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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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this evening and summed up such diplomatic-political and even economic results of this week. thank you. ivana klym is a people's deputy of ukraine, head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union. there was one more question, but i simply didn't start voicing it so as not to interrupt in mid-sentence, dear ms. ivana, i don't like to kill guests at all. so, but, well, that's not even a question. this week , the plenipotentiary began to fulfill his duties. ambassador, extraordinary ambassador of ukraine in the kingdom, great britain, in the united to the kingdom, valery zaluzhnyi, we wish him success, by the way, the iron general, a book about him was published there, by the way, the iron general, it will be very interesting to read, the iron general appeared at the ceremony in a civilian suit, although he probably had every right to wear a t-shirt, pants, colors and something else, but... he represented the state
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as an ambassador, this is me saying that, of course, it is important to represent the state, and not to create any messages, it is better to act, messages with clothes, with a look, in other words, it is very important, in the real world, actions are much more important than any appearance, we understand this very well, we wish success to the head of state, government, above all , we support the ukrainian army, i do not say goodbye, we will meet with you now about what will the weather be like in ukraine, natalka didenko, weather forecaster, will tell us tomorrow, hello to all, our dear viewers, well, given the extraordinary weather conditions, such a special weather situation, we will be in the near future, of course, we are talking about risks and
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the danger that such anomalous, extreme heat can create, and today we will talk about swimming, which to many of course seems lifesaving, well, it often is, cooling off in the water is the most pleasant thing, but now we will talk about the danger of swimming in closed reservoirs when such a difficult synoptic situation, so why is it not recommended to swim in stagnant water in extreme heat? well, a lot of bacteria, it’s clear that you can get infected with fungus and lichen, also if, well, with bare feet, it’s clear that people enter the water with bare feet feet, although now there are all kinds of shoes in which you can swim specially, so i would still recommend that if you can't hold back at all, you can't play in the sand, especially watch out for children, because at a depth of 5-6 cm it just creates a lot of excitement. a breeding ground for various infections,
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escherichia coli and other similar infections also feel great in the water, don’t swallow water, don’t dive, eat on the beach, well, it’s generally, it’s simply not possible, it’s one of the most difficult and dangerous diseases that you can catch , this leptospirosis, and you can meet it in water, this infection is not transmitted from person to person, but from rodents, it is also very... it is recommended to bathe immediately after rain, after a downpour, because when dirt and pesticides flow well into water bodies, well this does not threaten us yet, unfortunately or fortunately, well , i don’t even know how to say it better, and it is very important to enter the water in an unfamiliar place carefully, because where there are many otters or mud like this, you can get lost, and under a layer of silt can even be dangerous for injuries objects, but of course the main thing is stagnant water, where is it? just advise various
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infections, be very careful and attentive. we move on to our next sub-topic, this is the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, will there be magnetic storms? yes, tomorrow will be observed, not superpowerful, but nevertheless, an exacerbation of the fluctuations of the earth's magnetic field is expected. geomagnetic activity will be increased. well, let's move on to the weather forecast for the upcoming weekend on july 13. 14. i want to say right away that everywhere strong extreme heat is expected in ukraine, but of course the details are different , so now we will go through all regions of ukraine together, so the western part of ukraine tomorrow without precipitation, sunny, dry, high fire danger, 32-38°. in the north of ukraine, extreme heat 32-38. in the east
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it will be dry and sunny weather, the air temperature will be 32-36°, but tomorrow, as it is not surprising, in kharkiv region and luhansk region, the air temperature will even be slightly lower than in other regions. regions of ukraine, but not for long, in the center strong heat, 34-39° in places up to +40. in the southern part of ukraine, 35-42° above zero, dry, sunny, high fire danger. well , it will also be very hot in kyiv tomorrow. the maximum air temperature will rise to +37° in the capital. in the future, the heat will continue, and the ambassador will feel it first. heat, but only in the west, north and vinnytsia is expected on july 19-20, south, south, east, many central regions will be in the midst of extreme heat for quite a long time, this is the closest synoptic perspective, but of course, keep an eye out for our updated
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weather forecasts on the espresso channel. i will say goodbye to you briefly for two. don't miss the two episodes of the film combat families about the soldiers of the air force, part one, the defenders of the sky , about our pilots, and the second , the air defense forces are quietly working, about the soldiers of the anti-aircraft missile forces and radio engineering forces, at 21:15 , don't miss the film combat families on the espresso tv channel. well, let's just watch bbc news together and take care. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, west studio program. we will name the most important events of this week, in particular, we will analyze high-level
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international politics, separately we will analyze the putin-medvyedov ultimatums, our guests today are roman bezsmertny and mark fegin. our first guest, an icon. ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertnyi. glory to ukraine, mr. roman, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, mr. antin. well, a lot of events actually fit into a certain pattern. i would call it a triangle now. that is, one of the points of this triangle is orbán's visit to several capitals, his, so to speak, shuttle diplomacy, and the blunders that orbán made on a public and non-public level. the second point is putin's ultimatum, de facto sent. or orbana, putin seemed to indicate his readiness to talk about something, but he himself cut off the path to retreat, because he voiced his cannibalistic plans in a geographical and not only a geographical aspect. and the third point is the kremlin's strike on okhmadite, dozens of dead civilians of our
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citizens, that is, as far as we understand, there will be bloody rate hike. the most important thing here is the word exile, orvan, or... it contains the answer to the question of who prime minister viktor orban is, and everything from here on is very easy to decipher. it is true that orban did not appear in kyiv on his own initiative, he was sent from moscow. the answer to what orban said and putin's hopes was formed in the resolution documents of the summit. nato, this is sending additional anti-aircraft and anti-missile support systems to ukraine, five that will arrive in the next few days and nine that will arrive over time, plus everything that will be released now by the united states of america by order of the pentagon, it will be
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sent in this part immediately to ukraine, but here it must be understood that in terms of responsibility it is necessary to strengthen with... the defensive capabilities of ukraine and the need for pressure, including on iran and china . well, it's good that everyone has already understood that iran and china are at the start of this hatred of ukraine, because they actually provide russia with the necessary, absolutely necessary components, microcircuits, electronics and so on, and in this regard, ukraine will not be able to do it on its own, it requires cooperation and... states, with european states, work is going on today, and as for cruelty, well, i don't know how those who are watching now, i remember this cruelty not only because of the actions
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of the soviet union, i know it well from history, it has never disappeared, this hatred for people in principle, most of all for ukrainians, it is true, it is something that... 300 years of mutual relations between moscow and kyiv, she has not gone anywhere and will not go anywhere, as long as moscow and russia as a... state will exist, this is an eternal confrontation, and in this confrontation we are doomed to victory. i understand the whole tragedy of the current situation, by the way, it is very well understood, including you who were going to the nato summit, and here it is necessary to think about how to put a shield against this, but so far i do not see any real steps on the part of our allies and partners that it foresees. gave a real defeat to russia in this war, because without such a defeat the level of cruelty will float on
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the thermometer, the way moscow wants it fuhrer putin's plan, which medvedev conjured up, he revealed what putin is not talking about on his own behalf, in particular, that in their scenarios it is to provoke an internal-ukrainian reaction, yes, to russian atrocities, but which would be directed to... our internal ukrainian political, economic, and so on, establishment, in order to provoke this reaction, they will beat, and then, regardless of who comes to power, they are going to crush ukrainian sovereignty in subsequent cycles. i don't know which one medvedev's goal and to whom he voiced this case, but the scenario is quite clear. mr. antin, who is this news for? for you and me, this is a read book. the fact is that at the moment, this fact, which is now announced, which is periodically fired by this
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moscow butt, they play an exclusively informational role, because i answered you with a quote from the inaugural speech of president biden at the opening of the nato summit, which said that make no mistake, putin has set himself the task of destroying the ukrainian state, destroying the ukrainian people, destroying ukrainian culture, to destroy ukrainian history, but then he says: he will not stop there, he will go further, hence what the moscow snitch utters, we understand, those in the world understand, at this stage it is just another psychological attack. in order to prevent this, it is necessary to have... a strong alliance among our partners, for this we need to have common weapons, for
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this we need to have common troops and a common system of managing this process, but as we see, and we are going to this, well not so, not even like a turtle, from my point of view it is much slower, in this situation it remains only to defend oneself, secondly, to implement a certain policy that would allow, say, on the one hand to gain time, on the other hand to protect people as much as possible, to protect one's forces as much as possible, for that all these processes, which are currently ongoing in nato, in ramstein, among our allies, mature to the adoption of the necessary decision, which encourages me in this regard, only this discussion, i cannot call it a discussion, because it is a quarrel, which occurred on meetings of the nato council, where... our closest partners talked about the fact that while washington and brussels are thinking about how to do all this, and
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ukrainians are dying on the front and in the rear, which means that the vast majority of those in nato they understand the situation, its complexity, and at least they will do everything so that those on whom the decision depends, they make a decision on maximum aid to ukraine, i am not talking about standing by. with ukraine for the protection of civilization and freedom, an extremely important one was signed the agreement, without exaggeration, between poland and ukraine, it is about the sphere of security, we went to this for a very long time, maybe too long, but i think it was due to the fact that it was written out as best as possible, i say without irony, this is probably one of the most important in the given time frame of the security documents, so it is with an extremely large perspective... when we talk about the next steps in the preparation of what is called
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the central european defense line of nato. yes, i think all these things will continue in parallel. if we talk about importance security cooperation with poland, in your opinion, what we will be able to achieve, and in your opinion, if we are talking about a certain delay, there was a certain cooling of communication between warsaw and kyiv in the near future. first, this is a very important step, but from my point of view, it, like all other steps in this plan, requires the ukrainian and polish sides to... documents that are signed as interdepartmental documents, you understand very well, they depend on the political conjuncture, here and the laws and their implementation depends exactly like that, but not in such a way measures, such as interdepartmental documents, and this worries me the most, if it is clear that both sides are striving for cooperation, they understand the extreme necessity of the need for such
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cooperation, but formalize it not with an intergovernmental agreement, but with a document that does not require ratification, one must understand the price, the value of this document and its, shall we say, legal value, and its impact on the situation in one and the other country, that is, in fact, from the point of view of inheritance by the political regimes that will be in one and the other country, it is quite labile, it is the first, second that it is important that the fact that the thesis, which, by the way, you and i have been constantly developing. for i don't know how many years, the bilateral relations of nato member countries are one thing, and the relations between ukraine and nato are a completely different matter, and one does not interfere with the other, and those 18 treaties and agreements that have been concluded are redundant proof of this, and this direction can develop to infinity,
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relatively speaking, petliura helped pilsudski free to defend. to warsaw in 1921, and now poland can help ukraine, ah, resist russian aggression, that is, in this relations, let's put it this way, i gave this example only as a certain historical parallel, which, by the way , happened more than once, although the opposite happened more than once, but history should be looked at only with the benefit that it brings us today. this second and third is very important, it is very important that in the central european region, if you take the baltic states, poland and, say, romania, a certain group of states is being created here, which are not only lobbyists for ukraine, which are firmly aware that they
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need nato just as much , as much as ukraine, because on today, forgive me, but these states. the aggressor is closed by ukraine, and if you look at the commitments that the united states and nato had to strengthen the eastern axis, they are fulfilled, well, i won't underestimate it, as much as possible, somewhere around half and in terms of personnel stationed in these countries, and in terms of weapons, and armored vehicles, and so on, that is, the complex is very slow. tion of these forces, well, one must understand that if we talk about the 30,000 that nato plans to place on territories of these countries, well, for comparison , please look at what forces are used and operating on the russian-ukrainian front today, and what is 30,000 and how long it can be, so it is necessary for these countries, i emphasize this,
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thank god , that they understand it in warsaw, they understand it in vilnius. they understand it in riga, they understand it in tallinn, well, somehow , in bucharest, in budapest , sofia plays her song there, you don't know what to think about, what to grasp, then the president says one thing, then another, so it's obvious that being on on the front line with the russian military, these countries understand very well that they need to interact with ukraine, because it is the only one... today on planet earth, there is a state, it has an army, which is capable of resisting the russian aggressor. this word, this last sentence, would be enough to answer all the maneuvers taking place in central europe. it is no coincidence that these countries are the key lobbyists for ukraine's accession to nato, because they
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understand very well that if we take the european continent, then sweden, finland, ukraine, here. those powers that they can count on today, the rest are either in a state of formation, or beginning to be established, or something else. roman petrovich, i would like to ask you, and for what purpose putin announced his ultimatum, when in particular it is about the seizure of those territories that they retrospectively included in their russian constitution, we understand that this is a certain demonstration, it is a certain knowledge. of his readiness to go to further war, but on the other hand he could not do it, that is , orban was exiled, orban also flew around beijing, and did not only beijing, i don’t even... i don’t know which offices he visited in addition, what information he passed on to whom, but putin immediately went ahead and, in parallel with his emissary, rolled out this unprecedented
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ultimatum, so in relation to at least four of our regions , he did not even mention crimea. mr. antin, he cuts off the possibility of retreat, and it is understandable, and why, because this is the concept of a clique. putin is a leader, there is a clique near him, he may or may not be, he cuts off the paths for that this clique could retreat. from his point of view, appropriate legal steps are being taken there, but these steps are worthless from the point of view of the norms of international law, and it’s the same as taking paint and smearing fences is dirty, that’s what with... these decisions start, they have absolutely no legal force, neither internal nor external, moreover, it is necessary to understand that simultaneously making such
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decisions and chairing the un security council means, well, putting yourself under the guillotine, and it will be so, because this is a deliberate violation of the norms international law, hence it is obvious that he... he does everything so that neither he nor those around him can afford to step back, even half a step. here's what's happening. so this is further proof that i am moving forward. and here it should be read not as being afraid and hiding from it, it should be perceived as an argument that the aggressor is moving forward and... the position that some territories should be given away, they should disappear from the agenda altogether, because with that , who takes such steps, can only go to one a way to fight, to fight with force and to punish for
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crimes, other options of this, which were voiced these days, because that's it, you understand, it's like a joint score, on the one hand , actions-decisions are taken alone, shots are fired at the ahmadis, it is told about that... our territories are there up to lviv and so on, and on the other side , on behalf of all the unclean, talk about negotiations, about the fact that there is another way to help ukraine, besides ukraine joining nato. when i read these sentences, the more i see who signed there, well, let's say yes, i understand very well what talents the human world is filled with. well, but putin at the same time, well, this is some kind of delirious consciousness, you understand, belogaryachkova, that is, on the one hand , he is talking about some istanbul agreements, it is not known about what, which were not
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just ratified, as far as i understand, they were not even signed, and there was no mention of the capture of additional territories, in his last ultimatum he very clearly listed the areas that he wants to occupy, that is, how he is going to carry out this or that. i do not know, negotiating position with beijing itself, even within its allies, how is he going to reduce it all to some common denominator. tehran, beijing and moscow are sick of such a concept as the integrity of global security, its indivisibility. this is a thesis that was, if you remember, this is nonsense, and a thesis that was born already in soviet times, relatively speaking, from la manch to vladivostok, so... the big reign, and they divide, and the small eyes such as ukraine, poland, there, they are not busy here, but we will want, where are we, where, where we are, and we will be there, in the eyes of moscow,
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so it was supposed to be berlin and moscow at one time, everything else, they should run around on a chain, on a dart, on a short one and that's it, that's such a right, by the way, this right is also recognized by beijing, i think you have heard this bilibard. the indivisibility of global security, and it is very often proclaimed by zijinping, there are all sorts of ayatollahs and the führer of moscow says it. here in this situation, what should be done? in this situation, it is necessary to explain that ukraine adheres to the un charter, norms of international law, traditions that have developed in the international are right, because when they say that the world order is based on rules, then these smart people say: that our ancestors lived by such rules, some of them were written out, and some were not written out, what they say, well, it's like football, hit on the leg, then idiot,
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stop, because to a person... where are you going , that is, there are unwritten rules in international law, so if you put these two systems next to each other like that, on the left are the fuhrer's idiotic phrases and the world order, which is based on rules, what does this world order say, there would be problems, sit down at the table and you are doomed to find a solution, you are doomed, the use of force is unacceptable, that's what it says... order is based on rules, and this, fuhrer, this plushie, together with the chinese dictator, it decided that we are big, so we can, what we want, we want to the dnipro, we want, to the western border and so on, that is, this is what imperialism professes, the imperial philosophy, which invents all kinds of nonsense that ran sideways somewhere
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... the un charter or some international legal acts, this firstly, secondly, it must be borne in mind, i tell you, as a person who with they sat at the negotiating table dozens, maybe even hundreds of times, and they interpret the norms of international law, everything that is necessary, starting with electoral legislation, ending with treaties on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, as they consider necessary, and not , as it is written there, that's why they will... look for it, just as this nebinzya told a meeting of the security council that it was the ukrainians who bombed ahmadite, well , imagine, here you go out and talk, people are sitting, respected, there are regulars the members the un security council, the international representation, and this stuffed animal comes out and tells that it is the ukrainians, which means that they bombed themselves, that they
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shot themselves in the head. and so on, that's your philosophy, that's why i, in general, when i take on such things, it seems to me that in this regard it is better to say what we should do than to explain, and what it does, this vile, wild creature, you understand , mr. antin, rabid dogs are shot, there is no other recipe and there cannot be, therefore... the agnosis is clear, the recipe is also the elimination of this the disease is understandable. why is there no action? well, because there are those who write these open letters, which are printed in the guardian and so on, that it is necessary to negotiate, with whom to negotiate. how many times have i explained to the americans, do not sit down with them at the table in principle, because everything you sign is an obligation for you and means absolutely nothing to them. this is the situation, therefore... mr.
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antin, i did not intend, it is not intended, führer, to comply with the norms of international law, this is firstly, and secondly, i want us all to remember, everything that he makes all the decisions accepted by that fool or whatever they call it there, it has absolutely no legal force, and everyone in the world understands this, this is what we need to rely on, what we need to be guided by, and we need to strive for the fastest possible unification of forces and... and implementation the recipe is to cure the disease of this ethnic group, this state and this führer. thank you very much, mr. roman, for this extremely important, essential conversation on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that roman the immortal, iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat. when you sleep
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