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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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just now light, powerful and reliable cors trainers, only from uah 799. offer is limited, call. time is new. on espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians attacked ukraine again at night. the enemy launched five kh-101 cruise missiles and 19 drones. the main direction of the attack was staro kostiantyn, the anti-aircraft defense forces shot down all the missiles and 11 shaheds. the remaining eight drones were lost in location, probably to overload our air defense, the enemy used simulators of attack uavs, the air force reported. russian rockets
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were launched from strategic aviation from sarativ oblast, and drones from primorsky akhtarsk and kursk oblast. air defense forces worked in khmelnytskyi, sumy, cherkasy, kyiv, vinnytsia and kherson regions. the child died due to russian shelling of donetsk region. the enemy delivered a double blow to the residential quarter of the city of myrnograd. shells hit an apartment building. a 15-year-old boy died. 13 people were injured, including two teenagers. residential buildings, administrative buildings, shops, cars and farm buildings were damaged. a five-story building was on fire, the state emergency service reported. the russians also attacked the village of raihorodok. four people were injured, more than 10 homes were damaged. they wanted to block the shipment of weapons to the front. the security service stole it. of the fsb of russia in kharkiv
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red-handedly arrested a recidivist from odesa. a man tried to destroy the relay box of a railway traffic light, two more were detained in the rivne region. one of them set fire to a relay cabinet that controlled the operation of semaphores on one of the main railway lines. and the second filmed the sabotage on camera, so that later send a report to the fsb. the men received money for their work, now they are in custody. saboteurs for... life imprisonment. during tests in the norwegian sea , the modernized russian as-36 deep-sea vehicle was damaged. this was reported in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. at the moment of launching the device into the water, the crew of the ship of the northern fleet of the russian federation, mykhailo rudnytskyi , failed to control it and hit the ship's hull with the device. as a result of the incident. ac-3
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suffered damage that does not allow to continue testing. now the russians carry out an assessment of the damage and the time required to repair the deep-sea apparatus. in the belgorod region of russia, one of the occupiers shot his comrades with a machine gun. at least two russians were killed, one more was wounded. after that , a military retreat was announced in the region. intercepting shooters may have a machine gun and ammo with them, so casualties may be significantly higher. hungarian prime minister viktor orbán met with donald trump at his residence in florida, where they talked about ways to achieve peace. orban wrote that for that, it was an honor for him to meet with donald trump. the republican, in turn, thanked orbán and added that peace should be as soon as possible. 23
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states at the nato summit signed the ukrainian security compact, the agreement will help protect ukraine, particularly in the long term. this was stated by us president joe biden at a meeting with allies at the nato summit in washington. the american leader emphasized the support of ukraine not only now, but also for years to come. allies will now provide ukraine with ammunition and weapons to fight back russian aggression. then they will help build ukraine. army and deter new possible aggressions. the un general assembly adopted the ukrainian resolution on the safety and security of nuclear facilities of ukraine, including the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. as reported by ukrinform, 99 countries voted for the document, nine were against, and 60 abstained . deputy representative of ukraine to the un serhiy koslytsia recalled that the magathe adopted a number of resolutions expressing concern.
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unstable situation in the armed forces, called on russia to withdraw the military, and also to demand its immediate return to the control of ukraine. in addition, the issue of nuclear security was raised at the peace summit in sweden. in order to develop the position of the general assembly regarding threats related to the russian war, ukraine initiated the adoption of the relevant resolution. to protect the sky, canada will allocate about 300 million dollars for the training of ukrainian military pilots and maintenance of f-16 aircraft. this was reported in the office of prime minister justin trudeau. these funds will also go to equipment for the use of fighter jets by ukraine, taking into account. funds this year, canada has already announced the allocation of about $1 billion in military aid to ukraine. and in australia, a couple accused of spying for russia will be tried. according to abc news, soro-year-old kira koroleva served in the australian army
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as an information technology specialist and had access to classified information. she, while on vacation in russia, asked her husband who stayed at home. log into her work account and provide information for the special services of the rep. the korolevs were born in russia, are citizens of australia, and live in the country more than 10 years, they face up to 15 years in prison. rehabilitation work has begun at the ohmadit children's hospital, which was injured by a rocket attack on july 8. currently, the medical institution already has electricity and water supply, and it is the turn to provide critically important medical services. our correspondent tetyana golonova, who is there right now and live with us, knows more and will tell you more. i congratulate tanya, so tell me what the current situation is in
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the hospital, what do you know? i congratulate katya, i also congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. restoration work has begun in okhmedyt already. the day after the russian terrorist attack, as of now, the new, as well as other partially damaged buildings, they are already connected to the power supply system, temporary transformers are currently installed here, gas supply has also already appeared, the hospital has oxygen, water has appeared , now utility workers and volunteers are still working on the territory, and they continue to clean the territory, i will also note. that the toxicology building is completely destroyed, it is no longer subject to restoration, as for the other buildings, it is still being carried out here examination, i will say that as of today, as of now, the most important, most important task is the restoration of critically important
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medical services, the provision of these services, these are operating blocks, intensive care units, and what has already been done as of today, let's just hear now? today we already launched the blood center, i also became a donor today, and this allows us, taking into account the fact that the oncology hematology laboratory was launched, to slowly return oncology patients to departments that have already undergone primary repairs and brought to a condition that can receive patients. at the same time, we are waiting for the completion of the defective act, which will say what the construction cost should be in order to remove it. all the troubles after the terrorist attack, we already have a radiology department up and running, we continued to irradiate those children who started irradiation even before the attack, and now all the facilities of this
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department are working at full capacity, this is mri, ct, and currently we expect to be included in the near future still in the process of treatment and diagnosis of the new one machines, new... machines for all of ukraine, this is petk with effect, it will be a new technology, now almost 100 children from okhmadyt have been transported to other medical institutions in kyiv, also, as the minister of health noted, in children who have need, they will be transported abroad for continued treatment. as of now , 16 applications have already been received from families for children to continue their treatment abroad. i will also remind you that as a result of this terrorist attack , the toxicology building was completely destroyed, and more was also damaged
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five buildings, among them the surgical department. i will also note that as a result of this terrible attack, two people died in okhmaditya, it was a resident of this institution, as well as a relative of one of the patients, and later it became known that a boy who was then in okhmaditya, he was in the ward, died intensive care unit, later he was transferred to another hospital, and... but unfortunately, the child died. today, at the central entrance to the okhmadyt children's hospital, caring kyivans, ukrainian citizens brought flowers and toys as a memory about the victims of this terrible terrorist attack. that's all the information for now, katya, i'm transferring the ether to you. thank you tanya for the information. let me remind you, this was our correspondent tetyana golunova, she told how restoration work began at the okhmadit children's hospital, which was. part of which was destroyed by russian shells. the espresso tv channel calls on you to convert all our
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people into donations and join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch we plan to purchase is eight improved models flamcombo maviks and five 3t maviks. quadcopters are the eyes in the sky that shine a light on security and provide the ability to move forward with confidence, and most importantly, they help save the lives of our military. we need to collect 2.5 million hryvnias, so please, don't waste time, join the collection for our defenders. for now, i have all the information as of this hour, we will see you at 12. dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, and this is our final hour, we have for you. quite a guest list at this hour, someone will join us with the help
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of the internet, someone will come in person, but andrii and i argued while there was news, because i say, somehow i call people to donate, and somehow it stalled, so far this morning we collected 21 from you, dear friends, and everything has stopped, no matter how much i call, something doesn't work, so now andrei, come on , maybe you'll do better, me, right? well , not to you, but to the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the military intelligence agency, for which we collect, but you announce, maybe somehow you are more look, it's literally impossible for me to be given a better donation than you, but you know, oh, i came up with it, last time when it was the birthday of the servant, we had a huge expense, let's give this discount, donate, huge donation to our collection, and we tako, you know what we will try to do now, i will ask our directors. that it is possible, and it is theoretically possible to display a photo of the industrious one behind our backs, then it is probably a composition, then it is longer that
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we need a longer time, okay, then we will simply display his photo in this new role of a diplomat, they write that the general's combat jacket does not fit very well, so to speak, or a navy jacket, as you like, if you want dialectics, who writes such things, stylists, no? different people, but maybe he would be more suited to you, you know, a uniform, or some pseudo military style, like ermak's, but to be honest, that's it. words, valery zaluzhnyi, look at him, and, and, some very before, if we were to say now, mr. valery, tell the people whether it is necessary to report for so for the hundredth brigade, you know what kind of brigade, he would would say you know what, i don't know, to donate at least a couple of hryvnias, i'm telling you how, how industrious, and that's how people
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would break up and throw away a couple of hryvnias, what do you think of this option, eh, well, i don't know how to do it, we 'll see , let's check, i will update the monobanks, because there i can monitor online how it accumulates, the collection for the hundredth brigade named after valery zaluzhnyi without his truth." maybe then of course send us a note of protest diplomatically that how can we use his image for collection without his permission, but it seems to me that this is for the good business, so today we are lesya vokulyuk, i’m valery zaluzhny and this lady near zaluzhny, i don’t know who she really is, to be honest, yes, huh, maybe it’s some british woman, er, it’s, it’s victoria busby, it seems , well, for sure
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, for sure, a british woman, a vice-marshal of the diplomatic corps, here, so all of us together, so to speak, are now engaged in donations, collections, and we might get something, we want to close this cell as soon as possible, dear friends, 13 we want to buy maviks, for this we need 2.5 million, then it is not so much, we just have to sort it out, we are with you today. collected but now i'm just updating and i see that it 's gone a bit, i can't track what's happening there at the private bank, because there's no such system that would show it. meetings online, you have to ask iryna koval, and iryna koval, our presenter and volunteer who organizes this meeting, is currently there, took children who lost their parents because their parents went to defend ukraine, took these children to get away from the war for a while, to rest abroad, to gain some vitality, and we thank ira for
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doing such good deeds as soon as she gets out connection, will ask her what is being done there in private. in the meantime, let's once again show people, show, and show people all the qr codes, here they are on your screens, write them down quickly or scan them, as you can see, the card numbers are recorded from below, and phone cameras, open, aim, the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, art reconnaissance, it is art intelligence that really needs these drones that help, it is their eyes, because they see where the enemy is lurking, well, and then there will be a little. fly in, and then there will be fewer of those enemies our land, so let's help them, we actually have less than 49 thousand left, so that we have 1.5 million in a monobank, we have a few hundred thousand hryvnias, somewhere around 400 in a private bank, and in general we need
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to collect 2.5 million, don't let us down , dear friends, for yesterday we collected 26 00 i... i hope that today we will collect more, because 26 000 is some kind of anti-record for this week. of course, it was desired to have the same record as on monday, 97,000, but the reason for such a large gathering was very sad. russians they shelled, in particular, the children's hospital. so let's support our army without such excuses. meanwhile, we continue to talk to our guests. let me know if our next guest has already arrived. there is already, ms. olya hnatiuk, writer, polish researcher, polarizer of ukrainian literature in the world, professor of the kyiv-mohyla academy, we will add ms. olya to our conversation and continue to talk about the volyn tragedy, how on july 11 of last year the polish seimas adopted a resolution on how on the commemoration of
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the victims of the volyn tragedy, which states that the polish-ukrainian reconciliation should include an admission of guilt... ms. olya, in your opinion and whether in principle there is already this admission of guilt on both sides. good afternoon, dear editors, good afternoon to the audience, i would say that the process of reconciliation and the process of understanding what happened during the second world war began, well... quite a long time ago, and has been going on for 40 years, and such an active public, public process of reconciliation, ah, polish-ukrainian reconciliation, it cannot be said that nothing happened, that it started only yesterday, or only last year, or did it not start at all,
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this process was initiated by the hierarchs of the greek catholic and... roman catholic church on the eve of the millennium of the baptism of ukraine into russia, i.e. in 1987, but before that , relevant measures were already taking place in poland, they were initiated by the ukrainian clergy , that's why all the things that happened afterwards, the joint declarations of the presidents and the parliaments, these were... next steps, it's better, better statements, they sounded better, they sounded better, these are already other issues, but to say that they have only just begun well, you can't. ugh come on mrs. olya, i am also analyzing like this, for 30 years now , in one way or another, what is happening, uh,
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somehow i get the impression that one of the reasons why it is so difficult to understand each other is that for poles it is... a tragedy national scale is not for nothing, it is even documented, that is, at the legislative level, it is defined as the genocide of the polish people, this can be argued, and ukrainians want to argue with it in fact, but we also understand that this is the feeling that this is a national tragedy, with how everyone is in solidarity, during menstruation it seems to me the rule of two terms, it only strengthened, while for ukrainians it remains... or the volyn massacre, as they say in poland, remains rather a local fragment of a very tragic history and not the largest fragment, not the most tragic, it is more history. people who lived in volyn are still living, and they also have such a memory that is generally suppressed and deleted, and this partly reflects on this galicia, which to a lesser extent
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was somehow involved in it, and for the rest of ukraine, for a larger parts of ukraine, this, it seems, is not their history, for many reasons, that's why that it was the soviet union, there were no problems with relations with and the colonial policy of poland or the second republic, or what happened in a word, this is not the story of all ukrainians, and that is why there may be a problem here, how do you see this situation? there are many reasons, of course, it is not only the fact that this is a general polish tragedy, in fact, well, you could put exactly the same measure... and say that there are very, very few people from volyn in poland, there were not many of them even before the war, but poles in volyn,
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and in the meantime, it became a general national tragedy, and one can even say, judging by the media and public opinion polls. er , it could be said that an even greater tragedy than the german, brutal german occupation, that is, some kind of madness took place, and this madness took place, well, really during the last, last years, it can be explained in such a way that if about the german occupation during in communist poland, you could talk a lot and freely, then... well, you can't say completely freely, but about that was talked about en masse, and it was part of the all-polish narrative, then what
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happened to the territories occupied by the soviet union was not talked about, it was a forbidden topic, that is, the return to this topic, the molotov ribbentrop pact, and the division of poland based on it pact happened only when the communist system fell, in ukraine there is a different type of problem, that is, a common national narrative, both about the second world war and about other countries and about the 19th century , this common general narrative is very difficult to build. but i think that today the biggest problem is the replacement of facts with myths, and this
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primarily concerns the polish national narrative, and this replacement, well , is taking revenge terribly, replacing the truth with a half-truth, or with an outright lie, well this is not a specialty of an exclusive, exclusively polish national narrative, it happens in various national narratives, including the ukrainian one, but when it is very actively promoted, it turns out, something irreparable turns out, and it turns out, well, not at all. .. negative stereotypes of this, and to this day we may be further from reconciliation than we were 20 years ago,
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ah, today the polish television program will again broadcast the film wojciech samajowski's volyn, a film that is very far from the truth, a film that intentionally shocking with brutality, it's all well... absolutely not premeditated does not promote reconciliation, what promotes reconciliation is research, it's, ah, respect for the victims, understanding that it was a tragedy, and that it was a crime, name both ukrainian and polish victims by name, to honor their memory, their memory, it is not only our christians. the city's duty, it is our duty to the past generations, such work is carried out, it is carried out
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first of all in lviv, ukrainian. such a program was launched at the catholic university under the leadership of professor irhor galagida. i remember that when i worked in poland in korpunkt as a journalist, it was 2011, and in fact, when there were anniversaries in the summer of july 11, well , the air was a bit sweltering, you know, then it was scary to go out and admit that i ukrainian woman, my. brother, who studied in poland, just at this time, the film volyn was released, where, by the way, he was offered a role, but he was offered a role, but he refused, his fellow students, poles who were friends with him, and they loved him, because he learned polish without an accent, and everyone thought he was polish, the only thing that betrayed him, that he was not polish, was his name, because it is not
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polish at all, it is purely ukrainian, ostap. but he says that as soon as this film was released, the same classmates who were friends with him started to look at him like that for a bit, you know, kind of distancing himself, and he says that things have changed, i am the same, i am the same as i was, and you were friends with me, just like now, now there are a lot of ukrainians in poland who ended up because of the war, the attitude is different, because the ukrainians also found themselves in different ways, some, some really escaped from russian bombs, some... ran away in an expensive car, goes to expensive shops, and the poles see it, and it annoys them, some speak ukrainian, some russian , so someone learned polish without an accent, for example, my brother has joined polish society and is trying to do something for both ukraine and poland, but these days, what kind of attitude is in the air now? well, it's hard for me to say, because i'm not in poland and i haven't been in poland for quite some time,
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so... i can only observe what's happening in the media, and well, i just told you, the appearance of wojciech smajowski's film volyn on the tv program , well indicates that, that it's not, well... it's not, it's not a very good sign, yes, of course, that, what can we say, it's just a movie, it's a feature film, on the basis of a feature film we cannot form our knowledge, but in fact, just the opposite happens, that is, a feature film that
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impresses. somehow impresses the public, begins to seem like this most real truth, and both this and this is a huge problem, and on the other hand, i must say that the help and all these efforts, which continue to this day on the part of ordinary polish... citizens and representatives of authorities at various levels, well, this is simply something phenomenal, and this cannot be done to compare with any country of the european union, i.e. these are the scales that are simply incredible, i.e. ah, how come in vienna i don't see this kind of support for
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ukrainians at all. in general, austria accepted just over 20,000 ukrainians, ukrainian refugees, well, in poland it can be said that there were millions, of course, not all of them stayed in poland, but in the early days , this, well, this is a large common movement of the polish people in support of ukrainian, and this cannot be forgotten, and it does not arise without a trace. this experience of a personal, personal relationship with these people, he, he will remain. mrs. olya, i have one more question, i don’t know, we don’t have much time left, but it seems to me that it is very important, well, we know that in fact the second world war and the wartime period during the second world war, it was a time of ethnic cleansing, about it writes very well after.


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