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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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not long ago, one person was generally considered, well, the russians themselves said that he was killed during torture in kherson, but fortunately , information has now appeared that this person is alive, but for two years it is not known where, somewhere in russian captivity, such people, and men and women very , very many. mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, really with people who are prisoners, civilians, it is much more difficult. it is much more difficult to liberate them, but the work continues and people are coming out little by little, and we hope that everyone will be able to be pulled out of these russian fools, you know, what is interesting about this story is sergey's answer, by the way, that he was sentenced to 13 years in prison for espionage, this is a person who, despite all the torture , refuses to take a russian passport, that is , they, well, in principle to sew espionage to a person who is not thunder'. in russia, i don’t know
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how, but nothing new, they called shukhevich and bandera traitors there, i don’t know, they had never been in this country in their lives, which attributed to them some kind of betrayal of this country, as if they had betrayed the owls there the yeti union, well, they never were citizens of the soviet union, they were combatants, just like the syrians, the tsip in this sense is actually a prisoner of war, you can even call him that, well, but no... russia is changing in this sense, they are not even trying to give any appearance to show some logic in what they do. well, that's it. mr. serhiy, thank you. serhii nikytenko, the editor-in-chief of the publication most from kherson joined us, i look at the comments under our youtube broadcast, our viewers reacted, who scattered, i understand, around the world, they say that our products are really tasty.
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cannot be compared to foreign ones, for example, user tetyana, our viewer, writes that in italy cucumbers and cucumbers and tomatoes have no taste at all, and there is nothing to say about our kherson kwons, italians do not know what the real taste of a watermelon is. dear friends, let's move on, oksana korchynska, a front-line volunteer, let's join her in our conversation, ms. oksano, good morning, good morning, glory to ukraine, oksano, how are you news, what's going on with you, or also by how much, how much work the medics have, we understand how hellish it is at the front. i am not at the front right now, i spent this week with the patriotic services of our military units and was now teaching the routing of the wounded, because it is extremely important that this movement has now begun in our military units, both the armed forces of ukraine and the forces. special operations in gura, such patronage
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services are being formed now in the security services of the national guard, the guys are very smart girls who are servicemen will do patronage services, because we have to worry about our wounded, our traumatized on the front line. unfortunately, uh, uh, our staffs are not up to this job, and that's why there is an extremely high return. the organization of our renewed servicemen where there are patronage services, of course, number one, you know, this is the azov patronage service, we once started it in the 14th year, when i taught the patronage services, i told them, they are all azov, of course , they are hyped, i told them that we started this a patronage service of three people, everyone knows olena tolkachova, she was in dnipro at the time, i was in azov, in mariupol, and one of our doctors is only from lviv. was a volunteer, this is how we started
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10 years ago, precisely in july 2014, this is how we started, at the same time the medical and patriotic service consisted of three people, so this is a path, and the main thing is to start this path, especially now we have these peaceful people who are not at war, not at the front, you see what the temperature is outside, our guys at the front, well, of course, in the front area, near the front, collect everything that is on the generator any ... windbreakers are connected, then they have already been bought, but you can help the wounded, because now a lot of our wounded are being treated in rehabilitation, they are many thousands of servicemen, native troops, and you can take them to your villages to rest for a few days, for example, supporters of the brotherhood of the gurmo unit came out to me, people who rent out luxury houses came out. houses on
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the banks of rivers, these are several oblasts, and kyiv, cherkasy oblasts came out, transcarpathia came out, they offered and we sent a large batch of our wounded to them, they are resting. they are now there with their families and are currently preparing for the next stage of rehabilitation, because unfortunately, many of our hospitals, many of our hospitals do not have the opportunity, they do not have air conditioners, they are only in the wards where the seriously ill are, and where usually the boys are being treated, everything is not very good, and therefore, if you have the opportunity to take our boys from those who are being treated, not those who are freshly wounded, those who are being treated, so that they did not sit on the baton in the cities, it would be very good, because i saw how good it is for the families, for our wounded, they are all filled with strength, continue their journey, the presence, so to speak, of raps with our medics and our
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combat medics, in our professional units, because the conditions of war today require that all our medical vehicles be equipped with rebs, and these rebs must be updated ... because unfortunately, the enemy changes frequencies very often, and that that rap that was relevant a few months ago now, unfortunately, it is no longer working, so we are constantly, constantly now, well, we are asking, and we appeal to the general staff, for our benefactors, that all medics must be provided with rebs, this is the only possibility to take out our wounded during the day, you know that the main affected area in evacuations are fpv drones, they see earlier. they see the evacuation, even when one serviceman drags his brother behind him on a stretcher, burdens, even one, that is, there are only two of them, they do not spare a bucket and finish off the wounded, that is why they are people without
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our enemies' morale, as our hospitals showed, because on the 8th they shelled not only okmadite, but many other hospitals, including, by the way, military rehabilitation hospitals, and i was, well, even , it’s even a shame that everyone rushed to okhmadit, collected a billion, it’s great, this hospital needs to be restored, well , when i talked with some sponsors that we need to help all hospitals, i understand that it’s not so hyped, that some hospitals are not can voice that in this case they suffered, they need help, and it's good that there were benefactors, i'm very grateful, but it was very difficult, because you all know how it is in our country, unfortunately, this post-soviet system, that everyone lined up, it's great, we too, i for 12 years , i was the head of the okhmadito board of trustees, we also found more than 100 million there in the first two days, but everyone wanted to rebuild, which is great, now it is desirable that there should be public control with such reconstructions, because
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now i am worried, knowing how 11 years a new building was being built, which must be restored, including the public building public control, real, without anticorruption. such things do not happen, that is, this amazing billion collected by benefactors, 100 million was given by the state and so on, it is necessary to control , including for recovery, that is why the tasks of civilians, those who are in the rear, who can help us and military personnel now , and civilian hospitals, because , unfortunately, our country still needs control, because where money appears, there, unfortunately, corruption appears. ms. oksana, thank you, as always, your calls are very apt about the fact that it is necessary to help rebuild not only those hospitals that are being talked about, that our people can take the wounded to their homes now, if, because there is a terrible heat. oksana
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korchynska, a front-line volunteer, was with us, dear friends, we are going for a short break, we will return and continue, and we will talk about the situation at the front and about all kinds of plans that are currently underway. is building russia and belarus, stay with us. attention, a good offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, that's all 149 hryvnias durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light. in... it for 149 hryvnias. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the bulb is a smart light, it is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when
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affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat of fr 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresen had done that, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and then who is china? my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18. and 15 for espresso. dear friends, we are coming back to
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air and with us ivan stupak, military expert, employee of the security service of ukraine in 2004-2015. mr. ivan, good morning. good morning studio, thank you for the invitation. let's probably start with what is happening now at the front, what is the situation there? oh are you interested in general or something specific? well, we know that, in principle, the main events are now taking place in several directions, it is of course toretsk, pokrovsk, this is the kupinsky direction, there is nothing very new here, there is probably nothing, er, or so, but we must note, note the tactics russians, and it is already appearing even more widely, not massively, but more widely, it is in the direction of... kutoretska are tunnels, i have already said about it once, tunnels like those of hamas, in
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avdiivka they already used such tactics russians , when they used the sewage system and penetrated behind our positions, got behind the guys, now there are such moments about the tunnels, the turkish direction. the russians say that they are many kilometers long, i do not believe that they are many kilometers long, maybe it is measured in tens of meters, maybe in hundreds of meters, but those... well, they they are, and most likely they were built by our former compatriots who ended up on the side of the russian federation, who have experience in mining work, laying these tunnels, that is, this is something that should be paid attention to, once again it is not massive, we are not we know the effectiveness, but there are photos and videos where they show such serious tunnels, not just some kind of hole, but really such serious ones, that is , at the moment there is a certain threat. that is, well, but this is some kind of worm war, that is, they are like worms, but they just gnaw
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tens of meters of land, she, well, i don’t know what the prospects of such a war are in general, but again, reuters says with reference to nato actions that, well, in principle, the russians will not have anyone to fight in the fall, if they do not will be held the mobilization is new and they will not buy many weapons in korea, from whom else can they buy those weapons in china and so on, well, here it must be said that they have their own weapons, by the way. the same western analysts and western mass media, they say that the production of the same missiles has increased, and if i'm not mistaken, by eight times, these hasta1, which arrived last monday, this monday, i apologize, flew to kyiv, and in general they are used regularly, they increased the salvo fire system by 15 times, that is, it turns out that there is where to get it, yes
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it is not easy with people, but every time they are forced to raise the stakes. pay for those warriors who are ready to go to this war, we talked about it with you, but we must repeat once again, the minimum amount that currently exists for a one-time payment from the region of the russian federation is 7,500 us dollars, a one-time payment, it is not a salary. the maximum amount that was announced, but not actually paid, is 18,500 us dollars, of course, this is at the exchange rate, we do not know what the exchange rate is, it is a very approximate rate, but for the sake of an approximate understanding of what ... the numbers russians are ready to pay for this war. i personally really liked the position of the prime minister of india, although many of our citizens urged, how so, he came to russia, he hugs there, but one of the goals was achieved, he forced putin to refuse to recruit indian citizens to participate in this war, and
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putin pledged to return all indians who are at the front or in the process of being eliminated back to india, that is, well... to refuse this human resource, that is, as far as i'm concerned , also a very good result, that is , at least the russians will definitely not use indians in this war. what are the statements of the muscovites of this maria zakharova that kyiv seems to want to blow up her reservoir, blew up the dump in kyiv and kanava. how to understand it, or it may be that the russians are actually preparing this detonation and now in this way... if they were to announce it, well, of course, that everything is based on kyiv. look, to detonate on such a large scale as it was at the kakhovskaya dam, it is only from the inside, there you need a really large amount of explosives, it is all calculated, in the russian, in the soviet, in the soviet union, when these objects were built, there were specially provided for niches, that is, it
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was not necessary to count how much explosives we need, there is 5 kg, there is a niche, here it must be filled, here, two, three, four and so... this means, that will be enough, everything has already been calculated for you, that is, once again, only with an explosion from the inside can you do what they did last year, you can make landings, we saw at the hydroelectric plant in zaporizhzhya region, the hydroelectric plant is out of order, the turbines are not working, but the dam is standing, it was built really well, which was very rare in the soviet union, is it possible to try to attack, for example, in the kyiv region, will it be effective? well, under the big question, i'm sure not, how about me, all these statements are a diversion of attention, from okhmadite, from various problems that exist in the russian federation, you can say, look, you see, ukrainians are preparing for some new provocation, they want to blame us, and in society they are already starting to talk about this topic , and not the previous one, but the fact that belarus also wants to make such provocations in
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the border zone, which it will later decide on its own and say, it's the ukrainians again. they are restless there, they want to somehow threaten us here, what, what kind of provocations they can do to be, see what personally confuses me, this is just a couple of days ago the belarusian gang, this is such a monitoring public, he reported that at least, if i am not mistaken, one drone of the shachet type, was in the airspace of the republic of belarus for a long time, he flew from the russian federation, flew into a part of belarus and flew approximately... kyiv region and zhytomyr region somewhere within those limits, that is, in my opinion, this is the beginning of such a threatening story, if the russians, the russians will like it, that is, the belarusians were were notified, they controlled the airspace with special helicopters, the fighter plane was located, that is, they protected this drone, and if the russians like it again, they can work out
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such an air corridor for these drones to fly from erefia, fly over the republic of belarus. zone of damage of our anti-aircraft defenses and tentatively and theoretically can appear, for example, somewhere in the rivne region, volyn region, fly all the way from brest and be such a very unexpected element for us, that is, that is what we need to pay attention now, and these trainings that are taking place in belarus, joint belarusian-chinese, how should we react to them, no way, no way at all, look, china is more appreciated, looks at what is in belarus, what can be used... there is there are technical experts who came to see, because it is almost 700 km from beijing to brest, to see, to see what the republic of belarus can offer, i am sure, then they will go. a large number of reports back, reports, what can be used, what cannot be used in belarus, or is it possible rely on me to place some
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small contingent of chinese on the territory of the republic of belarus, it is possible, some small base over there, i don’t know, for 100 million dollars a year in rent, this is not money for china at all, but to strengthen its influence, show nato, and we are here, and we are watching, there are not many of us, but we are watching... for you, we can conduct certain technical intelligence from the territory of the republic of belarus, for example, for poland, the baltic countries - the baltic countries, analyze their negotiations, to intercept their conversations, e-mails, messages, once again some kind of radio interception, that is , it really could be, radoslav sikorskyi said that poland is considering shooting down russian missiles over ukraine, but somehow we hear such statements during this week that... .considered, then not considered, now considered again, how realistic is it that they will still consider it and it will happen? yes, just this
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week there was a statement that no, poland will not be shot down until there is agreement from all the countries of the alliance, all 32 countries, well, together with poland, must say yes, but you and i know that there is turkey, which will say no, hungary, yes, slovakia, germany, i will most likely say, this is more than enough to... kill this entire initiative, perhaps on the polish government was influenced by public opinion polls, just the other day the results were published that somewhere more, about 57% of the poles polled say, yes , okay, do it, let's beat it, that it can give poland and the alliance, a crazy and free experience of combat work, that is, no just aim conventional electronic targets at monitor screen. that the target is flying over there, and we here conditionally shot it down, cheers, we practiced, or some plywood with a motor, with an engine flies by, you shoot it down, no, real missiles, a real enemy, not over our
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territory, over the territory of ukraine, and this it will really be a crazy combat experience, practically an experience for poland, for and for the entire alliance, at what distance to shoot down, how far the polish air defense system can reach, yes , you can shoot down, maybe 120 km, they can capture lviv super under their own umbrella. can the western outskirts of lviv, okay, no question, but this is one more time, this will be a plus for us, it will be a plus for the poles, so we have to be brave, a passenger plane, a superjet, crashed in russia, the security forces have already gone to the company there, where they were making repairs and are already conducting searches there, they emphasize that two french engines failed, that's what the problem is, is it this or that... just the beginning, and will they probably find a ukrainian trace there, i think that the repairman will be someone with a ukrainian surname, when the next plane can already
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, yarosh's business card has flown when taking off with butanov, yes, look what needs to be said, what this plane, it was empty, there were only, well, there were no passengers, there were three crew members, there was a technical group, that is, they were testing the plane after a major repair, and now the russians are already saying that it is... french engines, by and large this is all that is left of foreign parts in this plane, precisely french aircraft, french engines, all the rest was delivered electronics, there were parts that were already installed of russian production and they tested how russian equipment would behave, as we have already seen, no way, well, of course it is classical in terms of classics reaction, if something fell, let's immediately arrest someone, look for the culprits, well, i predict, well, personally, i'm not an expert in civil aviation, but judging by how, what is the number of failures of civil aircraft, then highways, then engines, then others something, and here is already the first fallen, then perhaps such a story, such
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a story we will see, for example, i don’t know, still there, well, at least once this year, that’s for sure, i think, well, we have a few minutes left for the last one, unfortunately , an m346 military plane crashed in poland, tfp-info reports to the command of the army of poland, lieutenant colonel. marik pavlyak, he said that all that is known, the training plane burst into flames after hitting the runway of the airport, what kind of plane it is and could it be some kind of russian provocation, very briefly, no, i think that these were training flights, there is a video on the network of how this flight is filmed, the way it performs certain aerobatics, and something went wrong, let’s say, some kind of failure, maybe, well, technical, maybe the human factor, the plane really fell, crashed, i don’t know, what is the fate of the pilot, therefore most likely he... died, once again, it's equipment, it's equipment, it also breaks down, unfortunately, and there is a human factor, when it failed to manage, mr. ivan, thank you for participating in our broadcast, ivan stupak ,
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military expert, employee of the security service of ukraine. in 2004-2015, dear friends, stay with us, andriy saichuk and lesya vakulyuk, today we work in this studio for you not only in the morning, but also throughout the day, we have many more guests, so stay with us, business as usual become unreal, heavy bags, not for my patient back, from back pain, try dolgit cream, dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces... swelling and improves joint mobility. dollheit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. when buying a large package of 150 g, you save up to 50%. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on sudocrem. 15% in travel pharmacies, you and savings. the final of euro-2024 is only on megago. spain and england will have an incredible battle for the football crown of europe. tune in to the super match on july 14 at 10:00 p.m.
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the only discounts on... dem 20% in pharmacies plantain, bamb and oskad. tingling, numbness, bother you. dolgit antineuro complex helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. capsules dollіd antivro - help to your nervous system. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on psilobalsam, 15% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm. pawel koval, an important representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with the au sister. an unusual look on the news good health, ladies and gentlemen,
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my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of the fact. a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, then who is china, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny , saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. he shot down a soldier and ran away. in the zaporizhzhya region, in the village of komyshuvakha, the driver of a toyota car ran over a serviceman who was walking along the side of the road in the same direction. kermanych did not stop
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and drove on. military from received injuries


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