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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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and i was doing my work there and i saw how the chief was a rather short and fragile woman who just commanded such huge guys, and among the guards there are not only huge ones, and they say that they are huge, they are precisely those who are not very active , if they do something, because they are, they rush into the eyes, and among them are such small boys who know karate, jiu-jitsu, sambo and so on and the like, brazilian , some brazilian. some kind of combat, some kind of combat capabilities, and they can run around there roofs and and and and and on the ceilings, in short, they are not very visible, they walk somewhere there, well, i can tell a lot about all this, but this is what is called the secret service of the united states of america, which allowed this is a huge problem. uh, because the main thing is not
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to secure, as all bodyguards, all bodyguards know, and not to allow, it's a question of when you saved the president or the person you 're guarding, it's already a flight analysis, it's already huge problems, it means a bad job , the main thing, the main thing is not to hide the president, no shoot the one who shoots the president. not to kill him, as it happened in this case tonight, and not to allow, since then you do a good job, when you anticipate, when you do everything to ensure that there are no incidents, so i am absolutely convinced, i can say that in zero, in the 90s i also had security, there were, i won’t tell in detail about this, but i was just very then, since i am a journalist, i was interested in everything, so i asked the guys who stood next to me quite often , and what to do here,
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and how to do it here, and you can 100% guarantee, and how does masad work, and how does the security work, israeli prime ministers or presidents, considering that in israel they are constantly under tension, there is such a hostile environment around and so on and so forth, i obviously asked all this, they told me in such detail, how it is in america, how it is in israel, how it is in european countries, and so on and so on, all this is a very complicated story. because we know with you, well , at least i know that olaf palm was just killed, he is the swedish prime minister, it's just not customary to guard like that in sweden, and in the 80s he really just went to the theater, to the cinema, i think, to the cinema, and on the way out he was killed, that is, in each country differently, if there were guards, guards, well, but america should take care, because there are a lot of people. in
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the world they want to kill the president of america or even the vice president, this is the desire of all terrorists, and therefore they really need to be protected, i saw in washington how he moves as a president, how many cars accompany him, how they drive, i can say that they drive faster than yanukovych drove enough quite quickly, we have two minutes left, and i see that we have it in... is it still tbilisi or is it already kyiv? and this is already kyiv. i see, i see, i see, mr. andrii. andriy vasylovskyi, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine in sudan and egypt, from 2002 to 2005, representative of ukraine to the eu, 80th year council member, director of the national institute for strategic studies, good health, cities and acquaintance, mr. andriy vasylovskyi, thank you for joining us, thank you, and good, good evening, mr. mykola. good
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health, mr. andrii, look, i'm talking about africa, not so much about sudan and egypt, well , we will return to the horn of africa, and this is what it means, burkina faso, mali, niger created a confederation, what, what, what these, what they want, these people , that what they need, that they threw out the french, as far as i understand, and invited the russians, and made a confederation, and now they are asking russia. weapons, is it something serious, or as always, changeable, as is often the case in africa? please, mr. andriy, it is changing, it is a process, it did not start yesterday, it started several years ago, seriously, great, but it has been moving for the last 10 years, at least that part of what was called the french west. africa, or
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from the west, further to equatorial africa, is a huge massif, perhaps a third of the african continent, which was once a french colony. where they made borders one way or another and independent states were formed in the peak of decolonization, the late 50s, early 60s of the last century, and these colonies turned into independent bodies of the country, but this transformation took place on on paper, not in fact, why is there... what is the problem, why, and now you are showing these countries on the map, but there is also a problem in neighboring countries, if we take the same chad, if we take the same senegal, if we take gabon and so on, there are military coups everywhere, practically, or or a very
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tense atmosphere that can lead to that, uh, if we compare english-speaking africa. which is in the east of the african continent and further south and french-speaking, then they are excellent, in the french-speaking world this is all now explodes and flares up, and coups after coups, in the english-speaking world more or less calmly, and english colonialism left the african continent early, it began to do so from 1949 and left. wisely, but having formed the british commonwealth, the british commonwells, and the french came out slowly, reluctantly and all the time leaving their proteges, keeping whole families under, in
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power for decades, and therefore the level of development and the level of, let's say, the necessary social and economic transformations in these two o'clock nah africa is excellent, well, but so what became the last straw that changed the whole situation, and when after the attack on the united states of america in 2001, after the outbreak of jihadism, the creation of the so-called islamic state in the middle east, this frenzy began to spread. and in north africa, in west africa, because there are mainly arabic-speaking people and mainly muslims, and then the leaders of all these countries, which had close
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ties with france, asked if something should be done, and france sent troops , it's 2008, 9, 10, 12, and france is sending troops to you. chams and these troops cannot do anything during the last 10 years, and at the best period there were about 5 thousand french troops in these countries that you listed, plus i added, and at the same time the jihadist forces were advancing, terrorist attacks were carried out, dozens, hundreds were killed peaceful people, robbed them, and actually. the owners, well, let's say this, the leaders of these states found themselves in the role of those who promised something to their citizens, hired the forces that were supposed to cope with it, but they did not fulfill this task, as a result
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, the people rose up in one form or another and happened here are these coups, of course in this, and i want here for us to... focus a little bit, excuse me, please, that is, after all, it is the muslim factor, because i will tell you frankly, many, many years ago i was several times in senegal, when sicuture was still president, he wrote beautiful poems, he was such a member of the french academy, and so on, but there was absolutely no islam there, there were some muslims here and there, and now there are already in uniform. there were no muslims, please, in the ussr, in the north caucasus and in dagestan no muslims 50-40 years ago, but now they are there, why? because they went back to what it was before the ussr existed, the same thing happened in these african countries and the
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same leopold senghor, a really beautiful poet and yes, senghor, sorry, i confused with another president, yes was with er, too, too, there is a bug like that in guinea, the president, so, so, there, he is coming back, this islam, but not islam is to blame, but... the fault is not the lack of an elementary democratic process in african countries , there were no elections during the transfer of power , there were sham elections all along, and there was the exploitation of local resources by foreign firms, but at the same time there was a lack of elementary spiritual human contact between the local population and those who came and mined. something or took something out of there, that is, there was no such thing as
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to say, well, i won’t say a merger, or an understanding between, conditionally speaking, the english, the former leaders of nigeria, the current one and them, nigerians in london feel normal, malians in paris only sweep the streets. it's me, i still have a few questions, i'm here with you i agree with france in general, in france there are big problems with former colonies, in contrast to london, from britain, where these problems are much less, but my question is a little closer to your former position as ambassador in sudan, this horn of africa, there are also some things happening there, eritrea, ethiopia. somalia, there too, something, not everything there either, not everything is okay, there where, some people are even given
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nobel prizes, but this does not, does not help to calm this region, that is, then there is such a whole strip from the atlantic ocean and all the way here to bemalmandebsky strait and to the indian ocean, the problem is close, although its roots are slightly different. why sudan? sudan is a country that actually consists of two parts: a more or less settled arabic-speaking population, and with all, well, arab, so to speak, traditions, and a desert, more desert, traveling population, nomads, and they have always been at odds with each other, their union in the country of sudan was purely, well, accidental, they lived in the south of the former sudan. uh, africans of absolute african descent, what used to
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be called negroes, and they are a third part this, and that is why these three groups, in the absence of normal statehood for many decades and centuries, they could not reconcile with themselves, plus some had a hand in it, and here we come to the question of external influences, the external influences of china. first of all, the external influences of russia in the second place, in the second place. why china, because sudan is rich in oil, sudan is rich in deposits of other valuable minerals, and most importantly, sudan is rich in water, that is , a huge amount of agricultural land can be developed and fed to the population. one of the problems in all these countries that you said, from west to east, from one ocean to the other. the fact that there is a huge, very high birth rate and the absence
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of children, where are the population, during its birth period, there are no industries, there is no possibility to quickly develop something, for this you need , firstly, training, and secondly, you need resources for this, and that's why the first thing actually happens, the skirmishes of war for small resources. as it happens in sudan, for example, and where or in ethiopia, eritrea, or mass migration, as it happens in the sahel in french, mali, burkina faso, senegal, they all run to algeria or libya, sit there on some piece of bad wood and swim north, no matter what, that's what happens there, another question. mr. andrei, please forgive me for interrupting, i am quite ironic about russia in
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africa, i am serious about china in africa, because china is really a great power in the financial sense, yes, china can afford a lot and billions throw in asia, africa, and latin america, and there are facts that are evidence that what i'm saying, but... i don't see russia, i see a poor, insanely independent such a, you know, teenager, i see a teenager who shouts that i'm very big and powerful, but... 15-14 years old he's nothing and he can't somehow solve this with ukraine, so he's still going to africa, syria is still behind him, he's still got the caucasus and he's still going to africa, well, yes, he can give all of them some kind of weapon, but so what where are they, who are they, what is this, everyone was shouting wagner,
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wagner, a thousand of some wagner fighters with kalashnikov assault rifles, well somehow... i don't know, i don’t have a serious attitude towards russia in africa, tell me, maybe i’m wrong, why the french army, why 500 people plus rotations every year, that is, it was all new and new 500, why didn’t they manage to defeat these few, well, hundreds , well, well, well, several thousand jihadists really with machine guns and really in flip-flops, in vietnamese shoes, because they had no policy, they... had no strategy, they did it like in training, they had no goals why them, they have now been abandoned by the leaders of the countries we mentioned, the french former colonies, and why they hired the wagnerites, or more or less are hiring them, because these people have an absolutely
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clear strategy, to destroy everything that lives, that moves, that is not. our friend, that is, there is absolutely ruthless, bloody and problem-free politics here, i saw some people, you don’t ask them about human rights, you don’t ask if they have children, i saw strangers, if they don’t surrender after 5 seconds, you you kill, that's all, nothing more, it suits the regimes that are there, they solve a problem that these wagnerites could not... solve by polite and well-armed the french, uh, that's what's going on, actually? it remains to think, to hope that africa will be seriously taken up in the united states, in the same great britain, by the way, a very interesting element, a number of francophone countries,
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and africa recently submitted applications and joined the british. the commonwealth of nations , anecdote, maybe the president and the minister of foreign affairs can speak english there, but they fit in there, because they see a concrete interest and a concrete concrete benefit to the members of the citizens of the countries of the british commonwealth, they contribute to britain open a business, get citizenship, which paris gives, nothing but sweeping the street, that's... the main problem, and with regard to china, you are right, china invests a lot, many billions, although recently it has also slowed down a little, because the level of dispersion of these resources or corruption, in other words, extremely high, even for the chinese, so the sahel and surrounding areas
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will be the closest. what a challenge for the world community, and why i say for the world community, because after 15 years, according to demographers, every fourth person on the planet will be an african, that is, there will be many chinese, many indians, twice as many africans. i still have a question for you, no, first a reference, just so that people understand what s... is a word that is rarely used in our country, if you imagine the north of africa, then you understand that the sahara comes first, well, there is a narrow one , such and such a strip near the mediterranean sea, then all the sahara, sahara, sahara, sahara, at the end of the sahara there is the sahel, where there is no longer solid sand, but it is still very hot, like
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today in kyiv, and... and there well, they live in so are other people a little bit, well a little bit, but my question is the following, the united states, i absolutely agree with you that in the next decade life will be quite uncomfortable in the north of africa, i mean literally from the equator and there to mediterranean sea, and the united states they need it, they somehow, well... we all love them and don't like them, because they are gendarmes, on the one hand, and on the other hand, they still help democracy in one way or another, as for example, in ukraine, well, they have it now big challenges in europe, and in the same ukraine, and china, taiwan and so on, that there will be enough resources to think about africa,
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as far as we can hope that africa, in africa, normalization can take place with the help of the same united states or the british commonwealth. the british commonwealth can influence, and that's not a bad thing. and about the united states. and in recent years, and we can see it, they have begun to act collectively, intelligently, collectively, why not, for example, involve india in their interests in africa, why not involve, for example, brazil, why not involve, for example, the same overpopulated mexico and so on, that is, there are many states that treat the americans with respect, with... with economic and political interest, and which could be to some extent a proxy and oppose there activities of the same
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russians and the same chinese, the united states is engaged in this, maybe not enough , then there will be enough of them, in this case there will be enough of them for europe and china itself, maybe not consistently enough, but this trend is already there, it is being watched , the same goes and refers to european countries. germany has been very active in recent years in africa. italy has finally begun to deal with this beyond, so to speak, its own change of governments every six months. there are dutch, there are norwegians, there are swedes and so on. that is, there are many willing and there are many who can. of course, ukraine. the war diverted their attention from the african continent, and it is right, because by stopping russia in ukraine, we get ukraine plus,
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not ukraine minus, and then we can either together with ukraine, or let ukraine be on its own, but we will also deal with africa. these countries will still deal with africa, because the mediterranean sea is not wide by today's means. and millions who want, hundreds of thousands of them come every year, they distort, change europe in a way that is unacceptable for europeans, so thank you very much, thank you very much, very detailed, thank you very much andrii vesylovskyi, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine in sudan, egypt from second to fifth years, representative of ukraine to the eu, adviser to the director of the national institute of strategic studies, thank you very much, thank you sir we are satisfied. crazy, despite the fact that he confused leopold singhor with the president, with the president of sicuture, well, god bless him, everyone has mistakes, so from tomorrow, from july 16, july 16 is not
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only the day of the storming of the bastille, but also the day when the military armed ukrainians must update their military registration data, this is required by the new law on mobilization, which entered into force on may 18, they gave two months for almost all ukrainians, so they still did it, data can be updated in territorial recruitment centers, centers of provision administrative services or through the reserve plus application. what difficulties are ukrainians facing that await those who ignore this law? this was found out by our correspondents. i'm saying goodbye to you, all is well, mykola veresen was with you. good luck to everyone and great victories to all of us. day x is getting closer. already on tuesday, july 16 , the deadline for updating the data of all conscripts ends. so, according to simple
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mathematics, there is less time, and the queues are only increasing. almost until the end , news appeared in the infospace here and there, and draft laws to the verkhovna rada on a possible extension of the deadline for renewal of however , fedir venislavskyi, a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, explained absolutely clearly that this will not happen. due to certain political statements, due to the fact that some of our colleagues immediately after the entry into force of this law registered a draft law on extending the term to 180 days. in my opinion, these are not thought-out actions, which, on the contrary , cool some citizens of ukraine and allow them to hope that the authorities will extend this term. and they have nowhere to go hurry. if the queues to the territorial procurement centers have already become commonplace, now there are queues in front of the centers for the provision
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of administrative services. military. connected in kyiv and lviv say that they come to the police stations from the very morning. from 7 o'clock in the morning, look, now it's almost 12, that is, well, in principle, it's still normal, it's still fast here, but there are cases in holosiivsk, at 7 o'clock in the morning , i joined the queue 139th, that is, it's very difficult there, from 9 o'clock to 15 i 'm about here. oh, but i know, well, somewhere people come, start taking the queue around 7:00 the frame, well, the update itself does not take long, that is, the work there with the operators happens quite quickly, the only thing is that the queue moves slowly in general, well, that’s enough, well, we had 70 men there today, it’s normal, they say that maybe in two or three hours we will pass , there was no light, as soon as the light was turned on, i had an electronic
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queue. and it took about 10-15 minutes and that's all. i've been to the military checkpoint many times . it's impossible to get here. it's the first time . yesterday was the same. the line was long and it was the first time today. how long did you wait? i came to sign up in the queue on the 28th in the morning, here i was already 64. if two weeks ago , about 50-60 people were accepted per day, now it is more than 250, says maryana ogorodnyk, acting head of one of the territorial subdivisions of tsnap in lviv. due to the large influx of people throughout ukraine, the registry system may work more slowly, in addition to turning off lights and air alarms. due to the fact that the registry often does not work or works with a long wait, the waiting time for this service increases accordingly.
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the most popular option among the military... obligated for the relationship reserve plus. approximately 90-100 thousand citizens update their data online every day. and as of july 12, a total of 2,700,000 people have done so in the application, as reported by deputy minister of defense kateryna chornogorenko. however , not everyone finds digitized data updating convenient and safe. i can't register through banking for some reason. mm, i press everything, but it does not go through, that is, i came here because i think that this program is not, it is not not legal, and it is not like all the others claim that it does not exist in more than one regulatory document, that is, it is not clear to whom and how to give your data, and therefore because of cnap, it seems to me that it is not very effective, plus there are many negative reviews about it.
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plus it takes data from the banking system, which i don't want to provide, because the banking system is a banking secret, it has no right to be shared. at the same time, lawyer roman lykhachev emphasizes that clarifying the data for receiving a summons at the address or a summons to the police station is half the battle. currently the main one the problem is that a large number of ukrainians are not even on the military register. for tsc, it is not the main thing that the person collected the data, it is the main thing for them. does she have a military registration document, is she on military registration, if she does not have the right to deferment, and why is she not serving, then the main question, and these points in principle, i.e. already today, in the absence of a military ticket, a temporary military id is required, a person fines can already be issued, there is no need to wait for mid-july updated, she did not update the data, that is , people are confused at this point, my advice, after
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all... and military mothers, because everyone will still have to register for the military, pass the military medical commission, update, provide the state with all the data, on update of data took 60 days, ukrainians conscripted, who have not done so by july 17, can receive a fine from uah 17,000 to uah 25. in order not to be fined, i see several formats, the first is to... you send a letter to the tsc with a statement in which to inform about your new data, there the address place of residence, e-mail address, that is, the main thing in the violation itself is not that the person did not update the data, but that he did not provide such data to the territorial picking center, plus trying to register in the electronic queue in order to later show that i was in the electronic queue in turn, if the debtor does not pay the fine, his
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information... will be transferred to the enforcement service and the data.


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