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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

10:30 am
well, in the military matter, and in such a matter, give more money, give us generators, you didn't give us generators, you gave us, but recently sviridenka spoke about the limit of electricity, she just has the feeling that the limit, they are sitting here this is how it is formed, that the europeans are sitting there, they have this electricity there, and they simply don't want to give it to the ukrainians, so we have to go, and put pressure on them so that they transfer it to the ukrainians. well, he is okay, maybe, but i just think that if the war drags on even longer, and some the moment, i don't know, will be such when, well , we just... why don't we just not give money now
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month by month and it won't be easy for us, for example, we haven't been given money for two months, well, we , for example, pensions are paid only from the money that europe gives now, well, we have a certain overpayment, not all sums are collected within the country, almost half of the population that is left now are pensioners, but no, less, much, if to compare the working population and pensioners, there is actually already one and the same... here there are still children, we still have others, so, well, but children are also the same people who, who need to be fed, someone calls them different numbers, well, let's assume that now in ukraine there are 32-33 million according to today's estimates, a very optimistic estimate, no, it's just realistic, minus the number that was 39 minus 6 million, it turns out 32-33 million, there are now on the territory of ukraine, somewhere approximately. yes, of
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them it works, in my opinion, according to the research there they pay 9 million, ugh, that is, those who are payers of the social contribution, respectively working, our pensioners have decreased by 10, well , almost 11 there, yes, somewhere around that, and we actually have fewer working people than pensioners, here, but again, if we take the entire population, then we have a third of other people who are not they work, there are children, and so on... that is , that is why the situation is really very difficult in our country, and that is why we need to make more adequate decisions precisely in the economy, i just remember here, recently we had roman again on the air , my god, roman sheremeto pavlo, pavlo sheremeta, god, roman vashchuk, roman vashchuk was the same pavlo sheremeto says, he said this at the beginning of the war, and now he repeats it, that the only... way to bring back the people who
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left is to create better conditions for business here in those regions than in those countries where they are now, is it realistic at all, or can it be done during wartime? it is definitely possible, well, that is, even during the war, even security factors, there are other factors that did not allow us to develop, well , let's face it, we were not such a prosperous, rich country before... for example, instead of, firstly, i believe that purchases should be from ukrainian enterprises, not turkish or chinese or any other goods there, that is , preference should be given to ukrainian enterprises in order to... so that they have
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jobs, so that the people who work there have jobs , they paid taxes and so on, then crediting is necessary, they, well, now their funds have already run out, loans under the 579 program are not given to everyone, and commercial credit today is about 20%, uh, that is, no one can now during the war to provide such profitability in order to be below 20%, well , the restaurants there, for example, they can still provide such... but sorry, the country cannot consist only of restaurants, well, there are also shops, and shops, and shops just lend , i.e. our retail turned out to be one of the most profitable industries in 2023, and the main recipient of funds under the 579 program was retail wholesale, that is, again , it just shows how wrong the lending is, the international monetary fund already says. who do you lend to?
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you don't lend to small and medium-sized businesses, you lend to large corporations that are already profitable. you use budget funds to make some people even richer. how does it seem so, it seems, i don’t understand, of course, now i’m simple, but i know, in fact, how, now we had good news that this kuderchuk was finally removed from the state cinema, and now they have some new things are happening, a commission is being formed now that will select a council that will allocate budget funds for the production of film productions, and the general director of the largest manufacturer is included in this commission... that is , once again, the person who selects people who will select people who will give money to this person is then in this same commission, that is, there is just such a classic conflict of interests,
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conflicts , now you can raise the issue a little in another area of ​​the economy, this is privatization, big privatization, which has now announced that they are ready to sell two large objects. i have said many times, during the war, large objects are not sold, why? because they will be sold cheaply, because simply alternatives, alternative buyers from abroad, they will not come for precisely the security factors, and they will not buy these objects, that is, the objects will be bought mostly by us, and accordingly at the price at which they will say, well, it's full of nonsense to carry out large-scale privatization now, it's a robbery, today there is a large privatization. you can carry out small privatization, you can even carry out medium privatization, because inside the country there are people who have enough funds to buy a small object of privatization, is sufficient to ensure proper competition, for large privatizations there is no, there will be no competition, buy the one with whom you agreed and
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that's it, mr. ilya, thank you for this difficult conversation, but i think that for our viewers it was useful, ilyane schadovskyi, head of the network's network direction. ans and the director of the institute of socio-economic transformations talked about our economy, now we are going on a break, then we will come back and talk about it, about international politics and about ukraine, of course, in it stay with us when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the matrik topper you will forget that... you are sleeping on an imperfect surface, order the matrik topper for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. it can be used within a day after removing the factory film. a unique cover in
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i am coming to ukraine with three children, mine i don't have a job, i have to find one, i don't have a home, i have to find one. and i'm still sick. what should the state do for someone like me to return. the stories of the displaced people that we tell in the film are more eloquent than the optimistic official reports and spectacular presentations from government agencies. real life destroys myths. no money, wait. here we are waiting to return or stay, where to return, what will happen with work, loans, children's education, where and at what cost to be treated, nothing is being done to return people abroad, absolutely nothing. internally displaced persons increasingly either go to the west or return to the occupation altogether. if the government does not stand up and act, we will lose the war for the future, even if we defeat the enemy. how the state should act, i will tell in the film.
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, i would like to remind you that today we are working throughout the day, now the 20 minutes of the first part will conclude, and then there will be a continuation at 14:10, we will return to this studio and talk to our guests again. i want to remind you about the collection and... to apologize a little to all the viewers, because i miscalculated something, dear friends, in fact
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, we lack 15 thousand even before it was, we had for this week as of today an indicator of 3000 hryvnias, that would be in total what we collected for this week, if you add another 15 00, and this is only about monobank, i say, and by the way, you and i have already crossed the mark of 1.5 million on monobank, its qr code and card number. it is located on the right, if you are facing the screen, the private bank is on the left, and there we have about 400 thousand, so we already have a total of 1,900, of the 2.5 million needed for drones, mavics and equipping them, 13 pieces we want to transfer to the front line our guys, who are now in the hellish east, the artillery reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine need these drones, so join in, friends. watch here there is a card number here, and a qr code will also appear in the corner, and you can donate there, you still have
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time to do it, in the meantime, we will talk with dmytro levus, political scientist, internationalist, who is already appearing on our air, sir dmytro, congratulations, congratulations, mr. dmytro, a well-known cliché in fact that pismarkka seems, at least it seems to him, is attributed to the fact that treaties with russia are not worth even the paper on which they signed. and this week, the deputy of the bears, the deputy of putin, the bears on their national security council, made a statement that, well became another confirmation of this, and he said that after some kind of peace agreement with ukraine is signed, he believes that it will happen sooner or later, and as if putin is calling for this, then it is necessary to immediately prepare for the next war with ukraine, to capture her anyway. after that, in the second subsequent war, and i wonder why he
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says this, he, you know, i too, of course, read his telegram channel and, in my opinion, this is too little, and we pay attention to this statement , which must be relayed, shown to the world, and the world doesn't pay enough attention to why, because... and that, well, yes, you can always say that someone, someone is speaking, but it's not an official person speaking, and as you rightly noted, medvedev remains absolutely official a person from the highest echelons of the russian government, yes, that is, he is, in addition to being the deputy chairman of the security council of the russian federation, he is also the first deputy of the military-industrial commission, yes, that is, he is in the sphere of security and sphere. of the military-industrial complex is, in fact, even a formal second person there
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in the russian hierarchy as a whole, that is, these are not just statements, considering how it was all written there, it was said that way and there in general, how did he share such frank russian plans with me, yes about, because there after all everything must come to the third. the bloody maidan, yes, after which there will finally come a government that suits russia, but even after that, yes, it will be necessary to drive a nail. yes, in the grave of banderovsky , there is something in it that is a quasi-state , a sovereign, a quasi-state, and there, in general in fact, yes here, and this is why he is doing it , by and large, in principle, russia has never hidden such strategic plans, that is, in principle, this is what we see, we saw it according to putin in 2021, here i
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think that it is sooner. after all , it can even be done there specifically for intimidation, that’s when putin says, yes, that is, here he is and intimidation and another one, they, that is, all this czech bastards who rule russia, they are masters of disguise there, and so one of such methods of camouflage is to put everything there so that it lies in plain sight and no one does can even assume, well, if it is so, then can it really... such a thing happen, and what is interesting is that in most cases it still works in, if we are talking about russia, why? because she has that image of her high culture, all these pushkins and tolstoyevskys, it all still
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works on them, how can it be, there is pushkin separately, everything else separately, and... and here and there that's how it is, so i think that this is probably what we're talking about, we do, we need it, once again, not always but russian, of course there is no russian propaganda should be spread, but here it is about a specific threat to ukraine, and this is something that can be voiced at the united nations and in all different other situations. with examples of how what russia voiced in the form of putin in his so-called articles that he wrote in the summer of 2021, i remember there were two of them there, some pseudo-historical ones, then here is a great example, ee another a person of great interest to ukrainians, joseph biden, this
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week, he had several remarks where he called zelensky putin. by him, moreover he did it twice, where he named his vice president, vice president trump, and now the democratic donors have frozen 90 million dollars, which were allocated to the biden campaign, until he withdraws from the race, the election, the person, the person of the president of the united states for ukrainians is very important. will joseph biden listen to these demands and ultimately how will this affect us, ukraine? well, about the fact that they were frozen, in fact there was no official such decision, i will say so right away, it’s just that there are sources new the york times is reporting, the new york times is reporting, well, how much can we believe that and ultimately what's
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ahead, you know, the situation is really complicated and we see it there. well, in many examples , probably no other country in the world is currently experiencing elections in the united states as much as ukraine, except, well, except, of course, the united states itself, yes, that is, this, and, well, we have already seen , how this, strategic, political uncertainty, succeeded in helping ukraine. and now, in principle, we also see that in many respects the lack of an invitation to nato, this is explained by this pre-election uncertainty, well, by the ideas about the world there in the 70s and 80s
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, there was no escalation there during the cold war, that is, completely artificial , that is, i think that in reality. .. they are actually the situation that biden will not give up, as far as i'm concerned, that is, what we see and what even echoes that come from these conflicts and the way he behaves, then ... i think not , moreover, in fact , this is also not an option, because, well, first of all, it is difficult to say who could be, yes, instead of biden, the second moment, in fact, we have this strategic uncertainty and regarding if donald trump becomes the president, too,
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yes, it also persists, but we just have now, well, the moment when it remains to work with any american president, and in principle, well, here it is hardly possible to have any influence on... well, on these, to make some changes happen, and they, they are simply, simply some, well, some natural way, or there must be some way out in the political process of the united states states, no more than that, here i am still asking about the united states states, donald trump and his real reality of his victory, on the one hand it is frightening, on the other hand we see that the support of the republicans and in the congress. and in the senate, it is strong, in particular, the meeting in washington of president zelensky, there at the regon institute, she demonstrated this, and maybe
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everything is not so bad in the case of trump, trump has his peace plan, as we know what we can about him to say whether he is even remotely realistic, whether trump really has the ability to put pressure on russia in this case, because he will really be able to put pressure on ukraine, we understand that. just trying to reduce the aid to us, we have two minutes, two minutes, i agree with the fact that perhaps the possibilities of trump's pressure on the russian federation are somewhat exaggerated by himself, but regarding his plan, well, we have already seen that there are certain changes, yes, that is and let's put it this way, he was never, well , formalized, yes, that is, what we see is what is said from time to time from his entourage, although, by the way, again ... in view of what is there a certain core, it can be assumed that there is such a view somewhere, but again after all, trump's entourage can speak in
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different ways, that is why, of course, there are such examples, this is the giving of time to ukraine javelins, this is again the fight against the northern stream, this is again such a stable position. regarding the people's republic of china, which unequivocally supports the russian federation, these are, in principle, those factors that also allow us to express restrained optimism, and again what zelensky said, that ukraine is ready to work with different presidents , and by the way, a meeting with by speaker johnson, who is actually showing now. and a certain such independence and such a view, well, somewhere strategic, as with all republicans, this is what i believe, this was
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the right decision, and we can definitely say that this bipartisan support, it should be, and that is precisely in this direction and we must continue to work, thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro levoch, international political scientist... we talked with us about what is happening in the world, what impact it will have on ukraine, thank you, dear friends, for being with us this morning, we will be back at 2:10 p.m., come back too, or even better, stay further with espresso, and don't forget to donate 26:00 hryvnias, this is what you collected today for ours, our artillery intelligence of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we will be back, stay with us. there are discounts that represent the only
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11:00 am
plot. for... only from uah 799. the offer is limited. call news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. he shot down a soldier and ran away. in the zaporizhzhya region, in the village of komyshuvakha, the driver of a toyota car ran over a serviceman who was walking along the side of the road in the same direction. karmanych did not stop and drove on.


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