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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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eh, it’s the journalists of the tv channel that are bothering you, but i would call you back, i’m on the road, it’s not very convenient, thank you, okay, thank you, we’re waiting for your call, the predicted, promised return call from oleg protse never happened, moreover, the ex-prosecutor and the official owner of the recreation center in the village of maidan has blocked our phone number. for almost a year that has passed since the illegal intervention in the power supply system of oleksandr isaa's house. his electricity supply was never restored. where we did not apply, we also wrote in dear oblenergo, we have a complaint, we called the hotline, there was no response at all. of course, these are some new ideas where the legs grow. suffered from the neighborhood with a scandalous recreation complex, the man was forced to install solar panels. in this way , it receives light and has the opportunity to draw water in its area. meanwhile, a private lake on the territory of the hotel, which is managed by an ex-prosecutor, and possibly the family of a people's... deputy, due to
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dubious permits, is still fed from the forest reservoirs of the skolivski national reserve beskydy and if it is not difficult to find a common language with the state water agency and the state geocadastre in the vertical of power, then the recalcitrant neighbors can always be silenced by pressure and blackmail. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on dolocsen strong-gel 10% in psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. euro 2024 only on meago. spain and england will have an incredible battle for the football crown of europe. tune in to the super match on july 14th at 10pm exclusively on megogo. there are discounts representing the only discounts on enterogermin 15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and saving there are discounts that represent the only discounts on fenny hell, 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and save. fm, galicia. listen
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to yours. there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoder 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, it's a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, me and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component , serhii zgurets, and what does the world live on? yuliy fizar, already in front of me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury dobrovecher, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the usendrom war. two hours in the company of favorite
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presenters, news, cultural chikchen , the viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who for many have become like a day already, next to me , she is ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day! the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. we welcome the viewers of the tv channel, saturday political club, live ether, and we traditionally speak with vitaly portnikov and andriy smoly. about the most important events of the week, the most relevant and , of course, those that concern everyone. our
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viewers in ukraine and abroad. let's start , of course, with probably the most tragic event, the one that started this week, unfortunately, with the shelling of kyiv, the shelling of kryvyi horn, zhytomyr region, donetsk region. the russians massively attacked our country, unfortunately, many died only in kyiv, officially reports. it is about 33 dead people, dozens of victims, wounded, essentially a terrorist act, the analogues of which are very few in the modern civilized world, and we will start the first block, of course, from this event, we are not military experts, we will not discuss any technical issues this attack, but it is clear that this attack has... there are not
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just military objectives, this attack has certain geopolitical dimensions, geopolitical objectives, and about we will talk with mr. vitaly and not only. not about that, but about many other events, many other topics over the next two hours, so join us. mr. vitaly, this event, the terrible event that took place on monday, the attack on kyiv, the attack on other cities, it is clear that it has a certain geopolitical dimension, and it is clear that russia did not do this in order to achieve some... certain military goals, not in order, not in order, not in order to once again demonstrate something traditionally, what it was and should we expect repetition of such completely insane
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acts of terrorism by the russian occupier? well, i am of the opinion that we are simply observing, as i have already said, a new stage of military confrontation. i would even say a new special operation, i emphasized it again from the beginning of this war, that putin does not consider the events as a war, because he thinks in the category of chekists, and it is absolutely no coincidence that he calls all his wars special operations in general, he has no wars at all , such a person who in principle is not a military man, but knows about sabotage and terrorist operations, actions... the logic of these special operations, and russia's war against ukraine, we can say, not even since 2022, but since 2014, this is a cascade of such special operations, and now we are, in principle, in a new
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special operation, which can be call it conditionally, of course, the forcing of ukraine to peace on russian terms, that is, in fact, putin may consider... that he now has the need to suspend the war, of course, only on favorable terms for himself, of course, not mo, not for so long, for a year , for two to get together with forces, to gather political opportunities, to find some new economic opportunities, to try to cancel at least part of the sanctions, or to prevent the confiscation of russian assets, one can analyze for a long time exactly what motives he is guided by, but absolutely. it is obvious that in this situation he may want such a truce, but again, we know the terms of this truce: ukraine must withdraw its troops from the donetsk, luhansk, kherson, and zaporizhia regions, ukraine must announce
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its neutral status, go to demilitarization, because any other suspension of the war, it may seem like a military political defeat for putin, even if you imagine the end of the war. where the troops stop on the contact line, the current contact line and the current line of confrontation, so it does not suit him, but how to convince the ukrainian leadership and ukrainian society that it is necessary to accept putin's conditions, when ukrainian society, unlike putin, has completely different expectations since the end of the war, this is the restoration of territorial integrity of ukraine, the continuation of the path of ukrainian euro-atlantic integration, of course no demilitarization, and of course no one even thinks about the fact that the war may end, under the conditions of which ukrainian troops will leave these territories that they have already liberated or never surrendered to the enemy, you do you understand that putin's conditions are to withdraw from kherson and zaporizhzhia, and not only from kramatorsk, from slavyansk, from all these
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cities, it means that he is doing, first of all, he is making certain diplomatic efforts, that 's right forced into this idea. the tour is coming to peace the prime minister of hungary viktor orbán, really such a shuttle trip kyiv, moscow, beijing, washington, marolálago, in principle orbán talked to all the key players in this story, and putin shows that he is ready to talk to people who want peace, just not on some conditions of ukraine and not in some format of the summit. and the way it looks from his point of view, once, another important point is the bombing, of course, if you don't agree, it will get worse and worse, you have a chance now with us somehow agree, while we are still, so to speak
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, more or less moderate, but it will only get worse, every day of the war worsens your situation, you will procrastinate, there will be nothing to agree on at all, you will not have infrastructure, in the winter you will freeze, die, and by the way, this is what orbán said that he thinks the next months of the war will be the most brutal and bloody. than the previous ones, he drew this conclusion from a conversation with putin, ugh, well, here is the answer to the question, of course, putin will try to simply force ukrainian society to look into the eyes of russian reality and understand that resistance is hopeless, and by the way, i would add one more thing to this, this is a post on social networks of the former president of the russian federation, deputy chairman. they will admit
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their defeat, but we will return to destroy all of ukraine, that is, this is also a signal not to us, but to this chauvinistic part of the russian establishment, which can say to putin, but why did we start this war, for some unfortunate ones four regions, well, that's ridiculous, our task is to restore the soviet union. i think that it will continue like this, until putin realizes that this operation of his does not end in anything, that ukraine does not accept these conditions, then some new special operation will begin. let's see, there were many of them, and
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how do you think ukrainian society reacts to all these things, we see that on the one hand yes, and by the way, i forgot, there were also posts by ukrainian bloggers, even popular ones deputies of ukraine, who ran for office, i’m leading to this, i’m saying that if we’re talking about ukrainian society, then at least they’re trying to... promote informationally, media-wise what is supposedly a part of ukrainian society, and, you see, such influencers, bloggers, people from audience of one million, deputies, it is clear that from those political forces and those deputies who promoted completely russian narratives until february 24, 2022, unfortunately, no one punished these deputies. they still go to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, they still press buttons, everything is fine with them, but these are people who
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are from the servant of the people party, well, there are those who are from the servant of the people party, there are those who are from the conditionally former opposition platform for life, that is, people who, conditionally speaking, do not bear any responsibility for their words and actions, but less so, here is this take, this is an attempt to at least demonstrate that part of ukrainian society allegedly wants... to accept these terms of putin, this is really the participation of these persons in a special operation, well, at least, if we are talking about this these deputies, then rather for all that is true, but there are, for example, bloggers, and those who are now making excuses, saying that it did not happen, or is it really a certain part of ukrainian society that has such a point of view, after certain actions, which we see now on the screens behind us . respond differently to challenges, some believe that if such a situation arises, it is better to capitulate and
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live in peace, you understand, there is another illusion that many people also need to talk about in detail, it was, by the way, before 2022, this illusion that it is possible with the russians come to an agreement, and by the way, this was the main idea of ​​the 2019 presidential election campaign, to end the war in your head, to come to an agreement. the ukrainian authorities do not want to end the war with putin, by the way, now the same thing that volodymyr zelenskyy said about petro poroshenko is saying about volodymyr zelenskyi, such a political boomerang has returned, which should have been expected, but still this is an illusion for many ukrainians, despite no to which, it doesn't go anywhere, so it doesn't go anywhere, because there is an idea that if it's going to be such a horror, then it's better just change the flag, huh. well, what's changing, well , the russians will come, well, they're bad, but they won't be shelling anything here, well
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, they'll change the flag, there will be a tricolor instead of a blue-yellow flag, if i'm a simple person, what difference does it make to me in the end, it's important to me for my family to live peacefully, not to be bombed, not to be shelled, to be a citizen of the russian federation, well, people became citizens of the russian federation in crimea, in the donbass and nothing, they went to russia, they live there peacefully, no one cares about them kills, and all that. there is such a point of view, but i have to say, let it sound cynical for these people, that it is too late to drink borjomi, why? indeed, on 20. on february 4, 2022 , vladimir putin had the idea that he would march to kyiv in a parade, change the flag here, and these incorrect russians who live in the territory of malorossiya and novorossiya and some other russia there would become correct and would simply still a part, so to speak, of his electorate,
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all the more so, it is worth reminding that until 2014 vladimir putin was the most popular foreign politician in the eyes of the majority of ukrainians on... beautiful people, just us they are not enough, so to speak, and by the way, it is precisely on the assessment of the situation that ukrainians are simply waiting for russian liberators, and they are being betrayed by their presidents, first petro poroshenko, and then volodymyr zelenskyi, and the idea of ​​blitzkrieg was based on the idea of ​​this parade, which was supposed to take place in khreschatyk in march 2022. but when the ukrainian troops passed through the territory of ukraine, it immediately became clear that the vast majority of ukrainians did not perceive them as some kind of liberators, this was also visible in the north of ukraine, and by the way, from bucha, it was visible in the south of the country, remember the demonstrations of the residents of kherson, who in the first days went
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directly to the russian tanks with slogans kherson is ukraine, that is, it turned out that ukrainians do not consider themselves. the russians, and by the way, had a convincing example that when the occupiers asked the schools of the occupied part of the zaporozhye region what language you want to teach your children, and from their point of view this is a region of the russian federation, the vast majority of parents chose the ukrainian language for their children , not russian, that is , it turned out that these people, who are russians themselves consider themselves russians, consider themselves ukrainians, what does this mean in principle? this means , by and large, that the population is disloyal, and thus this population must be eliminated, and in principle, this tactic of getting rid of the population of the assigned territory, replacing it with a loyal population, has been the state policy of moscow since the time of the first
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moscow grand dukes, that is, since the time of the first annexations, the first annexation was ryazan. the people of ryazan were expelled, the muscovites were settled, not expelled, they were cut out, probably, we will be honest there, we don’t know, the chronicle says that they were expelled, but i think that's a soft wording, so nothing, people who think they can negotiate with the russians have no peace but the grave or exile, i.e. the options will be very simple, mostly most people will be expelled, a lot of people will be killed , those who remain will be on... the social pyramid, because they will always have the mark that people in the ukrainian ssr had, who continued to live here during hitler's occupation, they always wrote in their questionnaires that they lived in the occupied territories, they who were guilty, no, they were left here by the soviet army, but it was part of the questionnaire for both them and their children, and they were still at the bottom of the social pyramid. this
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will be the case with those who had the misfortune to be citizens of independent ukraine. that is, someone will be filtered out, someone will be killed, someone will be jailed, someone will simply have the profession of a programmer or a teacher, or clean the yard, and you dream that he will be released from here, because he will not be released from here, as it is not favorable a person, just a passport will not be issued for border guard and a citizen of the russian federation. when someone thinks i'm scaring someone there. then i have to remind you that it was like this here for 100 years in a row, but ukrainians cannot hear those who cannot speak, i mean the killed and exiled, although in the exiled you can talk somewhere with ukrainians who have lived in america for 20- x, 30s, 40s of the 20th century in canada, in principle the ukrainian
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ssr is a country whose population consisted of those who won the civil war. from those who were intimidated and who could not leave from here, and these people have always lived here, so to speak, well, they lived, so nothing happened to them, and so it can happen to us, but you are not in this role now, dear compatriots, because there were people who were supporters of other political views, relatively speaking, in 1920, there were ukrainian nationalists, ugh, ukrainian liberals, the bourgeoisie, who were not allowed to go anywhere on the basis of class, expelled, shot. er, all these people were simply destroyed, or expelled, or once again dragged to the very bottom of society, because they wrote that they were from exploitative classes. it was like that, a large number of these people died in the repressions of the 20s, then the repressions of the 30s began, where people who were supporters of the coalition with the bolsheviks,
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activists of the ukrainian communist party of fighters and the jewish communist party, and the previous ones, began to die there ukrainian nationalists and zionists were all already shot, excommunicated, they were communists, just not loyal, uh, ukrainian and jewish, well, who did not want to see russia here, well... they also shot again with children and wives, the children there were sent to orphanages, which were not shot, but then the ukrainian bolsheviks passed, time, their turn, they were all wiped out in the 37th year, three hundred warehouses of the central committee of the communist party of the bolsheviks of ukraine, three in a row, everyone was shot, no one was left, until before that these people took part in the famine, how they were shot, and then also millions of people were destroyed, millions and... then you, who prepared it , the one who sang it, everyone too were destroyed en masse, these are not some conventional stories about the fact that here is such a writer or some member of the central committee of the party, this is a mass
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death, millions of people, and who was left here in the end, well, first of all , those who survived remained, they are not so many, and they were all scared again, then a huge number of them died even in the second world war, during the german occupation from the famine of the 50s, so... and there were still people left who were transported from russia , it is not politically correct to say, but we perfectly understand where the industrial agglomeration in areas where there has always been a rural population, what kind of rural population was there, ukrainian? well, mostly yes, well , ukrainian, the population of the towns was jewish-polish, relatively speaking, where did all these people later find out that it all became russian, and by the way, i will say more, it wasn't even only that. under the bolsheviks, as it happened, i am curious that the only city with a majority of the ukrainian population in the entire territory of ukraine until
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1917 was the city of poltava, and there was another city with a majority of the jewish population the city of berdychiv, there were russians in all other cities, where did they come from in general, they came, they didn’t live here until the pereyastiv council and beyond, they were all brought here, and all these ukrainians were pushed out to villages, small towns, then margi . analyzed, they also thought that they were negotiating with the russians, and by the way, if you say, oh, this is a special attitude towards ukrainians, no, when ivan the terrible captured the city of kazan and the kazan khanate, special orders were issued that the tatars could not live in cities, only in villages, and how about you you think, kazan was a huge city at the time, where did this urban population go, it was cut, expelled, raped, robbed, it is beautiful, as this russian blogger wrote, who later died from the statuette, and how we love it, so if someone thinks, that he will wait here for the liberators, or simply not for the liberators, but for those who will simply
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perceive him as a loyal citizen of the russian federation, let him not, he is creating some illusions for himself, this is not a suitcase, a station russia, this is a suitcase, a yoke-grave. this is the wording, no to save yourself, a direct path to death, maybe someone will be lucky, someone, someone there will live to be 85 or 90 years old, cleaning up various feces there for new masters of life, if he does not die from the heat, you know, somehow it becomes hot to clean up during the day, but you will have to, oh, but these will be single people, that's why i believe that ukrainians have no... no choice, because for russia, all this population that is left here, all these 28 million, regardless of what their political
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views are, what they want to continue the war or stop, they are disloyal, nobody plays it will not happen, this is an absolute classic, standard policy of russia, always, always, remember, they occupied. the three baltic countries, what they started to do there, industrialization, well , just as well, export, destroy the local population, destroy and replace, replace it all, mr. vitaly, you said that it is not politically correct to some extent, i will react here that in fact this is history, there is nothing politically incorrect here, because we are talking about clear historical facts that have been written. in all possible and impossible books, please take the history of ukraine 20th century, read, you can even open a map of ukraine, you know, i'm still old.
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a long time ago, the first thing when i started researching how the ethnic composition of ukraine's population changed was historical maps. we can take maps from the beginning of the 20th century, then take maps, the census took place in the 20s and 30s, then we take maps from the 50s, and see how the share, how how, how the share is on on on in different cities of ukraine, simply some disappear, for some reason after 10-20 years. others appear, and as of 91, when we already take cards for the 90s years, we see that the russians, the soviet government, well, in fact, russia, in many regions of our country simply changed the population, everything is completely different there than it was 40 years before , 50 years, i am silent about 70 years to 90 years we by the way, we can also talk about
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the ethnic map of crimea. which now with the russians pretends to be such a real russian territory, the same russian territory with ethnic russians, was created by the deportation of peoples from this territory, and this deportation took place practically since catherine ii, who displaced the population of crimea from its territory, residence, and i just want to remind you that at the time of being in the territory. crimea of ​​the first russian army, the army of catherine ii, 80% of the population of crimea were crimean tatars, 80%, and before the second world war, what was the population, it was somewhere around 20-25%, and even this population was expelled, and if you look carefully at the history of each russian republic. which
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you will see that there are somewhere around 10-15-20% of people left in many russian republics, if you think, it has always been like this on this territory, no, it was 70, 80%, 90%, russia always tried to completely replace these territories, and then these began, oh, this is the eternal russian land, siberia, well, i'm sorry, it was a khanate. there was a large population of its own, its own civilization, they captured it, colonized it, changed the population, but they like to talk about the american indians, this is their favorite topic, and it must be said that the indians at least stayed in north or south america, and with the peoples of siberia had it much worse, where did yermak and all this, i mean yermak timofievich, so that no one would think, all this shatia-bratiya, but just a part of... our
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citizens, what are we saying, this context to agree , the context of changing the flag or whatever, who thinks that it is now possible to agree on the terms of the same freeze, well, because as they say, let zelensky sit down, even the same bloggers, and not only bloggers, but i see that there are some people who say the same, let zelensky be there... sits down and goes to negotiate, why is he sitting here, let him sit down, let's make some concessions, let's finish, that is, they, we will not win, you understand, they think that with some agreements it is possible to stop the war, preserve the conditional status quo and, relatively speaking to live on, but even you and i in this program have repeatedly said that without real guarantees there is no joining nato, and we see that this is not just a slip-up, this is
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a big issue. it will essentially become such a sword of damocles over ukraine, and the war will simply resume, conditionally, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, after, as dmitry medvedev says about it, not to hide it, but you know, i think that these people have another problem, such people, as is correct, they still remain in the state of the soviet mentality to a certain extent, which i have on mind you, if a person feels that he is a part of soviet civilization, he transfers this mentality to political events and believes that everything depends on him, on his state, that is, he perceives ukraine as the soviet union. well, by the way, this is also a part of the political elite that still perceives what if if we want something, we will certainly achieve it. we don't hold talks simply because we don't want to, but we should want to, but we don't want
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to talk with putin now, but we should... if he wants to immediately -


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