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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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well, the border between poland and ukraine is the border of the european union, and in principle, poland provides funds for, for example, infrastructure modernization. by the way, poland also gives loans for the modernization of infrastructure on the ukrainian side of the border, which must be acknowledged and said to be a very , very positive aspect. the european commission helps, partly in various projects for the modernization of checkpoints, for the construction of access roads to the infrastructure, part of the money of the european union. obviously there is, instead i, as i said, it is about the fact that it is enough a complex, long-standing problem that is not, well, let's say this, multidimensional, and here it is necessary, thank you very much, thank you very much, mr. yuriy, yuriy banakhevich, the owner of ukrinform in poland, now we have news, then we have advertising, then again mykola veresen, but not alone, stibor tompa, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv region, we will talk about hungary, obviously. now news, then advertising, then
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hungary. oh yeah. the enemy does not calm down, the muscovites attacked kharkiv oblast again, unfortunately there are victims, the occupiers took lives in kherson oblast three people and will poland shoot down missiles over ukraine? greetings to everyone from espresso, this is the final issue, the news editor has collected the main points for today. two people died, another 22 were injured due to a repeated attack by russians on the village of budy in the kharkiv region, one child was among the injured. nine people
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were hospitalized - reported the head of the regional military administration oleg sinyohobov. as a result of the impact, the ambulance was damaged . three people were injured as a result of the shelling of the dnipropetrovsk region - reported the head of the region serhiy lesak in nikopol from the man was seriously injured. two more victims in the pokrovsk community. as a result of the attack, many buildings and private houses were damaged, as well as industrial and utility enterprises were damaged. energy workers came under fire in donetsk region, one of the workers was seriously injured, he was hospitalized, the dtek company reported. the russians hit one of the substations. the building was destroyed as a result of the attack. a 41-year-old man died due to russian shelling of a turning machine in the kherson region, a 63-year-old man was also wounded. he was hospitalized with an explosive injury, the head of the regional military administration informed. oleksandr prokudin, two more
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people were injured as a result of the attack on the village of veletenske. in total, today the occupiers took the lives of three residents of the kherson region. everything rained down, there were five explosions, very strong, this is the third and fourth, they led to damage to the roof, somewhere everything quieted down at night, in the morning there were explosions again, but far away. we are converting our people due to enemy shelling into... the espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a fee for atvs for quick evacuation of the wounded and delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they win every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support greatly increases the chances of a cold. not only to successfully perform combat
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missions, but also to return from them alive. join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. the president of ukraine met with the prime minister of ireland simon harris, they discussed support for ukraine, continued cooperation in demining and cyber security, security, talked about the next steps to implement the decisions based on the results of the peace summit, as well as about efforts to increase the attention of the whole world. to the topic of children deported by russia. international support. poland is ready to supply electricity to ukraine, but on the condition that it does not pay for emissions - said the spokesman of the european commission, tim mcphee. according to him, the european union wants to support energy system of ukraine next winter. but in the field of defense, not everything is so simple. warsaw is still considering the possibility of a knockdown. of russian missiles over ukraine, said
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the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radoslaw sikorski. the initiative is included in the agreement on joint defense between the two countries. according to the minister, some rockets. flew into the airspace of poland for about 40 seconds, but there is very little time to react and the debris from them threatens the poles. the czech republic delivered 50,000 ammunition to ukraine in july and in august, the country's president, peter pavel, said. and from september until the end of the year, ukraine will receive 80,000 to 100,000 ammunition per month. the shells will come as part of the czech procurement initiative. allies passing the national multitest for 800 points is the dream of every graduate. our film crew in bila tserkva met with a schoolgirl who received the highest marks in three subjects at once. how did the girl succeed and
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why is such a result expected for teachers? let's see. 20 graduates of the bilotserk community passed the nmt of 200 points the most is the maximum. these results were obtained by the students of the little academy of sciences lyceum and the belotserkiv collegium, but the vector lyceum, gymnasium number 18, whose student oksana tsaplyuk scored a total of 600 points in ukrainian, english and mathematics, can be proud of the highest personal record. her teachers are quite proud of her and say that the result was predicted. i have been working at a school for 35 years, the children are smart and talented and... we have a lot of them, but there are very few such hardworking, those who want to achieve results, like oksana little, well, there is a common saying that luck is very important for a person, in my opinion, in addition to luck,
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it is great diligence and intelligence, these are the three components that are inherent in this child, and thanks to them, she achieved success. oksana remembers how nervous she was the day before the exam. that i could not sleep, but i left the examination center with a feeling of joy, i felt joy, i even wanted to cry a little from joy, because this is a really joyful moment, i checked my assignments several times before sending them, passing them for verification, that's why i was sure, plus minus, that everything is correct, english teacher svitlana shares, in her... in practice , the schoolgirl is the first 200-year-old from a foreign school. first of all, oksana is a natural gift, she is a talented child, but in addition, she is very hardworking, very hardworking, and she did not only the tasks that were given for the lessons,
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but also did extra work and always asked that these there were more tasks. the girl studied in a specialized mathematics class, so she was preparing for it. strenuously. in addition to the usual tasks, she also completed a trial nmt at school in the computer science class, she made such conditions, well, like on a regular exam. not only that, after two or three nmts, i asked the history teacher to join me. we composed two more such nmts related to history and mathematics, that is, we took two hours for this exam. and the last time we already added the ukrainian language. proud of himself, though. modestly, the girl herself says that the trial multimedia test helped her a lot during the main exam, because the atmosphere was familiar, well, 80% of the time in general it was spent on to study, to take tests, to prepare for exams, and, well, sometimes at that time
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there were not many hours in the day at all, well, in general , no one forced me to prepare, i... wanted to do it for myself, so that i could to show myself that i can, that i can reach any heights that i set for myself. i was counting on 190+, especially i was counting on the ukrainian language and mathematics, i honestly really wanted other subjects, only six points to 200 were not enough for her to get the highest result in the fourth subject of history, but the future the student is not for... getting tired, because she is sure that she will enter her dream specialty of engineering without any problems. olena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. read more about important things on our website spresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, support our youtube channel and
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good health once again, my name is mykola veresen, 18:13:50 seconds, as i promised, tibor tompa, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv region will now appear before us, we will ask him about what happened. in hungary, good health, mr. tiber, thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, good day, mr. mykola, good day, dear tv viewers, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, leader of the hungarian opposition peter magyar came to kyiv immediately after orban was here, not immediately, but after a short time, and somehow he immediately went to ahmadit and told that they would collect money, mr. orban did not say anything. said, he didn't even express sympathy, it's somehow somehow strange, on the other
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hand, i would say that such a rather strange situation is also the fact that there were elections for the mayor of budapest, the capital of hungary, and there with a very small percentage, not even a fraction of a percentage , he won everything after all, a pro-ukrainian politician, then what kind of mood does the question arise in general? hungary, on the one hand, we see support. the positional leader of ukraine and he says such correct words, at least humanistically correct, maybe not militarily correct, but humanistically obvious in contrast to orman, on the other hand. well, the equality between the pro-ukrainian and anti-ukrainian candidates for the mayor of the main city of hungary is quite large, what is the general mood in the community, not in your community, but in hungary in general, what is the mood? i will try to answer, mr. mykola, all these questions you asked, and
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i want to clarify, yes, mr. peter madyar, the head of the opposition. of hungary, who to date is already catching up with viktor orban, according to sociological research, arrived in kyiv on friday, and indeed on thursday, handed over a gift, brought humanitarian aid to ohmadid, and by the way, he walked around, visited the wall of memory 'yati, which is literally several hundred meters from the hungarians. embassies, and you are right, because when orbán visited kyiv on july 2, he did not even manage to take these couple of steps to pay his respects, express his condolences near uh, the wall of memory in the center of kyiv, i'm not talking about the fact that he didn't express his
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condolences at all after the racist bombing of ohmadid, and about that, by the way. said directly in ohmadidi, peter magyar, that the most important thing now is to provide appropriate assistance to ukraine, and not just to fly on fancy cars from one dictator to another dictator, regarding what you asked about the election of the mayor of the capital, the situation is a little different there, the matter is the fact that literally before the voting took place, orban removed his direct the protege of fidesz from this race, because it was clear that its former leader, er, orban's press secretary, oleksandra, would lose resoundingly, and the truly pro-ukrainian, strong pro-ukrainian mayor hergei koracyn and
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one of his challengers were fighting, but eh. .. just koraceny's opponent was a person with not quite such an anti-ukrainian position and you are hard to hear, let's re-select you, because these are really important moments, mr. tibor tompa, head of the hungarian community of kyiv region, we hope that now we will find a better option. communication, well, we all understand, and you understand, and we understand that electricity somewhere disappears, appears, disappears, appears, all this together obviously affects the internet and so on and so on, it's all very complicated, it's all very difficult, well, we hope for that after all , some higher forces will help us to carry out this
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program to the end and carry it out, as always , brilliantly, what... why, what is the point of hiding the truth here, yes, because there really is something to talk about, orbán in nato, orbán and trump, what they are agreeing on, how much is the guarantee that orbán will receive additional forces, if trump wins, and won't he lose everything if trump doesn't win, orbán and nato, also a huge problem, i i don't know how he... feels, i think he's playing abank, what is called, and to say that he is sure, well, i wouldn't say that he is sure, the american election, no one knows how it will end, in that respect, there is a huge difference between democracy and authoritarianism or totalitarianism, when, what the more democracy, the less clear who will win the election, and it is obvious that in totalitarian ones
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countries or there are no elections at all, or elections, but we see trump. we see orbán, it's interesting to know what they talked about there, maybe mr. tibor can explain it to us, it's obvious that orbán wants trump to win, because then he will have quite a lot of influence. we have an opportunity to talk with mr. tibor tompo, not knowing whether through a video link or by phone, but we will definitely talk under all conditions. hello. hello, mr. tibor, yes, mr. nikolay, yes, hear, hear, good, good to hear, thank you very much, so, about what do you think mr. orbán said to mr.... because people who are not madiran, i think they can't imagine, without knowing the hungarian language, what it's about, i don't
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even know how many in the world people, apart from native speakers of this language, who could learn it, this language is quite complex, so maybe you can tell us some secrets, maybe you learned something in the hungarian language that the rest of the world doesn't know, please mr. cibar, yes, thank you, well nothing. there was nothing special about this meeting between orbán and trump, it was a lightning meeting, only hype, that is they even said that this was ordinary trolling from orbán, at most they met for 20 to 30 minutes, and the only thing that orbán said in the hungarian press, in the hungarian government, was that tram allegedly supported him in principle. peace mission, what kind of peace mission is this, no one knows anything, of course, it has nothing to do with peace, because i warned that the situation
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is not easy, and our communication can be interrupted, as we see, maybe, i'm here i'm not a specialist, i have a technical degree. there is no education, i cannot say anything here, but i can say that it is hot crazy, i'm on break right now, while there was news, i went outside, it's much better here than outside, i don't know, i'm asking my colleagues now, tibor tompa is being recruited now, but it's not known if he will be recruited, not him, mr. tibor , but in general this communication system will not lead to the fact that there is mr. tiber again, i hope. so what does that mean with trump , it was like that, well, as you said, trolling , yes, that is, it was as if i met, and it was like 20 minutes is
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not the time to agree on something, but how does the hungarian society perceive the magyars themselves how do they perceive his activity, they congratulate, they smile, they don't believe. they welcome how newspapers write in general, although they say that the press is so unfree that it is not known what they write there, maybe they write on the instructions of the same orbán, but what is the reaction of hungarian society, please, mr. tibor, they tell me here, you know , as they say, the fourth attempt, i don't know whether it is worth waiting for the fifth. it’s not worth trying, but orban has said a lot of interesting things lately, for example, i was stunned that in the next two or three months, there will be more victims than in
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the last six months - said orbán, why did he say this, who told him this, is it the most powerful hungarian-hungarian intelligence in the world, the one that knows better than american, english intelligence and so on, how he... found out that it will be two or three times more, two or three months and it will be more, absolutely incomprehensible, absolutely incomprehensible, and therefore it is difficult for all of us to imagine what orbán means and what he means in general, well, now there is tibar , mr. tibor, maybe, maybe now we will negotiate to the end, can you hear us, mr. tibor, yes, i can hear you well, yes, yes, yes, and you should be in a stable connection, i hope, so, look, the question, hungarian society reacts to these trips of mr. orbán, moscow, kyiv, washington, trump, china, there is a smile, there
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is a greeting, there are, there are, what, as a society, as newspapers, as people, what do they say, oh, our prime minister is a good man, a peacemaker, do they say that he moves, if america does not can do nothing, if... can't do anything about this war, then why is our orbán here, can he really do it to do everything, or he really wants to, maybe the nobel peace prize, i don’t know what you will say, hungarian society is divided into pieces, there are the so-called supporters of orbán or orbánizans, who are so entrenched in orbán’s ideology, that’s how they say that he supposedly supports peace, but they themselves do not know what peace is, what it is... orban does not know about this strategy at all. a significant part - this is almost half of hungary - is categorically against it and suggests that orbán would rather deal
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with his internal affairs. because today it is the highest in hungary inflation, in general, he is, he is not, he cannot be a representative who conducts such negotiations, that is, it is primarily budapest, big places that categorically oppose orbán, against his policies and the so-called mission of peace in quotation marks, because it is not what else but playing along with putin. and please explain, we talked about this with you, but those who are for orban, they are against europe, against nato, against the european union, well, in general, nato, the european union are for ukraine, and orban, well, how to say, to put it mildly, not for, at least, what he is counting on, don't the hungarians have it too doubts about participation in nato and the european union. in
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the fact that it is not worth supporting the authoritarian, totalitarian regimes of iran, russia, north korea, well, no, no, i don’t see any perspective here, how promising is orbán’s policy in general, or will he lose so that then the forces , who surround him, will lose so that then the hungarians simply will not want to return to the conversations that mr. orbán is currently conducting, please, mr. tiber, eh, thank you, business. in the fact that, indeed, orbán's populism has attracted many such short-sighted, serfs, lumpins, on today, 40% of orban's population, which allegedly supports him, you know, as soviet people, these are people who have not yet left the soviet union, so, unfortunately, a large part of the population. forgive hungary, it is much
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more backward than ukraine in this regard. yes, they want europe, they don't want to leave europe, they just want wasted money, wasted subsidies. well, and how does europe react to this, something, something europe is saying to orbán and to the modern politics of hungary in general, because we say, we see that on the one hand, sometimes they say there are such threats. ai ai ai, you look there more carefully, but anyway, we don't hear anything so harsh enough from europe, are we, or am i wrong, that we don't hear, please, mr. tibor, well, that's how it's done, on the one hand, europe i never expected that such a wretch as today's orban could appear in europe, who opposes the democratic world, against all democratic principles, but i will give only one example, the last meeting on industrial affairs.
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actually ignored the news of the ministers more 20 countries of the european union, and it is said that this presidency of orbán will not be further than until september, until october, then they will hand it over to poland, because orbán is enough, and moreover, orbán was not given the opportunity to speak at the plenary session of the opening of the european parliament, therefore, in this regard, what is being done and what is being done is that... from the 20th , a total boycott of the meeting of the foreign ministers of european countries will be held again, hungary wants to preside over it, as it now presides over the european union, so certain steps are being taken, and i think that orbán is nothing won't be able to start for us, because only now will the committees be created and while the laws
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and... tompa, the head of the hungarian community of the kyiv region, we talked about hungary, and the relationship was not the best, well, about the kind of relationship that orban has with the rest of the european union is also, to put it mildly, not the best, now we will have an advertisement, 4-5 minutes, and then we will have our old acquaintance, oleg shamshur, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states... from the 5th to 10 years, and then the ambassador of ukraine in france from the 14th to the 20th years. so this will all be in the future, but this future will arrive in exactly 5 minutes. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you. a special complex of active substances of dolgit antineuro helps in normal.


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