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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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thank you for being with us on this broadcast, i only have to say goodbye to you now in the last minutes of the politclub program , vitaly portnikov conducted this program for you. victory and peace to you, friends, good luck. toblizko po...politics close to the world, maria gurska, journalist of the tv channel and the sister portal, and pawel kowal, head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet and head of the council for cooperation with ukraine, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, all golipets, a russian missile on july 8 , a russian missile hit the children's hospital okhmat-dyt in kyiv. during the shelling of the capital , doctors, children and adults died. what is the purpose of this brutal attack by putin and what will be the response of the civilized world? otpovich, civilized.
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dilok was a signal to which it is impossible to get used to. ukraine should receive increased military aid. and that russian x101 missile. the okhmatdyt hospital was attacked by a russian x-101 missile. okhmatdyt from caring for mother and child, jetsko in polish, child in ukrainian. and oh from the security. the russian missile that hit the children's hospital contains a significant number of western ones components. the financial times writes that such a missile... may contain up to 50 western elements in
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its composition, including parts from the us and switzerland, we see that western sanctions do not work, because russia actually bypasses them by getting components from china and other countries south and asia, what to do with it, what with that myrobich? i think that putin certainly wants to intimidate everyone, this is an action of intimidation of the world before the nato summit, an attack on purely civilian objects in ukraine. but viktor orban was used as an accompaniment to this. it should be noted that after the visits, orban gave an interview to the german press, which scared people. he said exactly what putin expected. let's recall exactly what orbán said. well, he said you'll see what happens in the coming months. it will be terrible, even hard to imagine. he said something like that in this interview, and these are stories straight from the kremlin. he said these would be the bloodiest months.
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the worst months and it sounded in the same orchestra with the attacks, so the element of fear was very strong here. but there is one point in your question that i would like to expand on, i categorically do not admit that sanctions do not work, well, let's do such an intellectual exercise, imagine that there are no sanctions. a world without sanctions against russia would definitely be worse, that is, the existing sanctions work, although they are not ideal. and the specificity of sanctions is that they are sometimes effective and sometimes not, they need to be constantly improved, because the other side is constantly trying to circumvent them. i have already read several academic papers to find out how it works, all the significant sanctions imposed on criminal totalitarian regimes had that characteristic that the regimes behaved like a virus. the virus is preparing for new types of medicine, for medical inventions, sanctions are medicine, russians are learning to deal with them. we must be vigilant. they couldn't get around
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the restrictions, that's what the sanctions game is always about. if we see that the component is still supplied from the west, we need to block it. there have already been 14 of these sanctions packages, and european institutions are constantly working on their improvement. the art is to find the weak points and press, press, press. but the system sanctions are such that you need to tighten them all the time, it cannot be done once, especially in the case of such a large country as russia. mr. recalled those words of viktor: you mentioned the words of viktor orbán, the prime minister of hungary, what do you think vladimir putin is currently planning and what place does orbán's trip occupy in these plans, which we analyzed in the last program, only then did orbán suddenly leave from kyiv to moscow and pyongyang, from kyiv he went to moscow, i didn't trust him for a moment, some people said, maybe this, but maybe... it was immediately clear to me that orbán
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is playing a role that he believes. in the history of hungary, this has already happened, for example, as it happened during the second world war with milos hortia, the hungarian leader at the time. he also had a very... good history, like orbán, a good historical map, but he ruined everything because he started cooperating with the germans and de facto plunged hungary into a series of misfortunes. for me, orbán is the same new gorty who is looking for understanding, counting on his own dexterity, working against the western world. in this particular situation, he clearly worked for propaganda purposes. let's see what he did. he went to moscow and pretended there that he was the president of the european council, that is , as if he spoke on behalf of all of europe. when that didn't work, he started pretending. of ukraine, because before that he was in ukraine, so that it would look as if he brought some offer from ukraine simply on a plate to putin. that didn't work either, and finally he started giving interviews where he started scaring people like putin does. such history. it is obvious that he is part of this russian orchestra. how is the goal of putin
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teras? what is putin's goal now and what will he do with the so -called peace plan, the peace plan. putin, you are putin. the russians are not in a position to fully attack kharkiv, speaking from their point of view, they cannot do it, i am not talking about capturing kharkiv, they are not able to effectively take it. there is no chance to conquer kharkiv this year, so what was planned for this year ended with little progress on the front. this russian promotion is, of course, dangerous, but
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in fact, it is happening at a snail's pace, one might say, with snail's paces, kilometer by kilometer, it is dangerous, because as a result it exhausts ukraine, but it is of course impossible to conquer ukraine in this way, because it was necessary to conquer it. 100 years, so they need something else, but for now, they have adopted this snail method, and it works to some extent, although it does not give a chance to achieve strategic or medium-term goals. this is especially evident in the context of the nato summit, from that point of view biden's response was good, although i i believe that the ukrainians should receive more, they should receive a clear promise of the opening of nato and the start of negotiations, specific programs of accession. there is no such thing now, but for ukraine. there are some good promises, but unfortunately this is only half of what is desired, personally i am not completely satisfied, because i see how the consequences affect putin. the west should be more consistent, because this is the only way to effectively remove putin. let's dot the dots, is the peace plan a trap?
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the peace plan, orbán's peacekeeping mission, is of course a trap, i don't think anyone understood that seriously. it is a masquerade that has failed. and now with orbán himself, is there, and now with regard to orbán himself, can hungary be deprived of the presidency of the european union, we hear about it from experts, from some politicians, including in poland, that hungary, which presides over the eu, should be punished for inconsistent foreign policy and trips to putin. there is no easy way here, because orbán does it cleverly, although at the same time ineffectively. he does it smartly in the sense that... he goes and pretends, nobody takes him seriously, but in the inner in the conversation he says: you understand that i was not on your behalf, personally i think that it is more realistic to wait for orbán, and fortunately the current european system is such that orbán does not really influence it. we will talk more about
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those results of the nato shield, but we will talk more about the results of the nato summit, and now let's return to the issue of the attack on okhmatdyt. in the first 24 hours after the shelling , ukrainians and people from other countries gathered. more than uah 300 million for the repair of the children's hospital, and at the same time we must say that the department toxicology, intensive care, oncohematology, otelingology and others are destroyed or currently unsuitable for treating children, providing them with assistance and rehabilitation. it is known that in okhmadity there were children from the shelled cities and regions, from the same kharkiv, from other cities, with terrible injuries, children who lost their limbs, they were helped there by doctors with golden hands and... now various countries have promised help, what poland offered and whether children who have lost the opportunity to receive treatment at home will be able to receive it, at least temporarily help in eu countries, in poland? i conveyed
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the information on behalf of our prime minister that we can accept some of the children, i am in contact with the ministry of health, which in turn is from the hospital. who could receive sick children, we also have a group of doctors on site who could transport children. now there is food, do the children really want to come ? now the question is, will the children really want to come, or will they agree? it's their parents, it's not such an easy thing to transfer a sick child, so for now we're waiting for answers, if not, we will help in other ways. but i would like to point out that there is a group of doctors, a special team that helps in crisis situations. this team reports directly to the prime minister, i work with them in the prime minister's office. today, they are conducting operations on the ground in ukraine, and this is another one of several dozens of special point- and-target missions performed by them. this is a group of special doctors called. to solve various extraordinary situations. in today's realities, 9 out of 10 are ukrainian problems, i consider it important
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tell about them because many people don't know about them. they have already traveled to ukraine dozens of times, carrying specific, special equipment, they bring only the equipment that is especially needed in one or another hospital, for example, equipment for operating rooms, medical equipment for intensive care. in addition, they remain physically and perform these operations, provide medical assistance for some time, usually several weeks. we have such a team, and today it is in ukraine. from the upper floors of that building, which on july 8 i saw the whole world with
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windows blown out by the blast wave as a result of a russian missile hitting the hospital, then a ukrainian plane was shot down that night, when we stayed in okhmaddytsa , there was also shelling, smaller in scale, all the missiles were fortunately shot down by ukrainian air defense, and the drones, ours, but still we saw the shelling from these large panoramic windows overlooking the city, we saw the flashes... russian missiles and drones were shot down by our air defenses. it was awful. and this july attack, i am from warsaw felt personally with all my heart, because when i saw a woman who was pulled out from under the rubble, covered in concrete dust with a bloody face, i thought that it could have been me, i saw myself in her. and simply, and when i read about the children who were killed by the russians, i thought about my own. this cannot be tolerated, and at the same time russia presides over the un security council. i know
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ours. how is that possible? i will add a fact, a detail that our polish viewers may not have heard about. at the dinner organized by russia the day after the shelling of kyiv at the un security council, on the menu they offered kiev-style cutlet. this is the height of cynicism. organized by russia as the presiding country in the un security council, guests were offered kyiv-style cutlet. this happened less than a day after the shelling of ohmaddit. how to expel russia from the un security council? security council. it's not that simple. i like answers like this where i can tell if something is simple or not. well, it's not easy. most of the countries that are in the un are, as they say now. countries of the global south, often small countries that somehow depend on russia and do not understand it
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the conditions in which it operates, so here i believe that, first of all, we need to do everything possible when it comes to the un, namely to strengthen the serious attitude towards the organizations on the part of the western partners, the eu, that we should again see a platform in the un, on which we can achieve our goals, because sometimes i feel that everyone has given up, given up, only from time to time they ask the question of how to throw russia out, sometimes we only ask ot from time to time we only ask questions, i... but they inspire, these are people, thousands of kyivans, residents of the capital, who came out to dismantle the ruins
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destroyed hospital, water, medicine, antibiotics, bandages, everything that was needed, the whole city stood there, and it's really inspiring in the third year of the war, when people are so tired, it gives faith that we will rebuild this country and make it a thousand times better. you know, when it comes to the mobilization of ukrainians, i have my own impressions after all my visits to kharkiv, lviv, as well as from the last visit related to the anniversary of volyn. in addition to the official part, i had the opportunity to visit lutsk and... in volyn and wherever i was, i was visited by thoughts about how ukrainians endure all these trials of war, how they cope with its trauma. books will soon be written about this incredible strength of a nation that exists in spite of enormous problems, in spite of mobilization problems, in spite of ammunition supply problems, this strength is visible everywhere. poles
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who survived the warsaw uprising are like no other nation. as an event, because it is impossible not to show it on television, it is impossible not to see it to people people see that this war is super cruel on putin's part, it's unfair, that it's not the kind of war they often like to say, well , here's this right-wing one, this right-wing one, here you can see that one is right and the other is not, some good element, shameless , that's right, but also we
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can see the mobilization around ukraine in the sense that i think it helped in the end. there was some good element in this trouble, it sounds bad, but it did help. at the nato summit, i saw that ukraine's position had somewhat strengthened. president zelenskyi, i saw him in warsaw before leaving for washington, he was happy about the polish-ukrainian defense agreement, the security agreement, although i saw that everyone had already accepted that it was impossible to open nato at this summit. unfortunately, this did not happen, but an additional financial package for ukraine became possible and there was recognition in the final document that ukraine is an integral part of the nato family and will be a member of nato. i think it's paradoxical that putin's brutality is mobilizing the west, i'm sure of it. in addition to the introduction and invitation to nato, which, unfortunately, ukraine did not receive, for the first time, it received a firm guarantee of a bridge to the north atlantic alliance. true, there are several elements. and
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anti-aircraft defense could prevent an attack on ohmadit. now ukraine protects the sky with four. patriot systems. at the nato summit, us president biden promised five additional patriot systems. but, as military experts explain, four of them were promised earlier. these will be provided by italy, the netherlands, romania and germany, and only one system will be provided by the united states of america. given that nato countries, in general have 90 patriot systems in various countries, including 62 in the united states. how to convince partners to give ukraine better protection, more patriot systems.
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counterparties are afraid to invest in a situation where the capital is dangerous. in order to protect yourself from even greater reconstruction costs, you need to give business opportunities to enter ukraine now. and this is directly related to the protection of the sky, this is a paradox. images after the bombings mobilize ukrainians, but putin also has his own goals, and those goals are fear, as well as driving people away from ukraine, so that they are afraid.
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this cannot be allowed , business projects must be launched no matter what. did you remember the visit of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi to warsaw? on july 8 , a meeting was held with the prime minister of poland, donald tusk, and a bilateral security agreement was signed. will poland shoot down russian missiles in the ukrainian sky and do you believe in the effectiveness of the ukrainian legion? when it comes to shooting down missiles, this is not only a question for poland, to be honest, i don't really like it when someone asks, as if everything depends on poland. poland depended on it, that is , i thought it was armor from europe, ukraine in
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the early days. if everything depended on poland, we would have sent all weapons from all over europe to ukraine in the first days after february 22. the history of this war is the history of how the poles said, let's give more, even though they themselves are in a difficult situation, because today we are actually a front-line state for russia. so it's not about asking us if we 're going to do it or not, because it's not just up to us. the western world works differently. together with us you can convince western partners to make decisions, and we really do it. in any case, whoever is interested knows. the second topic is legion. the polish government, i firmly believe, cannot replace the ukrainian government. recruiting and mobilization are the business of the ukrainian government, but we can help. in some aspects and this was achieved in the security agreement. we provide the territory of opportunity, in accordance with international law, all the necessary support.
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there are several hundred thousand people in poland who could b to join the army according to ukrainian legislation. i believe that many people do not join the army for psychological reasons, because they are afraid of something, have some internal fears. an idea is better than attracting. to frighten by force, because it gives the opportunity to be in the army, having traveled a long way to the front, or not only to the front. one of the first messages that those who join the legion receive is that they have a variety of possible supports. today, ukraine needs various forms of support in military matters, not only on front line so i think it's very valuable, if it was successful in poland, it could become possible in other countries where there are many ukrainians who could join the army, and it's a great idea because it is what it is. soft entry into the military structure, which takes place on the territory of a relatively safe country. of course, as you and i just talked about, the eastern border of poland is vulnerable, but still, here you can safely go through, let's say,
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an emotional quarantine, i think it will help many. quarantine, emotional. thanks for this program, about politics, about the world. pavel koval, maria gurska. thank you very much. watch us in polish on pavel koval's youtube channel, in ukrainian on the espresso tv channel, and read in both languages. thank you, thank you, there are discounts, they represent, the only discounts on edem, 20% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. oh, i remember, you see, although they say that our memory weakens over the years, but i am attentive and remember everything, we accept. and feel the difference. memoefect active substances improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. memo effect from dr. ty improves memory and
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channel atr and tv channel espresso, i am andriy yanitsky, and today i will host this program myself, my co-host gulsum khalilova is in poland today, in the diet, where the diet must recognize the crimean tatar genocide of the crimean tatar people by russian russia, by the soviet union in the 44th year, we will keep you informed about it, but we will start traditionally with a call to subscribe. on youtube channels atp and espresso, like, comment on this episode, because that's how youtube works, if you watch us on youtube and want others to watch us, then please do these actions, and i also encourage you to transfer money if you will see a qr code on your screen during the program to transfer funds, transfer them for the 48th noman chilibikhan omba, this is a division
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the army, which exactly... is intended to liberate crimea, which has set its goal of liberating the occupied peninsula. we have been working with this unit for as long as this program has existed. well, we will talk, first, as always, with a military expert, then on humanitarian topics, military expert serhii bratchuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, is with us today. mr. serhiy, congratulations. glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, congratulations, er, glory to the heroes, my question is that during the last week something interesting happened in crimea, what is it worth would pay attention from a military point of view, were there any surprises? there are really no surprises, but there will be surprises from the defense forces of ukraine, if we are talking in general about the processes that crimea is currently experiencing, as i emphasize the war zone, and
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this is a war zone. the demilitarization of the temporarily occupied peninsula continues, the destruction, let's say so, of the anti-wall, anti-aircraft defense umbrella that was built by the russian occupiers over our temporarily occupied peninsula continues, we know it's great that crimea was transformed, as the russians themselves said, into a cover of the sky over crimea so that... the ukrainian defense forces could not strike, and the actual functionality is to provide the front along the entire length and the south and not only the south, i.e. the influence on the line of combat actually on the territory of the temporarily occupied kherson oblast and zaporizhia oblast, then we actually see now that this work, it continues purposefully, the launchers of air defense systems in crimea are destroyed, a very important element and...
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would pay special attention to this, radio engineering facilities are being destroyed, that is, those facilities that are the ears and eyes of the air defense system in crimea, so that our skies over crimea are freer, so that it is possible, this is not an announcement, but this is, let's say, an appropriate hint that this sky, which will be free, will be used by other means of fire damage, i won't say what exactly, i think that... that attentive viewers, they will guess about what language in any case, the next stage will be the destruction of logistics, control points, and this work is purposeful, i want to say once again, well, i will reveal a little secret, not all the events that take place in crimea are reported today, because of course, the work is painstaking, it took a long time, regarding destruction of the enemy, not everything can be talked about today, but the enemy is definitely becoming less on
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the territory of crimea, well... interesting news, which, i think, was a surprise for many, the words of volodymyr zelenskyi, the president of ukraine, that we not for everyone we can hit objects in crimea with western weapons, it seemed to me that the ban applies only to russian territory directly, and even then this ban has been slightly relaxed, because it is possible to hit objects in a hundred-kilometer zone around the kharkiv region, but it turns out that there are some taboos in crimea that we would be forbidden... where are we forbidden to hit on the peninsula, what is so sensitive there that the americans are afraid to give us such a right? well, perhaps the enemy scaremongers somehow worked there that russia was trying, among other things, at least she talked about it, to have objects that will perform the function of elements of the so- called nuclear shield of the russian federation, maybe it is...


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