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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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it will create unrest in the pacific basin, as well as in europe in terms of russia and ukraine. for example, if you want to invest in china, you know this region, then there must be a chinese co-owner of 51%. and you don't have. you have to provide access to all the data that you have, and that's what we did, so under the last administration, under this administration, we looked at that market, there's a lot of people there, it's a big market, they did it, but.. .it
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went down, it stopped when we told them to play by the same rules, i.e. no you can subsidize goods, and therefore they will no longer be able to export electric cars to the united states, but this is a concern, i am not concerned about china, about the north ... korea, russia, iran, countries that previously could not coordinate among themselves. how do you stop it? yes, i will put a stop to it, but i will not publicly disclose the details of it. you will see that some of our
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european friends will reduce their investment in china if china continues this indirect support to russia, in terms of helping their economy, in terms of other help that the permit helps. everyone agreed with me, but we need a new industrial policy in the west, for example, we said that the eu and nato should develop...
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production of ammunition, weapons production capacity, some of us were surprised that we were so far behind in the west in terms of capabilities create new, new weapons, new ammunition, starting from armor, from cars to weapons systems. and we will meet with our european colleagues, we will again discuss what we can do to develop these defense capabilities in the united states, in europe, for to produce their own weapons, not to generate it, russia is also trying to increase it, they are turning to china.
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we discussed that as well. in two or three years, you will be able to talk to putin and deal with him. i am ready to do this now and in 3 years. as i said, i am now in direct contact with xi, i have no reason to talk to putin now. he is not ready to do almost anything to change his behavior. but there is no world leader that i am not ready to handle, but the general. question,
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is putin ready to talk, everyone is ready to talk with him, but is he ready to change his behavior. putin has a problem. the first in this war, which he thinks he will win, and i would say that it seems to me, he first won 17 and 3% of ukraine and now practically. the same, but they lost 350 thousand soldiers killed and wounded, they are young people with technical capabilities, they leave russia because they do not see their future there, but what they control,
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they control public reactions very well on how to communicate with people. they're lying about what's going on, and this idea that they can, we can now fundamentally change russia in the short term, but it's not cheap, but if we let them win in ukraine, they won't stay in ukraine, i know that you asked about it, you wrote about it, read what putin said after he... invaded, he didn't talk, just read what he said about his goals, but i think i'm ready to talk to any leader , who wants to say if putin will call me, i'm ready to talk to him, last time i told putin to
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go back to arms control, but it didn't give much result, so i'm... ready to talk to anyone, but there's no willingness, and the willingness is in china contact me, but i don't know what will happen. in asia, we strengthened our presence. and we are also part of the nato alliance. invited a group from australia, from new zealand, that is, from the indo-pacific basin, in order for them to participate in this summit, and we, thanks to the alliance, have been able to slow down what
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china is doing, and we don't take it very easily, somebody from npr over there... will try to ask something from npr, i have two questions, you talked about the cease fire between israel and hamas, and i'm wondering if there's anything you personally wish you could have done differently, and as far as the presidential campaign goes, i remember back in '20 when i was working on... reporting with your companies , they talked about the young generation of leaders, it is interesting what happened, which ones changes since you did the company back then? well, two things that have been done: firstly
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, regarding the first question regarding israel and palestine, if you know, from the very beginning, when this happened in israel, i immediately left, went with... and met with the king of jordan and with most of the arab leaders in order to get an agreement between them to know what to do in order to give more medical aid to the population and we really worked hard on that and israel started more. work with us in this regard, and some of our reporters talk about it as well, and uh, i was at a table once, and one of the rabbis was sitting next to
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me, i said that i support israel, but this military cabinet that is now in israel, one of the most conservative in the history of israel, and... we have to talk about a two- state solution to this issue and the plan that we wanted, that we wanted to propose, it had to be done during this. process, and we wanted saudi arabia to help in the transition period in order to achieve peace without israeli troops, and their presence in gaza, and in the end israel should not occupy. gas, the gas district, and we
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need to solve this issue as soon as possible, i, i was a little disappointed by the issue that not everything that we proposed or did, that it was not completely successful, for example, the port through which we imported things, i was not safe, and the killings that happened, we know that hamas... did a lot of negative things, i told bibi, i said, don't make the same mistake that america did after bin laden, we don't the need to occupy the territory, you better go after the people who are responsible for what happened, i was completely against the occupation of that land, against afghanistan, and when we captured bin laden. we, we realized that no one can unite that country, and we know that from those
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poppy fields, to all that territory that 's there, we don't have to do it, we don't have to do it, we're going to help you find those bad guys, and regardless of all the criticism, i won't give them any more weapons, i didn't help them with weapons, and i won't be for... that kind of help gas weapons, i don't want there to be any more tragedies like this, and remember that what is happening is that they attacked israel with missiles, ballistic missiles, and i was able to organize the arab nations as well as europe, and nothing happened, and no one was hurt as a result of that response, that is, what was happening. the east has been decided, and i wish i could convince the israelis to
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go in that direction, that doesn't mean they have to go the other way, but they have to think about hamas, not about the palestinians, now even on hamas is not popular in the west, and i think that we will continue to work in this direction in order to stop the fire, stop the fire and help and make it possible to achieve these plans, and i am better respected in israel than i am respected in this country in any - in any case, this is how i understand it, but... you said in the 20th year during your campaign that you were, so to speak, such
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a bridge, a transitional bridge to the young generation of leaders, so what changed to at this stage? well, because that's the situation i'm in inherited, that weight, the importance of that situation, those divisions, those splits that took place inside the country, changed the situation. presidents have done more than i have done in my presidency, and i have enough wisdom now to know how to work with congress, i have done things that people didn't believe could be done, i wish these things. that would be very
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good, and it changes everything. last question. next, josh, two more questions, there's more than one. mr. president, very much. thank you eh i know fellow democrats are watching right now on capitol hill to see what you have to offer as a candidate, and it seems like your answer. straight and clear and you, we 're watching what's going on, you 're going to michigan tomorrow, next week the other, is that what you think the next two weeks are going to do, is that going to affect your decision on whether will you fully or will you agree to
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continue your presidential campaign? i , first of all, i want to tell you that people said during that debate that biden was unprepared, but what i want to say is that all the events that i've been involved in from wisconsin to north carolina, i'll be traveling to those states, that territory, where i think we can win. and i will talk to people, our political campaign is the most expanded than we used to do it, we have a lot of volunteers, we make phone calls, thousands, tens of thousands of phone calls, we talk to people, and we have a lot of
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different headquarters in different states, we organize our own. strength, we move on, it's not so easy to do, and one more thing: me, me i've been in the senate for a long time and i'm proud of what i've done, i've been chairman of the foreign policy committee, the legal affairs committee, the committee on legal affairs and others, i'm in the library of congress, anyway, i 'm proud that i did, and i'm going to... go to different cities, talk about the things that i've done that i want to end, we can't lose that transition that we've made to end those things, and we want to control guns, not girls, we
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want to understand that more children to kill. guns in the united states of america than those who die from another, from any other cause. what are we doing, why is this happening in america, how can this be? we have a supreme court that is now what you might call the most conservative court in american history, and that's just not normal. we could do so much more, this is our freedom, it depends on it, and by the way. i'm not going to talk about it now, but i remember once i spoke about democracy in philadelphia, in independence hall, and i'm not criticizing, i'm just what i noticed, they talked about, my god, what is he talking about there,
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they talked about democracy, democracy was not a problem at that time, only. 60% at that time understood that i was right about what i said, and i am not asking now about this question now, what is democracy, but do you think that democracy is now under threat or do you think that now in the environment democracy, do you think it won't be around in the 25th year, or it won't be under threat in the 25th year, we've never been at this stage in all of history, and that's why i say that... i don't want to pass it on to the next generation, because i think we have to solve this issue, very, very much is at stake right now and we are responsible for it, you and the press secretary, the press secretary and i discussed your questions, you said that you cognitive tests do every day, when you
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will participate in this company, it will be difficult to do these tests. how do you plan to do it? first of all, i want to say that i have undergone three intensive neurological examinations by neurologists, and they all said that i am in good condition. yes, of course, with the left foot in i started to have some problems because it is difficult for me to choose special shoes there, but... every day they check me about my neurological capabilities and about the decisions i make every day, and sometimes my employees already say too much, but. .. the thing is, i uh, i don't have to, i don't tell them what the main things we have to complete, what we have to do, i'm going
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to fly to south korea where we're going to discuss the chip issue, i'm going to fly to japan, you remember that we had certain hostile relations during the second world war war with this country, and... i will advance us on the path of mutual understanding, and i want to even say a little bit that i want to advance wisdom, if you know what i'm talking about, and very important, if my neurologists say, we must one more, one review to go through, and frankly, i've made it all public, so ask trump, his... every day, if they
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don't think he has, that i have a problem, well, if my neurologist says, that i still have one more review to go through, i 'll say okay, but i'll tell you, no one is going to be satisfied with any answer, you have seven doctors or two or others? i say again that if the neurologist says: another examination is needed, i will undergo it. scripps. thank you, mr. president. every day you make, make decisions about supporting ukraine, about help. can your delegates speak and vote as you
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see fit, yes, i have overwhelming support, so tomorrow, if i, if i come to the party convention, say what they want... i want somebody else, but i'm not going to say that i want someone else to come, it's a democratic process, let's finish it, i've spent a lot of time here, i understand the candidates who are fighting to get their election elected in my state of delaware. when i started there, it was dominated by republicans, when i was a candidate, i don't
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remember that in my state the majority recruited presidential candidates from the democrats when i was a politician. but now look at the state polls. and i think everybody, everybody recognizes that, i know you're experts on that. how true these surveys are now, how well they predict the situation. if one surveys to survey, then i admit, if other polls are against it,
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trump admits, it's still a long time after labor day, after september, when the real picture begins, and i know and i am convinced that i am the most qualified to lead, the most qualified. to win, others can also beat trump, but they have to start from the beginning, and we 're talking about the funds that we've raised, it's more than $200 million in the bank, we're doing very well, you've expressed confidence in vice president, or if she had good ratings, would you give her a seat?
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you said vice president before, you slandered vice president trump instead of vice president geris, now trump is using it, it's his problem. thank you all, this concludes the press conference, they understand that if ukraine had nothing at all, certain people with money would not have invested this money here, well, let's understand that the world is unfortunately cynical, although
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very often certain correct voices are voiced messages and even take the right actions, but china, as they say, condemns this productive part of the summit, and because there is rather harsh talk about its cooperation with russia, maybe this will sober up china a little, that everyone understands everything, well, in fact, we see how the rhetoric of nato and their main concepts, also where china is from the opponent, they understand that china is already a threat to... the alliance, and this is very good, because nato secretary general stoltenburg called for sanctions against china for helping russia. 70% of machines that make components for daggers and drones are chinese machines. 90% of the microelectronics received by the agreso state is also from china, that is, china, which says no, we are neutral, actually. is doing
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everything to ensure that the russian war machine receives resources, receives the necessary components to continue the war against ukraine, and we clearly understand that china has ambitions of global domination, and what we know from various channels of communication between china and the ukrainian side even earlier, china clearly indicated his position: they are not against ukraine's membership in the eu, but they will do everything to prevent us from becoming members of nato, because in the case of the global implementation of the usa and china... ukraine, as a member nato will be on the side of the usa. and that is why china is not, as they say, not interested in the north atlantic alliance getting such a strong player with the unique experience of conventional warriors, plus a warrior already with drones, rebs, e, and the use, in particular, of artificial intelligence, robotics, was on the side of the north atlantic alliance. therefore, we must clearly understand for ourselves that we
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need to partner with... with south korea, with japan, with taiwan, since these are the countries that have drones with higher capabilities. in any case, if we are needed as such partners to our partners in the west, which means that we need to help ukraine more actively so that it can win this war. thank you very much, hanna gubko was with us, the head of the board of the ans network for the protection of national interests, and she also chaired the verkhovna rada's committee on foreign affairs in the verkhovna rada of the last convocation. we'll be back in just a few minutes, stay with... with espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what's going on. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton
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borkovsky at espresso.


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