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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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here is this summit and even these conditions of president biden, don't they weaken his position, his prospects in the elections, which are supposed to be held already in the fall? well, look, this is being discussed by those who, who, let's say, do not like president biden, or want him to withdraw from the election, but as i want to say, it's just that, well, biden has such reasons, they have always been there. well like like anybody, well he really, he by the way also yesterday, he said, wanted to say, vice president harris, vice president trump said, and laughed himself after that, well i want to to say, for example, on the air of your tv channel, somewhere, nowhere, because i wanted to say, the debate does not have a decisive influence on the election results, said the elections do not have a decisive influence, a decisive influence on the election results, and even, even your colleagues laughed a lot... a lot right on the air,
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well, that is, it happens that people gossip, i think that it is not this, this is not the essence, and it was very often with biden and in the past and in the previous years, because when a person thinks about something, a lot that's how he is, he is forced to think a lot about putin and trump, yes, i absolutely agree, and apart from what president biden thinks, i understand that within the limits of what is possible, of course now... ukraine is given aid not only by the united states of america, nato countries, and also another aid package of 225 million dollars has been allocated, which includes the patriot system, well, there they counted in serhiy zgurets, patriot is worth a billion, how can it be 225 million and patriot and hymers, well, somehow all this is done there, i think, you know, it seems to me that this cost of petro didn't just enter this one to these 225, i don't know how it is, how it is in... but
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you know, i mean ukraine, ukraine is being given aid, i think it will be more, the fact that russia's plan to try to kill the director, such a military manufacturer, such a giant of german military production as the company rhine metal, shows that they are really afraid, and it is really a painful moment for them, western weapons for ukraine, plus that this company rain metal. is ready to build its facilities on the territory of ukraine, or at least somewhere near the territory of ukraine. that's why this help is important. in your opinion, does joseph biden have an understanding today, and what is the maximum he, his government wants to do in the war of russia against ukraine in november, because the situation may be different, we are not saying that trump will turn someone in, well, he will be the president of the united states and it will be another question, but whether the biden team understands today. in
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your opinion, based on what people who have some kind of access to sources in the white house, in the congress of the united states of america, in various departments, do they understand what, or what kind of help should come and what result is expected for the election, so that it is clearly understood that with this result we can even start talking with russia in some way, and well , let's answer this question, please look, from the fact that i i see from open... open sources, let's say from publications in newspapers that deserve attention, that deserve to be trusted, and from the statements of american officials, i see that it is obvious that the administration has now made a bet on providing ukraine with enough weapons to , to stop the armed forces any advance of the russian troops and inflicted very significant losses on the russian troops. and at the same time, for ukraine to accumulate
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resources for offensive actions, after russia will be significantly weakened in the military sense, simply because of the huge losses that the invaders take every day, more, more than a thousand of them, every day, are either killed or they are seriously wounded , or destroy. this is russian military equipment. from what i have seen, i think that the understanding is to stop russia, to exhaust it in the military sense, to inflict as much damage on it as possible. more loss, and at the same time, if we look at this decision, let's say, to create a special command in germany in the trial, which will deal exclusively with the preparation of reserves for the armed forces, exclusively for...
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the ukrainian armed forces, this means that they will prepare new the ukrainian brigades are exactly for what, for further offensive actions, but these offensive actions... as i say again, i see from what is published, they can be planned for a period already six months after, let's say, after the elections, until the end of 24 th year for sure offensive actions are not planned, at least that is what ukrainian experts say, and not only ukrainian ones, i am here only to continue the topic, but about a possible attempt, planning an attempt to kill the director of the company armin paperger in... the german ministry of internal affairs stated as follows: we will perceive russian threats are very serious, that's good, but we will not allow russia to be fooled and will continue to do everything possible to prevent russian threats in germany, wrote the minister of internal affairs nancy feser on the x social network. it's, you know, moments like this show that it's
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you know, such moments indicate that russia really wants to squeeze a lot into this time, which remains even until the end of this year, and get its own. will talk about the fact that not everything is so simple in russia with the economy, there, too, they are preparing solutions that will tighten the belts of the russian population even more, and this means that there are also problems with money and time is also limited, so here are all the experts, who say that putin can fight for 100 billion years and the sun will go out, russia will still fight, the sun will go out somewhere in about 4 billion years, let me remind you, this is not a lie either and it is not a fact, so this help of our partners... is very important, but i would also like to ask, ah, if this is the case, or not, let's ask two questions, i will make it
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. went home, watched the series, had some tea there, how, how? they are served, or as they are perceive what is happening now in ukraine, this war, there are some channels, people, youtubers who present the war to them, because i understand very well that not all of them listen to some smart people like sullivan there, and what he talks about ukraine there and russia, it reaches them, it is very important to understand, because there are many potential trump voters among them, i think it does not reach very much, because the people are such completely simple people, let's say the working class. well, let's use such a term, it really exists, because there are factories where there are really many fairly simple, let's say people, i don't think they watch, let's say bloggers on youtube, they read a lot of newspapers, they watch
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tv, they can watch news on tv, and i would say that lately ukraine has been present in the american for a little time. ether, because he is completely focused on the election campaign, there on the debates, which are discussed all the time, that how badly biden looked there is discussed a lot, something much less is discussed, like how trump lied constantly at these same debates, well, that's what i think it is a great pity, because american journalists should pay much more attention to what is happening in ukraine, well, even such a terrible thing as the absolutely targeted attack of russia on okhmedit in kyiv, on the killing of children, it was very little covered in the to the american one, by the way, mr. igor, i went in that day, well, i ’m not a subscriber, but i have the application
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downloaded, i was once a subscriber, you have to pay money there, and the new york times edition, well, we’re there is downloaded on my phone, and the first news was, of course, the elections in france then, the second... that the truth was the missile attack on okhmadit, well, well, at least it was the second news and it was discussed, and one more question about health, or even not health, but there are doctors who the last the examination, the medical examination gave the understanding that biden can fulfill his duties, obviously, but if we talk about biden's age, you know, there was such an anecdote once in soviet times, when leonid irich brezhnev said i'm old, i'm old, i'm super old, yes here the question is that either i am old or i am super old, and i really want to joe biden was just that. he is, in principle , the most powerful president of the most powerful state in the world, but whether this issue will still be discussed for ages and because the statement of his wife jill biden was that he is ready, he will go to the elections, but whether this issue will still be discussed, at which now at the discussion stage, or what should be the deadline, when
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they say no, everything is okay, he is going, or no, okay, he is not coming, we still have time to promote someone else, or no, there is no time, either he or no one , i think biden is 81 years old and it's not you can't take away 81 years, any person doesn't feel like a person there, let's say at 41 years old, there is a difference simply in physical condition, but what is it. health, well his doctors think he's healthy for his age, that he's able to carry out his duties, as to whether it's up for debate, it will be, and it 's up for debate, and it's up for debate, biden has quite a few haters , there are, there are many opponents in the democratic party itself, and which united around him in the 20th year, realizing that he, i really, probably the only the candidate who was able to beat trump then, so it will continue to be discussed, but... to replace biden , you have to have biden withdraw from the election,
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there is simply no other way to replace him, because he is elected 87 and how many tenths percent of the members of the democratic party, that is more than 16 million people, voted for him in the primaries, he has the votes of almost 90% of the delegates of the democratic convention, which in august should elect presidential candidates, that is, in order to replace him should... withdraw from the election, yesterday when he spoke at a press conference, he said that he would only withdraw if he was shown with the numbers in his hands that he could not win, that someone else had a better chance, or if god himself will tell him not to go to the elections, yes, that 's right, he said that before, fine, but the day before yesterday he clarified that, what, that is not even god, but if they prove it to him with the numbers in his hands, based on the polls that, that he is not able to win, someone... another is able to win, he said that he then will decline in favor of the candidate who
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is capable of winning, thank you very much, mr. igor, igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, was in touch with us, i just, well, in any case, this is a decision of the democratic party, in general the decision of the american voters, whom they should elect as president, and we must work with their authorities, the government, the senate, and the president is the head of the government in the usa, let me remind you, in order to effectively receive help. for our state in the war against the country of the aggressor of the russian federation, and literally in a moment of news. events, events, that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sunday. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. two hours to learn about
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the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. in the evening good evening, we are from ukraine, well, let 's start, the tragedy in poland, at the airport in gnidyna, a military plane crashed, it happened during the preparation for the air show, before the plane crashed into the traffic lane and caught fire. the pilot died, unfortunately, he did not have time to eject. and by the way, there is also information that a russian
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superjet dry plane crashed in the suburbs of moscow, near the settlement of apraksina, it exploded, caught fire, exploded, no, exploded, then caught fire, but according to russian media, there were only crew members on board, all of whom died. the russians attacked one village with drones, a one-day village in the kharkiv region. at the time of the attack, the residents were receiving their pensions at the overcrowded post office. oleg senigubov, the head of the region, reported about it, as a result of the attack, a fire started, one car was destroyed, another was damaged, fortunately, again here in this situation, fortunately, people were not injured. and the enemy attacked beryslav in the kherson region, a 94-year-old woman was injured the woman, the regional military administration reported, the russians hit the city with a drone, the woman was hospitalized with shrapnel wounds. doctors are currently fighting for her life. well, due to the enemy attack
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on monday, july 8, on this monday , all buildings of the okhmadyt children's hospital were damaged, one of them cannot be restored, said the minister of health of ukraine viktor lyashko. according to him, he was at the scene, now there are plans to complete the act of restoring the hospital, next week okhmadit will choose a company that will carry out construction works. in general, uah 800 million was allocated for the reconstruction of the children's hospital. these are state funds and money from charity accounts. today we have already launched a blood center, i also became a don. today, and this allows us, taking into account the fact that the hematological oncology laboratory has been launched, to slowly return oncology patients to the department, which has already undergone primary repairs and is brought to a state that can accept patients. at the same time, we are waiting for the completion of the defective act, which will say what the construction cost should be in order to
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to clean up all the mess after the terrorist act. we already have a radiology department. we continued to irradiate those children who started irradiation even before the attack, and now all the facilities of this department are working at full capacity, that is, mri, cct, and currently we expect to include in the near future a new machine, a new machine for the whole of ukraine, this is petkat with an effect, it will be a new technology. well , today, by the way, we will talk about the help that the representatives provided various businesses on okhmadit, because this is really our common cause, and here everyone who can, who has the opportunity to allocate a significant amount of money, believe me, many have done it, and today we will have a conversation with people who
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did it, and denmark and luxembourg handed ukraine network equipment worth 2 million euros . the coalition was informed by the ministry of defense. such equipment will be able to strengthen the power of data processing centers and cyber defense of the ministry of defense and the armed forces of ukraine. and a very important decision. the polish diet recognized the deportation of the crimean tatars as genocide in 1944. accordingly, the resolution was adopted today in the lower house of the parliament. 414 polish deputies voted in favor, 16 spoke. let me remind you that the leadership of the ussr deported more than 200,000 crimean tatars from the peninsula, almost 8,000 people died. noting that in ukraine, the law on the recognition of the genocide of the crimean tatar people was passed nine years ago, the co-leader of the parliamentary friendship group with poland mykola knyazhytskyi, who initiated a similar resolution in ukraine in 2015, commented on
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the importance of this decision of his polish colleagues crimean tatar. are part of the great ukrainian people, they are patriots of ukraine, we are fighting together with them for the liberation of both their and our homeland crimea, and the fact that poland supports us, and pavel koval, who holds such a high position in the polish parliament, initiates it, it a very good sign and it is extremely important. here i can only support and agree that it is extremely important, and the more russians are pointed out about their genocides, which they committed against the peoples of the north caucasus, against the tatars, against ukrainians, against many many other peoples who lived even outside the borders of the soviet union, this is stalin's idea to mix all peoples and create homo sovieticus, some there, others there, the fact that people died on the way, they were abandoned in the steppes of kazakhstan, in siberia, it was not enough of no importance, people have never
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had any importance for the soviet system and do not have any now, unfortunately, do not have any now, well, that is exactly why it exchanges them. today in this terrible terrorist war. from august 1, women's compartment will appear in four more ukrzaliznytsia trains it is about the woman's flights carefully: kharkiv-ivano-frankivsk, zaporizhzhia-yasinya, cherkasy-ivano-frankivsk and kyiv-rakhiv. they will not differ in cost from ordinary coupes, but will guarantee privacy and a sense of security, ukrzaliznytsia noted. tickets will be available in the railway company's app already. july 13, that is, when, from tomorrow. at the vinniki tobacco factory, unknown persons attacked the policemen and detectives of the bureau of economic security in the press service of the police for espresso event reported that their employees arrived to ensure law and order. since unknown persons aggressively obstructed the investigative actions of the bep regarding the illegal
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manufacture of cigarettes. unknown persons blocked a police car and caused injuries. two patrolmen are in the hospital due to the attack, criminal proceedings have been opened, the pre-trial investigation is ongoing. at the same time, the representatives of the factory said that the searches were illegal, and because of investigative actions , the company's work has been blocked for two months, and various budgets do not receive uah 700 million in taxes and fees every month. in the first day, all law enforcement officers, all employees of the bureau of economic security. and the involved specialists, namely specialists of the state tax service, stated on the video the fact that they checked everything and did not find anything. no counterfeit products, then the real purpose of the search is not the one specified in the resolution, but what, but the real purpose of the search is to sit on the enterprise and forbid the investigators
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during the search to take away from the enterprise legal tobacco products that are marked with excise tax stamps, without any for what reason, just so that the product does not get into the product on the counters. end consumers. the independent commission of the ukrainian catholic university chose the winners of the educational ukrainian taiwanese project leave no one behind. our colleagues know the criteria used to determine the schools that receive computer equipment and training. they will tell more. 143 questionnaires, 40 candidates and 5 days of interviews. independent competition. the commission of teachers of the ukrainian catholic university selected 24 schools as participants in the "leave no one behind" educational charity project. they will be 14 educational institutions from
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lviv region, six from ivano-frankivsk region and four from poltava region. to select the most motivated teams, the jury conducted interviews with teachers. each interview is narrated by the vice-rector of ucu, not just a conversation, but a look into the school's past for the sake of the school. of her future, every interview is a conversation, it is an exchange of information, it is a joke, it is a serious conversation, and we want to know more about the school, about the dreams of teachers, about the support of the administration and teachers through these interviews. tetyana zakharchenko, head of the bachelor's program in computer science at the ukrainian catholic university university it was tatiana and her colleagues, the best it specialists of ucu, who conducted the interview. sat down and chose the strongest, among the selection criteria not only the level of knowledge and skills, motivation and interest, but also the openness and support of teachers by the school administration. it also includes
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things like team spirit, because we select teams specifically from schools so that it will be easier for them and more likely that they will implement this openness to knowledge so that they really want to learn, we want that we did not just share all this knowledge and they rested there on the shelf and that's all, we want. so that after that they share with students and so that we have such a certain community of informatics teachers, yes, who will continue to learn, communicate, help each other. in fact, there are a lot of good, strong applications and we have to choose, i really hope that this project will continue and we will be able to work not only these three areas that are currently chosen, but also more, because there are so many schools that are trying to develop. direction and have good success, indeed, and would very much like them to support and somehow launch it on a nationwide scale. two teachers from 24 schools
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will study at the ukrainian catholic university for several months under specially developed programs. educators will practice advanced methods of teaching programming, robotics and stem education. teachers will transfer these skills not only to students, but also learn how to use it and work with artificial intelligence . on july 22, our schools begin training at ucu, they will have three such trainings for 5 days at the university, and in addition, they will have home studies, distance learning, with inclusion and meetings with their teachers, those schools that... applied for training and did not pass, we will try as much as possible to involve in other areas of the implementation of our project, and ignorance alone:
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​​each school will receive 16 laptops, a projector with a screen and a set for robotics after the completion of the educational modules. year, as part of a similar initiative , more than 100 computers were handed over to schools in lviv and poltava regions. project implemented by the public organization: all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of taiwan and with the assistance of mykola knyazhytskyi. the whole project assumes that we will be able to computerize more than 100 schools. various programs will be used for this, there will be programs for the development of communities, there will be programs for the development of entrepreneurship. this educational development program, i would like to thank, firstly, the government of taiwan, secondly, the ukrainian catholic university, its wonderful teachers, everyone who started this program and supported it, and of course, to teachers who... participate in this program, but this is only the beginning, because our goal is to make and expand this pilot project throughout ukraine, we want ukrainian children to return to ukraine, stay in ukraine,
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study in ukrainian schools , and were better. in the world by specialists in modern technologies. list of winners on the pages of the levind project and the all-ukrainian democratic forum public organization. ema statnyk, andriy poyakovsky, espresso tv channel. well, once again i just want to say that it is a great initiative, and the more schools and teachers are involved and receive this help, and knowledge and technology are necessary, the better it will be for... our future, now we will talk about various topics, both applied and judicially applied, economic with kostyantyn zhivago, an entrepreneur, philanthropist, mr. konstantin, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate you, good evening, and this week there was information about the arrest in absentia imposed on you by the higher anti-corruption court, and before coming to this conversation, i would like to ask you about it, comment, if please, and then i will add something about the others...
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vax's decisions about other people are very interesting, well , it's just that it somehow doesn't fit together, but what i want about your story is for you to answer what's going on there happened? vasyl, thank you, and dear audience, good evening, in fact, you know, i would like to comment on this in one single sentence, that both nabu, unfortunately, and sap and today vaks began to live by double standards, because, well, i myself. i can't even imagine how it is? two months ago, they wrote to me the subpoena, on which i received it in france, signed that i would come to the interrogation in order to actually carry out these actions, to search, to give my testimony as part of a criminal case, which, in my understanding, was also opened illegally and is not under me at all there is no basis for the suspicion
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that was given to me, it is written on two pages, i can’t even imagine how it is possible to have a suspicion written on two pages in a high-profile case, why did they accuse me of this at all, but two months ago i signed a summons for that i will come to interrogation, and imagine the situation, the vax made a decision the day before yesterday about my arrest in absentia, because i allegedly do not appear at the summons of the investigator, i am not, they do not know where i am, and voila, imagine, yesterday they came to porizh on ... the interrogation has been determined, i was interrogated with them for 11 hours yesterday directly in the french judicial authorities, i then ask, well , if the court, vax, if the same investigators, the same prosecutors, write after the day before yesterday that they cannot find me, although the subpoena was signed two months ago and the signed document, to which i will come to testify, yesterday they interrogated me for 11 hours in france, well tell me,
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please, is it? there are no double standards when the same investigators, the same prosecutors and the same court and the judge of the first instance of wax who made such decisions, they act according to the law in my understanding, believe me that the french and judges and lawyers and the main thing is that the investigators who took part in yesterday's interrogation say that this is impossible in france, because if in this way the investigators and the prosecutors behaved by saying the day before yesterday that they could not find... a person, and the same prosecutors come to france and the next day interrogate a person, then they are abusing their rights, they are abusing the law, and as my french lawyers inform me and the french investigators, they say that in france the hook and the investigating prosecutors got at least 5 years in prison so that they don't live by double standards. well, certainly in this situation, when i hear today, publicly, and in the press, and in
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mass media. information regarding what the scandal is happening in naboo, and then they don’t want to interrogate some powerful people, or after that they have leaks of information about some people who are suspected of large-scale construction there and so on, and when they do this, it’s about me directly, it’s me i know, because i don't know what they do with other people, well , i can definitely say and affirm today that both nabu, sap, and vax, unfortunately... have started to live with double standards, well, by the way , for example, yesterday the higher anti-corruption court removed house arrest from the ex-official of the ministry of defense mr. khmelnytskyi, who actually signed these purchases where there were 17 eggs, this is a well-known story, even earlier in march of the same year, again, by the decision of the higher anti-corruption court , oleksandr liyev, who is suspected of property-related money.


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