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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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the host of this project, our program is going on summer vacation, so there will be no exits to the program in the near future, but we are not saying goodbye to you and hope to see you again, koryushkendzhi, goodbye. more in the joints it is so piercing, it does not allow me to move, i bought a yellow cream dolgit in the pharmacy, it saves me from pain in rheumatism, dolgit is the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, there are discounts, the only discounts are on troxevs inn, 15% in pharmacies, travel to you and savings. the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the duh i litera publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who
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defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts at travel pharmacies and savings of up to 30%. discounts are valid until the end of july. euro-2024 final only on mega. spain and england! they will arrange an incredible event the battle for the football crown of europe. tune into the super match on july 14 at 220 exclusively on megogo. the discounts represent the only discounts on norwend express forte 10% in the travel pharmacies you want. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyshchenko. viktor boberenko,
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lada vvedenska about the difficulties and challenges of military medics. the country is always at the forefront . look for press outlets or prepay online. there are discounts that represent the only discounts of sudokrem. 15% in travel, memory and savings pharmacies. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the verkhovna rada
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regularly passes new laws, but like these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the act bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 on the legal expertise program. on the espresso tv channel. see this week in the collaborators program. putin's election. who in kherson oblast is preparing pseudo voting. we are already quite ready to conducting elections. and also the names and stories of traitors who became fake deputies. with the support of the united russia party and our senator kostyukevich. congratulations. i'm olena kononenko
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, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the tyrannical occupiers. on september 30, 2022 , putin signed a decree on the accession to russia of the captured donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia , and kherson regions, and soon the local occupation-military-civilian administrations began massive preparations for the holding of so-called elections to fake authorities, they say, it is necessary to elect those who will lead in... in the captured territories. russian parties have formed lists of those who seek to serve the kremlin loyally. local collaborators, as well as those who specially came from russia in the hope of getting at least some kind of mandate, entered there. even if it is invalid, even if it is illegal, but the mandate? the two-headed chicken launched a large propaganda campaign in the illegally annexed territories, millions of rubles for propaganda, bribery of the local population, the involvement of athletes for intimidation and...
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the promise of a better future. the methods to achieve the main goal - to attract as many people as possible to fake voting were different, but equally dirty. so our issue today is against. who helped organize the so-called pseudo-elections last fall, who agitated people to vote, who himself became a candidate, betraying ukraine, organized a pseudo-referendum on the 22nd, local elections on the 23rd, and now there will be presidential elections on the 24th, the chairman of the fake election committee kherson region zakharova maryna yuriivna. kherson is russia, indeed russia already has its own. comes from donetsk, married, has a son. in 2008, she graduated from the donetsk national university with a degree in political science. when russia seized part of the donetsk region in the 14th,
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zakharova supported the occupation and remained in donetsk. at that time, on her page in social networks, she posted a photo with the terrorist symbol of the dpr. under the russian cloth. she worked in various positions, led work with the team in the so-called ministry of labor and social policy of the donetsk people's republic and in the administration of the head of the dpr. sitting in donetsk under the supervision of zakharov's rascals until the start of a full-scale invasion, when the russian army occupied part of the kherson region, marina decided that her love for all things putin could come in handy and finally lift her to the top of her dreams. well, it's not for nothing that she took her son for so many years to... all the parades of the spineless regiment, she wore the gogriv ribbon. so in 2022, the traitor moved to the kherson region, where she took part in the creation fake authorities, later received a new task from the kremlin. she headed the election commission of the occupied part of the region. the question of the ballot
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will be as follows: are you in favor of the withdrawal of kherson region from ukraine. the creation of an independent state by the kherson region and its entry into the system of the russian federation with the rights of a subject of the russian federation. we are ready to organize a referendum on the entire territory of kherson region. zakharova became the face of a fake referendum in the kherson region. propaganda media broke her speeches into quotes in which she reported on the organization referendum, people's interest in voting and high turnout at polling stations. we are already being informed that queues are even forming at some stations. 497 51 referendum participants, which is more than 50% of the number of referendum participants, answered yes to the question of leaving ukraine. zakharova was involved in the creation of territorial election
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commissions, the formation of voter lists, the arrangement of premises and other organizational issues. gauleiter volodymyr saldo was awarded for such fruitful work a traitor to the order. respect thank you very much for the greetings. thank you for the award. i will justify the trust that you have placed in me, that the leadership of the kherson region in the person of volodymyr vasyliovych has placed in me, and of course i will justify the trust of all residents of the kherson region. the security service of ukraine has already informed the traitor about the suspicion of encroaching on the territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine and collaborative activities. zakharova's property was seized, and she herself is threatened. up to 12 years of imprisonment. the kherson regional prosecutor's office already sent the indictment to the court. the case is being considered by the malinovskoye district court of the city of odesa. but one criminal case was not enough for zakharova. she diligently worked for another one. when this
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zaprodanka was appointed as the head of the elections in the kherson region, she understood. if you intimidate people and force them to vote. if you throw in the ballots and falsify the results, bunker. grandfather will be very pleased, and what could be more important for her in this life? we are already fully ready for elections in september 2023. in in september, the security service of ukraine informed her about the second suspicion. the law enforcement officers established that this traitor, on the instructions of curators from the kremlin, created the appearance of an election process in the kherson region and falsified the so -called plebiscite in favor of russian puppets. she also organized a process in which representatives of fake election commissions , accompanied by armed militants, conducted round-the-yard rounds of residents of temporarily occupied districts of kherson region and forced them to participate in voting at gunpoint. all this in order to later on to the camera with a smile to report about the high
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turnout and sky-high ratings. the political party united russia became the leader according to the voting results. now, with two suspicions, zakharova is preparing for the next presidential election, which is to be held from march 15 to 17, 2024. perhaps, for their organization and conduct, this sales peak will receive a third suspicion. will sit in prison on a comfortable bed and finally calm down for many years, let's hope. runs with the russian mandate from the united russia party rubin yevgenia romanivna, born in 1995. until february 24, she worked as the deputy director for administrative and technical issues, partner of bc kherson building. evgenia is known to the people of kherson as a fan of scriabin's work. during the election campaign in the fall of 2020 , with the participation of volodymyr saldo, she revealed the morality of the image of the musician and held a concert in his memory. i am a fan of kuzma's creativity. we
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wanted to implement this idea probably four years ago and accordingly searched around the city where we could place this mural. when kherson was occupied by the rashists, evgenia exchanged scriabin's work to russian nursery rhymes, sat down in the chair of the head of the land relations department in the occupation ministry of agriculture and fisheries of the kherson region. after which she was promoted and became the director of the askania nova animal husbandry institute. apparently, the occupiers really liked the work of this traitor, because later they included her in the list of candidates for deputies from the united russia party. after the semblance of the election, evgenia not only received a mandate, but became the head of the faction. i am the head of the united russia faction in kherson regional duma. as befits an important official, she created a telegram channel for herself, where now... 31 subscribers, in which rubin glorifies the russian swamps, putin,
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tries to tell people that russia helps, liberates and saves, but for some reason no one understands or hears her , well, except for the traitors themselves, like her. i really hope that our law enforcement agencies will soon clip the wings of this angelochka. i congratulate you on one of the most significant holidays of our state, the constitution day of the russian federation. this is another traitor with the mandate of andriy kharitonov mykolayovych, born in 1969, from the city of kherson. he is the former head of the watercraft section of the kherson shipbuilding plant. in 2015, he ran for the kherson city council from the our land party and was unable to realize his political ambitions. but now the occupiers helped, who lured him with candy in the form of a mandate. and he was happy to run. but about everything in order. when. were captured, andriy kharitonov betrayed ukraine and was one of the first to rush to help the russians,
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who thanked him with the chair of the director of the kherson sea trade port. by according to the information of our law enforcement agencies, it was kharitonov who ensured the transfer of military equipment and ammunition of the russian federation from the left bank to the right bank of the dnieper. kharitonov proved that he is an obedient dog, so he was made a deputy of the feikova kherson regional duma. with the support of the united russia party and the senator. to our kostyukevich ihor yuriyovych, we do not forget him either, we thank him. kharitonov has already received suspicion from the sbu. his case is currently being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. a traitor faces up to 15 years in prison or life imprisonment with confiscation of property. we very much hope that he will receive a severe punishment for his actions against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about crimea'. sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of
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the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. there are discounts representing the only discounts on mikrolaks, 20% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings. attention, benefit on offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, but we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is built-in. in the city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the bulb is also a smart light, not afraid of voltage drops
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look at how powerful our trimmers are. they deal with even the thickest weeds and at the same time. practically silent, no more heavy lawn sprayers, lubricants or gasoline for refueling, only convenience and a well -kept plot, order right now, light, powerful and reliable kors creamers from only 799 uah, the offer is limited, call, see this week in the judicial program control with tatiana shustrova, candidates for the vrp according to the president's quota, who angered the ethics council? nothing to do with this post, please excuse me, but who spent millions on cars at the height of the war, i came to a car dealership and bought them. greetings, you are watching judicial control, and i am tetyana shostrova. despite the full-scale war, ukraine continues its path to the european union and does not
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stop in the implementation of reforms, in particular judicial reform. the competition for the selection of members of the supreme council of law is ongoing. judge the ethical council selects candidates according to the president's quota. we we will introduce you to the brightest candidates. but first to the news. there are 28 applicants for the single vacant position of a member of the higher qualification commission of judges. among the candidates are judges of the supreme court, the high anti-corruption court, a judge of the court of appeal, judges of local judges and retired judges. the vacant position in the supreme court of appeals appeared after a member of the supreme court of appeals of kyiv, roman ignatov, voluntarily resigned on march 27. he held the position of the chairman of the central committee of the central committee of the people's republic of china. the competition is ongoing. selection of members. vkk implements a competitive commission consisting of three ukrainian judges and three foreign experts in the field of law. foreign experts have the controlling vote during the voting procedure.
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updated in 2022 as part of the judicial reform , the supreme council of justice still does not work in full force. out of 21 members, the vrp currently has 17. it has a quorum and the selection of its members is ongoing. collegial body of state authorities and judges. governance, which is responsible for the honesty and transparency of the entire judicial body, the independence and professionalism of judges and prosecutors consist of persons, ten of whom are elected by the congress of judges of ukraine, two are appointed by the president, two are elected by the verkhovna rada, two more are elected by the congress of advocates, two are delegated by the all-ukrainian conference of prosecutors, and two more are elected by the congress of scientists and representatives of legal higher education. the chairman of the supreme court is an ex-officio member of the supreme court. currently, according to the quota of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. vrp does not have a single representative. the selection is ongoing. 18 candidates submitted documents for participation in the competition. eight of them had interviews with etychna council others either arbitrarily withdrew from
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the competition or did not pass the preliminary stage. not all candidates have a crystal reputation. today we will tell you who is trying to get to one of the most influential and key bodies of judicial power. this is olena zaichko, a judge of the kharkiv district administrative court. it's not the first time she's... tried to become a member of the supreme council of justice, among her career achievements are making questionable decisions, making decisions during training that are directly against the law, as well as opaque declaration of property. in 2020, olena zaichko decided to develop 13 hectares of forest despite the seizure of this plot, according to another court decision. construction cooperative slyz, which is part of the zone of influence of kharkiv deputy ihor arykh, received the permission to build. it is interesting that immediately after this decision. judge zaichko's children, who were minors at the time , received ownership of an apartment with an area of ​​more than 100 m2 from the kharkiv city hall. the judge also likes expensive cars. in 2021, she
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bought a lexus for almost uah 2 million. our colleagues from investigation information received the records telephone conversations, probably by judge olena zaichko. the investigative information found out and released a whole material about how she goes to the fortune-teller there, does other strange things, but the most interesting thing is what she destroyed. a disc with an audio recording of a court session in a conversation dated august 13, 2020, a woman with a voice similar to zaichko discusses with a colleague the possibility of spoiling the disc with the case materials, as well as ways to change the cherished judge's decision to the opposite: there is nothing to do with this recording, i don't know how is to comment. please excuse me, will stop. plan about zaichko obviously implemented the change of decision. in whose room she signed the decision to dismiss the lawsuit, she voiced the opposite in the courtroom. the members of the ethics council were interested in this story. everything recorded in the conversation
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matches, and the person with whom the conversation is held also matches. you sit in our room, you prepare a document, sign it and say that, and then you, when you announce it, say that the claim is unsatisfied, how these events happened. four years ago, what motivated what happened to us, well, what motivated why exactly this happened, of course, i don't remember, and that's all during the interview, olena zaichko denied that she had anything to do with the audio recording made public by journalists, assured that she did not know the people mentioned in it and did not remember any circumstances, complete amnesia, with this baggage olena zaichko is applying for the competition to the supreme council of justice for the second time , it is interesting that, at the same time, it is... a critic of the all-ukrainian association of administrative judges, which called on the president to promise a law on the reform of the administrative court, due to the fact that it allegedly threatens the sovereignty of ukraine, as it contains
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instruments of influence of foreign states. such thus, zaichko is desperately trying to become part of the reform, which he considers to be a violation of judicial independence. not very logical. last year, despite numerous facts of dishonesty, the ethical council approved olena zaichko as a candidate for the position of a member of the ukrainian people's liberation army, but she was not elected by the verkhovna rada. in march of this year, the supreme council of justice opened a disciplinary case against zaichko. in case of a positive decision on it, the judge faces dismissal. we will soon find out whether olena zaichko will finally manage to slip through and sit down in her dream chair. and this is another candidate to the supreme council of justice, lawyer vladyslav ivashchenko. he has had his own apartment for 10 years, but is registered in a dormitory. the developer, who did not register the property, is to blame for everything. yes, i lived there. since physically the apartment was ready, but legally, legally, i could not do it until october 23, because i did not have it.
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confirmation, it was not entered in the real estate register until october 23. in general, lawyer vladyslav ivashchenko believes that there is no difference where a candidate for a key judicial authority is registered. either honestly in his own large apartment, where he actually lives, or in a dormitory. declaring a place of residence in ukraine is not related to any property rights. the place of declaration will be designated. or for postal correspondence, or, for example, to exercise certain rights, in particular political ones, more declaration does not affect anything, vrp candidate vladyslav ivashchenko likes cars, he has a toyota rav4 and a land cruiser 150, he bought the first one allegedly after selling three old ones, and by purchasing literally saved the new rav-4 from the cabin in the midst of a full-scale war million deposit. i came to the car dealership and
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bought them. i had a current deposit of more than uah 4 million in my bank account, due to the fact that the bombings began in the city of kyiv, i could not withdraw this money from the bank account, and my wife and i decided to buy a car with part of this money , new, three years ago... the wife of vladyslav ivashchenko was very lucky, she managed to purchase almost 2 hectares of land near kyiv for only 3.5 thousand dollars. why does the value of a plot of land differ significantly from the market price in this area? and this is almost 10 times. since this plot of land is located outside the settlement, it is actually designated. for
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the introduction of agriculture, moreover, there were shortcomings on this plot of land, it was swampy, even for this activity, it was not quite suitable. vladyslav ivashchenko insists on his political neutrality. tell me, please, do you consider yourself a politically neutral person? absolutely, were you a co-founder of any public organizations with the people deputies? were there or weren't there? no, never. but in the end, he remembered how he was a co-founder of the institute of political crisis, a public organization, together with a former people's deputy. he doesn't think it's important at all. a former political figure approached me, he asked, let's say, for his status, i put my signature so that a person just, let's say, have some kind of public
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organization. er, without registration for a certain social status, the candidate for the vrp also forgot the instructions in his declarations of membership in the national association of advocates and the fact that he was brought to administrative responsibility for violating traffic rules, and even more believes that he should not have done this. let's see if, with such forgetfulness and lack of understanding of the rules for filling out documents, vladyslav ivashchenko will be able to sit down in the honorable chair of a member. of the supreme council of justice. today i have everything. you watched judicial control. i am tatyana shustrova. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system known to you. write to the email you see on the screen or to me on facebook. we'll meet right after week.
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greetings, chas noviny, on spresso, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. two people were injured in the kherson region, in the morning the russians shelled the village of veletenske. women aged 43 and 46 received mine-explosive injuries, shrapnel wounds to the back and legs. they will be treated at home, the regional military administration reported, at night the occupiers from the left bank attacked the central district of the city of kherson, explosions rang out, houses were destroyed, windows were broken in many houses. everything rained down, there were five explosions, very strong, it...


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