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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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agreement with the russian regime, or we, returning to the beginning of our program, will fight back, or we will die, no other options in the middle did not exist, do not exist, and will not exist in the coming years, here, but this is also a signal to the world that it is impossible to negotiate with the russian enemy, that the russian enemy must be destroyed, this is what the whole civilized world should finally understand, not just a few. and not only ukrainians and paper workers, we are very grateful to you for watching the saturday political club, for being with us, for also joined our analytics, thank you vitaly portnikova, and hold on, we hold on and believe in our country, goodbye, victory and peace.
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the results of the nato anniversary summit did not invite the alliance, but ukraine's accession to the union is irreversible, mobilization. july 16 is the last day to update the data, what the penalty is for those who don't, and more light on when power outages may become less frequent. greetings, the espresso team will tell you about the important things in the past week, anna javamelnik is with you and i will start with military crimes of muscovites. price missile attack on ukraine. the russians took the lives of 44 people, including children, and another 196 were injured. in the morning of july 8, the invaders attacked our state in several waves. muscovites fired almost 40 rockets at kyiv, dnipro, kryvyi rih, sloviansk, and kramatorsk. damaged a number
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of houses and buildings, the largest children's hospital in the capital, ohmadit, also came under attack. at that time there were more than 600 small patients. the troops of the russian federation purposefully launched a rocket at the medical facility x101. the building of the toxicology department, where hemodialysis was carried out and patients were treated before and after transplantation, was completely destroyed. four more buildings were damaged, the main building of the cardiology center. children who were being treated in ohmadita were transferred to other medical facilities. a bloody meal, the russian delegation hosted a celebratory dinner on the occasion of its presidency in the un security council. the main dish on the menu was kiev-style cutlet. the action took place immediately after the meeting due to a massive attack by the russian federation and a strike on ohmadit hospital. the permanent representative of ukraine at the un, serhiy kyslytsia, noted that... the bit was paid for with blood money.
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the representative of russia, vasyl nebentsia, traditionally tried to convince those present that ukraine was to blame for the attack on the hospital. kislytsia noted that russia deliberately hit the most vulnerable and defenseless category of the population. is the glass half empty or half full? as it is, a year after the summit in vilnius, experts argue about the results of the meeting of the leaders of the alliance. in washington, they talked a lot about ukraine, promised a lot, but what kyiv wanted about the three-day meeting of the leaders of the alliance countries and the bridge that was built with ukraine, further in a detailed review. this year's nato summit is special. allies celebrated the 75th anniversary and asked ukraine in advance not to spoil the holiday, to accept the fact that there will be no invitation to the alliance. to invite a new
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ally, we need consensus. and all allies agree that ukraine will become a member, but it is still too early to say when exactly this will happen. the alliance's key decision regarding ukraine is the commitment to allocate next year's defense to ukraine needs 40 billion euros. and already this year, it will significantly strengthen its air defense, in particular with patriot systems, and provide additional aircraft. 16. a number of western leaders have already announced new defense packages, including the host of the summit, president joseph biden. i will not leave ukraine, i will keep nato strong. this is what we have done and will continue to do. the future of american politics depends on the american people. this is more than a political issue, it is a national security issue. president joseph biden has repeatedly mentioned the future. during
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final press conference, however, a series of unfortunate stipulations in the opinion of the american press undermined his attempts to prove that he is in good shape and, despite his age, is ready to fight. donald trump, biden are 81 and many believe that this is too much to run for a second term. nato is 75, but many also doubt that the alliance is still strong enough to take on russia, china, iran and other authoritarian regimes that have challenged the west. it is not only a matter of reluctance to send ukraine an invitation, it seems that the allies do not really know how to stop putin, and are rather ready for negotiations. with him, than to decisive steps for ukrainian victory, hence the fear of escalation. the british clarify that they did not give permission to hit the provided stormshadow missiles deep into the russian federation. president
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zelenskyi failed to convince western leaders to remove all restrictions, even against the backdrop of the russian terrorist attack on the okhmadyt children's hospital. of course, if we want. win, if we want to take the mountain, if we want to save our country and protect it, we have to remove all restrictions, i talked about it with partners, if the russians attacked us and killed our children in the hospital, the crazy question is why we can't respond and attack these military bases from which fighter jets launch guided bombs or missiles, uncertainty about the future. the shadow of the already mentioned us presidential elections in november adds to the alliance. donald trump previously did not rule out the possibility of the united states withdrawing from nato. now insists on the need to normalize relations with putin's russia, the same one that the alliance has recognized as the main threat. candidate
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from the republicans and still promises peace in 24 hours, which hungarian prime minister orbán once again announced, who took advantage of his visit to the usa to visit trump for the second time at his estate in florida. peace mission 5:00. it was an honor to visit trump today in maralago. we discussed ways to achieve peace. the good news of the day, he's going to fix it. finally, about words and wording, because they matter, at least in diplomacy. in the final declaration of the summit, at the last moment , a phrase about the irreversibility of ukraine's membership in the alliance, despite the fact that... according to the media , biden was initially against it and wanted to limit himself to the wording about the bridge to membership. this is definitely positive news. even at the infamous summit in bucharest 16 years ago, ukraine was denied an action plan for membership. then they said that the door to
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the alliance remained open for her. now a bridge appeared in front of this seemingly open door. how long, hardly anyone can say. but there is no other way than to follow it, hoping for... better in ukraine. next, about the situation at the front. russian the occupiers in the kharkiv direction continue offensive actions in the areas of the villages of hlyboke, staritsa, liptsi and the city of vovchansk. the invaders also tried to gain a foothold in the village of sotnytskyi kozachok, but the defense forces pushed them out, deep state analysts inform. the enemy continues to advance in donetsk region. the hottest situation is in the pokrovsky direction. russia... forms settlements near vozdvizhinka, novoaleksandrivka, rozdolivka, and novoselivka persha. the occupiers are trying to break through our defenses on kupinsky, lymansky, kramatorsk, turkish and kurakhiv directions. time is running out, all
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conscripted ukrainians must update their military registration data by july 16, as required by the new law on mobilization, which entered into force on may 18. update data. our correspondents found out what difficulties ukrainians face and what awaits those who ignore the law. x-day is getting closer, the deadline is already on july 16, tuesday updating the data of all conscripts, so according to simple mathematics, there is less time, and the queues are only increasing. almost until the end , news appeared in some places in the infospace, and in the verkhovna rada there were draft laws about a possible extension of the deadline for updating data, however, a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, fedir venislavskyi,
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absolutely clearly explained that this will not happen. due to certain political statements, due to the fact that some of our colleagues immediately after entry into force. the bill was registered by law on extending the term up to 180 days. in my opinion, these are not thought-out actions, which, on the contrary , cool some citizens of ukraine and allow them to hope. that the authorities will extend this term, and they have nowhere to hurry, if queues to the territorial recruitment centers have already become commonplace, now there are queues in front of the centers for the provision of administrative services, conscripts in kyiv and lviv say that they have been coming to the checkpoints since the very morning. from 7 o'clock in the morning, look, now it's almost 12, that is, well, in principle, it's still normal, it's still fast here, but and... cases in holosiivsk, at 7 in the morning, i was the 139th in the queue, huh, that is,
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it is very difficult there, i am here from about 9:15, but i know, well, somewhere people are coming, starting to occupy the queue is around 7 in the morning, well, the update itself does not take long, that is, the work there with the operators happens quite quickly, the only thing is that the queue moves slowly in general, well, that's enough. well, there were 70 of us men there today, it’s normal, they say that maybe we will come in two or three hours, there was no light, as soon as the light was turned on, i had an electronic the line, and about 10-15 minutes and that's all, i've been to military checkpoints many times, it's impossible to get in line there, this is the first time i came here, yesterday was the same, the line was long and today i came for the first time. and how long are you standing? i came to sign up in the queue
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on the 28th, there were already 64 of me here. if two weeks ago they were accepting about 50-60 people per day, now it is more than 250, - says maryana ogorodnyk, acting head of one of the territorial divisions of the national center for national health and welfare in lviv. due to the large influx of people throughout ukraine, the registry system can work slower. before that, before... even turning off the lights and air alarms. due to the fact that the registry often does not work or works with a long wait, the waiting time for this service increases accordingly. the most popular option among conscripts is the reserve plus application. approximately 90-100 thousand citizens update their data online every day. and as of july 12. in total, 2,700,000 people have done this in the application, let us know. deputy minister of defense kateryna chornogorenko, however, not everyone has a digital update
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data, seems convenient and safe. i don't register through banking, for some reason, i press everything, but it doesn't go through, that is, i came here because i think that this program is not, it is not legal, it is not, as everyone claims, not in one regulatory document. it does not exist, that is , it is not clear to whom and how to give your data, and therefore because of tsnap, it seems to me that it is not very effective, plus there are many negative reviews about it, plus it takes data from the banking system, which i do not want to provide, so that the banking system is a banking secret, it does not have one right to be distributed. at the same time, lawyer roman lykhachev emphasizes that clarifying the data for receiving a summons for the address... of a call to the military is half the battle. currently, the main problem is that a large number
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of ukrainians are not even on the military register. for tsc, this is not the main thing that led to the data of a person. for them, the main thing is whether she has a military registration document, is she on military registration, if there is no right to postponement, and why is she not serving? then the main question. and these moments in principle, i.e. already today in the absence of troops... a ticket, a temporary military id is required, a person can already be fined today, you don't have to wait there for mid-july , she updated it, she didn't update the data, that is , people are confused at this point, my advice is to go to the military, because everyone will still have to register for the military, pass the military - medical commission, update, provide all data to the state. 60 days were allotted for updating the data, ukrainians conscripted into the military. who have not done so by july 17, may receive a fine from uah 17,000 to uah 25.
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in order not to be fined, i see several formats, the first is to send a letter to the tcc, a statement in which to inform about your new data, there residential address, email address, that is, the main thing in the violation itself is not that the person did not update the data , and against... that she did not provide such data to the territorial picking center, plus trying to register in the electronic queue, so that later i could show that i was in the electronic queue, if the debtor does not... pay a fine, his information will be transferred to the enforcement service and data about it will be entered into a single register debtors, and this involves seizure of property and blocking of bank cards. first of all, i advise everyone to renew the activity, there is no need to delete it, i don’t know, many bloggers talk about the fact that the activity should be deleted, because of this they track where you are,
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there you will receive fines from tsk, on ​​the contrary from actions, for me, as a lawyer, it is clear. there is an open resolution on executive proceedings against a person, i can see it, contact the executor there, pay, for example, a fine, if it is legitimate, or, on the contrary, appeal it, if it is illegal. since the beginning of this year , 12,000 ukrainians have received fines for violation of military registration, so in order to avoid penalties, it is worth clarifying personal data and registering for military registration. natalya stare pravo, kateryna galko, roman kovalyuk, oleksandr burlevich, tv channel. espresso. due to the abnormal heat , electricity consumption in ukraine reached its maximum mark in the summer period with a significant energy deficit. due to the russian strikes , up to four rounds of shutdowns are applied to oblenergo. that is, in each region 70% consumers remain without electricity. however
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, the company predicts that after july 20 , electricity to ukrainians will be turned off less often. as the adviser to the prime minister, member of the supervisory board of ukrenergo yury boyko explained. repaired generation facilities are planned to be launched in the mentioned period. at the same time , ukraine continues to import electricity from romania, slovakia, poland, hungary and moldova. they are not afraid of power outages, generators and solar panels have been installed in 650 steel buildings. thanks to this , the elevator works. water supply pumps and heating systems. dmytro didora visited one of these buildings. he will talk about the advantages of alternative generation, as well as whether it will help in winter. this is now our home consumption. there, by the way, the guys are now making an electric welding machine right away from the generator. and this little red thing on top is
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the network. well, it is clear that we do not take anything from there, because there is a minus. this is the hybrid solar control point. power station, which was installed on the roof of their own house by residents of a high-rise building in holosiivskyi district capitals. these are 59 solar panels, a battery that performs the function of storage and an inverter for the distribution of electricity. this station was installed here back in 2021, so people saved money. however, after the outbreak of the great war, such a source of generation began to provide light during blackouts. in the interheating period. there, relatively speaking, from the middle of april until the end of september, the system had to accumulate electrical energy in the batteries during daylight hours, and it had to be sufficient, relatively speaking, from 8 pm to 8 am, well that is, it was like that, well, the first principle, how it was supposed to work, such equipment cost
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uah 2,100 0, 70% was compensated by the city, the other part of the amount was covered by the residents of the building, still under... during the first blackouts in 2022 , the system began to work on its own home needs. thanks to the solar panels , the elevators, lighting, water supply pumps work in the building during a blackout. literally, on the 4th of july, i was growing from the 4th of july in the 23rd year to the 4th of july this year. so, the photovoltaic plant covered, roughly speaking, almost 40% of the house's consumption. basically, statistics. in 22-23 years, he says that together with the elevators , the system can work for up to 12 hours, without an elevator , without elevators for almost a day. after a series of massive russian attacks, the ukrainian energy industry lost 9 gw of capacity, so blackouts began already in the summer. ukrainians are preparing for the most difficult winter, but solar panels will be less
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effective in the cold season. the station in winter... has about 10 times, or even 15 times less electricity in terms of power than it produces in summer under direct sunlight, so expect that a solar power station that somehow covers the need your apartment, house, office, in the summer it will not cover these needs in the winter. experts say that there is currently a demand for green energy in the european union, especially popular own solar panels that are installed on balconies or roofs of houses. this practice also exists in our country. experts advise to consider that in addition to the production of electricity, it is necessary to think about its accumulation. that is, in our country, considering the fact that our thermal power plants are broken, we also have... a shortage of electricity in general and a boom in the construction of solar plants. rests on the fact that you have the sun working during the day and not in the evening, then you need to install batteries, and these batteries, they are this
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market, which is developing very quickly now, it just didn't exist three years ago, now you have a lot of structures various portable, wall-mounted battery units on wheels, they are of various different capacities, in addition to powering the critical systems of the house when there is no light, energy from the sun... sell to the distribution network, the hybrid inverter provides, therefore, a return to the network, and we, to things, now we are talking with with the detector, yes, with the operator of the distribution system, so there is, well, there is such a thing as an active consumer of the network, and we are currently studying the documents there, relatively speaking, we will have to spend some part of the money there to install a meter that will count input-output , and... well, it means that the price there is formed according to the market principle. the costs of installing a backup power supply are promised to be compensated. such programs are already operating in kyiv, odesa and lviv. june 2024 became
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the hottest in the entire history of observations on the planet. as we can see in practice, july too breaks all records. kateryna galko will tell whether ukrainians are happy about the abnormally warm summer and whether it is worth waiting for precipitation. +40 from now on not only in exchangers, but also on thermometers. abnormal heat covered ukraine. hot and dry air masses came to us from the deserts of central asia. and forecasters do not promise significant changes in air temperature or precipitation. if it seems to you that it is very hot, then you only think so. it is very hot now, and i want to say that in the near future this heat will hold, unfortunately, there may be some fluctuations. small, but so far in within the limits of a real forecast, i do not see any significant relief. ukrainians are not
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ready to set temperature records. all the more so in the face of full-scale war without safe access to the seas and without cooling air conditioners, because the forecasts for turning on electricity are as pessimistic as the weather. kyiv has such an abnormal heat, especially among urban buildings, mostly not to... like, the weather is a nightmare in general, how about we try to sit everywhere, here we turned on the sprinkler, then it's generally cool, the weather is summer, summer is summer, it's hot, of course, but we're used to it, it wouldn't be worse, i think you can see how the weather has been lately on the faces of all kyivites, and how do we save ourselves, well, we send signals into space to make it rain. and the weather is very good, and the sun is shining, it's pleasant, it affects the mood, it affects health, on
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relationships, it affects, and even the beach areas traditional for kyiv on trukhanovo island and in the hydropark are empty, there are vacationers, of course, but it's definitely already not the populated banks of the dnieper, as it was before, but those who did come to soak up the sun... in this only they are happy, the water is warm, there is enough space for entertainment, they also like the weather. it happened that i was here alone, and when i used to bake, especially on weekends, there wasn't even a place here. this year is probably warmer than last year, in general, wonderful, wonderful, summer, warm, we must, we must run closer to the water, the heat is normal, but it is better near the water, it is near the water, we understand that who has a harder time in this ... it's time, but for our music , we're a little suffocated, it's this, this is our hydropart, no way, i love the heat, so it's fine with me. burning sun and temperature
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high jumps can bother even very strong ukrainians. heat is a health hazard, especially for those who have chronic diseases and older people, symptoms of overheating, either thermal. of a blow, it will primarily be dizziness, fatigue, loss of consciousness, dehydration. doctors advise to pay particular attention to your well-being, as well as to be cautious and call an ambulance in case of sunstroke or heat stroke , try to periodically go to cafes, shops, places where it is cool, and take water with you, wear light clothes, no no... tight-fitting, ah, don't forget about hats, about sun protection on all exposed areas of the skin, first of all go to the shade, it's just a shade from... a tree, if you
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are outside and in an open area, it can be a cafe, a store, that is, go to a place where there is coolness, wash yourself, and pour water on yourself, if you have water with you, when you feel that you are not well, when a downpour will pass over ukraine or we don't know when the temperature will be more normal, so we put on panamas, sunglasses and drink a lot of water, and we remember that the real heat is where our defenders, dog air conditioners are in... the cluster and bercy. watch espresso, read our website and subscribe to our social networks, and of course, support the espresso youtube channel. be close, it's all good. tingling,
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podoro pharmacies. i'm coming to ukraine with three children, i don't have a job, i need to find one, i don't have a home, i need to find one, and i'm still sick, what should the state do to allow someone like me to return? the stories of the displaced people that we tell in the film are more eloquent than the optimistic official reports and spectacular presentations from government agencies. real life destroys myths, money no, wait, we are not waiting, to return or stay, where to return, what will happen to work, loans, children's education, where and at what cost to be treated? nothing is being done to bring people back abroad, absolutely nothing. internally displaced persons increasingly either go to the west or return to the occupation altogether. if the government does not stand up and act, we will lose the war for the future, even if we defeat
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the enemy. i will tell you how the state should act in the film. congratulations, the real front program is on the air, and with i am taras berezovyts. today in our program. the anniversary nato summit is being held in washington. the situation at the front. the world is shocked by the brutal shelling of ukrainian
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hospitals. relations of parliamentary elections in france.


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