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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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there was a press conference of us president joe biden with the results of the summit, did president biden speak at this press conference about ukraine and russian threats, and what was the most important thing you heard? indeed, oleksiy, this was the last event of this summit, and joe biden was expected to speak about the results of the alliance summit, about the results of this summit, however, most of the journalists' questions were focused on the topic of the united states election campaign, in particular, many asked about health. biden about his physical and mental condition, whether he can continue to conduct an election campaign and whether he can, in case of re-election , continue to fulfill his duties as president for another four years, most of the questions were about this. of course, this topic, which is now very often heard in the american media, is perhaps one of the most discussed topics in the united states right now, so it is expected that in one form or another these things were raised during the nato summit as well. journalists, in particular, asked the american president. are these concerns
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about his health, is it not adversely affecting him on the confidence of international partners in the leadership of the united states. joe biden said that no, it does not affect in any way, that the leaders , on the contrary, expressed confidence in the leadership of the united states and in his leadership personally, however, journalists drew attention to the fact that literally before this press conference that we are now seeing on the screens , there was another event dedicated to the support of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi was there, there were other leaders, such as job. biden, inviting zelensky to the stage, introduced him as president putin, however he quickly corrected himself, zelensky was joking, he said that he is much better than putin, but the journalists actually paid attention to this and asked the american president about this mistake, about these remarks, and that something else sounded out to oleksiyya, another question was from one of the journalists, if re-elected , can joe biden effectively confront such...
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rivals of the united states, russia and china, and can he negotiate with putin and xi jinping if necessary? joe biden said that at the moment there is no pro what to say let's listen. i am not ready to talk to putin until putin is ready to change his behavior. putin has a problem, first of all, with this war that he supposedly won, and by the way, this is an approximate number, but i think that ... russia used to have 17.3 of the captured territory of ukraine, and now it is 17.4 territories they are not very successful, they have caused terrible damage to ukraine, they have caused casualties, but they have also lost more than 35,000 soldiers killed and wounded. more than a million people, especially young people with technical skills opportunities, leave russia because they do not see a future there. they have a problem, but they control public reaction, information. that reaches the people, they
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lie like hell to the voters, they lie like hell about what's going on, so the idea that we can fundamentally change russia in the near future is unlikely. mustapa, but did the us president clarify the position of the administration regarding the strikes of american weapons on the territory of russia. oleksiy, this is the main issue raised by the ukrainian delegation at all meetings, from our side, yulia and i yarmolenko worked at the summit and asked these questions to american officials, it is clear that... the most important are the words and position of the american president himself, this question was also heard at the press conference, and this is what the president answered. first, about the fact that zelensky is asking to be given the opportunity to strike deep into russia. we allowed zelensky to use american weapons in the near future and in the border regions of the russian federation, should we limit him? we do not limit, but for example, would zelensky have, if
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would he have permission to strike moscow, strike the kremlin, would that make sense? no, the question is how best to use the weapons he has, the weapons we give him. i gave him more ranged shot options as well as defensive options. so, in the work of our army, i follow the advice of the chief of staff, as well as the secretary of defense and our intelligence officers. and we determine what they should and shouldn't do every day. how far should it go, yes. to act logically oleksiy, that is, currently the policy of the usa is unchanged, long-range weapons are intended for not intended for use on the territory of russia, however, the state department tells us that they will continue to consider this and will adjust their policy as necessary, so far this is not happening. mustape, and if we talk about the general practical results of the formulations at this summit, what was achieved and how long can this bridge to nato membership, which everyone is talking about, be? oleksiy, i'll try... briefly, therefore,
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first of all, ukraine received wording about the inevitability of its membership in nato, this was not the case before, ukraine insisted on this, now this wording has been included in the communique, and the allies are also starting a training center in... germany, which will coordinate all support for ukraine, military, as well as support with training and other things. also, the allies undertake to provide minimum support to ukraine in the amount of 40 million euros in 2025, this is the minimum level. we also heard important announcements regarding military support, including reinforcements air defense systems, additional patriots or other systems and other commitments also on the military level. regarding this bridge, which is offered to ukraine, no support was heard. for ukraine to join the alliance, this wording about the bridge to the alliance, how long and effective it will be, was criticized by tetyana voroshko, court worker. yes, this is a bridge somewhere, i honestly do not know what it means, there is either a decision
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that we invite ukraine to nato, or there is none. in this case, it is not there yet. there is no invitation to ukraine to join nato. there is some fresh wording, but... still no invitation, no significant new role for the alliance in helping ukraine defeat russia, no clear commitment to victory, but some additional support. we have heard about new patriot systems coming to ukraine and some other air defense systems. all this is good. coordinating aid to ukraine through nato and not just the us is good too, but it's not the game-changer many people were hoping for. ostapa, thank you you. my colleague gostap yarysh was in touch with us about the results of the nato summit in washington. ukraine is satisfied with the results of the nato summit and the concept of a bridge to ukraine's membership in the alliance. deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine ihor zhovko stated this in an interview with my colleague maria ulyanovska. he also
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emphasized that negotiations with partners are ongoing regarding the extension of permission to use western weapons of ukraine, western weapons by ukraine for attacks on the territory of russia. what are your expectations and results of this summit, what was successful, what was not successful and whether it was is it better than the vilnius summit? this summit was definitely better than the summit in vilnius. last year we hoped for more practical results of the summit, and this year in washington we got them, and in the formulation of the final declaration of the summit on the irreversible path of ukraine to nato, it was important for us, and the countries reached an agreement on this, and it paves the way for the next step, an invitation to the alliance, which i am sure, we are early. later we will receive, among other practical results , first of all clear statements of several of ours partners on the first day of the summit on the transfer of five air defense systems now and more by the end of the year. we have to protect our skies and keep our citizens safe. second, important statements about the f-16. we tried to push
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our partners to accelerate the provision of these fighters to ukraine, and we also asked, and this was included in the final declaration: to increase the volume of training of pilots and engineers for the f-16. we need more qualified people, and the partners agreed to this. last but not least: the ukrainian security compact, which was signed after the end of the council ukraine-nato. it summarizes what has been done over the past year, but also lays the groundwork for the future of security. we need this new security architecture. we build this architecture not only in ukraine, but also throughout the continent. and it is very important to understand and remember that this is being done on our way to nato membership. one of the key tasks of the ukrainian delegation during this summit was to convince the united states to lift the ban on the use of american weapons in glib, but even after monday's attack on okhmadid, the biden administration has said it is not ready to lift the ban. why do you think america does not cancel it. this process started
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long before the summit. there have been some changes and ukraine is using them effectively. we are working with the american side, they all know what we need. and they say it's a work in progress. do you think this is one of those situations where the us says no until they say yes, or do you believe there will be progress on this issue as well? undoubtedly, there will be progress, just as it was in the past. one of the topics of the nato summit in washington is this question the possibility of lifting restrictions on the use of western weapons for strikes on the territory of russia. at this time, there was a message in the media that great britain had changed. position, allowing ukraine to use storm shadow missiles to defeat military forces on russian territory. the president of ukraine commented on these reports. however, information later appeared in the media, citing a source in the british ministry of defense, that london has not changed its position on this matter. these
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updates were followed by our european correspondent bohdan syupin. congratulations bohdan. bohdan, are there any specific reports regarding the use of british missiles to hit military targets on the territory of russia. what exactly did you not say the prime minister of britain? oleksiy, we do not have a video recording of the words of the british prime minister, but in the quotes provided by the british press, it is said that on his way to the nato summit. keir starmer told journalists that ukraine fights in self-defense and uses the weapons provided to it within the limits of this self-defense, and here is one of the quotes: it is to ukraine it is up to her to decide how to use these weapons for defensive purposes, - said the british prime minister. after these reports , a post by president zelensky appeared on the ex network. in the morning, i read about the permission to... use stormshadow missiles against military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, and today we had the opportunity
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to discuss the practical implementation of this decision - the ukrainian president wrote. there were no further clarifications, and in fact, one gets the impression that it is more convenient for british officials not to give too unequivocal answers, i.e. the judgment is that the british recognize ukraine as having the right to attack. strikes on military facilities on russian territory, but when it comes to the use of exactly which weapons, whether western or ukrainian, then here we are already entering into difficult questions, to which, at least, british representatives do not want to give clear answers. bohdan, there is no clear answer, but can we really talk about a change in the position of the british government on this issue? actually, the british emphasize that. that there are no changes, that the policy of supporting ukraine, which has been in place until now, continues,
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and let me remind you, for example, that even last year the then minister of foreign affairs, james cleverley, declared, after, by the way, the strikes of unknown drones on the russian capital , moscow, that ukraine had the right to project, as the british minister said then, force beyond its borders for protection , and again, at this summit, the british prime minister emphasized the continuation of the current policy of supporting ukraine. i just had a very good meeting with president zelensky, where i made it absolutely clear that in the uk, a change of government does not affect support, which we will provide. we are the only ones that before that, even when we were in the opposition, it was really important for me to confirm this forever at the meeting. i also spoke to him right after i took the oath of office. of the prime minister last week. bohdan, one more news from london, the former commander-in-chief of the armed
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forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny took over the position of ambassador of ukraine to great britain. what are the expectations from his work in this position? as with all ambassadors, we usually expect such an invisible part of the work of diplomats, about which we will hardly know, private meetings, negotiations and the visible part. and currently the visible part of the first day or even hours of work of the new ukrainian ambassador in london was his post on social networks about what he had started, and we also have a photo of general valery zaluzhny in a suit and tie, and for now that is all, we are waiting for his public appearance in london and also in mass media. bohdan, thank you very much, the european correspondent of voice of america joined our broadcast. bohdan from london tsyupan on july 11, norway announced
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the provision of $92 million to ukraine to strengthen ukrainian air defense. in a conversation with voice of america at the nato summit , norwegian foreign minister espan bart eide said that his country's position on ukraine's ability to strike on russian territory is clear and in line with international law. according to him, if the country is attacked, it can respond to the attack also in the territory of the attack. details about norway's support for ukraine in the interview of the minister of foreign affairs of norway with mine colleagues tatiana vareshko. russia struck civilian facilities in ukraine, including a children's hospital, just before the start of the nato summit. what do you think this signal was trying to send to putin, what did he get as a result, did it influence the decision of the summit. if it affects our decisions, it will simply help us to be even bolder and stronger
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in our messages that putin must not win. we cannot accept such behavior in europe. it violates international law, it violates the un charter. this is a gross violation of international humanitarian law, but all his behavior is also a significant violation of the european security architecture that was developed many years ago and. which all countries have signed, and it is that we must respect the immutability of borders, and all these rules are being violated, and we cannot allow him to win, because we... support ukraine, we stand in solidarity with a proud and very loyal people ukraine, but we also do it because we cannot allow such behavior in europe. the ukrainian delegation also calls for and conducts discussions on the removal of all red lines, regarding damage by weapons provided by western
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countries on the territory of russia. what is norway's position on this issue? our principled position is that as long as ukraine's military actions comply with international law, the un charter, they should be able to use weapons with the best effect for the defense of ukraine. international law is very clear, if you are attacked, you can fight back against the attacker even in the attacker's territory. so, for example, if the attack on kharkiv takes place from the territory of russia, then within the framework. international the right is quite allowed to fight back by striking the source of this attack. does norway now feel threatened by russia due to its possible attacks on infrastructure networks, maritime, oil and gas infrastructure, submarine cables. since relations between
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europe and russia have soured, norway has been an energy supplier. number one for europe: we are the largest exporter of oil, gas and also electricity because we have a deep interconnection of the electricity grid, it all goes through the north sea and then to the continent, so of course we are very keen to ensure that our underwater infrastructure is secure, and we work with nato allies, particularly germany, on patrols and surveillance, both underwater and at sea. according to what is happening. around our infrastructure. scandinavian-baltic cooperation, where five scandinavian and three baltic states cooperate particularly closely. all of them are now members of nato, after sweden joined it. this topic is often put on nato's agenda. hybrid threats that originating from russia, potential threats and actual threats to critical infrastructure,
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internet cables, telephony, power grid, etc. because we are advanced countries that are very... interconnected, but that also makes us more vulnerable, and that means that defense today is not just about protecting your border in the classical sense, it's also about protecting these necessary and critical infrastructure, so in that sense i wouldn't use the word threaten, maybe, but it's a security issue that we're dealing with very seriously can a cyber attack become a basis for applying the article. so, in principle, there is nothing in article five to rule it out, because allies define what constitutes an armed attack on one or more of its members. and i would say that a cyber attack that has physical consequences, such as death or destruction. for example, if you turn off the power in a hospital in the winter in northern
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norway, it can lead to death and destruction, and it can be considered a... this issue is often discussed, and where the threshold is not necessarily defined, but it is for the allies to define what constitutes a violation to which article five will refer. norway took the lead in helping ukraine rebuild its energy infrastructure. how much you can help with this, because now the situation is critical. this is a very dramatic situation. the last time i was in ukraine was a few months ago and i visited bombed power plants in kyiv and the suburban area, as well as in odesa and the suburbs. i also saw the renovations going on. i think that ukraine needs energy on the energy front two things first, it needs to be repaired so that the existing infrastructure can be
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used again, and we facilitate this. norway is a very electrified country, so we have in this. great competence and we can share it with ukraine, but ukraine also needs, and i talked about this with the leadership of the ministry of energy in kyiv, more decentralization of energy production so that the impact of one blow is less severe, because today ukraine has a very soviet energy system, several very large power plants, which means that if there is a hit, then there is a supply a large share of electricity is cut off if you have a more decentralized system ( the effect of one hit will be smaller, so we are also working on how to have more stability and decentralization in the system, and we are working with ukrainians through donor long-term trust funds. trying our best to link our support with the real needs of ukraine.this is also a donation of some equipment that is currently being discussed between norway and ukraine, which
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can contribute to the distribution of gas for electricity generation, and which can be distributed across the whole country watch the full interview with the minister of foreign affairs of norway on the voice of america youtube channel in ukrainian. the school of superheroes is a network of educational institutions attached to children's hospitals, where children who are forced to be hospitalized due to serious illnesses can get an education on a par with their peers. for the first time such a center was started in kyiv at the specialized children's hospital okhmadit. due to the russian terrorist attack on july 8, the premises where the children studied were destroyed. what... the school suffered superheroes and how the russian shelling affected its young visitors, anna kostyuchenko and pavlo sukhodolsky learned, this is the entrance to the school, through which
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teachers, our students, and parents passed to the school. the head of the educational center of the school of superheroes at the ohmadit children's hospital, halyna mosienko, is looking for whole books and notebooks among the rubble. be careful, just very here and there, also very much from above. as carefully as possible, these gifts were supposed to be for children, on july 8, a russian rocket flew right into the classroom, where they usually studied sick children there were no children in the classroom at that time, because the alarm started at 9:52, at that time the teacher went out into the corridor and already the children who were being brought down with the teacher from the hospital wards, the teacher had already picked them up there directly in... in the shelter. six-year-old nazarchyk cherchukan has been treated for a brain tumor in okhmaditya for more than a year. he
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studies at the school of superheroes in the preschool class. together with his 44-year-old mother olga, the boy comes to kyiv for chemotherapy from a village in the mykolaiv region. oncology manifested itself in july 2023, says olga. but the region did not have the appropriate equipment to immediately carry out a proper diagnosis. in august of that year , nazar was admitted to vokhmadit for treatment. and pavel mykolayovych came and said that on wednesday we will do the operation urgently, because he needs to do it. and they operated on him on wednesday . i thought i would go crazy that day. until histology came, they said histology, which is also disappointing. and then she came, dmitry igorovich came to me and said that he would come. oncologist, and i realized that something was wrong. after the operation, nazar was prescribed courses chemotherapy. olga
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brought the boy to another treatment on july 4, four days before the russians shelled the hospital. we just went to the pharmacy to buy medicine. we were supposed to be here. we entered the apartment and heard this explosion. i looked out the window and saw a lot of wonder. how much trouble he caused. fighting with small children with cancer, they are not people, they are bastards. the circle of superheroes started as a volunteer initiative in 2015. then concerned citizens saw the problem, children undergoing multi-stage inpatient treatment do not have the opportunity to study in a regular school school it turned out. that there was a girl that she had, she was already quite old, but she had never been to school for a day, and unfortunately she could not read and write, because
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she did not study, and when the volunteers saw this situation, they realized that something had to be changed, from 2021 the school of superheroes started working as an official state institution, later , in addition to kyiv, such schools at hospitals were opened in the kyiv region, zhytomyr, kherson, khmelnytskyi and dnipro, kryvyi rih, mykolaiv, lviv, in the school of superheroes at of ohmadit hospital per year more than 820 children were trained. 22-year-old hanna lipinska has been teaching english and computer science here for over a year. on the day of the russian shelling, she was in ukhmadita and saved children. the children were rushed to the children, of course, because they were screaming very loudly, yes, they could have been injured and something else, because... the ceiling was falling, this dust, one passage was blocked, we could not get out of there, but we left the world, we had another way out. currently, it is impossible to hold classes,
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premises. the school was destroyed, the class in which you saw, it was a small class for preschoolers, that's what it was designed for, but it's in this new building that you see, it's in a state of disrepair now, there 's still a library there, you 've been in it too, you've seen it flooded, the books that were there, they are also flooded, the class is directly in the toxicology department, and you also saw this class, how much it was damaged, it was destroyed. it was possible to save a dozen books and a cape of a superhero. this is a symbolic outfit that was worn to children before operations and after successful completion teaching. as a result of the vuhmadite shelling, according to the hospital management , five oncology departments also suffered significant damage. about a hundred children were evacuated to other hospitals in kyiv. nazarchyk has two rounds
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of chemotherapy left. according to the assessment of the ministry of health, the two buildings of okhmaditya cannot be restored. people who care have already donated to rebuild the hospital. uah 800 million. as of july 12 , the blood center was put into operation at the hospital, the hematology oncology laboratory and the radiology department were put into operation. anna kostyuchenko, pavel sukhodolsky for voice of america from kyiv. this is where we will say goodbye, also watch our daily briefings from monday to friday at 18:00 on youtube and facebook, where you can ask us your
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questions live. thank you. stay tuned, subscribe to the voice of america facebook and youtube pages, where you can see more results, summaries, results of the nato summit in washington. good night and good morning, see you soon! there are discounts that represent the only discounts on estazy pin. 20% in pharmacies of travel memories and savings. if the throat is not ok, make a snicker, make it ok. choose the taste, swallow without pain. yevka lord. sweet lord. her discounts represent the only discounts on kombi grip hotsiep, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on nephrobam, 10% in the pharmacies of plantain, bam and oskad. exclusively on
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