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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 3:30am-3:59am EEST

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and in the mass media about the scandals that are taking place in nabu, either they don’t want to interrogate some officials, or after that they have leaks of information about some persons who are suspected there of large-scale construction, etc., and when they are so i know this because i don't know what they do to other people, well, i can definitely say and affirm today that and on... isab and vax, unfortunately, began to live a double life standards. well by the way, for example, yesterday the higher anti-corruption court lifted house arrest from the ex-official of the ministry of defense, mr. khmelnitsky, who actually signed these purchases where there were 17 eggs, this is a well-known story, even earlier in march of this year, again by the decision of the higher anti-corruption court , oleksandr liev, who is suspected of embezzling property, was released from sizo. for more than 1.5 billion
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hryvnias, this is, again, exactly what your colleagues from france, lawyers and employees of the justice authorities said that they did not understand, not everyone in ukraine understands everything, but in any case very briefly, your further actions in connection with the fact that this arrest in absentia has been announced, what to do next, if again, if i am ready, if i am ready an answer from the lawyers, so that you don't say something that maybe shouldn't be said yet in certain circumstances. there is nothing out of the ordinary or some secret secret , no one will do anything about it, i will act strictly, in accordance with the law, in accordance with ukrainian legislation, we will file an appeal, where the three courts and the appellate chamber of the higher anti-corruption court will consider this, i hope they will not be so blind as to say that the day before yesterday, the same investigators and prosecutors, calling me for questioning, say that they cannot find me, the next day they appear in... france and they interrogate me for 11
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hours, i hope that the higher anti-corruption court and its appeals chamber will still say white for white, well if they say white for black, they have said it many times in previous times, i have such examples , believe me, i won't be surprised, but let's go now let's move on to economic topics, because in any case, the real economy works in ukraine and it is necessary to understand what processes are taking place, because from this real economy , again, people receive salaries and i hope for something... or they count on something, so the national bank , because my colleagues and i are constantly talking about what forecasts and forecasts are not special regarding the exchange rate of the national currency, and the dynamics of the exchange rate should again be such that it will not threaten the maintenance of inflation at a moderate level in 204 , what do you think the exchange rate will be worth a dollar to expect and whether it is realistic to maintain this course, the one that exists now, but it is more or less accepted in principle, as far as i understand. vasyl, thank you, this is an important question. but this
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important question has a lot of, let's say, unknowns for us, like an equation with many unknowns, because today we don't understand what the growth of the gross domestic product will be, we don't understand what will happen to electricity, how the economy will work, so that if the economy does not work, then there will be no gross domestic product, and most importantly added value value, from which value added taxes arise, that is, the vat that we know, famously famous or very well known, it is one of... them taxes, and if there is no gross domestic product and added value, then there will be no tax on this, so the government must do everything possible and impossible to make the economy work, to provide jobs, to give people wages, to have consumer demand, and the most important thing is that when people receive wages, it means that production produces something, it gives that's right the so-called added value, which taxes appear, and taxes are not only the maintenance of our prosecutor's offices, nab or vax, this is the most important thing in the first place. maintaining our
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armed forces, because we pledged to our western donors, western partners, that the most important thing is that we will finance all expenses for the armed forces of ukraine, for our defense, to repel russian aggression precisely at the expense of our internal taxes, and in this situation, the government, god forbid, to be competent, because what we have seen until today, unfortunately, there's not a lot of competence there, to make it so that we, sorry, have this economy working, in addition to the fact that we will ... work, certainly, and so that the economy earns, produces this added value for these come into force, what will it cost 400-500 billion uah to the state, and these are actually huge funds, and therefore we understand that we will have to raise taxes in order to collect this amount, if you raise taxes, you are definitely in this situation, including stifling the economy, which if it doesn't work very well, then it's like this a delicate mechanism for balancing the economy so as not to be driven away by taxes. into the shadow of the economy and
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taxes and the lack of electricity will not drive the economy to the point that it will not grow, but will decrease, and that people will run and will go abroad and look for work there and give added value there for... germany, the czech republic , poland, hungary, any other countries to do it in ukraine, believe me, balancing is unknown to many, unknown, but this balancing should be done by competent people if we we don't have competent people, and today i can tell you what we have brought to the economy and many areas of our life , including financially, i am very, very scared, sincerely, really scared. that one of the means of ultimately financing these expenses will simply be the printing of money, against which the imf, against which, as the national bank of ukraine also states, we agreed with the imf-om as a country that our inflation should be oriented 5, 5.5 % this year, and regarding the monetary base
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of printing money, we can print it for that it would be 5.5%, but if the expenses are greater and incompetent people who just started or... from some entertainment, or just started from the street, will start, excuse me, hammering nails with this microscope, then nails, then after it's not for me to tell you how all this can end, because we had such examples in the early 90s, when in fact people who had very, very vague understanding of the economy began to run the country and print money, crazy money, just really , sorry i just have unreal money in unreal amounts, well, by the way, i also remember the coupons of the 90s very well, everything by coupons, then coupons, then, well, in one word, we remember what it was like to receive a scholarship in millions of coupons, it was like this, well, actually, we talked about
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possible inflation, which is assumed to be at the level of five or so percent there, and that it should be received as such, but it is worth talking, of course, about the income of the population, currently the minimum salary in ukraine is 800 hryvnias. in your opinion, why is there no increase, because many things are expected to be increased, including taxes, and communal services are increasing, that's understandable, but for some reason there is no mention of raising the minimum wage. vasyl, this is happening for obvious reasons, we are at war, we need to finance the war, we need to finance the costs of the armed forces of ukraine, that is why the government today, not understanding how the economy will grow, how it will behave with all these problems. in electricity, the supply of other materials and raw materials for production, the government simply does not understand where it can get money to raise the minimum wage, in in this situation, it's very unfortunate, it's also unfortunate how we increase, say, value added tax as a basic tax because
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we have to fund the armed forces, or when you and i increase the income tax and also fund the armed forces, or even , as we said, in many together with the inclusions... in many inclusions and in many of our meetings, that it will even be necessary to oblige profitable enterprises for some part of the profit after paying this income tax on the profit to purchase the so-called war bonds, we have to fund our defense, because if we don't fund our defense, i don't have to tell you that there's no economy to talk about, because if we lose territories, we lose these... facilities and agents of economic, economic activity, economic development, then these are losses for us forever, i hope that our losses in donetsk, in luhansk, in crimea are not forever, and we will solve this issue by military and political means and return our territories , not today, yes tomorrow, no tomorrow, yes the day after tomorrow, and we have many
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examples of countries in the world on the map that still solved these issues, but we know with you, everything that was lost in 2014 by 2022, it was no longer there. part of our economy, it no longer fed ukraine and ukrainians, and it no longer paid any taxes on the added value of the added value that was created there, or if it was created, so if 800 remains, i am sure that only in one case , because the government doesn't understand how to finance spending, which will potentially increase, military spending, and if you're asking if that's the right question, i think it's the right question, the most important thing for us is to win today, not to engage in populism, because you could say we're going to raise 800 in 10 00 and everyone will have a lot of money, but again we come back to the question in point a, the previous question, when you remember the 90s and coupons in the millions and scholarships that were calculated in the millions
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of rubles, i don't want that, i'm sure that you don't want it, neither do we tv viewers, and most importantly - the entire population of ukraine does not want this. man, despite the fact that the situation is not easy, economically, it is really not easy, and prices are increasing, and you are increasing, taxes, we will now talk about the pressure on business as well, but despite this, when disaster struck, the enemy struck, inflicted a terrorist . attack on the okhmadyt central children's hospital of ukraine, where all buildings were damaged, and one building was beyond repair. today there was information from the minister of health, and the ukrainians were the last ones there, as much as they could, donated to the reconstruction of okhmedyto and business donated, the state also allocated funds, i know that you, your structures also participated in this, how important it is, and it is possible, if we talk about the allocation of funds, yes, this is... a social function business, how important it is, and whether there is an understanding of what these funds should be allocated to, so that it would be possible to know
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whether we are allocating for something specific there, or in general it just goes into some general cauldron, and then they will look at what they are for spend? vasyl, today all this is going on unfortunately, in the general cauldron, or maybe not unfortunately, we don't know, believe me, this is actually an impulsive, psychological decision, because when children suffer, and this was a terrorist attack, it's not a war, it's not... aggression, it's nothing, i'm sorry, there's a confrontation of the military, against the military, some missiles, the rest, i'm sorry, it's just a real crime, which is in the hands of the russian leadership, which is just terrorists like osama bin laden, bin laden, they just killing innocent people, in this one situations, they just kill innocent children, and well, in my understanding, there is no justification for such actions in any way. country in the world and not in any criminal code of any country in the world, so it requires
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condemnation from the united nations security council, we can't do that because russia is in charge there today, and it will block that decision, but it's all simple requires that everyone condemn, all people, even in those countries, i'm sure, that are helping russia today, whether it's iran, north korea, whether it's part of china, i i am sure against the fact that children were killed with such terrorist attacks, and i am sure that they are all against and condemn the actions of the russian leadership, which turned out to be terrorists not only today, not only yesterday, they have always been like that, they are criminals, well, in this situation, they they just once again showed themselves to be a terrorist organization that took over russia. as for the fact that we allocate money, you know, i remember from the years of ekaterina yushchenko in 2000, some seventh year... we started as a state to build this okhmadit, and the business contributed
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to build okhmadit, to purchase equipment, i know that at one time, i remember that directly i, as a shareholder and all my enterprises contributed 2 million dollars, this there was a telethon, it was actually recorded on television, it can be picked up and viewed in television, that is, archives, and we gave 2 million dollars, many other organizations gave millions of dollars, including 100 million, 102. that is, they collected a very large amount of money , actually $30 or $35 million for in 2007, it was actually a lot of money, the state continued to build ohmadit, as we saw him today, we saw him before this terrorist attack, i know that at the time when they were collecting money, there were also some criminal cases there, somehow they were not spent like that, well, in my opinion, if even someone there tried to rob the state's money or to rob money from... precisely because hospitals for children were being built, in order to cure children's diseases and to
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give children a future, well, that in my opinion very much god's great sin, if someone took it, i am sure that they are all punished, if not by the non-punitive system of ukraine, because it did not punish it all the time, i hope that god's punishment, it is more terrible, so in this situation i want to say, so today we gave again millions and millions, all my enterprises give to shareholders, give... there i have some influence, where are all our partners, we gave more than 10 million on the second day, as it happened, and we will continue to give, if there is a need, it will be 100%, but we have to provide the opportunity for children to be treated as well must give the opportunity to children who have some defects or diseases to see the future, this is our obligation, as firstly the most important thing for parents in this country, and secondly simply as our generation, because we must children educate, treat and give them a future. and
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finally, about the economic topic for the 24 -year inflation forecast, we have already talked about inflation, which is now at a level of five out of 5 plus percent, but it is forecast for the end of the year somewhere, maybe 6-4%. will pressure on business affect inflationary processes, again anyway, what does it turn out to be, possibly lower yields. this year for many reasons and the postponement of salary increases, which we also talked about, and the increase in tariffs and electricity, which will also obviously affect business. please. vasyl, definitely, definitely any impact on business, it either slows down growth, that is, it does not accelerate it, but slows it down, and secondly, any, any pressure on business, it can terribly reduce the gross domestic product, shrink the economy, and when we see that the economy is not growing accordingly way, or is decreasing, it means very
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simply that we are not collecting the necessary amount of taxes from this economy, from... this added value, we do not have enough taxes, there is a hole in the budget, we can close the hole with loans, but we can't take them today, no one gives us any, except that it has already been found out that somewhere around 40 billion dollars have been signed, there is a little less, a little more, and this means that we have very few options left, very small the number of options, due to which we can solve this or that issue, but all these options they have bad consequences, they have bad consequences. because if we want to finance a certain amount of taxes at the expense of printing money, we understand that this will disperse inflation, if inflation is not 5%, but 6, but 7.8, the population will suffer and household, that is, household demand, that is, we companies will be watching, we understand that with higher increased inflation, increased
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inflation, the economy suffers, we have already experienced this on our own skin many years ago, and... many times, because well, in this situation, we are not inventing a fairy tale here , we we act according to the laws of the economy and according to the laws of the market, therefore there is pressure on business, and today, unfortunately, we have it in many cases, very many, every day, every week, all mass media either show it on tv or write about it in online publications , or in print in print in mass media, we see it all, we see that either something happened there, or something happened here, it's all bad, it's not good, it all reduces the economy, or slows it down, and whatever -any slowdown of the economy and any decrease in the economy, it has only bad effects consequences, there are no good consequences from the pressure on the business, if you want to prosecute somehow, please, but what we see, you please
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prosecute, you please investigate, take to court and let the court make its verdict, so as for the verdict. the person is innocent, according to the constitution, he should be charged, but you can't block accounts, you can't block assets, you can't prevent people from paying for their raw materials, paying for energy, to pay anything in order for the production to work, and today we have such cases in ukraine, not even hundreds, they are thousands, i can say this on my example, but i know hundreds of people directly personally... who have the same problems , and i read about thousands of people whom i do not know, but who face the same problems of pressure on business, i.e. pressure on the economy, and most importantly pressure on the wallet of a ukrainian, who do not receive more money in their wallet with such same purchasing power, and i receive less money to buy something, or maybe
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get more zeros, it will be less to buy everything. thank you very much, mr. konstantin, thank you for joining. the patron was in touch with us, i wish you a good evening, the topics were discussed, well, let's hope that the situation will be changed, because the economy really needs to work, especially in a country that is at war. a short break now, then we 'll be back. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks kamikaze. objectively and substantively, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom of life, frankly and unbiased . you draw your own conclusions. every week
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, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov. and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, we are let's continue, the big ether continues, and i will add to the conversation oleksandr morchevka, economic sub. greetings vasylya, greetings to the audience, in the next few minutes you will learn about the most important thing from the world of money for the whole week. for the first time, the national bank actually recorded an official cut. with the dollar at the level of more than 41 hryvnias, we will monitor this, and i will speak traditionally about the situation in the energy industry, i am monitoring, monitoring the harvest, you will find out in detail in a moment. i am
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oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, we are talking about the economic results of the week, and i will start with this one encouraging, at least for the near term, information about the shutdown. can be reduced already at the end of the current month, said the head of the government, denys shmyhal. according to him, the energy sector will, in fact, strengthen its power. we hope that the nuclear power plant, one of the units of the nuclear power plant, will also be repaired, and there will be more current in the network. let's listen to the direct speech. the situation remains extremely difficult, due to the consequences of total... enemy shelling and the heat, hourly outages continue . at the same time, on the 20th of july we expect the situation to improve.
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repair works on some generation facilities will be completed, which will increase the power in the power system. in this way, outages will not be so long. vasyl, and the ex-spokeswoman of the minister of energy, lana zerkal , reported that the enemy has actually destroyed all maneuvering capabilities. in the industry, and everything has to be built from scratch, so to speak, the situation is quite difficult, and indeed the fact that some objects will come out of repair is great news, indeed, perhaps for a certain period and such outages will be reduced, but she said that all these objects are targeted, the question here is that it is necessary to change locations or hide them underground or come up with something else, because well, in these wars you really need to be able to maneuver, just wait for nothing will happen, and then you have to explain where the money went. we had to go to protect all this too, well, actually, we have what we have, but here , well, these words about the fact that everything is shot and the enemy knows where to hit in case of what, this makes us hostages of the situation, but we have to
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to be, well, we need to react, well, it is clear that this week there is also positive news from international partners, and poland has also promised to produce additional kilowatts at the expense of its coal-fired thermal power plants to supply them to ukraine, but this is great. support, but it is not enough to fully, well, at least ensure the necessary costs in kilowatts of ukrainian consumers, i will only add that so far ordinary consumers, ordinary customers suffer from shutdowns, the business is working, and this, well, this makes vasyl happy that the business of manufacturing companies can produce something and increase our gross domestic product, and if we talk further about energy, then this week the government will stim. the government has promised to stimulate investment in the renewable energy sector. they will try to do this by launching the mechanism of so-called green auctions, and thus reduce the duration
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of blackouts and blackouts across the country. at least this was reported by the senior project manager of the cabinet office of reforms, maryna denysyuk. the ukrainian wind energy association believes, for example, that it should to establish the annual need for the construction of renewable energy stations, so that investors... rely on these indicators and have a basis for attracting funds to such projects, well, now ukraine can indeed attract funds and can develop energy from renewable sources, but in fact, because of the war, it can produce power , for example, wind generation can be no more than 5 gw before the war, the calculations were much larger. let's go further, increasing excise taxes on fuel will lead to an increase in the price of all goods and services and wash the last money out of the economy and pockets ordinary citizens, serhii dorotych, the head of the safehop movement, said this week. this is how he
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commented on the bill adopted by the verkhovna rada in the first reading, which provides for the increase of gasoline and diesel fuel until 2028. already today, says the expert, we have retail fuel that is more expensive than, for example, in neighboring romania and bulgaria. dorotych reminded that ukraine. has a huge problem with transportation, because due to mobilization and migration there is a catastrophic lack of drivers. and interesting news appeared regarding the there is recovery program. examination destroyed housing, will now be held in the territory of active hostilities. this is stated in a message on the government portal. until now, there was no such possibility, so the data about it being destroyed by the russians. movable property was not included in the state register, the corresponding citizens were not able to receive compensation under the program of restoration, now the report of the survey has been drawn up by a special commission. it will be
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useful for the owners to receive money from the state to repair their homes. and then we talk about interesting agricultural news, about the fund agricultural investments, in particular, they expect that the lease of state lands will bring uah 1 billion to the budget this year. this, in particular, was reported by the head of the department, yaroslav yaroslavskyi. in fact, in the management of the agrarian investment fund , currently 2 agricultural purposes have already prepared the appropriate mechanism for launching on the ground, for example, 10% of the income from the sale of land is received from greens, i apologize, 10% of the income is received from the lease of land, and the rest of the funds will go to the state budget . this was the latest information from the world of money on today, i will say goodbye to you and
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i hope that the next... week will be full, in particular, with news about grain harvesting, in particular, the harvest continues primarily in the south of our country, so far everything continues according to the forecasts of the ministry of agrarian policy, despite the shelling, despite , that farmers are still falling into landmines, he is sure that ukraine will achieve the forecast for grain crops. i say goodbye for today, a big broadcast continues, there will be more to come, watch us. thank you very much to oleksandr morchavka, and now i have a plot for your attention. the polish sejm recognized deportation of the crimean tatar people as genocide. the corresponding resolution honors the memory of the victims of the genocide committed against the indigenous people of crimea in 1944. maria chernyakhivska will tell about the course of voting in the polish diet and why this document is important for both ukraine and poland.
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the hall is full in the polish diet, even the prime minister is present. one of the first issues under consideration is the resolution on the commemoration of the victims of the genocide committed against the crimean tatars. the polish parliament welcomes guests from ukraine with applause. polish deputies present the draft resolution, emphasize its importance. only a deputy from the confederation party, which is known for its anti-ukrainian position and support for protests at the border, questions the relationship of the crimean tatars to the poles. this resolution is not only about history, but also about the condemnation of genocide, which is the duty of every deputy, the head of the commission for foreign affairs of poland and deputy of the seimas, pawel kowal, reminded the audience. in essence , putin's policy is the revision of borders, and the revision of borders is against
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our interests. people, that's why we are adopting this today resolution, we condemn genocide, we condemn aggression, we emphasize the ties between poles and crimean tatars. the polish sejm voted for the resolution by a majority of 414 deputies, against 16. this decision is important for ukraine, because it establishes the rights of the crimean tatars on their land and protects the rights of the indigenous people of crimea. the conditions that arose as a result of the genocide of 1944 and today's occupation, so that these conditions did not destroy the crimean tatar people, and therefore the recognition by a number of states of the deportation of the crimean tatar people as genocide, this statement about the future of ukrainian crimea and the future of the crimean tatar people on their land. genocide where.


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