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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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of the russian command at the time of the pontoon crossing over the sivirskyi donetsk river in the lisichansk district. this information was ignored by the national security and defense committee. and this led to the fact that the occupiers captured this city in three days. and so that there were no questions that we did not hear, i gave this information in general. can you find it in zmi? this is a divorce group of the right cause, risking their lives, gave this information. formation, when a pontoon crossing and a column with engineering equipment were tracked, and we gave the coordinates on anticipating, warning about possible options for the development of events, alischansk is a large industrial city, with a huge number of lines that we could hold for months, but the city was lost in three days, many questions, i want to hear some answers already, because... to pretend that
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nothing is happening, i don’t know, no, as it is not happening, there is an actual attempt to discredit the top military leadership, let’s call a spade a spade, i am appealing to tv viewers, if there are lawyers among you at the tv channel luxpress, there is my coordinates, come out, i need legal support, we will put an end to this in this matter, mr. dmytro, thank you for the conversation, dmytro snighorev, military expert and co-author of the public initiative the right thing was with us, dear friends, now we are going for a short break , let's continue, then we will talk about nato, about the prospects of ukraine in nato, and also about the assassination attempt on trump, the assassination attempt on trump, how it all affects the policy regarding ukraine, do you want to wake up? as if in childhood at grandmother's house
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affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do laws change our lives? what to prepare? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. well, dear friends, we are coming back, we will continue our marathon lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk. in this studio, we work for you until 5 o'clock. during the conversation with previous our audience donated uah 700 to the speaker, so today we have already collected 27, but we are not stopping, the qr code is here, the card number is here, please join, guys who are currently in the art intelligence of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine they need drones to see where
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the enemy has planted and to knock that enemy out of there. let's help them in this, the total amount of the collection is uah 2.5 million, the amount is not small, but... but you and i, i am convinced, we will be able to do everything. and in the meantime, we include in our conversation yevgeny cholia, the president of the public of the ukraine 2050 organization and honorary consul of ukraine in montreal, president of the world congress of ukrainians in 2008-2018. mr. yevgeny, we are glad to see you. i am very pleased that you invited me. mr. yevgeny, we announced, and you probably did, our guest editors said that we would talk about ukraine and nato, and prospects, but here at night. or in ukraine at night, during the day in america such an event happened that trump spoke, which can be called a black swan, although trump himself was a black swan, and at one time, and in fact, and in he was shot, and obviously all ukrainians are very worried right now about how this
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affects the politics of the united states, which affects the politics of the ukraine, and being in a war, a big one, we're... we're excited about what could be waiting for us, do you think how can this, this case, this shooting, attempted assassination change the situation in the political and international arena? well, in the first place, obviously, like everyone else, i noticed how this crime was condemned, obviously in a country like the united states of america or in any country. democratic the country's president is elected by votes, not weapons, and therefore there is no place for such crimes. i do not believe that the events that took place and the assassination of the former president of the united
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states of america and the presidential candidate now in november of this year will have any effect on the politics of the united states of america. to ukraine. how can trump use this situation for himself? i think it's obvious that this is some kind of crime that he's, uh, going to use to, uh, make it feel like, uh, things are escalating, but i don't think that those... such crimes will benefit anyone, as far as i'm talking benefit in the political sense, or harm anyone, for that matter, because this is a 20-year-old person,
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as far as i know, who did the shooting, and i'm not here see any political motivation for this crime, is this... this crime, this, this assassination, this this, this attempted assassination, does it affect trump's chances in your opinion, i don't think, i think his chances will to be decided on the basis of the further campaign, still have what, as you know, there will be conventions and ee republican. parties that will begin on july 15, so there will also be another debate of the democratic party, so there will be, i think that those things will be decided based on the events and the campaign of one candidate
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and the other, and also obviously the way you you know, there's still this whole open debate about president biden, is he the best? candidate to run in november, or maybe he should be replaced, and so there are still a lot of uncertainties like that that could... affect the outcome of the election, you know, i just see that there the popular rapper 50-cent has already shown a new such poster at his concert, which depicts er trump, and for some reason in the image of a dark-skinned, fitness trainer of some kind, who was hit by a bullet and, or, for example, some insta influencer. who i know absolutely nothing about, for example, blar waite, but who has 1.5 million subscribers on youtube and about
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600 thousand followers on twitter, who wrote that if you try to vote after this for anyone else, then some obscene words continue, i have to mind, whether these emotions, they, they will not add opportunities to trump. well, i think that this whole, as you've probably been following this election campaign, it's already emotional, and i repeat that i don't think that the majority of americans are going to decide this issue on the basis of a crime committed by some 20 - summer young man, i, will it be used in various social networks to such emotional
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institutions, yes, such will be the appeals, they will pass, and i think they will not affect the outcome of the election. it will fuel the debate that i know exists in the united states about revising, in general, perhaps the very model of government. we see how dramatic the elections are. in france and the united states, in two actually large successful countries that are presidential models, is it wise nowadays to concentrate so much power and election results around one person. well, i think that and and and you mentioned the united states of america and france, these are two countries that through a very long. time had a successful device, so i don't i think that it is necessary to decide or change,
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in fact, the state structure on the basis of such crimes that occur, as you know, in the united states of america, the last time there was such an attempt on a former president or former president was over 40 years ago , as was the attempt on president ronald ronald. and so i think that these are the kinds of crimes that the police in the united states of america need to review the protocol to be able to protect their candidates even better, but i don't think it should trigger some kind of state review the structure of the country, which was successful with the structure that is behind... yes, let's go back to the topic, nato,
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the 75th summit was held this week, and no, nothing so extraordinary happened, where would ukraine have heard that yes , we are waiting, we invite you, somehow it all went so well that the ukrainians, even according to my observations, remained a little disappointed, what are your impressions after this ? what are ukraine's chances after him, how close did it get to nato or did it stay in the same place? well, as you know, in the statements it was said that the way uh-uh ukraine's accession to nato is irreversible, and this is a positive statement, however, there was no invitation of ukraine to nato, and i think it is a great pity that there was no such invitation, because today ukraine actually defends not
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only its territorial integrity, but protects the whole of europe and actually prevents russia from invoking the fifth article of nato, because as ukraine, god forbid, was not successful in protecting its territorial integrity, russia will clearly go further, because... wants to restore the soviet union, and therefore there are large e the possibility that uh uh we'll have to invoke the fifth article of uh uh nato and we'll unfortunately all be witnessing a third world war here because these are the times now, i thought there would be a lot of it would be better if the leaders of the nato countries were there, invited ukraine and gave a clear signal that they will be on
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ukraine's side, that they will protect the territorial integrity and... geopolitical issues will not be resolved on the basis of force, as you think, what prevented the west from being more decisive countries? well, i think that what is our challenge, that is, both and the power structures of ukraine and the ukrainian diaspora is actually to change such a strategic. thinking of the west, i think that to a large extent the west helps ukraine to the extent that ukraine does not lose this genocidal war. i think that our task or challenge is to convince the west to look at it differently strategically and help ukraine
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win this genocidal war as soon as possible and take the steps that are necessary , including providing weapons in a timely manner . i think that to cancel all restrictions on how ukraine can use these weapons, ee pere to confiscate and transfer to ukraine e frozen assets of russia e outside the borders of russia, and not only, let's say e-e percentages of these these these assets. in other words, in order to actively help ukraine to win this war, i think that if this is the direction and this way of thinking, then ukraine will be invited to nato. what should ukraine's arguments be in order to finally convince them to do so? i think the most important argument is that today ukraine is protecting the world
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from the third world war and what is in the interests of er. of every western country, let alone ukraine won this war, because today ukraine pays this highest price to protect democracy and our values, because they put their young people on the battlefield and young people die, protecting our very fundamental principles. and foundations, and that is why, in my opinion, this is the best argument to convince that now there is a request from the side of ukraine for the western world to timely and effectively transfer weapons and aid to ukraine, and it is better to help in this way than to have to expel
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their young people to... protect europe, and that's why i think this is the best argument, but it seems to me, i don't know, somehow from my observations, that this argument doesn't work anymore, that it's not that convincing, well, i think that when you look at us, for example, like how those events were last monday, like look at the brutality of russia. for children or a hospital for children, while it shows a very cruel regime, and the statements of the president of russia are very clear that this is a war that is not only against ukraine,
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but against the western world or. nato and i think that many people understand, maybe even inappropriately act on the basis of such understanding, but i think that more people in our country understand that ukraine would, god forbid, lose this war, that in this imperial, this imperial appetite of russia will not limit, regarding the borders of ukraine. mr. yevgeny, if... we take the north atlantic treaty, the text of the 1949 year, in fact, it says in the preamble that it is a union of nations, and... which ones are, which ones have united around their civilization, which is based on certain principles, these principles are democracy, individual freedom, this is
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the rule of law, well, actually, you are also about it you talk about the protection of democracy in ukraine, nevertheless, ironically, ukraine is now only one of two countries on the european continent, if we do not count the puppet in belarus, where democracy, well, according to, for example, the index... of freedom indices of democracy economist is not a democracy, it is a hybrid regime, and we understand it well, we, we are now speaking on the air of a television company that for the third year has not been able to speak according to the terms of its own license without any explanations and legal decisions, that is, we understand how vulnerable it is and young and and imperfect democracy, or in... ukraine should demonstrate changes, progress, even during the war in this direction, so that it is possible to find better support here, that we are a part of this civilization, and not just a smaller russia that
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fights with a larger one some areas in the first place, there are two separate issues here, when it comes to the fifth article, er, of the nato convention, there is the issue of protecting everyone. countries that are part of the nato system, and i think that here, as is this understanding and in fact, even president biden has said publicly several times that he believes that russia will go further, and as russia goes further to restore the soviet union, it will trigger article five, which will mean that countries not only in... europe, but also the united states of america and canada will be forced to help the country that is a victim of russian aggression, and there will be, there will
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actually be a third world war, or the countries will not use the fifth article of nato, which will mean the end of nato in fact, and therefore i think that here this... the issue will be resolved in this way , and i hope so, i said earlier that this is an understanding sooner, better, sooner than later, will lead to the fact that this war in ukraine will be treated strategically accordingly and will actually help ukraine more effectively and in a timely manner. so that ukraine not only does not lose this war, but wins it as soon as possible, because it is in fact, i think that here it is more or less all
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politicians understand that its victory for ukraine is the actual best guarantee of peace and stability not only in europe, but also in the world. regarding ukraine, it is obvious that ukraine is a country that is, i think a democratic country, er, and i think that every country can improve everything with the appropriate reforms, uh, its own country, and ukraine, i believe that it will continue to implement appropriate reforms to improve everything. our basic freedoms and principles, which the armed forces of ukraine actually protect today. well, thank you very much, mr. yevhen,
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yevhen choly, president of ukraine 2050, honorary consul of ukraine in montreal, president of the world congress of ukrainians was with us in 8-17 years. thank you for this conversation. we talked about our chances in nato. dear friends, before waiting for nato, we must do the same... and ourselves to do something, i mean we have to pick up our phones, the least we can do is pick up our phones, open the cameras and scan the qr codes and in this way help our army, namely our collection that we are conducting, on your screens, now you have all the necessary details, if you face the screen on the right monobank, on the left privatbank, card numbers under them, if you do not know how it is scanned, and you add as much as you can, then there should not be huge or sky-high amounts, though. .. as someone looks at us and approves those exorbitant sums and wants to share with us will also be gratefully accepted, and i think that our guys from
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the artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine will accept it with gratitude for... today we have already collected uah 30,000, i will say this, the second smallest for this week the result, i hope it will not be the smallest and we will reach a slightly higher mark, but it's all in your hands, and in your hands the phones, and the phones scan and transfer, or write down card numbers and transfer money, dear friends, we are in the meantime let's continue our marathon, it lasts until 5 p.m., at least andrei and i are working on it, and then we will come back and continue, and you stay with us. the pain in the joints is so piercing, it does not allow to move. i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy. he saves me from the pain of rheumatism. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with evstrat zorya about the challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation. our
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the only discounts on exoderl. in pharmacies , the plantain for you and the saver verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express yours opinion on the evil of the day by means of a telephone survey, turn on and... verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to
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life. hovercrafts for the 93rd kholodnyi yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. greetings to all espresso viewers. i'm a javamelnik and this is news. creepy accident on the capital highway. according to preliminary data, the dodge suv collided with a vase. when the drivers and passengers got out of the cars. a toyota also flew into the suv. as a result, the passenger of the dodge and the driver of the toyota were injured. local media reports that one of the victims had a traumatic leg amputation. there is also a complication of traffic in the direction of the metro .


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