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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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destroyed the disc with the audio recording of the court session. in a conversation dated august 13, 2020 , a woman with a voice similar to zaichko discusses with a colleague the possibility of spoiling the disc with the case materials, as well as ways to change the cherished judge's decision to the opposite. there is no relation to this record, i don't know how to comment on it. please, excuse me, calm down. zaichko is apparently implementing the plan to change the decision. in the conference room, she signed the decision to dismiss the lawsuit, and in the courtroom she voiced the opposite. the members of the ethical council inquired this story. everything recorded in the conversation matches, and the person with whom the conversation is held also matches. you sit in the waiting room, you prepare a document, sign it and say what, and then when you announce it, you say that the claim is not satisfied, how? happened four
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years ago, what motivated, what, well, what motivated, why exactly this happened, of course i do not remember, and so throughout the interview olena zaichko denied that it had anything to do with the audio recording made public by journalists, assured that she did not know the people, which were mentioned she does not remember any circumstances in it, complete amnesia, with this baggage olena zaichko is applying for the competition to the supreme council of justice for the second time, it is interesting that at the same time she... is a member of the all-ukrainian association of administrative judges, which called on the president to promise the law on the reform of the grp, due to the fact that it allegedly threatens the sovereignty of ukraine, as it contains instruments of influence of foreign states. thus, zaichko is desperately trying to become a part of the reform, which he considers to be a violation of judicial independence. not really logically. last year, despite numerous facts of dishonesty, the ethical council approved olena zaichko as a candidate for the position of a member of the vrp, but did not elect her. verkhovna rada. in march of this
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year, the supreme council of justice opened a disciplinary case against zaichko. in case of a positive decision on it, the judge faces dismissal. soon we will find out whether olena zaichko will finally manage to slip through and sit down in the dream chair. and this is another candidate for the supreme council of justice, lawyer vladyslav ivashchenko. he has had his own apartment for 10 years, but is registered in a dormitory. in all the developer who did not register the property is to blame. yes, i'm in it. lived, because the apartment was physically ready, but legally, legally, i could not do it until october 23, because i did not have confirmation, it was entered in the real estate register before october 23, and in general, a lawyer vladyslav ivashchenko believes that there is no difference where a candidate for a key judicial authority is registered, whether he honestly lives in his own large apartment, where the facts... live, or in a dormitory.
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declaration of residence in ukraine is not related to any property rights. the place of declaration is intended either for postal correspondence or, for example, for the exercise of certain rights, including political ones. more declaration does not affect anything. vrp candidate vladyslav ivashchenko loves cars. he has a toyota rav4. talent cruiser 150 bought the first one allegedly by selling three old ones, and by purchasing a new rav-4 from the salon in the midst of a full-scale war, he literally saved millions of deposits. i came to the car dealership and bought them. i had more than 4 current deposits in my bank account million hryvnias in size, in connection with the fact that they started in the city of kyiv. for the bombing, i
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could not withdraw this money from the bank account, and my wife and i decided to buy a new car with part of this money. 3 years ago, the wife of vladyslav ivashchenko was very lucky, she managed to purchase almost 2 hectares of land near kyiv, for only 3,500 dollars. why does the value of a plot of land differ significantly from the market price in this area? and it is almost 10 times, since this plot of land, it is outside the settlement, it actually intended for the introduction of agriculture, the more so it had shortcomings on this plot of land, it was swampy, even for this activity, it was not quite suitable. vladyslav ivashchenko insists on his political. neutrality,
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please tell me, do you consider yourself a politically neutral person, absolutely, were you a co-founder of any public organization with the people? deputies, whether they were or were not, no, never, and in the end he remembered how he was a co-founder of the public organization institute of political crisis, together with a former people's deputy, he does not consider it important at all. a former political figure approached me, he asked, let's say, for his status, i put my signature so that the person simply, let's say, had a public type. zation without registration for a certain social status. also, the candidate for the vrp forgot to indicate in his declarations his membership in the national association of advocates and the fact that he was brought to administrative responsibility for violating traffic rules, and more
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believes that he should not have done this. let's see if, with such forgetfulness and lack of understanding of the rules for filling out documents, vladyslav ivashchenko will be able to sit down in a prestigious chair. a member of the supreme council of justice. as of today , i have everything, you watched judicial control, i am tetyana shostrova. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system known to you. write to the email you see on the screen or to me on facebook. see you in exactly one week. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you
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can express your opinion on the bad day by means of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. see this week in the collaborators program. putin's election. who is preparing a pseudo -voting in kherson region? we are already fully prepared for the elections, as well as the names and stories of the traitors, which have become fake deputies with the support of the united russia party and our senator kostyukevich. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who follow the call of the heart. they went to serve the russian occupiers. on september 30, 2022, putin signed a decree on the accession to russia of the captured donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia, and kherson regions. and not long after, local occupation-military-civilian administrations began massive preparations for holding so
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-called elections to fake authorities. he said, it is necessary to choose those who will be to rule in the captured territories. russian parties have formed lists of those who seek loyalty. to live in the kremlin, local collaborators entered there, and those who specially came from russia in the hope of getting at least some kind of mandate, even if it is not valid, even if it is illegal, but still a mandate. the two-headed chicken launched a large propaganda campaign in the illegally annexed territories, millions of rubles for campaigning, bribery of the local population, involvement of athletes for intimidation and promises of a better future. methods to achieve the main goal - to attract as much as possible. more people before the fake vote were different but equally dirty. so our today's issue is about those who helped organize the so-called pseudo-elections last fall, who agitated people to vote, who became a candidate himself, betraying ukraine. she organized
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a pseudo-referendum on the 22nd, local elections on the 23rd, and now there will also be a presidential election on the 24th. head of the fake election committee. in the kherson region, maryna yuriivna zakharova. kherson is russia. indeed, russia will not give its lands to anyone and will fight for them until the last these 38 traitors come from donetsk , are married and have a son. in 2008, she graduated from donetsk national university , majoring in political science. when russia seized part of the donetsk region in the 14th, zakharova supported the occupation and remained in donetsk. at that time, on her page in social networks , she posted a photo with the terrorist symbol of the dpr. under the russian cloak, she worked in various positions, led work with the team in the so-called ministry of labor and social policy of the donetsk people's republic and in the administration of the head of the dpr.
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she sat in donetsk under the supervision of zakharova's guards until the beginning of the full-scale invasion. when the russian army occupied part of the kherson region, marina decided that her love for all things putin could... come in handy and finally lift her to the top of her dreams. well, it's not for nothing that she took her son to all the parades of the spineless regiment for so many years and wore the gogriv ribbon. so in 2020. in the second year, the traitor moved to the kherson region, where she took part in the creation of fake authorities, later received a new tasks from the kremlin, headed the election commission of the occupied part of the region. the question of the ballot will be as follows: are you in favor of the exit of the kherson region from ukraine, the creation of an independent state by the kherson region and its inclusion in the russian federation with the rights of a subject of the russian federation. we are ready to organize a referendum on... the entire territory of the kherson region. zakharova became the face of a fake
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referendum in the kherson region. propaganda media broke her speeches into quotes in which she reported on the organization referendum, people's interest in voting and high turnout at polling stations. we are already being informed that queues are even forming at some stations. you answered the question of leaving ukraine at the referendum. yes 497 51 referendum participants, which is more than 50% of the number of referendum participants. zakharova was involved in the creation of territorial election commissions, the formation of voter lists, the arrangement of premises and other organizational issues. gauleiter volodymyr saldo was awarded for such fruitful work a traitor with the order of honor. thank you very much for the greetings, thank you for the award. i will justify the trust that you have placed in me, that the leadership of the kherson region in the person of
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volodymyr vasyliovych has placed in me, and of course i will justify the trust of all residents of the kherson region. the security service of ukraine has already informed the traitor about the suspicion of encroaching on the territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine and collaborative activities. zakharova's property was seized, and she herself faces up to 12 years in prison. the kherson regional prosecutor's office already referred to the court. the case is being considered by the malinovsky district court of the city of odessa, but one criminal case was not enough for zakharova, she diligently worked on another one. when this saleswoman was appointed the head of elections in the kherson region, she realized that if you intimidate people and force them to vote, if you throw in ballots and falsify the results, the bunker grandfather will be very pleased, and what could be more important for her in this life? we are already fully ready for elections in september 2023
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. in september, the security service of ukraine informed her about the second suspicion. the law enforcement officers established that this traitor, on the instructions of curators from the kremlin, created the appearance of an election process in the kherson region and falsified the so-called plebiscite in favor of russian puppets. she also organized a process in which representatives of fake election commissions, accompanied by armed militants, carried out. yard patrols of residents of temporarily occupied districts of kherson region and forced them to participate in voting at gunpoint. all this in order to then look at the camera with a smile report high turnout and sky-high ratings. the political party united russia became the leader according to the voting results. now , with two suspicions, zakharova is preparing for the next elections, already the presidential ones, which are to be held from 15 to 17. 2024. perhaps, for their organization and conduct, this venal pika will receive a third suspicion, sit in
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prison on a comfortable bed and finally calm down on many years, let's hope. rubin yevgenia romanivna, born in 1995, runs with a russian mandate from the united russia party. until february 24 worked as the deputy director for administrative and technical issues, partner of bc kherson building. she is known to the people of kherson as a fan of scriabin's work. during the election campaign in the fall of 2020, with the participation of volodymyr saldo, she revealed the morality of the image of the musician and held a concert in his memory. i am a fan of kuzma's work. we wanted to implement this idea probably four years ago and accordingly searched around the city where we could place this mural. when kherson was occupied by the rashists, evgenia exchanged scriabin's work for russian songs. sila in the chair head of the department of land relations in the occupation ministry of agriculture and fisheries of the kherson
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region, after which she was promoted to become the director of the institute of livestock breeding askania nova. apparently, the occupier really liked the work of this traitor, because later they included her in the list of candidates for deputies from the united russia party. after the semblance of the election, evgenia not only received a mandate, but became the head of the faction. as the head of the united russia faction. in the kherson regional duma, as it should be important official, created a telegram channel for herself, which currently has 31 subscribers, in which rubin glorifies the russian swamp, putin. tries to convey to people that russia helps, liberates and saves, but for some reason no one understands or hears her, well, except for the traitors themselves, like her. i really hope that our law enforcement agencies will soon clip the wings of this angelochka. i congratulate you on one of the most significant holidays of our state, the constitution day of the russian
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federation. this is another traitor with the mandate of kharitonov andrii mykolayovych in 19659 born in the city of kherson. he is the former head of the watercraft section of the kherson shipbuilding plant. in 2015 , he ran for the kherson city council from the our land party and was unable to realize his political ambitions, but now the occupiers helped, who lured him with candy in the form of a mandate. and he was happy to run, but about everything in order. when kherson was captured, andriy kharitonov betrayed ukraine and was one of the first to rush to help the russians. they thanked him with the chair of the director of the kherson sea and trade port. according to information of our law enforcement agencies, it was kharitonov who ensured the transfer of military equipment and ammunition of the russian federation from the left bank to the right bank of the dnieper. kharitonov proved that he is an obedient dog, so he was made a deputy of the feikova kherson regional duma. with the support
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of the united russia party and our senator ihor yuriyovych kostyukevich, we do not forget him either, we thank him. kharitonov has already received suspicion from the sbu, now his case is being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region, the traitor faces up to 15 years in prison or life imprisonment with confiscation of property. we very much hope that he will receive a severe punishment for his actions against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook. we will send it together. all traitors should be sent to a russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. we are looking for 15-year-old polina hryhorova. information about
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the girl's disappearance came on the first day of the full-scale war. but this is not surprising, after all the girl lived in the village of kivshar. in the kharkiv region, it is not far from kupyansk and this territory was occupied in the first days of the full-scale invasion. despite the fact that in the fall of 2022, the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces liberated kharkiv oblast, the girl was never found, so the child is still wanted. i hope that with your help the girl will be found. let's take another look at her photo. polina has light blond hair, blue eyes and a round face. i want to note that this photo was taken before the war, now the girl is 15 years old, if anyone suddenly saw her, or know where she might be now, immediately call us on the magnolia child tracing service hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if suddenly there is no connection or
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the ability to call, write to chatbot of the child search service in telegram. and now , once again, i want to tell the amazing story of seven-year-old sofiyka golynska. the girl lived with her mother in odesa in the city of balta. and imagine, it disappeared at the end of 2020 . the police say that she kidnapped the child grandmother, ludmila holinska. and it is not known where the woman is hiding her child for more than three years. it was established that in december 2020 , a woman kidnapped her three-year-old granddaughter sofia in the baltsky district of odesa region. holynska, but their exact location is still unknown. lyudmila mykhaylivna golynska 01.04, born in 1968, height about 162-170 cm, dense build, thick -skinned, hair color can change. his eyes are light, he has visible birthmarks in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. previously, there was a version that
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already during a full-scale war, a child could be taken abroad to one of the countries of the european union. later, the police said that the alleged abductor of the girl, her grandmother, may be in kyiv. of course, if you follow her trail, there is a high probability that it will be the child's whereabouts. but sofia's grandmother carefully disguises herself and constantly changes her appearance, but i really hope that one of you will recognize her and help establish her location, and most importantly, in this way, it will be possible to find sofiyka golinska. i am addressing everyone, and especially kiyan. if anyone has seen this woman or knows where she may be, immediately call us on the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators are free, what about seven-year-old sofiyka, now it is very difficult to describe her appearance. imagine, the girl's mother last
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saw her little one when she was only 3.5 years old. i don't know about mine, the fate of my child, in what condition she is, what she looks like, she was then 20 meters tall, she had blue eyes. she was dressed for the last time in her mind , boned, blue blue shorts, a little blue blouse, with two tails, it was in the 20th year. of course, in more than three years, sofiyka has grown up and changed, but i don't think that it is so drastic that it is impossible to recognize her, so i really ask you to look closely at her face. the girl has big blue eyes and light blond hair, approximately 110.120 cm tall, in these photos she is about three years old, but this is one of the last pictures where sofia is about 3, of course, the girl's mother also has a video of her
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daughter, well, too an adult girl already, hey, not but, but, not but, but but? let me remind you that now sofia is seven years old, of course she already speaks normally and expresses her thoughts. if you see a child who looks like her somewhere, or see her grandmother, who is suspected of abducting a child, do not delay and immediately dial the short number of the magnolia child tracing service 11630. calls from any mobile operator are free. you can call the hotline at any time of the day. in addition, important information can always be transferred. and with the help of the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. the european union extended the temporary
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protection until spring 2026. dobrin, the leader of the german opposition. unemployed ukrainians should be sent to western ukraine. in ukraine , payments to idps are canceled. people are returning en masse to the occupied territories. only 30% of schools have generators, it's time to take them out ukrainian women began to give birth the least in a century, who will rebuild the country? work force began to be brought to ukraine, migrants are brought from pakistan, nepal, india, bangladesh. ukraine needs 300,000 foreigners every year. the authorities want to replace ukrainians. incompetent government officials deepen demographic crisis. can we still save ukraine? at the beginning of 2024, a new
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alarming symptom of our demographic disease appeared, the decisions made by the authorities drive ukrainians back to the occupation, more than 100,000 people have already left, how many more citizens will ukraine lose? someone... goes to places where the territories are occupied, someone goes to where there is active hostilities, it's bittersweet for me because we're losing children, and in my opinion, children are what you have to pay attention to, it's what the country will live on further, i will never believe that people do not understand the trap that russia is setting for them in the temporarily occupied territories, in the third year of the great war, representatives of the authorities speak to refugees with empty slogans and promises: we must simultaneously move in all directions, and make love, increasing the number of ukrainians , and take care of your health. why is there still no strategy to save ukraine from
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a demographic catastrophe? how georgia and moldova, azerbaijan and croatia overcame similar challenges. what should be done so that ukraine is not left without ukrainians? how much time do we have? left? be sure to subscribe to my channel to find out in time. about the new films we are preparing right now. a public consensus has formed in ukraine. until the end of the war, do not remind the authorities about the mistakes they made before the invasion. but such a responsible position of the nation was perceived as an indulgence. therefore, all the mistakes with evacuation in the 22nd year were repeated in sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast in the 24th. people were thrown to their own devices again. it's hot, so we're in cool water.
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lived in the village of pokrovka, which is in sumy oblast, on the border with hell, from here to the border with russia 2 km, and the aggressor did turn the lives of the residents into a real hell. it all started back then, on the night of february 24, 2022, explosions, everything flew through our village, and then we had automatic queues, the border squad was immediately standing here, the customs office was already there, and shots were fired. the boys tried to defend themselves against these tanks. oh, trouble, then after an hour and a half the tanks left. before the war, mrs. olga had a large farm, five cows, a dozen pigs. after the attack by the russians, the woman first lost her household, and then her husband. not
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the heart endured. he died walking, well, how, insulin has already started to be injected into him, he is tall. fell asleep and did not wake up. on nerves and stuff, cardiac arrest or something. mrs. olga buried her husband, but she was not going to leave the village. she was already worried on her own. the fear of regular shelling, the native house and the fresh grave did not let go, but to endure the constant cannonade became more and more unbearable. within a year , the woman was ready to leave, but where would she go, where would she settle down, what would she live for? the local authorities could not answer these questions. people were left to their own devices. do you want live, choose yourself. and i can't get up, my legs are gone. and my condition was such
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that i was on... and no one answered from anyone at all, and it whistles and flies, it's scary, i barely called my daughter, but still, for two hours, the car, and i was like, what was stood, that's how they took me, we each left independently. the woman did not want to, she settled in the regional center in sumy, and her daughter rents an apartment right there, she did not receive any help during the move, only idp payments, and already on the spot i came to tsnap, to register for me as a temporarily displaced person, well, as if to register somewhere, because i already left everything there, that's how they registered us, we didn't get any help , absolutely nothing, only about 200 that
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they charge us, that's... they didn't give, people in despair, as if caught between two worlds, on the border , the fear of dying from a russian shell, a little further on, suffering due to the indifference of the authorities, not all people are given, you know, i was 68 years old , they gave me, but the one who is 60, for example, i talk to her, she they don't give it, and she says, well, here it is there are already disagreements between people in the full sense of the word that... the state did not help me personally, the headman, for example, from the village, i asked how you got settled, where did you get settled, well, i have not heard this question, people like that, hard
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time, hard. the moment cannot be abandoned, left alone, as if people from the lips, that we were thrown out from there, and here we are not needed by anyone. the sumy region has the largest border with the aggressor, about half a thousand kilometers. the russians have been shelling the surrounding villages and towns with artillery for the second year just across the state border. of the 90,000 idps in sumy oblast, 70,000 are internally displaced persons who have moved deep into the region, and only 20,000 are from the east and south of ukraine. the situation is similar in kharkiv oblast, the border with the aggressor state is 315 km long, and despite intelligence warnings about the preparation of a russian offensive, the evacuation of the population from the border began only in the second half of may 2024. literally under fire. currently, there are 333,000 immigrants from
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kharkiv itself in the kharkiv region. and only 67 thousand from luhansk.


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