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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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2022 in the village of borova. olena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. poland recognized the deportation of the crimean tatars, the successful sabotage of ateshiv residents and the odesa international film festival in kyiv as genocide. greetings, with you anna yavomelnyk and the news editor summarizes the results of the passing day. tragedy in poland, a military plane crashed at the airport in gnidyna. it happened during the preparation for the air show. previously, the plane crashed into the runway. caught fire, the pilot
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died, he did not have time to eject. a successful sabotage, reported the partisan russia, atesh. the underground set fire to the grass near the position of the occupiers, about 20 russian soldiers were injured, as well as destroyed enemy warehouses with weapons and three dugouts, destroyed trenches and trenches. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day and do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support greatly increases the chances. kholodnoyarivtsi not only
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successfully performed combat tasks, but also returned from them alive. join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. the polish diet recognized the deportation of the crimean tatars in 1944 as genocide. accordingly, the resolution was adopted today in the lower house of the parliament. 414 polish deputies voted for it. 16 opposed. let me remind you, the leadership of the ussr. deported more than 200,000 crimean tatars from peninsula, about 8 thousand people died. in ukraine, the law on the recognition of the genocide of the crimean tatar people was passed nine years ago . mykola knyazhytskyi, co-chairman of the parliamentary friendship group with poland, who initiated a similar resolution in ukraine in 2015 , commented on the importance of this decision. crimean tatars are part of ukrainian.
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of a great nation, they are patriots of ukraine, we fight together with them for the liberation of both their and our homeland crimea, and the fact that poland supports us, and pavel koval, who holds such a high position in the polish parliament, it initiates it, it is a very good sign and it is extremely important. no red carpet, no parties, but from the movies. the odesa international film festival is about to start right now, but not in odesa, but in kyiv . how is everything going, lina, my congratulations and tell me and our viewers in all the details you know. i hope that we will hear from lena chechenin, the espresso artist, later, and now about this. the independent commission of the ukrainian catholic university chose the winner of
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the ukrainian-taiwanese project to leave no one behind, what criteria were used to determine the schools receiving computer equipment and training, my colleagues will tell. 143 questionnaires, 40 candidates and 5 days of interviews. the independent competitive commission of teachers of the ukrainian catholic university selected 24 schools as participants in the educational charitable project leave no one behind. they will be 14 educational institutions from lviv, six from ivano-frankivsk and four from poltava regions. to choose the most motivated teams, the jury conducted interviews with teachers. each interview is told by the vice-rector of ucu, not just a conversation, but a look into the school's past, for the sake of its future. every interview is a conversation, it is an exchange of information, it is a joke, it is a serious conversation, and we want to... through these interviews know
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more about the school, about the dreams of teachers, about the support of the teachers' administration. tetyana zakharchenko, head of the bachelor's program in computer science at... the ukrainian catholic university, it was tetyana and her colleagues, the best it specialists of ucu, who conducted interviews and chose the strongest, among the selection criteria not only the level of knowledge and skills, motivation and interest, but also the openness and support of teachers by the school administration. this includes such things as team spirit, because we select teams from schools so that it will be easier for them, and it will be more likely that they will implement this openness to knowledge. eh, so that they really want to learn, we want that all this knowledge is not just shared by us and they are put on the shelf and that's all, we we want them to share with the students after that and for us to create such a certain community of informatics teachers who will continue to learn, communicate, and help each other. in fact, there are a lot of
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good, strong applications and we have to choose, i really hope that this project will continue and we will be able to work not only in these three areas that are now. collected the most, because there are a lot of schools that try to develop this direction, and have good success, really, and i would really like them to support and somehow launch it on a nationwide scale. two teachers from 24 schools will study at the ukrainian catholic university for several months under specially developed programs. will practice advanced methods of teaching programming, robotics and stem education. the basis of the program is work with artificial intelligence. teachers will learn how to use it and will transfer these skills not only to students, but also to colleagues. on july 22, our
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schools begin training in uku. they will have such training for three to five days a year university, and in addition, they will have a home. distance learning with inclusion and meetings with their teachers, those schools that applied for training and did not pass, we will try as much as possible to involve in other directions of the implementation of our project. and not just knowledge: each school will receive 16 laptops, a projector with a screen and a set for robotics after the completion of the educational modules. last year as part of a similar initiative. more than 100 computers were given to schools in lviv and poltava regions. the project is implemented by hromadska organization of the all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of taiwan and with the assistance of mykola knyazhytskyi. the whole project assumes that we will be able to computerize more than 100
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schools. various programs will be used for this, there will be programs for the development of communities, there will be programs for the development of entrepreneurship. this education development program, i would like to thank, firstly, the government of taiwan, and secondly, the government of ukraine. who of the university to its wonderful teachers, to all those who started this program and supported it, and of course to the teachers who participated in this program, but this is only the beginning, because our goal is to make and expand this pilot project throughout ukraine, we want ukrainian children to return to ukraine, stay in ukraine, study in ukrainian schools and be the best specialists in modern technologies in the world. list of winners on the pages of the leave no one behind project and the public organization. ukrainian democratic forum. ema statnyk, andriy poyakovsky, espresso tv channel. and when i return to the odessa film festival , i expect to hear lina chechenina. so, without a red carpet, without parties, but from the cinema, in the odesa international
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film festival is starting these minutes, but not in odesa, but in kyiv. our art viewer lena chechenina will tell how everything is happening at the opening. lena, my congratulations, tell me everything you know. congratulations again, i hope we did find a connection, there are really a lot of people, everything is happening in parkovo, in kyiv, indeed the odesa film festival last year was in chernivtsi, and this year in kyiv it is clear that a lot of puns are happening on this occasion , but we know that in odessa it is obvious now it is not very safe to hold such a large-scale and long-lasting event that lasts a week, and therefore everyone... both the organizers and people who love the odessa film festival hope that it will soon return to its place in odessa, of course the vibe of this city, it absolutely special, i don't think it can be replaced by anything, but they are trying as hard as they can, we can look at it a little bit, it's not a red carpet, we weren't
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told that it's not even a black carpet that was last year, it's just like that photocall, i don't know, such and such a track is simple neutral, where there are guests. actresses, in general, people who are related to cinema in one way or another, they can come and take a photo, because in fact it is a very important process for every such event, and therefore it... happens modestly, you see what we can show now you the video that we shot, that in principle people followed the dress code, but it is not as papus as it was three or four years ago, more and more modest, so i want to say that first of all there will be an opening ceremony , we still have a long way to go, there will be no traditional parties, that is, they have shortened it almost all the glamor, because there is always some kind of criticism of such events, of film festivals, in the past it was. they say, now there is a war in the country, it is not very appropriate to do something like this, it is too beautiful, the organizers
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almost all agreed with it, and on saturday our interview with anna machuk, the director of the film festival, will be released, and she will tell more about the program, i i will just briefly tell you that this year at the odessa film festival there is a bet on a retrospective of ukrainian films, that is , you can once again see on the big screen watch your favorite ukrainian films, or those films that you did not have time to watch, screened there. 10 even years ago, and here you will have this opportunity, well, and for the first time, the films gray bees based on the book by andrii kurkov, also crazy about punitive psychiatry during the time of the soviet union, and konotopska witch will be shown for the first time, it will be released on august 23, but the audience of the odesa film festival will be able to see her first film positioned as a horror film, but you know, it's more likely a trailer, because there... the audience will root for the main character who kills russians, a witch who avenges
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the death of her fiancé, her lover, so this is probably the first horror movie in the world where the audience will not root for the unfortunate victims who are running away from the maniac from the horror, on the contrary for the main character, well , that's all i have, anno , thank you for your work and information, lina chechenina artogladkarka espresso, about odesa inter. people's film festival and at this moment the news team told about the most important, i'll see you tomorrow, i'll be waiting for you in these studios at 2 p.m., don't miss it, vasyl sima's big broadcast, oh, i remember, you see, although they say that our memory weakens over the years, but i'm attentive
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of wrinkles. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on normoven 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. the verdict with serhiy rudenko now has even more analytics in a new two-hour format. more important topics, more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion at the expense of the day. with a phone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday, from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresen had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special look at
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events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond. and who then? for china, me, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. the situation in the energy sector is catastrophic, is it possible to fix it, how will we survive despite heavy shelling and... mines, farmers are harvesting grain. explosions in mariupol, what was the target and what was the target in an enemy-occupied place, a passenger plane, a dry superjet, crashed near moscow, is there dead and injured, russia scares with the fact that it can detonate dams near kyiv and near kanovo, calling it possible provocations,
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as they say, kyiv is disgusting, are russians really so bothered that they resort to ... such falsifications and such intimidation, and a package of american aid to ukraine, what exactly will be packed in this gift from joseph biden and his government. we will talk about this and not only about this today for the next hour and 44 minutes, this is the velikiy termine program, their names are vasyl zema and we start and of course we start with the situation at the front. serhiy sgurets, director of the defense express agency, is already with us. sergey, good evening, please. i congratulate you vasylvi. hello viewers, today in our military column we will really talk about the new package of american military aid, about the collision with the british storm shadow missiles, to strike or not to strike on russian territory, that is the question now, and about who is winning the fight drones and digital technologies on the battlefield, in conversation with a renowned expert sergey flesh, more on that in a moment. "against
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the background of the conclusion of the nato summit, the united states announced a new package of arms aid for ukraine, worth $225 million, this package meets the urgent needs of our armed forces, primarily in the area of ​​air defense, there are dozerkan sams missiles, there are also supplies for artillery, here are heimers and anti-tank weapons for 155 and 105 mm guns, javelins, tou, at4, manpads, stingers and cartridges for small arms, but the main thing in the package is one patriot battery, this will be the second battery from the united states, and if all promises are fulfilled, including deliveries from romania and the netherlands, then in total kyiv will have
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eight patriot systems. usually one patriot battery costs somewhere within one. dollars, here 225 million for everything. it can be explained by the fact that all these weapons are taken from the reserves of the ministry of defense, that is, faster and cheaper than new models, and missiles for the patriot are in other packages, in particular in the package that was announced earlier, there for 2 billion dollars, where it was about the production of a significant amount rockets and to patriots and donasams, but here the question is not so much the number of weapons, but also the possibility of using them. to fight to the full, in accordance with technical and tactical capabilities, everything seems to be clear with the patriots, the target is flying, we are shooting down even on the territory of the russian federation, but now the military and political leadership of ukraine wants the united states to lift restrictions on the use of other weapons deep in russian
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territory , and first of all, of course, we are talking about missiles with a range of 300 km with a cassette base. it is an ideal weapon for thinning russian aircraft at airfields and for destroying russian air defense systems, as well as forces that can accumulate in operational depth to prepare for offensive actions. but so far our main partner is not disturbed, but it was interesting to listen to biden's press conference after the nato summit, when he was asked whether he would allow ukraine to use the american long-range missile. for strikes on military facilities deep in russia, and biden replied that the us military did not see the feasibility of this, but the us allowed to use american weapons in... the border regions of russia, that is, hymar up to 100 km, and i, as biden said, follow the advice of the chief of staff, as well as the secretary
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of defense and intelligence officers, and we decide every day that they should, that is , the ukrainians, and what they should not do and how far they can go, and this is logical, - said biden, well, the logic here is such, such a logic, because in my opinion it would be much more logical... for us to go really much further than now and destroyed all targets that pose a threat and the logic here would be to preserve the lives of both military and civilians, because the enemy's opportunities for attack have significantly decreased. and here is added the collision surrounding the use of british stormshadow cruise missiles, with these missiles we have already destroyed a significant number of russian air defense systems and radars in crimea, and even a submarine with... problems that were under repair, a range of 300 km, exactly, well, and the optimal range that allows, well , to use the full potential of this weapon,
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and regarding the stormshadow, we said as recently as yesterday that britain has no restrictions on its missiles were used deep inside the territory of the russian federation, this was said, in particular, by the new prime minister of britain, and in fact the situation changed during the day... the british edition of the telegraph published an article in which it is said that great britain did not actually give ukraine permission to fire stormshadow missiles on the territory of the russian federation, as explained to telegraph correspondents in the british ministry of defense, and there it was reminded that the permission only concerns the possibility of using these missiles in crimea, and if in the russian federation, it is the president. to escalation and may draw great britain into a conflict with the russian federation, in my opinion the situation is not really adequate from the
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point of view of our needs, and here is another message today, which spoke about the position of the british foreign minister, david lammy, where he said that in london they are considering a request from... regarding the use of stormshadow cruise missiles against targets deep in the russian federation, i want to hope that those red lines in the minds of our partners will be overcome, because the practice of the past has proven that in fact the theory of so -called controlled escalation in the war with russia does not seem effective, and such fundamental and significant changes are needed here. and then we will talk about the confrontation with the enemy where the enemy had an advantage until a certain... now we
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are joined by a person who is known in this field, both in his practical actions and in fact according to professional assessments, this is a military officer of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert in radio electronic warfare serhiy beskresny, whom everyone knows as serhiy flash. mr. sergey, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. wishes you health, have a good day. let me remind our viewers that you are a person who is currently on the front lines of interaction with our military and in contact with our industrialists, trying to do both educational work and practical work so that we can outnumber the enemy in the digital segment, and your predictions quite often come true , actually, i'll start with the first one question, a few months ago you wrote about... that there will be so many drones on the battlefield that almost every target will be attacked by a number of fpv drones, and this has become a reality. and
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you also wrote about the fact that it is necessary to prepare for qualitative changes on the battlefield so that the drones will operate, work at different frequencies, and now the situation is that our guys are writing about the fact that the enemy is hunting our cars, using semi-drones at... non-standard low frequencies, at this time, as enemies, in particular, the well-known conditional cosmonaut dmytro rogozin is also panicking that our drones are already hunting russian targets there, using the same drones on frequencies where the enemy has no means of rap. the fact that the enemy is bad is absolutely fine with us, but why were we unprepared for a situation when the enemy started using drones on a non-standard basis. frequencies, and it came as a surprise to us, can you explain why this happened? yes, of course, well, the answer here is quite simple, almost
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our entire segment. military equipment, i call it garage, not because garage products are bad, we often know that very high-quality and interesting solutions are made in garages, this is simply a matter of scaling and mass, but this production, this trench rap, gathers tens, if not hundreds, of small productions of the most varied scale , scattered all over, someone has more of them, someone has less of this production, imagine what this is about...
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that is, there are no problems with this, then i can communicate in ukrainian, but it will not be so interesting , that is, it is difficult for me, it is very difficult a lot of technical terms, i'm afraid, you know, i'll be like azirov, when i have to say something very technical, i'll say some kind of nonsense, and then everyone will hiccup, because i'm a famous person, and i'm standing, this is the situation, you know everything is written on my telegram
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channels, we speak ukrainian... it’s just a joke all over the internet, that is, i ’m just asking you to do it and making at least one mistake, it’s spreading , well, i’ll tell you honestly, i’m studying the language hard, we’ll understand, it's hard for you there, you're studying, but because it turned out that i've been there all my life native speaker of the russian language, and i switch to the ukrainian language, i learn it, i will start speaking with him when i speak to them beautifully, absolutely confidently, because it is necessary, because to do it the way our public figures do it and... .
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superfluous, unnecessary, or where to look, what exactly can be bought in order to protect yourself from these drones with non-standard frequencies? well, it is very difficult to say about this, because yesterday i said live on the air that we really need the help of our state, because a private entrepreneur, he is counting money and no one will to invest, for example, is a lot of money in a warehouse, and everyone is afraid that tomorrow there will probably be some kind of remeasurement or the end of the war, and a private entrepreneur risks being left with this balance in the warehouse for a very rich amount, that is, our state should create some kind of reserve of spare modules for the sake of purity for funds at the expense of the state. then,
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that is, otherwise it won't work, and here, for example, i believe, it was sunday ago that we learned about this new frequency of the russians on ocheretyn, and that was very, very difficult news, because they literally arranged safari for our boys, russian every day. attacked approximately 10-20 vehicles of our military, and it was very shah shahlya, because we do not have a trench reb at this range, for now our manufacturers have placed orders for...


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