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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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i am sincerely and truly afraid that one of the means, in the end, of financing these expenses will simply be the printing of money, against which the imf is against, against which, as the national bank of ukraine also states, we have agreed with the imf-om as a country that our inflation should be oriented at 5-5.5% this year, and with regard to the monetary base, printing money, we can print it until it is 5.5%, but if the expenses are greater and incompetent people... who just started, or from some kind of entertainment, or just started from the street, they will start, excuse me, with this hammering nails with a microscope, then nails, then after that it is not for me to tell you how all this can end, because we had such examples in the early 90s, when in fact people who had a very, very vague understanding of economic issues began to rule the country and print money, madmen. just really,
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excuse me, just unreal money in unreal amounts, well, actually, by the way, i also remember the 90s very well, coupons, everything in coupons, then coupons, then, well, in one word, we remember how is to receive a scholarship in millions of coupons, it was like, well in fact, we talked about possible inflation, which is currently set at the level of five or so percent and that it should remain so, but of course we should also talk about the incomes of the population, which are currently minimal. the salary in ukraine is 8,000 hryvnias, in your opinion, why is there no increase, because there is an increase in many things, including taxes, and communal services are increased, that is understandable, but there is no mention of raising the minimum wage, for some reason . vasyl, this is happening for obvious reasons, we are at war, we need to finance the war, it is necessary to finance the costs of the armed forces of ukraine, that is why the government today, not understanding how the economy will grow, how it will... behave with all these
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problems in electricity, the supply of other materials and raw materials for production, the government simply does not understand, where can he get the money to raise the minimum wage. in this situation, it's very unfortunate, it's also unfortunate how you and i increase, let's say, value added tax as a basic tax, because we have to finance the armed forces, or when we increase income tax and also finance the armed forces, or even, as we have said, together with inclusions in many inclusions and in many of our meetings, that it will even be necessary to oblige profitable enterprises for some part of the profits after paying this income tax on profits to purchase and so-called war bonds, we need to fund our defense because if we don't fund our defense, i'm here to tell you that there 's just no economy to talk about because if we will lose that... and we will lose all subjects and
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agents of economic, economic activity, economic development, then these are losses for us forever, i hope that our losses in donetsk, in luhansk, in crimea are not forever, and we and we will solve this issue by military and political means, and we will return our territories, not today, but tomorrow, not tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow, and we have many examples of countries in the world on the map, which did resolve these issues, but we know from you everything that was lost in 2014 until... 2022 it was no longer part of of our economy, it no longer fed ukraine and ukrainians, and it no longer paid any taxes on the added value of the added value that was created there, or if it was created, so if 800 remains, i am sure that only in one case, because the government doesn't understand how to finance the spending that will potentially increase military spending, and if you 're asking if that's the right question, i'm in...
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that's the right question, the most important thing for us is to win today, not to engage in populism, so that could be said that we let's raise 8 thousand, 10 thousand, and everyone will have a lot of money, but we return again to the question in point a of the previous question, when you remember the 90s and coupons in millions of pieces and scholarships, which were calculated in millions of rubles, i don't want it, i 'm sure that you don't want it, our tv viewers don't want it, and the most important thing is... the population of ukraine doesn't want it, and despite the fact that the situation is not easy, economically, it's really not easy, and prices are rising , and you grow, taxes, we will now talk about the test on business as well, but in spite of this, when disaster struck, the enemy struck and carried out a terrorist attack on the okhmadyt central children's hospital of ukraine, where all buildings are damaged, and one building cannot be restored, today there was information from the minister of health, and ukrainians from the last there, whoever could, donated to the restoration of okhmedyto and the business of the victims. the state also allocated funds, i know
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that you, your structures also participated in this, how important it is, and even possible, if we talk about the allocation of funds. that's right this is the social function of business, how important is it, and is there an understanding of what these funds should be allocated to, so that it is possible to know whether we are allocating for something specific, or in general it just goes into some general cauldron, and then they will already be there see what to spend them on? vasyl, unfortunately today all this goes into the common cauldron, or maybe not unfortunately, we don't know, believe me, this is actually an impulsive, psychological decision, because when children suffer, and that was exactly what was terrorist. attack, this is no war, this is no aggression, it's nothing, i'm sorry, there's a military, anti-military confrontation, some kind of missiles, the rest of everything, it's just, i'm sorry, it's a real crime, which is in the leadership of russia, which is just terrorists, like assam bin lad bin laden,
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they just kill innocent people, in this situation they kill just innocent children, and well, in my understanding, understanding there is no excuse. such actions in no country in the world and in no penal code of any country in the world, therefore it requires condemnation from the security council of the united nations organization, we we can't do that because russia is in charge there today and they're going to block this whole decision, but all of that just requires everybody to condemn, everybody, even in those countries, i'm sure, that are helping russia today, whether it's iran, north korea. be it partial china, i am sure that they are against the fact that they killed children with such terrorist attacks, and i am sure that they are all against and condemn the actions of the leadership of russia, which turned out to be terrorists not only today, not only yesterday, they have always been like that, they criminals, well, in this situation, they just
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once again showed themselves as actually a terrorist organization that took over russia. as for the fact that we allocate money, you know, i remember from the years of ekaterina yushchenko... in 2000, somewhere in the 7th year, we began to build this okhmedit as a state, and business made its contributions in order to build okhmadi, for that to purchase equipment. i know that at one time, i remember that directly i, as a shareholder and all my enterprises, we contributed 2 million dollars, it was a telethon, it was everything is actually recorded on television, you can pick it up and look at the television, that is , archives, and we gave 2 million dollars, many other organizations gave a million. dollars , including some million, some two, some three, that is, they collected a very large amount of money, in fact 30 or 35 million dollars, in 2007, it was actually a lot of money, the state then completed the construction of ohmadit, as we are today, we he was seen before this terrorist attack, i
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know that at the time when these were collecting money, there were also some criminal cases there, somehow they were not spent like that, well, in my understanding, if even someone there tried to rob the state's money. or to rob money from sponsors precisely because hospitals for children were being built in order to cure children's diseases and to give children a future, well, in my opinion, this is a very big sin against god, if someone took it, i am sure that they are all punished, if not by the penal system of ukraine, because it did not punish it all the time, i hope that god's punishment is more terrible, so in this situation i want to say, yes, today we provided again yes, millions, millions in... my company, where i am a shareholder, where i have some influence there, where all our partners are, we provided more than 10 million, on the second day it happened, and we will continue to provide if there is a need , it will be 100%, but we must ensure the opportunity for children to be treated and we must give the opportunity to children who have
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some defects or diseases to see the future, so this is our obligation, as first of all the most important thing for parents in this country, and secondly - the second simply as our generation, because we must... the most sacred, most important thing for us children educate, treat and give them a future. well , yes, and finally about the economic topic for the year 24, the inflation forecast, we have already talked about inflation, which is currently at a level of five out of 5+ hundred, but it is forecast for the end of the year somewhere, maybe 6-4%. will it affect the inflationary processes, the pressure on business, again, what it turns out to be, in... maybe lower harvests this year for many reasons, and the postponement of wage growth, which we also talked about, and the increase in tariffs and for electricity , which will also obviously affect business. please. vasyl, of course, of course, any impact on business, it either
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slows down growth, that is, it does not accelerate it, but slows it down, and secondly, any, any pressure on business, it can reduce the worst. gross domestic product, to shrink the economy, and when we see that the economy is not growing accordingly, or is shrinking, it means very simply that we are not raising the amount that is needed. taxes from this economy, from this added value, we do not have enough taxes, there is a hole in the budget, we can close with loans, and we cannot take them today, no one gives us, except for the fact that it has already been found out that approximately 40 billion dollars have been signed, there is a little less, a little more, and this means that we have very little left options, a very small number of options by which we can solve this or that issue, but all these options they have are not good. consequences, they have bad consequences, because if we want to finance some amount of taxes by
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printing money, we understand that it will drive inflation, if inflation is not 5%, but 6, but 7, but 8, the population will suffer and household demand, i.e. household demand, i.e. enterprises will be monitored, we understand that with increased inflation, i mean an increase in inflation, the economy suffers, we are already in our own skin this... took place many years ago and in fact many times, because well, in this situation, we are not inventing a pedagogue here, we act according to the laws of the economy and according to the laws of the market, that is why the pressure is on business, and today, unfortunately, we we have in many cases, very many , every day, every week, all mass media information is either shown on tv, or written in online publications or in printed media in mass media, we from... we see all this, we see that either something happened there, or something happened here, all this is bad, all this it's not good, it's all reducing
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the economy, or slowing it down, and any slowdown in the economy, and any reduction in the economy, it only has bad consequences, there are no good consequences from pressure on business, none, if you want to somehow bring criminal charges responsibility, please, but what we see, you please prosecute, you please investigate, take to court and let... the court make its verdict, because a person is innocent until convicted, according to the constitution, they should be charged, but you can't freeze accounts, you can't freeze assets, you you can't help people pay for their raw materials, pay for energy, pay anything for the production to work, and today we have such cases in ukraine, not even hundreds, they are thousands, i can say this on my own example, but i i know hundreds people directly personally, who have the same problems, and i read about thousands
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of people whom i do not know, but who face the same problems, pressure on business, i.e. pressure on the economy, and most importantly , pressure on the wallet of the ukrainian , who does not receive more money in his wallet with the same purchasing power, but receives less money to buy something, or may receive more zeros, buying everything will be less. thank you very much sir. thank you for joining, konstantin dzhevago entrepreneur the philanthropist was in touch with us, i wish you a good evening, the topics were discussed, well, let's hope that the situation will be changed, because the economy really needs to work, especially in a country that is at war. a short break now, then we'll be back. there are discounts representing the only balances on eurofast softcaps, 10% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are leftovers represent. the only discounts on entermin 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are discounts representing the only discounts on
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mikrolax 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. events, events that happen simply now affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and the invitation. experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. a casual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresom had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at events in ukraine, so there is no need. to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it , then who is china, me, my
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heart hurts, all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. on espresso. your place is waiting for you, the light stays on, for dinner - what you love, that... a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your homes dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, for you
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are praying we were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home... when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation that has united around you, good evening, we are from ukraine, well, we continue, the great story continues, and i join
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oleksandr in the conversation morchavka, the economic results of the week, oleksandr, please, you have the floor, congratulations, vasyl, congratulations to the audience. minutes you will learn about the most important things from the world of money for the whole week. for the first time, the national bank essentially fixed the official exchange rate of the dollar at more than 41 hryvnias. we will monitor this, and i will speak traditionally about the situation in the energy industry, i am monitoring, monitoring the harvest, you will find out in detail in a moment. i am oleksandrevka. greetings, we are talking about the economic results of the week and i will start with such encouraging information, at least for the near future, power outages may decrease already at the end of the current month, prime minister denys shmyhal announced this. energy, according to him, essentially will strengthen its capacity, we hope that the nuclear power plant, one of the units
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of the nuclear power plant, will come out of repair, and there will be more current in the network. let's listen to the direct speech. the situation remains extremely difficult, due to the effects of total enemy shelling and the heat, hourly outages continue. at the same time, on the 20th of july, we expect the situation to improve. repair work on some generation facilities will be completed, which will increase the power in the power system, so outages will not be so long. vasyl, that's it. the spokeswoman for the minister of energy , lana zerkal, said that the enemy has actually destroyed all maneuvering capacities in the industry, and everything has to be rebuilt from scratch, so to speak, the situation is quite difficult, and the fact that some facilities will come out of repair is news beautiful, indeed, maybe for a certain period the outages
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will be reduced, but she said that all these objects were targeted, the question here is that it is necessary to change locations, or... bury them underground or come up with something else, because well, in this war you really need to be able to maneuver, just wait that nothing will happen, and then explain, and where did the money that was supposed to go for the protection of all this also go, well, actually , we have what we have, but here are these words about the fact that everything was shot and the enemy knows where to strike in case of what, this is the one, it makes us hostages of the situation, but we have to be, well , we have to react, well, of course, there is also positive news from international partners this week, and poland also ran at the expense of... of their coal-fired thermal power plants to produce additional ones kilowatts to supply them to ukraine, but this is excellent support, but it is not enough to fully, well, at least ensure the necessary costs in kilowatts of ukrainian consumers, i will only add that so far ordinary consumers, ordinary clients,
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business is working, and this, well, it pleases vasyl that the business is production. can produce something and increase our gross domestic product, and if we talk further about energy, this week the government is stimulating, the government has promised to stimulate investment in the renewable energy sector, they will try to do by launching the mechanism of the so-called green auctions, and thus reduce the duration of blackouts, blackouts across the country, at least this was reported by the senior project manager of the cabinet office of reforms maryna denysiuk, ukrainian from... the three energy association believes, for example, that the annual need for renewable energy stations, so that investors are guided by these indicators and have a basis for attraction. funds for such projects, well, now ukraine can really attract funds and can develop energy from renewable sources, but in fact due to
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the war to produce power, for example, wind generation can be no more than 5 gw, before the war the calculations were much larger. let's go further: the increase in excise taxes on fuel will lead to an increase in the price of all goods and services and will wash the last money out of... the economy and the pockets of ordinary citizens, serhiy dorotych, the head of the seifop movement, said this week. this is how he commented on the bill adopted by the verkhovna rada in the first reading, which provides for the increase of gasoline and diesel fuel until 2028. already today, says the expert, we have fuel retail is more expensive than, for example, in neighboring romania and bulgaria. dorotych reminded that ukraine already has a huge problem with transportation, because there is a catastrophic lack of drivers due to immigration and migration. and interesting news has appeared, there is a restoration of the program. surveys of
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destroyed housing will now be carried out in the territory of active hostilities. this is stated in a message on the government portal. until now, there was no such possibility, therefore data on real estate destroyed by the russians did not enter the state register. citizens were not able to receive compensation under the program is recovery. now , the survey report prepared by the special commission will be useful to the owners, so that they receive money from the state for the repair of their homes. and then we talk about interesting agricultural news, about the agricultural investment fund, in particular. they expect that the lease of state lands will bring 1 billion hryvnias to the budget this year . in fact, the agricultural investment fund currently manages 288,000 hectares
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of agricultural land, already the corresponding mechanism has been prepared for launch, and on the ground, for example, they receive 10% from the sale of land, i apologize, they receive 10% of the income from the lease of land, and the rest of the funds will go to the state budget. this was the last information from the world of money for today, i will say goodbye to you and i hope that the next week will be full, in particular, with news about grain harvesting, in particular , the harvest continues primarily in the south of our country, so far everything continues according to the forecasts of the ministry of agrarian policy, despite the shelling, despite the fact that the agrarians are still fall on landmines, i am sure that the forecast... as for grain, ukraine will achieve it, goodbye for today, the big broadcast continues, there will be more to come, watch us! thank you
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very much oleksandr morchavka, and now i have a story for your attention: the polish diet recognized the deportation of the crimean tatar people as genocide, the corresponding resolution honors the memory of the victims of the genocide committed against the indigenous people of crimea in 1944. maria chernyakhivska will tell about the course of voting in the polish diet and why this document is important for both ukraine and poland. in the polish diet is full, even the prime minister is present. one of the first issues under consideration is the resolution on the commemoration of the victims of the genocide committed against the crimean tatars. the polish parliament welcomes guests from ukraine with applause. polish deputies present the draft resolution and emphasize its importance.
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only a deputy from the confederation party, which is known for its anti-ukrainian position and support for protests at the border, questions the relationship of the crimean tatars to the poles. this resolution is not only about history, but also about condemning the genocide that is the duty of every deputy, the chairman of the commission on foreign affairs of poland and the deputy reminded the audience. pavel koval of the diet. in essence, putin's policy is the revision of borders, and the revision of borders is against the interests of our people. that is why we are adopting this resolution today. we condemn genocide, we condemn aggression, we emphasize the ties between poles and crimean tatars. the polish sejm voted for the resolution by a majority of 414 deputies, against 16. this decision is important for ukraine, because it establishes the rights of the crimean tatars to their lands and... protects the rights of the indigenous people of crimea, because the conditions that arose as a result of both the genocide of 1944 and today's occupation,
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so that these... conditions do not destroy the crimean tatar people, and therefore recognition by a number of states of the deportation of the crimean tatar people as genocide, this is a statement about the future of ukrainian crimea and the future of the crimean tatar people on their land. apart from ukraine, the deportation of the crimean tatars was recognized as genocide by latvia, lithuania, and canada. now poland has joined them. it is extremely important for us to be recognized by the whole world deportation to crimea. genocide of the tatars, because we are a democratic country, the crimean tatars are a part of the ukrainian people that suffered from the russian empire, continues to suffer now, crimea is now occupied, and it is extremely important for us to liberate crimea, we can liberate it only if we together with the whole world to fight for the rights of the crimean tatar population, we must not forget about it. nine years ago, the verkhovna rada of ukraine recognized the deportation of the crimean tatars from crimea, which took place in 1944, as genocide. maria chernyakhivska, ihor
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antoniuk, for espresso tv channel from poland. an important decision of the polish diet is, in fact, very important, and by the way, i just read that the president of ukraine, well, the president is a lifelong title, that's why i say so. petro poroshenko urged, where i saw this news, in one word i saw it exactly. yes, petro poroshenko called on the world to recognize putin as a criminal. well, there really is a matter. he has a warrant issued by the international criminal court of the united nations in the hague against putin for inciting children against putin and against this lvova-bilova there and against sheiga and on gerasim, but the point is not that, well, it is really important to make such decisions, because it is a lot of work, we understand, both the ukrainian side, and the polish side, and polish deputies and crimean tatar activists who implemented and prepared and implemented this decision, but
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really you...then call putin a criminal, because this is this fear, don't call him by his name, no, you must call voldemort by his name, necessarily, especially since there is something from putin in the name of the evil wizard of death , own, there is, there is, yes, and from eight to nine, nowhere from you you will not leave me, i will stay with you, as oles poderevyanskyi, a deputy on tv, said, then there will be a presenter on tv. and we will actually talk about very important topics, i like to joke so sometimes to distract you a little, but still we will talk with valery pekar, and about how wars end, what scenarios, how to make society experience what it is is experiencing now, because this is all important, we need these reflections, and i will try together with valery pekar to give you these reflections, maybe you, it doesn’t matter, for sure you will receive answers to the questions that bother you today, how it is to experience everything, where to see the perspective, how to draw it if
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you do not see it, how to go to it, and of course, we will talk with people's deputy ivanna klympush tsensadze about the results the nato summit and this is the time that remains before the us presidential elections, what should be done, how to resist, and maybe even make it so that putin is also knocked off his feet. and about this in the verdict program from 80 to 90 in the evening, well, now, not now, yes, now i will call you once again to the gathering, we are collecting for atvs for the legendary 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, the collection is called from zero to life, the amount is quite large, 4 million uah, but i know that we can collect this money, together with you, the espresso tv channel, with your direct help, during the period of the full-scale invasion, i collected only tens of millions of hryvnias, and all this money was spent on what the military asked for, so here i will say what
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the military asked for, now they are asking for ... atvs, so that these atvs off-road, at night, somewhere there under some kind of shelling, in any weather, in the heat, in the cold, in the rain, they are washing, and they are carrying ammunition, delivering something necessary, somewhere there is some water, the heat is so hot now , there is no medicine, where is the next only the enemy, and where our soldiers fight to death, and then they can also take out or evacuate the wounded. or if our warrior, hero, or heroine died, it was possible to take it from scratch again and bring it to the position in order to carry out certain actions there later, so these atvs needed, guys, we have to collect uah, we have already collected more than 15 million, and i believe that we will be able to close this collection, i believe in you for sure, and soldiers, our army believes in us, because...


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