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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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putin instead of zelensky and trump instead of garis. during his speech after the nato summit, joe biden confused the names of the people he was talking about. what did it cost? biden is worried about these circumstances and whether he will run for president of the united states after such incidents. we talk about it in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga polamaryuk. three days of the nato summit, historic agreements and productive agreements. but the world is discussing the circumstances of the american president. joe biden made several mistakes at once, and they are what analysts say can be fatal biden's already tenuous position in the pre-election race is in doubt. during his speech. on the sidelines of the nato summit, he
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slandered the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, as president putin, but immediately corrected himself and let's see how it turned out. and now i want to give the floor to the president of ukraine, who has as much courage as determination. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. president putin, we must defeat president putin. i'm so focused on winning. the conditions did not end there an hour after the embarrassment, biden held a closing press conference, and it was to her that the most attention was drawn. everything started well. biden was calm and confident, smiled a lot, talked about the successes of his administration, about achievements in foreign and domestic policy, about plans and health, but after the first question from journalists, he became embarrassed again.
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he called the us president kamalus trump and, unlike the first time, did not even notice the slur. i wouldn't have chosen vice president trump to be vice president if i didn't think she was qualified to be president. this is the first. the fact is, i believe i am the most qualified person to run for president. i beat him once, and i'll beat him again. but overall, aside from these caveats, biden's press conference went much better than the debate two weeks ago. bbc correspondent sarah smith analyzes what his speech was like. this press conference did not get off to a good start for president biden. before that, he accidentally called the president of ukraine zelensky president putin, but quickly recovered. and already at the beginning of this event, he accidentally called vice president kamala harris vice president trump. that's why everyone was a little nervous. about what will happen
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next, but i must say that during almost an hour of answering questions, there were no other similar mistakes. president biden spoke in detail about the situation in ukraine, the war in the middle east, and domestic economic policy in the united states. in some cases, for a very long time. he was asked again and again about his capacity for the position, whether he was really ready for the job and whether will he consider withdrawing from the election race? and that before that he was very, very clear. he said he thinks he's the best candidate to govern and win the election, and that's why he's going for... he was also asked if he'd been shown polls that said kamala harris could beat donald trump, he said he still would has not withdrawn from the race until he has proof that he can't beat trump, but he said he hasn't seen any polls that indicate that. and he explained why considers himself the best candidate, said that his years in the senate have given him experience that allows him to achieve results, that he is proud of the laws that he passed in ... but there is still
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work to be done, and with age, he said, comes a little wisdom, so he was actually trying to prove why he could not only win this election, but be the best president ever. that doesn't mean all the questions have been answered, like whether or not he's going to stay in the race and how many other democrats might be calling for him to drop out. but he certainly did not harm himself in any way. although biden himself does not call his circumstances fatal and insists on his candidacy in the presidential elections, not everyone thinks so. his fellow democrats are urging biden to step down, and actor george clooney, who is also one of the main donors to the democrats, is asking to give way to another nominee. excited about biden's condition, also another actor and donor michael douglas, and former speaker of the house of representatives and long-time associate of the us president nancy pelosi, when asked by journalists, whether she supports biden's candidacy, she did not directly answer, saying that he himself should decide whether to continue. struggle, and such comments
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already from the closest allies, as experts say, this is a signal to biden, it is time to choose between ambitions and patriotism for his country, what does he alone say? let's listen. i will always support him if he chooses to stay in the race. he has earned this devotion. he is an extremely outstanding leader of the united states, but i have to say that this puts the party in a very difficult situation. biden did not fail the press conference at the nato summit, but it cannot be called perfect. i am very sorry, no one can beat time, everyone gets old, it cannot be avoided, but unfortunately, joe biden is experiencing it on the world stage. i have known biden for 7 years. he is such a worthy man, i can repeat this all the time. the polls aren't the best, but what really matters is the situation in several states, including my state, pennsylvania, and also michigan, wisconsin, where there is a blue wall. these three states are the most important, it will be necessary to see
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how the numbers have changed here. if joe biden ultimately decides to go, i will without a doubt support vice president kamala harris. i'm a member of the president's and vice president's finance committee, so i see what 's going on. as for the fundraising, many donors are not sure that biden will really be our final candidate, donors are waiting to see what happens at the party convention. every day that a final decision is not made is another day that we hurt our final candidate. every day we talk about biden's age, it's another day we're not talking about a convicted felon. i spoke with the governor of maryland, wes moore, and the president unexpectedly joined us to answer questions from a small group of donors. he actually did a very good job with that conversation, but i think people are still unsure, they want more information, and the more noise we have, the further we'll be from the goal, so we need to
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make a decision sooner rather than later. i have corresponded with members of congress and know that some intend to speak publicly calling on joe biden to step down, despite the fact that the press conference ... at the nato summit was decent. in my opinion, they just feel they have to do it now because the democrats are losing support in the states where the election will be fought. when viewers talk about time, keep in mind that the democrats officially nominate their presidential candidate in august at the party convention, and the us election is in early november, so that's just under four months away. but what damage could be done biden these conditions? this is what eric hamvin, an american political analyst, said about it on the bbc. during the press conference, we saw president biden speak very convincingly, very clearly. he demonstrated the depth of knowledge and seriousness of a man who has been involved in such matters for most of
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his career. i think those who are concerned about the president's cognitive health and abilities certainly have every right to be, given biden's age. but i think we 've seen a man who makes things happen. with his work of course, one press conference will definitely not dispel all the worries and fears of many party members. i think president biden will have to do a lot more and over a longer period of time to win back the trust of many of the elites and donors who are currently calling for biden to drop out of the race. also, i think it's a shame to pay so much attention to excuses, given that the president was speaking for an hour after the 75th anniversary meeting of nato, one of the...strongest military alliances we've ever seen the world, considering how much has been done, how nato countries are standing up to russia's aggression and invasion of ukraine, and the president has done so much to help ukraine preserve its freedom, the fact that we are debating his two terms
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shows how low we have sunk, especially when on the other side, a man like donald trump, who made it clear that he would become a dictator on the first day of his presidency, that the nato summit... is crucial for the us president shows how critical his performance in the debates was and how much there have been concerns about his physical condition, his age and his ability to do what has been called the toughest job in the world, and that certainly won't go away with one press conference or one interview, and now he will have to work even harder to prove that that he can do this work, not only to the american people, but to the world, and of course to those donors who have contributed. a lot of money into his campaign, and for a broader context , it is worth adding that attention is focused on biden, currently focused on his unsuccessful performance at debate with donald trump two weeks ago, the bbc's tom bateman from washington. i
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don't think what happened last night will fundamentally change the problem that biden has within the party. of course, it wasn't a flawless performance, there was an absolutely terrible moment when biden went into detail about foreign policy, so it was a pretty mixed performance, but the reality is that this is all an attempt to limit the damage after the debate, to get biden back on the campaign trail, campaign rallies and interviews i biden's fundamental problem that even if some of the statements were particularly forceful, he cannot undo the damage done during the debate two weeks ago. it was a really big moment when he stood up against donald trump, the man he's going to defeat in november, and ... he failed the test. he continues his
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campaign this weekend, but it's hard to see what else he could do. and that's why, as congressmen returned to washington this week, tensions have begun to mount over the past few days. i think some were waiting for the conclusion of the nato summit. three more democrats, members of the house of representatives , called on biden to step down after yesterday's press conference, and one of them, democrat jim hines, called on him to go. and interestingly, this morning ashley jade, an actress, well-known democrat supporter and reproductive rights activist, also said that president biden should go. i think it has a real impact on the abortion issue. this was one area where democrats and president biden had an advantage over trump. this is one of their strongest cards. however, biden failed the debate test. i think we will see even more members in the coming days. house of representatives, who will ask him to step down. it is interesting that
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donald trump also reacted to biden's excuses. in his social network, he wrote about joe's excellent work, although he himself has been repeatedly embarrassed. in october of last year , trump confused hungary and turkey as prime minister, and called viktor orbán the leader of turkey. however, such circumstances do not prevent trump and orban from maintaining contact. hungarian prime minister after nato summit. from washington went to florida, visited trump's estate, flew, as he says, to discuss a peace mission regarding ukraine. this is orbán's fourth stop with his peace mission in the last two weeks. first, he went to kyiv, and then he met with putin in moscow and xi jinping in beijing. but to sum up, what consequences will all these events have for biden, will he withdraw from the distance, and if so, who can become the democratic presidential candidate? the opinion of former british diplomat kim daruk. unless biden himself decides
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to back down unless he is persuaded by his friends and colleagues, unless he changes his mind, unless he is removed, that is very difficult to do. however , the democratic party should be concerned that some big donors are publicly indicating that they are already reluctant to support democrats. in the fall , the season will begin, when the election campaign will intensify, then millions will be spent on advertising. especially in hard-fought states , so if money stops flowing into the democrats' coffers, that's a loss that could potentially make them lose, so it is necessary to carefully follow what the donors say. in relation to other potential candidates in the us, there has been a lot of positive feedback about kamela harris recently. in some recent opinion polls, she trails trump by just one point. besides her, there is california governor gavin newson. the whole country knows him. it appears in many national. can he can do great in debates and i think he looks young and energetic, somewhat like
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kennedy. i think he would be a strong candidate. kamela harris can also look good show during the debate. she's a former california da, and she's really underrated. then there's josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania, a key undecided state. the media covers him in a positive light. there are other names, but they are less recognizable because they are not the main candidates. however , the election is still more than 100 days away, so a lot can still change if necessary. and traditionally, i encourage you to subscribe to our pages in social networks so as not to miss the most important news, we are on facebook, on instagram, on tiktok, on youtube you can watch our episode, if you sometimes missed it on the air. and that's all for today, more stories on our website we are back on the air. good luck and take care of yourself,
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standing up for protection from the sky is a conscious choice, it is my calling to be a pilot and protect our ukraine, everyone understands why we are doing it, everyone understands the ultimate goal, it is protection, protection of our country , russian pilots have arrived here, and they are here and there, you have no aviation, here... hello, we are here, they have such a little girl, what they want are boys, girls from god, so let's go now. we are usually like this, if
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we go in the car, we speak quietly, because the child is sleeping, but where is dad? what? but it is very difficult, as she pretends, and she still needs a little bit, as they say, to... adapt to what they want from her, because she woke up, immediately saw an airplane, and she is also weak, like her father, class, mom, mom doesn't touch, that's why i don't touch, dad, dad is only yours, don't worry. vanya, when he was born there were
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flights in hell, it was friday, he was born on the 11th at around 11 with something in the queue they called, they said you had a son, well , just as the plane was taking off, the commander on that plane said, well, he's going to be a boy, since he was born on a flight, it means he's going to be a boy, and that's what happened. everyone has their own profession, there, if a dentist pulls out a tooth, than he doesn’t go there, oh, that’s all, i did a heroic deed there, that’s his job, that’s right, to pull out a tooth and heal it, it’s the same with me, i better not
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sleep now , so that later my children and all children can sleep peacefully at home, my job is to ... shoot down chess, a rocket, a flying plane, my dream is to shoot down too, before i fall asleep, i think yes, i have to shoot down the plane, at such moments it is felt that our people really are not invincible, no matter how difficult it may be, but it will definitely not be a shame, as our commander-in-chief said. well, that's it, roughly speaking, we delay and run to the plane. we commemorate the fallen defenders
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of ukraine. all our compatriots who could still be alive if russia... had not started this war, it was the kherson direction when they started to go from the crimea, our own crimea, and they just moved there in columns, and, unfortunately, they shot down our 125, and you hear on the air that they were two, then the second one... is gone, and we return home, i understand that the one i covered is gone. that's it, stop.
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on the one hand, i am overwhelmed with pride for the man, for what he does, what he does for us, for our country, and at the same time, to be honest, since the war began, i probably would have given everything in the world for him to be a teacher, a taxi driver, a builder of what... well, this is a very dangerous profession, even my wife, he was so jealous, she is at a certain stage of life, and i say to her, like... i say, you understand, now you are not in the first place me, i say, sorry, not you, i say, now there is a war, now my first priority is my boys, we have to win the war, and i
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have to save their lives, the first 5 days, just no sleep, nothing, you just constantly , constantly flying, flying, tasks, tasks, tasks. and sortie after sortie, well, that’s how it started, the planes took off from the airfields right at the time of the strikes, it was, according to the stories of the pilots, it was very moving, it was amazing, how the strip had already been bombed, he was flying along it, someone at the cost of his own life, he diverted the russian aviation from the airfields. so that the comrades would take off and take the equipment to the operational airfields, there were cases at the beginning of the war when one or two of our pilots fought
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between three, four or five russian pilots, and ours won, at one of the airfields, when we got out, then we got on the plane without anything, then i got on the plane like that , behind... here and then like that, ran there and sat in the cockpit like that, because there was no extra work, we spent the first 5 days somewhere around like that, in the middle of the night there of course, we were also thrown out, so here i am after snapping his fingers to climb into the cockpit, every fighter pilot always remembers his first independent flight on an airplane. he always remembers his instructor pilot all his life. due to the fact that you invest your soul in him as an instructor, a cadet, it is like a child, because you become
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both a father and a mother for him, a whole family. airplanes for him were the very thing, he loves it, it is not for that. i grew up in a family. where my father is a military man, he used to go to airfields from an early age, it was like a lollipop for me, wait, check, check, ugh, i was in 2006 retired from this ardrom , i didn't think that i would return again in the 22nd year, well, such is life. this is guaranteed, it is easier for me here, that i see him, than when he calls, wait, wait, he will call, he will not call, here i am, well, i have more control over the situation here, how the son will
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fight, and the father will sit, such, well, how there was no such thing, there was no such combat conflict, there was no such war , where the air defense forces, the aviation forces, and we had to learn, we had to learn on the go, the first... no, when there was a big invasion, it was, it was hell, because all these sorties, they were very difficult, it's scarier at night, especially when there's no moon, there's no these stars, very dark nights, it's scary because you don't know , where is the earth, and where is the sky, every time you start a plane flight, you experience it all, every time, well, there is no such thing as this flight ... and you are an aviator, the feelings are always the same, well, you always worry,
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to think someday, even when i was studying, when i was discharged, that i would be with my father, if, well, that, well, but you see, well, the war will not do such a thing, i i answer completely. the serviceability of the plane depends on my signature to fly the plane , if i don't sign, i'll say no, then the plane won't fly, there's no moon, mom doesn't have a plane, mom has, mom here has, come on, come on, let's support a little , class, so combat family - not just words, under the conditions of this war it became much bigger. everything we experienced and our losses are thanks to the fact that we have our
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family, it is... a collection of people, they are each individual, each has its own character, each has its own habits, but their connects it big heart, hot blood, courage and bravery, well, what can i say, these are people, people of honor. our pilots are very responsible, we have one goal, that's why we are almost like a family, our second family, the work is going on, when all of ukraine will be this combat family, then there will be no enemy that can even scare us, not that win, right? what about
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that water girl, we go to the park, there is no plane, there are no planes, we go to the park when he is at home, you know, this is the bear that he flies with, he, he is very gentle, he is very caring, there, that a real hero, brave, at home it is our vidmedik is just so caring and gentle. this is my teammate, horoshilov, vadim, the one who punishes, yes, he threw such an idea at me, he was the first to recast the chevrons here, i already did so, already according to tradition, everyone who can, these are all combat chevrons, they all mean something, someone gave them , that's juice, andrii, this is his, unfortunately, last chevron, this one, he gave me before he died. this is my bag
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for that, and my teddy bear, this is my teddy bear here, and yet i don't fly, i mean everything i fly, i always have to be ready no matter what, no one could think that this hybrid will... perform combat actions together with a man, especially after this, well , the most noisy video, let's say this, the hybrid became a superstar, he was in all the public places, everyone wrote, be like a sack, piss orcs, i'm just somehow calmer, i know that he
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is there, well, somehow i don’t know, well... in general, the lyochkas are such superstitious people, they have their own superstitions, but for me he is like a little brother, let’s put it this way, who in the cabin can do something tell me, this is his talisman, god help him, i am very happy for him. i'm always his i take it with me on the flight, i also jokingly said that he has his own flight book, he has it, he also comes for a medical examination, well, because i also go to the medical board with him, he is always with me, child just like a child saw a toy and she also loves it simply from her child's point of view, we went to the award ceremony, she was with a bear, there is such a story, and we are, as always
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, a support group, we are with our dad... everywhere we went for his award, and it is a great honor to take a photo with mr. president, and we are, mr. president, let me take a photo, he is so natural, and here our commander is not a cat, and i started crying and there were such not bad photos, smile, why aren't you crying? this machine is any plane, we, in our aviation department, it is like a living being, because we understand that the technology is not new, it is also years old, they are older than me.


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