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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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ms. yulia tells the parliament that the most important issue remains how we survive this difficult winter, as the enemy continues to bombard our energy sector. well , my colleague, anna eva melnyk, who has prepared fresh information for you with the news editor, is ready to announce more news. my friend, i give you the floor and ask you to let me know what you found out. thank you marta for your work, the news team continues to work, we will tell you about the main thing, and i will start this issue with se... in the currently occupied mariupol, stay with us, all the details will follow, explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied mariupol, smoke can be seen over the city, according to preliminary information, the plane had arrived in the area of ​​the airport, the adviser to the
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mayor petro andryushchenko said. in the meantime, the occupiers write about the work of the air defense forces in the city. a 94-year-old woman was injured as a result of berislav's attack in the kherson region, the regional military administration reported. the russians hit the city with a drone, and the woman was hospitalized with shrapnel wounds and a brain injury. doctors are fighting for her life. and our human. through enemies shelling is converted into donations, the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the project from zero to life, which is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they will choose victory every day, they will not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable helpers, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support... greatly increases the chances
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holodoyariv citizens not only successfully perform combat missions, but also return from them alive. join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. the polish parliament recognized the deportation of the crimean tatars in 1944 as genocide, having just voted for the corresponding resolution. i would like to note that the law on the recognition of the genocide of the crimean tatar people was passed in ukraine nine years ago. he is in the polish diet. ukrainian delegation, maria chernyakhivska will tell more live from warsaw. maria, my congratulations and tell me all the details. congratulations, the decision adopted today by the polish sejm is important for ukraine, because it establishes the status of the crimean tatars as the indigenous population of crimea and makes any manipulations on this topic by russia impossible. this is also a decision. important
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for the future return of crimea. today at the session of the polish diet, there were representatives of medzhalis, as well as people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, who a few years ago was the self-initiator of a similar law that was voted in ukraine. how he assesses today's events in the polish diet. let's let's listen the crimean tatars are part of... the great ukrainian people, they are patriots of ukraine, we are fighting together with them for the liberation of both their and our homeland crimea, and the fact that poland supports us, and pawel kowal, who holds such a high position in the polish parliament , it initiates, it is a very good sign and it is extremely important. today, polish deputies voted by majority for this resolution, spoke many words of support for ukraine, and on this issue. in particular, only
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a polish deputy from the confederation party opposed which is known for its anti-ukrainian position, so 16 polish people's representatives voted against it. that's all i have. anna, you have a word. thanks for the information and work from warsaw, maria chernyakhivska, espresso correspondent. the polish parliament recognized the deportation of the crimean tatars as genocide. independent commission. catholic university chose the winners of the ukrainian-taiwanese educational project: leave no one behind. my colleagues will tell you about the criteria used to determine which schools receive computer equipment and training. 143 questionnaires, 40 candidates and 5 days of interviews. the independent competitive commission of teachers of the ukrainian catholic university selected 24 educational participating schools. charity project leave no one
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behind. they will be 14 educational institutions from lviv, six from ivano-frankivsk and four from poltava oblasts. in order to choose... more motivated teams, the jury conducted interviews with teachers, each interview is told by the vice-rector of ucu, not just a conversation, but a look into the school's past for the sake of its future. every interview is a conversation, it is an exchange information, it is a joke, it is a serious conversation, and we want to know more about the school, about the dreams of the teachers, about the support of the teachers' administration through these interviews. tetyana zakharchenko, graduate of the bachelor's program in computer science at the ukrainian catholic university. it was tatiana and her colleagues, the best it specialists of ucu, who conducted the interviews and selected the strongest ones. among the selection criteria are not only the level of knowledge and skills, motivation and interest, but also
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the openness and support of teachers by the school administration. this includes the following things like team spirit, because we select the teams from the school to make it easier for them, and... more likely that they will implement, it's openness to knowledge, so that they really want to learn, we want that we didn't just share all this knowledge and put it on the shelf and that's all, we want them to share with the students after that and for us to create such a certain community of informatics teachers, yes, who will continue to learn, communicate, help each other to one there are actually quite a few good, strong applications and we have to choose, i really hope that this project will continue and we can work with... not only these three areas that are currently chosen, but also more, because there are a lot of schools that are trying to develop this direction and have good success, indeed, and i would really like to support them and somehow launch it on a nationwide scale. two
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teachers from 24 schools will study at the ukrainian catholic university for several months under... specially developed programs, educators will practice advanced teaching methods programming, robotics and stem education. the basis of the program is work with artificial intelligence. teachers will learn how to use it and will transfer these skills not only to students, but also to colleagues. on july 22, our schools begin vuku studies. they will have such training for three to five days at the university. and in addition, they will have distance learning at home with inclusion and meetings with their teachers, those schools that applied for training and did not pass, we will try as much as possible to involve in other directions
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implementation of our project, and not knowledge alone: ​​each school will receive 16 laptops, a projector with a screen and a set for robotics after the completion of educational... modules. last year , as part of a similar initiative , more than 100 computers were handed over to schools in lviv and poltava regions. the project is implemented by the non-governmental organization all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of taiwan and with the guidance of mykola knyazhytskyi. the whole project assumes that we will be able to computerize more than 100 schools. various programs will be used for this purpose community development programs, there will be entrepreneurship development programs. this program is for the development of education. i would like to thank you. firstly, to the government of taiwan, secondly, to the ukrainian catholic university, its wonderful teachers, everyone who started this program and supported it, and of course to the teachers who participated in this program, but this is only the beginning, because our goal - to make and expand this pilot project throughout ukraine,
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we want ukrainian children to return to ukraine, stay in ukraine, study in ukrainian schools and were the best specialists in modern technologies in the world. list of winners on the pages of the livno project. one behind and the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum. ema statnyk, andriy poyakovsky, spresso tv channel. i have everything on this otti, i tell you see you at 4 p.m., the news team is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world. in the next issue , i will tell you about the main thing, and my wonderful colleagues marta liyarnyk and antin borkovskiy continue to work on espresso. thank you annievilnyk, thank you editors of the news, the ongoing information day of the tv channel, there are extremely many events, well , the key story is the correct interpretation,
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for this we work with the best, most informed and competent experts. nazhiva espressoo studio marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovsky, oleg penzyn, a member of the economics discussion club of economists, will join us from minute to minute, but as we are currently waiting to be included, i want to state important information, and state it directly, because today, because today. so it's hot in ukraine, and our energy system is almost at the edge, let's say, of its capabilities, so for most of the day up to 70% of consumers will have light restrictions. energy companies will disconnect four shifts simultaneously from 14:00 to 24:00, instead of the previously announced from 16:00 to 23:00, which means limiting up to 70% of consumers in each region, and at the same time at other hours of the day. energy companies will apply only three queues for half of consumers, in other words, please follow
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your oblenergo in your region, there will be update information promptly, so follow to know when there will be no light. yes, thank you marta, well, well , we understand that the story about light is not only a story about energy, it is a story about money, so we understand that due to the fact that our enterprises, private, state and so on, they are forced to work in some kind of additional mode. presses, as well as purchasing additional equipment, something may begin to happen in our country now with prices. oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, dear mr. penzin, glad to see you. glory to groyam, i am also extremely happy to see wonderful journalists. yes, sincerity is our everything, and i tell you, it is without hypocrisy. mr. oleg, we wanted you to bring together, so to speak, two rather... different guidelines, that is, one guideline, yes, that is, we understand that our industry,
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our production, our private business will begin to work in some completely wild algorithm of its own , because stores are extra batteries to keep refrigerators running and on and on and on down the list, this is one moment, the second moment, we understand that there is not enough electricity for consumption, that is, those people, well, of course, i know a little and... i know, who are used to making money from mining currency, cryptocurrency, yes, they are now starting to think how i would like them to switch to the trade in potatoes, cherries and kherson watermelons, that is, this is the second segment, but this all affects our economy in the literal sense, that is, our hryvnia is still holding, but little by little, penny by penny , this is how it sags every day, thank god there is no collapse and it is not planned, but... those processes that have started now, they directly have every opportunity to affect what is
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called our average beautiful ukrainian citizen, you have my word. well , look, you said everything so correctly that it is difficult for me to add anything, i will definitely try to do it, but everything is very qualified and beautiful. so, look at the food. this extremely high heat will definitely take its toll. on the cost of those products that require storage at certain temperatures regimes, or in relation to which the raw material must be appropriately frozen or kept also in certain temperature regimes, what i mean is that raw milk, in order to reach the actual processing plant, must be cooled at the plant after , when produced. products, they have to withstand a certain temperature regime accordingly, there must also be a temperature
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regime on the shelves, that is, all those things require the consumption of electrical energy, when we are talking about a critical infrastructure enterprise, there are more or less healings there, although there are also certain questions, but for example in dairies there, well, these are definitely not critical infrastructure objects, and there, if there is no generator, it sours everything much faster, this must be understood. yes, if there is a generator, then you need to understand that it is much more expensive, everything that sours and deteriorates, it accordingly bears losses for the manufacturer, the manufacturer will never cover it from his own pocket, that is, he will translate everything exactly into the price finished products that he will sell to you and me, i.e., these are the foundations that, quite likely , in connection with such an incredible heat, will lead to increased prices for food products, this applies not only. milk and milk products, this also applies to meat products, which also need the appropriate
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temperature regime, so we are preparing for the fact that those things will definitely go down in price a little. the next point, you and i must understand that such a huge heat well will require at least some historical perspective of increasing expenditures on irrigation, why, because if it will... continue such temperature regimes, the need for areas that will be provided with irrigation will increase, irrigation is compressors, compressors are electricity, that is, we must understand that... without these things, it is also, well, if not, then there will definitely be a fall , let's say, volumes that will be collected per hectare, that is, the yield will fall, it must be supported on the one hand by electricity, and on the other hand, by proper water supply, if there are problems with water, there will also be additional costs of electricity to pull it up everything, yes
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that this will also, in the historical perspective , attract additional expenses related to... far, of course, it is like the coming of an era , actually, well, the final cost price, mr. oleg, the historical perspective is somewhere in socialism, here it already begins, as i understand it, that in the month of august, we will all be pleasantly surprised by the prices of food and those prices, which will entail some additional stories, for example, the price of labor, so who will serve it... all this, of course, will not affect budget employees, state employees will, so to speak, hold on and keep a professional smile on their faces, but, but, but, what concerns private entrepreneurs, for example, an extremely important story, we understand that it is possible that somewhere in the slums, these sneaky pockets are happening somewhere, i don’t know the calculation,
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in what way entrepreneurs should be supported, well, but simple, relatively speaking, ukrainians who keep small shops, who keep these or that, so to speak, other additional businesses such as barbershops, hairdressers, that is, those people with their money, they buy not only generators, they also buy fuel and, in addition, repairs and so on and so on, all of this will be included in the price of consumer services and ordinary food products of such an average person, the minister. the state of the economy expects an increase in inflation, today inflation is actually low, count somewhere at the level of 3.4%, 3.3, with progress to the fall, consumer prices will grow within the target designation, which is included in the state budget, but there is a small nuance, there is such a thing called the budget declaration, which was
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adopted by the government, on the basis of which the budget for the 25th year will be prepared. the budget declaration from the 25th to the 27th year, so there are two numbers that are definitely worth discussing: the first number, not even a number, but information: from the 25th to the 27th year, the budget declaration does not provide for a revision of the subsistence minimum and the minimum wage paid, that is, in the 25th, 26th, 27th year, you and i will have the same income as we had in the 24th. this is the first moment and the second: in the 25th year, i expect inflation to be 10%. inflation is expected in the 26th year, if i am not mistaken, at 8.5% and somewhere in the 27th year at levels of 6.5-7, this is what is expected, but a figure of 10% in the 25th year, while
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neither the living wage, nor the social benefits associated with it, nor the minimum wage will change in any way salary may lead to the fact that the purchasing power of the ukrainian will decrease. what will this mean? it will mean that our real incomes will fall. it is not as indisputable as it was in the 22nd year, but what we managed to pull up a little in the 24th year, we will destroy in the 25th year, that's for sure. and one must also be psychologically ready for this. and what do you think in the background blackouts, against the background of shelling and against the background of having to buy. generator, some power banks and so on business, this is not only about our economy, it is also about tariffs for communal services, because light is water, these are other tariffs, have you heard any news about possible increases in some communal services services? well, look, everything that we pay, all this refers to
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state-regulated prices, state-regulated prices are determined by licensees of the nkre kp. as of today, you and i have heard about raising tariffs for electricity, the government made such a decision, you and i pay more, gas remains at the same price for next year's heating season, the water bill went up a little, and i don't think it will be reviewed again, so when we really look at it for what awaits us, at least for the next heating season, all those will rise. prices that have already been implemented, they will not change, but april is the month of the 25th year, surely we are worth waiting for the increase in prices for... so be able to calm down, this is what a highly qualified ukrainian economist means,
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so everything will be gradual, but everything will grow, look, in your opinion, and which, for example, segments of our economy have every chance to lie down and not rise, well, let's be frank, that is, not all small traders or i don't know are small. .. will be able to withstand this thing called rising tariffs and keeping this whole thing at the proper level, well, because someone has to pay for the fact that the frozen fish is cooled in that refrigerator, then someone has to fill the generator and so on and so forth, what it is, how powerful it can be to be a blow to what is called a small ukrainian individual entrepreneur, i say here impersonally, without reference to gender, not an entrepreneur and not a male entrepreneur. look, in the first half of this year, 94,000 photos ceased to exist, 94,000
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photos, photos, so stop it, wow, in the same period of time, around 135,000 were created, huh, and when we look at it from the 22nd year , in our country, the number of fops that are created is far ahead of the number that ceases its activity, this is not... positive - these are the realities in which we live. people who lost their jobs, people, forcibly displaced persons, people who, er, find themselves in other spheres of activity, in order not to land on someone's state, not to register in employment centers, not to receive unemployment benefits, looking for opportunities to earn, they create natural persons of entrepreneurs, some burn out, some find opportunities, restore. work, that is, the ukrainian nation is extremely hardworking, it will not wait for the state to help it, it finds
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ways to survive on its own, but when we we are talking about individual entrepreneurs, about the self-employed, this is survival, this is not powerful business development, this is not a way to get rich there, no, this is survival, this is earning for... the very means of livelihood that a person needs and her family, so when you and i talk about individual entrepreneurs and their prospects, regarding to some extent the freezing of social standards for the coming years, they will adapt, some will close, some will create new enterprises, but we must understand that expect some from them very powerful improvements in their financial condition, definitely not. yes, mr. oleg, can you hear us, hang up, hang up with mr. oleg penzen, a member of the economic discussion club, we hope
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to restore it now, because i also wanted to ask mr. oleg about what is called our social , minister of social policy oksana zholonovych says that there are certain delays in payments to ukrainians, but she explained this by the fact that during the war , military and social expenses are priorities in ukraine. payments come second, so there may be delays, she emphasized that social expenses will definitely be covered, because this money is provided for in the budget, but there may be some delays in their payment, can we return oleg penzyn, a member of the economically debatable arm of the movement to the club before our conversation, because the minister of social policy, oksana zholnovich, for several weeks so maybe it was last week, if i'm not mistaken, she also said that we need to review our whole social policy in general, because we inherited it from the soviet union, and the state took on a lot of social expenses,
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which are difficult to cover in the conditions of war, because there is not enough money for it all, and here it is important to understand who can fall under some reduction, optimization, and so on, who these social expenses can hit, how is this possible it may happen, how will the state regulate this whole process, because we understand... now we have a huge number of people who need these social benefits, starting with pensioners who need to be paid pensions, ending with people i don't know, lost they still can’t find work on the labor market and there are jobs on the labor market, then it’s marta, i’ll tell you this , that is, i think there are no particular problems with official work, that is, there are cities that constantly need labor , working hands, maybe it will be a certain downgrading of what is called ukrainian education, very often it is half-baked there, well, they can work in manual mode as well, and what concerns
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social workers in general, like that... and here someone should it is very honest to say whether it is the minister of social affairs politicians or the prime minister to say: we cannot provide for those, for those, for those, for those, for those articles or lines, so we have to completely rethink who and how much we have to pay, yes, that is, it applies very, very many payments, and accordingly it would be necessary to rethink what is called our subsidy policy, that is , now oleg penzen will tell us for 15 minutes: that there will be changes in price increases, growth, and so on, but we understand that this will have an impact directly on, as it is called, purchasing power the ability will be learned, but you know, it's simple here, if they are going to reform our social policy, then of course i would like this social policy to be fair, because let's face it, in our country sometimes people receive social benefits
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if they even those social benefits. and do not need, conditionally some judges who have high pensions, or, for example, people who do not need, well, look, if the indexation of a pension that has 100 thousand and the indexation of a pension that has 10 thousand have the same percentage, they will refuse that, but it is clear that they will not refuse, but here the question is for our government officials, who must somehow solve it, because, well, if we understand that our budget is not rubber and it needs to be somehow optimized, then most likely we need to get rid of some additional social you... those people who are not already dependent on them, that is, i had, a new, fundamentally new logic of what is called the distribution of our social expenses must be prescribed, yes, that is, it must be calculated, made public and discussed, that is, well marta, you nailed it a very correct story that this or that government official can receive a pension there, i don’t know, well, i don’t know, whether there is 100 or 50 uah, well, in a word, some such sky-high pension, and
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the same other... a citizen of ukraine who worked no less, nor the same government official, can receive 10 times less. and accordingly, now this whole story with the price increase, which is planned, according to oleg penzen, it will directly affect the standard of living of our population, that is, some will somehow be there, you know, where the rough dries, it is dry there, so to speak, it will not survive, so it has to, you say everything correctly, it has to be. it's reimagined. that we will now have a short break, after that we will continue with the espresso information day, stay with us, just a few minutes and we will get back to you. there are discounts, which are the only discounts on edem, 20% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts representing the only discounts on estezipin, 20% in travel pharmacies, memory and savings. attention, a profitable offer. walk
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