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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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it seems to me that every ukrainian film now deserves attention, whether at a festival, at the box office, or on online platforms, or we emphasize once again, please watch both ukrainian and non- ukrainian films legally, it is not so expensive, and we must understand that this is the right thing to do, and we have the opportunity, thank god, anya, thank you very much, we let everything go, because i understand what a crazy week it is for both the organizers and the audience, on our stepmother was the director of odesa international the film festival, which this year takes place in kyiv, for obvious reasons, last year it took place in chernivtsi, we all of course hope that next year it will take place in odesa again, because it is a completely different vibe when the festival takes place there, that's it i would like all cultural events to be held not in kyiv, but more in the regions, but so far we have the following situation: and we move on to another topic. i
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decided to take one of the hottest topics that are related, well, to culture, in particular , too, but more to social networks and at the same time information security, which, well, can be violated by people who, well, let's say, are not very aware of their actions. obviously i'm talking about bloggers and the blogger scandal that broke out this week, i think you 've heard about it, it boils down to the fact that after the massive rocket attack that happened on july 8th, and we got a situation where instagram just a large part of bloggers, bloggers with a huge audience, but started to post the same thing. they started to fast
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what we are already fed up with what we have the situation is that children are dying and so on, so we need to surrender, let's do something, let's go to negotiations immediately, because this cannot be tolerated, because in all these lands, let's give back the occupied territories, because they are not worth human lives, and let's give them and finally come out victorious. in order to continue living without war, that's how many people think, they write like this, and also a very frequent message immediately went out, for them it is that the ukrainian government is equated with the russian one, that is, the emphasis is completely shifted, and the responsibility is transferred from the russian federation, the leadership from the russian military to the leadership of ukraine itself, political and military as well, you know,
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it is necessary and worthwhile to criticize the ukrainian government even during the war, of course, it is considered that it should also be in journalists, our ukrainian , in particular the investigators who are investigating corruption issues, you can see for yourself how many of these journalistic investigations there are nowadays, that is, criticism of the government certainly exists, but what these bloggers did is far from criticism, because to say that ukrainian, that in general, the war started and the war continues, because... the ukrainian authorities say they are stealing, and the ukrainian military there cannot intercept some drone that is flying, well, it is already a little bit not so much, it is probably safe, and well, in the end , it is also very a common message of many bloggers and bloggers, who usually post something about beauty procedures, how they fly abroad, to islands, how to choose a car, how to choose some clothes, then they started to post something... terrible
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deep political analysis, and they, and they they often repeated the following, that you need to be smarter, that's the story, but none of them explained what it means to be smarter, they just said that you need to stop the war, you know how we used to have a story, you just need to stop shooting, like that a way to end the war, now bloggers are suggesting to be more cunning, what is the issue is not clear, let's see... one of these bloggers, her name is nastya umka, she has almost 700,000 followers on instagram, and here let's see what she was like then i recorded the story, and now you will understand that everyone was fasting others, i don't know how long this can continue, it seems to me that everyone already does, and no one needs borders since 1991, all people want peace, tranquility and just live. to live, how many more
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people's lives have to go before this all stops, i don't know, i just flip through these pictures and i... it covers me, i don't know if it's tears, or aggression, or disappointment, just one question in my head , when it all ends, well, if we observe, for example, different narratives that are expressed abroad, different representatives of the political of the world, and by public figures, and by many people, yes, we can, especially from people who position themselves as such... who are against war, they are pacifists, yes, here, and they try on some ideal situation in civilized countries to us, which is absolutely incorrect, they start saying exactly the same thing, they start saying that we should surrender, we should live in peace, in
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every peace is better than war, why fight, that is, well, well, i think you , that it was wonderful to hear about such statements more than once, so ... and it was good that these bloggers and the bloggers were immediately attacked by a very large number of people, in particular their followers, although it must be admitted that many people were absolutely in agreement with them, because just imagine, this nastya we looked at, she has 600 or 700 thousand followers, and there are bloggers with 1,600, for example, yulia verba, this is a very popular girl. who has a million and 600 followers, it's just a huge number of people, and they agree with her point of view, and they repeat it, but it's cool that the mass media, social networks, other bloggers reacted a lot at first
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instagram, because this is only a part of our blogosphere, the other part, in my opinion , is completely adequate, and many bloggers, first of all, are well versed in politics, and they too ... i did not see that during the full-scale invasion, they said something completely incorrect , and also, if they do not understand politics, they simply do not talk about it, and after the rocket attack , for example, they posted photos from okhmatit, they called for help, they spread information, they spread and the official accounts, for which ukhmetits collected money, i.e. absolutely normal, adequate blogger, too, with huge audiences. but there are also such, and here is a big question, why exactly do they behave like this, especially not for the first time, because we constantly see these waves, when here, here are these same bloggers and bloggers on instagram, and even worse on tiktok, tiktok is generally a network in which there is an incredible amount
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of fakes and a variety of completely incorrect information, there they often spread something about some stupid thing, about mobilization, they shift like... cents, they, as it were are trying to criticize, but their criticism is very similar to what some pro-russian telegram channels anonymous say, or the rhetoric is similar to what the leadership of the russian federation directly says, we have such a situation, and they began to criticize, and let's listen to how they began to justify themselves, because really, probably for the first time during the full-scale invasion, they received such a wave of criticism and such a backlash to their actions, because before they spread this stupid and game of theirs, well, practically with impunity, they were not paid much attention to other people's attention, they spread such harmful messages to their audience, and
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now a large number of ukrainians have noticed that such a stupid thing is happening, let's listen, let's listen... blogger voloshin, one of the participants in this scandal, seems to have a million followers there, that's why he's such a questionable, ambiguous image, but let's listen to him explain his behavior himself, they all started making excuses, and notice, he says he doesn't understand politics, but somehow it doesn't matter talks about her, talks nonsense, but still does not admit that he is telling her and... says that he was just stupidly encouraged, let's listen, listen, the only thing i understood from this situation, first of all, what is needed to express the point of view in which you are an expert, yes, because there i was a little bit late on my part, in which i am really not an expert, and it is true, the second thing i realized
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is that you have to look at several sides, i already said that yesterday , but what else i realized, which in our country i can't say yet, i understand that i have a social responsibility big, i need to filter the bazaar, but look... and you are already being made an enemy, minutes, and it is some, well, i understand that they are state or something, he also... doesn't understand, because state snakes, we don't have that many of them, and for some reason he decided to call all the media state-owned, why is not clear, and also let's look at this blogger voloshyn again, i'm just showing him one of the same, because all other bloggers and bloggers are basically everything do the same, they initially promoted the same theses, it is not clear for the money or they themselves. became victims of some kind of suggestion, it is necessary for the sbu to figure it out, obviously, but let's
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listen to him again, because his theses are shared by other bloggers, just so that you understand how people think, who have an incredibly large audience, an audience that sometimes exceeds the audience of some official media, i am already afraid to blurt out something wrong, but let me explain what i meant, firstly, the story was written on emotions, i already understood what to do? we can't, because it starts there, well, look, i'm not an expert in politics, military affairs and so on, i can consider myself an expert in business, because i've been doing this for 17 years and have conducted a lot of negotiations, and what does it mean to play by their rules, this one to accept the initial conditions for entering into negotiations, because that's how it happens in business, come on, i 'm talking specifically about business, the party sets the conditions, they are uncomfortable for you, but you accept them in order to later press on certain pain points, close certain objections, to fall into certain desires, to manipulate some things that we... can manipulate, to find weak points and thereby lower the conditions of the other side and raise our own conditions,
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there everything happens on contrasts and on psychological techniques, that's exactly what i meant, like , that it seems to me that negotiations, that in business, that in politics are the same everywhere, but an expert and now an expert, i will say that there are many such business experts who position themselves on instagram, write various words with errors, for example, there is genocide or there something else, do they invent some or pull historical facts by the ears and use them later? they are laughing, well, this is our part of the blogosphere, but there is also good news, i don’t know how true this is, but one of these bloggers, she reported that she was called to the sbu, because under a huge number of posts in social networks they were tagged simply, the security service of ukraine was told dozens, hundreds, probably times, that the sbu, listen, figure it out, talk to them, well, obviously, the sbu somehow reacted, but it was not the sbu according to... reported, the blogger herself wrote it down, we don’t know how much it's true, but it would be very good, let's
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listen to it again, and this morning i received a very interesting call, i can't say that i was surprised, but he introduced me, i was invited to a conversation at the sbu tomorrow, it's interesting to hear that they will say, in principle, the reason. i understand, they guess, it's interesting, we live interestingly, i will keep you informed, of course, because you are my family, you are my audience, and there is nothing to discuss anymore, there is no giving back, you know the thoughts, what's up, friends, i just want to remind you of this one with the information that social networks are a very important part of our lives, a huge amount of false information, manipulation is spread through social networks, remember that russia is quite sophisticated and
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sophisticated in matters of propaganda and manipulation, so you may not notice it , they calculate their theses for a completely different audience, and propaganda does not immediately mean something as stupid as skabeeva, yes, but it happens very delicately, and please be very careful, especially with anonymous... telegram channels, especially with tiktok, and also, i don’t know if you should be advised to monitor your children, who are also on instagram and who can be followers and followers of such characters, well, obviously you need to have some educational conversations, i don’t know, explain to the children, what is information hygiene, what is information security, what are social networks, how to distinguish manipulation, this is very important. and here, and that is why i suggest not to forget about this and constantly, constantly improve
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your knowledge of information hygiene, well, we hope that after all the security service ukraine will find some control over these bloggers and find a reason why they constantly and simultaneously post the same harmful, clearly harmful and dangerous narratives. that's all, friends, i say goodbye to you and see you. congratulations, the real front program is on the air and i am taras berezovyts with you. today in our program. the anniversary
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summit of nato is being held in washington. at the front. the world is shocked by the brutal shelling of ukrainian hospitals. results of parliamentary elections in france and great britain. self-proclaimed peacemaker viktor orban continues to visit world capitals. from july 9 to 11 , a summit was held in washington on... the issues of deterring russian aggression and supporting ukraine were among the main topics at the anniversary meeting, which the alliance held in the 75th year since its creation. about the results of this important for the future of the whole world from the west, see in our next story.
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the nato summit held in washington from july 9 to 11 brought key decisions to ukraine. including the allocation of €40 billion of minimum core funding next year. f-16 already this summer and new air defense systems. the launch of a mechanism that will coordinate the provision of military equipment and training of the ukrainian military, the launch of a joint nato-ukraine analysis, training and training center, an additional aid package from canada worth 500 million canadian dollars. the ukrainian treaty was also signed, according to which 22 countries on... the eu and japan undertook to provide ukraine with weapons, ammunition and training for the military. this treaty is open for signature by other states. and although the summit brought many positive decisions, ukraine did not receive an invitation to the alliance again. although the document stated that the future of ukraine lies in nato. ukrainian politician and diplomat roman
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bezsmertny believes that there was no reason to extend an invitation to nato. i expected an invitation. at least, because there is absolutely no reason not to invite ukraine, in fact, all the parameters that were discussed in the last two years, they have been fulfilled, moreover, if you compare the synchronization of ukraine with nato in this process, it has been worked out much more thoroughly, in more detail and on the board. more so than even between the nato member countries themselves. and, by the way, if you read the washington declaration, it is noted there. it talks about a number of problems in the organization, the internal organization of nato, which do not actually exist in ukraine. the process of ukraine joining nato is being delayed, in particular due to the pressure of
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russia's nuclear potential and the fear of triggering the third world war, the expert says. stretching the time. in solving the problem of ukraine's membership in nato, actually the third world war is approaching. but it is impossible to explain this to the people who today are very close to both president biden and candidate trump, because in fact both camps are dominated by what was called the doctrine of isolationism before the second world war. that is, to be further from the actual center, the center of this flame. and despite the brave speech of president biden, and those things that sounded quite optimistic there, this basic doctrinal thing that we are talking about now, it is at the basis
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of the position of holding ukraine's entry into nato, because if you read. in this letter, the entry of ukraine into nato is a disaster, this is the third world war, this is the use of nuclear weapons and the end. roman bezsmertny suggests that it is possible that there will be several meetings of the alliance this year or next year, because there are still many questions before the new declaration, but ukraine's accession to nato is not inevitable. it is already obvious to me, i am finalizing, that ukraine's accession to nato will happen instantly, because if you look at it. on the dynamics of processes, the security situation is worsening, on the european continent, currently full of complete armies. in europe there are three, the largest ukrainian, then the swedes, then the finns. if you ask a question, and god forbid, what, well,
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form the answer to this question yourself, who will be needed most by europe, so from my point of view, the question of ukraine's accession is only a question, well, in my opinion, it is a year, a year and a half, and most likely it will happen simply as a one-time decision. summit or the nato council, and then by quick decisions of the parliament. the summit itself took place against the background of the fact that the united states and germany were oscillating around the final wording, which will be recorded in the nato declaration. informational on the eve the tapes even reported that french president emmanuel macron had resigned. responsibility for all this lies with official washington and berlin. however, later the elysée palace said that this information was not true, and the french president
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did not make similar statements. so, news agencies that spread this statement, the macrons were forced to withdraw it. however, this discrepancy was clearly demonstrated. even now, in the 11th year of russia's war against ukraine, within the nato allies, everything does not... look so monolithic. yes, allies managed to write unambiguous words of support for ukraine in the final resolution. however, there is still no final certainty about when ukraine will not have the full status of a member of the north atlantic alliance. ukraine can be strengthened by western aid. to win the war against the russian invaders, the new york times writes about this with reference to sources among high-ranking american officials. on the other hand,
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according to the interlocutors of the journalists, the russian troops are no longer capable of further significant captures. read more about the situation at front, further in our plot. the russian federation troops occupied the village of yevgenivka. donetsk region, deep state analysts reported this, publishing an updated map of the battles. it is also noted that the occupiers advanced near yuriyvka in donetsk region, but this information has not yet been officially confirmed by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. however , military serviceman yevhen ievliv had previously reported on the tense situation and fierce fighting in yuriyivka on the pseudo-sheikh. meanwhile , the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reported that the enemy does not stop in its intentions to seize territory of ukraine. thus, 146 combat clashes were recorded during the past day. according to detailed information, over the past day
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, the enemy launched four missile strikes using nine missiles, as well as 56 airstrikes using 68 missiles, on the positions of ukrainian units and populated areas. in addition, he carried out more than 4,000 attacks, including 116 using rocket salvo systems. fire in the direction of kharkiv, the enemy continues offensive actions. nine combat clashes took place here in the areas of populated areas lybtsi and vovchansk. in the kupinsky direction , the number of attacks per day amounted to 10. the defense forces repelled all enemy assaults near senkivka, stepova novoselivka, pischannoy, and berestovo. on the border with the chernihiv and sumy regions, the enemy maintains a military presence, shelling populated areas. from the territory of the russian federation, increases the density of mine-explosive barriers along the state border of ukraine. the enemy is constantly attacking the lymansky, kramatorsk, toretsk,
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vremivsky, orichivsk directions. forces defense forces of ukraine repelled 17 assaults in the siversky, 42 in the pokrovsky, and 12 in the kurakhiv directions. in the dnieper direction, the occupiers will continue to try to knock out units of the defense forces from their positions on the bridgeheads. two russian attacks were unsuccessful on... the left bank of the dnieper in the krynok area, the operational situation in the volyn and polia directions remained unchanged, and no signs of the formation of enemy offensive groups were detected. at the same time, our soldiers continue to actively inflict casualties on the occupied cities in manpower and equipment, exhausting the enemy along the entire line of combat engagement, reports the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. over the past 24 hours, aviation and missile forces and the defense forces have carried out 12 strikes on areas where the enemy's personnel and military equipment are concentrated, as well as hit two artillery systems and one reb irs station. in general, it will be lost.
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the russian invaders numbered 1110 people, the enemy also lost two tanks, 17 armored fighting vehicles, 59 artillery systems, four anti-aircraft guns, three anti-aircraft vehicles, three winged missiles, 36 operational-tactical uavs, 56 vehicles and four units of special equipment. realizing the futility of trying to defeat ukraine on the battlefield, the russian... invaders are increasingly resorting to overt terrorist acts. so, on july 8, they launched a massive missile attack on ukraine. in addition to other completely civilian objects , the well-known kyiv children's hospital okhmaddyt came under enemy fire. molfar osind analysts have already identified the russian occupiers who are involved in the massive attack on ukraine. so fair
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punishment awaits. not only on the leaders of the kremlin, but also on everyone who is involved in this crime. more details in our story. the khmadit children's hospital was hit by a russian kh-101 cruise missile on monday, july 8. she hit exactly the target for which she was programmed. accordingly, a statement was made to the sbu on july 9. this is confirmed by analysts and experts of the bellinghet website. an analysis by belling cat using footage and social media, as well as a 3d model of the missile, shows that the ammunition is a russian kh101 cruise missile. this conclusion coincides with the opinion experts, including fabian hoffmann, phd at the university of oslo, who specializes in missile technology, dr. jeffrey lewis, an expert on nuclear weapons and missiles at the
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mildbury institute for international studies in monteria, california. in an email to bellingket made a similar conclusion that the x101 missile can be seen in the footage of the attack published on social networks. despite the statements and evidence of experts from different parts of the world that it was a russian missile, other versions are being circulated. first social network x ministry of russian foreign affairs began to claim that the missile was american-made and that it was launched from a ukrainian anti-aircraft missile system. later , russia's representative to the un, vasyl nebendze , stated at an emergency meeting of the security council that it was norway that supplied ukraine with the missile from which the missile was fired at ohmadid. the un does not rule out the possibility that it really could have been a russian missile, - reports reuters, referring to the comment of the head of the un human rights monitoring mission, danielle bell. video analysis and assessment, taken at the scene indicates a high
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probability that... the children's hospital suffered a direct hit rather than damage from an intercepted weapon system. the reactions of the leaders of other countries were also not long in coming. russia's horrific and cowardly attack on the khmadit children's hospital in kyiv. at the upcoming nato summit in washington, we should provide additional military support to ukraine. all restrictions imposed on ukraine for the use of weapons against legitimate military objectives. must be removed. shocked by russia's attack on a children's hospital in kyiv. this hospital which saved thousands of children, now lies in ruins. the kremlin has turned this war into a war against children. such a lack of humanity and contempt for human life. that's all we stand against. today, we are again witnessing how putin's russia is attacking civilian
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infrastructure in kyiv, including ukraine's largest children's hospital. this is not only prohibited by humanitarian law, it is absolutely horrific. this horror of eventful people in ukraine must stop. austria's support for ukraine will not weaken. the president of the united states of america, joe biden, also reacted to the massive missile attack on ukraine on july 8. he also noted that he will soon meet with the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. sales russia, as a result of which dozens of ukrainian civilians were killed today, the largest children's hospital in kyiv was damaged and suffered, is a terrible reminder of the brutality of russia. it is very important that the world continues to support ukraine at this important moment, and that we do not ignore russian aggression. at the request of ukraine, a meeting of the un security council was also convened due to the mass attack and strike by the russian federation by ochmatite where is the general director?


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