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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

10:30 am
i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from rheumatism pain, dolgit is the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, if the throat is not ok, make a snort, make it ok, choose the taste, swallow without pain, evka lord, sweet lord, there are discounts representing the only discounts on sudocrem 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna
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rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? the leaders will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal examination program on tv. in ukraine and the live broadcast continues on the espresso tv channel, thank you to everyone who is watching, good morning to those who joined, you see the qr code on your screens, this is our collection with the iryna koval foundation for mavics and components for the 100th art intelligence brigade, join us, please scan, send money, we are about everything from.
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we are reporting, we want to collect it as soon as possible so that it all goes to the front, how and and and erases the enemy this morning with your morning coffee something good, for example , voronev region, there a heavy freight train derailed, seriously, there the wagons are lying to the right, to the left, well, what can the russians write about, of course, that ukrainian partisans, yes they say that it is not without intervention, well, maybe with intervention, the main thing is that there should be good news. for our viewers, aviation expert kostyantyn kryvolap will continue our conversations, mr. kostyantyn, congratulations to you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, yesterday in the russian the propagandist publics had a lot of videos about how a big bomb is launched from a plane, the wings open, and they claim that it is a three-ton fab, they launch it like that, you must have seen it, tell us a little more. well, to be honest, i didn’t see it,
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i was doing completely different things, i honestly don’t understand how a bomb with a diameter of 1 m can be shoved under the fuselage, which has a clearance of 0.6 0.8, well, even there there are only two two nodes under that fuselage, two tons each, that is, if you attach a bomb there. 3 t, then taking into account the fact that that the plane there is designed for overloading there, well, let’s say there is normally 7g, yes, that’s what you have calculated for the strength of this node, it will be somewhere around 14 tons, yes, and if you attach a three-ton bomb, then you overload more than you can't do it anymore, if you do it yourself, that knot will just tear off, well, that's it...
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here it seems that this bomb was caught between the two legs, but something seems to me, i don't really understand how they are there took off from it. well , actually, then, then, what do they show us? i think they show 1.5 tons because well it doesn't fit, well, even if they were able to insert three, there is a difference in, let's say, in power, there is also a quadratic function, if you make a bomb. 3 tons, then in relation to a bomb of 1.5 tons, it is not twice as effective, it is 30% more effective there. that's why everyone gave up on these big stupid bombs, because they, well, they don't give an effect, it's more of a psychological pressure, uh, a bomb and a half is very serious, it's barotrauma, it's contusions, a three-ton bomb, which you can't call normal way to start, she does not give well such a... significant result of an increase
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in the result in comparison with the floor with a one-and-a-half-ton bomb, well, that's why i, well, in fact , they tell us that soon, very soon in... f16, but we already under this word soon f-16 have passed two seasons, we were promised for the spring, then for the summer, already in the middle of the summer we are told that they are already here, well, here they are, very soon, we know that if they were nearby, as our rather official spokesmen have already told us, then it would be 20 minutes they should already be somewhere in the sky of ukraine, and this f-16 is our anti-cab strategy, just the day before that... our final expectation we were told that there would be no western airfields for the f-16 to base on, and we had the question again of do we have the infrastructure to defend the f-16, i'm asking that in light of at least two in recent weeks, when the enemy is shelling and
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firing ballistics at ukrainian airfields day after day, so let's start from the beginning, as always in one. questions and 26 questions, yes, yes, firstly, when will the f-16 arrive, the f-16 will arrive no, not sooner than october-november, well, in my opinion, because it is connected with the training of our pilots, we only have 20 pilots, and therefore we will not be able to fly 24 planes, with 20 pilots, i think that first six planes will be delivered, then six more. well, that is, in order to make a squadron, then a squadron can be made in the american style, they have a squadron of 18 planes. this, i think, is all we can get this year, and why are we getting them so, so quickly, why are we
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all waiting, waiting, and it's not working out. i think it has to do with the very concept of escalation management on the part of mr sullivan. it is important that the time has not yet come for us to receive these planes, not yet, not so, not so that we are running very fast, let's say very fast, we need to go slower, slower, and this concept was developed when obama, and we know the results, and the fact that we have not received gripens now is the same situation, because if there were gripens, then it would not be clear why we would not receive the f-16, then there would be no were clinging to stormsheds and we probably had permission to hit russia with these missiles, on its territory, well, that is, we are now have become hostages to this so-called
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escalation management, unfortunately, so we need to have as much of our weapons, our drones, our missiles as possible in order for this... this is to show mr. sullivan that escalation can be managed from our, shall we say , what concerns the actions of our 16 aircraft on the line of combat, i think that first of all it is necessary for this whole ensemble to work, which consists of pilots, technical personnel, a bunch of airfield workers who... will have to these planes are transported, the same ones technology, they need technicians to be at one airfield from which a plane takes off and at another airfield that receives it, and as for the location in europe, i guessed it here, because the russians said
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that if you receive your planes in europe and there will be flights from these countries, combat flights over our... territory, we will consider this as the country entering the war, and no one wants to enter the war, and i don't know how it will end, i think , that as an intermediate composition, it can be used, but there definitely won't be any direct combat operations there at the airfield in poland, romania or somewhere else, well, that's the situation, but you started talking a little bit about such an alternative, while there are no f-16s, well, there are already challenges, and they have to be fought somehow, the same fabs that russia uses destroy our cities, and then there is nothing for the ukrainian military there to build defensive lines, and they have to leave, what am i leading this to, whether there are any alternative methods, how
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to control the sky over ukraine, for example, if there are no f16s, is there any way to counteract to those fabs, or to the russian missile attacks there? ballistics, is there any alternative? well, what is the alternative? the first is the destruction of the airfields on which, on which these planes are located, this is the best in... option, this is the atacoms missile, which there in morozivsk, in millerov, in the kurdish airfield, in the belgorod region, they can easily reach er, this is the first, the second, this is the air defense system itself, the israelis have eight patriot complexes in the pak-2 configuration, they are decommissioning eight complexes, if we had them, why pak-2, because pak-2, it does not work against. ballistics, everything else is the same as the pak-3, uh, so if we have these
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air defense systems that israel is withdrawing, they would now appear along the front line, then they would work very seriously against the same planes that carry cabs, su-34s and su-35s, which cover them, that is, it was the essence - the deterioration of this situation, or rather the improvement of this situation. aggravation for the russians, well, in fact, catching all the cabs themselves is nonsense, you have to hit the planes either in the air or at the airfield. well, in this case, again talks about the swedish gripens have resumed, and they are simpler, more complicated in terms of logistics, in training, er, because they have resumed talks about them, this means that we will sharpen the infrastructure not only for the f-16. well, our diplomacy, our leadership, is trying as soon as possible, well,
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to do as much as possible, to speed up this issue, obtaining aircraft, somehow, the difference between the f-16 and the gripan is different technological platforms. in my ranking, the f-16 is number one. gripin number two. after this chasm, to be honest, it is very difficult to say which of these. of planes there is not that much better, it is more better - it is not the color that it is painted there, better - it is a set, a whole set of criteria, and whatever criteria you set, it will be better, yes, therefore, there is a clear essential e- e gripen's quality is that it can carry stormshades. and a scalpel, and in addition it can carry a very serious missile called
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a meteor, which hits air to air, it hits 300 km, it's direct-jet engine, which means it maintains a high speed all the time, and it's very, very difficult to leave, and the main thing is that this one this missile is not related to the american aircraft industry, it is necessary to obtain permits for its use, and this is what concerns the f-16. then all this will be a tool with which we will regulate our intensity of action against the russians, will limit the mileage, will limit the missiles, will limit the weapons in order not to increase the rate of escalation in any way, so i think that even now we will take a course to return to the topic gripen, trying this thread because you have to fly something, and as for... what's the difference here technological? the gripen, it took off, roughly
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speaking, from the autobahn, that was the way it was designed from the beginning because sweden, in terms of missile attacks, it's so inconvenient, it's vulnerable, so from the beginning they designed this whole technological concept in such a way that that the plane took off, landed on another autobahn, a car drove up for 20 minutes. processed it, refueled it, checked it and sent it to fly on, and if something serious needs to be done, some regulation or other, then please go to the factory. the f-16 is completely different concept, this is an extensive system of delivery of all spare parts, they were produced, well, about 1,300 subs were produced, now there are about 300 aircraft on the wing, and what concerns the f16 was produced there. on the wing, if i'm not mistaken, 2300 or 200, something like that, that is
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, a confusing system of spare parts delivery and a very large number of routine, repair work can be done at the airfield itself, engine replacement takes 20 minutes, this is fantastic, i know how it is is done with... soviet rifles, but to replace the engine for 20 minutes, i don't even feel bad about this speed, the speed under the foot on formula 1 looks like that, i see. the smoke has already cleared a little after the night cotton flights, and ours are already giving photos from crimea, there are also satellite ones, it is about strikes on the fiolent, and there her missile unit, the military part of the radio electronic intelligence of the black sea
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fleet is also behind the fence, that is what is already known, there are antennas, there are similar... on the radar antennas, they say that photo 1, photo 2, we will now be able to show that there may be damage , including parts of the s-400 and radar antennas, in such parts, here are such bases, then in fact, if there is one installation, one military unit, it is disabled, the next one is simply dragged there, or how, how does it happen after such cotton? well, it is necessary, it is necessary to replace it, it is necessary to restore its fighting capacity, we are on this fiolent, we are hitting him for the third or fourth time, we are constantly hitting him, and they keep tightening and tightening, and the last blow, the last blow, was even somewhere last week, if i'm not mistaken, that is, we regularly work there, well, the crimean ones
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crimean wind subscribers write that there were more than eight explosions. and the s-400 s-300 air defense system is there. well, of course, there will still be information about what kind of damage there is and what exactly was destroyed, but this is a constant work, and we need you to understand that for that, the phases of using the f16 will be as follows: the first phase is the implementation missions, chasing the missiles, the shaheds, shooting them down, the second phase, it's on... to the battle line, patrolling along the battle line, driving away the 1345th. the next phase is the destruction of air defense systems and entry into the occupied territories territory and carrying out operations there. thank you, mr. konstantin. konstantin, the crooked-paw, an aviation expert, talked about how quickly they could reach ukraine in the 16th, and
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now we will show certain footage of how our gunners work, just so you understand that... people who complain that there is no electricity, or they turn it off, you won’t turn on the air conditioner, then let’s see how our gunners work without air conditioning, we can show these shots, because now we will have a question about them, so, by the way, we spoke today with an officer of the 59th brigades on pokrovsky direction, they also asked him about this abnormal heat, because well, this is the steppe, oh, that's how it is... and imagine that you have a combat job and you work, well, you have to wear vietnamese clothes and shorts and underpants, anyway, we hope that our boys will not burn there, but now we will ask about it, natalka didenka, the national weather forecaster, our colleague is already in
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touch with us, ms. natalochko, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations , i want to say right away, i am you... that i am begging you for no folk suniptakins, i am a forecaster, a professional and to i have nothing to do with klavdiy petrovnykh and there, some there, as well as with them, although may they be alive and well. hello everyone, i am very glad to see you. so, what kind of anomaly has covered ukraine, the guys at the front are running naked in their underpants, it was 40° here in lviv, today it was raining, it was raining, and the temperature is already a little... but well, it all looks very strange, even for july in ukraine. that is, what is this mix of the african sahara with the jungles of vietnam? well, ukraine and ukrainians are always like that, you know, original people, and we also have the weather, as you can see, so original, exclusive. well, if no jokes, well, first of all, it was not +40° in lviv. and +40° was observed quite a bit,
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except on some private thermometers, well, we will talk about that later. the heat is really abnormal, the heat is extreme, especially in the southern part of ukraine, in the east and in most of the central regions, the heat bothers me the least, well, it depends on, if on the organism, if objectively, then it is the western part of ukraine, and the north is also covered by a very strong by the heat, this heat, not only that such heated air spread from the southern latitudes, plus it is still stationed for a very long time in... our territory an anticyclone, it is such an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure, and it simply stands still and does not allow moister and fresher air masses to penetrate, such as the atlantis. how long will it last, well , actually today, tomorrow, this is the peak, this is the peak, this is the highest, you just have to calmly endure it, and
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that's all, since july 18, the insecurity in the northern regions of ukraine, in the west, has eased a little, it has already eased, and well, there will also be somewhere in such limits, well, obviously somewhere it will jump up to 30 to 31, but still this is the maximum, it is not +30. 7 + 39, and as for the south, east and central regions, especially the south and east, especially those places where military personnel do not have the opportunity, well, to use such benefits of civilization as we do, for example, at least with that fan, then there, well, i will say very cautiously, there is some relaxation possible after july 20-22, i will not say that this is the last heat wave, what time, i will not say, i do not want these hopes to be vain voice, it seems that there will be another heat wave after july 26, it may not
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be as high as 40-42°, which is observed there in the south-east or in the center, but nevertheless we can talk about such a stable and long-lasting heat wave , i wouldn't say, mrs. natalya, but are there two thunderstorms? that passed tonight in rivne, the people of rivne showed it, first the video, then lviv showed it, and it all looks like a super tropical storm, a typhoon with a lot of lightning, this and even in lviv, lightning cut down one district, hit a power distribution shield, it is normal at such temperatures, or is it just normal such showers, because they look very, very powerful. and by the amount of lightning and electrification, and by the wind, by the way, well, with such a synoptic situation, it is just more than normal, it is such a synoptic classic, because when
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a high or extremely high air temperature is observed and an atmospheric front touches a certain area, and for atmospheric front, well, it is further in its rear air, the air temperature is much higher in the zone of these very strong contrasts precisely and... there are such strong, even dangerous meteorological phenomena, such as heavy showers, such as strong thunderstorms, and hail and so on, by the way, with such a synoptic situation, with the presence of dry air, there is also a high, high probability, well, in addition to the fire hazard, this of course, the probability of death is high, and people are already posting these small-scale deaths on social networks, they. saw such a video, so, so, so, so, so, well, but this is what was filmed, and i think that there are many more of them, and what you are mentioning is in volyn, in rivnech, we
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we are very jealous of them, the main thing is that, of course , nothing is damaged there, but these tails of atmospheric fronts, they will touch, for example, the western part of ukraine tomorrow, and will pass through the extreme north, these are the northern regions of zhytomyr region, kyiv region and chernihiv region, well, that’s it a difficult situation, but as i already wrote somewhere, you understand, 37-38° is not the end of the world, and especially here, well, in the rear part, in the rear, not at the front, you can certainly survive all this if to adhere to normal, some reasonable rules, to protect oneself from negative ones consequences of emergency security, ms. natalya, thank you, weather forecaster natalya didenko was with us, and there will be a second wave, then a short pause on the espresso broadcast and... our colleagues from the information department, from the information department, will continue to talk about all the most important things, and we will be back soon soon.
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11:00 am
discounts representing the only discounts on norofen express forte 10% in pharmacies plantain bam tauscha there are discounts representing the only discounts on trokvas inn 15% in pharmacies plantain pam and oschadnyk. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. mortality on water breaks records again. 66 people drowned in ukraine over the weekend, ten of them children. the largest number of victims were in the kyiv, cherkasy and dnipropetrovsk regions, while 11 more people were rescued.


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