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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 9:30pm-9:59pm EEST

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for this story, we, maria oleksia, a journalist, an employee of a state television channel in france, thank you, and now we will move from france to india, we will talk on our air with alina hrytsenko, phd in political science, chief consultant of the national institute for strategic studies, so mrs. alina, congratulations. you, good evening, and let's talk about this visit to render fashion, fashion to kyiv, please tell me if the results of this visit to kyiv, to moscow, what i'm talking about, to moscow, if the results of this visit are summarized, well, yes, i haven’t reached kyiv yet, unfortunately, on a rendromody, and as for what is lost, well, let’s hope, in fact, and as for the results of the visit to moscow, then... in principle, modi
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managed to achieve all the tasks that he had to implement all the tasks that he set before himself, the main one of them was to agree with putin regarding the citizens of india who were fraudulently recruited into the russian army and sent to the war against ukraine, modi managed to agree with putin that all all indian citizens who had already been recruited were sent home. the second the task was to continue bilateral cooperation in the field of energy, since in india the construction of the country's largest nuclear power plant, kudan kulam, in the south, in the south of india in the state of tamil nadu, continues, and it is russian companies that are engaged in the construction and commissioning of all power units. that is , cooperation in the field of atomic energy, and the third is military-technical cooperation, because russia, india continues to cooperate with russia in this field, even before the beginning. large-scale
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invasion russia had to deliver to the indians s-300, which they put on the line of actual control with pakistan and china, and plus they have a joint project, these are brahmos missiles, which the indians are already selling, in particular, in particular to the philippines, although at the same time india has the understanding that russia cannot be relied on in this area today, and india is now very actively rearming at the expense of more powerful players. on the market, for example, at the expense of israel and france, but in general in the context of indian interests, this visit can be call it successful for india, for narendra modi. can we say that narendra modi is primarily trying to communicate with putin in order to somewhat, let's say, reduce the weight of the russian-chinese strategic partnership? you can say so to a certain extent, however, i think that modi has an understanding that reducing the intensity of russian-chinese cooperation for...
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today is a very difficult task, because russia is completely reorienting its economy to china, here to india it is important to reduce reduce cooperation between russia and pakistan, especially in the in the military-technical sphere, in the defense sphere, because even before the start of a full-scale invasion, pakistan together with russia, they even took part in joint exercises, and on the territory of russia, at the multikino training ground, and here for india there is a rather serious risk of formation of such a triangle islamabat. moscow, beijing for india is a rather serious challenge to national security, therefore russia continues to remain in the focus of india's attention, including on such political issues, not only at the expense of china, but also at the expense of pakistan. and why? putin to make such gestures towards fashion, how , say, to demobilize these indian citizens who ended up in the russian army? most likely, russian propaganda here could twist it into a narrative... such and such
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a narrative that russia is supported in this war, including other parties and other countries, not only africans or the dprk, but also including and indians, not only indians recruited nepalese by deception, including in nepal, this story with the death of nepali citizens at the front caused a bigger and wider resonance than in india, in particular, so here exclusively, i think that putin is not'. i watched these processes in reality, but russian propaganda is twisted in exactly this way, exactly in such a way that representatives of foreign countries, including representatives of foreign countries, go to fight for russia, well, yes, i understand it, i’m just asking why there was demobilization, for modizh it was an important issue , it was discussed in the indian media on the eve of the visit as one of the main points of his stay, but putin might not give him such gifts, and for putin , after all, the support of bilateral relations from... stable and good relations with india are very
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important for putin, in principle it was not difficult enough and not critical, it is important to demobilize about two dozen indian citizens, in fact, in order to preserve them. warm relations with modi, because bilateral relations are just as important, especially when we are talking about india, it is a country that is a regional leader, it is a very powerful country that is developing quite dynamically and is ready, ready to cooperate, continue to cooperate with russia, not essentially so, i.e. not isolated from russia, he continues bilateral cooperation, essentially continues, including, well, by and large, directly or indirectly sponsoring this war. otherwise, that is why it is very important for putin to maintain bilateral ties with fashion personally, with india, as well as with the sales market, for example, of russian oil, russian chalmazes, and such a gesture was actually much more important than the order andrii pervozvanov, which putin presented to fashion.
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and tell me, i understand that india pays for russian oil in rupees, what does it then do with tsimirums of russia, it's not even yuan. that is the point that modi refuses. putin's proposals to pay in yuan, they are trying now to find ways to pay, to conduct these transactions in national currencies, they are trying to find ways, for example, to pay these transactions in dirhams, the currency of the united arab emirates, because somehow the sanctions are still operating, but they are finding ways to bypass these sanctions, for india russia is quite an important player in this, a partner in in this context, because due to the... because such an attractive discount offered by the russian federation, not only to china, but also to india, oil, oil products, coal also help india ensure its energy security, and they try to explain their cooperation in energy sphere with russia, its large
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population. india seems to have already overtaken china in terms of population this year, and their explanation is that they cannot afford to pass up such attractive offers as what they are offering. russian federation, they are diversifying their sources of supply, of course they're diversifying the countries they 're sourcing oil from, they're diversifying, they're trying to diversify their energy security through alternative energy sources, and india is quite successful in that context in solar energy, in wind energy, but of course that they cannot refuse such attractive offers provided by the russian federation. but on the other hand, india has formed a strategic partnership with the united states on the redner mode of driving. before washington was like that as a guest of joseph biden, and how does it all fit into this single foreign policy? this is the concept of so-called strategic autonomy that narendra modi is following. he insists that india is an independent player in its foreign policy, they refuse to go to the frawarter of one or another
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more powerful player, including the united states of america, and modi really manages to sit on not even two, even several villages simultaneously. they use the... which they have for the united states of america in the context of the confrontation with china and in the context of containing china, that is why the united states even closes its eyes in many ways, for example, cooperation with the russian federation, when at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, many of the american officials came to india and tried to explain to them the consequences that could befall them for cooperation with the russian federation, they managed, they managed to prove their... in favor of the united states of america and to avoid secondary sanctions for all cooperation with russia, so this is the strategic autonomy that it continues, which it continues to follow narendra modi, allows india to balance very successfully between several power centers, between the united states, while maintaining relations with such
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toxic countries as russia, and including maintaining a cool, but nevertheless stable and controlled relationship with china, with which it has including not only its political competition, but also quite real territorial conflicts and claims. and tell me, ukraine noticed that naren ramodi was in moscow on the day when the russians shelled lakhmadit. not just noticed the president of ukraine even said about it, that on the day when naren ramodi, who will be fired upon, is hugging putin, did india notice it at all? narendra modi reacted rather restrainedly, as indian diplomacy always reacts, since it was known in advance about the visit about... that the visit would take place, so from the russian federation side , it can be said that this was a kind of reason, because to accept the prime minister of a fairly powerful country and at the same time shelling peaceful neighborhoods in kyiv and other cities of ukraine, shelling okhmady, is
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the big account was a very unpleasant surprise for the narenders, and i think it was not least of all that motivated modi to cancel the last round of negotiations, the last of the... meeting and fly to vienna. on narendra modi's side, on india's side , they continue to keep a little distance from the russian-ukrainian war, not to react sharply to certain painful events or issues, at the same time offering their services as negotiators and negotiators and the mediator, but in relation directly to the shelling of ahmeda, narend ramodi reacted even during the press conference, without calling ukraine ukraine, without naming the location that was shelled, he simply noted that it is as if his heart bleeds when innocent victims, including innocent children, die , from him we received exactly such a reaction, without any sharp condemnation of the russian federation. roughly the same rhetoric persists in the indian media. well, i understand correctly that in vienna norend
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ramodi spoke again about the need for peace settlement of this situation, as serious as he is about it, that's the standard rhetoric they've been espousing since at least february 24th, '22, they believe that only peace negotiations can be the only, the only option to resolve this war, and since india po'. appreciates itself as the voice and leader of the countries of the so-called global rooster for them, and it would be quite beneficial in terms of reputation and image to offer, for example, india as a location for possible potential negotiations, if such negotiations ever become relevant, or maybe for the second peace summit, since there are now media proposals about the possibility of inviting the russian side to the second peace summit, india could very well... possibly be a location where you could invite, and when would most likely
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come a much larger number of countries specifically from the latin american, african and asian regions, we could see greater representation of this region at a potentially second peace summit for india in terms of reputation and image it would be beneficial, plus they support their their image as a peace-loving country and a peace-making country, that is why they systematically, consistently... offer to resolve the russian-ukrainian war precisely through peace negotiations, well, for this it is still necessary that russia somehow wants to go to the peace summit, even to to india, somehow we don't forgive, we don't trace this desire, to be honest, definitely yes, and well, i personally tend to think that any proposals to the russian federation, to come to the peace summit or to some negotiations there, will not find, will not find any response , and especially now when china's toxicity continues to ... and any statements from china about wanting to play an allegedly constructive role in quotes in
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regulating this war, it's not working, and india sees this as an opportunity to seize the initiative and act as a negotiator, a mediator, a potential mediator, although it should be noted that india does not have such experience, but there is quite a good experience in organizing multilateral forums, summits and so on, therefore, in this context, india can be relied on, if the need really arises, the need will arise... and to negotiate with the russian federation, for example, regarding the exchange of prisoners of war or the return of forcibly removed children to the territory of ukraine, here it is quite possible to consider india itself as such a hypothetical intermediary, if we are not talking about large-scale diplomatic events, such as peace summits and so on, but as a mediator in some specific tactical issues, you can communicate with india here. thank you, ms. alina, alina hrytsenko, chief consultant of the national institute of strategic studies, we had
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in the call, we talked about indian-russian relations, about the recent visit of the prime minister of india to the russian capital for the rendering of youth, now we will break for a few minutes, but you stay with us and we will continue. there are discounts representing the only discounts on eurofast softcaps 10% in pharmacies, plantain, you and savings. the tingling is numb. dolgit antinevro complex helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. capsules dolgit antineuro - help to your nervous system. there are discounts presented the only discounts on magnikom, 10% in pharmacies psylsnyk, bam and oskad. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyshchenko. in the article by viktor boberenko. lada vvedenska about the difficulties and challenges of military medics. the country is always at
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we continue the politclub program and talk about one rather important event, which, in principle , says a lot about world politics. we have already talked on this broadcast, repeatedly, about what is a truly historic event in washington. at the nato summit dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the alliance, there was rather sharp, harsh criticism of the people's republic of china, primarily in connection with the military-technical cooperation between china and russia, because china, as you know, that it supplies the russian federation with components for weapons, the so-called dual
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purpose products, helps russia rebuild its military-industrial complex. to create new weapons, and as it has been said more than once, in this form, then the war can continue indefinitely, the west will help ukraine, china will help russia, and the war will continue and continue, this is such an obvious point that should be remembered , and the west said that if china wants normal relations with the united states, with nato member countries, he must consider this situation. its cooperation with russia, its actual involvement in the aggressive war that russia is waging with ukraine, and what about china? china started literally a few days after this declaration by nato, and the next day, after the head of the chinese foreign policy organization vni, criticized the event for this declaration, said
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that nato is making absolutely strange demands, which in fact, china is not. takes a neutral position in the russian-ukrainian conflict, this is an event, cooperates with ukraine, supplies it weapons, prolongs the war, all that. and so the next day, after this statement, the naval forces of the people's republic of china and russia begin joint exercises. maritime interaction 2024. in the military prison, zhanzan is a chinese province, guangdong. it is the entrance to the south china sea, which is strategically important. i would say such a moment, a strategically important precinct in the people's republic of china. this is the first exercise in this strategically important region since... since 2016, that is, china is deliberately already in the midst of a major war with russia against ukraine, conducts these exercises with
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russian ships at sea, in the airspace of the people's republic of china, and this is such a rather important story for china itself, that is, the chinese do not hide that they do not , by and large, care about... all these nato decisions. well, i want to remind you that when the united states secretary of state anthony blinkin was in beijing and told the chinese people's president zengping and foreign minister wang yi that the united states was concerned about china's military-technical cooperation and russia, and what if china itself does not take measures to stop it. cooperation, then america will do it, will introduce sanctions against chinese companies, as sydney ping reacted then, on the very day when
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antony blinken was in beijing and expressed all these reservations, the minister of defense of the russian federation and the people's republic of china met, and they again talked about strategic partnership, about the importance of developing bilateral relations. that they will conduct joint training, that's all it was said, so what in this form? it was also a demonstration that china is not going to pay much attention to those remarks from the united states, and these military exercises, even if... they are in one way or another connected with the long-planned program of military cooperation between moscow and
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beijing, this a frank answer, just a frank answer to the declaration of the washington nato summit that china will go its own way, that it will develop cooperation with... moscow, and that no western countries can influence this course tsedenpinna and we perfectly understand how serious a challenge this is for the event, because it all reflects, if you will, at the same time. that is, at the same time there are military and military exercises with the russian federation, and at the same time the training of the people's armed forces of the chinese police is taking place. people's republic and mobile police forces of the socialist republic of vietnam. and this is at a time when vietnam recently agreed on
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a strategic partnership with the united states. and the most important economic communist vietnam's partner today is the united states. but at the same time, as we can see, china is absolutely calmly adjusting, despite all the tensions that arise from time to time. in vietnam, which even allows joint training of police forces. that is, in fact, there is a struggle in all directions. we can also mention the joint training of the chinese and belarusian armies, on the one hand, this is also a signal to the west that chinese security interests can... go far to europe, far to europe, to the borders poland and lithuania. these same exercises of the armed forces
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of china and belarus, they take place literally on the border of nato, not anywhere. but on the other hand, this is a signal from the russian federation that china is the guarantor of the sovereignty of the republic of belarus. on the one hand, lukashenko and putin are exactly like that. a couple of dictators, and lukashenko provided his territory for aggression against our country, but on the other hand, on the other hand, lukashenko understands that putin with his chauvinistic ambitions can somehow get off on the wrong foot and decide to join belarus will not do anything to russia that lukashenko will do, so he needs some kind of sponsor for his own security. at a time when the belarusian dictator after 2020... is literally deprived of the opportunity to maneuver with the west, because the west perceives him as a dictator who actually destroyed him.
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resistance to election fraud in his own country, he is left to maneuver with china. china is also using the fears of central asian countries, we talked here about the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, to whom sydzenpin's state visit to kazakhstan was handed over, also the main sponsor of the security of the countries of central asia, no longer russia, but now china, china, which has created an even larger anti-terrorist base. on the territory of tajikistan, he is getting deeper and deeper, more seriously and more seriously, not only economically, but also with the help of his army, taking root in central asia, and at the same time, sending signals to russia that he will not let it absorb the former soviet republics loyal to moscow itself , these authoritarian regimes, at the same time china is conducting with russia one military training. after another, spitting on
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biden, on macron, on scholz, and i have to tell you, imagine if donald trump becomes the president of the united states, who definitely considers china the main threat to the united states, and is ready to focus all the efforts of the united states on confronting the people's republic of china, perhaps not even realizing the zeal of the chinese communists. that they would not surrender their interests of hegemony for the sake of some economy, because they needed the economy to strengthen the regime of power the chinese communist party, if they are prevented by the economy from strengthening this regime, they can easily abandon the economy, and it is a direct road to war, so i think the declaration of the washington nato summit, it is absolutely logical when it assesses such
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a danger from the chinese people's republic and we must immediately say with all confidence that in the following years, taking into account such a policy, taking into account such behavior, this, if you will, danger, it will only grow, because the chinese will refuse from its cooperation with moscow, from its political confrontation with the west, from its political renzi, the west is not gathering, and this is also a very important point that we must always remember when we talk about what this great chessboard of world politics looks like, which actually turns into what, in our eyes, a battlefield. thank you, friends, please stay with spress tv channels, thank you for being with us on this broadcast, i can only
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say goodbye to you now in... these are the last minutes of the program politclub conducted this program for you vitaly portnikov. victory and peace to you, friends, good luck. it's close, it's close to politics, close to the world. maria gurska, journalist of the eu sister tv channel and portal, and pavel koval, head of the committee in... on july 8, a russian rocket hit the okhmat-dyt children's hospital in kyiv. during the shelling of the capital, doctors, children and adults died. what is the purpose of this brutal attack by putin and what will be the response of the civilized world? civilized once again.


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