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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv. in ukraine, the 17th edition of the news is ready to tell about the main thing for this hour, with you annaevamelnyk, greetings to all viewers, zelenskyi in ireland, the president of ukraine held a meeting with the prime minister of ireland simon harris, they discussed support for ukraine, continued cooperation in demining and of cyber security, discussed the next steps for the implementation of decisions based on the results of the peace summit, as well as efforts to... attention
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of the whole world to the topic of children illegally deported by russia. the enemy hit the village of budy in the kharkiv region. a man received a shrapnel wound, said the head of the regional military administration, oleg sinyogubov. all relevant services are on site. three people were injured as a result of shelling in the dnipropetrovsk region, the head of the region, serhii lysak, said. in nikopol , a man with serious injuries was also examined. victims in the pokrovsk community, high-rise buildings and private houses were damaged as a result of the attack, as well as ponivychyny industrial and utility companies. energy workers came under fire in donetsk region. one of the workers was seriously injured, he was hospitalized, the company said, det. the russians hit one of the substations. the building was destroyed as a result of the attack. dew does not subside. terror in
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the kherson region, a 63-year-old man was treated for an explosive injury as a result of shelling in the village of tokarivka, two more people were injured in an attack on the village of veletenske, the regional military administration reported. the occupiers also struck the central district of kherson. these a man was injured at night. residential buildings were destroyed, windows were broken in many houses. everything rained down, there were five explosions, three of them very strong. fourth, they led to damage to the roof, somewhere everything quieted down at night, in the morning there were explosions again, but far away. you can take revenge on the brain with a donation. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the project from zero to life, which is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they will choose victory every day, no they leave the wounded and
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fallen to their own devices, so atvs are indispensable assistants for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. car crash in transcarpathia, eight people will be injured. among them are two children, the regional emergency service reported. the accident happened nearby the village of podvynogradiv. as a result of a collision between a car and a minibus , four people were hospitalized. the police are investigating the cause of the accident. international support. poland is ready to supply electricity to ukraine, but on the condition that it does not pay for emissions - said the spokesperson of the european commission, tim. according to him, the european union
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wants to support the energy system of ukraine next winter. but in the field of defense, not everything is so simple. warsaw is still considering the possibility of shooting down russian missiles over ukraine, the minister of foreign affairs said radoslav sikorsky of poland. the initiative is included in the agreement on joint defense between the two countries. according to the minister, some missiles flew into polish airspace. for about 40 seconds, but there is very little time to react, and the debris from them threatens the poles. the czech republic will send 50,000 ammunition to ukraine in july and august, the country's president peter pavel said, and from september to the end of the year, ukraine will receive 80,000 to 100,000 ammunition per month. the shells will come within the framework of the czech procurement initiative for... donations
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allies the polish diet recognized the deportation of the crimean tatar people as genocide. a corresponding resolution honors the memory. victims of the genocide committed against the indigenous people of crimea in 1944. maria chernyakhivska will tell about the course of voting in the polish diet and why this document is important for both ukraine and poland. the hall is full in the polish diet, even the prime minister is present. one of the first issues under consideration is the resolution on the commemoration of the victims of the genocide committed against the crimean tatars. the polish parliament welcomes with applause. polish deputies present the draft resolution, emphasize its importance.
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only a deputy from the confederation party, which is known for its anti-ukrainian position and support for protests at the border, questions the relationship of the crimean tatars to the poles. this resolution is not only about history, but also about... genocide, which is the duty of every deputy, the head of the commission for foreign affairs of poland and deputy of the seimas pawel kowal reminded the audience. in essence , putin's policy is the revision of borders, and the revision of borders is against our interests people that is why we are adopting this resolution today: we condemn genocide, we condemn aggression, we emphasize the ties between poles and crimean tatars. the polish sejm voted for the resolution by a majority of 44 13 deputies against 16. this decision is important for ukraine, because it establishes the rights of the crimean tatars on their land and protects the rights of the indigenous people of crimea. those conditions that arose as a result of both the genocide of 1944 and today's occupation,
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so that these conditions did not destroy the crimean tatar people, and therefore the recognition by a number of states of deportation as genocide crimean tatar people. that this is a statement about the future of ukrainian crimea and the future of the crimean tatar people on their land. apart from ukraine, the deportation of the crimean tatars was recognized as genocide by latvia, lithuania, and canada, and now poland has joined them. it is extremely important for us that the whole world recognizes the deportation of the crimean tatars as genocide, because we are a democratic country. crimean tatars are a part of the ukrainian people that suffered from the russian empire and continues to suffer now. crimea is now occupied. and for us it is extremely important to liberate crimea, we can liberate it only if we fight together with the whole world for the rights of the crimean tatar population, we must not forget that. the verkhovna rada of ukraine 9 years ago recognized the deportation of the crimean tatars from the crimea, which took place in 1944, as genocide
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. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for espresso tv channel from poland. eighth all-ukrainian festival-contest art. the festival took place in the gotsul village of kryvorivnia in the carpathian region. every year he gathers in the carpathians vocal dance and theater groups. ensembles from lviv, ivano-frankivsk, and poltava regions, as well as from kropyvnytskyi, visited hotsul oblast. kryvyi rih is called the ukrainian athens. so the participants of the event not only performed, but also had a good rest among the picturesque mountains. we love this city very much, because as you can see, extraordinary landscapes, there is such a special atmosphere, a special energy here, that is, we see different directions, collaborations, this includes modern singing and modern performers and classics, as well folklore, authentic
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music and modern music are also used, that is, here we can see the diversity, variety, and colorfulness of all the potential of our youth. meanwhile , the most expensive wedding of the century took place in india, the son of the country's richest man, ananta ambani , married the heiress of the pharmaceutical business, radhika merchant. the grandiose ceremony cost the couple at least 250 million pounds, which is about 13 billion hryvnias. among the invited guests, the head of meta company mark zuckerberg, ivanka trump, bill gates. david and victoria beckham, the kardashian sisters and even former british prime minister tony blair. that's all, i 'll see you at 6 p.m., i'll be waiting for you with the final news release, and
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terespresso will be continued by the incomparable mykola veresen. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, for two hours, that is, until the 19th, we will work with you today, and we will work on something, on aviation, on what flies, not even aviation, in with what flies, we will work on poland, we will work on nato, let's work on the united states and france, let's work on hungary, in short, we have a lot to work on, now i will introduce to you... our guest, with whom we will discuss what i told her, namely, what is called, that everything , which flies, because i don't know
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what to call it, a combination of rockets, planes, and uavs, and quadcopters, valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher, nah, this is the national aviation university, good health, mr. valery, thank you, for finding time for us, thank you very much. yes, good afternoon, thank you for inviting me. well , look, the first question is simple and difficult, i don’t know, let me ask, maybe it’s easier than answering, but this summer the ukrainians hope to get 6 f-16s, and by the end of the year, that is, until december inclusive, another 20, that is there will be 26 of them in total. what does it give, how can it be reflected, is it more of a defense, or is it? the attack is faster, it’s faster, we need them to shoot down those damn missiles that
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are flying at us, all these bombs, those guided bombs, or is it the other way around , you can shoot at russian territory from these planes, well adjacent to the ukrainian border, to the ukrainian to the ukrainian border, that is, to what extent ukraine can get this effect. having received, excuse the taftology, these six planes, and then another 20, that is, by the end of the year , 26, as i calculated, please, mr. valery, well, on the question of how ukraine will use, there are even prime ministers of countries that provide planes, and they can't answer that question, so i 'll forward it to someone else, yes, no, potential, mr. valery, the question is not that you and i know and we will say what we ... everything , this is all speculation, obviously no one except the commander-in-chief or simply
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the commander-in-chief knows anything, but what they can do, what their potential is, whether six aircraft can, well, reduce the tension on the anti-aircraft forces of ukraine, whether they can somehow prevent these resets of these controllers, what are they called bombs, these are all controlled bombs, what can they six or? 26, what is their potential? six planes are one and a half links, that is, half a squadron, let's say, six planes will not affect anything at all, they will affect for the better in the case of the quality of air defense, what does quality mean? firstly, they will be able to shoot down more, secondly, shoot down cheaper, because now how, well, if you shoot. an anti-aircraft complex for a russian cruise missile, then an anti-aircraft missile
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costs somewhere around there , basically somewhere up to a million dollars, and the fighters, if they arrive, they can and will participate in air defense operations, they will be able to shoot down russian cruise missiles, or saynder low-energy rockets, and what are the costs of old models that are enough for russian missiles. the cost of 340 thousand dollars, the most modern, 9x sidewinder aim 9, 740 thousand dollars, that is , the allies have a lot of missiles of these rocketwinders, if planes fly in and actively shoot down russian cruise missiles and missiles, then in general the load on our air defense will decrease and for.. . the missile passes in them will not be used up as quickly as it was before we
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could actually shoot down russian cruise missiles, well, as an exception , airplanes participated in these operations, and as for the fight against by russian carriers of cabs, then it will clearly not be at the first stage, at the first stage the pilots must master this aircraft well in combat conditions, and bring it to automaticity. their actions, well, all their skills, which they mastered under training in the united states, there in denmark, yes, and only after that... carefully, carefully planning operations to participate in the destruction of russian, well, in striking russian carriers hubs, or by russian attack aircraft and helicopters, which continue to strike from a long distance on our front line, there are some such plans, well , their participation in the suppression of russian
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air defense is still not excluded, that is, the f-16 can use anti-radar missiles, well, we will get... missiles kharm has been using them for a year and a half, but they were not able to on the 29th have systems to guide these missiles, and the f16s have them, that is, we are now using them at 10-15 percent of their accuracy capabilities , and with the f16 we will bring this percentage to 100 percent, that is , we will be able to lower russian radars much more effectively stations, and these are the eyes of the russian air defense and for... mr. valery, look, i am just trying to paint a picture for our viewers, that is , somewhere tentatively between kyiv and poltava, ukrainian planes take off, these f16s, when they receive information from russia there through spies or because of space espionage, that
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something has taken off there, and they are starting to barrage in this in this. and when they see that some russian missiles are coming, they press the appropriate buttons, the buttons, and it flies and neutralizes this attack of russian missiles, i am right i understand, well, let’s say this, step by step, it’s approximately true, yes, but the situation is when they rise, well, let’s say this, let’s just take the situation, as you said, of air defense, from the sea, and from the russian ones, from the sea, for example, missiles fly, they they immediately fly at a low altitude, but nato radars and avacs are patrolling the sea, and we instantly receive information to our command posts, the command posts are lifted into the air by fighter jets, the missiles do not have such a high speed, there is a cruising speed, well, of
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course, somewhere around 750-800 km , it's perfect a target for... this type of fighter, it calmly rises into the air, they come to the appropriate zone, because in general there is an automated distribution of targets, that is, a very fast distribution of targets, which targets will destroy anti-aircraft missile complexes, which targets are given to aviation, and aviation does not appear in the area of ​​operations of anti-aircraft missile systems, so as not to be shot in the leg, so to speak, yes, so as not to shoot down... own planes, the planes approach these missiles and the radars of these planes pick up this missile, detect first, then take into the guidance mode and after receiving the signal that the homing head of the missile has been captured, press the button and launch the missile, the missiles are mostly of a recent age, they are
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thermal and they are directed to the source of the jet at the source. heat, let's say, the engine of a bloody rocket, all one rocket launched from a fighter, one shot down, one shot down cruise missile, another option, the fighter comes closer and simply shoots this missile from the pile, this option is also possible, because i destroy these, well, winged a missile is, you know, a training target for a fighter jet, it's an object that flies on steel. maneuvering speed is very limited and, let 's say, light, unmaneuverable, with a constant speed and flies approximately, albeit at a low altitude, but flies in a straight line, does not make large or different turns, is destroyed from a long distance, he can shoot it with guns and then in general, the cost of destroying the missile will be tens, well, thousands of dollars,
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let's say 5-6 thousand dollars, mr. valery. please tell me one more question well, there are persistent rumors that the russians in the last strikes and, in particular, but according to our ahmadiyyat, the events, somehow managed to mislead the ukrainian air defense, to what extent this is true, how far they really came up with how to fire so that we without these, for example, the f-16 is very difficult for us to fight with these attacks, with these... missiles, please, well, it will be difficult for us to fight with the f-16s, because the russians will find them all the time, this is not a new tactic, it is a new tactical technique, but in general he is not new. the russians simply used flight from even lower heights, slightly reduced the flight height, and the concept of the radio horizon is such a thing, it is
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a physical thing, yes, there is no order, nothing, it means that the lower the missile flies, what if the missile flies at an altitude of 50 m , then the radar station is able to see it 40 km away, the rocket flies this distance, let's count, well, it's a couple of minutes, right? so, it’s just hard to calculate in your head right now, but the minimum time, during which time you need to bring the division to combat readiness, capture this missile, the guidance station, give the command to destroy, to launch a missile and intercept it so that the cruise missile does not leave the zone of destruction, that is, it must work very dynamically, if there is a minimal delay somewhere, the missile in... the missile is able to fly over the zone of destruction of the anti-aircraft missile complex. and in general, i want to say that one or two missiles fell on kyiv during that raid. even
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israel, when repelling missiles made of water from sewage corpses. and the density against israel's anti-aircraft defense there is probably a hundred times higher than ours in ukraine. there is a shield david, there and eru, there and petri. there were, there were, that means the iron dome, yes, despite all that, rockets hit israeli cities, that is, no air defense, even american, does not give one hundred percent damage to the target, but i think that i am not with you here that i agree, i'll confirm this, it's like a war allegherkom alleger, in a war, as in a war, there are options that can somehow be avoided, but let's ask one more question, i'll be the devil's advocate, although i'm not a lawyer but... i'll just ask a question journalistic, 99% of normal experts they say that they wanted to hit ahmedit,
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but there are 1%, even normal ones, who say, well, it’s unknown, we don’t know, maybe this way, maybe another way, i’m not talking about russian propagandists, who all say, no-n- no, this is a ukrainian, they hit a missile against a missile, in short, we know all these gossips, rumors, and delusions. and you, do you think it was possible to somehow accidentally get into ahmadiyya? well, hardly, you know, the accuracy of hitting, the declared accuracy of hitting missiles x101 is 10 m. then it is clear. okay, now theoretical questions about the future. so, look, poland, france, germany, italy want to develop a new missile. some kind of 500 km rocket, well, i won’t go into details here, but when i am told this, i always wonder about the time,
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how long it usually takes such and such military equipment to be developed in europe, let’s say how long it takes, a year, two, three, a month, two days, and so on, which, what time are we talking about, please, mr. valery. you know, i saw the taurus missiles at the stage of development at an arms exhibition, it seems in 2002, they were put into service it was five years ago, but in general, well, i tried to follow, there i visited weapons exhibitions in europe, and in eastern europe and in germany, and in general, the development time of a cruise missile is... years, but we are talking about 3-5 years , if it will be based on some ready-made development, well, taurus, well, there is a stom shadow, yes,
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it will be easier if it will be based, well , in general, it will be there for a couple of years, yes, if they also use an engine, for example, it is not based completely on the structure, but did you use the engine or use the navigation one system, yes, some ready-made missile. so , in general, well, if a cruise missile is being developed, and a cruise missile was actually announced, then let’s talk, it can only be about improving the ready-made missiles, or taurus or stormsheds, because they work and work normally, so i think it will just be a missile, nothing has been announced yet, will it be a ground based cruise missile with a range of 500 km, or an air-to-air missile with a range of 500 km, new, yes? so far there is little information in general, but the fact that it is not months is clear, and it is not one or two years, that too unequivocally. well, that's the story, everything in
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the world, you know,... a long, long time, well, you can't do anything about it, thank you very much, valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the national aviation university, was in touch with us , now you and i will break for a four-minute commercial, and then serhiy dzherzh, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, head of the public league of ukraine nato, you can probably win the first time, you don't even need the second, we will talk about nato. and about ukraine, but first let's see advertising attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers under unpack tv with a discount of only 799 uah. only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use. very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result. hurry to order while the video is being broadcast. trimmers are light and very
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lawyers of the ak bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters of all kinds. became like relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening on espresso, watch the news at 9 p.m., the results of the week, without entry deadlines, but with promises to support, what ended the nato summit for ukraine. utsnap queues.


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