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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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terrible war of russia against ukraine, stay with espresso, then the broadcast will continue. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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does an assassination attempt on trump guarantee his victory in the us presidential elections, how did biden react to it and why does fizo call the attack identical to the attack on himself? budanov talks about a new offensive from the north, but they don't believe him, why and what russia might be preparing and will... belarus fight against ukraine? what about the re-occupation of urozhany by the russian army in donetsk region, where russian forces intensified their offensive, is evidenced. we will talk about all this today. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, join us, we 're getting started. the russian army occupied the village of urozhayne in the north-west of the donetsk region. this is reported by the ukrainian monitoring project deep state, and there they show on the map how the situation at the front has changed as of july 14, in addition,
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the publication hromadske wrote about the capture of this village with reference to interlocutors in to the unit that defends this direction, but they did not indicate in which unit this information was provided. dibstate analysts wrote in detail that the forces of the russian army launched an assault on the northern part of the village on july 13, consisting of at least two companies. analysts also note that they are trying to clarify the reasons for the loss of defensive positions of the armed forces of ukraine. about zaho. urozhany was reported to the russian ministry of defense, where they say that russian troops are currently clearing and demining there. there is nothing in the ukrainian general staff about the occupation of the harvest reported in the latest summaries, they write about the pokrovsky direction as the hottest on the front, where, according to the spokesmen of the general staff , a third of all battles with the russian army take place. let me remind you that the harvest is located in the volnovatsky district of the donetsk region. this village was occupied in march of the 22nd year during during the summer counteroffensive of the armed forces
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of ukraine in august of last year, this settlement was liberated by the fighters of the 35th separate brigade of marines. roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of the deepstate project joined our broadcast. roman, congratulations thanks for joining. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, let's start with the harvest field, which was liberated by the armed forces of ukraine almost a year ago, it is now occupied again, according to reports, you and your colleagues, and what this shows. yes, yes, what are the facts you have, because the general staff has not yet officially confirmed this information, why do you claim that it is so? mm, well, it is not the first time that we work like this, and then it turns out as it is, so there is nothing strange about the harvest, the details are clarified there, they already exist, there is a certain description of the situation, unfortunately, i cannot go into details, because they are still being worked out, clarified and... and
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come to a certain conclusion, the fact can be seen, the settlement of the attack came under the control of the enemy, it was going to that, because first of all there was a large concentration of forces in in the area of ​​settlements, i.e. not only the productive one, but also the one of staro maior, and they pressed there with great intensity, it started a long time ago, even at a time when there was a lot of attention on other settlements there , in particular, there was a lot of discussion about works, but here is our team i tried... not to forget and paid attention to the harvests of staromajorsko, even from there there were repeated shots of whole columns of assaults, equipment, in particular the constant pressure of infantry, staromajorsko even earlier had almost come under the control of the enemy, there on the northern outskirts of the settlement in the outermost houses, battles are going on and our fighters are holding positions there, fruitfully tried to enter from different sides, we remember shots where the enemy tried to consolidate on the outskirts. they
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were wiped out in response, but the enemy’s assault attempts did not stop, and they pressed him, pressed him, again under constant, under constant pressure. with the use of a large number of forces, in addition to infantry equipment, the equipment very often worked as fire support for the enemy's personnel, artillery, aviation also worked, it all came together, there are certain other details that i will not divulge, but eh the crop has not come under enemy control, so we hope that now the onslaught that the enemy continues to develop, and since they have been successful, they will ... bring more reserves there, attack even more intensively, they always do that, so now it is necessary to restrain this onslaught, we hope that the fighters of the defense forces who are there will do it, our task is to help them as much as possible in this, roman, and why is the harvest so important for the forces
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of the russian federation that they are directing so many resources there and for the second time occupy, first of all, well, let's call it a temporary performance, we remember that the os appeared most in such and such terminology, just like the robot performance, it is primarily an informational one, an informational point of contact for muscovites, they are for any the price are ready to spend a large amount of their forces in order, as they claim, to devalue there, to show what the counteroffensive in this area led to, and they want to cut it off and take it back to occupy it, if we speak more strategically, tactically, well , for example, the robot thing, it doesn't play any role there at all, that is, they are just leveling the line that was there before our defense forces released it all, and most likely everything will stop,
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we will see how they develop the intensity there, yes the most productive staromajorské, then this was the starting point, the beginning of the counteroffensive, and now they are trying to... cut it off, that 's all for now, that is, we have to look at how events will develop, how they will see the next steps, if they will to use the amount that they concentrated there, and of course we will look and draw some conclusions and analyze it later, because it is necessary to look at how it is today, and so far they have not been able to go beyond the fruitful old may. roman, you and your colleagues, analysts... write what establish the circumstances under which the armed forces of ukraine lost these positions, what were the reasons, do you already have any data, could it again be about bad fortifications, for example, or about inconsistency during rotation? as i already said,
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certain details are being clarified now, that is, it is not possible now, well, we cannot, we do not want to draw any conclusions now, that is, there are certain moments with fortifications, well, the positions were there a long time ago. equipped, i.e. the fighters primarily prepared them for themselves, i.e. they did not hold that area there for a short time, one of the main reasons, again, as i mentioned, it's the amount of that, those forces of the enemy that they're using, of course, that there's a lack of people, first of all, well, people are needed, every fighter who is on the front line right now will say that, and when the intensity is high the enemy and the ratio by no means... coincide, it is very large on the part of the enemy, they are constantly under this pressure, then it is exhausting, tiring, requires a lot of resources to repel all this, so here, at least, there are already certain nuances that caused this.
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in the report for july 14, the general staff wrote about the most heated situation in the pokrovsky area, where on that day the forces of the russian federation attacked the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the novooleksand districts 35 times. what is happening in the pokrovsky direction, how serious is the situation there, the avdiyivka area can now be said to be the hottest area of ​​hostilities along the entire front line, from arkhangelsk to karlivka, assaults are now being carried out, if you look at the most critical place, then of course this will be the area now vozdvizhenka, that is, not even novoaleksandrya. kevoz movlinka, they picked up close to it settlement. unfortunately, why critical, because after this settlement there is already a highway, a very important logistic route pokrovsk myrnograd kostyantynivka. the enemy
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is now trying to press from all sides, go around, if not directly on the airlift, but go around, take positions, land in order to get to this route, and of course... first of all, they want to take fire control over it, and for this it is necessary to gain a foothold and equip positions, which the defense forces try not to let do, that is , keep them under fire control, inflict damage but it is very difficult, again, because the intensity is high, if you turn on the units on the map, you can see that it is teeming with all these things there, and they are not getting smaller, the situation in the yevgenivka area is very difficult, there the enemy has been constantly having some promotion, since they have promotion, they press with even greater intensity, eh, and here are all these rolls, they continue, continue, they press novo- novoselevka first and with such intensity, sooner or later it will also come most likely. into the hands of the enemy because they have already bypassed it, and they are trying to press from the northern side, but the last
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advances were already more southeast, and that is, they are already surrounding it from all sides and are trying to take it, the clear-water boat is also being picked up, that is, it is already literally right next to the settlement there in it the battles are already going on, they are also picking up from all sides, karlivka is also non-stop, they are climbing there from netaylovo in large numbers. infantry, that is , a large number of resources are used, all this is accompanied by the fire support of equipment, aviation, artillery, under constant shelling, the defense forces are trying to restrain this onslaught, and first of all, it is necessary to remember every day, every morning, when everyone wakes up, that our fighters need help at this moment, so get involved as much as possible, because they are under enormous pressure, they are trying to to restrain the whole wave, the whole horde, and we see that it is very difficult, there are many of them and every day they have such advances, there are
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also messages from relatives who are fighting in this direction, for example, on facebook barda veronika wrote and about the main problems, with what the relatives are facing, they are asking the command to inform more about what is happening, that people are disappearing, missing ukrainian military, is meant in this direction and that there is no information at all, what is happening and that somehow they are asking for more favorable conditions for the ukrainian defenders? to create in such hot areas, here are the specific messages from the military from this direction from pokrovsky that you may have received, how difficult and critical the situation is now, well, as i mentioned, i listed a number of settlements where battles, and it is critical, it is difficult, because a large number of resources are used by the enemy, well, so that i do not repeat everything there, that is, a large number of assaults, of course, there are such moments with communications, but they are dealt with there and
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the brigades, directly, and the relevant services, this is not the public side of the discussions, because it is not possible to talk about it there, especially if a person is captured, that is, there must be such and such communication with relatives, relatives, they are working on this, somewhere there is no normal communication somewhere, that is, it is impossible to describe the situation here where everything is perfect or everything... is bad, there are different individual moments, for my part i know that they try to approach this issue in a balanced way as much as possible, somewhere there, even in brigades, all these moments are ignored and relatives and friends can be understood, that's why here , of course, it is necessary to find understanding, it is necessary to find approaches in communication, because this is a difficult moment, difficult times, and of course, that relatives and friends want to know about the fate of those soldiers who... serve on the front lines, that's all, i am very i want to write you briefly
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to ask about mr. kirill budanov's statement that your analysts are watching in the north of ukraine, whether russia and belarus can really be preparing for an attack from the north there, there can be any development, we cannot, as i say, relax here, we must be ready, because the third year is full-scale. invasion is already the 11th year of the war, and we see that anything can happen, this was shown, at least the northern borders of the kharkiv region, the enemy is always present along the ukrainian-russian border, along the belarusian-ukrainian border forces, whether they they are simply maneuvering, whether they are carrying out some kind of informational activity, propaganda, a subversive intelligence group is working there in many areas, constant shelling, provocations. and at least this is belarus itself, as it directly joins the conflict and is a participant in this conflict, this is
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the constant maintenance of its forces along our border, and we also have to keep all these resources, that is, draw up some reserves, er, this is followed by the defense forces, followed by other units, in particular gur, and of course they will all react to this, and there already, as time will show, you can't guess here and... and it's not worth it, that is, everything only in proportion to the arrival of some problems. thank you, thank you roman, roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of the deepstate project. we talked about the situation at the front. russia will launch an attack on ukraine from the north, although there will be no disaster, the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine kyrylo budanov said in an interview with the publication. you see, this is a somewhat anecdotal situation for me, because when everyone shouted for two years that now there would be an attack from the north, we told everyone that it would not happen,
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there was nothing. at the moment when we said that now there will be an attack from the north, all at once, or maybe not... let's put it this way, there are problems, they have a tendency to worsen, there is no catastrophe, but it is impossible not to see the problems. when asked whether we are talking about the sumy or chernihiv direction, budanov did not directly answer, to quote: not to provoke panic, although he added that the offensive in the north is already underway, in particular in the kharkiv region, where , according to him, the russian army is accumulating forces and uses a lot of infantry. at the same time, in the ukrainian center of the national resistance forces of special...operations reported that they have information that belarusian law enforcement agencies are preparing to conduct so-called operations under a foreign flag in the border zone with ukraine. last week , news appeared on the department's website that such provocations are possible in order to, i quote: show their chinese colleagues their capabilities. right now , the first joint exercises
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of the armed forces of the country with the chinese army are underway in belarus, which started on july 8 and will last until... july 15, but the next day after that, as the news from the center of national resistance appeared, lukashenka was informed that he allegedly ordered the withdrawal of troops from the border with ukraine, according to him, the tension on the border with ukraine, which he claimed on july 1, had already been allegedly eliminated. what is lukashenko talking about, what does he mean, including what we are talking about, dmytro snigerov, a military analyst, joined our broadcast. mr. dmitry, congratulations, thank you for joining. congratulations, thank you for... we will talk about what is happening with lukashenko, with his statement, but i still want to start with budanov's statements, what could his statement mean, what plans might moscow and minsk have, could the russian forces really go on the offensive through belarus, could they have the goal of trying to capture kyiv again? let's
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talk about the fact that it is impossible to rule out such a scenario, the russian federation used... the republic of belarus as a springboard for an invasion of ukraine, and it is said as a direct military invasion, this is by a land contingent, and, accordingly , the use of the republic of belarus for strikes on the territory of ukraine from using the same uavs. the last case, when one of the uavs came directly into the airspace of belarus and stayed there for several hours, is a clear testimony to that, and russia... the party reported that the uav returned to its permanent base and it was a reconnaissance drone, and accordingly of a similar nature messages proves that the russian federation continues to use the infrastructure of the armed forces of the republic of belarus as a territory for provocations and attacks on the territory of our country. about
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possible military scenarios, as of today, according to the information of... the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense on the territory of the republic of belarus, no deployment of personnel of the armed forces of the russian federation, which would indicate the formation of the so-called invasion contingent, has been recorded. the main signs of the invasion are, respectively, the operational deployment of the group, the presence of field depots of the zbk and field hospitals. the last sign is a sign of evidence that preparation is imminent. large-scale combat operations, these there are no signs of all three, to say that the republic of belarus can use its own armed forces for provocation, and even more so, to participate in the war with ukraine, there is currently no basis, therefore the message of the center of national resistance, it is controversial, i explain what it is about: the constitution of the republic of belarus prohibits the participation
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of the armed forces of the republic in combat operations outside the country. on the one hand we can talk. that the constitution and lukashenko are incompatible, but on the other hand, lukashenko perfectly understands that the direct participation of the armed forces of the republic of belarus will actually put it - the regime of personal power in danger of its very existence, namely its ability to maneuver between some centers of influence, namely beijing, moscow, respectively, western countries, will be reduced to a minimum, so i emphasize once again, i do not it is quite clear what dictated the similar nature of the messages of the center of national resistance, currently the so-called training. russian and chinese, on the contrary, testified that beijing made it clear to moscow that it would continue considers the official minsk in the zone of its military and political interests,
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moreover, considers the republic of belarus as a territory for further economic annexation on the european continent, and the participation of the chinese military at the moment of maximum escalation near the ukrainian-belarusian border is not accidental, let me remind you of the length. the border is about 100 km, for comparison, the length of the russian-ukrainian front line is 1,200 km, that is, we can talk about the fact that this is actually the second front line, and i emphasize once again, the presence of the chinese contingent, on the contrary, it reduced the level of tension on the ukrainian-belarusian border, because the plans of official beijing do not include the actual possibility of implementing moscow's scenario of involvement. belarus is directly in the orbit of military confrontation with ukraine. the territory of the republic is absolutely necessary, as, accordingly, its
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bridgehead, which dictates the conduct of so- called military exercises. dmytro, but it can be noted that in principle belarus still participates, because from the territory of belarus, and in the first place, there were russian the troops that tried to enter ukraine, including there... there are weapons that are stationed on the territory of belarus and from the west all contacts with the west are cut off, that is, what does lukashenka have to lose and what is the logic of his actions in general, because with on the one hand, he instructs to withdraw his troops from the border with ukraine, and on the other hand, according to the information of the center of national resistance in belarus, they are still planning some provocations, which they themselves are preparing in order to demonstrate something to their chinese colleagues there, what is happening, which... the logic of actions and most importantly, what can belarus demonstrate to china? i also have a question, what was actually meant in the center
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of the national debate. i emphasize once again that belarus is not interested in an escalation of tension, especially in an armed conflict with ukraine. the armed forces of the republic of belarus are 55,000 personnel, of which 1,500 are civilian components, and only three brigades are operational. accordingly, if it appears. the issue of the direct participation of the republic of belarus in the military confrontation with ukraine, the army of belarus can exhibit approximately 15-20 thousands, this is not enough for a large-scale invasion, and even more so, let's say, the direct participation of the armed forces of the republic of belarus in the war against ukraine. the main task of lukashenka is to obtain a regime of absolute power and transfer it according to his right. to the successor, the heir, contacts with beijing are considered as an opportunity to diversify relations with
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, respectively, moscow, lukashenka's visit to beijing was not accidental, and was aimed at diversifying the belarusian military industry, and i will remind you that the polonaise operational-tactical complexes are joint belarusian and chinese production plus in service with the army. belarus, chinese armored vehicles, dragons, and, accordingly , the receipt of macroeconomic assistance, and the center of national resistance, it will probably be interesting that beijing's position regarding the possible use of the territory of the republic of belarus as a springboard for striking ukraine with the use of tactical nuclear weapons was categorically unfavorable and accordingly after the application. precisely to beijing, all the tantrums of the russian side regarding the transfer of tactical nuclear weapons, the possibility of a tactical nuclear weapon attack on
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the territory of ukraine, they have come to zero, china reacts very sharply to all mentions of nuclear weapons, mr. dmitry, that is, in your opinion, after all, belarus can again be used as such a bridgehead from where russian troops may invade the territory of ukraine, lukashenka has some arguments against that, or could this situation be repeated there? i emphasize once again that china's position will not be the last when it comes to the possibility of using the territory of the republic belarus, this is what dictated the current presence of chinese troops on the territory of the republic of belarus, to prevent the russian federation from implementing this scenario. this is the main thing we need to understand. dmitry, i want to ask you one more thing then, so that we have time to talk about... the situation between poland, ukraine and nato, regarding the possibility of shooting down russian missiles by poland, which began to be heard when ukraine actually signed a security agreement with poland, it was about
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that the parties ... will consider the possibility of intercepting missiles and drones in the air space of ukraine, which were fired in the direction of poland, but in the context of this, jen stoltenberg declared that nato will not participate in the war, nothing has changed, and this is impossible, why then was it written about in the security agreement between poland and ukraine, it is useless hope, is such gentle pressure on nato possible to change this situation? this is an absolutely unreasonable pressure on nado, poland perfectly understands the possible future scenarios, not by chance. on the eve of the actual signing of this ukrainian-polish treaty, the american side allocated an amount of 2 billion dollars for the appropriate implementation of works on the modernization of the polish army, this is also about the purchase of military equipment and, accordingly , the additional construction of engineering and fortification facilities on the borders with the republic of belarus, therefore the change in the rhetoric of the polish side at the moment of the possibility
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of shooting down... russian missiles directly on the territory of ukraine, it is very indicative, another issue is the position of the united states, and this concerns not only the possibility of a nato country shooting down russian missiles on the territory of ukraine, but also the possibility of locating the f-16 based directly on airfields in poland. poland is a nato country. thus, the united states is simply afraid of escalating the situation with russia. federation, and this applies not only to the possibility, i emphasize once again, of shooting down missiles, it also applies, accordingly , to previous statements about the impossibility or undesirability of striking oil refineries on the territory of the russian federation, we can also mention that the white house announced that about the softened nature of the sanctions against the oil company oil refining industry of the russian federation.
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in order to prevent price increases right at the time of the presidential race in the united states, but unfortunately for ukraine, the softened nature of the sanctions led to a sharp escalation of military tension. let me explain what we are talking about: in the month of june alone , thanks to this softened nature of the sanctions, the russian budget was able to receive 9.4 billion dollars sharply from... increasing the income to the russian budget and, accordingly, the possibility of financing the war in ukraine, so we can to say that, unfortunately, the issue of shooting down missiles depends on the domestic political situation in the united states, and not on the desire of all european partners to demonstrate their determination in this matter. mr. dmytro, i also want to ask, you mentioned the f-16, what promised ukraine
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is waiting for them already. summer, but regarding the swedish gripen aircraft, last week, when the swedish side announced that it had suspended the supply, well, it seems that ukraine is not ready to receive them there, because it focused on the f-16, then the office of the president of ukraine assured that it was not refused gripens in favor of faster f-16 weapons, and they say that there are talks about these swedish fighters, this statement was heard, that is, they want to ask you after all, whether the ukrainian air... force, whether they can accommodate the f-16 and gripen and how much time is needed for the integration of these swedish fighters into the ukrainian air force, do they not interfere with each other, so to speak? no, it doesn't matter, let's talk about the fact that gripens, moreover, are even more adapted to ukrainian realities. shashi f-16 is quite sensitive to ukrainian ones runways, and, accordingly, the runways of the airports of ukraine are concrete slabs, this creates, accordingly
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, certain... problems at the time of basing the f-16, namely the modernization of the airfields, on the other hand, the gripen is completely devoid of these shortcomings. in addition, the gripen is easier to maintain, and accordingly the gripen was even considered at one time as the main combat aircraft for modernization, according to the defense forces of ukraine, on the eve of a large-scale war. that's why it's worth talking about what if for now already the swedish side, after joining nato, is giving political signals about the possibility of transferring gripens, should these proposals be accepted. thank you for joining the broadcast of svoboda ranok, dmytro snigirov, a military analyst, was our guest in the comments. i invite our viewers to write that...


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