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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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moscow needs all the politicians to rush to comment on medvedev, but no one comments on him in the west, you noticed, no one comments, understanding that he really expresses the intentions of the kremlin and putin himself, and there is no need to react to him, only this one is needed by putin. so that he creates different narratives in different directions, different signals that should cause constant reflection, that is, nervously shake the european union. mental attack, in one word, remember? these are the kapelivites, you see, in full swing, we are all ready to lie down in the ukrainian chernozems, but on the other hand, putin is also trying to take advantage of the situation, that is, the story about orban, that is , whatever he tried to put in reality, that is, we understand, they launched a fake missile, and this is how the endless delusion of medvedivska rushed, but putin, through orban , tried to convey one or another of his a sales pitch, what is it mark really, yes, because they're trying to win. what they
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did not capture, and this causes a completely natural irony and sending us f-16. there is still the same signal, the following is transmitted through orban: we agree on ukraine on my terms, and i will not go anywhere else. i am ready to sign it on paper. i am ready to write in the same peace agreement that there are no aggressive intentions towards eu and nato countries. i am ready, if you wish, i will sign. do it, four oblasts to the administrative borders, he also publicly announced the plan, the negotiations will be about this, the ban on ukraine joining nato, its non-aligned status, cancel all sanctions, and we will start negotiations, during which we will agree on the rest, demilitarization, legal consolidation these four regions, crimea is not even discussed anymore, the issue is closed, a ban on this, that and that, refusal of reparations, it will not be possible to demand reparations from russia, that's...
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for sure, and then i won't go to suwalski corridor, poland , baltic countries and so on. but first, we have seen how putin has already violated similar obligations that he has imposed on himself. this has already happened, so what normal person would believe him? the minsk agreements and others were agreements that could be discussed for decades, but they gave the possibility of peace, they led to peace, from war to peace. but this was not putin's goal, it turns out. for him, peace was never the goal, and whatever agreements he concluded, they do not pursue the main thing, they do not seek peace, the creation of conditions for a strong, safe, predictable peace, in which a war started by one country as an aggressor is impossible, well how participants in the agreement, we are not talking about the borders of europe, where there are countries no less aggressive than moscow, so putin has already proven many times that it is peace that he does not ...
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seek, he does not need peace, and the price that he can pay for the realization of their interests, can be very high. through orban, he is trying to send a really false idea, a false signal, that no, i will not go, i swear, we will fix it all, give me ukraine in fact, and you will not have problems in europe, that's all, just a slight cognitive dissonance in terms of geography, that is, we remember what they talked about plus or minus in istanbul, well... based on those sources of information and that document circulation that appeared on the internet, there was no mention of the capture of four additional areas, yes, that is, it was about the scenario of finlandization, demilitarization, so to speak, that is, to make ukraine fully ready for the next wave of attack, yes, that is, it is very dangerous, but here he somehow opens the cognitive circle, here he says additional about the capture. you see, all these fancy ipso,
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links of multidirectional, often densely conflicting signals, this is also part of the plan, they set it all in motion, the plan of the bell, for example, let's immediately remind our tv viewers what is klokoltsev, on the one hand, this is the main russian cop, and on the other hand, it was an emissary, possibly from the kremlin, who stepped on the fertile american soil, in my opinion, most likely there was no plan, they have others. channels and sources, how to convey this plan, all this is necessary to shake up the general situation, to create the illusion that active discussion of negotiations is ongoing, exchanges will take place, consultations, etc., which in reality does not exist on such a scale as there were consultations between washington and moscow through sullivan and borns, through naryshkin and earlier patrushev, now i don't know how it is possible that putin took on the mission, and nothing else, no consultations.
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there is no event. orbán is not a representative of the west, which was entrusted with this mission. we have already discussed. orban is an initiative of the kremlin itself, which wants to have such a representative of its own. with his public statements, putin responds precisely to washington, not to the world, not to kyiv, but precisely to washington. his plan, which he announced on the eve of the swiss conference with ultimate preconditions about four areas of sanctions and ukraine's non-aligned status. yes, he voiced it for the us because the us was pushing for something else. they said at those consultations, let's come up with some real, i emphasize real options for the plan, for which there will be a compromise. there will be no unilateral receipt of a geopolitical dividend in the form of the actual liquidation of ukraine as a sovereign state, and he responded publicly in order to bind himself with these words: listen, i announced the peace plan, i can't back down from it now, well, we can
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push back from it now, i'm ready to move in unconscious borders, well, don't cancel the sanctions, then we will do a little something here, well, not to the administrative borders, at least two oblasts. give us donetsk and luhansk, and i can move with zaporizhia and kherson. it is during closed consultations that he can say such things and abandon the already announced plan. in general, he cannot understand, they say, how can i now depart from that. this is part of our general geopolitical doctrine, part of our constitution, four oblasts and crimea. out-of-block status is a condition of our security, although we are all perfectly aware that without... membership of ukraine in nato is not ensured by russia, we must clearly understand this, because all the time somewhere in the west sometimes some experts say, yes, he does not understand security, maybe it is wrong, but on the other hand side, indeed to the borders of russia, nato, ukraine, but
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excuse me, nato has expanded, now it extends from finland to turkey, from the baltic countries, which are also members of nato, so in the very essence of this demand for non-aligned status, no... security guarantee conditions are provided , if russia is attacked nato, although it is impossible to believe, it has somewhere to attack, besides, this is a war of the 21st century, no one will climb with tanks from their bases, using aviation, this can all be done from other territories, it will be from the territory of the baltics, after all, finland, sweden , romania, poland, it does not matter at all, geography has lost its weight in security matters, no border zones, no... buffers, as putin imagines, will not provide security from a global point of view, from the point of view of the possibility of an attack. in the 21st century, everything is remote, there is nothing one that is directly tangential. there is no point in digging ditches on the russian border. i mean
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a country like russia, not with other countries. when there are missiles behind the warheads, it doesn't make any sense. therefore, this is such a thesis that security is ensured by geography. this is a thesis from the middle of the 20th century, in the best case, which has not been valid for a long time. therefore, the conclusion is as follows: putin is not stupid, he understands this perfectly, he needs ukraine, he cannot allow ukraine to go west. that's all, and if this goal is precisely such that not a single scrap of ukrainian land did not end up in the western range, then he will fight to the end. thank you, mark, for this extremely serious warning on espresso tv and for the excellent analysis. current situation, our guest was mark fegin, a figure of the russian opposition in exile, a well-known video blogger, a former member of the state duma. thank you, anton, thank you to all the viewers, well, the time of our program has run out, stay with the spresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the
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day. take care of yourself and your loved ones meetings on the air. there are discounts representing the only discounts on glycyset and glycyset max 20% in the pharmacies of plantain bam and ochad. there are discounts representing the only discounts on magnesium 10% in the pharmacies of plantain bam and ochad. there are discounts representing the only discounts on normoven 10% in the pharmacies of travel bam and ochad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, i am a big star on the espressu tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the frontline component. sergey
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zgurets but how does the world live? yuri fizer is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yuriy, dobryvechir. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. romorchevka is next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chechenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening, presenters, what many... according to the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatars people, contact us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion
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from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, with tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. see this week's program. putin's election, who in kherson oblast is preparing pseudo-voting? we are already fully ready for the elections, as well as the names and stories of the traitors who became fake deputies. with the support of the united russia party and our senator kostyukevich. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. on september 30, 2022, putin signed a decree on the annexation of donetsk, luhansk, and zaporizhzhia to russia and kherson regions, and soon
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the local occupation-military-civilian administrations began massive preparations for holding so-called elections to fake authorities, they say, it is necessary to elect those who will rule in the captured territories. russian parties have formed lists of those who seek to serve the kremlin loyally. local collaborators, as well as those who specially came from russia in hope, entered there. to get at least some kind of mandate, even if it is not valid, even if it is illegal, but still a mandate. the two-headed chicken launched a major propaganda campaign in illegally annexed territories, millions of rubles for campaigning, bribery of the local population, involvement of athletes for intimidation and promises of a better future. the methods to achieve the main goal - to attract as many people as possible to fake voting were different, but equally dirty. so our today's you... is about those who helped organize the so-called pseudo-elections last fall, who
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campaigned for people to vote, who became a candidate himself, betraying ukraine. organized a pseudo-referendum in the 22nd, local elections will be held on the 23rd, and now the presidential election will be held on the 24th. the head of the fake election committee in the kherson region is marina yuriivna zakharova. kherson is russia, really russia. will not give his lands to anyone and will fight for them to the last. these 38 traitors come from donetsk , are married and have a son. in 2008, she graduated from donetsk national university , majoring in political science. when russia captured part of the donetsk region in the 14th, zakharova supported the occupation and remained in donetsk. at that time on his page in social networks displayed a photo with the terrorist symbol of the dpr. under rosi'. as a rag-picker, she worked in various positions, led work with the police in the so-called ministry of labor and
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social policy of the donetsk people's republic and in the administration of the head of the dnr. she sat in donetsk under the supervision of zakharova's guards until the beginning of the full-scale invasion. when the russian army occupied part of the kherson region, marina decided that her love for all things putin could come in handy and finally lift her to the top of her dreams. well, it's not for nothing that she has been around for so many years i took my son to all the parades of the defenseless regiment and wore the gogra ribbon. so in 2022, the traitor moved to the kherson region, where she took part in the creation of fake authorities, later received a new task from the kremlin, headed the election commission of the occupied part of the region. the question of the ballot will be as follows: are you in favor of the exit of kherson region from ukraine, the creation of an independent state by kherson region and its entry. it is part of the russian federation with the rights of a subject of the russian federation. we are ready to organize
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a referendum on the entire territory of kherson region zakharova became the face of a fake referendum in the kherson region. propaganda media broke her speeches into quotes, in which she reported on the organization of the referendum, people's interest in voting and high turnout at the polling stations. we are already being informed that queues are even forming at some polling stations. 497.51 participants in the referendum, which is more than... 50% of the number of participants in the referendum, answered yes to the question of leaving ukraine. zakharova was engaged in the creation of territorial election commissions, formation of voter lists, arrangement of premises and other organizational issues. for such fruitful work, gauleiter volodymyr saldo awarded the traitor with the order of honor. thank you very much for the greetings, thank you for the award. i will justify
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the trust you placed in me, which the leadership of the kherson region personally placed in me. volodymyr vasyliovych and of course i will justify the trust of all residents of the kherson region. the sbu has already informed the traitor about the suspicion of encroaching on the territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine and the collaborative activity. zakharova's property was seized, and she herself faces up to 12 years in prison. the kherson regional prosecutor's office has already sent an indictment to the court. the case is being considered by the malinovsky district court of the city of odesa. but one criminal case was not enough for... sakharova. she diligently worked for another one. when this zaprodanka was appointed as the head of the elections in the kherson region, she understood. if you intimidate people and force them to vote, if you throw in ballots and falsify the results, bunker grandfather will be very satisfied. and what could be more important for her in this life? we are already fully ready for
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elections in september 2023. in september, the security service of ukraine informed her about the second suspicion. the law enforcement officers established that this traitor, on the instructions of curators from the kremlin, created the appearance of an election process in the kherson region and falsified the so -called plebiscite in favor of russian puppets. she also organized a process in which representatives of fake election commissions , accompanied by armed militants, carried out yard patrols of residents of the temporarily occupied districts of the kherson region and forced them to take part in the vote under a machine gun. all this in order to later report on the camera with a smile about the high turnout and sky-high ratings. the political party united russia became the leader according to the voting results. now, with two suspicions, zakharova is preparing for the next presidential election, which is to be held from
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march 15 to 17, 2024. perhaps, for their organization and holding, this sales peak will be received. the third suspicion, will go to prison on comfortable bed and finally calm down for many years, let's hope. runs with the russian mandate from the united russia party rubin yevgenia romanivna, born in 1995 , until february 24, she worked as the deputy director for administrative and technical issues of tv bc kherson building. evgenia is known to the people of kherson as a fan of scriabin's work. during the election campaign in the fall of 2020, she , with the participation of volodymyr saldo, revealed the morality of the image of the musician and held a concert in his memory. i am a fan of kuzma's work. we wanted to implement this idea probably four years ago and accordingly searched around the city where this mural could be placed. when kherson was occupied by the rashists, evgenia exchanged scriabin's work for russian ditties, sat in the chair
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of the head of the department of land relations in the occupying kherson ministry of agriculture and fisheries. oblast, after which she was promoted and became the director of the askania nova animal husbandry institute. apparently, the occupiers really liked the work of this traitor, because later they included her in the list of candidates for deputies from the party united russia. after the semblance of the election, evgenia not only received a mandate, but became the head of the faction. i am the head of the united russia faction in the kherson regional duma. as befits an important official, she created herself a telegram-kana. channel, where there are currently 31 subscribers. in it, rubin glorifies the russian swamp, putin, tries to tell people that russia helps, liberates and saves, but for some reason no one understands or hears her, well, except for the traitors themselves, like her. i really hope that this angelochka is our law enforcement agencies wings will be clipped soon. i congratulate you on one of
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the most important holidays of our country, the constitution day. federation. this is another traitor with the mandate of kharitonov andriy mykolayovych, born in 1969 from the city of kherson. he is the former head of the watercraft section of the kherson shipbuilding plant. in 2015, he ran for the kherson city council from the our land party and was unable to realize his political ambitions. but now the occupiers helped, who lured him with candy in the form of a mandate. and he was happy to run. but about everything in order. when kherson captured, andrii kharitonov betrayed ukraine and was one of the first to rush to help the russians. they thanked him for the chairs of the director of the kherson sea and trade port. according to the information of our law enforcement officers. of these bodies , it was kharitonov who ensured the transfer of military equipment and ammunition of the russian federation from the left bank to the right bank of the dnieper. kharitonov proved that he is an obedient dog, so he was made a deputy
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of the fake kherson regional duma. with the support of the united russia party and our senator ihor yuriyovych kostyukevich, we are his we also do not forget, we thank him. kharitonov has already received suspicion from the sbu, now his case is being considered by khersonskyi. city ​​court of the kherson region, the traitor faces up to 15 years in prison or life imprisonment with confiscation of property. we very much hope that he will receive a severe punishment for his actions against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors on the trail by a russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. congratulations,
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friends, on the air the politclub program on the espresso tv channel, for the next two hours, talks about the most important trends of this week, about problems and prospects, and our first interlocutor is yurii egnat, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, a former spokesman for the air force of the ukrainian armed forces. congratulations, mr. yuri. congratulations, mr. vitaly. so, let's start with the air defense situation, during the last nato summit in washington, there was a lot of talk about it, but how realistic is it to really close the sky over ukraine and what is needed for this, what is the number of air defense systems and how realistic is it? well, there is nothing unrealistic, you know that ukraine asked for these systems from the very beginning of the full-scale invasion. at first, we were given small, actually portable with... complexes such as the stinger, to strengthen our air defense, we were given something from the soviet weaponry, which is standard for us at that time, well, then the heavy complexes went, this is the s-300 and slovakia,
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further, the first patriot arrived, as you know, who shot down the same dagger for the first time in world history, and so on, that is why the system of countermeasures defense will come to ukraine, this event gave a clear signal to this, it is talked about every day in the national media and in the event, a patriot is not the only one, a patriot is there is no panacea that can save, so to say exactly how many of these systems we need, and we will close the issue, it is impossible, the air defense system is a complex issue, it includes a lot of aspects and components, there must be an echeloned air defense, from small air defense, starting with mobile fire groups, which were actually created by ukraine as a know-how, and ending with the district. shield, fighters, interceptors, all of this will actually work in the unified air defense system, which is managed by the air force today, which is managed today by the commander of the air force, who, as some
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people's deputies tell pposhnyk, is very disturbing to some people there , who consider themselves experts in the field of aviation or pilots, so much so that today ppposhnyk stands at the helm of the air force, well, excuse me, today our planes... perform a strike function more against ground targets, namely the air defense function today is provided by the base, these are the anti-aircraft missile forces of the air force, and mykola lychuk, the commander of the air force, actually comes from those forces that provided the air the actual cover from aggression from the russian aviation, this should be remembered by everyone who makes such accusations in the direction of the commander, in the direction of the air force in general, who and how should lead, how should ensure the same result, therefore we need air defense, we need quite a lot of them, we are moving away from the soviet systems, so the beech trees are being crossed by western missiles, the frankensan project, you
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know, is well-known, everything is being done to increase the number, you see that missiles and drones are flying constantly, and it flies deep into the territory of ukraine, therefore, in our case, we need more systems of various types, as a result, in the end, we will switch to the main types of systems for the air force - these are: sams irst, patriot, and sumpti , the italian-french complex, which can also be delivered to ukraine in sufficient quantities. and tell me, we can say that the russians know whether this is some new tactic in the air defense system, how realistic is it that the experts say that they have changed tactics, it is very, very scary when the experts come into play, well, honestly, thousands of people ask me this questions of the day, and when it is asked today's evening. i continue to call, no matter what, and consult, i say where did you get this? but our western analysts said, and where did they get it from, and western analysts got it
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from the telegram channel maria. it is not angular, well, it is very , very scary, but actually for such, but actually analytical thoughts that are heard from everywhere, i apologize for the question, you said in favor of a new tactic , so i will move on to what exactly happens with the new tactic, you know that the trigger for it was the myrhorod airfield when the enemy drone roland 10 reconnaissance flights flew over the territory of the davka airfield. response to the enemy troops of iskandar mryletiv, destroyed one plane, unfortunately, the rest were actually planes of a different category, which in fact, they played the roles of models, and it all became such a boom in social networks and in the media that nobody actually does anything, and the air force is already in the third year of the war, and you can’t shoot down a drone, this is the change in tactics , which you asked me about now, of course the enemy is using new tactics, which is
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turning off the gps signal. when orlan can fly unimpeded by our rep systems, which are working now in many different directions, and thus it turns on directly above the airfield and can already shoot it down only physically, physically along the route of tracking with gps on, that is, it needs to be implemented and has been for several weeks, serious work is underway to equip our mobile fire teams and fpv with strike drones, meaning anti-aircraft drones and other weapons that could help protect our lithuanians are better. the enemy has recently been using this tactic, another missile tactic, you know that because of the aid that has been delayed in the united states of america military aid, the enemy has used this time to accumulate their actually missile systems, these are iskanders, i mean, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, during this time the enemy not only accumulated them, but also improved them, equipped them with additional protection, these are the same thermal radar traps,
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they are... used , here they may have improved them, that is why the actual task of the eighth strike on kiev, the enemy used exactly such missiles and used tactics that are not, after all, new, this is a tactic to target strikes with various types of missile weapons from various directions at extremely low altitudes for missiles, it's for cruise missiles, first of all caliber (x-101-x-55) also... you know, x-59, zircon, kinzhal, and iskander m were used, ballistic ones, actually simultaneously from different directions, of course , that all this was simultaneously hit, shot down is practically impossible, but the result, you know, 30 out of 38 missiles in total over ukraine during the strike was announced by the command of the air force according to preliminary data, it became clear later, it is known, it is obvious from the video materials that were received , that there could be more missiles, there were more of them,
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rockets fly. eh, it’s also different, they can fly in a group, if it’s a group of missiles flying next to each other, let’s say two, three, four on radars, it’s visible as one target, you may have seen a video of two kha101 missiles flying over the caspian, there are fishermen the russian fishermen are fishing and are delighted, they are discussing, oh , the missiles flew, but actually, if the missiles fly in such close proximity to each other, they will be late, they will be marked as one target by our radar systems, that is why there could be more missiles, well but you know when... you start talking, then there was one number, then another, the account of maryana bezuglai appears, they say and write, they write cynically, oleschuk breshe, well, i took a screenshot of this on my facebook, put a special arrow and marked it, and the photo was taken from the ohmadit hospital with a bloodied child, signed aleschuk breshin at the bottom, but what is this if not discredit, well, you
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are pouring clean water, just dirt. on the commander, on the air force and so on, therefore such shameful cases should have no place at all, here it is necessary to provide, dear ladies, to the deputy, or to those who stand behind her, a legal assessment, a legal assessment of the law enforcement officers, regarding such actions that she allows herself in public space, are the duties of a people's deputy, are the duties of a member of the security and defense committee, where it is clearly stated that where and how one can speak and what kind of control. can be carried out not publicly, there are a lot of mechanisms where you can talk about these things and do real work, and not throw mud at the army, and one more thing, i will add that today we have 300 km on the border with enemy states, and 900 km approximately an asset, where active hostilities are conducted , the air force, here is a completely different question:


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