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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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there are discounts, they represent the only discounts on norwend express forte 10% in pharmacies , the plantain is so piercing in the joints, it prevents movement, i bought a yellow dolgyd cream in the pharmacy, it saves me from the pain of rheumatism. doll heit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. evrofast softcaps - first aid against the main field, begins to act in 15 minutes. there are discounts representing the only discounts on doloxen stronggel 10% in travel pharmacies. you and savings. the european union extended temporary protection until spring 2026. the leader of german opposition dobrin. unemployed ukrainians should be sent to western ukraine. in ukraine , payments to idps are canceled. people are returning en masse to the occupied territories. only 30% of schools have generators. time to take it out. ukrainian women began to give birth to the lowest number in a century. who will rebuild the country?
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work force began to be brought to ukraine, migrants are brought from pakistan, nepal, india, bangladesh. ukraine needs 300,000 foreigners every year. the government wants to replace. incompetent government officials are deepening the demographic crisis. can we still save? ukraine? at the beginning of 2024, a new alarming symptom of our demographic disease appeared. decisions made by the authorities drive ukrainians back to the occupation. more than 100,000 people have already left. how many more citizens will ukraine lose? some go to places where the territories are occupied, some go to places where active hostilities are taking place. it's bittersweet for
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me because we are losing children and in my opinion children are that, that's what we have to pay attention to, that's what the country will live on, i will never believe that people don't understand the trap that is being made for them russia temporarily occupied territories. in the third year of the great war, the authorities speak to the refugees with empty slogans and promises. we must simultaneously move in all directions and make love, increasing the number of ukrainians. and take care of your health. why is there still no strategy to save ukraine from a demographic catastrophe? how did georgia and moldova, azerbaijan and croatia overcome similar challenges? what should be done so that ukraine is not left without ukrainians? how much time do we have left? be sure to subscribe to my channel to get timely updates on new movies, which we are preparing right now. a public consensus has formed in ukraine. until the end of the war. not
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to mention to the authorities about the mistakes it made before the invasion, but such a responsible position of the nation was perceived as an indulgence, so all the mistakes with the evacuation in the 22nd year were repeated in the sumy region and kharkiv region in the 24th, people were again abandoned to their will. it's so hot, so we bathe in the cool water, we also bathe in beauty, oh well... that's how we live, thank god, little by little, almost all my life a kindergarten teacher olga rud lived in the village of pokrovka, in the sumy oblast, on the border with hell, 2 km from the border with russia, and the aggressor turned the lives of the residents into a real hell. it all started back then, on the night of february 24, 2022, with explosions, everything flying through our village, and then automatic queues here immediately.
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the border squad is standing, the customs office is already there, and shots were fired, the boys tried to defend themselves against these tanks, oh, trouble, where are they going, then after an hour and a half the tanks left, before the war , mrs. olga had a large farm, five cows, a dozen pigs. after the attack a russian woman first lost her household, and then her husband, her heart could not stand it. he died walking, well, as insulin had already started to be injected into him, his sugar was high, at two o'clock in the afternoon he had lunch, went to rest, fell asleep, and did not wake up. on nerves and stuff, cardiac arrest or something. that's it. mrs. olga buried her husband,
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but she was not going to leave the village. already in solitary confinement, she experienced the fear of regular shelling. the native house and the fresh grave were not let go. but endure constantly. the cannonade became more and more unbearable, within a year the woman was ready to leave, but where she wants to go, where to settle down, what to live for, the local authorities could not answer these questions, people were left to fend for themselves, if you want to live, make your own choice, and i can’t get up, my legs have been taken away, and my condition it was like that, i dial the phone, and... no one answers at all, and it whistles and flies, it's scary, i barely got through to my daughter, but still, for two hours , the car, and here i was, how was i standing, so
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they took me, we each left independently, the woman did not want to go far, she settled in the regional center in sumy, where her daughter also rents an apartment. she did not receive any assistance when moving, only payments to the idp. and already on the spot, i came to tsnap to register as a temporarily displaced person. well, as if to register somewhere, because i already left everything there. yes, we are registered. we received no help, nothing, absolutely, only about 200, which is charged to us, this is help from the state. and this is also lucky, others were not even given those 2 thousand, people are in despair. as if they were between two worlds, fear on the border to die from a russian projectile, a little further , life support is not given to all people due to the indifference of the authorities, you know, i was 68 years old , they gave me, but those who are 60, for example, i talk to her, they do not give her, and she says, well, there
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are already disagreements between people in the full sense of the word that you are better than me, i am also from this village, i also left there. i was also bombed, but i don’t get it, but you get it, tears come out and i don’t want to talk to anyone or anything, but the state didn’t help me personally, the headman, for example, from the village, i asked, how are you settled, where settled, well, i haven't heard this question, people in such, such a difficult time, an important moment, you can't abandon, leave. lonely, as if people from the lip, that we were thrown out of there, and no one needs us here. the sumy region has the largest border with the aggressor, about half a thousand kilometers. the russians have been firing artillery at the surrounding villages and towns for the second year
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straight across the state border. of the 90,000 idps in sumy oblast, 70,000 are intra-regional displaced persons who have moved to deep oblast, and only 20 thousand from the east and south of ukraine. a similar situation in kharkiv region: the border with the aggressor state is 315 km long. and despite intelligence warnings about the preparation of a russian offensive, the evacuation of the population from the border began only in the second half of may 2024. literally under fire. currently , in the kharkiv region, there are 333,000 displaced people from the kharkiv region itself, and only 67 from the luhansk and 64,000 from the donetsk regions. and they all need housing, unfortunately, the availability of rental offers, it does not cover these needs, rent everything they can, rent, rent, without furniture, without conditions, that is, it
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is such a big problem that even people with jobs and money are looking for an opportunity to rent a house. natalya yesina, coordinator of the ukrainian helsinki union in sumy oblast. for the local authorities, she has long been a burden on her father, constantly demanding housing, work, and social benefits for refugees. the law enforcement officer is convinced that all this is lacking not because of a lack of resources, but primarily because of the indifference of officials. we have cities villages that are within reach of mortars. 15 km, 10 km, 5 km, this is the range of mortars, this is the city hall. and the neighboring country to create a gray zone, we tried to find out whether even if we had created a temporary housing fund, all this could be thought through, if there was the will, if people
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had the desire to do it, analyze these programs, accept these programs and work for them, unfortunately, there is no such thing. natalya yesina knows what she is talking about... because she is an immigrant herself, but from the first wave until the 14th year, she lived in the city of happiness, and worked in the regional television in luhansk, after the occupation moved to sumy. 10 years ago... just as yesina did, 15 million ukrainians left for unoccupied ukraine. the state was then robbed by yanukovych and could not provide them with any help. international organizations of the un did not react either. the main problems fell on the shoulders of local self-government and volunteers. due to the lack of centralized evacuation , the displaced settled on their own, mostly thanks to family ties. they integrated rather quickly, they dissolved among them local in this way, the first wave became virtually invisible both to western partners
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and to ukrainians, and therefore there was no understanding of the scale of the problem. after the change of government in 2019, funding of state housing programs for resettled people in affordable housing and credit for idps and veterans of the ato stopped. the project of the state fund for the promotion of youth housing construction, together with the federal republic of germany, also turned out to be ineffective. but the real trouble began after the invasion. in the 22nd year. more than 10 million ukrainians moved from their places. someone went to neighboring regions, some to the west of the country, others to the european union or across the atlantic. the authorities could not understand the depth of the problem, considered it temporary. then, like the second wave of immigrants, it is no longer about migration, but about a demographic crisis, which will turn into a catastrophe without quick and effective actions. what will the authorities advise the family of military officer dmytro resay, who is still paying the government a loan for an apartment. occupied mariupol, will the three sons of the artist olga cheromushkina return from germany to
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ukraine? why are betas settlers in kyiv? are considered separatists and because of this they are not even hired as janitors. serhiy and inna betasov spent the first weeks of the war literally underground, in a bomb shelter. their native north donetsk was on the front line, the invaders razed it to the ground. there was fierce shelling, we were running home, sometimes to at least wash up there, we thought, well , will we return or not, we didn’t know, all these hailstones, they were all flying at us from all sides, all the windows, the whole house, everything was moving , that was all, it was already terrible, new areas of the city were already completely on fire, well... there was no point in waiting for them to burn alive, so we
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decided to go any way, the couple then miraculously escaped the worst, because soon the russians turned their apartment into ruins, the ninth above us floor, she got hit, well , it was a strong hit there, everything fell from her ninth floor towards us and the roof was completely demolished there, well, of course, we have that... it turns out, all our lives we collected, built something, did something, and remained homeless, in the end the family ended up in kyiv, but that was theirs the problems are not over, how did they behave with the ukrainians who decided not to go over to the side of the occupiers and do the bytasovs regret it, wait. so. there were beautiful cafes, beautiful, a drama theater, the same beautiful
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drama theater where we took our children, and there was a puppet theater, a philharmonic, there was really everything for a normal life, so nostalgically olga yesepchuk recalls the luxurious view from the window of her new apartment in pre-war mariupol, what is with her house now, who got it, who desecrates its walls, the woman does not know what happened to mariupol, the whole... world knows, this city was in front of our eyes, flourishing and it was very nice to live in a place that is developing, and we decided to buy an apartment there, our apartment cost 17 00 dollars, this is a four-room apartment, you could see the sea there. the young family did not have the necessary amount for the purchase of an apartment, so they applied for
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help to the state youth construction promotion fund, where they took out a mortgage at 18% per annum, but since the husband is a military man, we did not pay interest, we saw the investments, we saw that this city was where the americans invested a lot of money, where there was a huge factory, and we were sure. that he protects this city, well, that the city is really safe. the family made the first contribution - uah 60,000. and pays every month. uah 1,700 for the body of the loan until in february 2022, the sky fell to the ground, a week before everything started, we met with a friend, her husband was carrying a job, and we talked about what will happen, what will happen , and she tells me, well, if it happens again, and they are from donetsk, and they lost
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that's all, that's what i'm saying, i don't know, i probably won't be able to. to collect ourselves, that's why, well, we said so, but we were sure, because our husbands were sure that everything would be fine, everything would be fine, and then, well, when we woke up on the 24th, we felt that it was not , everything would not be fine, the couple knew for sure that they would not risk the health and life of their four-year-old daughter, so they quickly... began to prepare for evacuation, waited a long time for the husband's brother, who was supposed to take the daughter with her mother to kyiv, and then somewhere it is noon here there was a flight to our house and to the neighboring house, there is a gigolo, which was blown away , so everyone just went out and started looking, what is so interesting there, then some
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aunt is walking with a bucket, collecting shards on the street, although there is a lot of people here. ..arrive, and she walks, collects shrapnel, there was an arrival on the fourth floor, but the projectile did not explode, and we lived on the ninth, we were lucky, we managed to escape only on the second attempt, on february 25, together with neighbors, at first to zaporozhye, then to germany, and although many people complain about life in a foreign land, in everything turned out well for olga, she received a work permit, she could earn solid money, so her decision surprised many, well... a woman did such an impressive thing and whether she regretted her decision, we will soon find out. during the first wave, the largest number of idps settled in donetsk region, half a million, as well as in luhansk, kharkiv, and kyiv regions. during the second wave, kyiv and the region together received more than 6,000 idps. in donetsk, the same half a million. almost half a million of kharkiv and
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dnipropetrovsk regions. about 200 thousand lviv, luhansk, odesa, poltava. zaporizhzhia the fundamental difference between the first and second waves of refugees is not only in the number and geography of resettlement. the main point is the resource for their support. if in the 14th year there was no money at all, then after the 22nd part of the refugees were accepted by the western countries. and the rest of those who remained in ukraine are also paid for by the european union. so, all social security in our treasury is western money. sociology shows that ukrainians do not want to return to ukraine not only because. although this is of course the main thing reason. no less important factors include the lack of housing, the reduction of social benefits, abnormal unemployment and no medical care. none of these problems are solved, none of them even have a program. and it is precisely because of such an irresponsible policy, when there is a shortage of heads for money, that internally displaced people increasingly either go to the west
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or return to the occupation altogether, because there at least they have their own home and garden, which will not allow them to die of hunger. we have to do everything we can to keep people here, and not send them abroad or back to the occupation, because we and our children will continue to live with this, well, build the country, and accordingly, somehow we have to think about it now, because people are the most valuable resource, because after the end of hostilities, after the borders are opened, if in .. an internally displaced person, i mean men, they will not see opportunities for themselves to get housing, to find a normal high-paying job, if people do not see this out of these 4.9 million people, how many will turn out, 1 million, two, three, and maybe everyone will leave ukraine when we lived here, then
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there was no such, you know, desolation here, but now... we rarely come, it's still far away, well, nothing, something, we're doing something slowly, yes, but it's so that the grass doesn't grow even bigger than it is, maybe there's something here daughter will plant valentina kholostikh lived most of her life with her husband in verpen, near kyiv. they gave birth to two children, built a solid two-story house. my husband worked in a car fleet. irpinsky is 47 years old, a bus driver, and i worked in the department of labor and social protection of the population, had sodarstva, they had a garden, a greenhouse, a bathhouse, everything was there, it was just that the hard work and
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good fortune prevented the couple from evacuating in time for many years, it was a pity to leave them to their own devices, when the war started, we were invited to leave, some to kyiv, some to germany. well, i was being bullied there, but my husband did not want to leave, we sat for a month without electricity, without gas, without communication and without anything. the couple stocked up on candles, food, fuel, it seemed that the worst was over, the moment of liberation was approaching, but on march 22, 2022 , a russian rocket flew into kholostykh's yard... these shells began to fall very intensively, when the first one fell, the house was delayed, the man jumped out, ran
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to the garage, thought to save at least one car, and here is the second arrival, sorry. shrapnel and everything collapsed the garage, the slabs fell and it collapsed, we couldn't even get it out, because it was already on fire, you know what a garage is, there's gasoline, there's oil, there's paint, everything's there, it was burning so badly that it was impossible to go there , we tried to save the man, but we couldn't, because it was very, very hard was burning valentina and her daughter natalya survived, they were in a state of shock, amid shelling and explosions, volunteers evacuated to a safe place. valentina
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mykolaivna was only able to return to irpin in a month, when the russian troops fled from kyiv, there was nowhere to live. our granddaughter took out, leased, a battlement so that there would be a place to stay, that's it. it warmed up more or less, and we arrived, lived with her there until november, there was no battle, only the lights were on, there was no water, there was no heat, the frosts had already begun, water it was freezing, but we cooked on pebbles in the yard, neighbors gave us dishes, neighbors from work helped. and only the state did not help the family in any way. two years have passed since valentina first submitted documents for housing compensation. the woman is outraged by the sloppiness of officials. her first statement
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was simply lost. well - i wrote to a friend, and i'm still waiting, at least for some result. no money, wait. here we are waiting, no one will say whether it is tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, there is no such thing. hard, very hard. i'm me i told you that it is time to heal, it is not heals, when i come there, i see this devastation, it's very difficult, in the end the state did help, but not her own, someone else's, the woman moved to a modular town built by poles and finns, and they live here now with their daughter, while the state is looking for money. .. to compensate for what she herself promised in her laws. the story of this family has already attracted the interest of the office of the commissioner for citizens victims of aggression. this story about this woman from irpen is very surprising.
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we can take her to frame this case and see what it has to do with it. we will to deal with this for sure, give us your last name, patronymic, address and we will deal with this case. we have to admit that the main problem is not so much a lack of money as a lack of humanity and basic professionalism. novices who deal with idp affairs, from eight to five, are completely indifferent to the problems of immigrants, i can't stand the word idp. our journalists turned to interviewers, to the relevant vice-prime minister, the minister of social policy, the heads of the state employment service, the recovery agency and a number of other structures, who were supposed to take care of the refugees, wanted to tell them specific stories and understand what the authorities are planning to do next, whether there will finally be some kind of strategy and understanding of how these people can live on, but... a deaf wall of misunderstanding, no one is going to explain anything , at most managed to get formal correspondence. the only place where so far it is possible to force the government to a public report is
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the parliament. it would seem simple. the question of how our schools will work from the fall in the conditions of an energy collapse, but it is clear from the answer of the minister of education that, god forbid, today, around 30% of our educational institutions are equipped with generation, in extreme cases we will return to mixed or online education in some peak difficult periods, i.e. in the fall and winter , the authorities may provoke another wave of migration from ukraine, because in the absence of normal educational conditions parents will simply take their children out. abroad, and the promise to provide them with online education generally looks like a cheap spectacle, because it was the government that consistently destroyed this form of education. already without access to the ukrainian school programs for hundreds of thousands of children abroad. i went into detail about this diversion in the previous film. and here is the story of the yesepchuk family, which escaped from mariupol to germany on february 25, 2022. this is precisely about the true attitude of our authorities towards refugees.
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olga yasebchuk could take it easy. to live in germany on 1000 € of social assistance, which the germans provided with my daughter, but the woman was not used to looking into someone's mouth, we went, like decent ukrainians, to the factory, packaging, packing, boxes, putting together, it was a great practice of english, german, and what else you want a language, 12 € per hour, then we had about 700 €, well, in a month, i learned german up to... the baines level and confirmed my diploma, they even gave me permission to work as an accountant in germany, about 3-4,000 € was possible to receive it would seem that life has been successful, there is a well-paid job, and in time the right to ferenc citizenship will appear, but olga makes an unexpected decision. the husband is here and the child also has to see the father, that's for sure. that's why we decided. to return to
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ukraine. olga sepchuk's story is a good answer to skeptics who do not believe that ukrainians will return from abroad. and here it was possible to put an end, because here he is happy eand. but the woman had no idea what trials the soulless bureaucratic machine would cost her. first, olga's idp payments were taken away, because her husband, a military serviceman, earns more than uah 900, and the second blow was dealt by the officials of the state fund for the promotion of youth construction. they don't care that the family lost... an apartment due to the occupation of mariupol, they don't care about everything, they demand that the family still pay the mortgage for this the lost apartment, and even more, they changed the legislation in terms of social protection of the military, and according to this legislation we will now be forced to pay interest as well, we paid only the body of the loan, and now we will be forced to pay, well, 5-6 thousand - it is together with interest, we do not think so, the man protects
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ukraine. at the front, his wife left a comfortable life in germany, their daughter will grow up ukrainian, not german, but the state forces them to pay for the crimes of the russians, for the apartment stolen by the occupiers. isn't that absurd? it further evidence that the state simply does not have a strategy for returning people. and ukrainians feel this indifference very well, that's why they don't believe in ritual assurances and beautiful words for a long time. we need to talk. about meanings, about something that will become unique, that will become the ukrainian dream, that will be an unconditional magnet that will force us to stay here and force others to return here in order to restore our country, nothing is being done to bring people back abroad, absolutely nothing, well, because people... assimilate in c
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that society and they understand that they are not even welcome here, because they have nothing, and upon arrival they cannot come to a bare place. it seems to me that our government and the president see only the top, which is shown to them, if we do not have people, then we , well, there is no one to build it all for, and who will be left here, in concrete terms... the situation of the yesepchuk family to us will manage to find a way out, with the european convention on human rights on their side. it clearly states that property must be protected inviolable, and needs, it is the state that must protect this property. and therefore the family of a military serviceman should not pay any interest or loans. the mechanism for appealing such payments exists in


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