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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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soon we will be able to somehow counter these fidrons as well, well, at the moment, the situation is not the best, let's say this, how long ago did you discover these new drones, that's how long, well , a month, a week, that is, how long ago, it's about a week , well, a maximum of two weeks, that ’s as far as we know, this batch arrived, and it’s not difficult to detect it, because the enemy’s damage has increased there, and that is, standard weapons , they do not oppose these enemy drones. well , you know, what you're saying is quite interesting because it's just talking about speed in fact, adaptation will change the situation, that is , it is no longer a month or two, but literally a week or two, this is a very fast process that requires, well, every week, some kind of involvement of something new, this is a serious speed, but eh. of course, the enemy
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worked on this for more than one week, that is, they researched this topic, worked out various results, applied them, well, now they have come to a rather effective such result, but again i will note that the enemy is insidious, you should not underestimate the enemy, because they also develop, they are studied, so we have to keep up as well, so we have to... we always be the first in this, because we know that fpv drones is our pretty strong point, yeah, so i think we'll find in this as well decision, and to others there, regarding civilians, i would also recommend there to study this area more, to help the military in this way, we know that many are making great efforts. in the development of these drones, being
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a civilian serving in the armed forces of ukraine, and - i would recommend continuing there attract more people and also have such developments in our country, they are so great in our country, yes, but we must, we must continue to develop in this regard and always be the first, well yes, especially since you see the speed, the implementation of all this must be well, just stunningly fast and at speed. of course, this is the topic of drones - this is a topic when you have been out there for a week or two and you are already forced to learn something new, because, like us, the enemy is introducing new technologies, yes, and you always have to keep up with this development, that is, this such a sphere, it is still so unexplored, so that everything changes every week, well, you also mentioned such an interesting thing that i drew attention to, regarding the use of armored vehicles, just
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today i read from the famous expert kostyantyn mashevts that exactly on pokrovsky and the turkish direction, in fact the russians have the most armored vehicles, that is, there are also tanks and other bmps, armored personnel carriers, well, everything. and here is what you indicated that the russians are now using on the contrary, less as if armored vehicles are not in your direction, with what do you associate it with, you are for this one, well... it shows the data there at the beginning of summer, well , a month and a half has passed since that moment, it is so fast, well, the elimination of this technique happened that now they use it less, are they hoarding it somewhere, trying to prepare for something, that's how you evaluate it, and i don't know what they're preparing for, but you know that we 've been here for about a year already. in this direction, yes, and
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what we saw there in the fall, winter, spring, the enemy always stormed on armored vehicles, that is, without sparing the personnel, they planted there from above, and they sent 5-10 units of armed equipment to assaults, so we detected them quite effectively, detected them far enough away, and we tried to destroy them, that is , more than half of them already on the approaches to our positions. units were destroyed at the entrances, so with the beginning of summer, when everything has become greener, so when more people can hide there in the same landings, enemy infantry can, they changed their tactics, they began to accumulate in certain places, so go there a few at a time persons and accumulate in certain places where they are from could continue the assault, assaults on our positions.
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much less compared to spring and winter, perhaps there is an accumulation of the enemy, well, now its application is very little, well, that is, it is simply seasonal, you can say yes, and well, tactically for them, they simply prefer it now , clearly, maybe so, but i say that they are already trying not to move even in large groups there, because they see that a lot of them died earlier, so they are also trying to move in small infantry groups, that is, it makes it quite difficult there task in their destruction. well, these are maybe a little general things, well, to what extent can the vovcha river become such, well , you know, some kind of defensive line, is it
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not a big enough obstacle for the russians to continue trying to advance, in your opinion? how the situation will develop, but really this wolf river is such an auxiliary outpost for us, where we can restrain the enemy now, and also here it is important to note that there is a height behind the river, i hope that it is very us will help, but i have fears that maybe, maybe the enemy will break through somewhere from the flanks, as it is. it was the same with our brigade, but i would like to note that our infantrymen use a lot of force, a lot of energy, because it is difficult to detect the enemy precisely in ambushes, that is why there are more contact
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battles, our infantry is now carrying the entire burden of the war, yes, yes, well and eventually we return to the pokrovsk-konstantinka track. to what extent is the fact that the enemy is breaking through there, how much it can worsen the position of our troops and the possibility of it defense of both konstantinovka and pokrovsk, this is quite a dramatic situation, or do the logistical possibilities remain there, of course, it greatly complicates the situation in the direction there, but here it is more in the direction of... the direction of the kostiantynka ravine, yes, because on in the pokrovsky direction, i think it will not make a significant difference there, because logistics does not go here through kostyantynivka, so there should be no problems, however, no, i do not think that
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this route is already being used so much now, so i think , which is a big no no swims, and then i... well, that is, what is the purpose of rushing there? to you literally 30 seconds 40 there is something like that, my opinion is that it is precisely for the offensive on kostyantynivka, since we saw how long the time was, yes, the direction there is also very difficult, the guys are holding on, holding the defense there and we can see that. .. it is very difficult for the enemy at the time of the ravine, he cannot advance, literally there during all this time they captured the poppy microdistrict, yes, that is why i think that they want to develop an offensive from this side, yes an offensive on kostyantynivka
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from the south, maybe it will help them significantly, thank you, maybe not, thank you for joining us, this is vladyslav danko, a soldier of the 47th separate mechanized brigade. magura, well, we will meet with you in a week in this format. thank you. good evening, we are from ukraine. spilled confidential data. the russian pilot, after the attack on okhmadyt, contacted the main intelligence agency, apparently disclosing the data of this pilot. scared him, because he knows the history of some other pilots who are no longer alive, this is what ours is called today video, i hope, and we will talk about this if we learn more information, well, but in general, a big broadcast on the aspress tv channel, my name is vasyl zima, for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues
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will talk with you about a lot of important and interesting things. they want to deprive hungary of the right to preside over the european union, all because of incomprehensible and strange peacekeeping voyages. prime minister of hungary viktor orban. also, brussels called his handshake with putin as contrary to the treaties of the european union. why on render mode, how y... escaped from moscow without warning after learning about the attack on okhmadite, the battles near toretsk and on the approaches to teretsk, the situation in kharkiv oblast, the conversation with a soldier of the third assault brigade, serhii zgorets will speak, and the nato summit, who is satisfied with what, who is not satisfied with what, what ukraine should count on, what we were really promised, and of course oleksandr moshchevka will also talk about money and natalka didenko about the weather, because these are the intimidations that are in ukraine... +60 and everyone will die. natalka dyadenko wrote a very good post about this today. it will be told on the air.
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you should not always believe all these scary forecasts that you read on the internet. listen to professional and experienced weather forecasters, which natalka didenko certainly is. so, let's talk about all this. well, just now the military results of the day. serhiy zurets is already ready for the air. congratulations, please, serhiy. there are no alternatives to full membership of ukraine in nato. this is recorded in the final document of the nato anniversary summit, which is the second day continues in washington. it states that we will continue to support ukraine on its irreversible path to full euro-atlantic integration, including nato membership, the document of the alliance countries states. however, our path together with... with those bridges that are registered there to nato can be long, so for now let's summarize the decisions that
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determine assistance and support to ukraine in the near future. therefore, ukraine will receive funding in the amount of 40 billion euros over the next year for defense needs. a new aid structure will be created and training for ukraine in the area of ​​responsibility will be the coordination of all military supplies. and all forms of training and training of the ukrainian military, this structure will also be responsible for the transformation of the defense and security forces of ukraine, that is, it will be about coordination, as i understand it, in matters of our military reform, which should also take place. a joint nato-ukraine analysis, education and training center will also be created, which should be analyzed and used in practice. russia's experience and lessons, russia's war against ukraine, center will operate in bodygoszcz, this is poland. we also
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know about the promise to transfer to ukraine a certain number of new air defense equipment and missiles for these weapons. if all deliveries are made, we will have at least eight patriot batteries and one sampty battery. an increase in the number of aircraft deliveries is also being discussed. f16 for ukraine, earlier we talked about 60 and there 80 planes, now it seems about 128 planes, and the first planes will already appear in ukraine this summer - say american, danish and dutch officials, as well as the secretary general of nato stated that ukraine should be able to strike on the territory of the russian federation, as this is provided for by the right to self-defense, we... help ukraine to realize the right to self-defense, tutanberg said, and by supplying
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weapons and equipment, including long-range atekams missiles, he emphasized general secretary of nato. before that, britain also said that ukraine could use stormsadow cruise missiles without restrictions. however, for the time being , as we know, the debate over the use of american hatakams continues, although this permission would significantly improved our capabilities, permissions. would destroy russian airfields with airplanes, with cabs at a distance of up to 300 km deep into the territory of ukraine, which would significantly improve the situation both on the contact line and in cities that experience regular drops of enemy missiles, so that the bet on weapons remains extremely important and extremely relevant, the enemy at this time is trying to take advantage of its advantage in manpower and equipment, continues its creeping offensive. in many directions, on pokrovsky, turetsky, near chasy yar, and at the same time it receives a decent rebuff everywhere,
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just as it happens on the kharkiv section of the front, where, as we know, the third separate assault brigade operates, in fact, in my opinion, it is already a legendary brigade, which has such achievements that demonstrate and commanders, and fighters, and units of this military unit, and now we are joined by the deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade, major of the armed forces... of ukraine maksym zhorin. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. glory to ukraine. i congratulate you. glory to heroes. i wanted i would like to start with a general question. it's not a secret. your brigade is now defending the boriv direction. a month ago, there was a difficult situation when the enemy was accumulating forces, trying to seize the dominant heights in front of borova. what has changed today, what is the situation now, what can you tell our viewers? well, at the moment, we can say that we have changed
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the situation, and this is that the enemy has really accumulated here... enough forces and for some time tried to push the defense in the zone of responsibility of the third assault brigade, he used a whole division for this, but he was not successful, he was not able to conquer a single meter of ukrainian land, despite the fact that he suffered huge losses, so huge that now this division is basically unable to carry out assault actions on... on the entire strip, now for the most part they are still trying to storm a little there and advance in the area of ​​one of our defenses, one of our battalions, well, but the main potential and the main opportunities for advancing forward, we have already defeated them, the only thing is that, most likely, realizing that it will not
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work advance in the lane from our responsibility. now the russians are overturning the neighboring brigades and are now trying to storm and advance there. in fact, we are talking about the flanks of your brigade, there were reports that south of you, that is exactly where the enemy's attempts to operate in the area of ​​makivka, it seems, if i am not mistaken, makivka, to the north is in the area of ​​pischannoy, that is precisely, well, the flanks of your brigade. how threatening are these enemy movements for the situation around your brigade in general on this part of the front? well, of course we are we depend on our flanks, of course it has a direct impact if one or the other flank fails somewhere or starts to crumble, which is why we try to work in such close cooperation with those units that
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are next to us, including providing comprehensive support to... . help there with fp drones, our artillery, because we understand very well that, firstly, it is a joint matter, and secondly, it will directly affect the possibility of us, the introduction of defensive actions, so at the moment there is no critical situation, but here is the enemy really smashing about us divia for. if you can hear me now, i would like to ask you about the following situation: your brigade is currently on the defensive, but we know how effective it is in carrying out assault actions in imposing its own tactics on the front line, because actually there is an assault brigade, and there is a certain such
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doctrine of the use of such parts, is such a doctrine being formed, or not? it is actually worth using the assault potential of your brigade more flexibly, and not just its defensive actions, as we have now well, we actually really feel ourselves more organically during assault offensive actions, actions. our infantry is preparing for this, it is morally, psychologically and physically ready for this. on... and combat in assault operations, and in general a motivational, yes, component in our unit, it allows us to move forward quite effectively in some areas, however, it must be understood that any brigade, no matter what it is called, whether it's an amphibious assault or just an assault or
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a sniper, any, first of all, it definitely must have. to be able to hold the defense and conduct defensive actions is the basis for any brigade, regardless of its specifics . of course, we would like us to be involved in what we believe we are more efficient and professional, but at the moment there is a need for such activity, and especially since this point was quite hot and difficult, and due to the fact that we were involved in defensive... actions, it stabilized here, so in principle it also had a result, well, we are fulfilling the tasks before us ask, mr. maxim, regarding the strengthening of your brigade, you... have your own recruiting company active, but now the brigade, if i am not mistaken, is also training prisoners who will serve in the brigade, what are
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the approaches here, where will they be to serve, how do you as a commander feel about the fact that you will have to fight with such difficult people, well, in fact, i expressed my opinion even when it was only at the level of discussions, and in principle , all the commanders of the third assault brigade , they ... in this opinion the only one is that there is a lot a lot of qualitatively motivated human resource, there are a lot of people there, currently prisoners, among whom there are those who are ready and who want to fight, and therefore it was quite strange not to use these opportunities all this time, of course, you have to approach it quite carefully. to work with them, because, after all, this is a specific contingent, yes, one that has its own characteristics, but at the same time, from
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the very beginning, we wanted and were those who were ready to take into our ranks precisely those people who currently imprisoned, they are in interviews are held first. we select them already there, looking at what they served their sentences for there, looking at their moral and psychological state, at their physical state, we conduct such interviews with them, after which they are admitted, if they pass them with us, after which they undergo mandatory basic training, and only after this basic training, they will be randomly distributed among units, it must be understood that... these people cannot be commanders and they will be attached to those units and commanders who are currently performing
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combat tasks, where they will also receive combat tasks. we understand the specifics and are absolutely ready to work with these people. mr. maxim, when we talk about units, we usually talk about the training of mobilized recruits, but to a large extent the effectiveness of units depends on the sergeants and commanders of various ri. there are platoon, company, battalion commanders and so on, how to improve selection, training, responsibility, these important links of military management, do you have any recommendations that could be transferred to other brigades so that they would be as effective as your brigade, sergeant, this is mandatory in general, it is a hoot, yes, an army unit and this... a sergeant on the battlefield is the main soldier , the most important soldier is the one who is looked up to, is the one who is listened to, the one who gives commands, decides and
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similar things, and the one, including, who shows by his direct example on the battlefield what to do, how to lead and everything else, therefore it is extremely important to really, in joining, train and train this sergeant branch within our units, it has buckets. to get rid of what happened there during the soviet army, yes, because there the sergeant was no one at all, but now we are building the sergeant as a leader among the soldiers, the only thing, i will say, is that if the officers still manage to at least somehow accumulate my experience, unfortunately, in this war, due to the high intensity of the battles, very often we are faced with the situation that it is the sergeants, those who are an example on the battlefield, they very often die during. hostilities, because they are the ones who lead the soldiers forward, and they are the ones who show, yes, that you don't have to stop, no, no, it's not time to break and
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everything else, and unfortunately, in this war we have already lost a lot of good, trained sergeants, so it is extremely it is important to train them, keep them and give them the opportunity to accumulate their experience so that they can pass it on to the soldiers, and a few questions... technologically, for the past week, your brigade has destroyed six operational russian drones of the orlan and zala type, if i am not mistaken , or means the fact that you have already developed some kind of antidote, a technical antidote against these drones, which pose a significant threat to our defense forces, no technical details are needed, it will simply explain what is happening there, why are you so successful in destroying eagles and halls? well, in fact, it is the eagles that are difficult for us so far, and now for us it is almost a solved issue, all thanks to the unconditional initiative. those who directly
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deal with unmanned robotic complexes in our country are mostly young people who bring their ideas, who bring their initiative and their energy, which we in turn will support, and then get such a result, at the moment there is really almost a systematic struggle with these wings and with these drones, so if you even look at the radar there , yes, which show where and how the enemy wings fly, then you can see that... now the enemy wings are trying to fly around the area of ​​responsibility of the third assault brigade from any side, because they already know that they cannot fly safely here. to zerlan for now which is quite difficult, because after all, it has quite a high speed and height, but we are also moving towards this systemic solution now. and last question, i heard from our weapons manufacturers that your brigade is purchasing
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certain samples. directly from our defense and industrial companies, this also applies to small arms, weapons , etc. we have and we have desire and are forced to provide ourselves today directly with the means by which we ... consider it possible to effectively conduct combat operations that will protect the lives of our personnel, and therefore in fact we purchase weapons and equipment not only from ukrainian manufacturers, but also from including foreign ones, this procedure was significantly complicated by the bureaucratic process, but today it has become a little easier, after all, the army hears, heard yes in this regard and gave
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the brigades the opportunity... to equip themselves and purchase, to directly purchase the weapons and equipment for oneself, of course, this happens with the approval of the senior commander, the brigade itself cannot buy everything it wants, but we show where we want to buy, what we want to buy and for what we want to buy it, we buy it at the expense of those funds that are helped by cities or big business officially on the accounts of... with these funds, we independently find ammunition, weapons, and equipment all over the world. we never want to repeat what happened after world war ii, the most destructive war in human history. and we know that the alliance was a gathering of free democracies that decided to collectively engage in defense, wanted to be together in order to... if
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they attack one of us, they will attack all of us, that's the best way to deter war and how to restrain the enemy, the aggressor, those who want to start aggression, they should wake up, like, for example, putin started attacking ukraine, they. must think that this is a mad man marching across europe, we in the united states realized that russia had begun to make plans to intervene in the seizure of ukraine, and we began
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to share this, this data, and... in order to build an international coalition, and we, when we realized that this seizure was an attack on ukraine inevitable, we organized more than 50 countries around us, and when putin gathered his troops less than 150 km from kyiv, the capital of ukraine, we thought that putin should be reassured that he would not do it, but... to the united states, they, i want to personally thank everyone for what nato, nato has achieved
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