systems, including to cover our airfields, well and, accordingly, the supply of aircraft. oleksandr, washington also made two rather loud statements about china, in particular, that china has become a decisive factor contributing to russia's war against ukraine. official china has already reacted to this, let's listen. and we will discuss further. as for ukraine, nato has overestimated china's responsibility. it is ridiculous, it is done with evil intentions. china's objective and impartial position and constructive role in the ukraine issue are widely recognized by the international community. without any
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evidence, nato continues to spread false information fabricated by the united states, which is open. credits china. so, what do you think of the reaction of the representatives of china and the fact that the issue of china, its alleged help to russia , was an equally high-profile issue at the summit? well, look, as far as china is concerned, absolutely the right response, because we can see even, in fact, from what happened, a terrible terrorist attack, a russian war crime, another, strike. around kyiv along kryvyi rih, where peaceful people and children died, the attack on hospitals, which is terrible, of course, and at the same moment, in fact, viktor orbán, the hungarian prime minister, he was in china, and following the results of this visit, xi jinping made a statement that the parties to the russian-ukrainian conflict
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should not add fuel to the fire, they should not engage in escalation, should not expand this conflict, well... accordingly, it seems to me that all this should be directed at putin, all these demands. another question is that let's see that china actually, as of today, i have the impression that it is increasingly taking the side of russia, it is obvious from its statements, its aspirations and so on. and therefore, and even the presence of chinese troops in belarus, this is not the first such precedent when they came for anti-terrorist training. the so-called, well, this is also, in principle, it is necessary to understand what it is, well a precedent in fact, and it cannot help but worry nato, well, most likely, these exercises were coordinated and probably not coincidentally coincided with the summit, obviously, of course, of course, how dangerous it can be in the context of the ukrainian issue, such exercises, it can be a signal that, i don't know, the troops
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of the people's republic of china will be stationed in belarus, for example? no, i think not, i think not, it won't happen, china will withdraw its troops, and it poses no threat to us, i think that the chinese the army is not going to fight with us, it is unlikely that the chinese army is going to fight at all in the nearest foreseeable future, but they are demonstrating, they are demonstrating more and more precisely for the west, precisely for nato, they are increasingly showing that they can afford much more, and of course, this cannot be a concern... the member states of the alliance, which, as a matter of fact, are considering the scenario of containing china. therefore, strictly speaking, it is primarily for the event. china challenges the west. china will help ukraine. has from the prism of from the point of view of western interests, as they believe, and in this sense there are difficulties and problems that we very often ask why china takes such a position, because china
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clearly demonstrates that it wants a dialogue about the russian-ukrainian war with the united states , but on the other hand, china has not formulated consistent and correct positions from the point of view of these negotiations in general, because on the one hand, china... stands for territorial integrity and respect for the un charter, on the other hand, one gets the impression that it is not against, if russian territories occupied, occupied by russia, now the territory of ukraine, well, russia will remain, so there are a lot of questions there. thank you, thank you oleksandr musienko, head of the center for military legal research, was at svoboda life, we talked about the results of the anniversary 75th nato summit. ukraine wants to hold a second peace summit before the elections in the usa, bloomberg reports. moreover, as zmi notes,
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they allegedly want to invite russia to it. the plan, as sources told bloomberg, was developed after the first summit, which took place in switzerland last month and was attended by representatives of more than 90 countries. as the publication writes, the attempt to organize a meeting indicates a sense of urgency on the part of ukraine. as she faces the prospect of donald trump returning to the white house, the publication notes. the presumptive republican presidential candidate previously said he would end the war before the inauguration in january and opposed further us military support for kyiv in the absence of talks between ukraine and russia. this has already been done comment in the kremlin, the deputy head of the russian foreign ministry, mykhailo galuzin , said in a comment to ria-novosti that moscow will not take part in... the next peace summit, because it considers it, i quote, pushing zelensky's peace formula. and is kyiv really ready to sit down at the table for negotiations with moscow in any
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format? we will talk about this later. joining the program is ivanna klympush tsintsadze, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union. i congratulate you. good evening. well, let's start with this one publications by bloomberg, whose sources at least say that kyiv wants to invite russia. for the next peace summit, have you personally heard talk about it and how do you feel about it? well, it seems to me that the whole world heard president zelensky's statement about this, if i 'm not mistaken, just after the results of the first peace summit, he announced that the next one should take place not in years, but even in months, and that it could be with involving the russian federation, well... in my opinion, any attempt to assemble the next peace summit at such an emergency speed is
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in my opinion, it is a mistake of the approach of the ukrainian authorities, i do not share this attempt to move in this way, but it was announced by president zelenskyi, i suspect that then... and it is quite likely that bloomberg's sources are right when they talk about such a possibility or such an idea. ugh. even if russia would agree to this summit, we already know the official reaction of kremlin representatives. so, how do you feel about holding it, presumably with the involvement of russia, not in anticipation of the election, as a result of the us presidential election, because there is still no end in sight it is not clear who will be the next... white house, what do you say, i do not see at all, i do not see at all the readiness of the russian federation to conduct any negotiations, this is the first, we see, the entire behavior of the russian
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federation indicates that it , and the latest attacks, indicate that she wants to intimidate ukrainian citizens and wants to achieve the capitulation of ukraine, and actually much more than what she, what she managed to do today with her military... actions, military actions against ukraine, because of how to me, ukraine should focus on in order to further mobilize our partners as much as possible and make russia understand the language of strength and the language of unity, this is the only thing that it perceives and that can put it at the table of transition under pressure and under, and... sanction pressure, under military pressure, under perhaps not by liquidation, and finally not by freezing assets, but by their...
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the english word, taking away assets, using for the benefit of ukraine, russian assets abroad, these are the things that can force the russian federation to sit down at the negotiating table, then we can talk about something speak, whether in the format of a summit or in any other format, and understand that we can achieve those things that are fundamental for us from the point of view of the survival of the country, from the point of view. about restoring our territorial integrity and independence and sovereignty. ugh. well, president volodymyr zelensky himself recently spoke the same way about possible negotiations, and he said that they are possible, but ukraine will not negotiate directly with russia through intermediaries. when do you think such negotiations with mediators can take place, there in particular, the usa and china were mentioned. and
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how much what is ukraine's position on these negotiations today or in the near future? i don't see the prerequisites for holding talks with a country that daily violates even the basic principles of humanitarian international law, that commits war crimes every day, that engages in terror, and what to negotiate about, what putin called to negotiate about. about how ukraine should free its own territories so that russia would occupy them further, or about some other things, well, these are absolutely putin's unrealistic and outlandish ideas, we should discuss at these negotiations, again, russia should be forced into negotiations, not invited and delayed. vati, because otherwise russia
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will consider that these are negotiations in order to sign the capitulation of ukraine, this is definitely not what we are fighting for and what we are rooting for and what we want to achieve. mrs. ivanna, let's return a little to the topic of the nato summit, the 75th anniversary , the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy yermak, stated that ukraine was generally satisfied with the results and that the next step should be an invitation. to the alliance and the cancellation, in particular, of all restrictions on strikes on the territory of russia. let's start with the invitation, do you or do you understand what time frame, at least approximately, this could happen? ah, it is strange to me that we are referring to a person who heads the president's office and does not have any authority to conduct negotiations there regarding our membership or the invitation
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of ukraine. i would prefer... that the president of ukraine, or at least the vice-prime minister for european issues, presented these news of euro-atlantic integration or the minister of foreign affairs, those people who have the authority to do this, as far as what we got at the summit, now, you know, we can talk about the fact that this is another such linguistic, linguistic step that brings us closer to to our membership, it is good that it is stated, and... in the joint communique, the final irreversibility of our path to membership, i think that this is a serious and important signal, first of all, for the russian federation and for the fact that ukraine and its partners are members of the alliance themselves will decide what to do next to move, but is this enough for us and is this speed available, or is this wording
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sufficient, i would like... more clarity, i would like a greater understanding of what the partners are investing in this bridge, this is the concept of a bridge to to the future membership, some time frame for this bridge and a clear understanding of our agenda, which we should deal with as homework, we have to understand that it is quite big in us, that we have flaws, unfortunately, quite a lot . in order to claim well, for such, at least, for such a dialogue that would be possible, for example, whether it was with sweden or with finland, i am talking about non-war actions and pose, attack and aggression of russia, i understand, mrs. ivanna, we have very little time left, tell me briefly, whether for you this summit in washington became historic for ukraine or not?


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