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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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the terrorist base is, in any case , a contingent of chinese troops on the territory of tajikistan, where russian troops used to be, and of course there the shanghai cooperation organization cannot make any such proposals, because they will be blocked by moscow, but it is a gateway for china increasingly controlled central asia up to the russian borders, because kazakhstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan are interested in contacts with china, on the other side of the asian-texas region. conducts training not only with russia, it is conducting military exercises with vietnam at the same time, also a good signal for the united states, which has agreed with vietnam on a strategic partnership, and at the same time vietnam is conducting training with the people's republic of china, but there is a certain problem , however, to the united states of america, by the way, let's return, for a week
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in a row we are discussing fever this fever fever we are discussing the consequences of the debates, and now, most likely, the consequences of the final speeches within the framework of the nato summit. we we're talking about biden and we're talking about the fact that, unfortunately, this fever, it's continuing, we're seeing more and more democrats of all kinds. are saying that biden should withdraw from the presidential race, for example, some of the financial, phi financial sacks, phi, financial leaders, so to speak, of the democrats have announced that they are freezing 90%, 90 million dollars of funding for the biden election campaign, until he withdraws from the election race.
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actor george clooney also joined here called on biden to withdraw, and he did not run, he gave, gave a pass, so to speak , to someone else, and some representatives of the congress from the democratic party are also added to this, and as we can see, it is all bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, and every day , here i only have five or six news in a day. those that penetrate our information space, i see that it concerns biden. for the third week, as they say, we measure the temperature of the american chamber in our studio, and three weeks ago, you, mr. vitaly, said that no do you see the possibility that biden will leave the election race, in three weeks, has your opinion changed, here i will quote you the text that appeared just a few minutes ago.
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edition of the new york times. ugh. he is called joe biden for president. ugh. its author writes: i will do everything i can that president biden was re-elected. why? despite my disagreements with him on specific issues, he has been the most effective president in our country's modern history and is the strongest candidate to defeat donald trump. demagogue and pathological liar. it is time to learn the lesson of the progressive and centrist forces in france who, despite deep political differences, have come together. obsessively focused on june's presidential debates and the cognitive capabilities of the man who has perhaps the most difficult and stressful job in the world. the media frantically searched for every living person who no longer supported the president, but for any neurologist who wanted to appear on television. unfortunately, many democrats have joined this circular. shooting
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yes i know mr biden is old, prone to mistakes, can't walk and had a disastrous debate with mr trump but i also know the presidential election is not an entertainment contest it doesn't start and end with a 90 minute debate enough mr biden may not be the perfect candidate, but he 's going to be the candidate and he should remain, you know, you know who the author of this text is, senator bernie sanders, the leader of the left, it's one of the... of the leaders, but it's the leader of the left circle in the democratic party of the people, who did not support joseph biden, as a rule, so these people were scared, and as you understand, such a text means that processes are taking place in the democratic party that even we do not fully understand, because if bernie sanders at a moment when it seems that he can be replaced... uhu, speaking out in
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support of him, it means that, in principle, in principle, joseph biden is still. has a huge chance not only to retain the candidates, but also to win the elections, who will then shake the situation in the democratic party, it has passed, on last saturday we determined that it was on that there were moments, there was still a left wing, ugh, at this moment, who is so shaken, who so much does not understand that for their political power, such shaking can end. a failure not only for biden, but also for the democrats in general, because there are also elections, the elections in november will not only be for the president, there will also be elections for the congress of the united states of america, and if the democrats demonstrate such a difference unity, then they can, then they can
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lose the presidential election and the congressional elections again, who is shaking all this, well so there are people who may believe that the replacement of biden today is more. er, i would say that the correct decision from the point of view is to win the congress, because i do not think that it is possible to win the presidential election in such a situation by replacing the candidate, rather than those who, in principle, advocate the need to preserve the candidate who has already after the premiere, i will honestly tell you that what i read you quotes from bernie sanders is a more logical text, well, it is a politically logical text of bernie. it's hard to say a good, relatively speaking, person, he has always been a person who went against all political trends, a very left- wing person, and he also says in this that he does not agree with biden on middle eastern issues, there is all that, but he absolutely right, if you want to
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stop trump, you have to stop trump, what do you need to stop trump, or enjoy biden's youth? and it seems to me that it is absolutely logical, if you are representatives of the democratic forces, and your task is to prevent a second term of trump, you you need to stop fooling around and build a campaign that leaves donald trump, a pathological demagogue as defined by bernie sans, no chance of winning the presidential election of the united states, because donald trump is a two-legged disaster, that's all, a one-legged disaster , the second leg is a disaster, and that is also necessary. clearly understand, so i'm absolutely not thrilled about joseph biden's physical form, but i wasn't thrilled four years ago, i don't really don't really understand why everybody woke up, all of a sudden, oh, listen, this the hardest job in the world, in general, to be
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the president of a country is to be in a state of constant stress, we can look at volodymyr zelensky, this is how he survives the war, but he leads the country on... much less in terms of challenges, even in times of war, than the united states states of america, and look at what volodymyr zelenskyy looks like, whoever it is, what it looks like, any president can be photographed at the time of election and at the end of his term of office, this is five years of stress, so, by the way, people who remain in power for many years, they turn into monsters, they lose in general... a real understanding of life, even in democratic countries, in democratic countries there is an advantage, if there is a prime minister for many years, then in principle, you at least meet with public opinion, you read the newspapers, you know what people think of you, you have critical thinking, but do you remember angela merkel during her last trial period as
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chancellor, how she stood and trembled, do you remember, well, she is different age than joseph biden, what happened to her, therefore what is stress, you rule germany. moreover , you have to fight for power all the time, a huge state, in fact the locomotive of europe, you have all the responsibility, you wake up with the thoughts of this responsibility, you fall asleep with the thought, there you still need to unite all the federal lands, federal lands, and create coalitions in the federal lands, there is a complicated process there, no, well, the united states of america, why is it the same there, it is a federal state, there in fact. it is also necessary, i apologize, to unite 50 states constantly and be a factor of attraction in the attraction of all these 50 states, not their separation, so i absolutely agree with bernie seners, the democratic forces of the united states of america, all people
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of good will, all sober thinking people, must stop donald trump on his way to the white house. of course, if they don't stop me, it will be a different story, we will think about how to survive in a world where trump will be the president of america. not all will survive, i will say right away, but those who survive must take care of it, and we must be among those who will try to survive, even though it will not be easy, that is, after all... you judge the chances that trump, of course, i can already see, yes, what, that trump, that biden will stay, that’s what i ’m saying about it, you can’t run for president of the united states, that i, well, at least you don’t have zelensky and putin you are confusing, it is still ahead, andrew, and, in fact, it is still ahead that biden will still remain as much as possible in the election race, his chances. pretty high, i don't see any reason yet to believe he's ready to go,
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especially since the ratings don't show him falling anywhere, the ratings remain where they were before the debate, and i think democrats should focus not on the replacement of the leader, on the story related to the need to win in those problem states, where a part of the population that is not defined, may really be confused by their pa'. after the debate, i generally believe that this panic should not have happened, it was possible to critically evaluate the debate, but not to start a conversation about replacing the candidate, but to say that the president should rest more, that his advisers should not have arranged this debate, in general, you you see, we have become fools with the debate, because we are not we understand why they started doing it so early, never in the history of the united states has there been a debate between people, none of whom are endorsed by a candidate for office. of the president by the national convention of the democratic republican party. in general, how
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did donald trump and joseph biden debate. joseph biden is the president of the united states and donald trump is the former president of the united states. both politicians may hope that delegates to the republican and democratic national conventions will nominate them for the presidency of the united states, but one could wait for the convention. so, it was important for someone to conduct such. before joseph biden was finally approved as a candidate for the post of president of the united states, it seems to me that there was a gross political error here, because just imagine, the convention passed, he was approved, then such a debate took place, so what to do, you have to swim, nothing, nothing, then nothing, well, that’s why i wonder why they did it, who thought of it, and it seems to me that this is a very important moment that we should also think about, who was behind these ... interested in holding these debates before the national convention of the democratic party,
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so in this regard, of course, this is a very important moment, especially since again we do not understand one more fact, but let's imagine that joseph biden takes and refuses to run for the convention , then what, they say, oh, you can nominate kamala harris, well , you can from some formal point of view, because she went through the primaries together with biden. as a candidate for the position of the president of the united states, as a vice president. many of the leaders of the democratic party may think, "no, listen, this is also completely unrealistic, i will be a much better candidate than kamala harris." the fight will begin at the convention of the democratic party itself, it is not known what this will lead to, because in this situation , the wishes of the party can become more important than the logic of the real by the way, let me remind you, another country, great britain , led to the victory of the conservatives in the parliamentary elections, and then
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he completely compromised himself from the point of view of his own party. for months in a row in the primaries, they elected a candidate for the position of the leader of the list party, who headed the government for a few weeks, after which the economic situation in great britain led to her quick resignation, absolutely unprecedented, this had never happened, and they were then without any primaries. .decided that they will hand over the reins of the british government to the man who lost the conservative party risho sunok, maybe a talented manager, i won't say anything, but obviously from an electoral point of view an unelectable candidate, i'm not great a supporter of boris johnson, but boris johnson is a charismatic leader, it's true, well, here's the whole story, as a result, where is the conservative party now, and nowhere, at the lowest - at one of the lowest. indicators in the entire history of yours is one of the lowest indicators in the entire history of the united states of great britain, and this
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happens when you propose a candidacy that you as a party nomenclature, as a delegate to a party convention, as the head of a local party organization in the state delaware or pennsylvania seems absolutely perfect, this guy he can definitely win the election because... it's part of your party life, and the people who vote, even the democrats, can have a completely different attitude about it, because the people are not a party organization, and there's a... a huge problem when you do not go through popular elections, because people can be guided in their likes and dislikes by completely irrational motives, inaccessible to a rational person, a person who is engaged in professional, party activities is usually a rational person, this is the essence of a political career, it is a rational idea, and a person who votes in
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elections, as we know very well from ukrainian voting, is very different from american voting. between us, speaking, this is a person who thinks irrationally, as boris yeltsin once said, votes with his heart, of course, it would be better if people voted with their heads, but this does not happen often, they vote with their heads at party congresses, in at the polling stations they vote from the point of view of sympathy, a large number of people do not even have time to understand who it is, what it is, her does the biden democracy like it, will the harris democracy like it, we don't... because we haven't tested it, maybe yes, it's a lottery, maybe not, so it's a huge test, i think, this whole story, we'll see how it goes unfold, yes, in fact, we will see, the next few weeks will be decisive in the united states of america, because already at the beginning of august, the candidates must be officially registered, and after that
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, any change of candidates is practically out of the question. we will return to for a few minutes after a short pause and let's talk about another interesting topic: don't switch, we'll be back soon, the usual things become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, for back pain, try cream долгиet. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dolgit is the only yellow cream. from joint and back pain. when buying a large package of 150 g, you save up to 50%. there are leftovers represent the only discounts on foams steve 15% in pharmacies plantain you and savings. oh, i remember. you see, although they say that over the years our memory is getting weaker. but i am attentive and remember everything. we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. the active substances
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adopts new laws, but how do these changes in... affect our lives. we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. watch the news at 9 p.m., the results of the week. no entry period, but with promises to support. how did the nato summit end? for ukraine. queues in tsnapa and tsk. until july 16 all conscripted ukrainians must update their military registration data.
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abnormal heat covered ukraine. the temperature is breaking records, and forecasters do not expect coolness. about all this and much more already at 21 on espresso. we're back live, saturday politics club, and we have another very high-profile topic: the united states of america and germany prevented russia from eliminating rheinmetall's ceo, armin paperger. this actually became known from cnn, the journalists talked about what russia actually wanted. one of the top managers of the company, which produces weapons, which, by the way, are supplied to ukraine. in general, this all shows that
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russian terror goes far beyond the borders of ukraine, and when all of us, ukrainians, all representatives of ukraine talked about the fact that it will not end in ukraine, that russian tentacles, they will definitely move towards civilized of the world, and by the way, it was not the first and not the last attempt to kill someone, and there were successful murders, in particular of russian citizens on the territory of europe, but if you remember, there was also the murder of a well-known bulgarian arms dealer yemilyan gebriva, he was also tried to be killed by the russian special services just after 2014, when it became clear that he could organize a real supply of weapons to ukraine, and russia was already preparing for... the fact that, to continue the war with ukraine, it was necessary to deprive ukrainian the armed forces of new weapons, with paperger - this is an interesting story in general, because in fact rain metal is
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the first western concern that opened zbroiov, who opened a workshop in ukraine in the western part of the territory of ukraine, they are already producing and repairing there german-made, german -made equipment and are going to open a whole enterprise, establish a large own production, and of course... moscow does not like this, and by and large, the attempt to kill paperger is also a signal to other european and american gunsmiths that this is not for you there will be business, of course you can die, risk your life, because we will follow you and kill you, and it is absolutely obvious that according to the same western media, russia has planned a whole series of such measures. in western countries to to destroy the leading managers of western countries in the military-industrial complex itself, why? because you understand that if you are just
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an entrepreneur, you know that you are doing business, and suddenly this business becomes so dangerous that you are in danger, in fact in danger of losing your life, you think 3 thousand times before signing another contract, that is not state enterprises, this is a private business. of course, governments may want you to do this, they may offer you benefits, benefits of some kind, reduce your taxation, give you some opportunities are new, but if it is about your life, maybe you will sign a contract with someone else, maybe you will say that you do not have such production capacity, you can invent a lot to not work in this direction, or at least work through it 2-3 years, when it will be safer. this is by the way, in addition to the fact that in recent months, russia has actualized sabotage of
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various european enterprises that supply something in ukraine for the ukrainian armed forces. and i will remind you again that it is not the first story, remember the warehouse explosion in verbet, this is in the czech republic, where only later, only a few years later, it became known that it was not... an accident and not some random incident, but a real sabotage organized by the way, by the same petrov bashirov, the so-called, who tried to kill an agent of the former russian special services , a sharpshooter, this is an incredible story, and it is absolutely obvious that if they did it before, why not do it now, it is just more difficult for them to do it now, because according to their movements around europe is watching much more dust. than it was until 2022, russian diplomats in uniform, in civilian clothes, so to speak, are not allowed
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to travel freely without observation. across the countries of the european union, and of course, now it is more difficult for the russians to organize all these various acts of terrorism than before russia's big attack on ukraine, but they are still trying, they are still trying, and the fact that they took raine mettal as the first such target, then it is also absolutely obvious, because they are now actively working in the baltic countries, they work in the czech republic, they work... in poland, they are building a new factory in germany itself for the production of projectiles, which was already visited by the federal chancellor olaf scholz, they want to modernize the production of tanks, they are creating a concern with the italian defense group leonardo, that is, there it goes a very serious story, which is aimed specifically at the fact that
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ukraine could... get new weapons, and russia suffered the greatest possible losses in manpower and equipment during this war. why should russia like it? of course, for them paperger, the enemy, and also, you know, the baltics, this is also a serious story, because the baltic countries, they also feel a certain danger. and look, in april 2024, they decided that they would build. lithuania has a factory for the production of ammunition, and lithuania can also supply these ammunition to ukraine, and the minister of economy of lithuania aoshrin armonaiti said then that attention should be paid not to talk about the threat of war, but to actions to ensure the security of the country, that is, in april of this year was reported to be in the making this workshop is in ukraine, and paperger spoke and
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spoke about what is important for us in... ukraine , effective and reliable support, these are also his words, so in this regard, you should not think that he is some random person who was simply chosen, because she works in the german military industry, no, this is a person who really takes real steps to help ukraine, this is the main german concern that arms ukraine, a concern that has already increased. projectile production, the concern that will produce projectiles in ukraine is not at all the same as in germany, it is not it is necessary to take them somewhere across the borders, then they are going to produce armored vehicles, then they are going to produce anti-aircraft defense, but you understand that this attempt on papergar may have the opposite result, the europeans will more carefully protect the heads of their military-industrial facilities under their military-industrial complex, such people like paberger will act even more decisively, because
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they will... believe that the way they are treated is unacceptable, a person has, as you understand, some fear, and some azrt, because they understands that she can now provide herself with a normal life, only if she destroys this enemy, this is not just, you know, the profit of the enterprise, this is a clear understanding of how i can live a long, happy life, kill putin, relatively speaking, if his regime collapses, i paperger, i will live to be 100 years old, and if putin will... live to be 100 years old, what murderers have come to me, this is a completely different level of confrontation, putin should have thought about it, because the paperger, probably did not think like that before this attempt, he simply performed his work as a manager, and it seems to me that this is also a very important moment when people are not left with elections, just as the russians were not left with elections after february 24, 2022, when ukrainians were not left with elections after february 24, 2022, when they actually nullified all those who thought that it was possible to negotiate with moscow and called us to agreements with the russian regime, or
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we... returning to the beginning of our program, we will fight back, or we will die, no other mediocre options existed, do not exist and will not exist in the coming years, here, but this is also a signal for world that with it is impossible to agree with the russian enemy that the russian enemy must be destroyed, this is what the whole civilized world should finally understand, and not only, and not only ukrainians and ukrainians. friends, we are very grateful to you for watching saturday's political club, for being with us, for joining our analytics as well, thank you vitaliy portnik, and hold on, let's hold on and believe in our country, goodbye, victory and peace.


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