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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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if it turns out well, and everything in the parterre, well, thank god, where we have to rely on ourselves so much that, in what we can win by ourselves. well, first of all, mr. vasyl, i would say that donald trump is definitely not a fan of putin. donald trump is a fan of only one people. donald trump is a fan of only one person, and that person's name is donald trump. he is a fan of himself, and he waited for everyone else. secondly, what should ukraine do? ukraine has, needs, ukraine must have. strong bipartisan support and republicans and democrats, not to bet on any one candidate, but to have strong bipartisan support from both leading parties of the united states of america, so that, regardless of who will lead america after the elections, support for ukraine remains at a high level, for this it is necessary not only to work with teams of potential presidents, for that you need to work with both parties, then... you need
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to work on the ground, not only in washington, for that you need to work in the districts where these senators and congressmen are elected, and of course, ukrainian diplomacy cannot do it alone to solve all such huge issues, for that we need to connect all possible forces that influence the attitude of america towards ukraine, and this is parliamentary democracy, this is also church democracy, you know that the united states of america is a very religious country, and our protestants are very strong joined the negotiations, er, and changes in the american position, these are artists, these are entrepreneurs, and so on and so forth. and i want to draw attention to the situation in great britain, bipartisan support means that the conservatives have now left the uh government houses, the labor party triumphantly won the elections, but ukraine's support has definitely remained, but if we work like this with... each of
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the countries that are important to us, then obviously we will have support that will only grow, well, again, what should each of us do , to each of us, first of all, to stop swearing about the west, as is very fashionable in our country recently, that it does something badly, does not help enough, is indecisive, and so on, and so on, we have done very little in previous years to so that... he felt that ukraine is his own, that ukraine is needed protect above all else. we did not look like real europeans, like real representatives of western civilization. and this is exactly what we can do, one way or another we will have to stand up to the europeans, it is written in our constitution. we are now actually opening the implementation of speak for membership, and the implementation of the membership preparation plan. that is, we all need to become greater europeans, we all need to become a...
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greater euro-atlanticists, and here, of course, each individual person can do it, our daily life creates a large number opportunities to behave as a european, or to behave as, i'm sorry, maybe this will offend someone, as a russian, as a post-soviet person, but who we are, how we behave in our daily life, as post-soviet people or as future europeans, it depends on each person specifically. well , finally, i want to say, mr. vasyl, and dear viewers, that in a situation of maximum uncertainty, when you can, when you can of course, lose hours gathering information about what one of us will be, to sit and draw a scenario, i would prefer it left you to certain analysts, civilian and military, and each individual person should pay attention to what is around him, and not what is inside him, but pay attention to yourself, do something for yourself, do something for
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the people around you, do something for people who have it harder than you, and there are many such people, these are fighters of the armed forces of ukraine, these are internally displaced persons, these are people whose relatives have died, uh, and many, many other people who have, who have a harder time than you and i, do something for them, and when you do something for that, for another person, it becomes easier for you, it becomes easier for you, this is an old rule. uh, it's very simple and it always helps, it always helps, uh, i'd like another one, i mean, we literally have three minutes there, even a little more, i'd still like your assessment, well, in general opportunities and resources of the ukrainian economy, today we had the opportunity to communicate with a person who is a shareholder of a company that pays taxes in ukraine, and he said that there are hundreds of thousands of testimonies that it is difficult, i
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will say yes, it is difficult, somewhere there is a predetermined difficulty by someone, it's just difficult somewhere, mobilization, these are obvious things, happening, but again, well, the economy... and it's people, the economy, and it's people, first of all, who pay taxes, and it's in a difficult situation now, your assessment of what should be done really, whether in order for us to get on the rails on which we would go and reach our victory, well, absolutely, again your opinion, very briefly, but whether the change of government, which is currently being discussed, will be able to influence it in some way, improve cooperation and business climate in ukraine? shall we start from the end? er, it is not important who the government officials are, not the names of the people in the government, it is also important in which offices decisions are made, if you gather the best government officials, but do not give them the opportunity to make the necessary decisions, and make the decisions themselves somewhere else with the participation of others people, then such a government
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will not do anything good for ukraine, well, either if we leave some secondary things to the government, or for example hang some unpleasant things on the government, and take some pleasant things away from the court? that is , the question is that the government is really dependent only from the parliament that appointed him, but the question is to implement the constitution of ukraine, as it is definitely written in black. this may help. as for putting the country on a war footing, to a large extent the country is already on a war footing. if someone thinks that somehow these military rails will pass him or her... everyone will be affected in one way or another. the ukrainian military defense-industrial complex is developing quite rapidly, both its private part and its public sector, and such non-private, not the state, i would say, the volunteer sector,
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a huge number of things are done essentially by horizontal networks of ukrainian citizens who feel the call to somehow help our winners. one way or another , we live in a bad business climate, it is famous not because of war, it has developed because it has always been like that, and war is not an excuse not to make reforms, on the contrary, war requires more decisive reforms than those than peaceful ones times, and i very much hope that the coming change of government will not only be a change of surnames, no only by changing the face. and greater government responsibility for decision-making and greater government commitment to economic freedom, without economic freedom without the rapid development of the private sector of the economy, which today suffers not only from the obvious things such as war, mobilization,
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unpredictability, power cuts and so on, but and from the pressure of law enforcement officers, or people who can hardly be called law enforcement officers. because they do not protect and violate rights, and there are a lot of such examples, of course this does not help our victory, i would say that the people who today make illegal decisions regarding the pressure on business, they, well, it is customary to say that they are scratching the tree on which, from which they feed themselves, or that they are cutting the chicken that lays golden eggs, well , all these proverbs have long been tired of everyone, mr. valery, i... on the bribery of the chief tax official of kyiv, these are verbatim about certain cases, well, let's see how the target develops, we are very often detained, then released higher anti-corruption court, ok, but thank you very much and our viewers, thank you very much for your answers and
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thank you for inviting you to the conversation, it was important, valeriy pekar, a teacher at the mogilian business school, was in touch with us, and now we will talk about e. for ukraine, of course, we will summarize the results of the nato summit in washington, because actually most of the countries that are part of nato are, after all , european countries, ivana klympushtensadze, chairman of the committee on ukraine's integration into the eu, verkhovna rada of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine, mrs. ivanno , i congratulate you, good evening, i would still like you, you know where to start, not even with the nato summit and not with and not with the help of very important statements. other european partners in helping ukraine to take such decisive steps, petro poroshenko called, well, it was just after the russian attack on okhmadit, for the world to recognize putin as a criminal, that is a very strong phrase in fact, but i would like you as
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a politician, as a a deputy, and to a certain extent a diplomat as well, of course, to be asked to kill, but how should it be, it would be up to the world to recognize putin as a criminal, it is up to the un admit it, or? yes, and in general, how realistic is it, because in fact it is, well, it sounds right and it sounds very strong and important at this time, but actually it seems to me that putin has already been recognized as a criminal by a... court in the hague, yes, and i think , that this is far from the first sentence for putin, including by this court, another option is still that special tribunal and the creation of that special tribunal that could consider the crime of aggression, and which within the framework of this tribunal could consider precisely the highest leadership of the russian federation and recognize them as criminals. but besides that there are other tools, and this is the work, well, on
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which we are trying to continue to work, so that the same united states recognizes the russian federation as a country, and a terrorist, the one that supports terrorism, that sponsors terrorism, and that accordingly, it means that the head of this country is also a terrorist, and therefore... it can be from the beginning of such a political framework, conditionally, even a statement and resolution of the european parliament to specific actions that can be implemented by both countries individually, and such together, such a joint action regarding the creation of court grounds in order to recognize him as a criminal. if we talk about the nato summit, you know, you are watching it now. is being discussed, i just updated the tape in the evening, i think it’s interesting what they are writing, discussing, who, as biden named,
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and who can now claim the position of presidential candidate, because he often gets something confused, reuters evaluates how zelensky has changed, how he's paranoid about possible assassination attempts on him, well, things like that are discussed, you know, as they say, aftertaste or something behind-the-scenes discussions, but we are interested in all such practical and factual things that ukraine has received. in hand, as they say, after this summit, and most importantly, what homework has she received before the next summit, maybe, or maybe by some time, well, i understand that the main time, by which we definitely have some certainty now, if talk about partnership with the usa, then we will talk about the european union, and this is the us presidential election, it is clear that by this time we have a certain certainty, that's what what should ukraine do during this time, and what tools has it actually received, or will receive in the near future. to do it? well, of course we consider the nato summit with you exclusively through
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the prism of ukraine and through our interests, but we must not forget that at the same time during this meeting, this meeting, the alliance tried to solve a large number of tasks for itself, which arise in fact, from the war that ukraine is forced to wage today against the aggressor russia. but it is this war, it has a direct impact on the way nato is today relates to the need to increase its defense capability, increase interoperability, develop additional standards for one or another type of weapon, which today various countries provide us in ukraine, and we saw that in fact on the battlefield, these are far from always compatible weapons, the same shells 150... of the fifth caliber, they supposedly meet the same standard, but at the same time they cannot always
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be used effectively for different installations for use by different installations, so many things for themselves the alliance has defined as internal tasks, and these tasks are also important for us, because it is important for us that the alliance continues to strengthen and really be a capable military-political organization, and as for ukraine, we really received assurances that for the next year there is a basis, there is an obligation to provide ukraine is basic, financing its military needs in the amount of 40 billion euros, which is important, but unfortunately, we also have to admit that this is not the same ambition that the same nato secretary general, mr. stoltenburg, who counted on that he will be able to negotiate between the countries for a hundred billion
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financing every year and not only for one year 2025, but also for future years. and at the same time, we heard the commitments of individual countries to provide us with additional air defense systems, which are also critically important for us, separate statements regarding the provision of additional new packages of military assistance. all this within the framework of the alliance, well, it should have been such a big summary of this summit, but at the same time , we really received a, well... a new wording, which, in my opinion, still raises us to another level, regarding our rapprochement with the north atlantic alliance, when it comes to the fact that they will support us on the irreversible path to our membership in the alliance, it is good that another additional such
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convincing formula has been found, i really hope that this irreversibility, it will also sit in putin's head and... he will take it as irreversibility, and not as an invitation to continue driving wedges into such different opinions of different member countries of the alliance regarding our future membership, and then we have a decision about what was the invitation? of ukraine will take place exactly when all countries reach a consensus and will be implemented. the relevant conditions, and this is about the conditions you are asking about, in fact, i would like more clarity, more, well , formulation of these conditions, but we can understand that this refers to the same adapted annual national program that ukraine has to implement , and this does not only concern the security and defense sector, but it concerns a much
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broader reform program that intersects with the tasks of the same... political cluster, yes, the basis that concerns our membership in the european union, it concerns the same, in fact, political conditions, the copenhagen criteria, which we all know about, it is also about the rule of law, it is also about the balance of powers, it is about democracy, it is about freedom, it is about basic things that should be characteristic of any country that claims membership in the alliance for not only military security. interoperability, but also political interoperability with those who today make up this club of the civilized world, you know, europe is also like a cauldron right now, well, it’s impossible not to boil there, but it’s bubbling over there, the story that continues in france since the election of the coalition, which
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, well, actually, in principle, i like what i read, i’m not a deep specialist in this, but i understand that there is still more... positive, i expected that it could be worse, but in the coming days the prime minister of estonia kai kalas may resign, and that estonia, well, one of the key partners of ukraine, is actually very important help, it provides, especially this country is very powerful in iit sphere, we understand it perfectly, and the very cool statement of mata frederiksen, the prime minister of the kingdom of denmark, who said that we are giving all air defense to ukraine, they definitely know better what to do with it, just like before they gave all the artillery. a possible attempt, which was, which was prevented, a possible attempt on the head of ryne metal by russia, well, that is, the fact that europe has taken the right position with regard to ukraine, it is clear, and russia is trying not to get involved, at least somehow somewhere make this crack, this crack, on yours opinion, and again from your understanding of this
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situation, how should ukraine act now in europe in order to promote its european integration processes, which is very important. in fact, because it is both a financial and a military component, and we must get maximum support now, no matter who forms a coalition, no matter what happens there, so that we understand that europe is our partner, how should we act now in ukraine, who are here we now have chances and threats, because without threats the same thing does not happen, we have people who like to shake hands with putin europe, well, you know, it seems to me that in order to... in order to increase this aid from europe, because it is really the sobering up of europe and the awareness of the threats and risks that the russian federation, its aggression against ukraine, poses for europe itself, it is but it is fundamental for us to preserve europe's trust not only in ukrainian society, but in the ukrainian
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state, the ukrainian government, and here is this trust, it is actually formed through... not only slogans and demands, but is formed due to how ukraine behaves internally , and to what extent it can be counted on and trusted, from the point of view of transparency, from the point of view of democracy, from the point of view of all those slogans that the ukrainian leadership is talking about today, but which are actively destroying the country, this does not go unnoticed among our partners. and it is obvious that more and more additional requirements and conditions will be imposed on us, which will be related to european financial assistance. and that of the same united states, for example, or canada, if it is not about military aid, but about financial aid, which
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is also critically important for us, and i would also like to see a certain sobering up in the heads of the ukrainian authorities, an awareness of responsibility, that there is no continuation and increase of this military financial assistance. help is impossible if there is no trust, and it will also be difficult, if not impossible, for us to talk with our partners about real investments in recovery if we do not maintain this trust, and trust is maintained precisely at the expense of honesty, both in the dialogue within ukraine and with our partners, you know, the situation is really difficult, we will not talk about the economy now, although it is very... important, well, you can reflect again, as our guest, you have an absolute right, i will just voice such headlines, we
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already talked about it today, by the way, it is not news that the official exchange rate of the dollar exceeded 41 hryvnias for the first time in history, especially since now the issue of restructuring ukraine's debt must be resolved by the end of august, ukrainian debt can already reach equal annual gdp, we were in third place there. among the debtors of the imf, now we have already taken an honorable second place among the debtors, i am not being ironic here, i understand that the country is at war, on the other hand, i clearly understand that in this country certain people have some fortunes that they cannot explain , i also understand everything, it ’s just the way it is, here, as they say, you can’t influence something very quickly, and there’s no point in just getting on your nerves and getting angry on the air, and here too the political component is important, as politicians for... now that you in the verkhovna rada of ukraine have, well, in the future, you may have the opportunity to influence the formation of the government, i am very interested to understand whether there are currently conversations in the deputies' corps, in particular in your
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faction, perhaps with colleagues from other factions, about what is expected changes to the outlook for the fall, perhaps, because these threatening moments in the economy are understandable, mobilization, war, a drop in production, something else, something else, something else, electricity is more expensive, all this is understandable, regarding the change of government and perhaps... the activation of those people in the government who well, they will know what to do and they will do it clearly, often and very importantly, without looking back at the advisers from other streets in the government quarter. mr. vasyl, i would like the ukrainian parliament to really have this subjective conversation between different political forces about how best to ensure the effectiveness of the ukrainian. government, if we are talking about its possible change, or the possible change of individual ministers, but we do not see any
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subjectivity at all of the faction of the so-called monomajority, so-called, due to the fact that this the faction already, well, during probably the last 2.5 years, never once gave 226 votes for any decision, which means that the faction, well, which is called a monomajority. is not like that, and secondly, this faction is not ready to discuss at all, well, some other approaches and the involvement of professional knowledge, professionalism, approaches, analysis of other political forces that are present in the parliament today, and possibly extra-parliamentary political forces. unfortunately, this is not the case, and here is the realization that it must be a joint action in order for us everyone succeeded. it also does not exist, therefore there is no question of a government of national unity, and if you are not consulted about who to appoint, who to elect, who to propose,
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what policies should be in this or that ministry, well, what are there for us today critical, starting from the infrastructure mine, i hope that it will finally be divided again and we will allocate, the ministry will be allocated. of regional policy, which will finally deal with both decentralization and regions, as it was before, as it was right, but it was all destroyed, or if we are going to talk about the selection of some other ministers, who are exactly the same, well , first of all, there are a lot of additional vacancies in the cabinet, the same minister of information policy and culture, and others, but... at the moment of this dialogue there is not, and therefore we cannot count on the fact that they will simply ask us to press some
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buttons there, we are not green buttons or. whether they are yellow or red buttons, we always make any decision in the political power faction through a big serious discussion, we are ready for it with others as well factions, but there is no readiness of the bank, and the political force, which today is a monomajority, or calls itself a monomajority, it obeys the bank and is not a subject, this is, unfortunately, an unfortunate, painful story. in the war, which should, on the contrary, attract its best forces there to lead the country today in order to be capable both in terms of defense capability, and in the economy, and in energy, and in regional politics, reconstruction, and so on, well, this readiness for today there is no such thing as a bank, servants cannot acquire subjectivity in any way, here indeed, people should understand that in critical
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moments it is very time very... it is important to attract people who know and know what to do, because experience, skills, education, contacts, and this is something that money cannot buy, it is either , or there is none, and in such key moments that ukraine is currently in, economically, politically, well, it is very important to involve these people, of course, we have literally a few minutes there, but i will definitely have time to ask two questions, one, i would like your opinion to be heard, because it was ramped up during the week and at the summit in washington, that... that corruption is not the reason that ukraine is not invited to nato, and the fact that there are countries that do not want to see ukraine in nato now, these are the usa and germany, and so many people began to say that they do not want that, we are in in principle, everyone is ready, everything is fine, but explain why? well , it is very convenient, first of all, to blame two, well, these are some of the most powerful, strongest countries for their
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unpreparedness, and behind... these, behind these doubts, there are also a huge number of other countries, members of the alliance, who are definitely not burning with the desire to see ukraine in nato, well, starting with hungary, where frankly speaking about it now to its prime minister, or even slovakia, which prime minister, which, which also spoke quite clearly about this at the moment, and we remember that any decision in the alliance is precisely a consensus decision, and as for... and, and, if it is about obtaining this consensus, and we would like either germany or the united states to take it upon themselves leadership and began to gather this consensus, well, unfortunately, they did not do this, but for sure there will be many objective reasons, and our flaws, which skeptics will present as
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the only reason. in order or as an excuse for ukraine not to be invited, ukraine should simply take and do its homework, and not just knock on the door and insist, this systematic work to ensure that we are, well, better prepared and more similar to finland and sweden, which were easily politically invited, and then sweden had enough problems anyway. with the ratification of this decision from hungary and with turkey, but in order to get this political solution, we have to be like those countries that had this invitation, and we are far from doing our homework in order to count on it, that is also true . i thank you very much, mrs. ivano, for joining us this evening and summing up such diplomatic, political and even economic
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results of this week. thank you ivan. people's deputy of ukraine, head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union. there was one more question, but just me i didn't start voicing it so as not to interrupt half-sentences, dear ms. ivana, i don't like to interrupt guests at all, but, well, that's not even a question, this week i began to fulfill my duties, plenipotentiary, ambassador, extremely plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in the kingdom of great britain in the united kingdom. valery zaluzhnyi, we wish him success, by the way, the iron general, a book about him was published there, by the way, the iron general, it will be very interesting to read, the iron general appeared at the ceremony in civilian clothes suits, although he probably would have had every right to wear a knee-length t-shirt, pants, shorts and something else, but...


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