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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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and of course, there are a lot of questions about whether there will be parties at the odessa film festival, there will be no parties either, that is, the film festival, it is dedicated primarily to the demonstration of ukrainian and foreign films, the industrial program, the discussion of the most important issues for the industry, for its development, and of course, the honoring and memory of our heroes, and those who are now supporting those who are now at the front and would like to make a film, but do not have such an opportunity, that is, the film festival is, first of all, professional. event, so i will immediately say that to people who maybe they don't go to various events, we have a lot of musical events, various concerts, almost always, at almost every such event, there are auctions, gatherings, the military must be mentioned there, that is, these are now events that are also included in the war sure, anya, then we'll talk about the movies that our viewers will be able to watch in your program, here we traditionally focus on espresso first of all . specifically ukrainian films, there will be
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a lot of them, and this year you have a lot of retrospectives, films that you can see, which you have known about for a long time, but you can watch them on the big screen, it is a completely different feeling, but tell me, please, why there are so many of ours in the program, well, i don’t know if it can be called a classic, well, old movies, old movies, retrospective movies, and a little less new movies, because we have less new movies. is released, is this the concept of this year, well , this year the concept of the film festival, since we are 15 years old, we remember the history of modern ukrainian cinema, the cinema of the years of independence, and from the very beginning, we decided to form a program of the best ukrainian films that were already appreciated at film festivals and by the audience, we can by the way, i apologize, i will say to the directors, we can now show these films of the festival program, so that... , you will talk
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about them, and the audience will recognize excerpts, yes, yes, thank you, that is, it is not that, this is a crazy film, i apologize, we have a festival program called, please show this very video, which is called the program of the festival, and well, it is important that people understood, yes, that we will show, yes, continue, please, excuse me, yes, and we actually had a lot of requests, both annually and as well as for the odessa film festival. how about the ukrainian film academy, and where can you watch one or another ukrainian film? and that is why this is the decision to show on the big screen again those films that have already been highly rated by viewers, it was with us from the very beginning, and of course the second reason, you mentioned it, we really shoot much less new ukrainian films, and i it seems that we have gathered in our program almost all the game movies that were shot and finished. during the past year and this year, and
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the audience will be able to watch it for the first time, the premieres of ukrainian films, and of course the international program, that is, we have an international program, we have a lot of premiere films, and as in the festival of festivals program, that is, those films that have already been awarded at festivals, but they are unlikely to appear at the box office in ukraine, and galapremieres, that is, these are the films that ukrainian distributors will release in rental, but the ukrainian viewer has such a unique opportunity to see these films for the first time at the odesa film festival, so i invite all viewers who wanted to watch ukrainian cinema on the big screen to join in and buy tickets if you have the opportunity to watch many films during the festival, buy subscriptions, because a part of the funds from all the tickets and subscriptions sold will also be sent to the children of heroes charity fund, and we naturally invite all our guests and spectators. not
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not only to buy tickets, but also to donate to this fund, we will show all the props, because now it is very important, we all everything that we do and the film festival, it is all aimed first of all at our victory, so it is also ours such contribution, so i see a good video , very well done, so i chose all my favorite films, i advise everyone, i don’t know if i will be able to watch them again, i really watched many of them and... there will be atlantis, it seems, or that’s all - they still won't, but we talked about the fact that due to certain conflicts with by the distributors, with arthouse traffic, yeah, they said they don't let you show the 15, i think, tapes already selected, there were eight, there were, actually we approached them a long time ago, a few months ago for other films, they immediately presented us with conditions that we could not agree to, and... here are the eight tapes that we
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have already announced, the fact that they still have exclusive rights, we found out, actually almost by accident, we were simply informed that we will be sued, even though we are all producers consent... they gave, so yes, it is a really unpleasant situation, and it is a pity that the ukrainian distributor behaved like this in this situation, but the program did not decrease much because of this, that is, they still missed one film and we have seven very cool, high-quality, iconic ukrainian films less. ah, well, i will also tell our dear viewers that you can watch a large part of ukrainian cinema legally on our online platforms. thank god, it already exists, because there a certain number of years ago, the audience went there, looking for a place to watch ukrainian cinema for money, and it was nowhere, now it is, but still a big screen, it is a big screen, if you are in kyiv, then definitely find time for this screening, but
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what about non-retrospective films, but about new ones, i think that one of the most anticipated films of yours is crazy, because there are already many recommendations, i see there my friends are talking about the fact that it is a cool film, go tell me, please, that it is about punishment psychiatry, this is exactly the topic that many are interested in now, the sixties, this is a topic that, what now a lot of people are interested, but tell me, please, what is the interest of this film, because now they will turn on the trailer for us, and well, the picture there is already interesting, tell me more, well, i will say that, in fact, all the films are in the national competition program very interesting, and ours. the selection committee did such a good job in selecting, i personally highly recommend attending a screening of this film and then be sure to watch it in cinemas in the box office, because in fact i also classify it as one of those films about war, and why? because it shows, strictly speaking,
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what soviet russia is, and what methods it uses, these methods have not changed, in many ways they have become even worse, but well... such an immersion, an immersion in our history, that is, a debut work director denys tarasov, i hope that this is only his first work in a full-length feature film, and we will be able to see many more of his films on big screens, by the way, we can now watch an excerpt from this film, let's see, let's see the moscow government, the best power in the world.
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attention, we just can't, i chose something that is just talked about a lot, yes, because gray bees is the work of dmytro moiseev for, well, i don't know if you can call it a film adaptation or with work for book, because there is still a difference, i haven't seen the movie yet, but it took part in festivals, i 've also seen such positive reviews, it's based on andriy kurkov's book, it's about a gray zone in which two men live, absolutely different people with different views, but they have to communicate somehow, let's do the same let's look at an excerpt, but pashka lives happily, there is nothing to eat,
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they don't drive me a humanitarian worker at night, and they don't drive me either, well , who will you be, well, i'm a military man, and i can see it. what, well, before the war, i already thought, they forgot about us, and if not, again, gray zone there, gray zone here, this way, that way, they are playing this badminton, and anya, say two words about this tape , maybe, maybe you can define, i don't know, the target audience, it's an author's film, yes, it's not, it's not a mass film, who exactly can like it, well, i think that maybe... in fact, almost every ukrainian who now has the emotional and moral strength to really watch movies about the war, about the gray zone, and i'll be honest, i've also only seen excerpts, we have a very large program, so i basically watched all the movies on a selective basis
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commission, but the story of this film, the making of it deserves real respect, because they started shooting it right before the full-scale invasion began, and the crew finds... in donbas on that february 24, 2000, 22, and continued, they completed filming, i.e. they continued to shoot already in... at the end of february 2020, at the end of 2022, i.e. in december, they learned about it and completed it, and for which we are very grateful that they still found the strength and resources in themselves and were among the first to complete it here is the film, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. in any case, it seems to me that every ukrainian film now deserves attention, whether at a festival, or at a screening or. on online platforms, we emphasize once again, please watch ukrainian and non-
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ukrainian tapes legally, it is not so expensive, and we must understand that this is the right thing to do, and we have the opportunity, thank god. anya, thank you very much, we let everything go, because i understand what a crazy week it is for both the organizers and the audience. anna machukh was on the air, the director of the odesa international film festival, which is taking place in kyiv this year. for obvious reasons, last year it was held in chernivtsi, of course we all hope that next year it will be held in odesa again, because it is a completely different vibe when the festival happens right there, that's why i want all cultural events to be not in kyiv, but more in the regions, but so far we have such a situation, and we move on to another topic, and i decided to take one of the hottest topics. which are connected with culture, in particular, but more with social networks and at the same time with
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information security, which can be violated by people who, let's say, are not very aware of their actions, obviously i'm talking about bloggers and about the blogger scandal that broke out this week, i think. what are you about heard it, it boils down to the fact that after the massive rocket attack that took place on july 8, we got a situation where a large part of bloggers, bloggers with a huge audience, started posting the same thing on instagram, they started posting what we are already fed up with the fact that we have such a situation that... children are dying and so on, so we need to give up, let's
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do something, let's go to negotiations, immediately, because this cannot be tolerated, because in these all the lands, let us give away the occupied territories, because they are worthless human lives, and let's give them up and finally come to negotiations in order to continue living without war, that's how they think, they write like this, and also a very frequent message once ... in them, it is equated with the russian one, that is , the emphasis is completely shifted, and the responsibility is transferred from the russian federation, the leadership, from the russian military to the leadership of ukraine itself, political and military as well, you know, criticizing the ukrainian government is necessary and worthwhile even during the war, of course, in a balanced way, in order to it was. and journalists, our ukrainians, in particular the investigators investigating corruption, you can see for yourself
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how many of these journalistic investigations there are nowadays, that is, criticism of the government usually exists, but what these bloggers did is far from criticism, so what can we say that the ukrainian war started and the war continues because the ukrainian government allegedly steals, and the ukrainian military there cannot intercept some drone that is flying, well, that’s already... a little not so much, it’s probably safe, but well, in the end, he is also very like that the common message of many bloggers and bloggers, who usually post something about beauty procedures, how they fly abroad, to islands, how to choose a car, how to choose some clothes, then they started to post some terribly deep political analysis, and they and they often repeat. the next thing is that you have to be smarter, that's the story, but none of them
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explained what it means to be smarter, they just said that you have to stop the war, you know how we used to have a story, you just have to stop shooting, that's the way to end the war, now bloggers are proposing to be more cunning, what is the issue, it is not clear, let's look at one of these bloggers, her name is nastya umka, she has almost 700 thousand followers there, he... instagram and let's see what she was like then storis wrote down, and now you will understand that everyone else has fasted, i don't know how much more this can continue. it seems to me that everyone already does and no one needs borders since 1991, all people want peace, tranquility and just to live, live, how many more people's lives should just go, to make it all stop, i don't know, i'm just flipping through these pictures and it just covers me, i
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don't know if it's tears, or aggression, or disappointment, just one question in my head, when is it? everything ends well, if we observe, for example, different narratives that are expressed abroad, different, there and representatives of the political world, and public figures, and many, yes, then we can, especially from people who position themselves as such that against war, they are pacifists, yes, there, and they try on some ideal situation civilized... countries to us, which is absolutely incorrect, but they start saying exactly the same thing, they start talking about the fact that we must surrender, we must live in peace, every peace is better than war, why fight, that is, well well, i think that you have heard about such statements more than once, and the good thing is that these bloggers and
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bloggers immediately... were attacked by a very large number of people, in particular their subscribers, although it must be admitted that many people from were completely agreeable to them, because imagine this is nastya, whom we looked at, she has 600 or 700 thousand followers, and there are bloggers who have 1,600, for example, yulia verba, there is a very popular girl who has a million and 600 followers, this is just a huge number of people, and they agree with her point of view. and they repeat it, but it’s cool that the mass media, social networks, other instagram bloggers reacted very much at first, because this is only part of our blogosphere, the other part, in my opinion , is absolutely adequate, and many bloggers, first of all, are well versed in politics, nor did they see that during
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a full-scale invasion they said something completely incorrect, and if they... don't understand politics, they just don't talk about it, and after the missile attack, they, for example, posted pictures from okhmatite , they called for help, they spread information, they spread and the accounts were official, for which ohmetyd collected money, that is, absolutely normal, adequate bloggers with huge audiences, but there are also such, and here is a big question, why exactly do they behave like this , those moreover, not the first time, because... we constantly see these waves, when here, here are these same bloggers and bloggers on instagram, and even worse on tiktok, tiktok is generally a network in which there are an incredible number of fakes and absolutely incorrect information, they often spread something stupid there, about mobilization, and they shift the emphasis,
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they seem to try to criticize, but their criticism is very similar to what some anonymous pro-russian telegram channels say, or the rhetoric is similar to what direct the leadership of the russian federation says, we have such a situation, and they began to be criticized, and let's listen to how they began to justify themselves, because really, probably for the first time during the full-scale invasion, they received such a wave of criticism and such a backlash to their actions, because before, they spread all this nonsense and... well, they spread it almost with impunity, other people didn't really pay attention to them, they spread such harmful messages to their audience, and only now a large number of ukrainians noticed that such a stupid thing is happening, let's listen, let's listen to the blogger
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voloshin, one of the participants in this scandal, he seems to have a million followers, that's how he is... with a dubious, ambiguous image, but let's listen to how he himself explains his behavior they all started making excuses and notice he says he doesn't know politics but for some reason he still talks about her talking nonsense but still won't admit what he's saying to her and says he's just stupid encouraged, let's go let's listen, listen, the only thing i understood from this situation... firstly, that you need to express the point of view in which you are an expert, yes, because there i was a little late on my part, in which i am really not an expert , and it's true, the second thing i understood is that you have to look at several sides, i already said. yesterday, but what else did i realize that in our country i can’t say, i understand that i have a great social responsibility there, i have to filter the bazaar, but look,
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they are already making an enemy of you, minutes, and these are some well, i understand that state media or something, that is, he, he still doesn’t understand the media, because we don’t have many of them in the state media, and for some reason he decided... to call all the media state media, it’s not clear why, and also let’s look at eh, again , this blogger voloshin, i just show him one of the same, because all other bloggers and bloggers basically do the same thing, they initially promoted the same theses, it is not clear for money, or they themselves became victims of some hints, it is necessary for the sbu to figure it out obviously, but let's listen to him again, because... his theses are shared by other bloggers, just so you can understand how people think, who have an incredibly large audience, an audience that sometimes exceeds the audience
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of some official media, i'm afraid again blurting out something is wrong, but let me dream what i meant, the first story was written on emotions, i already understood that we cannot do such a thing , because it starts there, well, look, i am not an expert in politics, military affairs and so on further, i can consider myself an expert. ago that i have been doing this for 17 years and have conducted a lot of negotiations, and what does it mean to play by their rules, this is to accept the initial conditions in order to enter into negotiations, because that's how it happens in business, come on, i'm talking specifically about business, the party sets the conditions , they are uncomfortable for you, but you accept them in order to press on certain pains, close certain objections, get into certain desires, manipulate some things that you can manipulate, find weak points and thereby lower the conditions of the other party and raise your terms, there everything happens on contrasts. and on psychological techniques, this is exactly what i meant, the type that seems to me that negotiations, that in business, that in politics are the same everywhere, but an expert, an expert, i will say that there are many such
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business experts who position themselves on instagram , they write various words with mistakes, for example, there is genocide or something else, they make up some or pull historical facts by the ears and then laugh at them, well , this is the part of the welfare state in our country, but there is also good news, i do not know how true it is , but one... of these bloggers, she reported that she was called to the sbu, because under a huge number of posts in social networks , the security service of ukraine was simply tagged dozens, hundreds, probably times, saying that the sbu, listen, figure it out, talk to them well, obviously, the sbu somehow reacted, but it was not the sbu who reported it, the blogger herself recorded it, we don't know how true it is, but it would be very good, let's listen to her again. and in the morning i received a very interesting call, i can't say that i was surprised, but he put me in a stupor, i was invited
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to a conversation with the sbu tomorrow, it's interesting to hear what they will say, in principle i understand the reason, they guess, it's interesting, interesting we live, i'll keep you updated. well , it goes without saying, because you are my family, you are my audience, and there is nothing to calculate anymore, there is no backstabbing, you know my thoughts, well, friends, i just want to remind you with this information that social networks are very an important component of our lives, a huge amount of false information is spread through social networks, manipulations, remember that russia can act quite sophisticatedly and complexly... in matters of propaganda and manipulations, so you may not notice it, they calculate their theses for a completely different audience, and propaganda
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does not immediately mean something like that stupid, like skabeeva, yes, and it can be very subtle, and please be very careful, especially with anonymous telegram channels, especially with tiktok, and also, i don't know if you need advice ... watch your children who are also on instagram and who can be subscribers here are such characters, well, obviously we need to have some kind of educational conversations, i don’t know, to explain to children what information hygiene is, what information security is, what social networks are, how to distinguish manipulations, this is very important, and here, and that’s why i suggest not forget about it and constantly, constantly improve. their knowledge of information hygiene, but we hope that the security service of ukraine will find some kind of control over these bloggers and find
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a reason why they... constantly and simultaneously post the same harmful things, clearly harmful, dangerous narratives. that's all, friends, i'll say goodbye to you and see you in a week, but the joint is so piercing, it doesn't allow you to move. and in the pharmacy i bought a yellow dolgit cream, it saves me from pain. the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyshchenko. in the article by viktor boberenko. lada vvedenska about the difficulties and challenges of military medics. the country is always on the point of the main look for
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the current week. the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smolyem every monday at 20:00 for espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development. events: want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso! taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero
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to our life. at this stage of the war. atv is the best solution for evacuation of wounded soldiers. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yarik in the direction of chasiv. in ukraine, the 17th newsroom is ready to talk about the main thing for this hour with you anna javamelnik. greetings to all viewers. zelensky in ireland. the president of ukraine held a meeting with the prime minister of ireland simon harris. they discussed support for ukraine, continued cooperation in demining and cyber security. they talked about the next steps to implement decisions based on the results
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the summit and also about the efforts for sending.


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