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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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semitones regarding him, regarding his actions, further, and in the european union itself, it is possible to adjust a little, so it is all good that someone is trying to achieve peace, meanwhile, the most important thing is, on what terms, and this is what we talk about all the time, the main thing , so that these conditions coincide with the norms and principles of international law on... norms and principles speak of state sovereignty, territorial integrity, if they coincide, then such initiatives should only be supported, if they do not, then these initiatives carry a certain suspicious character and that, after all, who wants to violate the norms and principles of international law, with the idea of ​​ending the war in ukraine. studio. mr. oleksandr, thank you.
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oleksandr levchenko, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine, was with us, we talked a little about international politics, dear friends, we have less than 8 thousand, less than 800 left, so that we have 300,000 . let's show our viewers the props once again, for which can be given to all our viewers who are currently suffering from the heat, let's say, whoever loves the heat, the who doesn't... like the heat, he will also complain, in any case, we should all love our army and support it, because it makes it so that there are fewer russians on our land, now you see on your screens, right monobank, private bank on the left, if you are facing the screen, well, in the middle is the actual photo of what we are collecting for, this is what maviks look like, if you don’t know yet, we are collecting for 13 such pieces and for components for them, art intelligence of the hundredth brigades of the armed
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forces of ukraine needs these gadgets, in fact, to identify russian positions, so let 's join in, we need to collect a total of 2.5 million, for this day you and i have already collected 31 00 and less than 8000, we have and will have a total of 300 00 hryvnias for this week, dear friends, don't let us down, hope that in these seven... minutes that you and i are still on the air, you will catch up and donate 100 hryvnias every minute, in the meantime, i want to add to our conversation, if there is already one, because they say that it has disappeared she has a light and they are trying, what am i going to do now, i will go out of the frame if i just take it the phone to also be paid at the last moment, yes, that's it, and the phone is on the charger, so another 100 uah was added.
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dear friends, well, i say, seven, 7 minutes left, 7 minutes to less than, the host, look, in a pink cap, he turns out to be in shorts, well, it’s terribly hot, friends, well, we don’t turn on the air conditioner, so that the legal tv presenters, really , i am already all powdered so that it is not visible that it is hot here, but today we have 36 times, well, for that, by the way, i appeal to everyone, if, if you can, do not turn on the air conditioners, if you can, because i don't respect you , the audience, i would be happy to sit in a jacket right now and maybe even by the bedside, well, but it's difficult, it's simple, but there are conditions in which we work, and i hope that people understand, but not this it is important, and what is important, what is important is that we will now transfer everything together so that those 800 are already closed and be calm, wait, but if we close now.
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everything will not end, but we will get closer, i will tell you now, i have my own logic, i have my own logic, yes, first of all, i love, you know, yes round numbers, round numbers, let's get to 300, you know which one, lesyatko, receives, receives, for example, a salary, yes, they gave her, for example, 9.999 uah, for such, yes, yes, 999 uah is immediately thrown away somewhere, why where is the number, on donate, dear friends, so we are on the air. natalka didenko appears and we weather forecasters will talk about the weather, how long can we endure the heat, natalka, we are glad to hear from you, we know that you do not have electricity, that is why we put you on our air by phone, but this will not prevent us from talking, so how much more will such a temperature hell be in ukraine? greetings to olesya, greetings to our dear viewers, and...
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rather listeners, probably, well, at least i, well, you know, the heat has come, the heat continues and, unfortunately, the heat will continue, if two days ago i wrote - that well, be careful, i even wrote: easing of the heat, lowering of the air temperature, albeit a little, after the 20th, now the situation has clarified, changed, and i see that, for example, from the 18th to the 20th of july, indeed, in the western in the regions of ukraine, in the northern regions and in vinnytsia region, the air temperature will be lower, than, for example, today, but after july 22, again such a tongue breaks out from the bottom, again another wave like this south, east and most of the central regions there, well , unfortunately there will be practically no break at all in such merciless heat, well, already progradus, i repeat it every day , we know it all ourselves, + 35 + 39
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in places up to 40 and even higher, and again and again, please, i urge everyone not to tell that we have +60°, to write. in telegram channels, such nonsense, because there is an air temperature that should professionally measure everything outside your window, how the glass on your thermometer heats up, whether it is from such a metal window sill or something else, something else, in a word, 35-40 and a few degrees higher in places, in the rain with such spices it is said, the only thing i would note is to be very careful, vigilant. especially in the field, on the road, with such a synaptic situation , the probability of small-scale tornadoes increases, and they have already been observed, i posted yesterday who may have seen on social networks in poltava oblast , so eh, small-scale, it can even be dangerous, so
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this is the situation for now, well, what is the average air temperature was exceeded, that is, it was the highest in the entire history of observations, well , it is already clear... that we have june and this july, well there are no questions and no words, as they say, but the heat is like this and it will be, and it will continue, and therefore i strongly urge everyone to take it seriously, not to abuse being in the sun, in general, even outside, unless there is something going on there or some kind of pond, of course does anyone have the opportunity, and such simple , simple rules, they actually help to keep in the bag all the time, still in the pocket... wet a large handkerchief or napkin, put it on the back of the head, or the work is a little easier, the fan is elementary, the same most ordinary pitchfork or it's just a piece of paper to wave in front of you and wave at your neighbor, in short, that's it, you have to save yourself, because the heat will continue
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for a long time. natalka didenko, forecaster with the forecast as it is, let's face it, there will still be heat, dear friends, so be careful. thank you for donating we haven't over donated 500 to go before we have 300,000 this week i hope you do yes well tomorrow i'm all day for it i 've donated , i did a good deed today, be it like host andriy, i did a good deed for at least a couple of hryvnias. dear friends, thank you for being with us, le vakluk, andriy saichuk worked in this studio for you, see you tomorrow at 8:10, stay with espresso, the ether continues and it will be interesting. when you sleep on uneven ground surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with
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3:41 pm
evrofast softcaps - first aid against the main field, begins to act in 15 minutes. there are discounts representing the only discounts on normuven. 10% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. i'm coming to ukraine with three children, i don't have a job, i need to find one, i don't have a home, i need to find one. and i'm still sick. what should be done state so that people like me come back? the stories of the displaced people that we tell in the film are more eloquent than optimistic official reports and spectacular presentations from government agencies, real life destroys myths. there is no money, wait, but we will not wait. return or stay? where to return? what will happen to work, loans, children's education, where and at what cost to be treated? nothing is being done to bring people back abroad, absolutely nothing. internal. more and more often they either go to the west or return to occupation if the government does not stand up and
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act, we will lose the war for the future, even if we defeat the enemy. how the state should act, i will tell in the film. the center of freedom and democracy will be. to act in ukraine, the memorandum on the creation of such was signed in lviv, the idea was born in gdańsk in the european solidarity center, and today its director basel kerskyi is visiting us, what will this center of freedom and democracy do, about ukrainian democracy, about the russian-ukrainian war , about ukrainian-polish relations, in which they are now, we will talk about all this with mr. basel, welcome sir.
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to explain this, it is necessary to tell what the european solidarity center in gdańsk looks like. because this is an inspiration for our lviv colleagues, who have been thinking about creating a similar center in lviv for years. the solidarity center - public institution is a large museum that documents all the revolutions in central and eastern europe. anti-communist, which led to the fall of communism, in particular 1989-1991. also , the ukrainian path to independence. it's a little bit unusual, because today we in europe are selfish. everyone tells their own story, but no one shares it. this place was created not for historians, but for the future. that is, we want to show you where there are democratic forces in
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europe, which built that democratic europe, and how to protect it today. our center in gdańsk has been operating for 10 years, and our friends were inspired to create a similar center in lviv. we talked about it 4-5 years ago, there was once such an idea to create in lviv, for example, a permanent exhibition about the multiculturalism of the city in order to teach show tolerance to many cultures. lviv is so important for dialogue. this second phase of the war, of course, changed priorities. so , of course, it is about democracy, but it is more about showing the traditions , first of all, of ukraine, the democratic, anti-communist, anti-imperial ones. so this declaration was signed because we, as the gdańsk center, took our money in hand and are preparing an exposition that we want to open in lviv in a year. and it should be an exhibition in ukrainian, english and polish, which tells about ukrainian.
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to open a large exhibition in the palace of arts, which will be exhibited for probably a year, for me, for the head of the gdańsk center, this is a bit of a continuation of our permanent exhibition, to understand that the european solidarity center is 1,200 guests a year, it is not a small institution, it is one of those institutions that offered europe a new history, and it has great commercial success. from the money we earn for tickets to gdańsk, we want to make this exhibition in lviv, because we feel
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that europeans have no memory, they have forgotten where they came from in germany he had to stop this revolution, it was his big defeat, because he did not stop it, and now he is again trying to destroy the positive results of these changes, and they do not only apply to ukraine, and this does not apply only, as we know it, to the former territory of the soviet union , it concerns the whole of central
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and eastern europe, i would even say the whole european system, because poland's accession to nato, to the eu. also changed the international policy, he wants to destroy it all, and we protect it all. this exhibition will be in lviv, or maybe also will you go somewhere else in europe? i have a different philosophy: we need symbolic places. our center in gdańsk is located on the former site of the gdańsk shipyard, where lech wałęsa created solidarity. we have many many such negative symbols. we have few cemeteries after a large number of soldiers, we have democratic places. maidan is such an important place for europeans. for me, it is very important that europeans come to lviv and
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see the exhibition here in the context of the city. they say it was a very good regime, which is good it used to be that people got housing, had money for treatment and so on, but at the same time they do not remember what happened to democracy, actually in the soviet union, where there was communism. they do not talk about what happened to
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human dignity, about camps, about persecution and so on.
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poles, ukrainians, have a complicated history, but
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we are looking for something that is close, let us be brothers and sisters, cooperation in general, but this is also very important, civic consciousness, which is like a cake with several floors, you, i am from lviv, i am from zdansk , a ukrainian, a pole, but we are also europeans, we are also responsible for the world. and what is it about now? for many years, we have had a second wave of authoritarian thinking, it is being carried out very deliberately, it is big money. it's also unfortunately trump, it's the populists. responsible for the world, it is enough to be a european, why be a pole, a ukrainian, a frenchman. the problem is nationalism, and we cannot solve anything with nationalism now. in russia, it is, of course, russian
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imperialism in the role of nationalism, but selfishness is also very dangerous. that is, why should we human rights are a luxury: let's build prosperity, capitalism, a prosperous society, a global power, like china on authoritarianism, and here what you said, those who remember, authoritarianism, is important. revolution, because he not only as a worker, he said, you are a communist party, as if it were a workers' party, you do not represent me, but he did not say that another workers' party should be created, he said that monopolies are bad, as a worker i will live well only in a democratic society, where parties will represent different people, not a monopoly, we return to of the same, some say monopoly is good, nationalism is good, war is good and you will be good, and others say
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democracy is only democracy, complex, it's dialogue, compromise, and nobody likes that, youtube times, tiktok, everyone loves the simple truth, well what you said is a big manipulation, we are witnessing a huge financial investment in authoritarianism. i look at your mobile phone and the problem is that our memory, mine and yours, disappears into it, this is such a new cultural phenomenon, how to remember when we are all given to the virtual world, therefore these are also civilizational challenges, we occupy 20% of the center, 80% we actually 20% deal with history, and 80% we teach people to live consciously today. they were not manipulated to create communities of good people at every level, local, national, global.
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and this war is not only here, this war has been political for a long time in other countries, including democratic ones. i also partially live in germany, in berlin. the pro-putin alternative for germany is a big victory in the european elections, because it is very big danger to us. together with china, which is a very dangerous rival, in fact, to create authoritarianism. this authoritarianism is also, for example, anti-emancipation against women, according to a very traditional model, it is true, it is homophobic, racist, it uses everything to sow hatred against people.
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ukrainian democracy, because lately in our ukrainian information space there have been rumors of how to evaluate what is happening now from the idea that in this struggle against russia, against its authoritarianism, the main thing is not to turn into the same russia. i think that we all understand the uniqueness of the legal situation of ukraine, this year
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is postponed. that all the politicians, all the state institutions that i have met, are already thinking about the future after the war, protecting the country, but also implementing utopian plans, this is very wise,
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even without knowing when this war is. will end gdańsk has relations with mariupol. let's get acquainted with the plans odiansk has very close relations with mariupol. we got acquainted with the plans for the reconstruction of mariupol. today it is very symbolic, but very important, because these thoughts about the future is what saves and strengthens ukrainian democracy despite the state of war. and i think that ukraine will come out of this war with great losses, because it is being terribly destroyed. it seems to me that now poland, after a difficult experience in poland, we had a peaceful revolution of society, people want democracy, also against putin they want a strong poland, a strong europe and a very democratic one, and our two countries can be such engines in general for the restoration of democracy in europe. this is a great chance for us. if
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we talk about relations between poland and ukraine, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, poland stood side by side with ukraine, and this was a very big help. now ukrainians say that they feel a certain coldness between our countries, partly, obviously, there is a hand of the kremlin, which influences our relations to deteriorate, as they always do when there is only ukraine and poland.
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how would you rate them? relationship with ukraine, i have a special relationship with ukraine, because my family comes from lviv, and for us this has always meant dialogue with ukrainians, understanding and unification at any cost. i have personally been involved in the polish-german dialogue many times, and we know that this is also a complex polish-german-french topic.
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politykę wobec ukrainy, przerażony jestem.


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