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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. two hours to to learn about the war and what the world lives by. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many. and also distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zema's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important, every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv says on the air. channel espresso. don't forget
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to report as soon as you see a card number or a qr code that you need to point your smartphone at, and sota brigade will receive these cards, which we will collect with your help. in the meantime, we are collecting information for you and will continue to talk, including about the difficult players surrounding the russian-ukrainian war, where... everyone is forging political capital for themselves , and the champion is of course the prime minister hungary orban dmytro tuzhansky director of the institute of central european strategy, expert on ukrainian-hungarian relations, in connection with us, mr. dmytro, happy holiday, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, we paid attention to how after the shots in america actually, well in an hour, in an hour everything was changed'. political messages and the campaign
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of president trump, that is, a quick response to the shots, but we see that the other shots did not change anything, the first thing that the prime minister of slovakia fico did when he came out to the people after those shots, made the same clear statement about the kremlin line as before those shots, so let's start with sparka. fico orban, that is, this tandem will continue to act contrary to security logic and contrary to the national interests of ukraine? and yes and no, this tandem, but not as a tandem, will act based on its own political interests within the country. that is, note that robert fitzo, even as he exploits the assassination attempt on himself, as he exploits this entire chapter. not slovakia,
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but those closest to him went to the nato summit representatives, did not block anything, did not put forward any demands, and agreed to this very tough nato communiqué, which is actually very positive, as positive as possible for ukraine. hungary did the same, i would note. that is, when we analyze now this tour, viktor orban's world tour with these pa'. precisely for putin, for xi, and for trump, now the time will come for conditional consequences, i.e. note that immediately after the trip to beijing, hungary did not block in any way, and could not block, but how it turned out inconveniently that, following the results of the nato summit , a communiqué was agreed upon by all the participants, in which china was defined as a key, well , in fact, an ally of russia in... the war against
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ukraine, but the chinese were wildly indignant, the chinese at the official level were wildly indignant that they were included in that way in this final communique? this is exactly what i mean, that is... someone didn't just write it down, including the signature and support of hungary as a nato member state. therefore, you know, this is the dilemma in which viktor orban has found himself more than once and will find himself given his policy, when he, for example, at least trump, with his openly anti-chinese agenda and sentiments, will have to explain why... orbán does not just go to beijing, but since 2010-11 actively attracts chinese money to hungary, creating this dependence there from loans to investments, and the same will be explained in beijing, and why so, being a key recipient of chinese money in
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europe, hungary then signs an anti-chinese communique, so it was, you know, 15 minutes of fame, and now there will be weeks, months of explanations and... maneuvers. well, orbán's twine is his now usual political position. if we even look at the historical orban, the great european integrator. and a reformist. well, let him sit on the twine, but it is impossible to hold the twine forever, especially since in the aftermath of the concern, the leaders of the european union say that we are preparing an answer to all these orbán voyages, with the orbán formula, peace, peace, peace. yes, and what can it be? be the answer, even more concern, whether they can finally find something, the mechanism is, how, for example, to end orbán's presidency and hungary is in the european union, but there was no precedent, really, while viktor orbán was flying between continents and countries and doing
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this big pr campaign of himself as a peacemaker, the legal service of the european union, as well as other actors, were looking for us we can... well , punish viktor orbán, but in fact, as it were, he is foreseen. the most reasonable legal procedure is to reduce the term of hungary's presidency in the council of the eu and speed up the beginning of poland's presidency. accordingly, there is already a legal base, articles contracts, i.e. the grounds for this, how to conduct it all procedurally. another tool is more political, namely boycott. of these informal meetings that the presiding country usually organizes, already, if i am not mistaken, six countries have at least said that they will do it, of course, i do not exclude that just this week, when there will be an inaugural meeting of the new composition of the european parliament, there will be more ideas , there will be statements,
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maybe some resolutions, so you know, we have interesting days, weeks ahead of us, and here, you know, it is very important how much the european union... plus she will be able, in fact she will, from the point of view of political will, finally punish viktor orbán for the european union itself, now in such a transition period, she must be re-elected or not re-elected, what exactly viktor orbán, the president of the european commission, will work for, the eu council must change, i mean its head in december, in fact, the entire european commission will start working somewhere in november, december, this is one more proof of how... well viktor orban prepared his attack and chose the moment, he chose the moment when everything is in such a state of limbo state, the election campaign in the united states, the transition period in the european union, and once again everyone talked about peace, so
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he decided to take these 15 minutes of fame for himself. mr. dmytro, here is my question, which will probably sound undiplomatic, but ukraine is in this triangle, hungary. the eu and ukraine, we are rather a subject or an object, what i mean is, do we have any methods of influencing hungary, or do we just have to hope for the wisdom of our partners in the eu, and if we were to wait for some solution, which we have diplomatic ways of influencing hungary? look, here it is important to understand on which track, that is, the key thing is going now, it is the track of the european union. is not a member country of the european union, and therefore, to be honest, we only have political tools to influence viktor orban through allies, but despite the fact that it may seem to someone that, for example, orban used ukraine and this visit to ukraine, and this is really yes, just as he used a visit to china, russia, washington,
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that is, now everyone feels like used forests, but this should not blind us, in fact, this visit... in kyiv, he created an opportunity for a bilateral track, and these statements by viktor orban that he is ready to support the opening of a ukrainian school with budgetary funds, is ready to sign a bilateral agreement with ukraine. this is an opportunity that we should not just take advantage of, we should press for it in order to transform hungary from a country that blocks everything for us to a country that does not block, and this is precisely a two-way trend, besides the fact that it is very important that on unfortunately, the image of ukraine in hungary is very bad, the last ones are sociological studies show that hungarians do not see ukraine as a member of the eu and nato, they see us as a threat, and in general our reputation is very problematic, and they still visit there. in certain circles, the narrative is that we are nazis, fascists who are oppressing the hungarian national people, provoked
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russia to war, and all this is a kind of nonsense, and therefore, when this leader goes to kyiv, as if to the nazis, he is ready to negotiate with them, you know, this such a dissonance, it creates a moment when precisely ukraine needs to take advantage and work in the form of strategic communications on, well, our reputation, our image, and for the hungarians, you know, to finally see through this. teams and looked at ukraine as, well, as they say, an irreversible member of the european union and nato, as stated in the nato communique there. that is, in your opinion, it is still possible to convince orbán, and indeed the entire hungarian society, that ukraine needs support, and that hungarians should be part of those who help ukraine. look, a third of hungarians are already convinced of this. here it is important to go, you know, in small steps, and the question is what to convince, whether we can in the short- or medium-term
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perspective, while orbán is in power, to convince hungary to help us militarily, no, but to increase humanitarian support, to build up the border will increase this, if the export-import for us weapons, respectively, that is, to convince hungary to finally sell us the remains of soviet weapons or other weapons, for example, this was done by serbia. or bulgaria, this is something that needs to be worked on, both directly and through our western partners, it seems to me that the coming months will be very difficult for viktor orban, he will try to maneuver, use european vacations, which they say he will not have time for, everyone will go on vacation, then he will wait for trump, but if trump is not elected, then it will be even more difficult, so we have to be very careful, very flexible and use this moment, mr. dmytro, we still have literally... the last moment, but what ulyana and i are asking you, that is, there are hungarians who have that
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complex, let's call it politely, as orwell wrote, double-mindedness, that is, if they have territorial claims along the entire perimeter to all the neighbors, that is good, but if ukraine defends its territorial integrity, then it is ukrainian nazism, so is there in general the possibility to work with such people, because we have not been able to convince the russians of double-mindedness for 30 years, so what are we can we do with such orbanites, hungarians? and you are right, it is a very complex environment, conspiratorial, schizophrenic, i am not afraid of this word, and i am not even, you know, convinced that we have to, i apologize, convince all hungarians, that is, there will be about 10-15 to 20% of these hungarian revanchists. which are hopeless, but this it's normal if 50% plus one hungarian will be
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for ukraine, for our eu and nato, for military aid up to a certain level, that 's fine, that's enough, that is , you know, you have to be modest and realistic in your plans and expectations, well, on that note, when we wish peter mader and his voters all the best, and we have to say goodbye, mr. dmytro, thank you, dmytro tuzhanskyi, the institute of central european strategy, and we will return, so we return to the topic of what today celebrated in ukraine the day of ukrainian peacekeepers, and andriyts, a veteran of the ukrainian-russian war, andriy teteruk, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, is already in touch with us. mr. andriy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i have the strongest regard for the health of our glorious ukrainian nation and we congratulate you with a double holiday like this. eh, and for our viewers , we will explain that in 2005, mr. andrii
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served in the peacekeeping mission in kosovo, was the deputy commander, chief of staff, of the special peacekeeping unit of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine in 2005, in the sixth and fourth, fifth years, in short, well, a person who knows directly what peacekeeping missions are. mr. andriy, did we need to be, to have peacekeepers in many hot spots and wars, or did it benefit us? definitely and indisputably, the fact that ukraine actively joined peacekeeping missions after the restoration of its independence in 1991 testified to our... firstly, power and subjectivity at the geopolitical level, and it is interesting that we started peacekeeping activities almost from the following 92nd year, and both our military personnel and law enforcement officers were there active participants in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions, numbering about
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30 and tens of thousands of ukrainians, showed everyday nationalism and courage during the execution of these moratorium missions. we helped other peoples who suffered from armed aggression and arbitrarily armed, let's say, forces to restore sovereignty, restore order in their territories, and this experience actually helped us to a certain extent to start defending ourselves, when we, in turn, began to suffer from '. weapons of russian aggression federation, i mean the beginning of this aggression in 2014. mr. andrii, before the full-scale invasion in the 22nd year , there was actually such a theoretical conversation about peacekeepers in the russian-ukrainian war, only then there was no heated phase. now there is a huge, long front. when, and is it
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still possible to return to the question of peacekeepers in... this war, or is this, as they say, a turned page and only the front? well , in my opinion, institutions such as the united nations have exhausted themselves long ago when the intensity of hostilities was low, and the very fact of assessing the ability to place a peacekeeping mission here was forgotten, now during the active combat phase, when... such powerful groups of troops on the front line are conducting combat operations to destroy the capabilities of each of the countries to continue the struggle , they are just not very profitable, i would call it that, because before placing a peacekeeping mission in a certain territory, you need to conduct an assessment mission,
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which would make a decision, which... to use international force, which peacekeeping contingents can be here placed because the united nations itself does not have armed forces, they are provided by participating countries, given that the entire event is trying hard to avoid a direct direct confrontation with the russian federation, believing that this will be just that - a transition to the third world war, then the placement of any peacekeeping contingents will also... fall into such a hypothetical disadvantage, and therefore, as of today, it can neither be accepted nor implemented. mr. andrii, but based on your balkan one experience, when the nato countries absolutely did not pay attention to the fact that the helpless
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impotent un does not give any resolution, just looking at the genocide that was carried out. russia's allies in the balkans, that is, the serbs, intervened, and this changed the course of the war, and nato then did not wait for any resolutions, un security councils and so on, is there still a chance for this to happen again, because the un is still completely impotent in the ukrainian issue , and nibendzia and russia preside there, could there be another scenario, or is it just that nato is not the same, and the chorol river is not the same, despite all the abundance of elections we have. there is simply no other alternative for us in the international space, so we have to use those, even imperfect tools, which still have legitimacy in the international legal field, but i would like to remind you that we are speaking on the day of the ukrainian peacekeeper, that the united the nation had the same difficulty
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in making decisions about salvation. which suffered from the occupation of part of abkhazia by the russian armed forces, and it was then that the ukrainian state, with its peacekeepers, did something that was simply incredible in terms of complexity and at the risk of a rescue operation and in the literal sense saved more than 75 georgians there, who were practically left in the mountains, where such a powerful cooling of the air just began there, they could simply freeze to death, and what's more, during these operations, the afghan peacekeeper and the russian military fired at these. help to the fraternal georgian people, so you see, we can draw a lot of such parallels,
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conclusions from whether we learn from the experience we receive, or multiply it for other life situations, sometimes he cheats, sometimes it just goes into the past, so to speak, and we don't draw any conclusions until we're in a dangerous situation again and remember that... as one character said, it was already, yes , and here is the continuation of this topic, you are a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, and you mention your experience in kosovo, has the war changed 20 years ago, technically, tactically, methods, technical characteristics of weapons, well, of course, none of these are possible here wars can be compared technologically, because every war is unconditional progress. those skills, that scientific and technical potential that humanity has accumulated at a specific stage of its development, and even during this 11-year war
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, we see that, compared to the 14th year, both the intensity of hostilities and the use of more diverse weapons, including the most modern such products as semi-drones, as drones in themselves, marine drones. as the use and upgrade of radar means of combat, all this has undergone a powerful rethinking and re-equipment of each of the warring parties, and the rest they look at the course of events and draw conclusions and carry out an objet in the same way, so you can't say pioneers, that's what i mean, mr. andriy, we have literally one and a half minutes left, i want to return to the peacekeepers, the phenomenon, are we safe from this game and the mistakes of the west, because we are talking about our mistakes, and the mistakes of the west were that at the cost of the territory of sakartvelo, at the cost of
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georgia itself, in 2008 they forced them to actually capitulate and hand over the occupied territories to peacekeepers, and surprisingly , peacekeepers the russian occupiers appeared, they only changed the patches, are we safe from such scenarios? i would use the term so-called peacekeepers because the russian armed forces have nothing to do with peacekeeping, they are aggressors who use the camouflage of peacekeeping missions to hide their criminal ones, but the west has given the go-ahead for this, again , the west is concerned in a sense the fact that the russian federation has nuclear weapons is the main, most powerful factor, making tough decisions about that the verbiage that the russian federation does, well , practically, let's talk at the current stage of the collapse of the soviet union, and
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therefore in a certain sense the inertia and complexity of decision-making by a collective measure, it cannot but try, because we are really losing its territory, we are losing people and we are losing the necessary potential, which could have been used long ago and given away... oaks aggressor, mr. andriy, we have to finalize, thank you very much for participating in our program, and once again congratulations on the peacemaker's day. thank you, andriy teteruk was with we are in touch, a people's deputy of the eighth convocation and a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war and a member of the peacekeeping mission of ukraine in kosovo. we are not saying goodbye to you today, but we will meet tomorrow, see you soon. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable,
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12:00 pm
savings. there are discounts presented. discounts on sudokrem 15% in pharmacies psyllium you and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on edem 20% in pharmacies psyllium you and savings. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso news. he works in the studio khrystyna porubiy. due to the heat , electricity consumption has reached a maximum, so today until 4 p.m. there will be three rounds of blackout schedules.


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