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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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is happening now in the black and azov seas, let's talk about what's happening in the south of ukraine and let's talk about what's happening in the crimea, where it's getting hot and not only because we have such an abnormal temperature right now, and so and so and so, that's the story , fried fried russians in yubk, in yubk, so how is yubk deciphered. this is what we have collected so far, two hours of ours, the second hour of our ether, will end in half an hour, and so far there are 700 hryvnias, which is a little bit, i am asking you very much, join, qr code, card number here, we let's continue, it is already with us mr. dmitry, mr. dmitry, good morning. can
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you hear us, greetings to the studios, greetings to the audience, good morning, oh, great, can you hear me, mr. dmytro, i can't hear you well, the connection is interrupted, we have had no light since morning and that's why the internet may be bad, well, we can hear you very much ok, you are very good too, very good picture, so we don't see any problems with the internet, at least visually or or hearing, so we ask, what is the operational situation? now in odesa and in general at sea, studio, if you ask about the situation at sea, the situation at sea remains stable, several actions of ships are not observed in the waters of the black sea, already in azov, there is a presence, but it does not affect the general course, the course of hostilities, there are three countermines. nicks and a missile boat, which
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in principle cannot harm us from there either, yes, mr. dmytro guessed the first question, i don’t know if the second, or whether you hear us, mr. dmytro, yes, you do, great, the second question is about the presence of mines in the black sea , what is the situation, 400 min, in general you on... the day before said whether they are being neutralized, and now we have such warm, super warm period, people save themselves by going to water bodies, and the sea, of course, is something that can help them survive this heat, uh, how about, how, are vacationers warned about this danger minna, now it will be, if you can hear me, click twice actually. yes, it is very hot, and
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in fact odesa remains the only accessible sea resort in ukraine for domestic tourism, given some restrictions on departure, given the previous few years of restrictions, both covid and due to the aggression of the russian federation, of course, the flow of tourists specifically to odesa, to our coast, the southern one is enough. significant and some beaches were opened and inspected accordingly, this decision is made exclusively by the local authorities, and in principle this process is ensured by various structures, including the state emergency service. we, in turn, work with the results, as a rule, that is, when some similar object after a storm throws another one into the coastal strip or on the beach in general, then the group. forces,
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she leaves and neutralizes this object, unfortunately, sometimes she does not have time to get there, these objects sometimes explode on their own, so yes, the danger in principle exists, but again, as you understand, nothing, nothing scares a ukrainian tourist who is on vacation, who needs to go to the sea, so this process, if it cannot be stopped, but it is practically impossible to stop it, then... it must be led accordingly, we in turn deal with demining in principle every day, especially with regard to ensuring the safety of civilians in our grain corridor, and so the mine situation in the black sea remains quite difficult, because in fact a full-fledged demining there were no demining operations, regarding the number of mines yes, this figure is announced.
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at one time the suffering of the armed forces of ukraine and, in principle, from that moment to say that the situation somehow changed significantly, i do not... maybe unfortunately. yesterday, the enemy hit the odesa region with ballistic missiles in odesa region, are there any details about this story yet? if we are talking about attacks directly on the port infrastructure, then, unfortunately, you see that russia is now trying in any way to force ukraine to be on duty until... on duty in quotation marks negotiations and, of course, a common tactic for russians to force someone to agree on something with them is intimidation, firstly, and secondly, of course, in this way the russians always try to strengthen their negotiating
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positions, i can remind you how during the istanbul negotiations at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, at the end of march until... the 22nd of the year, the russians just hit the building of the mykolaiv regional state administration with a cruise missile on the day of the start of the negotiations, 36 people were killed then, this is typical russian behavior, in principle , without regarding the specific ones there, for example, on the last arrivals, we are being contacted, this is definitely some new... new skills of presenters on ukrainian television and their speakers, in order to learn to read lips, and still have a conversation, i will try to ask, if you hear about crimea, there is not much rest there either, the new york times writes about
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what it has already written about ukrainian successes and the fact that ukraine has targeted crimea, what is there now, how is the holiday season there, how is the bridge there standing? and will there be anything in the near future maybe some attraction for crimean tourists? it will be a matter of course, we have repeatedly warned about this, we warn, and we do not get tired of warning, because we are a legal state, a humane one, and we always try to reduce as much as possible cumulative losses among the civilian population. not even considering the fact that these are russians who went to our crimea. nevertheless, it is necessary to say that we will somehow change our actions there, of course , the number of visitors has dropped a little, but quite a lot of
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tourists come there on those tours that he buys for them. the russian budget, that is these are state employees who are sent there to rest, of course, of course there are many who simply want to go to our crimea, but nevertheless, there is no way to influence ours, our actions, the bridge is blocked periodically, nevertheless, the russians still stand there are several hours in line to enter the crimea, well , that is... scaring a russian tourist like that is also quite difficult, because they are already used to it, i guess, well, well, i will add about crimea before the end that i returned from captivity from the perennial nariman jelal, deputy
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head of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, a political prisoner of conscience, and he is giving an interview now, and he says that sooner or later crimea will return to ukraine and... this will be the result of a military operation, too, sir dmitry, what will the operation for the liberation of crimea be, in your opinion, what will it look like? repeating the classic phrase: crimea will be either ukrainian or uninhabited, i can point out that in any case there will be problems, and of course, problems related to agriculture, problems related to provision it should not be forgotten that crimea is in a rather similar position depending on the very bridge over which the energy structure passes to provide crimea, in fact, it is not only the road
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and railway part, there is also an energy tail of crimea, and in any case . of course, it will be a full-fledged general military operation, in which, of course , the naval forces will be involved, of course, and i cannot ... predict any dates, any strategy or tactics in this regard, but in any case, what is happening, he has such a meaning for us is important, because we are a maritime state, and the sea for ukraine is such a gift of fate, you can say, which we must appropriately defend and use our, first of all, economic interests, thank you, mr. dmytro, for conversation, it was not easy, because from time to time
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the connection was lost, but we did it anyway. dmytro klatanchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, a captain of the third rank was with us, dear friends, before we go on a short break, i will tell you that 900 uah for this morning was added we hope to collect more and thus get closer to our final goal of 2.5 hryvnias, after a short break we will return and continue, we will talk about things at the front, stay with us, attention, total sale, garden trimmers kors subpack with a discount of everything from uah 799, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, easy to use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, hurry to order while it is broadcast, light and very powerful, mow with gas near fences, along the path line, next to the pavement, curb,
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junk and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two o'clock in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresen had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so there is no need. not to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, who then for china, me, my heart hurts, all this in
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the informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. we are coming back, dear friends, and anton pavlushko, an analyst of the international intelligence community, will be with us now. let's talk about the front, i urge you to join the donations, just think, some 60 thousand uah separate us from? 2 million, 2 million of the 2.5 needed for 13 drones that will help our guys from the art-reconnaissance of the hundredth armed brigade forces of ukraine to detect the enemy's positions, we are already very, very close. meanwhile , deepstate analysts, who analyze the advance of troops, precisely with the help
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of satellite images that are updated all the time, available, claim that the enemy. managed to occupy the village of urozhane in donetsk region, uh, the enemy used overwhelming forces, two companies, in fact, two companies, you see, there are up to 200 personnel, but this was enough for this, on this part of the front, about it was also known that there were difficult, difficult battles yesterday, er, in a word, they show what occupied this town, what it is... this village, what does it mean, this village is so completely destroyed, all the houses are destroyed, it goes along such a road, there is such a forest plantation on both sides, and everything is simply destroyed houses in a dog, but the russian managed to occupy those ruins, and they are advancing to the side, or is it trying to cover the neck, and i understand correctly,
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now our expert actually joins us, let's talk about... this, mr. anton, congratulations, good in the morning, this supposed loss of this village, what it indicates and where are the russians moving? well, the russians are gradually moving towards their political goal, namely to reach the borders of the donetsk region, but here you just have to pay attention to the speed of this advance and what losses they will bear. it is clear that if a political goal is set, then for any such position. or for any such fruitful thing, they will actually put as much money there as necessary and put as much money there, but again, if they have set this goal for themselves, then they just need to pay the highest possible price for it now, er, is there any exit threat, no i know there are russians in some operational areas
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, some there, i don't know, the creation of these ticks around. bridge, what exactly does this mean, if we talk about this productive thing, it is somehow critical? well, look, i’m not a military expert, but i know that we now have a lot of self-made military experts who like to use maps to analyze who will move where after that and the like, i think we just have to wait for the official statement and again, well, there's no need to make a drama out of it, because again, we we see that the russians are ready to pay even for such a small harvest. an extremely high price, so, well, what can ukraine oppose to this, if they do this, nothing, it’s just necessary, that is, to force them to pay a high price for this harvest, of course, that everyone perfectly understands that they want to go somewhere one way or another near kramatorsk and beyond, well, to repeat exactly the way they took bakhmut, as they took any large
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city, just to demolish it, it will be seen later, it just means that now it is necessary to make this process of reaching... to the borders of donetsk region and luhansk so that it lasts as long as possible, well, roughly speaking, at least until the us presidential elections, and of course, what will happen after them, and then we will see what area they will go to, and maybe it will be possible further to somehow start to agree on something, well, somehow, i completely agree with you here, but botusov also wrote about this the other day, by the way, instead of asking why we lost the territory, how many... our soldiers already try to recapture the territory and who to punish for the fact that we have lost territory, the questions must be completely different in the army, and this is the question of how much we have destroyed the enemy, how many of our soldiers we have lost, how to increase the losses of the enemy and reduce the losses of our soldiers, these are the only questions that should interest the commanders from battalion commander to
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, journalist butusov believes, and it looks... like a very correct position, but the question is also that i, for example, do not know how much we lost in order to move away from the fertile and holding i don't know how much they lost russians in order not to seize the harvest, and do you know these numbers? well, approximately, of course, you can estimate all this, well, again, after all, the russian losses are much greater, that is, the fact that they are so ... they break on any crop, of course, that they have to pay for it prices, and they pay a price for it, is it important, well, here you have to look at the elevation map, and what other roads are there near all this, again... we don't know specifically, well, what kind of picture is there, for example , were we really able to build there are some defensive lines further after the harvest and the like, so maybe, well
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, excuse me, we will have to get used to such news in the coming months, that one way or another, one by one, we will lose some settlements in donbas, but the question is simply speed of this russian promotion and can we further prepare to prepare some there these price for price for us yes. yes, of course, definitely, because the main value of ukraine is still the people, we, this, we postulate it, and we believe it, and i think we adhere to it. experts say that putin can fight for about two more years, this is the mobilization reserve, the reserves of the economy, which has been put on military rails, this is the help of their allies, but yesterday we had igor koziy, who said that... so far, we have managed to destroy only 5% of the russian mobilization reserve, well, if you measure it in such numbers, then this is not a very happy account,
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nevertheless, what do you say about it, well, you know, i think that measuring mobilization resources in millions is somehow just purely population of russia, take away all the women there, then take men in a certain age range. to count some millions of mobilization resources and then issue such beautiful theses about only 5%, well , that’s not true, again, here you just need to work on the destruction of the russian personnel army, and in principle, the russian army that entered is probably it is partly gone for a long time, that is, it probably all happened in the first or second year of the war, of course, what we can see now, even from their losses, that there are a lot of mobilized people, who were mobilized right here in the last few months or even weeks, that is... this is what they are now trying to capture somewhere there, even in their own homes on the streets of russia, they are trying to immediately send them to the front, because, again, look at point one, it is necessary to fulfill their political the goal
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is to go to these borders, that is , to capture as much as possible before the us presidential election, and to go on to some negotiations, or some negotiations there, maybe even with the trump or biden administration there, with as many geographical gains as possible, and there it will be seen , if this is followed by any for any purpose, take any next harvest, of course. that they will put them, these are the handsome young officers that they show here, of course, that they are somewhat different, in fact, if we look at the russian losses, because there are now a lot of very different people from very different regions, that is, of course , that the mobilization process is in full swing in them, and the losses are also very different, that is, there are already muscovites, that is, they have been there for a long time, it's just that for the moscow agglomeration, after all, it is 15 million, these losses are not so noticeable, but somewhere in the regions simply. well, there are such mass burials, it has already become literally commonplace, that is, but again, well, not 5%, much more of the russian
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mobilization resource has probably been destroyed, and again, not 95% is left there, which can still be mobilized and there, millions of hordes will go to donbas and storm something, no, everything is much smaller, and of course even russian society, it will still gradually tire of the war, or maybe... not so actively even then, the remnants of the mobilization resource will climb there for the next landing, because after all, well, everyone sees the losses perfectly, and let's face it, the russians are not stupid either, they also watch telegram channels, and of course, when they see, like some ukrainian mavik ee is dropping something on them there, or like some ukrainian drones, fip drones are working on them, of course, that every russian puts, like in this video, every russian actually puts himself in this place, and of course that some such super eagerness to attack. i i know and they say that there are a bunch of russian telegram channels where they also
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publish how they drop all the crap on our soldiers there, but i, for example , don’t see it, because i don’t want to see it, i watch it absolutely without special emotions, as he tears to pieces some russian soldier on duty, and we are already so used to this video, it won't even be there. emotions, for me, it would be more unpleasant for me to watch an insect being crushed with a foot, for example, but i have no desire to watch something like that about our soldiers, i don’t watch, i think that the russians they also don’t watch it, because their soldiers are being killed, but you know, they watch it, that is, we actually analyze all these videos, ours and theirs, that is, of course, there are also such russian videos, there are also many of them, and again , and here they sometimes try to filter in there and or... to look like pro-ukrainian groups, where they show there how, for example, look there, how the command there somehow didn't work that way, and that's why the russians can fly somewhere, look, what a terrible veto, that is, influence.
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he is the same on both ours and the russians of course there are, and of course everyone there at the front in one way or another perfectly sees what is happening, they perfectly see how they are working on them, there are such videos, it’s just that, well, frankly, there are more of our videos like this, and again , well, the russians are still not stupid and they see everything perfectly, another matter is the price of the question, but again, the price of the question here is not usually set by the russian soldiers, the russian political leadership, if it sets such a price, then of course the russian will pay this price to pay, another matter... with someone with zeal, it is possible there at a certain stage , just by passing the video there, it will be easier for him to surrender once more than to fight there to the end, well, the process is going, the process is going, soon, by the way, the f-16 will also join, we are all very we expect, there will be few of them, they remind us not to hope too much for it as a superweapon, western experts, and when i say experts, i mean really
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experts, that is... these are some serious scientific senior employees of serious institutions or people who are generals there retirement and so on with experience. the point is that even this story with the f-16 shows that the main problem is that it takes time to train good pilots. i remember the commander of the abrams tank saying with a lot of experience in the two wars of veratza and in afghanistan that the abrams is a fantastic tank, but ... you can't make it effective unless you have spent several years learning how to operate it, in we don't have much time. a very short answer, 30 days for basic training is not enough. well, i don't know, i'm not a pilot, but again, i think they are much longer than 30 days. i think, i think that they have already been preparing for much more than 30 days, and again, everyone perfectly understands that this process has been going on for somewhere there, well, a year and a half, well, i think that all the possibilities are already there and
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bombing and.. . there are various other types of flying, they have probably already practiced, that is, they perfectly understand how it will happen on the battlefield, well, now we just need to test it really on the battlefield, well, again, we will have a lot also logistical problems, that is, it is no longer the case that only they will fly there one -on-one against some russian su-57 there, the issue here is that they will have to be re-based often, this will have to be done very quickly, it is necessary it will mean that all the services somehow... work very harmoniously, there are not only pilots here, there is also the entire infrastructure, how to ensure their safety, how to work air defense in connection with the planes themselves, that is, this is still necessary will watch, well, that's probably why they will start first this small party, about which they already say there are six of them, let's see how they will go, well, we will see, we will see, we will see, thank you very much for this conversation, with us was anton pavlushko, an analyst of international intelligence of the information community,
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an expert, well... in the meantime, we are approaching the moment of silence for, we are approaching the news, andriy, and then we will return at 11:00 and continue the marathon, i remind you that lesya voklyuk, andriy saichuk, we in this studio today work throughout day with you, well, annaeva, next, annaeva melnyk, next appears and will tell what happened there in ukraine and the world. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the newsroom will continue to work, we will tell you about the most important things, in particular , new details of the assassination attempt on donald trump have appeared. what to expect today, what will be the situation with light and what is the situation at the front, about all this and more, stay with espress. the fbi named the killer who... carried out
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the assassination attempt on trump.


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