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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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andriy saichuk, we are working for you today until 12 o'clock, well, traditionally at 8 o'clock kateryna shiropoyas appears on your screens, which means that we will watch the news. tell katya what has happened there in ukraine and the world in the last hour. congratulations to olesya andria, in a moment i will talk about the ukrainian security compact and the consequences of night attacks in ukraine. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the enemy again attacked ukraine with mortars, launched drones from different directions. anti-aircraft forces defense forces worked in many regions, in particular in khmelnytskyi, vinnytsia, mykolaiv and kyiv regions. the air alarm lasted almost the whole night. to kyiv. the retreat
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sounded already in the morning. the child died due to russian shelling of donetsk region. the enemy delivered a double blow to the residential quarter of the city of myrnograd. shells hit an apartment building. a 15-year-old boy died. 13 people were injured, including two teenagers. damaged residential buildings, administrative buildings, shops, cars and farm equipment. a five-story building was on fire. this was reported to the state emergency service. the russians also attacked the village of raihorodok, four people were wounded, and more than 10 houses were damaged. and the russians attacked the rescuers again, there are wounded, the enemy shelled the dnipro district of kherson. it hit residential areas, houses were damaged and a car was on fire. firefighters extinguished the fire, then russian terrorists struck again, dropped explosives from the drone. a rescuer and a specialist received shrapnel wounds. regional communal
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emergency and rescue service, and the employee press service akuborot trauma. the explosives also damaged the fire engine. i was in the house, i was the first one, i still jumped out, i see this one, i thought, their house is from here, i jumped out of there, i just managed to run, five five, imagine what a terrible thing happened here, what i experienced, may god have mercy, you can die here the topic of horror that could have been experienced is now official... former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny began to perform the duties of the ambassador of ukraine to great britain. he has already handed over the verses of the certificate. ukraine's victory in the war with the russians remains the main priority of his activity and the activity of the embassy, ​​says the page of the diplomatic mission. let me remind you that at the beginning of february, zelensky dismissed zaluzhny as the head of the armed forces and appointed oleksandr syrsky to replace him. and the president.
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volodymyr zelenskyi hopes that the next step will be the invitation of ukraine to the north atlantic alliance, and later membership. the head of state stated this during a briefing with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg. the joint declaration states that ukraine is on an irreversible path on the way to membership in the alliance, and we will be invited when all the allies agree and kyiv fulfills all the necessary conditions. we have a strong position that... to the irreversibility of ukraine's movement towards nato, every step really brings us closer to membership, we are doing and will continue to do everything to ensure that when the day comes when ukraine is invited, ukraine will be invited and it will become a member of nato. i am sure we will achieve it. nato secretary general jen stoltenberg said that the decision regarding the adoption of the north atlantic alliance summit.
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of ukraine is a bridge to its membership in the organization. the nato leader welcomed ukraine's progress in carrying out reforms and assured: the alliance will support our country on the irreversible path to joining the military-political union. president zelensky at our meeting that just took place and you, i agreed, something all these elements: nato command, more funding, more financial under more military support. more security agreements and more interoperability are a bridge to nato membership and are a very powerful package for of ukraine. the future of ukraine in nato. 23 states signed the ukrainian security compact at the nato summit. the agreement can help the defense of ukraine. in particular, in the long term . this was stated by us president joe biden at a meeting with allies at the nato summit in washington. the american leader
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emphasized the support of ukraine not only now, but also for years to come. now the allies will provide ukraine with ammunition and weapons to resist russian aggression, and further help with development. the ukrainian army and deter new ones aggression patriot ammunition system to haimars and nassams about the allocation of a new aid package for ukraine, us president joe biden announced during a meeting with volodymyr zelenskyi. the cost of the package is about 225 million dollars, it includes one patriot battery, stinger anti-aircraft missiles, ammunition for nasams and hymars, as well as artillery shells and anti-tank complexes. cartridges for small arms and mines for detonation. zelensky thanked biden for his support, who said that the usa will be with ukraine in this war. you stopped advancing russia, you have inflicted significant losses on russia, and you have made it clear that russia will not
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win in ukraine, ukraine will win. and i want you to know, we will be with you every step of the way. this is the eighth aid package that i have sanctioned. draft law on justice 4 million ukrainians lost their homes due to russian aggression, now only residents of kyiv and kharkiv regions can count on compensation for lost housing. for citizens from temporarily occupied territories or regions where combat active actions, such a mechanism was not foreseen. it is proposed by draft law 11161, submitted by people's deputies from the european solidarity. as of today , the document has been voted on in the first reading. people from the most affected cities, which are completely destroyed. mariupol, bakhmut, avdiyivka, solidar, maryinka, they cannot receive compensation, because
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the procedure includes two very simple points: please provide us with photo evidence of the destruction, and in addition, the commission must personally come to the place and mean find out what it is destroyed according to the estimates of ukrainian expert organizations, in particular kse, 4 million ukrainians have lost their homes, that is, the challenge facing all of us, before the government, before the opposition, before ukrainian society, in fact we are talking about building and providing housing for almost the entire population in a short period of time the whole of croatia, or half of austria, or half of sweden. the warrior's house was awarded to the winners of the regional competition charity of lviv region. since 2012, the award has been organized by the association of benefactors of ukraine. independent expert the commission selects laureates from six categories. these are nominations for regional and local charity, collective volunteerism,
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charity in the social sphere, the non-governmental sector and in the defense of ukraine. for the past year , the winners were the caritas truskaveits charitable funds, community development. blago life, volunteer association riy pomsty, zadviryan volunteer kitchen, charitable organization, andrey foundation and many others. this is a very transparent, transparent competition, we do not have any comments from anyone participants, not from other, so to speak, recipients or participants of charitable life according to its organization, we have statistics that during the large-scale invasion of charitable organizations it increased by 70%. 3% more, i did not expect this award, but with the beginning of the military invasion of russia against ukraine, our foundation began to be very closely involved in charity work, obviously it was mostly humanitarian direction, medical support, products, then hygiene products,
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clothes, etc., although we also had many other initiatives. bring me back home to the capital presented a film authored by the radio project. svoboda tiyak, the tape tells about the problem of forcibly deported ukrainian prisoners. they found themselves in the occupation at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, after the liberation of the territory they were illegally taken to the russian federation. even after completing their sentence, returning home became an extremely difficult task for them. ukraine cannot confirm their identities, so people wait for weeks or even months at the border to enter ukraine. the topic of deportation. of ukrainian prisoners is little covered, both in ukrainian and in foreign media, because we see films, works about the return of ukrainian children from deportation, this is an absolutely important topic, and i also worked on it before, so i know what it is, we see about the exchange of prisoners of war, and for some reason about this
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category no one tells about the ukrainian population, and ukrainian prisoners are civilians, deporting them under international laws is absolutely forbidden'. these are our people, they are not of their own free will. remained in the citizens, whoever it was, again, these are people, separate from them, who had weeks and days left until the end of serving the sentence, and again the occupation, they could not leave, even unlike those who were free, who remained deliberately in the occupied territory for various reasons, and they had no choice, we physically forced them to enter the occupation, which creates a certain debt to all of us. espresso tv channel invites you to join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of maviks flay combo and five maviks 3t. quadcopters are those eyes in the sky that they keep an eye on security and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, most importantly, they
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help save the lives of our military. you and i need to collect uah 2.5 million, so let's not waste time, i ask you to join the collection for our defenders. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you at 10 o'clock. next , my colleagues will be waiting for you on the air... andriy saichuk, we are starting our next hour of the marathon, at this hour traditionally, i i remind you about our gathering, he came to me today in the morning. while we were preparing for ether, our employee says, let's
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make such a powerful announcement about the collection today, uh, i'm thinking, how would it be so powerful to announce that collection so that people donate, because dear friends, frankly, until the end of the week hands down, on monday we collected 97,000, on tuesday it was already 40,000, on wednesday it was 35,000, but on thursday, that is, yesterday was... there was only 26 thousand for the whole day, and to be honest , i want to do that powerful, powerful gathering announcement, but i don't know anymore what can we come up with so that somehow our viewers become more active, and in the end we collect those 2.5 million, we collect for drones, drones for maviks, which should go to the east, where the artillery reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade is currently located there. of the armed forces of ukraine. these drones will do bad things to our enemies. now
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you see all the necessary details on your screens. if facing the screen, monobank is on the right, and privatbank is on the left. the card numbers are indicated below them, all for your convenience. take the phones, open the cameras, point at the qr codes. scan, retell. it doesn't have to be large sums. 10, 20, 30. this is something that is exciting, someone can do more, well, from more, of course, we will not refuse, you have such a rush of heart, stop it, the guys have been waiting for these drones for a long time, and frankly, it’s a shame, we we are celebrating victory, it is a shame to look those guys in the eye, because we promised them that these drones would be in them and help them see where the russian positions are, and they say that today is barbecue day. well, let's help, what is it, yes, well, in principle,
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yes, densheshlyka, yes, dear friends, i don’t know the word, there are only 365 days, some 366, how can you stick something for each day , every day there are several things for that day, and also professional holidays, dear friends , the day of the fisherman, the day of the groundhog, the day of the groundhog, the day of... er worm, by the way, we need to find out if we have that day of the worm, dear friends, there is no time to work, dear friends, i am asking you very much, look, we actually have less than 70,000 left to have on monobank, namely the qr code of monobank along the ether, you can see it right here, we there are less than 70,000 left to make 1.5 million, this is only at monobank on... privately we have more than 3,000, i think that it is already approaching 400,000 somewhere, cannot get an update from
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iryna koval, ours, because it is her the charity is doing this fundraiser because at this moment she took children whose parents went to defend the country and died, and she took these children abroad to give them a little break from the war, she is doing a good thing and she is obviously busy, because imagine , to lead a bunch of teenagers is not a very simple... matter, and as soon as iryna can get in touch, we will ask her about the details of what is happening with the private account, but nevertheless, if there... 1 million 500 will be, i hope this day, on the monobank card, and there is about 400, then we already have 1,900 thousand, and 1,900 out of 2.5 million, this is already a larger, much larger part of the amount, i do not know whether this announcement was powerful, whether it satisfied our
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employee, i hope so, i hope feedback from our viewers, i can already see that... yes, 900 were added while i was making this announcement, i hope that during those who have not donated now will do so, and in the meantime we will continue to talk with our guests, and now we will talk about the kharkiv region, where the muscovites are pushing and pushing, have huge losses, but still do not spare their appetites, and in fact, so that these appetites were too much for them, but our boys. our guys are repulsing them, actually these are the guys, let's take a look at them, the ones for whom we are gathering for art intelligence of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. i wish you good health, we, the soldiers of the 100th brigade of artillery reconnaissance, ask you to join ours collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and
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protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. so 10:00 has already been added, it was added for this morning, thank you, dear viewers, for your feedback, you have incredible big hearts, and it touches us, we will now move with you to kharkiv oblast, serhiy zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, employee of the center for strategic communications and of information security is already with us, mr. serhiy, good morning, is this morning the same in kharkiv oblast as last night, or are you us you hear, mr. seri, good afternoon. well , it was a calm, good morning in kharkiv itself, i can hear you well, maybe the connection is not very good, it passed peacefully in kharkiv itself, but how was it in other settlements of kharkiv region? well , look, even i was in one,
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let's say, on staltivka, let's say, there was a wonderful cannonade. you can regularly hear how the hostilities are taking place in the region, that's why the artillery is working, both ours and the enemy's, and that's why, of course, even kharkiv residents who are not in the hostilities zone, they can to understand that hostilities are ongoing in the region, as in kharkov in general now, and to remember just recently... they said that there was a threat of an offensive, a breakthrough on kharkov, as now in kharkov they faced a little relief, well, maybe, maybe, perhaps they encountered relief, but, well, i say that in some
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districts of kharkiv, you can hear how you can hear the movement. hostilities in the region, that is, we hear how the artillery works in the north of the region, both ours and russian, and we understand that calm days and nights in kharkiv, relatively, yes, that's all, they write, by the way, about the fact that he informed us that we have a very bad connection, probably there is no electricity, and then there are problems with the internet. now we will try to restore contact, perhaps by phone with mr. serhiy, to inquire about what is happening in kharkiv, in the kharkiv region, the day before the russians dropped an aerial bomb on the vovchansk community, there are dead and wounded, but the military reports that in two
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months before the russian army attacked kharkiv region, they lost more than... 90% of their forces during this offensive by any at a price, they want to take a bite out of that kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, well, but so far they are not succeeding and we hope that they will not succeed, by the way, the situation is stabilized there, in the meantime, you know, we can watch a cool video, what do you think of this idea? while we are trying to contact kharkov further, a motivational video has gone viral on the internet. 53 a separate mechanized brigade named after prince volodymyr manomakh invites recruits to its ranks as
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part of mobilization. jean-claude van dadam and even chuck norris somewhere so quietly they left to smoke to the side, just on two tanks in such a twine, he is sitting beautiful and i wonder if this video will get to vandam, for example, listen, i don’t know, well , views, but only where i can see, then maybe he will drop some donations on... what the 53rd and the 53rd would separate themselves in the video, i thought that the cool guys should be supported, they say that this is a sleigh, what kind of sleigh, i don't know,
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but this one, this one, this one is our bully in this video, there is such a one , 53, that our guest returns to us by phone, that it is true, well, we have such reality, let's continue the conversation on the phone, mr. sergey, are you on... can you hear me? yes, i hear you. by the way, this is now probably some kind of power cut, how often is kharkiv without electricity now, how does it manage, because the temperatures are quite high in the kharkiv region, and there is another problem, because people end up in hospitals, if not because of russian shelling , then because of the heat. well, according to hospital statistics, i don't have any, but when i don't. light is fed by generators, so kharkiv will meet this challenge, now lives, works, more or less, more or less, we will deal with it, uh,
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now every fourth child, if i am not mistaken, is abroad from kharkiv, how to deal with it, is this a topic that is being discussed in the city, will these children ever return to ukraine and what? well, of course, this is a painful topic, very painful for... ukraine in general and for kharkiv in particular, because even compared to other regions, our situation is more difficult, because we are a frontline region, and we have a very small number of children who have the opportunity to study full-time, i.e. directly go to school, communicate with peers live, then these are the children who have the opportunity to go to the same underground school, we now have two of these in kharkiv de facto, plus one was built there in the region, but with... of course, what does it cover, covers a very small part, the minority of children have the opportunity to study in this way, the majority are on distance learning, plus, of
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course, on the one hand, it allows you to keep in touch with the native schools of those children who have gone there to other regions or, for example , abroad, well in primarily abroad, but of course, of course distance learning is... not at all a story that gives full socialization to children and the quality of education usually suffers from this, so objectively we cannot provide safe face-to-face education for all underground schools for all children of kharkiv, even those who are here will not be enough, not to mention that someone will return, so of course everything is being done to solve this issue, but we understand very well that... the main thing is for the children, and the main safety is not provided by shelters and by building underground schools, yes, and victory over the enemy and ensuring
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security for all citizens as a whole, so far, as we understand, this issue has not been resolved, and of course, what people are going through, they are worried, and there is even a little bit of this, maybe a little bit... this is such an offense, maybe , but in general, i think that everyone should understand everything and understand the real reasons and real possibilities of our city and region, are they currently discussing in kharkiv what winter can be like, whether it will be with light, with heat, with water, yes , of course, people discuss, worry, well... i won't to voice what is known in terms of what is being done in terms of preparation for winter, the only thing i will say is that this is what all services and structures and
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authorities do. everything they can in order to prepare as much as possible for winter and so that we approach the winter period prepared, so to speak, but nevertheless, everyone understands perfectly well, ordinary citizens also understand this, the authorities also understand this, that winter will be difficult, winter will be difficult, no matter what the climatic conditions are, no matter how warm or cold it is, by all accounts it will be cold, because our summer is very hot. it worked out, but we fully understand that the winter will be difficult, and people are really worried about it, and people, well, i know, a lot of people who are preparing so-called spare airfields for the winter, that is, they are also preparing equipment for energy, let's say, providing one's own, and someone tries to rent housing in the private sector or outside the city, because we all guess, let's say
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, that the most... difficult will be for the residents of many multi-story buildings. well, at least something is so positive, i think it's to the mayor of kharkiv understands things well, that is probably why he is the most popular among all the mayors of ukraine, terikhov, who, you know, made public a couple of weeks ago, actually this video, where he is holding two small jaguar cubs in a basket, which were born in the city zoo , so he offered kharkiv residents to choose their names themselves, a vote was held on social networks, hundreds of kharkiv residents responded, and now there were very interesting different options, for example, the will and freedom to name them, or for example, a goal and a letter, in honor kharkiv metal worker, this it's strange, but they were chosen, so far in the finals they reached nick and vic. just with taste,
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nika and vika, as in fact, victoria and nika, the goddess of victory as well, that is, so to speak, to encode victory in these two greek and latin versions of the names, like this, 37% of the people, kharkivs, voted for it. yan, mira and victoria were in second place, and vera and nadiya were in third place, these are the options, completely female and human, in the end they entered... well, this is such a beautiful thing, because as mr. terikhov, i agree with him here you still need to find, you know, remain optimistic, notice important joyful events and share them with each other, here i absolutely quote the mayor and support mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, we hope, we really want that kharkiv residents do not need to land
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on these... reserve airfields, so that everyone is at home, with warmth, with light and in silence without russian missiles. well, but we understand the conditions in which we live, and we prepare, of course, we must always prepare for the worst and believe in the best. thank you for the conversation, serhii zhukov, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, an employee of the center for strategic communications and information security was with us. dear friends, before we go on a short break, i want to thank you, because 15,000 of our viewers... have already donated, and it's literally in like 19, 16 minutes, that's right, thank you, it's hopeful, and i hope , that really today we, not only i will powerfully announce the beast, but you will also powerfully donate, and we will eventually reach the mark of one 1.5 million hryvnias, and for this we have less than 57, after. .. to
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pause, we will be back, we will continue, we will have nazarii kishak, the commander of the 153rd brigade unit, stay with us, the final of euro-2024 only on mego, spain and england will arrange an incredible battle for the football crown of europe, turn on the super match on july 14 at 22:00 exclusively there are discounts on mego. get the only discounts on doloksengel 10% in the pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, an interview with evstratii zorya about the challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation in our society example of mykola tyshchenko. in the article by viktor boberenko. lada vvedenska about the difficulties and challenges of military medics. the country is always a canopy.


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