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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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beyond its borders, who then is china, my heart aches. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. it's eight o'clock in ukraine, it's time to learn about the main news for this hour, i greet all viewers of espresso, anna javamelnyk is with you, and i'll start with this. at night, sounds similar to explosions were heard in the dnipro, the air force warned about the use of ballistic weapons from the east. also, after the announcement of the air alert. was in zaporizhzhia.
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the number of casualties due to enemy missile fire has increased attack on the village of budy in the kharkiv region, as of now 25 people have been injured, among them a 14-year-old girl and a nine-year-old boy. two more people died, the regional prosecutor's office informed. according to the investigation, the russians attacked the local railway station with rockets. after the arrival of all services, the occupiers struck again. previously, two iskanders damaged objects of the railway infrastructure, residential buildings and cars. one person was injured as a result of an enemy attack on the vasylkiv district of zaporizhzhia, he announced ivan fedorov, head of the regional military administration. the russians also shelled populated areas of the region with multiple rocket launchers, artillery and drones, destroyed residential buildings and infrastructure facilities. two people were killed as a result
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of shelling in the village of komyshany in the kherson region. the couple, 40 and 44 years old, received fatal explosive injuries, reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. a 16-year-old girl was also injured due to an enemy attack on chornobayivka. the child has a traumatic amputation of the hand and shrapnel wounds to the body. her was taken to the hospital. an attempt on trump in the presidential candidate. us donald trump was shot during a campaign rally in pennsylvania, western media reported. the republican was delivering a speech when gunshots rang out in the crowd. trump was wounded, a bullet pierced the upper part of his right ear. politicians were stabbed, it is known that one participant of the rally was killed. the attacker was shot by trump's bodyguard, the fbi will investigate the attack on the politician. meanwhile, president joe biden already. called to condemn this manifestation
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of violence. they destroy the weapons of muscovites, ukrainian scouts blew up an enemy warehouse with ammunition in one of the directions, on one of the directions of the front, reported to the main intelligence office, also eliminated fpv drone launch points and enemy means of communication and surveillance. our soldiers struck the field fortifications of the russians. and places of deployment, the exact losses of the occupants are calculated. june 2024 became the hottest in the entire history of observations on the planet. as we can see in practice, july also breaks high temperature records. are ukrainians happy about such a warm summer and is it worth it? in the end expect precipitation, kateryna galko will tell. +40 from now on. only in exchangers, but also
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on thermometers. abnormal heat has covered ukraine. hot and dry air masses came to us from the deserts of central asia. and forecasters do not promise significant changes in air temperature or precipitation. if it seems to you that it is very hot, then you only think so. it is very hot now, and i want to say that in the near future this heat will hold, unfortunately, maybe there will be some small fluctuations, but so far within limits, well, realistically. forecast, i don't see any significant relief. ukrainians are not ready to set temperature records. all the more so in conditions of full-scale war, without safe access to the seas and without cooling air conditioners, because the forecasts for turning on the electricity are as pessimistic as the weather. kyivans do not like such anomalous heat, especially among urban buildings. the weather is generally a nightmare. well, we
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try to sit in the shade, here we turned on the sprayer, it's generally cool, the weather is summer, summer is summer, hot, of course. well, but we're used to it, it wouldn't be worse, i think that the weather lately can be seen on the face, well, all kyivites, but how do we save ourselves, well, we send signals to space to make it rain, the weather is very good, the sun is shining, it's nice, it affects the mood, it affects health , the relationship is affected, and even the beach, which is traditional for kyiv. zones on trukhanovo island and in the hydropark are empty. there are vacationers, of course, but it is definitely not the populated banks of the dnieper, as it was before. however, those who did come to soak up the sun are only happy about it. the water is warm there is enough space for entertainment, they also
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like the weather. it happened that i was here alone, and when i used to bake, especially on weekends, there wasn't even a place here. this year, it is probably warmer. what has passed, in general, it is a miracle, it is a wonderful summer, it is warm, we must, we must run closer to the water, the heat is abnormal, but it is better near the water, it is near the water, we understand that it is harder for some people at this time, but for your brain at least a little we are kind of suffocated, this is this, this is our hydropark, no way, i love the heat, so i'm fine, the scorching sun and temperature high jumps can download even. very strong ukrainians, the heat is a health hazard, especially for those who have chronic diseases and older people, symptoms of overheating, or heat stroke, it will primarily be dizziness,
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fatigue, loss of consciousness, dehydration. doctors advise to pay special attention to your well-being, as well as to be careful in case of sunstroke or heat stroke. call an ambulance, try to periodically go to cafes, shops, places where it is cool, and take water with you, wear light clothes, not tight-fitting, and don't forget about hats, about sun protection on all exposed skin, first of all go to the shade, it's just the shade of a tree, if you're outside, and in an open area, it... can be a cafe, a store, that is, go to a place where there is coolness, wash yourself, and pour water on yourself, if you have water with you, when you feel that you are not feeling well. it is not yet known when a downpour will pass over ukraine, or when the air temperature will become more normal, so we put on panamas,
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sunglasses and drink a lot of water, and we remember that the real heat is where our defenders are dog air conditioners in armor and breeches. today , electricity will be turned off in ukraine throughout the day, ukrenergo reports. in particular, at 3:00 p.m. , two shifts of shutdowns will be used, and then three shifts will operate simultaneously. the shortage of electricity is affected by the increase in consumption due to the summer heat. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of drones and components for military intelligence. armed forces brigades. the first lot that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavik fly kombo and five mavic 3t. quadcopters are the eyes in the sky that shine a light on safety and enable you to move forward with confidence. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of military personnel.
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our goal is uah 2.5 million. you can see all the details on the screen. join this gathering. i wish you health. we, the fighters of art intelligence. brigades, we ask you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. and for more interesting videos, be sure to search the spress youtube channel subscribe, because there are live ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as short videos on hot topics in the shorts section. them, comment, be there. and you can always read more about important things on our website espressoa tv, also subscribe to our channels on social networks, and with that i tell you, see you at 9 o'clock. later, my tireless
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colleagues, lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk, will work on the air. well, gentlemen, welcome everyone! 872 days of heroic resistance, today we begin this page of the ukrainian modern annals and we will together with you experience the events at the front, in ukraine, in the world and discuss the most important things, we will start it, of course, with our traditional roll call, we will now have a serviceman of the 77th separate airmobile brigade on the call on the kharkiv direction, which is now located, please tell me: is there already, yes, mr. viktor, we welcome you, good morning, well, i’m leaning, what is
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the situation now, of course, on your direction, what can you tell about, well look me let me clarify that precisely in the direction of boriv, ​​that is, in the direction of the city of borov, well, because the kharkiv direction is generally very extensive, this is also... on the border with russia and above the kupyan direction, in the area of ​​responsibility of our brigade, the enemy's assault actions continue, literally in the last week , the enemy has stepped up its assault in the area of ​​the village of novoselivske, using equipment, they are storming in large groups of infantry, well... in principle, for the past two months, they have also been actively storming and it happens in several
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directions, at the moment they are more focused on alone, but the situation is difficult, but for now it is possible to control it, the enemy manages not to miss and inflict a very significant damage on him, the boar was not so much in the center of attention, you know until the end until... at least a month, when the message appeared, that the russians are attacking there, they have advanced a little, concentrated their forces, this is more the izyum direction, i understand correctly, well, izyum can be said to be izyum, the fact is that the enemy is constantly changing directions of attack somewhere around here, which means that they are constantly probing the entire the front line, as i understand it correctly, is absolutely changing tactics. they can go in large groups with the use of equipment, they can go in small groups, they can try to push
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in one direction, and they can, on the contrary , actually carry out assault actions along the entire line of responsibility at the same time, er, now, if we talk about the situation in kharkiv oblast, i understand that , that it is not easier with cabs yet... it is becoming, at the moment it is not getting easier with cabs, and in particular due to the fact that they have a very serious advantage in , well, unmanned aviation, let's say, in wing-type unmanned aircraft, that is , reconnaissance that can fly at a long distance and hang in the air for a long time, constantly eagles, constantly flying, constantly fighting in the air, literally... recently one hall was shot down by our air defense fighters, but nevertheless, all the same
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these uavs are constantly flying, and we already have some developments, there are some potentially good solutions that need to be tested and if they show a result to be implemented, well, but at the moment it is such a very serious problem, we have to actually very often, well conditionally look at the sky, well... actually there are appliances, which show where the halls are, the eagles are there with cartoons and supergames, and it turns out, you have to move only when uh and in those places where they are not scouting, if there is reconnaissance, then you stop, hide and continue moving only when er, this scout is leaving your zone, er, in general... i don't know how the mood is now in the military at
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the front? uh, well, it’s different, it can happen in one day, but i can have a different mood three times a day, sometimes it’s combative, sometimes it seems that i can’t stand another second of war, but it happens that it seems that what you have to go to moscow there, relatively speaking, well , that is, in different ways, of course, and uh... all fighters have different things, sometimes there are some factors that raise, somehow, there are factors that uh, how is it say? adding to the fury, when the okhmatdyt flew in, it directly infuriated all the fighters, and accordingly there are also different moods, well , in general, it is natural that war is difficult, and there is no need to romanticize it, but nevertheless the fighters understand that some there
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cannot be peace there under moscow's conditions. be and no one wants to leave this war to their children. sir victor, i recently heard this opinion from my relative who is fighting, who is fighting with a volunteer, who is also fighting for the third year, that in general he told me that i do not understand how they can move forward in our direction, but i also do not understand how we can advance. in our direction, they mined everything there, we mined everything here, we see everything they do there, they see everything we do here, he says, i don't know how, he says, yes, we can continue to fight another 10 years, do you also have similar considerations, well in general, in principle, war, yes, military
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actions, and some certain military operations. they do not foresee that you necessarily have to advance somewhere while they are storming, while they are going forward and we can use this as such a factor that is on our side, that is, use the fact that they are on the offensive, and accordingly in position is more advantageous to us, then we need to destroy the enemy, that is, in general, let's put it this way, the goal of any military action is to destroy the enemy, and when we inflict a very significant damage on him, then the enemy will be able to pass, let's say so, already without a fight, if you inflict some critical damage on him in terms of equipment, in terms of manpower, in terms of the destruction
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of ammunition there, logistics and so on and the like, so in principle the task is to... in this case destroy as many of them as possible in order to they remembered there at the genetic level that it is better not to go to ukraine again, and passed on to their descendants that ukrainians are very evil here, they really like to kill those who come to their territory, and more here, well, well, no it is necessary, and they are the way they left, for example, from afghanistan, they will say the same thing, the russians are going home, as in this... well-known meme, that is why it is necessary to destroy as many of them as possible, well, there is no goal to advance 100 m or to advance a kilometer there or to retreat a kilometer or to retreat 100 m, it does not really matter, logistics matter, of course, that is, there are some possible assault actions to cut off logistics or
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retreat actions to improve logistics, well, it happens in different ways. but nevertheless, the most important thing is to remember that the most important thing is to destroy the enemy, you can retreat and destroy the enemy, if you destroy it is good and at the same time to protect the personnel, then in principle, well, it will be, let's say , successful. actually, i read in andrii onistrat, a famous former banker from kyiv, who went to fight, and after joining the volunteers, his son died. at war, and he is fighting, and he wrote yesterday that war is pure management, to a large extent, of course, this is the view of a banker, but he writes that in fact the main deficit in the army is the presence of adequate people in teams, means the impression will always be lacking,
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weapons can always be modernized, but people are the basis of all processes, they learn, manage, use the application... it is not as important as knowing how the soul of a soldier from volyn is arranged, well, this question is addressed to the studio, and we in the studio voice this issue to the top of the armed forces of ukraine, because we all understand that now having adequate commanders, trained commanders, a link, in particular, is an extremely important challenge, the one who is better organized, where the armed forces are better organized, the one and wins, means to us yes, absolutely exactly, yes absolutely correct. absolutely exactly, and in particular, probably, this is one of the secrets why we manage to hold with less, with a smaller number
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of people, with a smaller number of means of destruction, when they have a lot of different, different technical means, and at the same time we manage to keep our lane responsibility and they have already put more brigades, in fact , only in the area of ​​responsibility of the 77th brigade, that is, and this is precisely because we have better, better management, better command, in particular there and sergeants, and officers, and commanders of companies and platoons. it is precisely because of this that we manage to hold our ground well, to stand, well, stand very, very seriously,
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taking into account how they press, and what means we have at our disposal, we stand very effectively, well, thank you very much, viktor petrovich i emphasize correctly, petrovych, petrovych, viktor petrovych, a serviceman of the 77th separate unit. of the mobile brigade, we were joined from the kharkiv direction by our former colleague, a journalist from zaporizhzhia, who joined the law of the armed forces of ukraine and is now fighting in kharkiv direction. we will now go with you for a short break, then we will visit, well, we will not visit nova kokhovka, but we will have the mayor of nova kokhovka, nova kakhovka remains under russian occupation on the left bank, dnipro, kherson region. there are discounts, the only discounts on the termin are 15% in pharmacies, you and the saver fm halychyna, listen to
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discounts representing the only discounts on estezy in 20% in pharmacies of travelers to you and the saver. maria gurska meets with the head every week of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm by pawel koval, the polish government's commissioner for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with au sisters. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp delivery facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresen had done so, he would have gone to
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prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond. and then who is china? my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko , from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. well, gentlemen, let's continue, we will have news from the new kennel, in the meantime i will tell you what
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i read that is interesting. very column of volodymyr yeshkilev, a famous ukrainian writer from frankivsk, and you know, good thoughts on the topic of how geopolitical trends are slowly changing, we all understand that we now we are at a very important moment in history for all of humanity, for which it certainly determines 100 years in advance what will happen in europe, in the world, that is, it is extremely important, the speech was held at this such borderline of changes at this point , on the horizon, you know, changes, like in a black hole, but at the same time everything with it is very difficult to see exactly where these processes are headed, according to eshkilev, russia has to some extent found itself on such a plateau, that is, they have been raising the stakes all the time, and the problem in such, in such a way, strategizing is that at some point you find yourself at a point where any further rate hikes are not...
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possible, well, you remember that when the russians kept saying, we haven't started yet, we haven't even started yet they did not seriously fight, but now there is such a moment when, in principle, the only thing left to do is to grab nuclear weapons, well, but that is not an option, because it will fly in response, and you will not achieve much by this, and accordingly, according to mr. eshkileva, in principle, that putin does not think so much about a military victory as about the finalization of the war. and the post-war rally, he cannot win here , but he wants to georgianize post-war ukraine, this is symptomatic, and he writes about the fact that putin is also not satisfied with the korean conditional option, when ukraine will somehow be divided there into two parts, some pro-russian and actually ukrainian, because it automatically guarantees ukrainians the position of a historical people, putin needs to destroy ukraine, this is for
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him. goal, but which he cannot fulfill, well , this is the story, you can read mr. volodymyr himself in more detail, i wanted to say that another mr. volodymyr is already with us, this is volodymyr kovalenko, the mayor of novaya kokhovka, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, good morning, mr. volodymyr, they write that the so-called saldo governor, a collaborator and traitor, has introduced some special regime in novy kokhovtsi... front-line from the side of the occupation, what does this mean in principle, what kind of special zone is this? well, you know, the new tile, it has long since entered the zone that i call the zone of existence, yes, because, strictly speaking, the front line, and it really is, in everything in the case of communication with residents, i... heard
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such news that they have been introduced, as of today, it will allegedly require a pass to enter and leave this territory, that's all they still know, but so far no document, or this little piece of paper, which no one there has given to anyone, firstly, secondly, there are no more in-depth explanations, because apart from the information on the internet, no one from the residents knows anything, well, this is the situation, strictly speaking. however, there are rumors that at these checkpoints , local people's phones are often confiscated there for a few minutes, they take them somewhere, as if to check if there are any photos, or something else, where they were on the maidan somewhere in kyiv or something else, or that they took pictures of the military there, and then when they return, it can be there already a spy program must be installed, it is not visible and it does not light up anywhere, but it allows you to listen
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directly to the phone, for example, if a person communicates with someone, the fact that there is total control over all those residents who remained, although they are mostly people of such of a solid age, and there is an absolute majority of them walking with push-button phones outside the limits, so to speak, well, communicating with relatives, with relatives, this is the first thing, well, who has phones, there are indeed checks, and to date, well, i have an acquaintance who had a stroke there, he cannot go to... to the city hospital, because he does not have a russian passport, and in order to leave, now you need to have the appropriate document, there are no such documents, in general, now, in order to receive , because allegedly there is information that the so- called administration of novokakhovsk has moved there 35 or 40 km away, there is a green pod, it used to be called red mayat, no, red perekop, it was called a settlement, so it really is there, you know, well, people
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say, we don’t know anymore, we’ll go to the entrance now the temperature regimes are as follows.


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