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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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will agree and even the germans will be able to agree, say, okay, if it is safe, let's build, but for this we need to prove that it is possible to build, everything is fine, we, there will not be a new chernobyl, what do you say, sir, i, i did not understand why it's not my specialty, well, security is still health, it's some specialists, i don't know, there are doctors, i don't know, no, i have a specialty, i graduated from the institute. operation of nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities, so, well, then answer if you finished with pleasure, see, uh, uh, indeed, nuclear power, it is high-tech, very high-tech, and it does not forgive mistakes, and those mistakes that were made at chernobyl and holding the islands, i would say by focus no... there, well, it could be
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a mistake in that it was built there because it was a natural phenomenon, but we cannot , if only, avoid such situations, well, it happened to predict, although the experience that humanity has today, the experts in atomic energy, he, he, he, if possible, well, if it is not 100% guaranteed, but, but, 99-90. 9,9,9, which humanity can already learn to operate these objects, to ensure radiation safety first of all, and, as, and, and, for example, experts are very careful about the evaluation and the safety evaluation algorithm, it is a very complex algorithm, as an example, we talk a lot about. .. modern reactors, like what
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they will be, they already exist, in principle, they are physically there, but they are not being built and even from the received states they will appear, well, according to forecasts, not before the 30s, why? you can imagine, the construction is there, it can be made, it can already be installed, but so far it is not installed, why, why, why, because the regulator has not yet defined the security assessment algorithm. what are these new reactors and says: no, until we work out the algorithm so that we control almost everything and predict, we do not give permission, and for this we still need 5-6 years just to develop the safety assessment algorithm, so look, gods energy is not given to us just like that, we need to choose. er, where is the last question, the last
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question, excuse me, mr. ivan, but artificial intelligence, if you say that it is very high-tech, and now everyone is playing with this phrase artificial intelligence, to what extent it can help or hinder the implementation of nuclear power plants, no, well , it will only help, i value artificial intelligence, can you imagine, when the manhattan project was made... the first bomb in the united states, the first computer that made calculations appeared, that's it, it wasn't there in the soviet union, we, we still, i remember, in the first year, we, uh, our students, we worked with logarithmic rulers, here are logarithmic rulers, we did these calculations, and now all this is done computers that have incredible...
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calculated with incredible power and speed, and artificial intelligence, it will help, everything is created by a person, yes, it will help a lot, it will speed it up, it will give us more information, more possibility of control, and in the final version, it will ensure that safety, as there is radiation. including as the main factor for the operation of nuclear power plants. thank you very much, thank you very much, ivan plachkov, minister of fuel and energy of ukraine in 1999, as well as in 2005-2006, chairman of the council of the union of the all-ukrainian energy assembly. thank you, mr. wang for your participation. now we will have a plot and advertising. the plot has a nose. i will call
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it envy, i passed on this and began to envy, and a terrible black envy, because now there will be a plot of dmytro didyura. about people in kyiv who are not afraid of power outages and 650 buildings in the capital have installed generators and solar panels, thanks to which the elevators, pumps, water supply, heating system work, this is all that i do not have, and i walk to the ninth floor, but i will tell you that we have colleagues, i have colleagues whom i want to go to the ninth floor. and there are colleagues who go to the 22nd floor, in short, this is critically important, although, since i am an optimist, i am told a lot, well, you will have a very strong heart, legs, after all these wanderings, you will simply turn from 65 -year-old person in
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a 35-year-old, i don't mind, so now we will talk about smart people in kyiv who installed solar generators. and it’s not like we’re all shivering from the heat and riding elevators instead of walking, the plot, then advertising, this is now our household consumption, there, by the way, now the guys are cooking electric welding just from generation, and this little red thing on top is the network, well, it can be seen that we are not taking anything from there, because there is a minus, it is the control point of a hybrid solar power plant, it was installed on the roof of our own house. residents of a high-rise building in the holosiyiv district of the capital. these are 59 solar panels, a battery that performs the function of storage and an inverter for the distribution of electricity. this station was installed here back in 2021, so people saved money. however, after the beginning of the great
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war, such a source of generation began to provide light during blackouts. in the interheating period, relatively speaking, from mid-april to the end of september. the system had to accumulate electrical energy in the batteries during the day and it had to be sufficient, relatively speaking , from 8 pm to 80 am, well, that was the first principle, how it was supposed to work , the cost of such equipment was uah 2,100,00, 70% was compensated by the city, the other part the sums were covered by the residents of the building even during the first outages in 2022, the system began to work. for the house's own needs, thanks to solar panels, during the blackout , the elevators, lighting, pumps, and water supply work in the building, literally on july 4, it increased from july 4 , 2023 to july 4 of this year, which means that
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the photovoltaic plant covered, roughly speaking, almost 40% of the house's consumption, in principle , statistics 22 in the 23rd year, he says that together with... them, the system can work up to 12 hours without an elevator, without elevators for almost a day. after a series of massive russian attacks, the ukrainian energy industry lost 9 gw of capacity, so blackouts began already in the summer. ukrainians are preparing for the most difficult winter, however, solar panels will be less efficient during the cold season. the station produces 10 or even 15 times less electricity in winter. in terms of power than it produces in the summer under the direct sun, so expect that the solar power plant, which somehow covers the needs of your apartment, house, office, in the summer, it will not cover these needs in the winter. experts say that now in the european
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union there is a demand for green energy, especially popular own solar panels, which are installed on the balconies or roofs of houses. this practice also exists in our country. experts advise to take into account that... in addition to the production of electricity, it is also necessary to think about its accumulation, that is, in our country, given the fact that our thermal power plants are broken, we have a shortage of electricity in general, and the boom in the construction of solar plants, he himself rests on the fact that you have the sun working during the day and not in the evening, then you need to install batteries, and these batteries are uh, they are this market, which is developing very quickly now, it just didn’t exist 3 years ago, now you you have a lot of designs of various portable, wall-mounted and battery-powered ones. on wheels, they are of different, different, different capacities. in addition to powering critical systems in the home when there is no light, energy from the sun can be sold to the distribution network. the hybrid inverter provides, therefore, feedback to the network, and by the way, we are now talking with
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the detector, yes, with the operator of the distribution system, so there is, well, there is such a concept as an active consumer of the network, and we are currently studying the documents there, i say conditionally . will it be necessary to spend some part of the money on installation of a counter that will count input and output, which means that the price there is formed according to the market principle, costs. they promise to compensate for the installation of backup power, such programs are already working in kyiv, odesa and lviv. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. when buying a large package. you save up to 50% there are discounts that represent single discounts
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good health once again, 19:00 14 minutes and 16 seconds, and you and i will move to tbilisi now, yes, because we were in america, and we were in ukraine. and now we will be in georgia, and then in africa. volodymyr kopchak, the head of
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the south caucasian branch of the center for army, conversion and disarmament research from tbilisi, will join us now, i hope, he has joined, good health, mr. volodymyr, thank you for being with us today, thank you very much. my greetings, dear viewers, mykola. thank you. look, well, what do we have in tbilisi, this is us now, neither about the army, but... neither about conversion, nor about disarmament, we will talk, but let's talk about the fact that not a single word georgia, the word georgia was used at... the 70th meeting dedicated to the 75th anniversary of nato's creation of the north atlantic defense alliance, and earlier they mentioned georgia and talked about georgia and congratulated georgia for its reforms, and now they are silent about georgia, and the georgian government says that we are going to europe anyway. my question is: what do people say,
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what do the press say, what do experts say? we understand. that there will be elections in the fall and the government is preparing not to hand over power, i'm sorry, the population, at least part of the population is preparing to take power and still continue the path to the euro-atlantic commonwealth, what do you say, mr. volodymyr, about the situation in georgia? well, people understand everything well, each in their own way, as well as the expert environment, as i see this picture, but simplified, what we are currently observing, including the indicated marker at the nato summit, i call it a completely logical development of events and execution from the point of view of political technologies, the brilliant implementation of the concept by the georgian authorities is a formalization of a u-turn towards russia from nato and from
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the eu, but the georgian authorities absolutely follow step by step. well, the time frame, now we’ll talk about it, they took it, it’s trump’s victory, absolutely, and in this frame they act, and i would know, as i said, they make this reversal design with someone else’s hands, i want our audience to understand one thing , all these things about sanctions, about exclusion from nato programs, there, you know, this nato summit, it was, let's say, in american logic, generally pre-election, that is, no matter what they say about georgia, it would have no special influence there is no there are many more markers, this is the curtailment of military exercises with the united states, the transfer of these military exercises to armenia, pinch me, as they say, the termination of financial assistance, i can list all these steps for a long time, this is exactly what the georgian authorities were counting on, so if someone says that some pressure on the authorities
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will be able to change its mind and it will return to the euro-atlantic community there, to the aspirations and so on, this is not true, all their statements about what is there in the 30 this year we will join the eu, that our course towards nato is not irreversible, but i consider all this as bullying, they feel the power, and no one can turn them off this path at the moment. regarding the last remark about the assassination attempt on trump, note the statement of the uh, i'm not kidding, the venezuelan. expert of the russian company tas, maria zakharova and the top speakers of the georgian government from the georgian dream of the power party sound absolutely identical: the assassination was committed by the global war party. this is just so that you understand what paradigm we are all in here we are, but from the point of view of political technologies, well, i'm just mr. volodymyr,
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look, but you said this and that... you expressed the opinion that the government is preparing and will do anything, but what will the government do, is the georgian government ready to shoot at georgians, because, as far as i understand, tbilisi is definitely pro-european, i think that all of georgia is pro-european, tbilisi is definitely pro-european, the pro-nativ community of the capital, and that ivanishvili will give the order. to shoot, it is obvious that putin will welcome, that's right, putin made a mistake with ukraine, and now he doesn't want to be mistaken, it is obvious that he also asked yanukovych to shoot differently, as yanukovych shot in the last days, before fleeing from ukraine, but he did not shoot in
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december, it started in january, and so alone, and only in .. in the second half of february, as we remember, it was already a really mass murder on the maidan by the berkuts, and then the question, and he would have insisted on the same situation in georgia, so that it was from the first day of the shooting, that means that the civil war means that the existence of georgia is called into question, because it is obvious that mr. ivanishvili can say, but i propose to send russian troops to georgia with... for the purpose of normalization, as it was once called in the case of czechoslovakia in 1968. what do you say, mr. volodymyr? look, i would constantly ask you to refrain from frontal analogies. regarding the shooting, the georgian authorities hope that it will not come close to this, and have certain reasons for this, i constantly
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repeat that the main asset of the georgian authorities now is the complete impotence and dispersion of the opposition, even in the current conditions. i will not overload it with block names and parties, recently literally before the euro, before the championship, where the georgians performed brilliantly as the straw hats. announced the concept of a unity charter there for the sake of opposing russia, for the sake of the european future, it seems to have been signed by all the opposition parties, she emphasizes, but now we see the nomination, at least four opposition parties are being drawn, but whose leaders cannot unite among themselves, this was the consequence of the system work of the georgian government through business, through bribery, as my georgian colleague... says through political or party accounting and so on, that is, they are betting on dispersal, on dispersal of the protest, and now we are observing a situation where the opposition
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narrowly lost euro 2024 in georgia, it was simply a gift, so how the georgians spoke, the authorities capitalized on everything, ivanishvili's map fund allocated money, well, problems started there in the press and so on, the opposition leaders couldn't think of anything better than to separate families. let's go and watch football, with which president zurabishvili did not capitalize on this matter in any way, the street, the street that went out and will take to the streets, forgive me for such taftology, she is now in a state of frustration, she does not know who to choose, and if the street also nominates its candidate and we end up with four or five parties, well, i am convinced that the georgian authorities will falsify the elections for their own a total victory, but the question is that the opposition... does not have a single center, does not have, does not form a single line, how to defend these votes, the 5 percent barrier, three or four parties go, five, two or one draw 4 and
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a half and how do you defend that? i ask you mr. volodymyr, we had a rather similar situation in ukraine, because the opposition was confused in 13-14, they too, well, if it wasn't for this... it wasn't a party opposition, how to say, it was a people's opposition, it was the people who came to the square, despite the fact that the opposition wavered here and there for a very long time , whether to negotiate or not, what to do and so on, just their public, the community pushed the ukrainian opposition to the actions necessary to preserve state, simply, then you say here... the government, there is an opposition here, there are still people here, tens, hundreds of thousands of people, they can express their point of view, people will come out, they will express it, and what
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the superstructure of the protest will be, no one knows now, just don't listen to anyone, the fact that people will come out in october , the fact that the elections will be falsified, i have absolutely no doubts, because you are absolutely right when you said pro-european, there is pro-nativ... uh, the community in georgia prevails, but again, there will still be a question, what will be the situation in the world, actually in october, because the government can, can objectively to capitalize, they are now dispersing the idea that look, we saved the country from war, everything, period, even this kei, yes, something, something, something was interrupted, but i think that now my colleagues from ... will try to restore our connection the connection with mr. volodymyr, from tbilisi, there is everything, well, it is necessary that there should be light both there and here, and in
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tbilisi and in kyiv, that it should be, if there is not somewhere, then it is a big problem, but georgia is terribly interesting, well, to me interesting, because i was in the war, in the civil war in 1991 in tbilisi, and in 2000. the second, in 1992, when the georgians evacuated under the pressure of the russian troops in sukhum, and went through the mountains, and then the ukrainians sent the ukrainian government, president kravchuk sent helicopters, we took georgian refugees out of those mountains on these helicopters, i remember, it was quite such a moving story , people, many people died then, because it suddenly snowed in the mountains. and they, crossing the passes, simply froze, well, in short, i had different stories related to georgia, i hope that now mr. volodymyr
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will appear, then we will continue. how if not won't show up, we'll talk more about trump, i have a little one here, how should i say it, a reference, they'll tell me if we'll have time to talk, if we don't have time, i 'll tell you a couple of such and such stories from the history of the united states and from the history of the appearance of all this, which is called the secret service, the american secret service, which protects the president. well, let me tell you while they are connecting, well, look, it's quite such a, well, tragic, to some extent, but certainly dramatic story. abraham lincoln, the president of the united states, the man who fought the war between the north and the south, that is, between the states that did not have slavery and the states that did, that is the south, the north is where there was no slavery.
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and uh, and his fellow official came to him and said: a lot of fake dollars are being printed, it is necessary to create an organization that would monitor all these fake dollars, and by chance, to also monitor the security of the president, and abraham lincoln was killed on the second day after this conversation, he said, okay, we have to think about it, and him killed booth, such a person, booth, was recently in america for the arrested russian booth, and the very famous american president abraham lincoln was also killed by booth, and they belonged to the ministry of finance until 2003 . it was such a wonder, the people who guarded the president, vice-president, or
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vice-president, how. today and former presidents, former vice presidents, it was all entrusted to the secret service, and this secret service is exactly the one that could have been created in 1856, but abraham lincoln was killed, it was not created, and it was already created purely as a financial one, which monitors the falsification of the american currency, and it continued like this until the beginning... in the 20th century , someone was also killed there at the end of the 19th. there are such cases of either the president or a candidate for the presidency, like john kennedy's brother, and since 2003 they have finally been transferred to the ministry of internal security, now it really already refers to
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internal security, and not to the minister. and these people are specific, i was once in bely home, i talked to the guards there, and they said that what really struck me was that they sometimes assign them to ordinary policemen, who are not ordinary, who just hunt, search and find criminals, so that they not only they trained there just so that they could feel it. this, this, this temperature of finding a real criminal who can actually shoot at you, and then you are ready for these shots at yourself, you know how to respond to all this, and this is a whole school of a huge this secret service, there, as we on at the beginning of the program they said that there are women and men, sometimes a woman is the boss, i remember there was a president in kyiv, and i
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was doing my work there and... i saw how the boss was a rather short and fragile woman, who just commanded such huge guys, and among the guards there are not only huge ones, and they say that they are huge, they are precisely those who are not very active, if they were to do something, because they, they rush into their eyes, and between them there are such small boys , who know karate, jiu-jitsu, sambo and so on and the like, brazilian, some kind of brazilian combat. there are some combat possibilities, and they can run on the roofs and on the ceilings, in short, they are not very visible, they just walk around somewhere, well, i can tell you a lot about all this, but this is what it is, what is called the secret service of the united states of america that has allowed is a huge problem.


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