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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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but our connection may slow down a little bit, and the connection may slow down a little bit, we understand that now there is light somewhere, somewhere there is no light, somewhere the internet is good, somewhere bad, so now we will try to contact mr. mykola to the unmarried man, you know when all russians say they are scum, i can agree with that somewhere, is it a moral story, a moral story that a person saw what he aimed for, i don’t know what flying tasks are given to pilots who sit at the helm , and do they know that after aiming at such and such a square, well, there they are given theirs they look at their squares, draw a map and they know that they are aiming there, do they know that khmadit or not, i... i don't know,
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maybe a person found out and thought that, oh, children and people died there, but in in any case, mr. mykola is back, in any case, what do you think, here is a person who even gets in touch, this person is already a suicide bomber, and is it possible here, and can it have an effect on other pilots who in our future , sitting at the helm, they will think where the rocket will fly and whether there will be revenge, because again the story... with the death of one of the russian pilots, we remember it, it took place, well, first of all, i say this as a version, because i emphasize once again that intelligence always plans and covers precisely those bastards, not only the agencies, but those who took the initiative and gave information to protect them, so that they would not be harmed, that is why russia will now conduct massive counter-insurgency measures, identify possible pilots or other specialists of this part who gave information. in order
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to detect, detain, arrest, and it is possible to kill them, because often, as they think, they call them traitors, they destroy them. europe and there he was found by the special services of russia, that is, they do not forgive anything, so i am guided by the fact that our intelligence did not give out specific information about the pilot who handed over the materials, that is... this is most likely, i emphasize once again, the operation that covers sources to, with which the way we got it, whether technical or agency, and it is clear that somewhere the trace of russia's counter-development may be directed in a different direction, but if we say, the option is not excluded that this initiator, who is deeply aware, there are many such among russians who see , what they are doing, and at some stage when the casualties are particularly high, and if the pilot sees such an ahmadi, it is clear that there must be someone... and an extraordinary rush
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to find out who is doing it, to make it public, in order to so that russia is already wary of the future, and even more so, it exposes the version that putin is trying to promote, that it is, as it were, some other format, like our anti-aircraft defense, you point at a missile and it hits, this is an absurd version, although everything is one hundred percent proven, and foreign expert positions and.. . through investigative actions and the kyiv institute of forensic examinations consistently established that it was a russian missile starting from the moment of its launch from russia, its movement on the territory of ukraine and its flight directly near akhmatito, which was recorded, and specifically those parts that were discovered, but at the moment once again, the testimony of the pilot, as it were, shows that putin is in fact bluffing at o. that he again
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showed this format, which does not correspond to reality, here the russian himself gives out information, specifically names persons, pilots, commanders, who carry it out, who strikes specifically, but it is one hundred percent, it is the 95th, the 160th, the flight crew, and of course, they rise every time, they are the carriers of ballistic cruise missiles, this is also in the format of disclosure an additional plus in the format of the influence of raiders, so to speak , that they coax crimes and terrorist... acts against even children, and this should work very powerfully psychologically, i think that this is a big operation that will really have an effect both evidential and demonstrative if these people are found, and on the other hand psychologically on the pilots themselves in russia, well, i think that the biggest influence on the luchiks of russia is not even what they saw, what they did, but the fact that photos and videos of their families are made public, and that is the fear for their lives and the lives of their families, probably plays here... a key role, it seems to me, but
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again, if it is possible to carry out this operation and achieve a certain result and minimize such blows, it will be very good, we are now, you are now seeing right on the screen. and the video of the meeting between the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and the president of the united states of america joseph biden, this meeting has already taken place, we have a video, well, my colleagues will tell me if we will have a briefing a little later, the approach to the press, we are waiting for the approach to the press of both presidents and let's listen to what they tell us, i just opened the tape and read it very briefly very interesting and important information, in fact, it should inspire people, you know, when someone takes certain steps from our western... partners such decisive drastic steps, they probably have someone to force someone, someone to shame, that you don't do that, to inspire someone to do the same, the prime minister of the kingdom of denmark, mete frederiksen said in an interview with the voice
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of america that denmark should hand over all air defense systems to ukraine, as it already did with artillery, mete frederiksen said that ukraine knows better. what to do with air defense systems than, say, denmark. tell me, please, this is the step of our partners and friends, by the way, denmark is a country that is very supportive and helps a lot, in particular mykolaiv oblast, mykolaiv, i just know, i have an acquaintance who works in this project, and this also a big plus, and this should inspire others, and maybe even shame certain countries that, say, are still thinking of giving us some type of missiles. or not to give us these missiles, well, someone takes such steps and says: maybe you should do that, well, for some reason denmark, which, by the way, has disputes with russia in the arctic ocean, over the shelves there, we understand it perfectly, this is an ancient story, well, for some reason, it is not afraid to give both artillery and air defense, and is not afraid of russia and possible conflicts with russia, although
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, again, disputes over there gas-bearing shelves in the arctic ocean, they continue, and it's no secret that there is a story there, please. well, a number of country leaders clearly proceed from the concept that russia will threaten not only ukraine, but europe, nato countries, and therefore the most effective way to neutralize it so that it is defeated, it is to provide aid to ukraine, not to keep everything in reserves, we need to defend ourselves, poland says so, america says so, germany, france, spain, and italy also say so , that is, we need to save, we are leaving the concept, here the issue is resolved relative to who will defeat the aggressor, and specifically on the field'. there will be a concrete result, therefore the transfer and correctly denmark is showing an example, i will say it directly, because some are in doubt to transfer or not to transfer, and denmark says, we are not directly carrying out combat tasks now, performed by ukraine, today we can hand over everything we have, and then, accordingly, as part of
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nato, we will defend ourselves if russia in the last resort dares to attack, although this will not happen, so this is both an example and an embarrassment, but also a lot of people will be motivated countries to transmit, when small... transmits everything, and big germany refrains, for example, from tauris or other systems that can powerfully change the situation in certain directions and especially suppress those points that launch missiles that, accordingly, lift planes from with various cabals, for example, or with ballistic missiles that attack our cities and villages, that is, i think that this will also be an incentive for concrete actions, because the main strategy today is that we say, let's go, let's go... weapons that will be real help us defeat the enemy, not just contain and destroy reserves, we are already doing this, but at the limit, let's transfer at least one third of the armed equipment to the fifth-sixth generation, and we will defeat russia in a short period of time, and then the prospect will be global
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security for both europe and the usa, because then russia will not be able to rise, and in this way it will really build up its resources for a long time, form a protracted war, and destabilize the situation in europe. now, as the former head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine, i want to ask you this question. unexpected for many, the information that the f-16s will be in ukraine by the end of july, and doesn't this mean that they may already be in ukraine? i understand that no information will be released, we know that the enemy has been scouting, he also killed vasylkov, he also hit mirgorod, he killed others, well, maybe the enemy does not know where all
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such small military airfields are located, where in which forests of which regions, there are many of them in ukraine, fortunately, not all of them are the enemy knows, but he is also searching in frankiv oblast, and... well, again, in poltava oblast, here it is a little secret, and in sumy oblast , he also tried to strike near one of the settlements there, and it is clear that the enemy is preparing for the appearance of f-16 , so here is this statement. about the fact that at the end of july, wait, i think so i don't think i'm a scout and i've never done this kind of thing, let's say, but it seems to me that there can be some kind of verbal fog here, because telling the enemy specifically that there is something you want to hunt, and you already have planes you are re-equipping yours there, and you are preparing planes and everything else for the f16, no one will say for sure, it seems to me, when and what will arrive in ukraine, how do you comment on this statement that in the summer the f-16 will already... be, well there are a number of political statements that they really will be, this does not indicate
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specific terms, especially where they will move, where the airfields will be, because at the moment they have maps of the old airfields, they are constantly being hit in eight areas, we see the target, they think that there we have already changed the lanes, created exactly the engineering systems and flight coordination systems of the f-16 and will accordingly be constantly hit there, we know this scenario, the alternative ones have worked it out... elements, there is a demonstration, maybe even mock-ups and the like, which will be placed there, or will be already after it will already be it is actually known that the f-16 is in ukraine, but the delivery options and especially the terms are encrypted, so a number of politicians indicate that anthony blink, who are already moving, representatives of the netherlands, precisely those countries that will move also say, well, they say approximately over the course of several weeks, a month, russia cannot monitor exactly these formats every day, all the more so. does not know the logistics, how it will be delivered and where it will be delivered and whether they will be whole or partially disassembled, and
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therefore, it will be gathered, where they will hide, so that there is no threat of missile strikes on them in their fields, so to speak, placement, maybe deep hangars that will be protected, of course powerful and this is the right approach, so i will just say, the format of disinformation from our on the part of the enemy is working, with the politicians, it is strange that they do not give... dates and specific directions where they will move, and most likely the enemy will not be able to achieve any specifics and neutralize their delivery or striking at the moment of their, so to speak, or already placement, especially the use of battle order. and tell me, please, we will hear a little later, i understand the speeches of president biden and president zelensky, based on the results of their meeting, we saw the video, it took place, and i would like to talk about the nato summit in general, well, actually the main ones positions were voiced these days and air defense for ukraine and strengthened, biden's statement
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that the ukrainian army with western help, i add from myself, expanding, what was obviously meant by biden, is capable of defeating russia on the battlefield in ukraine, at least with the resources and the scale in which the russian army is engaged today on the territory of our state, that we are capable of doing this, but from your experience, with your assessment, what we heard... about the results of the nato summit, and what could have really been discussed there, but not announced, approximately what percentage of what was announced and actually agreed, but what we will see a little later on the battlefield, and maybe we will not know what it was , but we'll just see the result, 90% strategically voiced that ukraine has a perspective nato, that it will be guaranteed to be in nato, the terms are approximately determined, and this is the end of the war and... and for 10 years, the budget is set at 40 billion, this is also still legal, here
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are defined system bodies that will work in europe to prepare precisely and of our soldiers and about the formation of aid packages, the special representative in ukraine, that is , all these points are known, in the legal part, in the illegal part, these are specific measures for the supply of equipment, especially high-precision, and the important factor here is how much will be supplied... for example f16 in in general, because a number of countries have already committed themselves, it will no longer be 24, there are 26, but somewhere up to fifty more, these are the nearest prospects, in the future there are also 100 and 120, on the other hand , these are missile complexes of various types, no only stromshedu, for example, ee skal t, but it is just possible that the newest fifth and sixth generations, which are not decipherable today, and this is already a powerful block that will carry reserves in the deep... rears and middle rears, and this will give the possibility of replenishing the combat
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team precisely on the demarcation line, and this is a prospect of our offensive operations, this is armored equipment, which does not say how much and what, in general they talked about, for example, the same bradleys in addition, leopards, which in addition, are different and e-e systems for combating drones, which will be actively used by us today systematically and on the front line and already in a number of regions where we feel. that the logistics routes of these drones are systematically followed, from where they are launched, from russia, from crimea, for example, there will already be cheetahs here, other systems that will be delivered today, i.e. packages of specific... aid, except for those declared, are generally not deciphered, and especially high-precision weapons, for example, cluster munitions, cabs, which may have already been declared as a whole without decryption, such as anti-tank equipment and special radio-electronic systems that can neutralize and missiles, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles, this is a powerful electronic shield,
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these are sixth generation means, this can be a very important factor, then we will also create air defense systems. will knock down the patriots from the strategic level to the tactical and front and of course, an electronic shield that will neutralize all possible launches or their movement to ukraine or to the front line, it will be a large format, so i think this part, as a rule, is 100% encrypted, and i think you are already tired of us hearing and hearing , but it is very important. two years ago, we started this brutal war, and then i promised zelenskyi that allies and partners would support him and the people of ukraine in defending their country, and since then you have all built a global coalition in support of ukraine, provided humanitarian, defense support, provided
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weapons for ukraine to defend itself, and two days ago... i announced the historic provision of air defenses to ukraine to defend against russian missile attacks. and now we are taking the next step of collective support for ukraine - this is the ukrainian security compact. how does it work? last year , the group of seven countries signed a declaration to protect ukraine for a long, long time, not only... during the war, but also after victory. 20 countries joined and discussed security treaties with ukraine, and now these agreements have been signed, including the agreement with the eu, more countries are in the final stages of signing, this compact unites these countries in
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a single comprehensive architecture. security in order to support ukraine not only now, for years ahead, in the short term we will provide ukraine with ammunition, weapons, and training in order to oppose the russian army. in the medium term, we will help build a military to defend ukraine and deter future aggression, and if putin again... which will try to make all the countries that united in the compact, support ukraine, as i said, we are building a bridge for ukraine to nato, this is the way to future membership in nato, this compact is inside, in the center of this bridge, what is happening in ukraine is very important for
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ukraine, for nato, for the whole world, we... we are united against putin in this senseless brutal war, we are united with ukraine to protect its free future, we are united to protect the future of the world when free countries like ukraine are not will be afraid of aggression from their neighbor. ukrainian people, you extraordinary your bravery, your sacrifice, and all countries, i call on you to support ukraine, russia will not win this war, ukraine will win, and we are on the way with them , i am saying this clearly, now i will give
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the floor to the president of ukraine . who has the courage and biden agreed that it is not putin's zelensky? i already think so much about putin, about whom we all worry. thank you very much. thank you sir. president, thank you, friends of ukraine. last year, indeed, at the summit in vilnius, we took a powerful step. with declaration of the seven group regarding ukraine. we wasted no time and now there is a security
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guarantee architecture, and i thank president biden for his leadership, for his efforts so that our security cooperation, cooperation is based on powerful things, we have 20 agreements with other countries on security, we have a powerful security arrangement with the united states, it allows us to get critical air defense systems, thanks to america, thanks to partners, leaders, and also to your peoples, thank you patriots for, thank you to our allies for... for the f-16, for help to our people, to our country, to
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resist the russian attack on our energy infrastructure, thank you for your help in cyber security, for the development of the security industry, and now this compact will be a significant achievement for ukraine, for all of us. glory to ukraine. insists, we are also for everything, and until then they will each defend their interests, act as mediators, china will recruit, try to take leadership in
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the whole world, it has such a mission now that i am over the process, there is a conflict as if not clearly defines that there is aggression, that all hunting norms are violated, even what is declared by china, but china constantly shouts that we are for sovereignty, for international law, aiming at taiwan and ukraine. war, what is it, it is not a real concrete act of aggression and a large-scale war to seize territories, here we need to understand what is what, well, i said, you can move them only then all countries to systemically support ukraine, when we will win, if there is russia offer their scenario, then they will play with russia and with the event, who will support whom, how to give preference to russia, and then somewhere to go to some partial peace agreements, but not... to fully support the idea of ​​the liberation of ukraine, as provided for by one norm. there is a single formula, no other formula has been invented, everyone subscribed to the un charter, all
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international conventions, and european conventions, which provide that aggression must be punished, and the aggressor must leave the territory. thank you, mr. mykola, but china is only in order to dominate the world, to dictate its language, it is necessary first develop software that is used around the world. that your language would be used all over the world, technologies that would be used all over the world, and that, in principle, people would want to live like in china, and not, let's say, like in europe or the usa, and to buy things, luxury goods and everything else too , for some reason, the chinese rich buy not chinese, but european, american, and so you can dream about many things, well, this is mykola malomuzh, he was a general of the ukrainian army, a former head of the foreign intelligence service, i am now i want us to watch such a show that was prepared in kherson region, we talked about it today, the enemy hit kherson, a fire broke out, and the rescuers came
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to overcome the consequences of this attack, but the enemy struck again with drones on the car firefighters, state emergency service workers, the car was damaged, but fortunately the crew was able to survive in this story, well, this is once again proof that the enemy continues its shelling, and of course, somehow in such a dry remnant we understand, that the enemy has been there again for 2.5 years of this full-scale war and for more than 10 years already 11 years of russia's war against ukraine, once again the enemy wants to break us right now, as they say, he is doing it, taking us into the cloud. well, there is such a good phrase, when you take a step to escape from fate, you come to it exactly, if the fate of russia falls apart, after all, it took a step to escape from this
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fate, attacking ukraine by... on a large scale, perhaps this was the step that would lead to its downfall, because history is always wiser, even than the likes of putin and his entire fsb. yes, now we will talk about the economy, ivan us, candidate of economic sciences, is in touch with us more. mr. ivan, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, and i congratulate all viewers of the tv channel. let's start with that. what is definitely obvious, well, actually we talked about russia with mr. malomuzhy, let's start with russia, but with a direct reference to ukraine about sanctions, now at the nato summit they were talking about what weapons to give ukraine, what sanctions still influence russia, they weaken it at the same time russia receives help from other countries, it receives shells from someone, most of which burst in the barrels, i mean, north korean ones, but i do not underestimate
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the help of the north. korea, as a partner of the aggressor country, still helps with its own, with those shells that the soviet union once handed over to it, now it is selling them again, but other countries actively help russia, but still, in your opinion, how effectively did the sanctions hit on the economy of russia, is it possible, as they say, the blow happened, russia has faltered, but it will fall for a long time, how can you comment on this and can you count on the fact that the sanctions will still give ... a visible effect, you know, there is a knockout and a knockdown in boxing, but the knockout just didn’t happen, but here as for a knockdown here, it is quite possible, because in fact, yes, russia, whatever it is, it is according to different calculations, there someone says that it was in the top ten economies of the world and only now fell out of the top ten, according to the international monetary fund, it is on the contrary 11- that economy in the world was and, let's say, did not enter the top ten.
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but nevertheless, we understand that it was a serious economy, and therefore it cannot be brought down by sanctions very quickly, nevertheless, it is now 2.5 years after the start of a full-scale war and more significant sanctions than what was before, and sanctions have been in principle since 2014, but they, well, let's say, did not have any significant effect, at the same time, now the sanctions are gaining momentum and gaining momentum largely because they are starting to look... at where the sanctions are not working and look for the way russia bypasses them, because largely russia, especially the first year or two after the start of a full-scale war, she was very interested in iran's experience in how to circumvent the sanctions imposed against it, because we know that iran has been under sanctions for more than 15 years, it seems, but nevertheless this does not prevent it from developing, for
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russia this the experience was... important, because russia also circumvented sanctions on the one hand, on the other hand, as noted by western experts, the problem was that western countries imposed sanctions against russia, while at the same time countries of the global south, they just traded normally with russia , and that allowed russia to stick to, let's say today, but that didn't mean that everything was as good as it was before, because any restriction, any... let's say sanctions that were put in place, they required an adjustment cost from russia to them, and here are these expenses, they also put pressure on the russian budget, and here now, well, let's point out where we are, the middle of july of the current year, here is the figure that was at the beginning of this month, in russia, weekly inflation in the first week of july was 0.66%, it is possible. that it's not like that
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already a critical figure, but i will remind you that a week before it was 0.22, that is , inflation tripled, let's see what will happen next, it is quite possible that the reason for this significant increase was the increase in tariffs, it also happened in ukraine, and that this was exactly what happened in russia, but nevertheless we see that inflation is accelerating there, and what is interesting is that in june russia used 0.60 of its national welfare fund, for understanding there it remains according to russian data, that is , not the fact that these are real data , 4.6 if we 0.6 if we simply multiply there by 8 months, it will turn out that there will be nothing there, and i, except that this is just money taken from the national bank of ukraine.


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