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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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we fully understand that nikopol and our area will be under fire, most likely up to the part until the energodar is deoccupied and returned to ukraine, that is why terror happens every day and we understand that only the return of the energodar and that part of the zaporizhia region can make ukraine to stop the daily shelling from our area, at the beginning of the war. almost 70% of nikopol citizens left the city, what is the current situation, how many people continue to live in the city from pre-war times, well, i think that, after all, never there was such a figure that 70% left, i think that 70% stayed just at the beginning of the war, and 30% left, now i think, this is what mykola lukashuk once said back in the 22nd year. maybe
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he made a mistake, maybe, maybe, well , here we are, the situation is just what it is in us, the nikopol district, it is different, we have three cities and five rural communities, of course in each community the situation is different depending on the shelling, there are certain parts of the nikopol district, where the population most likely even increased, because at the expense of - because they are in a safer area in the hinterland, and it is precisely the forcibly displaced persons and not only from the nikopol district, but also from luhansk, zaporizhzhia region, they just settled there and live more or less safely in that part, and the population there has increased. if we are talking about nikapalta marganets itself, the population here has naturally fallen and fallen significantly, i think that somewhere around 55-60 percent, given the current situation is connected with regular daily shelling, then of course everyone, well, every time that number well... maybe it is increasing, of course, because
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all these challenges that were in the nikopol district, this daily shelling and a year of lack of drinking water in certain parts of the nikopol district, now thanks to the launch of this state water pipeline, the water has returned or is returning to nikopol district, well, problems with energy, problems with workplaces, and these are still, well, the realities of life problems in the nikopol district, which influenced the fact that... some people still decide to leave, well, in principle, lives in the district, but there are people who return, people are returning, the day before yesterday a person called, he was in germany for two years, good day, hello, i returned with my family, help me find a job, after two years in germany, a person is taking and returns together with nadino nikopol, that is why there are such cases and they, and they are isolated in them, there was such an opinion, it was expressed not so long ago, there... levels of government that those
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border, border, i am not saying it correctly, front-line territories, they should be, better provided, at least with light, than, than the whole of ukraine, is it now in energy, that, that which is nearby, the zaporizhzhia power plant, now, now electricity is not coming from there, yes, i understand, to nikopol, to the ukrainian side, as now. is the provision of electricity better or worse? well, the situation is actually very bad, as bad as in the whole country, we communicate like this with everyone in ukraine, there are a lot of relatives, acquaintances, people, just colleagues, the situation is the same, somewhere worse, somewhere better, well, i can say that of course in it is very difficult for our district, difficult, when, when shelling in certain parts, there is no water and the lights are turned off, this is normal for people, well , people cannot... can be happy about that,
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of course, this is a big problem, especially in such a heat that is happening in ukraine now, it is abnormal, you can say, in this way , these are such disconnections, they are certainly such, well , i would like them to be less, i know that there are relevant appeals, decisions of state bodies, local self-government bodies, with a request that they are still such, well, the schedules for our district are a little were, well, completely different because after all, here... war, war is felt every day in daily arrivals, and there has been no street lighting here for a long time, i can say that when we work, and now today , we work seriously so that children from the nikopol district rested, children of military personnel, athletes, other categories abroad or in western ukraine, the first impression when children come to western ukraine or abroad, they are the first to... the question of street lighting, because
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they are not used to it, they have already forgotten that it may be so, these are such new, new feelings of our children, they are happy with street education. well, let's be happy for what we have and do not lose, do not lose optimism in war as in war. mr. dmytro, thank you for the conversation, nikopolshchyna, it is not just that the shelling of alteria has been going on for two years, but the city is holding on, the enemy is nearby, so far the situation remains unchanged. dmytro bychko was with us as the head of the nikopol district council, we will now move with you. to the kherson region, in russia, meanwhile, ukrainian traitors, this is serhiy tsekov, who is from crimea, crimean, was a communist, pro-communist,
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pro-russian politician, or a member of the verkhovna rada was such an oilman, if you remember, a regionalist who also fled after the 14th year, now they are... speculating on the topic of what a peace agreement with ukraine should be, and they say that the entire left bank ukraine should be captured, and this is the best option, and all this should be returned to the joint of russia, tsekov said about this, well, you know, they voice their plans, the best, how they see this war, that they consider... the territories their own, that they can them capture and hold, which is important, this is also an important point. oksana pogumiy is now joining us, a member of the kherson city council. ms. oksano, welcome. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. they, they managed
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to capture kherson. didn't they understand that the people were, to put it mildly, dissatisfied and not happy that the occupier had come here. well, they wanted to turn kherson into such a potemkin village that people would wait for them, that people would be happy, that people would stand in line for a humanitarian woman, that people would praise russia, they immediately the first thing they did, literally two weeks later, they made us in our movie theater, gentlemen, what is their party called, the united russia office, and there they issued a humanitarian letter, and there the first thing they gave us was a booklet. how beautiful russia is, how cool it is to live there, there are those who behaved, there were such, unfortunately, but in fact there was very fierce opposition, and even for the ukrainian language they could simply throw us into the basement, which they did, and beat them until until
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or before the death of people, well that, but still, still, we only talked in the bazaars ukrainian with each other, we already knew who ours was, we only bought... at ours, in stores , we spoke only ukrainian and generally tried to speak ukrainian everywhere, especially now, i say everywhere, when i hear it, when i came to lviv recently and i heard the first person, and he spoke to me in russian, i had such eyes, i said, lviv, in russian, it's true, and you are from lviv, they told me, yes, but i speak the way it's convenient for me, to which i i immediately say, thank god, you were not in the occupation. we have drawn our conclusions we are very strong, yes, we speak surzhyk, we can sometimes switch to russian, but still, we have a lot of ukrainian in kherson and in the kherson region, i am happy about that, no, i don’t even want to think about russian peace here , you know, recently, and obama
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recently said that we did not help ukraine in the 14th year, when we annexed crimea, because the crimeans were mostly russians. or pro-russian, and they themselves wanted crimea to go to russia, so we did not help ukraine, and this also applies to donbas, because there are a lot of pro-russian people there, and i ask a lot, and when they say that the russian language is unimportant, it doesn't matter in what language the family loves, it's good that we are patriots, independence is important, but it turns out that not only russians have a different opinion. wherever they hear russian, they rush there, but it turns out that our allies also pay attention to these arguments, of course, and the first thing we did was to free us, then we are in favor and now we continue to do it, we did not just lie down in
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the direction of this dream, and we are already doing it, but now i am here, i ran, it will happen the kherson ukrainian cultural center, you understand, because we had a russian presence here. and he was all 30 years old, and they were very proud of him, they developed him, he had a nice room, pushkin, lermantov and all the rest of that katsap bullshit, dostoevsky spent here and there. and therefore the first thing we did after the liberation, we will make kherson ukrainian cultural, we have a lot of plans, and there should be ukraine here, and there was ukraine, and it should stay here forever, and the left bank, we are waiting for it, we we do everything in order to it is not very possible to support people morally and materially now, but people are also trying to help her materially in some ways, and this is not russia, those who were once settled... as in crimea, the military, they
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traveled all over the ussr, and then, where do you want to retire, we want to crimea, we want to go there, and there are a lot of such people in crimea, but there are our ukrainians, i know, that’s for sure, and they are waiting, ms. oksano, of course are waiting, but there is also a huge number of those people who have cooperated, who are happy, who rejoice, which in principle... finally, they felt like they were at home, because everything that was related to independence with ukraine was alien to them, so what should we do with those people after that, because you say that you met in lviv people who speak russian and say they are lvivians, but as a person from lviv region, i can tell you that those people who speak russian may be descendants of those who were brought to the world, i understood it immediately, i continued it on... i talked a little, i understood it immediately, there are no complaints against lviv residents, here it's just that i met such people, but these are people
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who grew up here, they were probably born here, and maybe they even left, were born, but they still communicate in russian, then they are the grandchildren of those who came in the 40s, maybe some second generation that even grew up here, that's what to do, but there are, but there are masses, but there are masses, but there are actually masses of those grandchildren, just as masses. there are many who are completely ukrainized, they have russian surnames, but they speak with a galician colloquial pronunciation, they already have children orestes, and nazars, ostaps and solomiykis, and marty, and so on, that is, this is the same, that is, this process exists, and i personally have my friends who lived in the kherson region, they themselves were born in katsapia, they came here already consciously. not that their relatives brought them there when they were, they were there for six months, and they have been volunteers since the 14th year, they speak
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ukrainian, they write in ukrainian, they chose our side, the light, as i say, what to do with those who does not want to change their minds, well, i would let them sit in the kitchens and be afraid, i think that there is a good move, i don't know where the lithuanians have it, for example, you are stepanov, but you are already very good. even a lithuanian, and you took a stepanevichus and okay, and they have many new stepanevichs there, and i think that since muscovites, i apologize for the word muscovites, of course, those who do not like it, muscovites, very they successfully transcribed, for example, all, i don't know, ivanchuks there into ivannechukovs, all kinds of blacksmiths into kovalovs, khonoshenkovs, and so on, adding those who russified ukrainian surnames. so can we in fact to do, well, i mean, if we have such
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a desire, because now it’s definitely not about ethnicity, not about some blood, not a set of genes, well, that’s not what it’s about, today a real ukrainian, they are happy that it will be very gentle ukrainization for them, in fact, but i would still take away the right to take the history exam, after all, the exam in the ukrainian language, because... even when it was prescribed that deputies should know ukrainian, and take some kind of exam there, i know for sure that one of our deputies found her namesake, well, it just so happened the first and last name are the same, and the person knows ukrainian very well, and she asked to pass the exam for me, that is, they will still get out of their way, well, this is a slipper, if only not to learn, although she was born and lived here in ukraine and studied in ukrainian, at least maybe not in a ukrainian school, because we had few of them. in fact, there are a couple of things in kherson, but well , we learned ukrainian and the language, well, in the same
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latvia or lithuania, and even those descendants, liberators, who remained, they speak russian at home, but only go out to on the street, to work, wherever, everywhere, the language of the country in which they stayed is already there, and there is no... and there is even no question of speaking some russian somewhere, because people want to have a job, they want not to lose it, and want to somehow function in this society, when i was... a long time ago, the last time i was in estonia, in estonia, in tallinn, at least there are a lot of russian speakers, these and these are actually locals, local residents who speak estonian, do not speak estonian among themselves, but estonia has its own way, they treated these,
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the russian part of the population very harshly, they did not equalize their rights and did not allow them the right to vote. they allowed them to elect a mayor, so the mayor, as a rule, was in tallinn some kind of more or less pro-russian local government, but they did not allow them to elect the parliament, they did not allow them to elect its government at the country level, and this allowed them to modernize very quickly, and country and become successful, but they also laid this chasm, which is also very difficult to overcome, i.e. russians feel second class to them and they are second sort of essentially in the country, which does not prevent them from joining the european union and nato, of course, but, but it is meant that, which is also a problem, because there is a part of society that is not completely loyal, although i think that we, we, we really do not know what is happening in the baltic countries, and we should know everything, we do not know what lithuanians listen to, what bands are popular in them, and they are very interested in us, and we are not, why ,
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russia is an interesting country, everything is so understandable, yes, and although we have a lot now... and songs, and bands, and very good the product they produce, but it needs to be popularized, but many people consider it unnecessary, well, there are such and such flip-flops, simple gentlemen, otherwise, but recently there was an anonymous survey , i was called by phone and a question that really bothered me i was touched when i was asked, what do you think about such an expression, what are the differences? in which country to live, what would it be called, so that you had a job, had something to eat, had somewhere to go to relax, i said, i am categorically against it, but you are not the only one asking me this question, you you ask a lot of people who you call there, anonymous, and there are people who, what’s the difference, there are a lot of them, in general i think, and i’m very categorical on this issue, i can already
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hear it now, what’s the difference, i just want to hit the sound , here is the truth, er, there is such a thing, because we, and especially you in kherson oblast, are under these constant shellings, it is, i don’t know, difficult, difficult to react to the russian language, and to these, to this position, what is the difference, it's literally like some kind of trigger, starts some kind of process, and you can't stop it anymore, and that it is clear why it is like that, ms. oksana, thank you for the conversation, for your smile, which is always on your face, even if it is difficult. there was no, a calm day, i really want him to be in kherson, in kherson and in the kherson region, today, although it is hot, but calm, we are going for a short break, we will be back, dear friends, by the way, there are about 300 hryvnias left, which we already had 1.5 million on our monobank card, and for that we thank you, stay with
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us. there are discounts, which are the only discounts on combo games, photos, and 10% in travel pharmacies and saving in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyshchenko. in the article by viktor boberenko. lada vvedenska about the difficulties and challenges of military medics. the country is always at the forefront . search at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts representing the only discounts on magnesium 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. fm halychyna.
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the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for everyone. of strangers and thinkers politklub every sunday at 20:00 for espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and on. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means
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to save his life, bc ride, boys ride, atv is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for a quad bike. for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. we are coming back, friends, we are in veter and will continue our roll call, asking how in different regions, what is happening, less than 300 remains, dear friends, until we have 1.5 million hryvnias on the monobank card. by the way, i want to thank you, you responded to ours yesterday. appeals were effective, this method of appeal for donations, which was suggested to me by our employee from the hardware department, er, who said
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that it was necessary to somehow powerfully announce the collection and here it happened, dear friends, 63,000 for yesterday you and i collected, it did not beat monday's record of 97 00, but nevertheless it is the second result, so to speak, in a week, and we ... due to this record 63 00, we came very close to 1.5 million as of this morning we had 9,000 left to collect, but now we are collecting less than 3,000 for drones for our guys from the art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, we have already seen on our screens the qr code of monobank and the private bank in the ether, there is this qr code and join the gathering. 15 million will be quite a bit, and there it is already close to 2.5, that's why let me remind you that there are still several hundred thousand, somewhere around 400 are on the card of the private bank, so we
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are already very close to 2 million, we have our next guest, we are joining him serhiy lyshenko, volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, mr. serhiy, we welcome you, good in the morning, how was the night, was everything calm? in that of zaporizhzhia and the region, well , regardless, well, regardless of the demarcation line, everything went more or less calmly, quietly, significant shelling was not recorded on the territory of the city, uh, what else is happening in principle in the city, how is the weather, and oh , the weather is very, very hot and probably hotter than in other regions, because for... less and due to this much, much less coolness from the dnipro,
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there are already reports of fires, unfortunately, in addition to all that and the heat, then as a result of enemy shelling, there are fires, and moskals burned 4 hectares of bread in the zaporizhzhia region, unfortunately, i also see it hot in snapy, because they will work on weekends as well, precisely so that the men have time to update their data. mr. serhiy, do you observe any queues, but we actually show those fires as a result enemy shelling. that's right. so, that's it, i want to call on all these people who are concerned. about global warming, who care about ecology, see what muscovites are doing. first, they blew up the kakhovskaya hess, well, they continue
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to burn about... just ukraine, what they are doing with nature, anyway, if the lives of ukrainians are not so dear to you, then at least tell us that you care about nature, come on, maybe it will be important for you, well , nevertheless, in the tsnapakh there, mr. sergiy, as with queues, tsnapah, tsnapah, tsnapah queues, ah, and yesterday they were a little smaller than usual, but still quite kind, and people do not have time to update the data, a large number, and the problem is not only that... a lot of people , and the fact that, in general, there is a large influx across the country, and due to this, the database is not working so quickly, and as a result , more time is spent on one person, and when these two problems are combined, it creates a serious problem for process in general, that's why they decided to work on the weekend, maybe due to this there will be less on others
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each occupied territory has its own funny character, a collaborator for the zaporizhzhia region, well, how funny is a person who must be punished for everything he does for treason and pitiful for the zaporizhzhia region, for zaporizhzhia, this is probably vladimir rogov, i suspect who is there now there is a representative of president putin, and from time to time i read all kinds of interesting news from him, and now he attacked her, on local business, on sellers, for having the highest fuel prices in the region, on passenger transportation, for eggs, for sugar, he generally calls the merchants barygams,
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he said that they are all... in fact, political ukrainians and swindlers, and you have to be dealt with, because the price of sugar is exorbitant, and indeed 160 rubles per kilogram of sugar it turns out in the currently occupied territories, and it is not sweet there, well, 160 rubles, here somewhere, well, in moscow, in short, 70 rubles on average per kilogram, well, not on average, you can buy a kilogram of sugar for 70 rubles, which roughly corresponds to our price somewhere, somewhere there networks there. because life is not easy with muscovites, but how did it happen that prices for everything are so high in the zaporizhzhia region, is it possible that there are simply cosmic salaries now in the occupied territories, a lot of own work, salaries there, salaries there are the same as in the other the territory of russia, the military simply has money, yes, because the salaries of the military are more or less not bad, and what is expensive is actually very simple, a person who... who
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had a shop on the avenue with the inscription cpsu, is already talking about his economic level and his level of training, etc., and he traded at this cds of his time, he is also one of those businessmen who did not orientate themselves to the market situation in time, and as for the reason for the emergence of such prices, well, first of all , nothing significant is produced in the occupied territories of serious food products, because it is a risky territory . there may be arrivals, there is a risk that the military will start using your facility for military purposes as well, and that's why it sucks, the laws of economics actually work, well, this conversation is interesting , and it's interesting that russia likes such people places in these occupied territories, mr. serhii, thank you very much for the conversation, we have to say goodbye already, a volunteer deputy of the zaporizhia regional council was with us, well, we are approaching a moment of silence, 9 o'clock, friends, it's time to think, stop for a moment and remember everyone those who...
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are no longer with us, are gone, because of russia, because of the country of the aggressor, because of the country of the occupier. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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