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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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we can say that the door is closed, it is rather related to the actions of the georgian authorities, and this is included in the list of actions that took place in the last month, we had very clear and sharp statements from the european union, we had the suspension of aid from a number of european countries and from the european union, we had the cancellation of the annual military exercises between the usa and georgia, and the summit became another such demonstrative step, roughly speaking, the georgian government, we... warn you, and this despite the fact that the representatives of georgia were on the last summit at the moment it was not clear whether they would arrive or not, but even no statements were heard. moldova, which is neutral, sounded much brighter during this summit than georgia. thank you, thank you, ms. hanna, hanna shelest, director of security studies programs of the ukrainian prism council of foreign policy, editor-in-chief of yukrainalytik was with us. on the line, we
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these discounts represent the only discounts on glicised and glicised max 20% in bam and oschad travel pharmacies. new week on espresso - a weekly summary information and analytical program. a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts. forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week. the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite
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presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening over espresso. we continue the interview program on the espressa tv channel. of course, the main event of this day. by. to former american president donald trump, who is currently fighting to return to the white house, and we have new york university professor igor eisenberg on the phone, congratulations mr. igor, congratulations to you, mr. vitaly, greetings to all the viewers of the channel. well, what was it anyway, do you understand? well, it was an assassination attempt, it is now clear that it really was an assassination attempt, and i would say that trump, born again, so that if that... the bullet had flown by less
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than a centimeter on a different trajectory, there would have been, there would have been terrible consequences. why are there so many conspiracy theories? alone. they say that it was staged by trump himself, in order to strengthen his influence, so to speak, in the election campaign, others say that it was the republicans who wanted to remove trump, even some leading politicians accuse the democrats of creating such an atmosphere in the country and demonizing trump , why instead of somehow... uniting and, by the way, donald trump himself is talking about it, such as would it be called such, such a triumph of conspiracy theory? i think there are two factors here, one factor is, unfortunately, a factor that, it is obscured all over the world now, a lot
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of people, i would say hundreds of millions of people, they rather want to believe in what is convenient for them believe. what they want to believe, that's why any conspiracy theories find supporters very quickly, it spreads very easily, just because of the presence of the internet, and it's easy to spread anything, it's easy to spread information, it's easy to spread any conspiracy theory, and people believe , what any conspiracy theory is more important than the facts, so if the facts contradict the conspiracy theory, then the fact, the facts are wrong. this is one factor, there are simply many people for whom any simple explanations of complex things are convenient, and the second factor , well, you just mentioned him, this is a political struggle, which in the united states, they are so fierce, you see, it is already spilling over into
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violence, and well, they are saying that, let's say, senator wentz is one of the... candidates trump for the position of vice president, he accused biden, that biden is making a monster out of trump, and this is also because of biden's rhetoric, well, there other republicans are doing the same, although trump himself called for unity, called for unity, as his wife also made an appeal, they called for this in order to rise above these contradictions over violence, called for unity, as did joe biden, addressing. yesterday on television to americans, he condemned this violence, condemned the assassination attempt on trump and called for unity, he spoke with trump, yesterday, called him, and when you and i are on the air now, somewhere it seems that right
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now joe biden has to speak on television again with an address to the americans for the second time in the last day. and tell me, mr. igor, why do many people start? to say that this attempt decided the presidential election, and that now, after it happened, trump is doomed to win, that is completely incomprehensible to me, to be honest, it is also incomprehensible to me, i saw, in particular, in the ukrainian segment of facebook, this morning with american time, even some people write, well , that's it, everything is solved, it's absolutely not so, that's why that the struggle will continue, it can be tougher and will be tougher, probably than... it was, but it is absolutely, absolutely nothing, no matter how people will sympathize with trump, his supporters, but the fact is that those those who adore him, will adore him and will continue him, even more as a martyr, and even more, well
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, don't look, there is hardly a fight for the votes of non-party voters, well, people, people in general have empathy for normal people, that's it, if a normal person just looks in this case, trump has blood all over his head, blood all over him, that he miraculously remained alive after this attempt, well , of course, that ordinary people with absolutely no political views can have such empathy in this moment, but what will happen in november, no one knows, we all have to live until november, and a lot of things can change in the world, change in america, so this will not determine ... how people will vote, absolutely, it's just weird to me that every time something happens everyone immediately says oh the end that's it, that's it, you can't do anything anymore, such were the comments after this first debate, now after this assassination attempt, of course, if
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trump had really been seriously injured or had not died, you could say that he was definitely doomed to victory, but trump is alive and fortunately almost healthy, fortunately he is . indeed, he is healthy, and i, not being, not being an absolute supporter of political trump, i cannot wish him anything bad to happen to him, absolutely and... as we do not wish it, unless putin is a person, the only person in the world, to whom we probably all want the same thing, and there will be a pre-election struggle, it will continue, just as the debate did not actually change anything in the situation in the pre-election struggle, so it is unlikely that anything will change, after the debate, if you look at the polls in the swing states, where the fate of the elections will be decided, well, they were there when the fluctuations were plus or minus 1% here and there, so they will leave... and taking into account the statistical error of these polls, the chances of
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biden and trump to win, how were 50 on 50, and it remains 50 to 50, in those states where the fate of the elections will be decided, it is a maximum of 6-7 states, the main ones being pennsylvania, where trump spoke yesterday , by no coincidence, michigan, where biden spoke on friday , also absolutely not by chance, and in iskonka. these three states, they play a special role, because, let's say, for biden, in order to become president, he must necessarily win these states, and tell me, mr. igor, can we in principle talk about the fact that no there will be no replacement of the candidate from the democratic party, and that this one things have kind of stabilized after this celebrity debate, i think it's probably not going to happen, there's a much better chance that it's not going to happen, because joe biden... he, well, he spoke in michigan on friday, he absolutely said, that
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he is staying, that he will fight, that he considers it absolutely necessary to win this election and continue to do what he is doing, he warned that trump's victory would be dangerous for the country and for the world, he is absolutely invisible to he had some doubts and withdrew from the election, you know also told that there is, on the other hand, there is in the democratic party, and among the liberal press, there is such a certain trend that biden should withdraw from the election, well , especially, for example, the cnn channel, he almost did not say anything about the nato summit, or about what is happening in the world, but for two weeks after these debates , cnn channel very, well, i would say... more than 80% of its american airwaves, it is discussing the fact that biden is old, and so
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on and so on. the fact is that this situation is actually much simpler than that it seems because if we assume that biden would withdraw from the election, there is only one person who could be a candidate who could use the money raised by the biden campaign, and that is only kamala karis, because they raised this money on ... if together, because they are running as a couple, any other candidate would have to start a campaign from scratch, literally financially, and without money it is impossible to run a campaign in the united states, imagine how much television costs advertising is political, how much does it cost to organize such rallies, as organized by trump yesterday and the day before yesterday by biden, a lot of money is needed to have campaign headquarters in every state, and simply any other democratic candidate during this time that... remains before the election, will not make it neither raise nor money, no, nothing will be in time, this, i would say that
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this would simply be a help to trump, kamela harris herself, she has not stated repeatedly during these two weeks that she remains a candidate for vice president, she is leaving with joe biden, she supports him, she is absolutely not going to respond to these suggestions that biden should withdraw from the election, but tell me, mr. igor, in principle, if we talk about the further course of events, here is what senator bernie sanders supported biden and called on all american democrats, in the broadest sense of the word, not only supporters of the democratic party, to unite in the same way as in france, to fight back against trump. how important it is to the democratic party , this is the voice of bernie sanders, the leader of the left
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forces of the democratic party, this is really important, and bernie sander, i read this article of his in the new york times yesterday, he listed on half a page of the newspaper his own, where he does not agree with biden, but i do not agree with that, with that with that, with that, but i supported him, i support him, i will support him, i urge everyone to support him, the same thing, by the way, they did something else. the leader of the left wing of the democratic party, oleksandria kaziva kertesz , congresswoman, who told television reporters very publicly and very firmly that she supports biden and calls for it. to stop all this talk of biden getting out of the race, that's important because the left wing of the democratic party, it 's not the majority of the democratic party, but it's, you know, it's very, very loud, it's always heard, and and it is important for the democratic party, those
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voters of the democratic party, to be united around, around the idea of ​​supporting a single candidate. to stop this fight, the fact is that joe biden has enough, well i can say haters, you can say that people who do not like him, he has been present in political life for a very long time, there are people who envy him, there are people who do not accept him there, and let's say, when biden only started the fight for running for president in the 20th year, in the first four states where there were primaries, he he this one...he lost, he was in fourth place there, i think, everywhere, or even somewhere in fifth, i don't remember now , but he was nowhere even on the third, but after all, here are all the democratic candidates who fought with him, they realized that he was then the only person who was capable of defeating trump, let's not forget that trump was then
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the current president of the united states, and one by one they withdrew their candidacy, called. to support biden, and that really contributed to the fact that the democratic voters came together, and what happened after the debate, well, that's the trend, it's, you know, disappointing a lot of people, it doesn't help in any way to get people to be active, to just it can contribute to the fact that people will not come to the elections later and will not vote, and this, and that would be very bad, but the new york times or cnn journalists, or the economist, they should realize this. it's not their first day dealing with american politics, i think they have, to be honest, for example, i have the position of journalists like thomas friedman, like david remnick, the editor-in-chief of the new yorker, like the position of many cnn anchors, she surprised me, because, well, you may not like biden, and biden did a really, really bad debate, there
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can be no doubt about that, but you should talk not only about the fact that biden allowed slander there. that biden, biden said one thing, that another, you have to discuss what the consequences will be if biden leaves the election race, what the consequences will be if trump wins? well, for example, the published draft of the platform, ah, the heritage foundation, this is the ideological headquarters of the republican party, called the 2025 project, which trump, by the way, is named after, that it's not related to ... but it's on 995 pages of the project to build in america such of a very right-wing authoritarian regime, there is simply a ban, a ban on abortions, restrictions, restrictions on contraceptives, access to contraceptives, the release of all
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diplomats, all professional employees. department for the first time on the day of the new presidency, the dismissal of all other professional civil servants, civil servants, which means the direct subordination of the federal prosecutor's office to the president, so that the president can appoint special prosecutors and investigate anything that replaces him, and so on and so forth, this very little is discussed, in fact it is necessary to discuss political programs, it seems to me that there is no point in discussing personalities because... because with personalities, everything, well , everything is more or less clear, it is necessary, it is necessary to discuss the programs themselves, and the elections expressed, it seems, it seems even today on my youtube channel or the other day that this election is very much a referendum on whether or not donald trump can lead the country i totally
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agree with you because because who who is going to be the dem candidate . not in this case meaning, and it really is, because it is a choice between where america will go, or whether it will build this far-right authoritarian state, and among other things, in this 2025 project , it is assumed that america should withdraw its troops from europe and only to provide assistance with nuclear weapons to european nato countries if necessary, and european nato countries. must protect themselves from possible russian aggression, it is written there simply in black and white, so whether america will be like this, whether america will be different, whether will she remain the leader of the free? the world, the choice is between these two platforms, and it is not so important who represents them, just another thing is that trump is very popular, he has become such an icon among
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several tens of millions of people who believe in him almost as in god, and therefore his voters, the unity among them is guaranteed to him, that is , they will all come to the elections, but such discussions in the liberal political camp, which are taking place now, they in no way... do not contribute to the unity of the camp, and that is why , what wrote the new york times sanders, what oleksandria kazirtes said is important in order to ensure the unity of the liberal forces on the eve of these elections, and in this way we can say that just this today's story, it will be in a week, maybe will also not be such an important part of this election campaign, as the debates have ceased to be such an important part of the election campaign, that we are simply witnesses of a tough election campaign, maybe not a given tough election campaign, i agree with you, and on and on, on and on we will witness many more things that will
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overshadow what happened yesterday, what happened the day before yesterday, this is indeed going to be a very tough fight, it is tough and it will continue to be tough, it is a fight between these two worlds, which are very difficult to combine with each other. unfortunately, this struggle is beginning to spill over into what we saw yesterday, this is of course unacceptable, absolutely, i agree 100 times with everyone who publicly condemned this attempt, this is absolutely unacceptable in a civilized country in a civilized world. thank you, thank you, mr. igor, ihor aydzmu, a professor at new york university, we were in touch, we talked with him about what was happening in the united states... the united states of this day, the main event of the day, which is written about by all the world media, this is a situation related to the assassination attempt on donald
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trump, and it is obvious that this is such an important political story, which will be talked about for a long time, about the circumstances of this story about what happened, now you and i are moving to another country . i don't know if you can hear me now, so hear me, uh it was a great honor for me to be the author of this
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resolution, when we recognized deportation genocidum, we were simply restoring historical justice, because if we want the world to recognize the holodomor as genocide, then obviously we cannot close our eyes to the genocide of our compatriots, ukrainians of crimean tatar origin , and the fact that now it is supported... the whole world, this is very important, the whole world is starting to support, because lithuania and latvia have already supported it, canada, now here is poland, and we will make sure that this support continues, of course, this has importance for our future as well, because when we say whose crimea and answer that crimea is ours, the question is whether it is ours, of course, ukrainian crimea, but crimea is also crimean-tatar, because it is the indigenous population, the indigenous people of crimea, who does not see himself as separate from ukraine. which has a huge history, a common history with us, which was simple and not so much, we were allies and we were enemies, but we fought together with
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today's aggressor, who is destroying us one by one now, and the crimean tatar people have almost been destroyed, we just have to think about the fate of these people who were resettled in the 44th year to middle asia, to central asia, to other countries that lost more than half of their population. which the occupier is mocking now, and when we talk about the future of crimea, to ensure the rights of this people, it seems to me that this is one of the most important principles and ways to convince the world to support us even more strongly in the deoccupation of crimea, and the deoccupation of crimea is precisely the plan and zelenskyi, when we talk about ukraine within the framework of the 91st year, this is what the whole world is talking about now, and this is what should happen with point of view. justice, the integrity of borders in relation to us, ukrainians, but also from the point of view of justice in relation to the crimean tatar people. now a lot
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was said about that agreement. that they signed an agreement on a security guarantee, not a security guarantee, a security agreement between ukraine and poland, and they talked about the fact that in this agreement there is a moment that allows poland to destroy russian missiles, as if even in the ukrainian sky, which they fly towards poland , well, now we have a refutation, aren't we too much do we rely on the texts of these documents? no, we don't have a rebuttal, we have an objection from the side of the table. who says that it may pose a certain threat to nato, but this is not a refutation, poland wants it, and poland even now, after signing the agreement and stoldenberg's words, says that it will try to convince nato to help ukraine by shooting down missiles and drones on its territory of ukraine. it is extremely important for us. this agreement makes it possible to do so in the future. a lot of what we
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promise now. actually for us manifests in the future. we used to talk about the patriots as something unattainable, then about the f-16. now it is written in the agreement, this norm is written in the agreement. and it is obvious that this is, firstly, extremely important, and secondly, it is something that can be implemented, and if there is such a need, it will definitely be implemented by nato countries in the future. as far as, in principle, it is now possible to talk about the fact that... that poland can take a special position in its relations with ukraine regarding this war, they talked, they talked, let's say, about the creation of of the so-called ukrainian legion in poland, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, mr. sekorsky, already says that there are people who are ready to join this ukrainian legion, none of the nato countries do the same anymore, however, they do not form such legions on their territory, well, i i think what will be formed is the initiative of the ukrainian side,
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the ukrainians. turned to the poles due to the fact that there are really a lot of ukrainians here, and the poles simply contribute to this ukraine, now we will connect again and find out what this ukrainian legion looks like in poland, which the procedures for its creation, how people join it, because it is such an interesting... initiative, of course, which is specifically aimed at ukrainian citizens who are currently in the territory of nato countries, in the territory of the european union countries, ukraine, which, as you know, finance ukrainian opportunities, finance their own participation in helping ukraine, because they also give money, as you know, to their own enterprises of the military-industrial
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complex, which on behalf of... their governments, make weapons for ukraine, and of course for these countries, it is also very important to see that ukrainians actively want to participate in the defense of their own country, that the money of western taxpayers is not just some kind of wish, conventionally speaking, and not just some kind of ritualistic procedure, but that it really corresponds to the request of the ukrainian society for the protection of... our country, this is a very important moment, as we perfectly understand, and in this situation you and i must also realize how important is the moment connected primarily with the cooperation of ukraine with poland, with the patriotism of ukraine with the baltic countries, as well as the neighboring countries, firstly, and secondly, we need to know what this situation looks like, of course, from
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the point of view of the neighboring countries, because these countries, unlike the countries of the west there , unlike the countries and the west of europe, unlike the countries of the south of europe, they have their own experience of coexistence or existence in the soviet empire, in the russian empire, and part of poland, the baltic countries, they were part of the russian empire, later, as we know, the baltic countries were occupied there of the soviet union in 1940, and poland became part of... the so-called socialist camp, and therefore they have a clear understanding of what they are dealing with when it comes to moscow, and to what extent moscow even understands the language of common sense, and as far as the language of power is respected, all this is such a very important experience of theirs, and it is absolutely.


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